HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-02-28, Page 4•:`TH11,R$D4'Y';'FEIlREAllY: 28,•21929
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• '
""YOU WILL ENJOY SI°11013Pilqq,
. 0()PEI'l •
Sherlock -Manning
Treating Your-
self to a
T. j. ELL
• Clinton's Musical instru?nent Representative
Always at Your Service Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton
Eggs Cream Votiltry
and •
. •
Gunn, Langlois & Co., Limited
18 hog:. With
loct irJoatoil;.
4n0:: PrOrleibille„.tarroWir .Oliver' wall
trig.' pip*, 2. furreW;, Single.'furreWi.
rroW;:;"Adaiiis: ..WageM..fiearlY
Wesaiii•beX;' grayet
•-Witti„flat'raelg;', „steeltire,:ttip.•13riggY;::
rabber..tire-0Pen;louggy;:-,2 01.106sy.
Ovarian& :touring" Mk, „iri'.gOod
..Toaring :.ear•th
racei:SISq4; :13OP.,',P12116P :t#Ri .bl:Inehet
root,p-iihrem,-- fanning," ' ,Set :of,
:, :2000 .lba., capacity; .- Da 'Laval
,Gream Separator, in goad
'gunning brder 'hay 'Car;..1.60
ft, ;rope; haorli and:slings; :doss.;
cat saw;- sfGPe liOat; set of brass
mounted' tehin. ha:mesa; set 01: pow
harness; 'set of driving. li'arnest„ 2 .pets
horse blankets; cooler -eopiier feed.
'boiler; ne robe; 2 clezi. grain bags;
quantity 'of No.- 21 seed .'
rowed; quantity ef'Benner seed oats;
10 tons of'inixedbay;' 6' tons AinothY;
25 cords "Cora ,,of •htirdiVood, 12" long.;
1000 ft. -ef rock ern 2" plank; 1000
It. 01 1," basswood; "Octet 800 ft.. ,of
bird's eye 'anaple' for flebring;- 12
tongues ' of 'second ' growth hickory;
'lumber for gravel box; neckYokes;,
whiffletrees; shovels, ,forks, •ohains
4)arrell'' SeeaP: ef:
OrIci'"' ladder' egoaS'
•-berreti"ea',rt4 "Pee
•harileS4 :with 'bBeeeliings,,
ef '1900"
:blankets, sets.4?"Lp1aigh,
leta off. haYt:42.52.bils.;
,01 oda; 190 'hes". "'of iniX,ed -.grain;
rods;;: 309
401 e; rnbi of blindag Tr'eaa-
mre Stove, `es geott,as -new;Perfe.otion'
0641• oil sipire, ;as..gO.Joil:aS' new; cap':
cid,10 ltiteheu, chair's; . bedand
Springs; '2'*inebe'S.: Meat grinder, tub:,
batierbewl; 2 iron
-Post; coal-Oil:lug.' • Other. . artielee'tiod
numerous EVerything
to be sold"-wlidnut ieSei•ve, as
prieter .haa "Sold 'his farm':
ner 'Perfection coal oil stove with ov-
en; Daisy _churn, large Size; Dining -
room suite, composed ,of.table,,chairS
and sideboard; leather couch; Morris
arm cheita V.itrola, new with re-
cords; Brussels rug, 9'x12', and other
:articles too numerous to mention..
Everything advertised to be sold
without reserve as the provider is
giving up farming, •
: At the same time' lot -.6
'Con. 1, Hallett township, will be of-.
fered, for sale. ThM farm consists'
Of 88 Acres more Or less, situated half
waY'between:.Seafortla and Clintonpn
the Highway. ,the premises are
larga frame dwelling house, , with
god barn, 60'kG0', steel .roof; stone
foundation, cement flooring; water
in ,stable, aeon -iodation f pr stabling
35 head of horseeand cattle; 'driving
house; heti house, garage. The farm
is,well drained, clean, and in a good
state of cultivation, all cleared with
the exceptipn of, 2 acres :of Maple
bush and orchard, artesian well with'
new windmill; 40 acres of hall plow-
ing done, remainder seeded to hay
and pastime; ,also 100 acres lot 35,
coat 1, Tuckersmith township on the
highway 2 miles east 'of Clinton.
