The Clinton News Record, 1929-02-28, Page 3Seven Tube'
.Ail i4,kei tilic Radio
111 MUM( tenni
'Wok ySaJa 1
An Instrument
Mau Seven
tabes, e. gaS
tubes— three etdgop
of radio fre({uency,'.
deteceor, two stages.
of audio frofl110110Y . ea
and-_ectifiel•. All three a1,,.s of
radio-frequency aro fully, tut -ed
with four condensers, opera eel blr
a 1431910 illuminated ,dial, snit tali-
brated.tbr wavelength and fro-.
Only $140.50 !'
Tcrdn5: • Shipped . Tsllreg0',prepaid
on receipt or Uld..oath With order.
,Balance C.U.D.' -.
1511950 115215rs .nil- vertnenterg:
'Wi11t°xor our 1,a1io a.a.catooae and
Discolau'5,. We -have hundreds or
slow and sligaulyused batt0ry 5019
at bargain -prices.. Ala ;or 013:001ar.
Our Policy;
"Each Sale lvlust Batley."
Wentworth 'Raoio and
Avco ,`JUpiny Co., Lid. •
TO77,OA)TOt: 1151 Day Stroet
T+a•;r,tton cog. Sohn et ,aide Wm.
"Sehy spear ul boultualles? For you
eau Arty
A. heuee, aid I can take a pile of•
• atones
And build a wall, and any bag o'
1 5 row of trees .crass our
Yet of us all, who is therethat can
The flowing, shapely curve of hill
Or break the cup wherein the valleys
Drink deep of mists aud,to slcyspuees'
And lo, when colors glow and shadows
pass '
Like winds across the land; what care
have they
For staying hedge or wall? They
...As mould their way
1'o sweeping 1111111 they bend like
Amen in grass
Between them breath the daunting
boundary line,
Sunk in the rich tuililment of design,"
—Ruth Harrison, in
The Sunday Times.
About the time we thought the eaao.
Phones were going out,the metes
beg'au to talk '
.-. y........-..—..
lucreua 9 Liniment tor COUghs, Colds,
Civil servants' iv. Jugoslavia have
been forbiduen,to curse the public.
The killjoy spirit appears to be
idyl 140T GINNING?
Vanishing Isle
First Seen :Of
/'Trinidad in.1911 Joyous , tingles, By l Gifted Rhytresters
Recent Rise and Disappear
ance of Volcanic Area
Recalls Earlier -Ex-
Soon Lost in Heavy Seas
Emergence ` Accompanied by
Terrific Gas Explosion
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad.—The
cent "appearance of ti volcanic- mud
island oh' the island of Chathaifi and
its sudden disappearance a few days
later recall the `first night" perform-
ance of this remarkable submarine
Tvolcano 'Int Nov, 4, '1911, the mud
island having., ten appeared, accom-
panied by terrific explosions,
That •emergence of the island was
duringthe governorship of the late
Sir George Le a.Hunte, and a party,
including the Governor, the Chief
Justice and !titer offi• ials'from Trin-
idad went by steamer to explore it.
Creat care had to be exercised inm ak-
ing a landing, as it was found that the
'crest of mud was very elder and
treacherous. The mud under the our-
faco was still very hot.
The Governor and his piety exp1ee-
ed, the entire island,: Seidel] was of
whale -brick formation. The party re-
mained for,more than an hour: The,
irland was fourteen miles from Icacos
and two miles from Chatham. Two
craters were discovered on its summit
near the northern extremity.
The total area of .the island was
about three acres; and the heavy seas
washedlit away in the course of .a
few weeks.
When a few Weeks ago the second
appearance of this volcanic island ac-
curred,"parties steamed to the spot
where the, explosions took place, but
no attempt Was inade..0 land, as the
island was slowly• disappearing under
the pressure of the heavy.seas.
//MM��g{�ts .. ..�;.yl��ppyl,,''llggQQ��94j ggyy��gg,,AAppyyppti����ggyy�lFF
68:.�P RFECT - ME'J'J11CINE`
The longer the contest continues, the more popular it becoln
We' are still compelled Ur discard a;, great many entries because
suicierlt care ha not been taken "in- securing the proper rhyme
and rythnt. \
Following are our selections front this week's winners
Milk of Magnesia Red Rose Tea
Why ]Milk of Magnetite is lauded,
Just, test it and know like my Paw
- And now he'will vow
That there's no other cow
Can yield Idle such mint since hie
11iaw did. •
Mr, .Iona Mortimer,
Box 170, Elora; Ont.
