HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-02-28, Page 1• , • ,.
• , • , „.
ts.. 4103 34,8t
odertx 1aoae6`
ock Well!
. • ..,•
•style$:;'in;glad"des Fe
attrielIV,e7let ue.rinplace" Your .13147;
one. Coale 1hare.4.0,i FREE seXani.-
them; We :have:,-' eponeralettle Service-
- , •
131 .and highly. attiactwe glasaes
or you. 7f you do not 1"ieerl gleases,
, •
we tell:yon ' •;, ;
Fashion's Buy -word for Spring,
Famous Peter Pan Prints, guarim-
teed absolutely fast colors.
There is no better or more pop-
ular Cotton -Fabric obtainable
New Patterns just received
We Invite you to see Them
Wheat 81125 -, ,
Barley, 70c.
-oas, 50e to 520. . ,'
• ,131.tekwbeat; 77c to 80c. - ka
EggS, 25e, to 40e, - ,,,,
Butter, 40Pto 42e.
Live Hoks; 810.50:
. ,
Dollartkerital, examinations will
Oen en-Mier:deg, Jahe 17th,
dle and timer school tests Will- be
conducted on June 17, '18,.19'an4 .20.
how.or sehobl. ..' exams on Thursday,
June 20; model entrance on Mondavi
June- 24,.. and -entrance examinations
a Monday, .Tune 24... The examine-
tionsln all branches of school. will
cocitinuertntil the afternoon of Tues-
day, Ally 2n(1.. , , •
Fellowieg is the lists of those who
won the prizes given by the local
Women's Christian Temperance 33n-
iorifin the contest on "Scientific Tem-
pernnee:" • ,
Smiler boys, over fourteen: Audrey
Carter, ,,Lawrence Plumsteel, Wm.
' Senior Girls,over fourteen: Mar-
garet Doan, Ruth Veneer, Isabelle
Bigg. -
Junior boys, oven ten and under
fourteen: Harold Seeley, John D.
Lindsay, Murray Dale. :
Junior girls: Harriet Gaudier
Dorothy Cornish, • 'Grave Lavin and
Gertrude Reid. • '
;No prizes ;will be given until tn.-
stilts are heard front the Provincial
and Dominien W.' d. T. U.
The choir of Wesley -Willis chrirch
gave an old-fashioned , concert in the
town hall on Friday evening,- which
brought out a full house and proved
to be interesting.and enjoyable. ,
The members of the . choir,bali
men and women, were dressed in the
6 eestumes of long ago anci the songs
trere those Of a by -gone day, also.
Mr. and Mrs. -Morgan Agnew. gave
some piano and cornet musk as a
curtain raiser and then when +Seem: -
Min was drawn aside a living rooni
was disclosed, with Mr. and
Mrs. Honeybug, (Mr. 'Wilmer
Wallis and Mrs. 0. L. Paisley) the I or.
nler reading it newspaper the latter
reeking an old-fashionederadle with
her °foot, and ,Grandma Iloneybug
(Mrs, J. V. Diehl), diligently spinning
on areal Spinning wheel. Some local
kkes were gotten off by Mr. and
Mrs. Ifoneybug; when the singing
class arrived and Grandma (Melded to
go tubed, and the spinning wheel Was
pet aside While the singers and per-
formers "did their stuff."
The whole choir rendered a chorus.
Mac. Corless and Mrs. H. Fitzsim-
ons nd..11/is. ivr, Nediger and Mrs.
W. E. Perdue sang duets; 11I,r. J.
Scott read one of Mr. 1)ooiey's Mon-
ologues, famous in a former genera-
l:10n, and still laugh-provoling; Miss
Pentland,. Miss Ferrol Higgins and
Mrs. Choweneach rendered a solo;
'Mrs. 'I% a: McNeil likl a chorus; a
number of the ladies sang'a "Round;"
Mrs. Paisley led a couple of chorus-
es; Messrs. W. Mach, W. G. Mof-
fat, W. Wallis and•Lertfe Cook sang
a comical quartette; Messrs. W.
