HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-02-28, Page 7A Column Prepared "Especially for Women= -- Rut Not Forbidden to Men A FRESH BEGINNING 'Even/ day is a fiord beginning,, ' Ilyery morn is the world„made: new, Tau who are weary of sorrow and sinning, Here is a beautiful •hope foryou-- ;A hope for nae and a hope for you. :All `the past things are past' and over. 'Pike tasks are done' and the tears are shed, Yesterday's errors let yesterday cover, ' Yesterday's wounds which smarted Are healed with the healing which night has shed, livery day is a fresh beginning; Listen, m'y soul to the glad refrain, And spite of old sorrow and older sinning, And puzzles forecast and possible pain, Take +heart: with the day and begin: again. There, are few' women, probably, who have not bad 4 go through ex- periences or face problems which„ seemed to' hold no' gleam of sunshine or to admit of no favorable solution.. But the experiences had to be faeed, the solution, no matber how uninvit- ing, sought, Wlell,: it is over. • Let' us forget it and go' on, One of the'. things which women seem to find it hard to do is to forget an unpleasant experience. 'We like to live them over, to savor 'again the agony of sorrow, of humiliation, of pain, even, in memory. It is a foolish weakness':. Some experiences are the better: for- gotten as quickly as possible. If it. ,e: The Royal Master Not ono Pogathfaster in a thoosw clwillever rattaturo. Natant! in Jive thousand will blow out under two yearsof service, IN about 30 minutes, a good tire expert can often make a minor repair which will add 3000 miles or more to the life of the tire. —A hundred miles for every -minute's work. Dominion Tire Depot owners are Canada's leading, tire ex- perts — trained in Canada's finest tare factory: You are never far away from a D INION TI E DEPOT CLINTON' J. M. Elliott. LONDESBORO Leslie Ball at a s )17* ONTIAC'S right to the title of Big Six does not rest on size alone. Its big ear performance is produced by a big, new engine. Contributing features include a dynamically balanced, counterweighted crankshaft, the Harmonic Balancer, the cylinder head, Lovejoy Ilydrairlic Shock Absorbers and dirt -and -weather.. proof, internal expanding, four . wheel brakes. - Then the magnificent, new Fisher Bodies a're finished and appointed as big ear bodies should be. 'A' massive new radiator. Sweep- , hng., full - crown fenders. Deep - cushioned Oats.,Riche' ugikiolsteries. Charming in. terior apji®intments. fan Pontiac Big Six you get a taste of comfort mud handling ease,of smooth -riding and road' mastery . that you never expected in any, save thee' higher - priced cars. i Yet Pontiac Big Six offers all these big ear feature at piece so,r'easonable as to be *Ithiiin reale of eves; tnodest purses. Come in and see it tttD*r J. ..; O it ARD.... CLINTON; ON'PA181O 1E'RODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS. OF 'CANADA, LIMITED) was painful, and is no aver, wiry m isember, it to stiffer the. pain all over .again ? Wihat;.lpa iY women need is a good ,forgettery, inste'sil of a .good memory, But, perhaps, there are many go? ing •through experiences' new who. ind thein' very difficult, It is •well, to keep in niind-the ,fact that "This,. too, will pass,” An unhappy exper- ience seldom lasts 'farever, some day thele will be a respite,' It mai riot come as you expect it to, conic, may not come as you wish' it, "perhaps, but only will conte. Ii we could on Y learn this earlier ih life it, would saver us much fret and worry, If we'could learn• to carry our burdens' as lightly as possible and when ''the time coine_ to ,.... them down, ,,,at lav well-known and highly esteemed. resm- TEill CLINTON NEWS -RECORD COum#n 1VoW$ RAVE SOMVM.E'PRTNG 1'0 'LEARN f '11 -lose' Who have depended on the EXETER This town is fe >Yn� t e.i v ' broody .hon ttr do the Batching and good over, the news that we axe, to 0 avl rearing.should read the latest reoom- ,h'i have a new pobtef f ice,, 821 ,00 i g rnendations -before .trusting to the been placed in the •estimates for:', the ineubator,anthe artificial brooder. purpose of, building the edifice, Of The amateur:lotpoultrthingsyth• ea raiser musittist course the et5flnute$ are not yet pas- ..learn. an 'of the; ng', f some' Years ago vocate. but Exeter 1s equu nig on the : lien already, knows Faa�lner'.s Ad - new buildhg. MQ, site was secured erste. GODERIOH Mt i Jack S§tlkeldi Son of Mr, and Mis H, L Salkeld; who;has beentaking the :'1928 2i1 elec. ILLUSA'ItATED LECTURES trical course at the Dominion Trade pItOVING i'UPTLAR Schools, Toronto, has been Successful in his examinations, !having passed with first class'honors at the head of 'his class. ' ' i SEAFS)RTIJ; John ,Consitt, a THURSDAY, .b FEBRUARY RI, 9 as they are projected on the screen:': 'Phe slides are, learned without rental "charge to agrieu'ituraland horticul 'total .organizations, schools, ;ehurches,. them down, and forgot. them, we should be happier and would shed more happiness about us. As spring is sending 'little mes- sages through,' letting :us know by subtle signs 