This far mi s all tinder grats, well
This farm is all under grass, well
• watered and about 7 acres of good
hardwood bush.
Terms on Farms -10 per cent of
the parch:menial-ley paid down on day
of sale, 80 per cent paid lst of April,
balance can remaill on mortgage,. at
reasonable rate of interest.
Terms on Farm Stoek and Implem-
ents—All stuns of $10 and ander,
cash, over that' amount 8 months
credit will be given on furnishing ap-
proved point bankable paper, 4 per
cent straight allowed for cash on
credit. amounts . Wm. J. Ross, Prop-
rietor,- Geo. H. Elliott, Auctione072.
-TRi\JAS:'• Grain, Poultry and. all'
sams of $1,0 and under cash. Over
that amount 12 months' credit ,will
be given on furnishing approved
joint.Irides or. a discount 'of 4 per
cent- straight off for cash. Richard
Govier,: Proprietor, Thomas Gun-
dry, Auctioneer. • '
• Auction Sale •
Of Horses Cattle Hogs and. Sheep
t lot 29, on. 18; Hallett township,
if allies north west of Londesbora,
n Friday, March 8th, at 1 o'clock,
harp, consisting of the following:
IIORSES—Brown horse,- rising 5
_ears; bay horse, rising 7 years.
irillTis9rrsMi4ar.00dg9Vealr'41;13-"'MWe6CeOlclendle' ft: 31
lAd' 4 NYS133111S is° °4° service'
RaYmencl'Visited the honie wtiple Watocl and I,Tew York, •A.- hot st1P-Per 'win :he served --el'
1VA. Andrew of, 'A.04i-tall, teeni,y, • ,whitu sbeiiitenAs„.•..te sonie ofiTel1t., Of thf3 alltittefi 'on Wedrigg
'eMTImhaell''11-111,1taYY hvCraIlliclhas4f4;rigdia.YYell.eirireil'ithhge ;;I'n1 '1'
ender, the „esi..4i-c05, 01 the Ladles' Alt3at",-11'.daY'after ,Vielting` a inorith with ETC11t01' rtlin
church, proved to bo tin ax lioi sister, Mra, S. M,atliets c:f p(d- ,Th.e anniu-a. ,eieetipg, of Greco CM,
,eellenNone,', Much credit is dee -inerston„ .`• • • tea.,b pe.„.tei:, TTill. as held
attendance -and pregerty expres- her home here t,ifter,tw'b Months visit
'CATTLE---Rect kw; 7..years 'olci,
resh, with coy at foot; Red cow, 6
years old, due to freshen May and;
ed cow, 5'y.ears old, fresh, with calf
at 1 od; man, cow, 8, years old, 'due
to freshen in September; red cow, 7
Years old, fresh, with calf at foot;
blue ow, 5 YearS (..Id, fresh, with calf
at foot; Black cow, 7 years old, due
in April; roan COW; 5 years old, due in
September; Brindle cow, fresh, with
calf at loot; Holsteia cow, 8 years
old, due to' fresliert May 20th; Here.
ford cow, 5 years old,- dos to freshen
Oct. 1st; fat cow; .2 fat heifers ris-
ing 3 years; farrow cow; 6 steers ris-
ing -2 years Old; 8 heifers rising 2
years old; 12 steera. rising 1 year old;
7 heifers, rising 1 year old; Durham
bull, rising 3 years old.
HOGS—York sow, due to farrow
March 30thl York sow, due to farrow
time of gale; sow, half fat; 7 shoats,
about 70 lbs. each. _
SHEEP, -75 choice Oxford and
Leicester ewes, 2 and 3 years old.
These are a. choice lot 'of sheep, bred
to lamb the first of April.
TERMS: 12 months' 'credit will be
given on furnishing approved joint
bankable paper with 5 -per cent. dis-
count allowed for cash. •
Everything advertised to be sold
without reserve.
