The Clinton News Record, 1929-02-21, Page 5•
AIt t 21; '1;I2ff
Have you Studio Photos of the
Children pf'lthe fsnuly orrfather and
mother better not put it of any lbi g-
gr but coins into; ray Studio; and hav:et loins good Portraits .made by ne+'r,. expect t4' 'elinton Studiveryoonnow. So iwatchthts spacfor opening day.with 'specialPnee
It- will'pay You
Clinton end Mitchell
The Safe Way'
HE home is ` rio place, for valuable
papers—neither is your office. 'or, a
small suns you can have the protection of
a Safety Deposit . Box behind the steel
doors of our vault.
Your personal inspection is invited.
The *title safe place far wills; bonds, stocks, dear,
policies. family Sellers, sinsll jewellery, etc,
The .I Bank
of Canada
Clinton Branch - - R. E. Manning, Manager
Have you included -seed cleaning in
your program for this month? •A
'busy',fanning mill at this -time of the
-year is quite seasonable. If you vis-
it your neighbour and find 'him pre.-
re-paring seed grain for the spring.
What is your impression? Mot lik-
ely you. will feel that you have a real
Progressive farmer for a neighbour.
Spring seeding very often comes with
a rush. We all realize how impor-
tant it is to get on the land as soon
as it is ready. If proceedings are
held up in the, midst of seeding to
,Glean grain the chances are that it
'will be cleaned in a very hurried way;
in some cases showing little improve-
ment, Then too we sometimes find
that most of the grain has been fed
and the amount left is just sufficient
for seed requirement tnaking-it im-
possible to clean torch of the poorer
light shrunken cgrain out lest there
be a shortage for seed. If your grain
requires one, two or three cleanings
before it is fit for sowing this is
the right time to begin. •
A five bushel increase in oats( bar-
ley and mixed grain will go far to -
/Revd paying the taxes on the average
farm, How do we get the five bush-
el increase? The fanning mill will do
-it, -Sone practical fariners say that
the fanning milt used properly would
, 'produce ten bushels increase instead
1 of five bushels.
What the Ontario Agricultural
College has found out --about grain
Average of seven years experi-
mentd with oats.- Other grains gave
very similar results:_„
Large plump seed yielded sixty-two
bus. per acre?
Medium plump seed yielded fifty-
four bus. per acre. •
Stnall'• seed yielded forty-six bus.
per acre. -
iluron County grows in, t r neigh-
borhood of 200,000 acres of oats, bar-
ley and ;nixed grain annually which
yields around thirty-six 'bushels per
acre, Five bushels per •acre in-
crease at fifty cents would mean.
$500,000 extra farm revenue.
The loss through sowing weed
seeds is known to be very heavy alt
over the Dominion. Growers may
not sow them intentionally but if they
-are sowing anything less than the'
very highest grade they are likely tq
be sowing some weed seeds. . The
lower the grade the greater the pos-
sibility of getting noxious weeds.
Much of the home grown small seeds
are sown without being properly
cleaned: The law forbids the'offer-
ing of ungraded seed for sale. It is
in the interests of every farmer to
sow clean,' well graded seeds and
grains as this is the first step in the
fight for :the control of noxious
weeds. From the seed' drill survey
conducted lest spring throughout the
entire province there were many lots
ost everyone
XPENSE is no longer au obstaclep for Pontiac has introduced Big Six
quality and performance into the low.
priced six -cylinder field.
Now alubset everyone can enjoy, at'low
cost, the p easures of Big Six ownership
the surge of power from a Big Six
engine with 'G-M.R high -compression
cylinder head, balanced crankshaft and
]harmonic Balancer . . the speed and .
smoothness of Big Six` performance .�
the luxury of big, roomy Fisher Bodies'.;;
with their -modish and massivebeauty,
-their rich upholeteries and appoint-
inents . . the safety of interital•expand-
ing four-wheel brakes and the
comfort of Lovejoy IAydraulie Shock '
We a Big Six and a Bigger value.
