HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-02-28, Page 8TI3'Pam!' Tho low„,mstru'ments ' for oyo . exa#rnnatllon meke.a perfect crista ts..eeig„slllae—coan9 heee by. }neatis for a FREE examination to -`htake'sure of -your eyesight. Don't - „neglect neglect your eye-uo tnstt•tilnent ;is more dellaate 9r. precious than the human eye, n Ra JOHNtON allh e:' of Optometry e"of. Toront . G g;" C�raduat 4 ; Fane Jewellery ;and Repairs-, .Next Hove Y's DrugStore ICE ON COLD WEATHER • MERCHANDISE • OSerccats, Sweaters, Watidbreakers,•' Mackinaw Coats, Heavy .Rubbers, Galoshes, Fleece lined and- Wool Under' ear, Mitts .and Gloves, Flannels -and Flannel Shirts Etc. all at prices reducedbeyond anything we have ever before undertaken, ' A. Real Price slashing .Event that represents a big saving bayou in the purchase of these articles; 25 Men's and`Boys'• Overcoats to .choose from at wholesale' prices and many of them at less. Penman's and Velvatine fleeced -lined Underwear for meat at 75e for. Boys' at 49e. , Cotton Military flannel shirts, geed fitters, long wearers, Regular'$1,00 and $1.25 for 85e. Wool Flannel Shirts, • from $1.19 'tip. e "'F1'FAVY WOBii{ RUBBERS—Clearing, prices on all lines Men's $2;49 up.. Boys' $2.15 up. -r.WOMEN'S 'GAYtJ S—Sand, Beige or Black, the balance of our stock of these lines, Regular $2.75; Clearing. price, $2,15. , MANY OTHER LINES TO CHOOSE FROM COME IN AND LOOK THEM --OVER P•lurnsteeI Bros. i For the Month of February weare putting on a Genuine Sale 'of Up-to-date Furniture . At Prices that are Bound to Interest you Look over this Partial List aid Judke for Yourself 9 -PIECE VERY LARGE SOLID WALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE.. REGULAR PRICE 8225. FEBRUARY SALE' PRICE .....................$$185 9 -PIECE SWELL MASSIVE DUCCO FINISHED SOL- ID 1VALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE, REG. $215 • $175 FABRPARY SALE PRICE ALSO itEPUCTIANS ON ALL DINING ROOM mnir S IN STOCK THEN FOR BARGAINS IN CIIBSTERFIELD SUITES THESE ARE ALL BRAND NEW STOCKAND WITH l5VLIi .CiIE5TXRFIE;LD SUITE SOLD DURINg. FEBRUARY WE WILL GIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE, YOUR CHOICE OF FLOOR OR BRIDGE LAMP OR CHESTERFIELD OR END TABLE VALUED AT • 811.00. U IT1;S ON A VINE LIRE (,INF Ili! .BEDROOM • S WHICH YOU WILL SAVE FROM 10 TO 15 1 ERCENT WE HAVE A REAL BARGAIN -WAIT/Nef,VOR _ tiU ; IN A KROEHLER 3 -PIECE ff'ti:A ET'1E I UI'Iil1 COVERED IN A GOOD GRADE OF TAPES- TRY WITH REAL GOiiii MATTRESS. BIRCH"WAL- NUT FRAME) tE"1 •Y REASONABLE AT 575.00 IIBRUARY SALE PRICE $65.00' Come in Early and Get Your Choice while the Bargains last,,as this will be'aa Real' Chance t to get New and Nifty Furniture for Your Home Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co FUNERAL DIRECTORS • ' MONUMENT DEALERS i• THE STORES WITH A STOCK • gQrdwaire .1lili Furniture Phone: 104 -- OUR UR INS *WATCH ? FOR DISPLAY OF $35.00 Suits or Spring Overcoats, mad to, your individual measure for out, will begood for one Mont This offer .00 iwtdDlhl]`.(:i7t71 h,ohaneggdd e; ht esbherho-kvr•teredow-Itnhano.Wd vzeiatW,orWeanPenruehethouhtte1ouwdanlr • 1 ` j have heard a' similar story. many times'. Didn't you wish that' yon had bee' yon could talk abo`nt` Get, one in your packet to -day: and in twenty yeets you'Ivill be telling the an story to the pec • • 'pie to whom, you lend it, Wet;- On en's ink -adds to "the etfieien- cy of Niratel'imaifs Pen ' or ' any. other peri,;'': free fro r sediriren , will flow freely and never clog, it is packed in nest' boxes and several sized .bogies. It _was Mr.- Waterman who taught the world how' to carry ink in the pocket' ready for immediate Writing. Tile. W. D. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest Always the Best rr ��N uI 1— I������� R�d'd7HINAuu nein m i ��!� Mr. A. T. Cooper was in Toroniio on business last week. 14fks. G. E. Carbin is visiting at the home of her parents in Barrie, Miss Alice Slonran of Stratford spent the week -end at her hbme.in town. Judge Archibald of Winnipeg is vis- iting his sister, Mrs, W. W,. Far- ren, , 14!Liss McDonald has returned afteree W. J. MILLER & SON little holiday- and a visit to the openings ' ' Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. IVliss Stiver of the Collegiate staff visited her home at Unionville over the week -end. • ' Mrs. James Vincent of Blyth has `been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. }rerb. Castle. Miss Thelina Cudmore of Holmesville spent last week as the guest. of Miss Madelon Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. McTaggart left this week forFlorida, where they will spend a -few weeks. Mr. Clifford Andrews of Toronto visited his parents, Magistrate and Mrs. Andrews, over the week -end. Miss Hattie Baker of Fullerton ,wits the guest of' Miss Florence Cuning- haine for a few days over the week -end, Mir. C. J. Wallis, who has been down east en a business trip, has been spending the past week at his home here. Prof, C. A. Chant of Toronto was in town over the week -end visiting his brother, Mr. H. B. Chant, who is at present quite ill. Mrs. Are Glazier, who has been vis- iting her daughter,' Dike. Butt of Kippen, who has been' Quito ill, re- turned home last week. gra, R. }3, (lot%el''spent the week- • end with her daughter, Miss Eva Carter, who is' a member of the ' Kitchener Public teaching staff, whohave been Miss Start, Mr. and visiting then sister, Mrs, 0. W. - ?otter, for the past fortnight or so, • left Monday for their honte at ' 'daft:ea.- ' ;Mi W.' J, Canfeloit of lied [jeer', Aliiertlll wild treble bast softie weeks bib owing, to the death, of his ''inother,left yesterday for his home ,, . in, the',west. Mt. S. B. Stothers of Essex was a , visitor• at the hame of Mr. and ' Mks .B. J. Gibbings on Monday on his sway. to the northern part of the county. Mrs A, -9tringhani and 1VIte. Me- Cartney of Woodstock have been ,iii. town, having been called home ,y .the serious illeeee of their ;nether,' 'Mrs, Wheatley. Miss. Tiodiard of Owen- Sound, who is home on furlough from .the mission field, of Japan, was the week -end guest cif Mis Hattie Court*. Miss Lediard is a friend of, Mist Sybil ,Courtice,; who is'4n Japan.: • Mrs. J. H. Fraser- of Regina. visited. -her eousins,'Mrs. 3. Z,. Medd and , Mrs.. Win. Stanley, recently, also , 'with Ma•. -and Mrs VBiles, going on teeTorento to visit iter :daughter for the remainder, of ,the; winter. Des. Stanley, who.has -beeir very -ill at the home of her daughter, Mre: sDempsey is ` ttow iiiriirovteg` lightly. •,,.,, _ . . Bayfield :' There eve ordially Invite the P brie to Gall ai d, -Il .speet our ,earl and. Sanitary Stock: Some of it in our two +'ri idaires Free Demonstration off,Salads, Sandwiches ere. '.:,• ' lldren accompanied by their Parents. S•ee al-Pricesand Highest Gradeof all Lines for this. Jemonstration, Tuesday and-.Wednesda.y;vMarc11.'4th and Silk 1!N 'OT.T.R..DISPLAY"COTN'r'ER Club House Mayoliaise Pimentoes ..' 10 incl; Pimentoes in glass Sandwich Spread , Tuna; Fish Fruit for Salad •Crean . Cheese -10 and . 25c 35c .-Teed-Lettuce • 20e • Leaf 'Letuce .10c..: Jellies, 5` for •25c McLaren's, 4 for. 25c ='`Sherriff's, 3 for '.,. 39e Fruito,.3 for IN OUR MEAT FRIGIDAIRE :2 . Co kec1 Item,- specially cooked in it'sown: 'nice Oe o.. P y 1. 