Wilmer Howatt, Proprietor, Geo.
11. Elliott, Auctioneer. 02-2.
all _who•toolt, part. There was alarge• Laudy:Youilg lias,returaed. to thosa on the dean of Feb. 29th., •
pea' themselves s highly pleased with^ Yrierids on' London ' and- otheo T1 ere wag' a fine atOrid•ance The
thewo lo ,,goind, suppr ai4 efle1 ppints• , • , „pasin, Rev, R M. Ga , 'was in the
tainment, • , • . , Mr,. II, Sprung' of Hallett ,pur- chair and Mr. John McClure tided '
Mr. Parcell • of Wilidsor celled at elmsed a valiiable Shorthorn, cow. to Secretary for the ,evening: After
IVIA, Brighinn'S last Monday, ddd to his head at the Shorthorn sale votienal exercises by the Minister,
Purcell. is ,antieipating -buying et "Viringharii last week. His 'par- reports were :called fete from .the •
land iwthig part for 'a dairy farfn, cluMe toPped the Ole; $1,95.09. Mr. -Orions, organizations, ,,and all very
' Miss Gladys Grainger recently vis- Sprung is to be 'congrritalated upon -eneouragin" g with 'ver didenoe
1101 her sister, Mrs; E. Lee:
and :Mrs MeVittie" enter
tallied, goodly number' of their
'friends lad Thursday evening. A
roost, enjoyable time was spent,
The young married peoples' class of
the United church meet at'the home
of Rev. TVA. and Mrs. Johnson on --
Monday. evening. They, have a, very
large -class' and nearly all Members
were present. A 'very pleasant and'
profitable thim was spent. Rev: and
Johnson and Howard have the
real art of :making everyone feel, at
The W: I. have secured from the
department an instructor in nursing
and a course Will be held at the emir -
inanity hall every afterneon for two
weeks' commencing -March' the:a8th,
A goodly_ number of our members in--.
tend taking the course.
Rev. J. W1, Johnson delivered.: a
very able sermon in the United, church
Sabbath evening to a large congrega-
tion: The men's cheir rendered some
very fine selections, Messrs. Wm.
Lyon and Earnest Adams: and Postel
taking the Ole parts. It is Toped
the men will favour us with their
talent at some future date. '
Mrs. Youngblutt has returned:- af-
ter spending some time with lid sis-
ter, Mrs. Pipe of Goderich.
Miss Gladys Radford of Clinton
spent the week -end with friends here.
Miss Mamie Hall of- Ilancver was ial service conducted by. the men 'of A prayer meeting was held at the
at 'her home here for the week -end. the eengregation. 'A"-ineri's choir will home of Mr. John A. Moffat on Fri -
Mr. Wm. -Wells visited al his home furnish music Tor the serVice. All day of last week.
McCormick -Deering
10-20 FARMALL 15-30
Tuesday, March 5th, '1929
• to be held in
under auspices of
Take Advantage of. This Attractive Education on Trae'airs and
• 4'ower _Machinery.
Special Two -Day Sheep Marketing Course
• 1,o be held in the
, ' • .
March 5th and .6th, 1929
DiscussiOns by special speakers on the various phases of Sheep •
Managerneat. Courses to be held under the direction of
Ontario Department of Agriculture
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Forma, Parra Stock and Ira -
elements, at lot 6,concessien 1, Hut -
:lett township, on Tuesday, March 12,
'at 12:30 o'cleek; sharp, consisting of
the following: ,
quiet; bay filly, rising 2 yearS, .eli-
gible for registration; Salvage 'mare,
rising, 2years; Scoteh 'Hackney' geld-,
ing, rising 2 years. These colts are.
