HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-02-21, Page 8CLINTON'S LEADING_ IEWELE1 Y STOt eYES titAlsgiNW Tho sow instruments for eye` e amination make a perfect ding'-. nos's: possilbe--colpo 7iere, by all means for a FREE •examination to make sure. of your eyesight. Doi neglect your eyes --no instrument 1, is more delicate or precious than' thr+ human eye., R„ H. 'JRN ....N. Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next Bovey's Drug Store Ociosoreinowaragemmoraft II/E4 In I ON COLD WEATHER MERCHANDISE . Overcoats, Sweaters, Windbreakers, Mackinaw Coats, Heavy. Rubbers,' Galoshes, Fleece -lined and Wool.: Underwear, Mitts and Gloves, Flannels and Flannel Shirts Etc. all at pricesreduced beyond anything we have ever before undertaken. A Real Price slashing Event that represeintii a bimeseedegeteeXee in the purchase of these articles. 25 Men's and Boyi;''"Over`Coats to choose front at wholesale prices and many of them at less. _ • Penman's and:Velvatine Fleeced -lined' Underwear for men at 75c for Boys at 49e. Cotton Military flannel shirts, good fitters, long wearers, Regular 41.00 and $1.25 for 85e, Wool Flannel Shirts, from -SI -19 up* HEAVY WOEK RUBBERS -Clearing prices on all lines. ,Men's $2.49 up. Boy? $2.15 up. - ' WOMEN'S GAYTEES—Sand; Beige or Black, the balance of our stock of these lines, Regular :$2.75; Clearing price, $2.15. ' MANY OTHER LINES TO CHOOSE FROM COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER Plurnsteel Bros. Gol enOpp rtu for. the Month of Februasy Ive are putting on a e jaue Sale. ®fPrlgµd t!` Furniture At Prices that are Botta to Interest you Look over this Partial List and Judge for Yourself • 9 -PIECE VERY LARGE SOLID WALNUT DINING ROOM _SUITE. ,REGULAR PRICE $225,• FEBRUARY SALE PRICE . . , ...... • .. 9 -PIECE SWELL 11IASSIVE DUCCO FINISHED SOL- ID 'W'ALNUT DINING ROOM SUITE, REG. $215 $175 $185 FEBRUARY SALE PRICE ALSO ABDUCTIONS ON ALL MINING ROOM -SUITES IN STOCK • THEN FOR BARGAINS IN. CHESTERFIELD SUITES THESE.ARE ALL .BRAND NEW STOCK AND WITH EVERY CHESTERFIELD : SUITE SOLD DURING FEBRUARY 'WE WILL GIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE, YOUR CHOICE OF FLOOR OR BRIDGE'LAMP OR CHESTERFIELD OR :.END TABLE VALUED AT $11.00. A. BETE NES UNE • f111 E 3l3 ttil72Nf S IIrIE `ON WHICH YOu WILL SAV i ROM<i6 :I9 liEttUtIST WE HAVE A REAL BARGAIN WAITING FOR YOU IN A I►ROEHLER 3 -PIECE DIVANETTE SUITE COVERED IN A GOOD GRADE OE TAPES- TRY WITH REAL GOOD MATTRESS. BIRCH WAL- NUT FRAME, VERY REASONABLE AT $75.00 RIC . ... $65.00 FEBRUARY SALE • I' Come in Earlyand Get Your Choice while the Bargains lost, as this will be a Real Chance to .get New and Nifty furniture for Your Home Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co FUNERAL DIRECTOR° MONUMENT DEALERS THE STORES WITH A STOCK' Hardware 195 Furniture Phone: 104 .T DidYou ever borraw i Watez' nnan Pen and have tho owner 0;e11 you how much !he thought of it, how long he had it and how well it., had served him,? Wo have heard a similar ;story many times. ''-Didn'4, you wish that you had one you could talk about Get ohne in your pocket to -day and in twenty years you will be. tailing the samestoy to the pee .plo to whom you lend it. Wet 2rman's ink adds to the efficien- cy of Wate man's Pen or any' other pen, free from sediment, Will flow freely and neve clog, it is packed in neat boxes and in sbveral sized bottles.' ItI was Mr. Waterman who taught the world 'how to carry ink in the ,Apocket ready for immediate_ writing, me W. D. Fair Ca. Often the -Cheapest--Always the Best • 1��i(���;1H111Puu�a a�n nmu�ui utt i-Isl�'If]��IJP� Dire Jim Chowen is in Toronto this week'. Miss Gwen, Holmes is visiting in Toronto. Mies Agnes Comlie is visiting