P3uI y's Own Tablets Should: be
in 9svery Home Where There
Are Children
i The perfect medicine fbr little ones
is found in Baby's Own Tablets.
,They are a gentle but thorough lax
ative which. •regulate the bowels,
sweeten the stomach; drive out cam
etipation and indigestion; break LIP
colds and simple fever and promote
healthful and refreshing sleep. It is
impossible for Baby's Owa Tablets
to harm even the new-born babe as
they are absolutely guaranteed free
iron opiates or any other injurious
drugs. Concerning -them Mrs. Earl
'.t'ayior, Owen Sound, Ullt., writes:—
"1 have tour Ont111ren and have al-
ways used Baby's Own 'tablets, i
pm never without the Tablets 121 the
house as they are the bestfinedlcane
that 1 know of tot' little ones." -
Baby's Uwu Tablets are sold i;
metilClue dealers or by mail at 25
coats a box front Tito Dr. Wiliams'.
Medicine Co , 'Brockville, Out,
`1.pecauent'y tiiritamnl
Ottatra uuut cal (Uuup,/:. vita Ctt11-
not 1001k at Inc red upon the snap of
the world, one CLllluet• coutenlplate
what the British' liimpire means 05
vastness and wealth and potentialities,
and yet believe that'Brltain can de-
cay. All that is 'required is Empire
co-operation, organization and good
will. In this field Canada can and
should play an important part. With
her almost incalculable wealth of re-
ources—mineral, forestry au dagri-
ultural—she has an almost Aroviden-
ial equipfnont tor the high duty and
mission of helping to perpetuate the
well-being and prosperity of the
British races. The political party 01
Canada that inscribes that creed upon
is banner, that will seek to arouse,
rganize and direct Canadian public
pinion tcward that goal, will garner
Loh dividends in the future.
It is often assumed that ,party ur-
ine is given always with a view to
ome ]'sward. --Mrs, Alvin T, Beit,
Minard's Liniment for Grippe and Flu.
Babies can't gain when eouriug
waste in a clogged digestive tract is
forming gas, lasing them colicky,:
constipated and miserable. Just tl'y
the method doctors endorse, and mil 1
lions of mothers know, and see how o
your baby improves. A few drops of c
purely -vegetables, harmless Pletclier's r
Castoria makes the most fretful,
feverish baby or child comfortable in
a jiffy. A few doses and he's digest- v
Mg perfectly and gaining as he should. s
To get geuuhie Castoria, loop for the
Elate/Br signature on the wrapper,
For children's bronchial and chest
ailments.—TIO finer relief than
Yeno'a Lightning Cough Syrup
(Children love it.
y- IHAGly
it `o
For Troubles
due. to Acid
*5 010 551 0 5
What many people call:' indigestion
very often means excess acid in the
.stomach, The etomach nerve(' have
been over -stimulated) and fetid sours.
The ,corrective is an alkali, which
neutralizes acids instantly. And the
best alkali known to medical science
1s :Phillips', Milk oI ilaasesia, It hese
remainedthe etandavd With payer.
glans in tile '50 yearsSinceits inven'
One spoonful of this harmless, taste-
less alkali in water will neutralize in-
stantly many times' as much acid, and
the eymptoms disappd'ar at once. You
will never use -erode methods whoa
onee you,' learn the efficlney of this.
Go get a (mal bottle to try..
r Be lure to get the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magaesiaprescrlbdd by "'Myst.
clans for 50 yearil in correcting esteem
acids.' Each bottle contains Pull,direc-
tions--any drugstore.'