well broke -a. . •
• CA'PTLE—Wlell bred .red
'cow, 6 years old,,fresheried Jun, 181;
'well bred red Durham cow', 8 years
old, calf itt foot; Part Ayrshire cow,,
8 years old, calf afoot; sPotted how,'
• 7 years old, freshened middle of Jan,;,
black cow, 4 years oldo freshened
•February id; 3 Coin, clue to freshen
in Septeiabor; fa,1 heifer; 2 ateera, 2,
Years 041i 4 helter's,'2,1rieipyt 2 yenvs
5 young' calves, •
liORSES—Welt matched, team;
weighing about 8,000 lbs:, one of
them a registei:ed„ breod mare, Peggy
O'Neil, 49127, rising '7.`years, lid mate,
16 gelding, s -years old. • This team iS
a bright bay with white inarkings and
` geed single or dmible; General,
vurPose Work horse, '1? years old;
black carriage horse, rising 5 years,
,,iaood roadster, single or double, and
Auction Sale •
Of Farm Stock, at the Durnin farm
„adjoining „the town of Clinton, on
Friday, IVIarcli 1.5th, at 1.30 sharp,
Mr. Chas. E. Elliott, who has pur-
ehased the Durnin farm, :stock and
'implements, has instructed the Un-
dersigned to sell without reserve a
choice let of dairy, bred heifers and
young cattle, consisting of the -follow -
his energy in building up. his heAl.
Miss Edna Gielo,sen, teacher of S.
, 3. No. 4, Hallett,- was the guest of
',Miss Ida Lyon over the weekend
Mr: -John. Nott is- the new Janitor
of. tile United church for the coming
year, IYIr., A. Steward, the former
jworking Stratford and
his family are moving there shortly.
We are sorry terloose them from the
1VIt. and.*s II., Lim' spent 1VIou-
day at the honfe of Mn, and Mrs.
Chas. Watson, 10th coneessibn.
The monthly melting of the Wo-
men' S Institute will be held in the
community hall on •ThursdaY', March
7th. A paper entitled "Prosperity
of Canada and Memories of our
Queen," will be gliten by Mrs. E.
Adams; Instrumental, Miss G.
1VIcr1ntain; reading, R. Shad -
dick; vocal solo, Mliss A. Noon; "child
Training," Mrs. W. Lyon, Mrs.
Hall, 1VIrs. J. Tamblyn; Diseuoion.
Hostesses: 1WTS . J. Crawford, IVIrs.
11. Sunclercock; Mrs.W. Howatt,
'Vire. 3', D. Maley, *s. H. Shob-
brook, Miss E. Lyon and Miss Mar-
garet McCool.
On Sunday, March 3rd, at Grace
United church, there will be a spec
interest; and progress shown,
*, Fred Pielcard; treasurei; of the
ehorch and building committee, Was.
presented with,'a gift from the build-
iag committee, by Mr. Thos. Betties.
A letter 'of sympathy presented by
the pastor in -behalf of Mr. R.
Clox, member •of Sesiso, who had
suffered a severe stroke a short thne
ago,presenvitarsaulnrdeorasileedstebdY 1themoerra7413-
No change was made in either the'
Session. or Board of Stewards, sante
members acting as last year.
Mr. Allan Betties was appointed
Supt. of S. S., and IVA. Reid Tor -
ranee Assistant. .
Miss Verna Cox was re-appo'inted
organist, and l\4ro. Will. Cox, choir
leader, k vote of appreciation was
extended to Mr. Gale for his splendid
work aaith the request that he remain
as pastor:
Meeting closed with the benedic.•
• Stanley Tawnship
Mr . and Mrs. A. Caldwell enter-
tained their friends and. neighbors to
a progressive euchre party last week.
Mr. 'Drew Boyce of Moose Jaw
called at the 'home of Mir. George
Baird last Friday.
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple-
ment, at 1at.,17, con. 4, London Road
SurVey, 2,/(1 miles east of Kippen, on
Wednesday,f,Plarch Gth, at 1 o'clock
sharp, consisting of the following:
HORSES -4 year-old filly, sired by
Glengyre; gelding, rising 11 years;
heavy draft mare,.good worker.
