HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-03-21, Page 5Sprtttg les nosy :offieially•open and the wind is;in the sorra; this monun :; vs • of ear tl e I' Sh `trim lock � On y.., n atiitulats in,`,ihonaxlr `af St .I'atxieleie +.days . SC Ionx`• 1a hw o matter,'ife nf oxt uin g �t1 e ci the; Pavin4e,7-ayshe . n `Mail and '=Eur i •e 1st P 1 , a ci .inetiot, shyitld be 'Made between known boot• - r. ieggers and respectable, crtntieiis' Put' Wath an otheravise • respectable -•gitiuen' turns bootlegger, what' action" ;.should be ftikenr?' Rivers onthe'rarnpag e'and floods, here and thereend'overywhere bas -been tbe. order during•tih past week,: Clinton ha ns been'favereil•in this res- pest, although several citizens report' •Heeded'eellars, in seine eases.;;to ser- iously as to put out furnaces.•'But on tare•• wholo we Kaye:been littje, incon- ' venienced.• 1'aobabiy:: tho worst is' ov- • er pony, as the ice has broken: up and, cleared away. • The Toronto' Globe celebrated its •eighty-fifth birthday".recent1y and 'has .been receiving congratulations. -from its contemporaries. 'Tis a hale and hearty octogenarian and bids fair -, -to :bo just as lusty ata hundred. Had the Globe stuck• 'to -its party through `thick and thin, .spending its time in flaying the Tories; instead 'of stand- • 'stand- ing up for what it: believed to be -dight, the -congratulations of.•purely -Liberal party •journals • would have -been warmer. But;; then,.'one 'Cannot' have' everything. .Pb' -:e Globe' would` • do well to stick to its present' policy; -becoming ,perfect, through; practise.' More and more the areoplane will The used as an instrument of helpful - , as in the case last 'week ,when -the Rev. Mr. Morrow was brought from Moose Factory ;,to Cochrane, whore he could obtain medical attern- -tion after lying for weeks with a •*fractured hip', If is in -cases like this that the daring of the flyer should be acclaimed. There was ne;. glory for •'the flyer in •this flight over ice and - snow to the far north; it was an er- rand of mercy, purely, and was un dertaken with a fine disregard of personal danger. Capt. Roy Max- -well is deserving of the thanks of the nation for his daring. Marshal Foch, leader •of the Allied Forces in the Great Far, surrendered •'to the 'Arch Enemy yesterday, after a long fight,.passing away early yes- terday morning. His condition had been causing anxiety for some time, his strength giving out after his bout with disease had seemingly been wont • But his_ condition was much as usual and he had ekten his breakfast with apparent relish. Then soddenly, the brittle thread of life snapped, the :struggle ,was over. Marshal Foch proved himself worthy of the honour of -his country, and of that of the Allied nations, by his service in the Great War, and today these natidns mourn with France the passing of her hero. Af- ter his strenuous life rest should not be grudged him. Peace be to• his •• ashes! • M * N Some criticisms are heard of the -Old Age .Pension Act passed by the Provincial !Government, usually by newspapers opposed to the Govern- ment, which criticise pretty much ev- erything done by it as a ;natter di Bourse. The Act provides that thirty per cent of thecost of the pensions shall be paid by the proyince, twen- • ty per cent. by the counties. This is the ground for the most of the critics isms some advocating that the whole fifty percent. not taken care of by the Donninion Government, be paid by • the province. 