Illfutel, Jr,, W. Wallis and Lorne
Cook rendered a tile; the male mem-
bers of the choir sang a Soldiers'
'Chorus; ,the youngdrfeale menibers
sang "Johnny S,chmolter;" Miss Fres-
er,.With guitar, accompanyment,\Whis-
-tied "Silver hreads Among the Gold;"
IliIrs. Paisley and 'Rev. 1. E. Hogg
sang, "When -Y;e Gang •Awa', Janfier
Miss Florence gulling -Mime and Mrs.,
Coils each "said a Plece;" Mr. C.
E. Whin conducted a tally ho
about the town, giving comical die-
criptions of several citizens; Mr. and
Mrs. Agnew, Mrs. Perdue and Mr..
Mutch filled -in. with batten:inn:411
music and from the opeidng chorus
until Auld Lange Syne and God Save
the King brought the -program to a
close there was something tieing all
the time.
F.,,NO*01111*ri' 04:6=0, 0', 0* ,
Mr. and ¥as $11011101: (4)1C11.011 an, 0' . Iromb, I0R, Tail, .ty..LAW • 0
nounce the engagem_et - o their 0
YOQeteirn•gge°ALeiw8ilisgillGtl°a1 ei.,lvievtlinrgeellseir'setno ' .ilonci};Y-1"e-7-xt—the' Sfevei1;l'.1 0
of Met and Mrs ,' T loma4Glazier ell, " 0. Halals GetaTia'li 1'Y -441v :will 0
of Clinton • the marriage'lie talte piece 0 • . - ' '
A t 1 Clinton T . .
, , , , 0 , von( el --in triton kits ,
0 "eil nteeting tonere it ty'aa cl-e.. 0
early"in•ifarch, , il- ' • . s' ‘14as °xP11141,1e'd at tile corm- 0
Kjimp/N4, up, m6 woia, eided to S1.1111n1 1, ..1,Q t 0
ra ee.;
' 0' - paYers, does ,Rot ask the'town - 0
At a special boys' service 1n- the 0 for, anything, •it 'MerelY. pre- 0,
AylmerUnited church ,cntStinclay. lest' 0 "vicigs, "fcr a fixed assede‘nent.
M. ;S Livermore, l'eader of tile .0 , fax ten . years on 0
Elgin Taxis .groift3 was"'.the sped%) ^ Q the. property ofthe-edit:puny a
speaker. • • Taking 4%011:web service'. 0 whichmroposesto erect a fee- O.
would -not be anything, new :7 dr "Er- 0 tory; for the itienufaCture df, 0
nie," -who: ha6:beet1 -engaged in church. 0 flill-fathionecl silk -hosiery. ti
work all his life 'end 'Spent several , Tins company ,is headed by,
sumniers in the west in :Rearge of -1-1 0 Messrs. Stevenson and Harris, 0
misdion. • . 0 who have been.konducting a • 0
0, silk •hosiery . Manufacturing 0
A:NNTJAL ;HOSPITAL -MEETING , 0 • plant, -here for some time and 0
TIM annual meeting oiihe Clinton , 0 'ho
enlarge ethedieveideht'illr'Ioe'esg..reatly-. 00
public Hospital Assciehif,iin will be
held -al three eklock on Thimsday 0 • They will build, a factory 0
0 on the vacant let -north of the 0
ternoon next, March 7t113 in the cowl-, 0, ;Clinton Flottr; , r.411, " where 0
di. chamber. The Board would like 0 they will -install expensive 0
to see a verylarge number of citizens' .0 machinery and will employ a Q
at,thin meeting, when the:reports will 0 - number of workers, both men 0
be read and an insight given into the 0 and women. The- property 0
Workings ef this importe,nt 0 wilt-beknhaeced in value by,, 0
tion. very citizen
'and 0 the erection of this factory, 0
E '
for miles "around of •Clinton , be tvelcome. 0 the company wi;11 be
p ayth g 0
Everybody at all interested, in fact. 0 more taxes on it than it now 0
The beard -wouldn't mind having. to 0 yields to the public treasury 0
Move the -meeting upstairs to the 0 even without the business tax, • 0
newly floored hall to aceamodate the 0 which will be a larger one 0
number. • . 1'0 „than is :now paid by the .corti- 0
CHOIR HAS .000D TIME - I 0 :panY, • Clinton will:, be the