Red hose Tea
There was a young man from the
Who married a girl neat and pretty,
"Orange and Bose," said he,
.We will use for our Ma",
Thus proving himself smart and
Mr. Charles Ps.lmel',
Brace ri
b e one
- Minarets Liniment -
There was an old luau named
McNeil ' •
Who, froze boot: his toe and his
4, But quickly he .sent
When you're feeling depressed and
you're weary, w
No use to sit down and get teary,'
"Red Rose Tea le good tea,'
Try a cup then with me—
See if ,it doesn't; make you Teel
Mrs. W, 1I. Day,;
,leraelford, Ont;
Magic Baling Powder -
:There once was a girl, -named May
• Crowder,
Of Iter calces got prouder'adtl
"It's Magic, you Itnow,
That ,makes them rise eo,
For "Magic" is my flaking Powder,
Mrs I
I, W. tray,
adfd, Ot.
of �
Mlnard's Liniment
Sorin Dodds had his toes badly
'Cause he walked in the snow while
of MHlard's Linimentadozin',
And healed them up right off the But the Pain it soon went
reel. WhenMinard's Liniment
Mrs. Jas. M. O'Neil!,
Kent Bridge, Ont.
Alberta Coal
From the coati fields of Sunny,
Comes a superfine fuel, I melt, Alt.
Atrial preyed it so,
•E'en• at fourteen -below, .
Now , we'll always use coal from
.Mrs. Geo. Peddlek,
Glencoe, Out.
Wrigley's Gum
A young man nicknamed Piggly
T3ad a girl who was silt' and
He.bought her some gum—
She could chew half a ton,
For she said .?There is . none quite
like Wrigley,"
furs. -g, Cramp,
Sia er. v 11
g s i e Ont.
• Baby's Own Tablets
There's a wonderful nurse who's
named Graham,
Healthy babies have won het• much
"Whatever their habits,
Use Baby's Own Tablets,
Says sensible, Careful Nurse Gra-
" Miss L. Abercrombie,
' R. 2,'R,avenna, Out,
Milk of Magnesia
"Doc, 9tullps, who conies from
Mombeeza, '
Makes a very One Milk of Mag;
For heartache it's fine,
For heartburn sublime, •
So try Phillipa' ]]Milk of Magnesia.
Miss Ariel M. Sniitt,.
Box 112, Erin, Ont.
Scholes' Hotel
There is' •a young man named
Who tlequenciy visits Toronto,
"Yon wilt sleep and eat well
At Scholes' Hotel,"
Exclaimed. this young man mined
Miss Amy F, Corrigan,
R,R. 1, Shawville, Ont.
Salada Tea
There was au old man from Arcade,
4Vho always dined at "The Ar -
He held his nose high
As the waiter passed by
89 his tea was not made of Salada,
Miss Mabel Peeek,
Macleod, Alta,
Fletchee's Castoria
Mrs: Jiggs has a baby, youug Gloria,
She's raising on Fietclier's Castorla,
This baby, you see,
Is smiling with glee,
While mother is off to Victoria,
Mrs. M. 13. Rhodes,'
Box 258, Merritt, 'B,C,
was rubbed on the toes which were
frozenl . .
Miss Grace I. Wright,
B,R. 1, Singhampton, Ont.
Magic Baking Powder
There was a' young lady, named
Ambitious to bake and to brew, too,
Her failures ,-ere tragic '
`(intil she used "Magic
She now leaseno reason to "boo,
-Mrs, tt Powlei,
• Clinton, Ont.
Salada Tea
. Thera was an old lady named Addy,
3''1 -ho' said "About tea I'm' quite
I like my tea green,
And it's plain to be seen
It's Salada I keep in my caddy."
Mrs. . J, L. Cook,
83 Forest Ave.,
St. Thomas, Ont.
Lydia Pinkham a Compound
Though site
Mrs. RftBrown looks so rosy and
surely is round about
Good health she has found,
Comes from 9inkllam's Coin.
St-makes you keep well and Iook
Mrs. Inglis Ripley,
Wallacetown, Out,
Salada Tea
amaii Jimmie watched mama and
Enjoy their hot cups of "Salada"!
Sez he, "Ain't it funny
- That even my bunny
Loves lalittda:'le curled leaves 04 Se-
,, Mrs. T. 15, Rowe,
I9,IL 6, Woodstock, Ont,
Slmond's Saws
An ambitious young fellow named
Said "Simms: your old saws are
not in it.
The shavings beneath
Tho Simond's dragteeth
Pile tip in the space of a minute."
Mrs., H. Nee, Stevinson,
Box 548, Macleod, Alta.
Big Ben's Chewing Tobacco
Said a footsore and weary Cho
"I'm out of Ben's. chewing tobacco.