See it at`oar showroom! , v.'s -2.29e
Member of Florist Telegraph' delivery
For All' Occasions, Sent Anywhere.
Our Greenhouse:`. 'e a near as your
r • phoneC��pp ,�,,� .'
hase V. Cooke`
. Two Phones -66w and 66j
of seeds found to; be fool with weed
seeds, ' Thp 'discriminating buyers
cannot afford to, purchase them, as
they know it is impossible to • clean
such seed up to the standard required.
by the Canadian "Seed Control Act.
These rejected lots constitute a real
menace to Agriculure,:as too often;
contrary to law; they are peddled ov-
er the back fence and a new crop of•
weeds scsvn. While this practice is
illegal it is impossible to check up on
individual selling in the country. To
guard himself against such a risk,
the farmer should take advantage of
the services offered by the Dominion
Government laboratories • and before
sowing a pound of ungraded seed
should have it tested. If a suitable.
sample cannot be obtained from the
home grown grain then it is advisable
to purchase from some farmer who is
making a spcialty .of growing good
grain for seed of standard varieties,
If you bane to buy seed the time tej
look after it is now, as there is a big
demand for good seed.
—G. R, Paterson, Agr. Rep,
SMYTH—In Clinton General Hospit-
'al, on January 25th, 'to Mr. and-
- Mrs. C. B. Smyth, a son.—Robert
John. '
CHARLES --At Victoria Memorial
• Hospital, Toronto, on Feb. 12th, to
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Charles, for-
merly Lillian Hutchings, a daugh-
GRIFFIN—At Kew Beach Private
Hospital, Toronto, on Feb. 9th, to
Mr, and Mrs. J P. Griffin, 'for-
merly Ethel Govier, a so'n--Fitter
PLUMSTEEL—In Clinton, on Feb.
17th, Effie Rathwell, wife of H. P.
Plumsteel, -
t?Alli-ln loving memory of Knox,
son of M1. and Mrs. ',George Moir,
who passed away Feb. 18th, 1027,
aged 4 years.
"Safe in the arm's of Jesus,
Safe on Iiis gentle breast."
Kr. II. P. Plunisteei and family
wish to express their sincere appre-
ciation of the kindness and sympathy
shown thein in their sudden and
crushing bereavement, for floral tri-
butes sent and all assistance and
kindness extended to thein.
Wanted ,
A ratan for 8 or 12 months-. Mar-
ried man preferred. A. E. TOWS -
phone 6011,15, 02-12.
For Sale
Some good ewes, one Holstein heif-
er, springing, a dark grey percheron
colt, rising two years, and a few
good turkey hens. Apply to Harold
Penhale, Bayfield, , phone 5-78, Hen-
sall central. '02-1.,
' Farm For Sale
118 acres, lot 84 and part 85, the
Iluron road, (paved highway) il mile
west of Mohnesvillei school, church
and railway station. 8-robnt house,
barn 50x55 ft., driving • shed hen
house and pig pen all in good repair.
About 30 acres of this farm, with the
buildings, that lying north of the
railway, will be sold separately if
desired, balance good pasture land.
Apply to Miss Elizabeth Ford or to
F. G. Ford, Box 363, .Clinton, Phone
39. • - • 02-tf.
Make More -Money
Selling our Fruit trees, Berry bush-
es, hardy Flowering Shrubs, Hedges,
Shade Trees, Rioses, Etc, Every
hgnc-owner is a prospect. We pay
liberal commission. Cash every,
week. Can place a few more good
men. Write to -day. E. A.. Smith
& Sons, Limited, Winona, ,Ontario.:
Hay and Pullets For Sale
Quantity of good clover and tim-
othy hay, welt saved, also 50 pure-
bread Rock pullets. Apply. to Fred
McCool, Londesboro, - Phone 28-14,'
Blyth central. 02-2.