rela- tives in St. Thomas. Misses Isabel and Alice Beeitie heee returned after a little holiday. `" Mr. Walace Wheatley was ap from Woodstoelt`visiting his mother, who is very ill. Mu. and Mrs, Frank Layton • spent last week visiting with, relatives In the vicinity of Mitchell. Mr, Harold Aitken of Neelin, Man,, is visiting at the ,home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Fisher, Mill street, Miss Ida Walkinshaw leaves' today for Toronto, where she will spend a littleholiday witin her sister., Mrs. Helen Quinn has returned to Toronto after spending soma time with her sisters 11f'rs, W. T. Here r� Winn. Mr. and Mrs. iiurlburt,`of Barrie are the guests of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Chaim E. Carbin. Me G. H. Elliott was in London yesterday attending the funeral of a ntenubny ig glq executive of the Canada Life Co. ' Miss R. V. Irwin visited with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and M'rs:' . Chas. Vesey of Fullerton, -over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hawkins and Mas- ter Jack are in Hamilton this week, Mr. Hawkins attending a 'conven- tion of the hardware men. Musses Jean and Eleanor Plumsteei wore up from London over the weekend hod remained for the funeral 'of Mks. H. Pe Plumsteel on Tuesday. Mire. Fred Buckingham and Master Norman of Stratford spent the week -end as the gueste of the for- nner's aunt, : Mrs, Annie Parker, Mill street, Clinton. Mr, J. W. Whittingham of Herschell Sash., who has. been speridirig coup1 e d £ his with wr£ e at WATCHOUR WINDOW FOR DISPLAY . OF $35.40 Suits or Spring Overcoats, made to p your individualmeasure for only 0 I the home of :her Mother, Mrs. Ar- gent, ,left for home last Thursday. Miss Jane Gilchrist, who has been in Saginaw, Mieh., for several years, has returned•to Clinton and intende. making her home with her sister. Hiss Gilchrist's friends welcome her back to the old town. Mus. Jackson of Windsor hnd Mr. Pe Cardwell of St. Paul visited their father, .Mr,- We Cardwell of town, -who is quite ill, last week. Mr. 'Ed. Cardwell of Detroit is now visiting his .home in "town. Mrs.' J. H. Eraser, of Regina spent part of last week visiting Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Medd and Mr, and Mrs. W. Hiles of town, She'left Saturday far Toronto, whore she and her daughter will spend the remainder of the winter, returning to their home in the west in, the spring: Mr. and : Mrs. Chas. Upslall of Gilroy, Sask., .visited their aunt,' Mrs. Chambers, over the week -end. Mss. Chambers has been confined to the house owing to illness since; before Christmas .but her friends are pleased to know she is now int - proving. Huron Road East Miss Oliva'Sprnng"spent the week- end with her cousin, Miss Sadie Ban. Tr. and Mrs. Ernest Vanderburgh nderbu r&h spent the week -end with friends in Goderieh township. Mr. Wes. Nott shipped a car load Of hogs to Kitchener.last week. Mrs: Orville, Philips is spending a few days with 'friends at Auburn. _Tho friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mss, Ernest Vauderburgh assem- bled at their home on Tuesday even- ing last and presented' them with a miscelaneous shower. Games and dancing were indulged in, until the wee small flours, This oiler 'will DAVIS Albert Street for ane month be��o v Clinton, Ontario E CC,INTON-NEWS RECORD CLINTON'S 816 CORNER, GIZOCERY TUI11,t;'1 D v,. h'EI3RUA.R .' ,21, 1 Uflh4L4iB9C EEk: Big Orange Week and Marmalade Sale Large, Size 39c. weetJuicy Oranges per dozen; 25c Fruito Jelly Powder, 3 for i\fcLaren's Jelly Powder, 4 for: , Lard, 3 Ib: pail ... , Clark's Soup, 3 cans 1 Can Peas, 1 Can Corn . 2 cans Tomatoes . • . 23c 25c 55c 29c. 25c 25c SPECIAL TOR SATURDAY Large' Marmalade Jar .. 