1Oc' FRESH •PICNIC 'HAM, SPARE RIBS; "T5INDERLOIN •25e PICKLED ROLLS; BREAKFAST B'ACON,, WEINER'S, 250 , 23c ROAST PORK, •PEAMEAL, ROLLS AND. • BACKS . d l .. Florida Grapefruit 9c :acaioni 2 lbs for 21c Cheese Chips 20 per lb SPECIAL PRICE ON DONIINIOM CANE SUGAR P'RIDAY'AN] SATURDAY Fresh Herring Lake Onfrario Freels Tillett -e, per 'Ib.y 25c `Finnan Haddie, per lb 20c ' Salmon, red .. .. .................:30 c Halibut.:.., . ... . 30c Tuley -.Oranges,- dos. • 25e SPECIALS 3 Ib. pail Lard .. ,.. 55e 10 lbs, Ganulated•Sugar 60c 2 lbs. Dates 22e ,3 cans Soup • 29e Special Black Tea ...... ..... •59c Just Received First Shipment of Easter Novelties ee Smiles 'n Chuckles: Make your Selections and we will keep thern for you IN THE MORNING FIRST DELIVERY 9 a.m. Cash and Service GOAL Hard and Soft Coal and • Coke in Stock. Carload of • Alberta Coal to arrive this week. - Get Our Prices. PHONES; 46w and 46j IN THE AFTERNOON FIRST DELIVERY 2:30 p.m. WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS "The Arrival of Kitty” Cut Line, Goderieh township, where the early part, of her life was spent. After her marriage she and her hus- band resided en the fourth concession of Goderich tOwnship until four r years ago, when they retired to live in Bay - Singe -that time she has made wispy friendsin the village, who will miss her greatly. Besides het husband site leaves to mourn her loss four sisters, Mrs, John Wallace" of- Ruclyard, Mich . ; Mss. Wm..I3rundson, of Pickford, Mich.; • Misses Sophia and Elizabeth Blair of Godericb, two brothers, James Blair of Goderieh and John of Goderieh township. She is also sur- vived by two daughters, Mrs. Alex Sparks of London and Mrs. T. L. Warm of Zurich, and two sons, Mr, Livingston 'W.aods _ of Toledo, Ohio, and Nesbitt; Woods of Toronto. A son and a daughter, Matthew and Sadie, predeceased their mother ten years ago. . The funeral took place from St. Andrew's church, Bayfield, on Sun- day, Feb. 3401 Rev. It. M. Gale con, ducting the services. The pallbear- ers were messrs, Henry Weston, Wal- ter Wallis, : Joon ]VfcCiure,. Lewis. Thomson, David Dewar, and Robert i DelS aty. The synrpdthy of all is extended to the bereaved husband and family. A Farce in 3 Acts under the auspices of MURPHY L. 0. L. NO. 710 and by all Local Talent will be presented in the • TOWN HALL, CLINTON Thursday, March 7th Friday, March 8th 'Thera is no evening's entertainment more pleasing/than a good play and this is. •of the best.` - DON'T MISS IT ADMISSION: Reserved Seats 50c, Rash Seats, 35c (224res. seats, 140' rush seats) A DANCE will be given on FRIDAY, MARCH 8tlt after the second night's performance Good Music, Modern and Old -Time Dancing, on the new hardwood floor Admisison to dance 25c. 03-2, PRY A JELLY ROLL Made of the 'Best Materials and a "PRIZE WINNER" Mrs. 'r. Wgrgt, wird has been With her mother during'' her illness, returned tolZurich on Sunday 'oven-. ing: She was accompanied by her brother, Nesbitt Woods, who returned to Toronto. i'• Mr. D. Li. Weeds returned to Tol- edo on Tuesllay; having dome home to attend his mother's funeral. ,Miss A. Walters of Goderieh, ivho nursed Mrs; Woods ,during•,her long illness, returned home on•.Senday,. Mr. ,Sam1 Widcomhe returned• f orm Windsor ]est week. Miss Flo Edwards, who has .spent !, the past thi;ee weeks in Waterloo and Kitchener, returned hone: on Satin,: day. r - A rhea`service will be. held in St, Andrew's -United' chui;ch- on Sunday. morning, when 'tlVdre will be a mete Early Thursda' morning, February 21st, death calledhome one of 'Bay field's' most respected citizens•. in the, person of Mrs, John D. Woods ,,in het Seventy-third year. Her death canio as the result; of, an illness of about two-mrinths, which began with an attack of, influenza. , All the 'A splendid efforts of medical attendants Ai. V her life:; �, droved fruitless in` saving. Clanton;Fiore, ,Ontario 'eceased 'was :e daup>,tdr t Albert Street Mr. and 1�Iss. Wei. Blair ofof •thehe " ORDER„ A COFFEE CAKE or , CHELSEA BUNS YES ORDER EARLY Phone 48 "WHERE,THRIPT MEETS QUALITY' WEEK EN SPECIALS LOOFZ • VOne'Six Quart Kettle, 1 pkg. Oxydol, 4 P. & G., 2 Gold, 2Ivory (Guest), 1 Ivor,,,, large. Regular 52.00 Value $1.29 ALL. FOR j7 eY Pure Lerd, 3 lb'. pail .... 