'However, there seems to he little ground for complaint. If we wish old age pensions paid the -people must pay them, the•govern- ments have no private' funds with -which to meet such expenses, and it matters little how they are paid- Perhaps, since the cdunties will be ' interested as in the Mothers' Allow- ance Act, the matter will have more •attention, each county can check-up •on• the recipients, and see 'that no one who is -not entitled receives. a •. a pension. One thing is certain, there, need.be no expectation of a ldwering 'in'the cost of living. Bach step for- -ward in the progress of civilization means the spending of more' money. But if the scale of living is raised, if the men and women Who de. the work -df the country are rendered more comfortable -intheir old age; if un- • fortunate ones, -who through no fault, of their own are unable to provide for • their old age, aro thus provided with • a measure of independence, the Old Ago Pensions Act will be justified. Londesboro Tho W, S. commenced their . two Weeks' course of nursing Monday. Mrs. (Dr.) Lowe of,•the Department -of Agriculture, Toronto, is the .very .:able instructor. There are a -goodly -number taking up ' the course: We -wish them every success. . Mr. and Mfrs. Yungbintt and Mr. and Mars. W, :Mountain motored to • Goderich on Sunday,' owing to the -serious sickness of Idrs. Pipe, who is in the Goderich hospital. Mrs'. Kerslake of Exeter visited the home of Mr. H. Lynn this week. Mrs. W. Lyon, 'Blyth, visited friends here Monday'. Miss Sampson of Palmerston spent P... Pen • several days last week at the.home of her aunt, Bliss, E. Lyon, and with eth- er, friends. • •• �r ,Mas McCrea and s F. Johnston .spent last Wednesday in London.. Mrs J Melville and Mks Win; ',yon have. been on the ,sick list. The Unitedchurch board meet, at : the'parsonage on Monday'. They are 'citrranging,• to snake 'mane improv-`, the swine, a Mxs. Itotlp�ekspn of Coil ce visited; fr Lends heae on Monk The )Lie octal; ;wlmoh wt s , held by the Wjo;jten's Institute•, 'last Friday evenmg,'excelled'everytllnig that has, been g%yon he>b jos sonic; tixtixe, .both sheen. gi:sr, d rogra nto The.cWe `, sTi' ., ncIw o£'nrity t4ticesthesu womenhas a thi ngs Success, .. • The ` program` 'on Friday hih t'was as Colla" "'s • • w M . Mtc ool of:t o •westis a fest at the •hbtne of Mid, and 11Ix,s 1, Mc - Coops this Week. ''• The:1V uii'c aI Couneil of the Town- ship of Siullett will riot meet_ c;ii. Thursday; March;; 28th, on•ciacount of that date being Seaforth Spring Fail; Will meet on Monda April 1st, bnt w ,� y,, 1 P at 1:30 _li.m, ' Mrs. Harold Adams has been sttend- ing Some time' at: the -hoihe •of her father; :;Mr, R, .Gooier, We -under- stand✓ini.'the near 'future 'IVLr. • •Govier expects to come,_tc(• the village and • make his home with. his ' deuglttei. Mrs." Adams.• 'MOS Ida Lyon has gone to work at Mr. A. Nesbitt'e near Blyth, , • ' Mrs. A. Kerslake of Exeter and Mrs. )0. Holmes of Dresden arevis- iting at the •hcf ine .of their parents, 1t1r. and Mrs. H. Lyon. Word 'was. received here last 'week of the.death of MY,'Harold, Iioltnes of St. Catharines. Mr, Holmes made many friends while teaching school here, who will be sorry to hear of his' Mr. Stuart Beattie yisited friends, here last week, Miss Dorothy :Bryant' is visiting at the home cf Mrs. Chas. huddle, Mrs.. Lawrence .and; Mrs. Russell Atcheson.returned :,to Windsor Satur- day after visiting with, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ruddle. . •' Mr. and Min, .Alex. Stewart` and family left this week for Stratford,. where they intend making `thMr.home Goderich The Rev. NIr. Saunders of Flesh - erten occupied the • pulpit of the Baptist : church here end' at Taylor's Cornersgon Sundayai'nd gave very In= spiring sermons, • ' ! .. Mrs. 'R. H. Mew Was 'a'recent or- with • Guelph' and Waterdo'tvn friends. ,. 'Mrs. Thomas Prey has returned home after a week's . visit with friends at Millbank. Mrs: Isaac Snell of Blyth spent a Pew days recently with "Gdderich friends. Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson of Walton spent a few days last week' with her 'bro"ther and sister-in-law, Mr. -and Mrs. Earl McKnight, Newgate street. • Nis. and Maus. Gordon -Bissett were London visitors the latter Part of the week, returning on Saturday, George Beadle of Auburn spent Wednesday in Goderich. Miss Ruby Carter of Auburn spent last week at the houendt Mrs. Gor- don Bissett, 'T. Clayton .Rpbertson. spent the week -end at the home of his parents, Mr:' and Nlh's, J. J. Robertson, con- cession 8, Celborne'Towinship. Arthur Elliott and Thomas Mc- Lean of Dungannnln were Goderich visitors one day'last week. Mr, and Mrs. 11. C. Dunlop° have gone to. Florida where they will spend a few weeks. ' Isaac Currey of : Nile recently ,spent some days t'tith his sisters, Mrs.'Richard Ryan and, Mrs, Andrew Millian, both of town, ' Harry Robertson, of Stratford was a visitor in tchvn one day last week. • SPRING PRUNING If pruning is to -be done this spring it is ,best that it be completed bbfore the sap is flowing to any extent. Do not think it is necssary to take out a lot°of wood from every tree. Much damage may be done by annual butchering. If the orchard has iigght annual pruning it will' only be nec- essary to (1) remove all dead• or broken branchess,.(2) to head in any branches which may be too rangy; (3) to remclve cross -branches '• or (4) to thin out where the tree has become absolutely too thick. If the orchard is old and has been neglected, which is evidenced by lack of growth and barren arms for many feet from the main trunk, a vigorous heading bacln.of the top is necessary to force out new growth from which new fruit producing wood can be sel- ected. Handle the young trees carefully. Do not make it a practice to head back one-half or one-third annually. Watch the crotchesand always keep one branch in the lead to avoid weak crotches. Cut out where branches are tdo close together, keep the tree headed low, and if the variety pro- duces a tong rangy tree suppress the strongest growingbranches the most and the'weakest ones the least. Points to Remember In cutting back a main branch and one of its strong growing laterals,' do• not cut both to the same length. Per- mit the main branch td retain the lead,. otherwise two branches of equal dimensions' will result, which will ,nor - duce •a veryf weak crotch,. a constant source of trouble. Whenever given the option' of sel- ecting either .a branch growing at a sharp angle to its parent; or. one grdw- ing almost; at right angles, choose the latter -it willmake a steonger? crotch: in future years. Always cut back to a bud;;' cutting off close as possible<without injuring the bud 'itself. By paying• attention' to;:the positicn`of, the bud CDC can do much to decide the form the • tree: shall take. Study each variety you are dealing ealing g with and adopt a' system most suited' twits needs. Do not "attempt ,to a ply` ver has •' • v d and,• fast rules toon v r 'whole le orchard 3t je not; a question of how much pruning one can dc, but how little one. can: de and still retain the; desired: shape, vigor end productiveness ;of 1rth� H lA1tN In Clintun Pablie IloSpital 'I c t "onN h u d9 ,l} to Drexcrval• and 1VIrs Hearn 'a son N`c1NTYRE-In Chi t'on'.' i . ar h 6tit,'to Dr,' 11 A`'apc Mia• ltic>n ,tyre; a daughter , `hh eat s WHITTINGRAIVI In ,,tendon; on, ...March 14t;'"Ger le i a rt, a h < 1 arch t Tutu, ., • i' e,' f r' rt t •;-Witti 'r fw f a ,11I . A ht x h thea inn at Olinton, geed 81 years. HOLMES-Ati " St, Catharines ' on ' March 15, Harold;•Spencer, only. ase of Rev. ` F. M. and 1VIrs, Ines, - and brother of. Mrs, • 3;: A. 1Vlkmn of Seaferth; in his 32nd year. • • . WROXETER Several cases`'ef measles have been reported during the lastfew days. Harvey McMichael shipped a car of -heavy cattle on Saturday .;and Harry !Grainger -shipped a car of;eat- on. IVIondaY.- Gibsen's sawmill is doing a big, business • in custom -sawing these Mrs.;Dan: McTavish, has arrived hoihe after spending the winter with her sister, -Mise Maggie M'cD sfgalL- Cliff: White 'xeturneclhome on, Friday. ` The Si.'Patrick's social to. have been held Monday night at' Salem has' been ` pcbtpoied Inc two weeks owing to the bad• roads.' ' AND THE WEATHER SO: COLD • "Ah, " goods Morrill -1' . Mrs: Murphy, an' how is everythin,?" ."Sure, between my 'husband and the furnace, I'm havin' one grand tune uv rt! ..