I've walked eighty miles—"
Then his face werathed in smiles --
"By gosh, here's a, plug in my
Mrs, W. H. Stevinson,
Box 548, Macleod, ,Alta,
Ml's. R. H. le:laden—Sorry, but Any nationally advertised article
we maid not make any use of the
book you describe. or service found in this or any
Miss V. 9, Sarvie—Afton betegbe
evious issues of this paper may
passed upon, unsuccessful Ilmericks made the subject of a Hine -rick.
are not kept, so that It 114 impos. One dbllar will be scut for every
sible for us to'tiace your letter of • Limerick accepted. Give name alfa
January 25th, Evidently the rimer- addross -and name of this paper.
icks contained were, not quite up to . Write: Limerick Editor, "Assoc'
requirements. Proses are sent out ated Publishers, Rome : 421.5, 73
at the end of each week, Adelaide St, West, Termite, 2.
Cunard .Brings "Liscky 13"
"Why should we feel unlucky just because we are 13 in number. Look
!at Fltzmaurlce and his two•German pals' who by a miracle landed their 'plane
in Labrador on a.. Friday the lath ''and became' famous overnight"-Thie'05
Ole,'jolut argument of the family seen above, fathered by x. Pike, of heading-,
,England.„ 'AO they landed' at Halilax;feem the big Cunarder Lancastrla, ploy
' told -Cunard immigration officials that they will try theft -luck 1n: Canada with
high .optimie.., -
BIlHAP'S by dieting or
other means'' you have
been treating the symptoms,
rather than the cause. Loss
of appetite, heartburn, sour.
stomach, are symptgms that
the blood is impure. This
explains the successful use of
- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills hs
all such cases. Here isa
typical example:-
"I began to feel easily
tired, • writes Miss Margaret
White, of Parry Sound, "and
when T eat down to a meal I
left I did not want to eat. A
doctor told meI was anaemic
but I shade little progress
with his medicine. When I,'
started taking Dr. Williams'
Pink Pitts I soon noticed that
my appetite was improving, -
that the headaches camelese
frequently and that I was not
so easily tired. Now my
weight has increased, my
cheek! are rosy and every
ache ,and pain has van-
Start today to improve
your appetite. Buy Dr. Wil-
liams'.Pink Pile from your
druggist's os.' by mail, post-
paid, at 50 cents a box from
The Dr. Williams Medicine
Co, Brockville, .Ontario.
Sen ..
d for free book --"What
to $at and How to Bat'.
PER 110M
PINK Pf 41. S
The Jucigunttua. ,
or a "�'i' rse
in Our Dumb Animals
Nowhere south of the Arctic circle
does the death•deallug blizzard de•
eyelid more swiftly, and unexpectedly
tuan *loon the plains of VVyoniuig. The
high attitude of the state,- its sparse
population, the vast, treeless regions
and the intense cold that almost in-
variably acconipenies a severe bliz-
zard, make the fact Of getting lost In
a Wyoming' snowstorm a serious mat-
ter, even 11. this - day of twentieth
century progress.
Ono sunny morning a few winters
ago a Wyoming rancher sent -three of
his men with a two -horse team to get
w load of, coal from the railroad yards,
len.miles distant, During the return
trip the sun darkened, the north wind
quickened until it stung the fate, and,
hard, needle-like particles of snow` be-
gan to hiss againat the clothing et the
men. By the tine' they were three
miles from home the storm 'had in -
erased to a blinding blizzard that shut
out -completely the world , in which
they lived. Desperately the Hien
struggled to unhitch the Horses from
Che heavily loaded wagon and set out
on font leading tie Faithful animals
behind thein. Thirty minutes later,
after making a complete circle, they
saw the abandoned wagoiVioom tip be.
fore then. They tried again aid
again returned to the wagon:( A third
time they tried and a third trine re•
twined to the wagoner The situation
was lacked desperate,
The storm showed no -sign of 1es-
sening, and deep concern was written.
on the face of the three hien, Sud•
denly 0119, of the men spoke: "See
here, i don't know the way home; hut
I do know horses, We have been
trying to lead the horses home. .1
suggest that we let t11e115 Teed us
home." -
So the driver gave tale animals a,
free rein and the three men tramped
doggedly on behind. Thirty minutes
Passed and Mile time they .did, not re•
turn, to the wagon., Another thirty
.minutes dragged by' and all at oude'
the dint,ghost-like forms of ranch
buildings appeared before them. A
few ` minutes later' tate horses olei'e
in tits etalls and three thankful men
were within the warm shelter of a
i-auch :kitchen' telling their story to
eager listeners, 'Once, more 'the.,
telligelice of the horse had been de-
�M L
claims Many Victims in Canada
and should be guarded against..