; 0 gainer by encouraging this 0
The choir., of Wesley -Willis church 0 company 'to expand and, as 0
had a' little soeial evening yesterday 0,-; one industry always coaxes 0
at the horhe of Mrs. T. 0. Chowen, 0 others, * May -gain. in 'mere.. 0
when the members of the choir .and 0 ways than end. „• 0
all those who assisted at the ecincert 0 Clinton loses nothing by 0
last week,met.for a fewbours of sec- 0 carrying this bylaw and 0
ial' enjoyment. Gani4t,. charades, 0 Stands to gain considerably. 0
music sited the merry : hours away 0
aid- just, -before, refrestmens were 9. VOTE FOR TIIE 'BYLAW 0,
served Mrs. 1organ Agnew, leader 0 ON MONDAY AND VOTE 0
011(1 organist, was et-I:seined with a 0 EARLY.' THREE QTJAR- 0
handsome piano lamp, Mrs. Agnew 0 TERS OF THE VOTE AT 0
was taken completely bynurprise, but 0 LEAST SHOULD BE POLL -0
she expressed her keen •appreciation , 0 ED BY NOON. • ' 0
of the kindness d her friends. . i 0
As all gave themselves up to the 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
enjoyment of the occasion a very TRANSFERRED TO LONDON
happy time was spent.
• cuser
rr !L'1'
THREE PRICES ONLY -828.50, $29.50, $3.50
Our models for Evening Wear are correetly designed to the most
minute detail and are in strict coinpliance with the accepted ideals
as pronounced by the leading 'city merchant tailors. •
W specially recommend our Black Vicuna Tweed Suit a at $29.50.
We Ore showing soqie real snappy patterns in tive!1ede 11.d worsted
• , at $23.50 and 29.50.
‘`A, SquanDeal for everY Man
• • • . • • •
„ „, .
Prot. wssend of Victoria.- College
arente, will' epealt; inthe Collegiate,
"auditerittin, teinerrow evening,.Viarell
the th rd lecture in the
1,TniversitY! Extensierf seuec Itis
eilbject ..• 1.`hb ivtalears of
'Ontario,” ' -Thislectere was procured
vith, espeeieleretelenee" to the;:,
ents of Canadian history .and, these
will be urged; to', be 'present,- but it'
'sliduld 'be ',-interesting e-Veryene
The eolreirittee charge of theSe
lectures wcnild be. agreeably' surprised
;f Pr -of Sissons were 'greeted by
-large urinAience.. , •
, - • .
The following -despatch from, Wind-
sor yesterday carried the newe of the
death ef J .'• J. Merner, formerly of
Zurieltand from 1.911 to 1.921 repres-
entative -of Slitith'Huron in the Dom
inion Parliament: • . •
• "Jonathan j.,,Merner,'aged 04 years
and for 10 years a Member of the
Dominion Parliament, representing
the constituency of South Ituron from
1911 to.1921, died hare t� -day. Fun-
eral services will be held on ' Thurs-
day afterncon at the family home,
1346 Moy avenue: Interment ,will
be made in Windsor Grove CemeterY.
lVfx Merner was born in April, 1864
at Blake, Ont., the sort of Gottlieb
Meaner, a native of Switzerland. He
was educated a Farm School, in Hay
Township, and. only in life became a
merchant at Zurich. • His first politi-
cal cainpaien was in 1911, when he
was elected7to the House of Commons
for South Huron: He Was re-elected
• Mr. Howard Venner, who began
B, OP T. BANQUET. his banking career in the local branch
The first dinner • of the Board of of the Royal bank, and who has been
held in Bar tliff& crieb's restaurant on
was, :Atitt; has 0)4,eregni4tribuirsafnecldf Lor ,sLoomne.
Trade since Its, -reorganization
Monday evening, between eighty and don • The evening before leaving
Cargill the Young Peeples' Society of
the United church • presented ivrir.