Dogs, Must' be Registered
All dogs owned or harbored by'
Clinton residents , must be .registered`
with Chief Stong before March lst.
Bulls and Cockerels }Fair Sale
3 thoroughbred ' ,Hereford bulls,
from 10 to 14 months. old. :Also some
thoroughbred White Rock -;.cockerels,
Apply to 'Elliott Bros., R. X0. 1;
Bayfield: -; Phone 609141;" Clinton sen-
tray 02-3-p,
:Bare Por Sale
Earn -34x50,1• to `be removed -from
premises.:'Apply to W. A. Stanhnry,
London road, R. R. No. 5; Clinton.
,Pierre 69x?.3r Clinton central.
air leo. S far 19:29
of •the Town of `Clinton.
' HARRIS` CO2 pelt',
WHEREAS S�tevenspa,.. , Harris
Company Limited; a' Company incor-
porated' under the:Ontario Compan-
ies Act, has 'acquired the%business; of
manufacturers of hosiery' heretofore
carried on by Stevensoai Harris Com-
pany at the Town of Chilton and has
acquired the lands described in Sched-
ule "A" hereto and contemplates' the
erection upon the, said lands, of a
Knitting Mill or Factor
AND WHEREAS' the Oorporation
of the' Town of Clinton considers it
desiable to encourage the erection. of
the said £ae'tory and the extension of
the saidindustry by a grant o£,par=
tial exemption from taxation upon
the' `terms hereinafter set forth;
AND WHEREAS the whole rate-
able property of the Town of Clinton
according to the last. revised assess-
ment roll of the said Town, being
the' assessment roll for- the year 1928
$845493 00 •.
AND WHEIIEA,S the :-existing and
authorized ;debenture debt '.4' the
"said.Town of Clinton is the sum of
$262,557.36, of: which no part either
of principal or'of. interest is in ar-
1. Upon the final passing and con-
firmation of this Bylaw the lands -
described in-Schedule°"A", which
lands are the property. of Stevenson
Harris Company, Limited, including
therewith all buildings, machinery,
plant and equipment which hereafter
may be erected thereon'or added
thereto shall be exempt from taxa-
tion for general purposes of the Cor-
' poration of the Town of Clinton up-
on any assessment in ,excess of two
thousand dollars for each year for the
term of ten years commencing on the
first day of January ono thousand
nine hundred and twenty-nine and
ending on the thirty' -first day of De-
cember one thousand nine hundred
and thirty-eight and the said lands
and appurtenances shall be assessed
for such general purposes at the fix-
ed sunt of, Two thousand dollars dur-
ing the said term of ten years..
PROVIDE$ ALWAYS that the said
premises shall not be wholly exempt
from Business Assessment but that
during the said term for the afore-
said` general purposes the Business
Assessment in respect. thereof shat
n the said fixed ts-
nttlu o
be computed ec p
ses-sment and not upon the assess-
ment 118 determined in the regular
that such exemption from taxation
and such fixed assessment shall not
apply to School Taxes or Local Im-
provement Rates, if any, and for
School Taxes and I,.gcal Improvement
Rates the said lands shall bo assessed
in the regular way.
2, This By -Law shall not come m-
to force or bo of any effect whatso-
ever until the sante shall have been
approved by the ratepayers of the
Town, of Clinton in accordance -with
the provisions of The Municipal Act
referring to Money By -Laws, and
this By -Law shall conte into force and
effect from and after the final pas-
sing thereof.
3. The votes of the electors of the
said Municipality qualified to vote
on this 13y -Law shall be taken on
Monday, the 4th day of March, 1929,
commencing at nine o'clock in the
forenoon and continuing until five
o'clock itt the afternoon at the fol-.
lowing places within the mtnicipal-
ST. ANDRIEW'S WARD at the Towtt
Hall, Albert Street, �G, E. Sav-
ille, Deputy Returning Officer,
Guy Hicks, Poll Clerk.