Mt'nard8s Liniment
Io a Groat Preventative, being on0`of the
oldest remedies. used. Mtnard's Idnittient
has' relieved thousands 'of oases 09
Grippe, Bronc11100, Sore Throat, Asthma.
and 0lmilar diseases, It i0 en hlnemyto
dorms. Thousands of. bottles being used
every day, For :sato by ant druggiet0
and general dealers.
SIinard'u r1at1sont00 r td, Yarmouth, XS;
ISSUE No, 9-x'29
The Amazing
lt'iiechar11icaI Marx
During recent month the mechani-
cal man hue been incerasing hie
repertoire. - A short time ago•.: he ap-
peared in 'the role ,of super -house-
keeper. He tamed, on the, electric
stove, operated a vacuum cleauer'and
blew a whistle when the three-minute
eggs were done, Graduating Prom his
domestic duties, 110 110W serves "10 a
doorman who meats the,guests as
they arrive; a watchman, a tratIIe
pont:Man or a fireman. Iii the last
capacity he not only souade the
alarm but actually pets out (he blaze,
etaoin-shrdlu cinfwyp vbgicgj mfwyp
On the Iecture platform tate robot
appears quite manlike- in kerne Es+
pecially is this true or Eric, the ting-
lis11 gentleman who Tooke like a suit;
00medieval-armor suddenly 1•esurreCt-
ed. Telovox, who grew up and, leagued
his tricks in the Westinghouse labera-
tory, will even talk, while thus dams
and legs respond instantly to the
proper bidding.
Offstage they appear in a different
guise, In his "working clothes" .Tele -
vox is no more imposing n t
p g h u an
i'dinary radio set, Iron ]Mike, who
teers a ship at sea with greater ac-
uraCy than. any helmsman who ever
toed a watch- at. the wheel, is lis..
used as a glorified gyroscope., Thus
cue perceives that the business of
resting up machinery to resemble
melf '.as"merely the inventors' joke.
he important thing is the eoustantly
ucr•easing range•.oe "te tasks which
his "selective purpose" mad.inery.18
enable, of accomplishing.
The man in need of a shave may
toff at the idea of intrusting 'his
v 1iskers to a mechanical barber,
von though -he knows that the robot
ill not talk. But it •brings as me-
rely different appreciation' of prop,
gDSO in his tele to see the British
attleship Centurion bailing 'an intris
ate zigzag course with its band•play--'
g all the while, although there is
of a single' person cm board. This
bot of the sea is controlled by radio
om vessels several miles distant.
In many cities a mechanical "hello'
51" i
s at the
beck and d a
C 1! of,tele-'
hone subscriber's. "rhe country es
pidly becoming falpillai: witli •the
ial apparatus 'which, with a tew;
ick turns, selects the 'desired num
er from the thousands .listed iii :lie°
•ectory. - - Telephone engineers de
are 'that the new s stem hag, piaeti-
ily eliminated the phrase wrong
umber" from central's vocabulary.
So the robot is learning to tell rine
ranges from -green. ones, to put white
eaus 05 one pile and black beans in
either, to operate electric substa-
one, to watch the water -level in rea-
voirs, and to pilot airplanes. Eric
u<1 Televox were never intended,
eu by their inventors, many to re -
ace men. ' But they hope to lift an
ncreaeing amount of the detail and
'fidgety from human Melte and thus
lease men for endeavors of greater
ope and originality.—Christian Sel-
xice Monitor,
Many students come to college just
to get atmosphere, says a dean at
Columbia. Maybe that's why so
many get the air.
Mlhtird's Linimentprevente FM.
The disappointment of manhood
succeeds to the delusion of youth; let
us hope that the heritage of old age
05 not despair.—Benjamin Disraeli,
F'9 rt, ma LCt iris
Regturing British help—Single men,
women or families, to assist with
farm work, should write Rev. Alex.