Venner With a desk set, as a little
token of their esteem. Howard's
Clinton friends wish him continued
success in 1103 chosen career,
ninety men, sitting down to a well -
served meal at half past six.
The new president, Mr. N,W, Tre.:
wartha, presided et the dinner and
afterward, when a -foto speech-
es were made. ate guests 'were sup -
p1030 with, song sheets and at iter -
vis durinir the evening, • between
The girls looked very sWeet and
dainty in their old-fashioned dresses
.and po4ce bonnets, and few had any
idea they could curtsy so prettily.
• The gentlemen made valiant at-
tempts to recapture the, styles in
vogue in ,the days of long ago and
• Sideburns and whiskers helped a lot.
courses and. sneeehes. they were ask-
ed te_sing, 'Nit. G. R. Paterson act- Patersohis in Toronto this week, hav-
ing -as song leader. ing taken down his cls of county
- youths to the Swine ectirse heft held
President Trewartha saia he was at the packing houses this week. The
glad so many had' come . out to their seven young men comprising the
first dinner. se *, He spoke encouraging-
ly. of filo prospoot ;of prosperity for celnacses asrein:iii6ei,ni;eunrsnaelii„; 01,R1 tit onC
Porter, oritaL-.
the town and commimity. He thought Thmspic; Keith Webster'Seaforth;
it a geed idea to get together, work Raymond Cartwright, Leedesboro; S.
felt than. good, live Board -Of Traderein
He Corbett, Exeter and Oscar Grob, Zur-
together and make Clinton boom.
would be a belP. , 'Assistant Rep. McCaig is conduct -
Agricultural Representative G. R.
AivroxIck VIE birtmciips
The monthly, meeting of, -the Minis»
1:erial Asseelation Will be -held • nett
MendaY morning at 10,80 at the
hone of Rev. A A. Holmes.
Detigetimill present the paper.
$t. 'Paul's Church ,
• There+will be a celebration. of Ijoly
601111111.1111011 On Sunday niorniegat
;eleven All other services as
}felled been a resident. of Windsor
fax four years; e • .
• Mr. Merner was Married in 1000 to
Miss Clara Edith ,Graham, of Goder-
ich. He was a member of the United
Church. The late Senator Samuel
Merner was an encle.
Surviving Mr. Merner are Inc wid-
en!, four daughters, Mrs. Kenneth
Ferguson, Toronto; • Greta, Detroit;
Helen, and Beatrice, at horde, and
three sons, Clare, Detroit; Borden, at
home, and Edward,. a Windsor den-
There are six brothers, Jacob, De-
troit; George, Dashweed, Ont.; Ed-
tvard, Hayfield, Ont.; William, Win-
nipeg; Wesley, Zurich, and Samuel
Hensall, and tnn sisters, Mrs. Char -
les Eilber, CreclitonrOnt.; and Mrs-.
William Calfas, London."
The following clipping, taken from
"The Nugget," North Bay, refers to
one who is well known in this district
.having been pastor of Si. Andrew's,
Bayfield, and Bethany,. Porter's Hill,
for fourteen years, and the Presby-
terian 'clitirele Clinton, for three
. ,
One of the prettiest choruses -wai
1Grandfathees Clock", sung by Mrs.'
Paisley, the whole class singing 'the'
The duet by Mira. Paisley and: Itr.
Hogg Was well done, each being dres-
sed in Highland garb, and loolting the
part very well. ••
Mayer Col. Combo also expresses'
'himself as much* gratified by the
number present and the enthusiasm
shown. He felt that Clinton's Board
of Trade had taken on a now lease of
life. 'HO spoke of the bylaw, which
will be vested en on Monday and hop.
ed. it would bepassed with little, if
al he felt that any, opposYon , Clin-
ton had everything to gain and, noth-
ing to lose by the expansion of one of
its industries and hoped citizens gen-
eridly would see it that Way. '
The key note elf ivr,r F. A. Wig-
gins" speech was ft -operation. The
merchants and IniAiness men ,c,ii C103 -
ing a poultry course at Exeter.