' CATTLE—Durhana cow, rising 3
years, eligible Air registration, fresh-
ened January 15th; Durham cow, ris,-
ing 4 years, eligible for registration
freshened: in November; ...Registered
Durham eow, 8 yearsold, freshened
middle February; grade Durhani
rising 6 years, duo te dreshen May
Gth; grade Durham. cow, rising 6, due
to freshen March 18th; 3 Durham
grade yearling calves; 2 young; pure
bred Durham_ heifer calves.
PIGS—purebred Yorkshire sow,
due' time of sale; 9 store hogs, about
175 lbs. each.'
binder, 6 ft. cut; Cockshutt manure
spreader; Fleury walking plow; Mas -
say -Harris Farmer's. Friend single
furreW riding-' plow; - root scuffler;
ing: spring tooth cultivator; International
Blue cow, 5 years, bred in Dec.; mower, 6 -ft. Cut; International steel
Holstein cow, due in May; 3 Holstein rake; Frost & Wood sod drill; set
heifers, due in March and April; 2 sleighs. set harrows, 4 section; land
Jersey heifers, clue an March and Ap-
ril; 2 Guernsey filpifers, due in March
and April; 3 Gaernsey heifers, bred
in January; 9 yearling GuernSey heif-
ers;' 5 Guernsey heifer calves, 6
months. old; 5 Guernsey heifer calves,
2 to b months oldr 4 year/old driving
.filly, well bred. This is an exeeption-
ally, good lot of heifers, bred frpm the,
Durnin Guernsey- herd.
Terms: '8 months' credit will be
given dh furnishing approved joint
bankable paper, or k discount of -4
per cent 'straight will be allowed'for
cash. 'Chas. E. Elliott, Proprietor,
'CO; II. Elliott, AUctioneer, 03-2.
k PIGS -2 bi'-did 'vi- With lifters.
Y ow due' to 'profit'
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock, implements, Fur-
niture, at lot 34, concession 11, Hal-
lett, two miles and a quarter wed
of ,Loadesboro, Thursday; 1VIarch 7
at 1 o'clock 'sharp, consisting of the
following: . •
HORSES -1 bay horse, .rising 5
years old, 1650 lbs; bay horse, rising;
4 years o14 1400 lbs;• Pony, quid and
PIGS—Sow; 11 pigs, 6 weeks old.
CATTLE—Durham cow; 6-, years
old, supposed to be in calf; Durham
coky, 8 years old, supposed to be in
calf; Durham cow, 6 years old, to;
freshen 1st of March; Durham cow, 7
Years old. with calf at -foot; Durham
cow, farrow, 5 years • old; Steer,
weight.1200 lbs; Butcher heifer; 2
yearlings; .5„choice spring ealves; 1
calf, 3 months old.
roller; wagon; gravel box; stock rack;
hay rack; root pulper; hay fork;
Wortman & Ward car; 165 ft. new
rope; set of slings; steel tire buggy;
Portland cutter; set of breeching
harness; set of plow harness; several
collars; set -of single harness; quan
tity of lamber; extension ladder; Bell
City incubator, -140 egg capacity;
dVfillei: incubator, 600 egg capaCity,
with automatic turning trays; 4 poul-
try fattening crates; Chatham fan-
ning rani with bagger attachment;
set ' of dales, 2000 'lbs. capacity;
brooder stove, 500 chick capacity; 2
hrooder houses, 12x12; colony house„
6'x8'; Anchorholt cream seperator,
almost new, 500 lb. capacity; quan-
tity of 'hay, grain, tools, forks, chains,
shovels, oieckYokeS, whiffletrees and
Other articles too .numerous to men-
tion. •
At the same time and place lot 17,
consisting of 100 acres, mare or leas,
will be offered for sale, if not sold
before day off sale -.031 this farm
there are good buildings, 8 acres of
timber, 6 acres of fall -wheat and 20
acres fall plowing done.
TERMS—On Farm Stock and in,-
plementj—Ray, grain, roots and. 'all
sums of 810 and „tinder, cash; over
that amount 8 months' credit, will be
given on famishing approved joint
bankable notes, with a discount/ of
5 per dent. straight allowed for cash
•on credit amounts.