•If I keep me oye on the wan -the other is sura to go out!" Eggs For • Hatching Eggs from two-year-old Barred Rock hens, hatched from "Guilds" best. laying pen. 4 cent per egg per -hundred,' or 60c a setting of 13. Mrs. Hiram Hill, Phone•150. . , •06-2-p." For Sale Cottage;, in Matilda street, south of the 'railway station, 6 rooms, 3 acres* - land, town water.: Would rent to 'good tenant. Also black mare and Jersey cow for 'sale. Apply to Jos- eph Allison, Clinton. 064f. Lest Between Clinton: and Kippen, •a gas hese off truck. Finder kindly cclminunicate with Canadian' 'Oil Company, Clinton branch. Phone 204. 06-1-p. For Sale, 50 records, Aeolian-Voeatian, melo- deon, horse, 1-tbn dray wagon, 2 pairs shafts, tongue and set of heavy brass -mounted single harness. Ap- ply to John Steep, Clinton. 06-2-p, Muskrat Furs Wanted Highest market prices paid. The season is short, so get busy. H. A. Hovey, Clinton. Petatoes For Sale Quantity of No. 1 Late Potatoes. Free from disease. AIso few bags of early Cobblers. Weston Bros.;Bay- field, Out. 064f. • -Solemn nWanted Largest firm of its kind in Canada is now opening up territory in rural districts. If you, have selling exper- ience and a desire to succeed, we can offer you a permanent and profit- able connection, Write- R. J. Snow, 1105 Federal Building, Toronto, 2, Ontarldl. , 06-1. Make More Money Selling our Fruit trees, Berry bush- es, hardy Flowering Shrubs, Hedges, Shade Trees, Roses, Etc. Every home owner is a prospect, We pay liberal commission. Cash every Week. Write to -day. E. D. Smith Si Sons, Limited, Winona, Ontario, 06-L "SUB POST OFFICES"— QUARTERLY DIVIDIINDS Operating under a 1926 Dominion of Canada Charier, and endorsed by the Post Office Dept., over 5,000 Au- tomatic Pevytal • Vending Machines have been located in Cities in Can- ada. Investors nay purchase from one to one hundred units as an invest ment for a period of ten years or longer, stud receive 20 per cent of the gross receipts pro rata and this is guaranteed net to run under 8 per' cent per annum' payable quarterly. Every Machine is assisting your Pos- tal Service, Write today for FREE literature and Babson's report—you Will find then; interesting. 06-1. NOTICE TO CREDITORS "- Inthe Estate of Walter Edmund Wilson Emmerson, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the es- tate of Walter Edmund Wilson. Em- merson, lata of the Township off God- erich, in the County of Huron, Yeo- man, deceased, eoman,deceased, who died on, or about the fifth day df December, A.D., 1.328, are required to ,deliver to George Hu - die, the administrator Of the said es- tate, or. W. Brydone, solicitor, on or• before the eighth day of April A.D., 1929, a full statement of their claims together: 'with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities if any held by them all duly verified by af- fidavit AND TAKE sNOTICE •that after the said last mentioned date the said administrator will proceed td distrib- ute the 'estate of, the said deceased amongst the per•sdns entitled thereto having regard -only to such, claims as he shall received have v ec iv due n e u 4 tic e and 111 accordance don a therewith. •DATED at Clinton, Ontario.' this 18th day .of March, A.D.,:1929,. W. ,1#,RYDO.n%E, Clinton, Ontario. Solicitt • for the, saidestate!, 1 state 06-3. lyXy Pho o`Studio.in;dingon will'bb' open on 'Tuesday; April 2nd, :'also' oiY • TuesdayiApr416t1i,.,. ,z1 you': Warit, Fhutos taken °phase; ;come on` those 'days hours 10' .am. , to 5; p, • m, •At the ,present • time ' I. do not 'Icnow•wha,tgother days 1 will bean my, Olintdn $tdio $lecial Prices on -t he a ove dates BURGESSSPORTRAIT STUDIO., Clinicn Mitchell he1 and it l Member Of Florist Telegraph -delivery Association CUT FLOWERS, FLORAL • DESIGNS For: All'Occasioiis, `Sent Anywhere, e Our; Greenhouse is a near as your phone Chas. .Cooke Two Phones -66w and 66j Car Insurance Life Insurance Fire Insurance Also Real Estate and Safe Investments. Dividends paid Monthly, 1 percent per month, by STANDARD ROYALTIES, -LTD. ^ J. G. CHOWEN CLINTON. P. 0. Box, 155 Phone, 52. 