St. Marys and • Clinton Interindtl-
iates played a fast ephibition
game here last Wednesday night,
the' gated ending 6 to 7 in favor of
the locals.. The ice W05 hard and the
play was very fast. Both teams were'
swift skaters ,and when one team scot,:
ed the other would come right back
to even it up. The crowd was not
very large, and the boys were a bit
disappoirtted because they were fig-
uring on a good gate to settle some
of their bills.
ton should co-operate with each othet, • The goal tenders for each team
to give the best service to their pat:, 'tur'ned in a good game. Foe. the lo -
rens, the business men of town should calMleEwan, Roberton and ICennedy
ceeoperate with the fanning commute played stellar roles. StMary's whole
ity: He said his experience was that .teata turned in the best exhibition
the fanners. from the surrounding they have given' this 'season. 'The
conpnunity liked Clinton as a town in lineups were as follows:
which to do business. If they felt St. ,Marys:Goal, Graham; defence,
Baptist Church
Service at seven • o'clock on
Sunday evening. The Rev. R. B.
Giacie will preach, his subject being:
"Glorious ,Gospel."
Sunday school, and week night ser-
vices as usual.
Wesley -Willis United Church
Sunday Sermons:. brorning: "The
Spirit a the Age and the CrOSS."
Evening: The third saying from the
Cross: "Woman behold thy son, Son
behold they mother:"
The Women's Association will
bold their regular meeting on March
6th at three o'clock at the home of
Mrs. C. J. Wallis. •
Presbyterian Church
The morning sermon subject will
be: "The7Man who Never Grew Old."
Evening: "A Generous Soldier."
The mid -week service will be held
at the home cif I*. R. A. Roberton,
Onthrio street, on Wednesday at 8
The Mission Band will meet in the
church basement an Monday evening,
March 4th, at seven o'clock. The W.
A'. will meet in the same place at
eight o'clock.
, Ontario Stieet United Church
The minister's morning subject:
"Reaching the Unreached." Even-
ing: "A Young Man's Questions: Of
What Character shall my Amuse-
ments be? What is the proper as-
sociation of men and women? What
shall I read? What shall be my life
Work?" •
Services will be held• every night
during • Passion week, leading tip to
Easter Sunday. Everyone will be
cordially welcomed -at these services.
The Ladies' Aid will bold •its reg-
ular meeting in the church lecture
room. on Wednesday afternoon, March
Oth, at half past two.
that tile busines.' peeple "Neere anakmg Sandercott and- Richardson; wings:
it possible for them to, do it here to Stevens and. Dunne'. centre,Stevens.
their advantage they would come in Subs: Jones and
.nver-increasing numbers. He gave Clinton: Goal,' Elliett; 'defence,
air instance -of what he meant by' CO' Geyenlock and Nediger; wings, Rob-
operatiori, A business man eriPreach- ertaa and Kennedy; 'centre, Kawan; come, and hoped his relations with
partment' of the creamery could be
ed him to see if the.creara teSting de-
subs, Elliott and Little.• Mr. M1acfar1ane would be as cordial
St. MarYs boys weconceded ae they were with hie predecessor.
He wished the congregation all, spir-
itual and material blessings. Mr.
John McDonald, elder from Tontstoiwn
'welecimed 11Ir.• lVfaefarlane, and' Mr.
John Gray, • chairman 'of Managers,
made a ,witty ;speech, -Violin solos
were giVen by Mr. Thonia,s Graham.
The meeting closed with the National
Mies Isabel 'Chen:inn made; a ,tery'
Charming little widow, wil) wept
most, pathetically bet who looked ae
if she might bo tomforted before the
evening was deer. ' '
The spinning wheel, the grandfath.
er's .clock and the melodeon on the
platform were objects of much in-
terest; as was -the actual aphming cai
the wheel, by Mrs.
"The induction of Rev. Alfred
Macfarlane, M.A., B.D., into the pas-
toral charges of Englehart and Toms -
town, took plaee in St. Paul's Pres-
byterian church, Englehart, -on Thurs-
day evening, Feb. 7th. The Presby-
tery was represented by Rev. W. N.
Ferguson, Huntsville. and Rev. W. L.