'that' she's en •her • way, we -begin to grojw,a bit. restless with- out just knowing why. One )vay to respond to' this sort thing' is tolight- en the diet a bit. Cut out some. of the heavier ' foals, and substitute lighter ones, with plenty of green vegetables: and fruit. WO. -used' not to be able tai get green vegetables in the winter, now we can and they make a .welcome and, I believe, a healthful addition to the diet. A doctor of repute gives the following list of the values• of certain vegetab- les and fruits: - Rhubarb is a good laxative. Asparag-us stimulates, the kidneys. Onions are a tonic for the nerves. Watercress is an excellent blood purifier. Parsnips possesses the "same vir- tues as sarsaparilla. • Bananas are beneficial to suffer- ers from a chest complaint. Dates are excellently nourishing, and also prevent indigestion. , 'Apples, carrots and Brazil nuts are excellent aids to digestion. Tomatoes are good for a torpid liver, • but should 'be avoided by gouty people. Celery contains sulphur, and helps to ward off rheumatism. It is also a nerve tonic. Lettuce has a soothing effect on the nerves, and is excellent for suf- ferers from insomnia. REBEKAH dent of the town dropped .dead about 7:30.. on Friday evening when' cal- ling at the'horne of W. -J. McIntosh. 1Vlr. Consitt appeared. in his usual health and had completed his' Cus- tomary' trip'on the mail routo•in the afternoon. HENSALL: An oratorical contest was 'I lmeld Friday afternoon' in the Continuation School. - Three ferns took part in.the event and -the corn.- ietition was exceptionally keen. Miss Mabel Workman. was the suc- cessful one according to the decision of the 'judges but so well did all the contestants do that it was no easy task for the judges : to make their findings. Her subject was "The People of. Canada." Miss Edera Munroe of the village. won second honors, her subject being "Canada Among Nations." Miss Beryl Pfaff came third in the contest and made a very strong showing, taking for her subject also "Canada Among Nat- ions." The Misses Marion Mackey, Olive Walker and Master Eldred. Smith also took part in the contest. The judges were Miss Ellis,.Rev. Mr. Sinclair and Rev. 7'. W. Jones. A. Case and W. A. McLaren as the trustees showed their interest and gave encouragement to those tak- ing part, while the teachers of the Public School were all present. CREDITON MAN TAKES HIS OWN LIFE Wilfred Lawson, well-known and highly respected farmer, living west, of Crediton, was found by his wife dead in his barn on Sunday. Ho had hanged himself from a 'beam. The discovery was made about 12 o'clock noon. Mr. Lawson, it is understood, was in financial difficulties and this is believed to be the reason for his committing suicide, He is survived by his wife and three children. • ' BLYTI-T: Mr. L. J. Williams was selected to fill the position of Public Utilities Commissioner at a nomination meeting held last week. GODERICH: Rev. F. C. Elliott has resigned the pastorate of the Baptist church here, his resignation to take place April ].st. He and Mrs. Elliott will go to Ingersoll to reside, and will not take another pastorate. M4.. Elliott finds the active work of the ministry too strenuous for his health. — - GODERICIL: A deputation, com- posed of the mayor, reeve, deputy reeve, town clerk and Messrs. Par- sons and Fraser, went to Ottawa last week to interview the department re- garding a larger grant for the har- bour, They were informed by the minister that the government, meant to do all in its power to make Goder- ich harbour what it should\be. $2Q5,000 has been placed in the es- timate for this purpose. A ntimber;'of sets of excellent slides have been prepared by .the Dominion Experimental '.('arms on .matters per - taking to Poultry,Itusbandry','Plant- nig. and Care of the ,Home. Grounds,. Origination of new varieties of grains, and.° selection of Live Stock< for Breeding Purposes. These slides are, proving very helpful and popular where: shown at agricultural and hortieultural meetings. Attendance of from 400 to as high as 750 having been recorded at a number. of.plaees.i An explanatory manuscript 'accom pasties .theslides which may be_ read • ,GODERICH: The death occurred in Alexandra General Hospital on Friday morning of Robert Barcley Kerr in his 28nd year. He was born at Arbroth, Scotland. It was cus- tomary in that day that all the brays in the family must take up some, pro- fession or trade so Ur. Kerr chose the profession of ship -carpenter in a shipyard on the Clyde. When he had finished his aprenticeship he tarok to the sea as a ship carpenter. Having served as such for 15 years he stud- ied navigation and soon acquired a chief mate's certificate on sailing ships. Those were the days of the fast China. Clippers and it was inter- esting to hear Bob, as he was known to many, tell of the fast passage made in those Clipper ships between China and San Francisco. There are no ports of any account' on the seven seas that he had not visited in his wanderings around the world. Mr. Herr held a Master's certificate for all seas issued by the Board of Trade, of