04-tf.. ATTENTION Our 'Spring Samples -hove just ar- rived. • We are showing`'the finest lines of— FANCY WORSTEDS, SERGES`AND TWEEDS' We have ever had. PRICES FROM 818 TO $30. ALSO WITH TRY ON Clinton Manufacturing Co. Perrin Block, Clinton, 05-2-p. Clinton's Leading Meat Market MEATS Pork Tenderloin 55c Monte -made Pork Sausage .. , 20c Loin Pork Roast 28c Fresh Rams 24c Fresh Picnic !Tants 19e Choice trimmed Break, Bacon25c Pea , Meal Cottage Rolls 24c We have the usual line of every- thing in choice, Beef • at a Right Price. VEAL, LAMB AND CHICKEN YELL, the week -end. Also usual line of Cooked Meats. Hone -made Jellied Veal , , , 30e Home-made Head Cheese . , . , 20c Fray-Bentos Cooked • Corn Beef,, Bologna, Liver, Sausage, Cooked Ham and Weiners. 20 lb. pail Lard _ y (While They Last) We Pay Cash for irides. CONN'ELL & TYNDALL $3.00 Pasture Farni to Rent 50 acres of good pasture, lot 17, con. 3, Hullett, also two stacks of good hay will be sold reasonable. Apply to John Ginn, Clinton, Ont. 05-2. Light Delivery Service Having Bought out the O'Neil de. 'livery I am prepared to do general light delvery in town. Phone calla to 168 or to O'Neil's: store, phone 48. Lr J. Cree. 08-4-p. For Sale A comfortable seven room cottage with town water and electric lights, ?bs acre of land with small fruit and .good stable with chicken house, Ap- ply to Alex. Simian Fulton street, Clinton. 05-tf. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Iu the Estate of John Ford, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having 'claims against the estate of John Ford,' late of the Township of Goderich, in the County of Huron,, yeoman, deceased, who died on or about the 13th day of No- vember, A.D,, 1928, are required to deliver to Elizabeth Ford, the admin istratrix of the said estate or 1V.,;Bry- done,` solicitor,of or before the 31st• day of March, A.D,, 1929, a full .state- ment ,of their claims together with particulars thereof, and the nature of the securities, if any, held bythen, all duly verified by affidavit. AND TARE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned, date the said administratrix will proceed to distribute' the estate ofthe said de- ceased amongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as she shall have received v a d due noticea and in accordance therewith DATED, at Clinton,' Ontario, this 12th day of MI'arch, A.D.; 1929 W BR DONE,Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the .said Adntitristvatrix. i 1 I f Clinton's New Laid ,Egg. Fou tr 1 House E 'unbo gg,5 ....fit atcordiiig to n io Domitt-' overnine G nt '.gS Regulations Inquire '. x Our :precess recessof essgS.r Yon Wil1,al,Ways 'find our prices 'par-: allel witlr;the citymarkets. :'.::• Fat F 'hens, and We1lL'iris d i a f he chicks Always wanted—Prices good,.. Aiwa Ss phone oul office for prices before marketing 'paoduce. Trevvartha r Phones Of£i e, 214j est dence 21'4w Custom' Sawing g Our sawmill will be set on S, S. Cooper's' let, behind the ,Foundry, Clinton, the coming spring. We are in the k Lit r k e a t for . good maple, elm, basswood and ash logs. NIr•. W. J. Nediger will measure your logs and give you year cheques. Inquire: regarding prices of Mr,t Nediger or of McI]WAN BROS-, BAYFIELD 'Phone 628r4,.Clinton central. 014f, Baby Chicks & Custom Hatching Baby Chicks, from the best bred -to - lay stock thathave free range. Bar- red Rocks, 816,00.. per hundred. - S. C. W. Legborne,'$15.00 per hundred. After May 15th all chicks $1.00 per hundred less. Custom hatching,'$4.00 per" hundred in one hundred lots or more. E. T. TREWARTHA HOLM{'ESVILLE, ONT. Phone 611r22, Clinton Central 06-tf. Insurance And Service When you have 'signed on the dot- ted line, and paid your premium you have done your part. • It is then up to the agent and the company he'rep- resents. We Min td give our clients efficient service, • In advice 'tis to the policy best suited to their heeds: In gener- al information concerning