Atkinson, of Burks Falls. The ser-
mon was preached by .Rev. W. N.
Fe '
rguson who also addresed the
minister, the induction vows were put
by Rev. W. L. Atkinson, and the
address to the congregation. Follow-
ing the signing cif the formula by
Rev. Macfarlane, he retired and was
robed in a silk Geneva gown, and con- 1
ducted back into -the church by Mrs.
C. H. Powell and' Mrs, Thomas
; At the conclusion of the ser'
vice, the congregation and friends re-,
paired to the basement, where a boun-
tiful sePper was preitared by the Lad-
les' Aid. Short addresses were given
by the Members of. Presbytery, and'
the newly ' inducted minister.-
A. Gillies, of the .United Church,' ex-
presed his pie:Mein at the settlement
cit Mr, Macfarlane, and spoke of the
cordial relations between the to con
gergations.. • Mr: Gillieshad con-,
ducted' united rVices for the past
three Sundays, and had read the edict
of induction at two servicet, probably
the first time.that an ediet.for the
induction of a Presbyterian minister
had been read, and certified by a min-
istercre the United Church. Rev. C,
B. Harris,'the Anglican minister, al-
so addressed ',1 'few words of wet -
Miss Winnifred Jervis is engaged
' at the V.Piii3 Milinery fax 'the spring
St, Paul's Sunday school ehildren
had a pleasant sleighride, followed
by a supper in the sehoel room, on
Friday afternoon.
Mr, Ephraim Brown has purchased
the farm of, 7,03. Richard Gooier .on
the lith concession of Hellett,,, just
West of •Londenbore.
There will be a meeting of the
Ladies' Bowling Club In the rest room
at three o'clock on Friday afternoon.
A full attendance is requested:
The sale of horses held at the Hen-
ry farm, the Huron road, on Tuesday,
was well attended and all the car of
horses disposed of at fair prices.
Mr.' H. J. Aitkin brought this ear
of horses from the west.
Messrs. S. G. Castle and Jabez
•Rands report seeing a robin this
morning just back of this block,
There's a tang e1f spring in the air
and this is probably a scout, went ;
forward to spy out the land and re-
port -
kept open ; Saturday'. evening. He;
asked how -many tvoiiM be likely to.
bring "crevaln. • 'in .Saturday ',evening,
The business' man mini& ,enly .nenne
two, but lie thoughttvee, perhaps
others would -' dome, Sq ConSerited:
Coloperaittn, ;he believed, Would 're-,
stilt, in inutualbenefit and eatisfac-
'Representative,- besides leading , the.
"singinglitid 'thus Helping to mike the ,
affeir' go "off Pleteaiintly, gave am,
'excellent -little talk .on.econinnical'and,
imeionerniealWays of:tea:king; a:11V-•
kg. •• Ile sited robbersbrink bandit's
otc.,,, as belonging. to, the clasp of,
those:Who ,gained .an .uneeenemical.,
lilting, their efforts proving e,xpensive.
to (Allot's, and all Who made a litring.
withent giiring anything 'in return,
werein this *urreconomicid class, '1/0
oitgd the miner, farmer and manufac-
.tiver,.. to which others Might be ad-
ded, ,as being emilornical, feeteriCas,
their efforts could notbedartied„ 013
'Without benefitting other:a, The worker;
who was , doing something. Wlifeli•
dud ti the common . good Was the.
most ',110eful Worker. Hie .end., Was
also; co-operatien,. the 'Working, to-
gether -bY all 'so that,all belle"
The„ eh* were very well pleased,
13Y •the :restifts of their efforts -there
beingVery' few :seats ",:untaken when
theperformance' began:, Tho ' ernes"
teceiptS' amounted to ;8204.00,
But, honest, now, Weeld you 'like, te
see thewemen go ,back tohoot-rho--
ties and long";skirts? •,1•••••
to be the , best bunch of sports and
gentleinen 'that 'the Chaim team has
had ,the pleasure of playing with.