33c Picnic Hams,' fresh, lb. 20c Schneider's Sausage ..,. . 25c Breakfast Bacon, lb. 30c GRANULATED SUGAR Special Price by the sac); 'Saturday, Dates, 2 lbs,':..... . "22c, Walnuts; per lb. . 49e Se;idless Raisins, 2 lbs . -23c MARMALADE WEEK Assortment of Black Currant Jelly, Pineapple and Orange Marmalade, regular at 30c, to clear at 25c Lux, 3 pkgs... 29e Ammonia, 3 pI'egs 25e Syrup, 5 lb. ^pail 33e Mince pleat, per lb, .. 10e Lease "Macaroni; 2 lbs.:;........ '21c' Kraft Cheese, 2' lbs. for. >... Ungraded .PrnuneS; 2: lhw. 1 six quart Enameled" Kettle, Containing 1 Ivory Bar' 2 Guest Soap 4 P. &G. Soap .2 Gold Soap . _ a 1 Oxydol (large Size) 'Limited Number of Kettles REGULAR VALUEB $2.00 ON SALE FOR $1:29 in Assorted Colors ` ' (Mrs. D. E: Ross, California) ;, Dissolve 2 tablespoons KneiecGeIa tine. in Mt eup of cold water, add eup boiling water and stir well; add juice SALAD . . of 1 lemon and 1 tablespoon• sugar and set aside to cool. When the Gel- atine is almost, jellied -add 1 full cup grated cheese andee pint of whipped ereanit and Paprika.; also you: neayadd i tanned, Pineapple, Nuts andi White • Cherries; mould and serve witlh inay- oniase. IN THE MORNINGLFIRST DELIVERY 9 a.m. IN THE AFTERNOON FIRST DELIVERY. ?,730 p Cash and Service �. ®.:. ® 0' N e 11 WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS'-'4'PIUCE PREVAILS s • ORDER EARLY. Phone 48 FANCY SUN MAID RAISIN LOAF Coffee Cake,' Tasty Buns WHOLE WHEAT a • nd SNOWFLAKE -BREAD HUNT'S CHOCOLATES 'The Better Kind" Ve ib., 1 lb, and 2 ib. boxes Wendorf's Bakery "Makers of Sneewflake Bread" Manufacturers' Sale On account of going o'ut of .the toy's Clothing business we offer the balance of _our Boys Stock at prices below cost. Boys Suits $3.60 to $4.00, 10, 11, 12 years. Boys Lined BIoomers, 750 to $1.00. Boy's unlined bloomers, 50e to $1.00 Also a quantity of Tweeds at 65e to $1.00 per yd. . Sale starts SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16th at our factory- at 10 a.m. Clinton Mfg. Co.. 01-2-p TM GOVERNMENT SHOULD HAVE BETTER REASON. Be it Known UNTO ALL MENNE AND WO MENNE THAT YE OLDS TYME CONCERTE Auspices of We"sley-W,iliis Choir WILL BE HOLDEN IN THE IM- MENSE TOWN HALLE WHICH IS SITUATE IN YE CEN- TRE OF YE TOWNE. en Ye 22nd day of the 2nd Month of Ye Present Year (Feb. 22) The Front doors will be unbarred and' the Concerto will Begin past 'Jarlie Candle Lyte, about the this ye clock strikes Eight. There will. be Speakin' and Singin' Pieces, Musik with Mirth.. Ye Cost to obtain a Sittin in ye ladle will be Fifth) Pieces of Copper b$onie, All Seats reserved, See Plan at Fair's Admission 50c and 26c. The Dominion Govermmenit is with- drawing the grant which has been given during the past ten years for technieal education, giving as a rea- son a plearof economy. If technical •education -is any use, training young people fa ,heir 'life; work, surely we can' hardly, pidad poverty in 'refusing to' support; it. Canada spends many millions of dollars annually promot- ing thisand that, often ,of 'question- able value,, surely we can afford tp give our y¢ung men and women need.t$. ed training for their future wage- earning years. To train the young people to he useful' citizens would ap- pear to be; one of the wiseet ants on the part of any government. The Gov- ernment .:made no 'complaint that technical kchoole: were, not efficient or were not doing the work Which they were; intended to do, the sole plea was ',poverty. Wo spend a lot of money each year training young men and women' for the professions, which is till right and gond policy. But we should not begrudge ,paying out something to give' other young people who choese'to turn their at, tention to the trades, a chance to perfect themselves in the work they have c There is certainly. chern. T some excuse for the charge which is sometimes: made that education edu- cates the young people away form the farm and the skilled trades into the professions. 