insurance, and in prompt settlement of claims. We write all ` lines specializing at this season in Automobile and Per- sonal Accident Insurance. • • H. E. RORKE 'Representing 25 leading British, Can- adian and American Companies; P. 0. Box, 147. Phone, 253w Sun Life Agency 024f Brooder and Poultry SUPPLIES, BREAD AND PASTRY FLOUR Oilcake Bran and Shor",s, Calfineal, Cod Liver Oil We handle Stammax,•Chick Feeds and mashes. Soine feed and seed oats on hand WHEAT WANTED H. W. Charlesworth Flour and Feed Phone 199. Seed Barley and Beans A quantity of 2 -rowed barley, clean and suitable for seed, also some No. 1 quality white seed beans. Ap- ply to G. M. Steep, R. R. No. 3. Phone 605r13, Clinton. 05-2-p. Potatoes I am getting in a car of P. E. I. certified seed. Anyone planting Ontario potatdes this year is poisoning his pocket book for neist winter. - It we are going to compete with P. E. I. we have, to plant one variety and if you have even 20 bags to sell next fall we can ship a car load of grade A quality and get a market like our P. E. I. fellows do, otherwise we are doomed. As stores wilt not handle your potatoes today and take a chance with losing their custom- ers and Mr. Farther you are the loos- er. Government certified potatoes are all taged and true to variety and Clean of disease. Also are high:yield- ers and will pay you 100 percent on your investment. s .Also use Niagara Lime on your garden and potato ground at rate of 1 ton per acre. My returns Last year were 25 hags more potatoes per acre, which betted 111e $17.00 clear after paying Inc the lime. Phone me at once if interested for prices and par- ticulars on Potatoes, Lime and Gar- den Fertilizer, as all orders should be on hand by 23rd for prompt de- livery, Yours for prosperity, Jona- than E. Hugill, Phone 616r34. 05-2-p. House For Sale or Rent 7 room house, situated corner of Erie and Huron streets, Totwit•wat- er• and soft water, 24 acre land with fruit trees, good stable and hen house, Apply to Mrs, r1!. W. Mc- Cartney, R. R. No. 2, Clinton. Phone 604r22. 044f. Baby's Buggy Reed baby's buggy for sale, in first Mass' condition, Apply to Mrs. S. Taylor, Box 88, Clinton, : 0441. For Salo 1+ourP ure-bred Shorthorn bulls color red and roan, from nine. to six- teen months old., .308; Hood, ;Kipper:, 0441. Farnt For Sale 118 acres, lot 84 and part 85, the Huron road, (paved highway) 14 mile west of Iiohnesville,, school, church end railway station. 8 -room house, barn 50x55 ft„ driving shed, hen house and pig pen all in good repair, About 30 acresf this o h s farm with the *buildings that 1 ig- north of the. railway,' will be 8010 'separately desired, balance " gold pasture land: Apply to Miss „Elizabeth Ford or to P. 'G, `Ford, Bol[ 363, Clinton. Phone 53 .`O2 -if. -1 y� [ J V1 ClOI7 N r O I'' T n` xrl. sv NVPIEltE CA SU O PUR S -R MAD'. I Y Ll II . S'T• E 4F, A • D I, W A, FEW , OUR SP E,.CI'ALS • Ivg rene CodLiver •Ox 1 for Poultry,per g ,$1.50 Pure Epsom Salts, 6 lbs fore 25e Pure ` ulplrur , lbs: 250 Salt Petro, e •pound r l� r 12e ; Perfection Oil Stove Wicks. keac h 85c Electric Light bulbs, 5 for $1,00 _ Sweat Pads, each0' 5c Goodrich Rubber Boots re 4. g. `$ 50 at Goodrich Rubber Boots, reg.: $5.25 at . , , ,,, $4.25 Work ,Shoes,; reg. at $4.50 at. ... .53.75 4 few odd sizes in Men's, Ladies and Boys. . Rubbers Heavy y Rub-. hers' and Boots to clear at Cost.• Mi11er Hardware C TEL1;PIiONE- 53 CLINTON • C. H. V ENNE , Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs;• Irons, Pane and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs. - Phone Wallpaper ' - Season Is Here Sunworthy Wallpapers sold and hung by Evered L. Johnston, Phone No. 640r14, Clinton central,, 400 samples to , choose from, Papers range from 5c td 31.25 per roll. Price for hanging, 16c; lap 18o; wire edge, 20c for butting, and paste supplied. • 0541, Fivo Hundred Dollars Do,you want ib? By buying this eighty acres of productive loam with good dpainage; picturesque location, you will profit this. Farm about two miles from Clinton; buildings con- sist of good house, barn, also wind- mill. Considerable bush. Terms: W. Brydone, Clinton. Owner, 322 South Main, Romeo, Michigan. May -2. Logs Wanted Highest cash price will be paid for good elm, maple, ash and basswood logs delivered in our yard at Bay- field and Goderich Township. Mc- Ewen Bros., phone 624r4, Clinton. 