After the 'game the ;St. Marys. and
'Clinton .boys were entertained at;
banquet put on by' tile managethent
of the, intermediate club. The spread
'Harry Bartliff put :on; was:;a.fealthei
itt tap,, and it Surely aeon Aida*,
neared' from before the hinigry playon
,ribehanquet ended, theCigars smoked
and ;the speecheS all given; everybody,
Went lidine happy. The ,Clinton boys,
agreed-tit:it the management was the
,best they: - have p1ayed under f or ;
'dumber o ,Yeitra 00(1 hop they have
the .plensure of Playing ,under thein
The prospects for ,hooltey
here;nextsenson looks very good and
ofter,,,the ,goed,,,exhibition of hockey
the ,Interittediee.- 01u. turned in, all
• seas* there ier,io 4oehtbet, whet the
kronelewill belerger:at every genie
1tere. next, ,year;•., ;.The factories: that
aro 1...)ah1g tigirt6ip1.04e4..hekti laaik,eg 14
113: 05 it lo.i_.ghtlyikpassi.ms,t.0
give ;eniPleypent 40 SOInebtore our'
130YS;;•ttrite.'haVelialef.te'leriVe teWtil3e.;
eamee, ,:there,:wa wok 110t7 for
0101, and .;;',./.0 will belle ;they Will. he.
01.31e to play here. Ineta•year(„andpet*,0
`Godeirich Townshi;i
On 'Friday evkiing, last a soleial in
•aid of the Ladies'- Aid of thekhurch,
was held at 1103. John Tebbutt's,
TebbettM home is 'ideal fer such a
gathering' and an interesting pro -
was given. The orchestra ren-
dered some' beautiful nelections.
Messrs., Les.; „peareon and Charlie
Wilson sang duets, very'bripressive.
reading on "The Ladie$' Aid," was
read by Miss Marion Jcales and Miss
lerbert sang sweetly " 0 Tell
me that- You,Love Me*" while 1VIliss
• Graec .Tebbatt acted as an able ac-
°timpanist. x,or tim musical, selections
throughout evening. • Rev. Mr,
Herbert performed the •duties of
chairman in his usual graceful style.
people contributed 0:6"WrotislY,
and a goodly sum was. raised.
The handsome silver cup donated
by Mr. T. Marshall, rink manager,
for the best speed on skates, WRES won
by Wilber Cudmore and is noW`bn
M Johnson's jewelery store.
window. It is suitably engraved ada.:
is a handsome trophy,
Mr. C. E. Elliott, who has been
connected with ,it for some year, has
purchased outright the Herein dairy
farm and stock and will continue the
business, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott
have made many friends sinee matting
to Clinton, who wish them success in
their enterprise. .
Miss Pope, deaconess of the Upper
Canada Tract Society Mission to Sail-
ors is in -town this week Elalioiting
funds for their work. This miisiort
has been carried on for ninety-six
years, putting librarks on boats,
sending reading matter to isolated.
light house keepers and ether work
of a like nature. •
Tomororw, Friday; afternoon a
meeting for farmers will be held ie
the office of the Agricultural Rep-
resentative, when matters relatirig to
marketing, grading, pools, eta, will
be discussed by Messrs!, McCurdy ane
GilroY, Toronto, and Foster, London,
The meeting, open to all farmers,
eommenees at twt, in the afteilneou.
Tuckersmith Township
The Tuekersmith Ladies' Club held.
,a very enjoYable box social in dos
school house last Friday evening.
Mr. G, Crich made a capable
chairman and 411e following privrare
was given; Ilitale quartette by married
men; reading, l\4r8.. F, ToWfiSend;
s010., Verne Terryberry; recitation,
Greg. McGregor; male quartette,
young men; pantomine, "Wanted 15
Wiife,"; reading, Mrs. It, Pear, Ins-
promptu speeches were given by 0.
6. O'Brien and Newman Garrett.
Varied and: wonderful were the de• -
ematiens on the boxes,, and an en-
joyable soeial I3:415 was spent.
belVitsentri. aftPinalgiiniiL dd• aegIrterul',"11freigs. ha".
and Mrs, El'od PePner enter
tained a number of friends very hoe -
1 pitably on Tuesday teneotiig. ,