'Jlio''technical schools and the agricultural colleges helped to remedy:this. If such schools were not a success, if they failed of their purpoes, they might be improved. But we need a better -excuse than that we ":cannot afford to support them before they arra abandoned, WOMEN WANTED At Women's Birthday Banquet THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Ontaria Street United Church • To Celebrate 40 years W.M.S. Activities. Admission: 40c (one rent for every year.) SUPPER AT 6 P.M. GOOD PROGRAM- OF MUSIC SPEECHES, ETC. SECURE TICKETS EARLY 02-1. COAL Hard. and Soft Coal and Coke in Stock. Carload of Alberta Coal to arrive this week. Get Our Prices. W. J. MILLER & SON. Orders taken at residence. Ontario St. PHONES: 46w and 46j YOUR METAL ROOFING NOW Pay for it Next June Call and Get Prices Agent for Renfrew Cream Separator and Seseea.r Have the agency for Miller' Incub- ators and Brooders, ald-o Royal Brood- er stoves and Incubators. Order early so as to be prepared or your early clucks. HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 WHERE TITRIFT MEETS QUALITY" FEBRUARY SPECIALS Fresh Broken Sodas, 3 lb. 29c "tinned Tomatoes, 2 tins.. 29c Individual Tom., 4 tins., 25e Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs... 25c Canned Corn, 2 for ..... , 25e Canned- Peas, 2 for ..... 26e Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. 29c Syrup, 5 lb. pail ........ 83e Airy Fairy. Cake Flour (1 pkg, free) 45c Baking Powder, 1 tin 19e Dried Apples, 2 lb. • 25e, Marmalade, large . • Ras. & St. Jany, pure• tweet Pickles, (qt.) . Special B. Tea, per 1&.. -. Pan Cake Flour, pkg. 10 Gran. Sugar Peameal Rall, per lb. .. , Er. Bacon, piece, lb. 14IcLaren's Jelly Powder, 4 pkgs.. Oranges, per doz. 19e, 30e, Bitter "Oranges, doz. "LENTEN SPECIALS" ' 36e 49e 49e 69e 20eee 60e 250 30e 25e 40c GOc Fresh Salmon, ib. 20c Fillets of Iladdie, lb.'" .. 20e Fresh Halibut, lb 30e Finnan Haddie, lb. 20e Fresh frozen Herring per dos. 40e LOOK! Six qt. enamelled kettle, colored, 1 pkg. Oxydol, 2 Guest iv- ory, Livery (Med.), 4. P de G. Soap, 2 Gold Soap - . .$1.29 ALL FOR '+' L. LA ON 62 CO, Phone ono one one Prompt Delivery C01.1aIlMaierMINIONEIM.011041.1.II. 1.1.10,1[0.1.11 A, Million Thrills For The Millions . NOW EVERYONE CAN HAVE A GENUINE SPARTOkf EQUASONNE $266.00 EQUASONNE CIRCUIT ALL ELECTRIC EIGHT TUBE LeY1'tAMIC SPEAKER TWO POWER TUBES IN PUSH-PULL ILLUMeN- ATE» SINGLE DIAL, COMPLETE WITH TUBES $266 00, A promise fulfilled, A golden -voiced Sparton'EQUASONNE,M- strument within the means of milIionsl To the radio world, which recognizes Spartoznes'reveltttionary EQUASONNE circuit Is the greatest radio developer/tent. elute A. C. reception, this announcement of Model 930 is of vast import; and music lovers who have hoped and expected to own a Spartoxr EQAU SONI' E "some day" will receive it with even greater amazement and delight. It makes that "Some day" NOW. Worthy of its name is this latest addition to the Spartoe line . a true EQUASONNE With all the amazing qualities. that have, made Sparton the_eensation of,the'radie world. utter-& Percitte PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING Phone 147w. 1 1311E GROCERIES t; What We mein by Pm Groceries When, we say ,'Pure Groceries', we, mean that we seat only pro - dada that tan pass the most rigid government testa for purity antJ: whaleaomeziess. Wo believe that our ciz`stomers" are entitled to this protection Iauy your groceries: laeie° TliE C. & 5. GROCERS Branch 125i Main 12