974f. Baby Chicks Hatched in the Huron Mammoth the cleanest and healthiest hatching machine going. Cleans the air from the hatching trays before it mixes with the''eggs by patented process. Barred Rocks and White Leghorns. Order early. No deposit required. Price guaranteed satisfactory ten days before shipment. Custom hatching $4,00 for one hundred; $15 for five hundred.- Phone 97r4, Hen- son central. . J. E. McKinley, Zur- ich. 01-10. Hay For Sale Quantity of •timothy ]Cay, mixed ,with a little alfalfa, well cured. Ap- ply to T. R. Jenkins, R. R. No, 3, Clinton. Phone 610123, 'Clinton cen- tral. 03-4. •s House For Sale 8 -room house, Rattenbury street, west, good cellar, furnace, town and soft water, small garden. Apply on premises to G. R. Taylor, 01-6. Clinton's J a 11E FURNACEMAN LJb S' US \NE'RC'OLD FLAMES" OF HIS WE MAKE HIS WORK CAsY wH6TEVER IT is It isn'ta picnic to fire a furnace. But; the drudgery can be taken out of it if the right kind of coal is se- lected. That's something the can do for you. • It is part of the Heat Folks' ser- vice to furnish you not only with ex- cellent coal, but also with the coal that is suited to, your own particular kind of furnaee; fire -place or kitchen range. Call the IggetIBUCI for good, clean coal Sa .‘, .. .0COMPANY NiPANY PHONE 74 CLINTON Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re- paired. - Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms sver, Heard's B-rber shop. W. J. Jago. 228341 We Want -Your Milk and Cream We 'are manufacturers of both cheese and; butter..' Wewant your milk or cream, We pay highest mar- ket price weekly. • Satisfaction guar- anteed. • Phone your order for finest cheat or pastuniged butter in prints or sol- ids to W. H. Lobb; Clinton, Ont., R, R. No. 3, Phone No, 605r32. THE HOLMESVILLE CO -OPERA. TIVE CHEESE AND BUTTER COMPANY. LIMITED ' New Coal Dealer I 'wish to announce to the house- holders of Clinton and vicinity that I 001 going into the coal business. It is my intention to keep on hand a supply of Lehigh Valley coal, coke, etc., and T rescectfully solicit a share of public patronage. Leave orders for spring delivery. Also have a quantity of dry slabs. A. D. McCartney Phone, 256 Clinton. FARMERS Wishing Repairs or Parts • for Cocicshutt or Frost and Woods Ma- chines of any kind sho$tld call at my Resideuce, I also handle Cocksirutt Cream Separators. JOHN V. DIEHL, Queen Street, Clinton. 81-tf. SEEDS Complete stock Clovers and Grass Seeds on hand. l4arch Prices al- ways best prices. Our Alfalfa is Peel County Seed Nd. 1 Government standard .. This type of seed is practically impossible to buy this year. Have only a small stock. Good value while it lasts. J. A. FOKD & SON Phone 123 Flour, Feed and Seed McCormick -Deering Agency Having taken over the above ag- ency for this district I will keep on hand a full stock of repairs and parts of all McCormick -Deering machines and will appreciate a share of the patronage of the farmers surounding. Clinton; Call at my shop, next door to Jones' blacksmith shop, Ring street. W. d. STEWART Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w 04-tf. WALL PAPER It is not too early to think of. your Wall Paper needs. I have six hun- dred samples; to choose from^. PRICES 5c to 42.00 PER ROLL : ' -D. A, KAY Huron Street Phone 234 Eggs and. Poultry Home on Tuesday and Friday fore.. noon to take in Poultry. Eggs handled ` at residence every day—graded by an experienced grad- er, for which , we pay highest hest mar•• g ketpx ice. Cream purchased for Stillman's A E. Finch nch Vik'n ' l i g Cream Separator Agent; Victoria St., Clinton' Phone' 251;, ',