ST. JAMES:. WARD at the Sample
Rooms, south of the Rattenbury
House, Victoria Street, A. F.
Cudmore, Deputy. Returning Of-
ficer, R. B. Fitzsimons, Poll
ST. JOHN'S WARD at a3. B. Levis,
Office, Isaac Street,' Glen Cook,
Deputy. Returning Officer, 3. B.
Levis, Poll Clerk.
Cameron's Shop, Huron Street,
S. J. Andrews, Deputy Return-
ing Officer, H. . D. Cameron,
Poll Clerk.
4..On the 2nd day of March, A.D.
1929, the Mayor of the said Town of
Clinton shall ,attend at the Clerk's
Office -ht the said Town of Clinton at
11 ,o'clock in the forenoon and ap-
point persons- to attend at the var-
ous Polling Places aforesaid, and at
the final summing up of the, votes
by the Clerk on behalf of the per -
ons interested in and promoting or
Opposing the passing of: this By-law,
5. The CIerk of the 'Said Town of
Clinton shall attend at his, office in
t e Town Hall in the said Town of
Clinton at twelve o'clock noon, on
Tuesday, the 5th. day of March, A.D.
1929, to sun; tip the nuniber of vote`s
given for'and against this fly -law.
DATED at the Council Chamber in:
the said Town of Clinton this 4th day,
of February, 1929.
Signed, H. B. Combe Mayor•
Signed, D. L. Macpherson, Clerk.
o.2- p: Clinton, Fe)).
'fake notice that the above is a
rue copy of a proposed'b'y-law which
as been taken` into consideration and
will be finally passed .-by the Muni-
ipal Council of the Town of Clinton
in the event of the •desent of the
electors' being,. obtained thereto)
ter one month front the.
lest publication' thereof itis The Clin-
ten News Record which first public
tion will take place ontho.7th day:
1929 d that the oto
f 11 ebruarv, an o v s
of the lectors wi11 be taken thereon
on , the day end at,,, the hours and
laces therein fined
D: L 1t 1acpl%.eeson,:;
"Pawn Clorfe
Tcwn' C1erk'e,0fficq,-
Who have .tt good market for• 0loese
and Dtlek feathers 'this'month .
,. We are. buyers of.;Eggs, Live..and'
Dressed! Poultry, o every' 'days- ran•••*
week;„ tliroughout••the` Yeear wiL .grrod'
prides, .. ..
Clin'toii Poultry House
N.W Trewartha
Phones Office 224I Rasi4ercea, 214w:.
Our sa,wmilttwiil Itei`set on S..S.
Cooper's; lot,.' behind the 'Foundry,
'Clinton, the coming spring.
We are in. the. market- for good
maple, elfin, basswood and ash logs.
Mr. W. T•: NedIger• will measure•
your togs and{'glee you your cheques-,
acquire regarding ',. prices of M'r.
Nediger• or. Of
Phone 626r4,'Clintencentral. 01 -tie
Insurance And Service
When you have signedonthe dot-
ted line, and paid your premium you
have demi your part, It is then. up
to the agent and the company he rep-
resents. -, '
We, aim to give' our clients efficient
service. In advice as to the policy.
best suited to their ,needs. In gener-
al information concerning insurance,
and in prompt settlement of"claims.
We write all :lines specializing at
this season in Automobile and Per-
sonal Accident Insurance.
Representing 25 leading British, Can-
adian and .American Companies.
P. 0, Box, 147. Phone, 253w
Sun Life Agency 02-tf,
Mr. Richard Gavier and daughter
wish to extend their sincere thanks to
the friends and neighbors for the
sympathy shown them in their recent
sudden and severe bereavement, for
flowers sent and all kindnesses
Farms For Sale
Lot 12, con. 3, Stanley Township,
consisting of 100 acres, There is on
the premises.a good two-storey brick
,a good
barn with
straw shed
httac ad, and
stabling underneath, im-
plement ]rouse, orchard, about 5 ac-
res of bush on a back corner of the
farm, through which runs a never -
failing spring creek, two never -failing
wells, one near the house the other
near the stable. The farm is in a
good state of cultivation.