59c Shortening, 5 lb. pail .. 95e Lard, 20 lb. pail $3.40 Mixed Cakes, per lb. ... • 25c Gran. Sugar, 10 Ib. 60c Cr. Wheat, 4 lbs. 25c Special B. Tea, per lb59c Choice Rice, 4 lb. 25c Tapioca, 2 lbs, 25c 10 bars P. & G. Soap .:, 43e Lux Flakes, 3 pkgs. 29c 14IcLeren's Jelly, 4 pkgs. Tonulto Soup, 2 tins . Individual. Tom, 4 tine. . Lily Wh. Syrup, 5,ib. pail Corn Syrup, 10 lb. pail.•,: Choice Prunes, 2 lbs. Ketchup, large Shaker Salt, pkg.' Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. Breakfast bacon, piece lb. Peameal, roll, piece, ]b 25c 25c 25c 40c 55c 25e 23c 10e 25c 30e 25c ORANGES FOR MARMALAD per doz. 19c, 30e, 40e, 50c BITTER ORANGES, per doz. 60e L. LAWSON & CO. Phone one one one Prompt Delivery It time at all lace at anyY P We deliver "WHOLEWHEAT" and SNOWFLAKE BREAD IVIr.. ollge Wn urned frgm, Detroit,, oneoltfondag,estoeveniretli Evangelists -Willie wand'• J•ayce•;of Grand ;Bend are spending ,the Week in. the village coitductipg : Gagpet;ser vices in thi.Orange hall The marry 'friends o£ • It1:r J W. Tippet, who underwent an operation in Clinton4WlIpital Last week, wj11be glad to heat that ho is making good progress towards recover,•, The regular meting of St. -And-, rew's United church Young People's Departin,ent' wax; held ern Thursday,', February .21st. The .toric `,`Gdnver- sion: Horizontal and Veiticat, was conducted ;Jointly by M :, and 141ss Colin Can1pbell.• It pr'o'ved ii1ftPe- five and peofitab'lo to all. The next meeting will . be held' cn'Tlitmscley, Mateh•7th and.•wa11 be -conducted un- der the leadership.- of- iVlrs.,Br'own Stewart.: ?'Be there 'for a profitable end; enjoyable 'thee.. = Wendarf's--Bakery ' "Makers of Sndwflake Bread"_ YOUR METAL; ROOFING NOW Pay for at Next •.Tune Call and. Get Prices Agent for- Renfrew' Cream Separator ' and- Scaleq. Have the agency for Miler' Incub- ators Arid Brooders, also Royal Brood- er stoves and Incubators. Order early, so -as ;to ho •prepared for; your ehr"1y clicks HARDWARE'and PLt� AEING Phone 244 A Million Thrills For The Millions NOW EVERYONE CAN HAVE A GENUINE SPARTON EQUASONNE $266.00 EQUASONNE'CIRCUIT ALL • iIEECTRIC I1IGIIT TUBE DYNAMIC SPEAKER TWO POWER TTJ13ES IN PUSH-PULL ILLUMIN- ATED SINGLE DIAL, COMPLETE, WITH TUBES 5266 00 A promise fulfilled.. A golden -voiced Sparton EQUASONNE in- strument within the means of millions! To the radio world, which recognizes Sparton's revolutionary EQUASONNE circuit as the greatest radio developement since A. C. reception, this announcement of Model •930 is of vast import, and music lovers who have hoped and expected to own a Sparton EQAU- SONNE "some day" will receive it with even greater amazement and delight. It makes. that :"Some day" NOW.• Worthy of its halite is this latest edditicit to the Sparton line . a true EQUASONNE with: all the amazing qualities that Have made Sparton the sensation ofltkieredro world • • Sutter ..&Perdue PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING Phone 147w THE I#EST ORANGES CHEAPEST PRICES LEMONS, GRAPEFRUIT, LEAF LETTUCE, 'CELERY:,,e1ND`TOMATOES "WIIIIR "' Q1JALITY IS AS. REPRESENTED" TUE 'C, & S. GROCERS Branch 125j • Maitr ;1.25' See, our Specials:' for the week ' encli