Tering031 farni made known on day
of sale and subject to reserve bid,
Walter IVIcCullie, Proprietor, Gml.
,Elliott, Auctioneer. 02-2.
. ,
P,OIJI,TitY—fibou 9,0 Rack hens,
• IMPLEMENTSWagort, 2 segs Of
aleighi; 4 sections of ;harrows; 2
gang ploughs; Verity No. 21, Verity
NO. 4. Walking ' ploughs.. steel tired
"buggy?. 'rubber tired buggy, nearly
tioW; 'catter,:nearly new; gravel box;
3 woodracks; 2, Clinteal faimingoills;
qUantity.: of lumber; 'number ef end
pests; IMY fork.ear, roptr,bnkpulley;
eat% bpx;,. sttp.-pan as ..good, new;.
20 • gobd., Sap •• pails; • Renfrew .treata
-Separator, nearly new; ',hay, knife;
ercivebar; eanthooh; vvheelbatar;
The Ladies! Aid" will Meet this,
Thursday,- alternpOtt at .the holneoh
Mrs P Ilarci 10 quilt
• , Theateavarcl.; Of the -church are,
Mediae iii the' ihnrch this afternoon,'
Medd, the ; achool •teaclid,'
apent'Sanilast in •thocla age.
411,r. ten hs been very poor.
• • •
' .1,7A5:444-4.14,144MS('' )
Purity Flour Plain Pastry Use cups Purity Flour; 34 teaspoon salt;
1 cup shortening; 1/2 cup_cold water. Mix flour and salt, cutting in the
shortening until the mixture is like, fine meal. Mix thoroughly with
the water. Roll. out Abia, keeping quite dry. This will make crust
for two pies. For extra rich, pastry use half butter and half lard.'
A Hint from an Expert on Baking Pastry
In baking pastry use your favourite shortening. A dough heavy with water will not flake up.iit
Mix it in thoroughly with Purity 'Biota., using the oven as too much moisture prevents quick
a level tablespoonful more of shortening but action of the heat
using two tablespoons less per cup of Purity ,The lively, almost crumbly, dough made with
than of ordinary pastry flour. Then add just Purity Flout flakes up beautifully and makes
enough water, and not a drop more, so that the kind -of pastry that "melts in your mouth."
the dough will crumble together. Keep it dry. Get a sack of Purity Plod from your dealer.
Send 30c for e copy of ore .4. famous 700 -recipe Patio Flour Cook Book
Old roofs like this are rapidly becoming things
of the past. Fireproof. parnament, Rib Roll
'roofs mean lower 11181,1.411100 rates, banish
, upkeep, trouble And give your bantling ,
attractzve, spic-and.sPan ara3eurence•
A"closs•up" of Rib Roll, showing the side:lap.
When nailed this joint is ao tight that n
' quite invisible fcom even a short distance
tractive pattern which is stamped into the
ODERN BUILDING—for permanence,
Ilow -upkeep and appearance—sounds
.the death -knell of wooden roofs. The
dangers of fire to the building itself, to other
builclindsand to human life is rapidly being
banished by metal roofs of high quality.
teweeitst anofliZIArigof 40 top. s glyac,M •
The appearance of this roofing alone has sold
thousands. Whenever a roof of this material
is laid in any district, it immediately secures
a preference, and others who are roofing any
kind of building, whether it be
barn, house, garage, shed or
warehouse insist on Rib Roll. CaLINC‘Ili"AlleMill
Standard' speenications. "4"'"."4°'( -
It is made to ;&alnous "Council
The cost of laying Rib Roll is lower than that
of nearly' all other types of roofing. Any, man
who is handywith a hammer can put it on.
Its handsome appearance adds many,dollars
to the value of your property.
Send ridge and rafter measurements of roof
or roofs hi question, for free estimate of cost.
Get particulars about our
A ril lat; 40 store" tiogS, aboiit 190l81atci!._••oroitsAL '1(SIC)L, ONT.