London, England. For ninny years he made his home in Goderich and lived for the past ten years on the Island in the Goderich harbor, Come and Get It! Quaker ., DAIRY RATION is% retells -- Whynot adopt modern, and more efficient, methodpof getting milk at tow cost? You can't hope to mix as good a feed. as Quaker' offers you, at low. cost, in this ready -to -use ration. Comein and learn °how other -dairymen are snaking more money with this scientific teed. G. T. MICKLE & SONS • Hellman 'Hod BYuclefi al osomonsmotosionoitoimormol women's institutes, etc., and are d►w tamable upon application' to the ir04- vision, of Extension and Publicity.,' Oentral,Experimentai Farm,.Ottawbt., Conks i 21 to 5 iuhiutes • EXETER: Miss Dorothy Grassick was awarded high marks of dis- tinction in her graduation exercises last week by Dr. Smith, examiner for the London College of Music, England. She was formerly a pupil of Miss tamale, of Hensall, but since residing in Exeter the past three years has studied' under the tuition of Mrs. Harrison Gambill. Dorothy attained her seventeenth birthday only in December and the 95 per cent. mark standard qualifies her for the Gold Medal award, which award may be contested should an- other student have been awarded the sante percentage standing in any oth- er centro in Canada. -l --Exeter Advo- cate -Times. Gas Forces Women to Sleep in Chair "Nights I sat up in a chair, I had stomach gas so bad. I took Adlerika and nothing I eat hurts me now. I sleep fine."—Mrs. Glenn Butler. Even the FIRST spoonful of Adler- ika relieves gas on the stomach and removes 'astonishing amounts of old waste matter from the, .system, Makes you enjoy your meals , and sleep better, No matter what you have tried for your stomach and bowels, Adlerika will surprise ,you. W. S. H. Holmes, Druggost. HOG SHIPMENTS Report of log Shipments • for - lnonth ending January plat, 1929. Clinton Tribal hogs, 274; select bacon; 101; thick smooth, 147; heav- ies `18; 'shop ° hogs, 1; lights. and feeders, 1. L• ondesboro-Total hogs, 182; gei� eet beam, 56; thick srnooth,104; heav- ies, 17; shop hogs, 1; lights and feed- ers, 1. Brucedieid-1 otal hogs,'.80; select bacon; 21; thick smooth', 39, heavies. 11; shop hogs, 16$; lights and few ers, 2.• Huron Co. --Total hogs, 62554 sel- ect bacon, 2005; thick smooth, 3627; heavies, 307; extra heavies; 6; shop hogs, 163; -lights and feeders, 51. POLES,;: G a < --or Money pack • Pam or hemorrhoids cm be*e1flopetl'bithout an opernt on,or anylneenvcnlehce, simply by correctinethe cause of this dread disease: For over. 20 ears the old herbal conipoupd, NATURE'S PILE RENIEDY.hao Geer re- liceingand heailndeocbrtynaofpiles, =fly of them from pergonswho had tried outlet tient meats in vain. lthboukl detheel,5te for you.. no•roatter.how hopeless louttease:mayseent: Get altoxbfthesehaxmldsa tob1ecamulcn froiePout drhggiattodey,.Ifthsy:donabrin5 relief, when talteaaccord,ng to'direetkn, yop can gladly have yourmoly1t bac;;: ,. NATURES• me REMEDY . , 1 None geanmee�.riit��hykbut rnm4o ii; W.83drrtli New Chrysler "7S') Totem Sedan, $2140 Wire wheels extra. Immediate deliveries. No other Performance comes even close to CH YSLER Performance: e The very name of Chrysler spells a new and finer kind of performance—a spark- ling, dashing, vivid road behavior that has eluded the best efforts of a whole in- dustry to excel. tJ No small part of the ever-growing popularity of Chrysler cars is due to that singular and significant leadership in performance. (People recognized in the first Chrysler some- thing entirely new — obsoleting the sluggish, heavy, bulky and cumber - A CHRYSLER M sometvehicles of its day. q And they have con. tinned to recognize—that Chrysler engi- neering has not.only brilliantly maintained that lead but has actually widened its mar- gin of superiority. q Add to this superiority of performance, that original style and beauty all Chrysler's own, at prices hundreds of dollars under other cars which are compared with Chrysler. Then you will find it easy to understand the universal demand for Chrysler. (toe) ()TORS PRODUCT New Chrysler "75" -Nine body styles, $1985 to $3050. New Chrysler "65" —Six body styles, $1325 to $1460. New Chrysler Imperial—Five custom body styles, $3545 to $4605. 411 prices f. o. b. Windsor, Ontario, including standard factory equipment (freight and taxes extra). �I. Nedi er, Clinto cis • How Much Money a Year Makes a Melon ? , The average shareholder in the Bell Telephone Company 'ow -ns 27 shams, has ' paid full par .value or . more for every share, and, gets, $216 .a year in dividends: The man who bought his,shates.on._the.- maid et 16 years = ago and - has ;:since t len Advantage of every offering,, in: day -is getting less tban1 ler cent on the money he has pai4.. .. This marlis typical. The holders (4 84 per 9 cent of the -company's total s,toelt. subscribe again to new shares' as: they' are offered. 7'he telephone company bee never split res stook ooh exploited $hepablio; though It has grown to tt ei 't%rgoat;inatiinfiorte`iii Canada. 110,,plciLL TEi 3PaONB COMI'AiNg C 14,4 y►A. `.2