MacGregor, 43 Victoria St., Toronto: `
These people will ,be arriving' after
March 15,
Victor:ass Sia neer Jt•�,. A, A Van
,V nclfel, 155 Leleizo ]Jute. Toronto, Ont.
c`111419,11n iw:1154 Via1V'1WD
LA111ES 'WAls l':k+'17-10 uo l plain and
119111 oewlug at. 90020, wholo or spasm
bine; good 11aY; worlc gent n distance.
charges paid. send. stamp for )lard..
national 5Uanufaetulling Co
-1VLoutl Pat. .'
rnATXS (110TTr,E 7105ENn TO'
11551511201 131111)-�lnailed in plain. Onv
velopI. I2arle 0penislty Cii., Caster 24239
Ifontrcal, Quebec..
9B� AIl1411U T;OCIC, LOCI' 1.` l�'1tokt
ILA qualified Record of Perto0muu0o
and Registered Breeders, Canada's old..
est high laying strain, TTapodIgreod, 93,.
14Pedigreed 95, 9G. 25 years a breeder.
Hatching . llgg:. Chicks. - Claric Cedaa
Row Firm, Cainsvllle, Ont.
Our position is that there 1 a good
five -cent cigar, :fiat the retailer in-
sists on getting two bits for it.
Use Min.,rd s Liniment for the Fin.
And just suppose that the Salvation
Army has to hall a disarmament con-
of Canada
• Estaonslted 9007,
Assets 01159,157.00, au1plus to
Sicarieas and Accident Insur-
ance to Atombere of 911e 1155.
00515 Praterility Eaalusively. ..
Agues in" alt principal Cittes and Towns
In Canada,
E. le. Grl-150N. 3, 0. 11111151.818„ •
Fres. & (San. Mgr. Secy: Ass. mgr:
N'eed Office: CRANNY, Qua,,
Bus 11118,
u L W bred for*,1611 est
production. w41,e. floor. mull
PuffWIC., Mind andMew nab.
1L 1. Red,. Anson., .fad, M.o.'
Duff O,rtolnon,,Irc,e Wy+,dome. ns.
and up. Ied^w,llrn dr)fvery ,na",d,ed.
W i,, ,el,, ar FBE5 CRICIC WOE.
SC,Ninittk 1'511/17`giERY
150 avoronampten
Bu55a10; It1Y.
B1tIAGEB11$0, ONT., CAN..
i is stamps or coins, win2
dr. o' bring you Five High -Class
Toilet Preparations (trial sizes) by
return mail. Dept, W,
Chamberlain Laboratories
tree boot 41+uout' Cancer
l.'ale 11101a[IaVuitb- l,al15:04 11U>p11d11, in
I l 1 1-1.11015.111L, ill
ddlu 311,uD sell 8a
p 14152V
about - e•hIon041, Elves ancera a15 lasts
about the ca .n 5I n, Cancer, Aldo Ce10.
whit, to 310 ror.VatlL.pWudl[1g;odor, .0to.
A Vital/Odle -guide• in tau munugemont 00
auY ease. ",555150 'An. St to -day, mention.
iffy .5111s Dauer
Children ,Like It—
So Wilt You
At the -first sign of a
Co buy u "B
v acid s".
ev The
fifes dthe does two in taings—
utly a
relieves the cough instantly and
delights theemedie for Coughs.
o rom
all other ehals. Prevents for"Flu".
Pneumonia ar d' lroty and
Lung troubles. Sold everywhere
under money -refunded guarantee.
W. rt. Buckley, Limited,
142 mutual St., Turorrts 2
110 Acts tike a(lash-•
a tingle sip proves it
75c and 40e
Wol1len! !Don't
Lolr:ead Itact e Age
Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver,
Remedy helps preserve youth by
toning up kidneys
Walley trouble. 18 vemen55510 . for
natty oO the 151s womo21 areae at trim
me of lite. It often 01141008 sallowness,
05nln100, rubs vellum 05 rue sioes141 11.155
05' 05 y0WL4, 2115554 1115111 1005 0.2155 % At
10. 00 keep your kidneys anau,luniag
yr0118r1Y, let the DOay /PASO'S :)ass od
o u ,u w.
11e tit y aa
11311 a sit u0aad8 o1 we -
own, uurill5 %nu past keit 0011440y, 111100
ul00overeCL that warber'0 )1150 ICicoley
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