Also lot 10, con. 4, Stanley town-
ship, consisting of 100 acres on which
there is a very good barn, and about
15 acres of bush. A never -failing
stream runs. across the back end of
this farm. Good for either grain or
Apply to Murray Gibson, Bruce -
field, executor for the Estate of the
late William Collins. 85.12.1
House For Sale
8 -room house, Rattenbury street,
west, good cellar, furnace, town and
soft water, small garden. Apply on
premises to 0. R. Taylor. 01-6.
Hay For Sale
20 tons of alfalfa hay for sale. Ap-
ply to Dr. Wm. F. Metcalf, Bay-
field. 01-2,
Chain Lost
On Huron road, between Holmes-
ville and aGoderich, a heayy truck
chain. Finder kindly communicate
with M. Stock, Holmesville. Phone
6Olrf4, Clinton central. 01-2-p.
"The Arrival of IiittY"
A play entitled "The Arrival • of
Kitty," will be put on the first week
in March under the auspices of the
local L. 0. L. Watch for particulars.
Baby. Chicks
'Hatched in the Huron M,a
the cleanest and healthiest hatching
machine going. Cleans the air from
the hatching trays before it • mixes
with the eggs by patented 'process.
Barred Rocks and White Leghorns..
Order early. No deposit required.
Price' guaranteed satisfactory ten
days before shipment, Custom
hatching $4:00 for one hundred; $15
for five hundred. Phone 97r4, Hen.-
ensail central. J. E. McKinley, Zur-
ich.' 01-10.
In the Estate of James Crich, .de -
Ceased, an& in
de-Ceased,.aaul-in the Estate of Eli-
zabeth Crich, deceased.'
A11 persons haying claims against
the Estates of James Crich, deceased
and Elizabeth Crich, deceased, or
either of. such estates and all persons
claiming to be . entitled to share in
any manner whatsoever'in the dis-
tribution of the said estates or either.
of thein 'are hereby notified and re-
quired, to deliver to ;Iddo Crich and
Gifford Crich, Administrators de bon -
is non with the Will annexed, of ,each
of the, said Estates, or to W. Bry-1
done, of Clintott, Onta'i*ic, their Sol-
icitor, on or before the 23rd day of.
February, 1929, , a full: statement of
their claims together with particulars1
thereof duly proven as required by
And take notice that after the said
date.the said, Administratiori. will
distribute the -'Estates amongst the;
persona appearing to be entitled
thereto, having regard only to those
claims of which they shall have re-
ceived notice'in•accordance hereiwith.
D et .Clinte " Ontario,'t ,.
DATE la, ' this
6th dav bf Yebn cry; 1929,
"VG 'BRYD'ON'E Solicitor -for the
CHASES A:B1rZ' $IIA ®i$l:. WE LIST" EEL' k31Y ` PEW OF
Hygyiener Cod Liver- Girl1 fox, Poultry, p� g€uI $1,50
Pure Epson Salts„ 6) lbs•, for, 25e.
Pate. Selpbur„ 6, llta .25e
Salt Petre, per pound, 12e
Perfection. Oil Stove Wilts each 35e
Electric Light bulbs,, 5, for,
SweatPads„ each 'SOc
-Goodrich.Rubber Bents,. reg, $4.50 at 28 75
Goodrich Rubber Boots;•' reg. 25.25; alt ...:,: $4,25
Work Shoes;. reg, at. 84.5e at
• A few odd sizes. in Men's, Ladies; awe Bbys: feubbereeHeavy Rub,-
bere and. Boots to, deer at Cost.. "
C. I.1. VENNER Electrician
Electric Ranges, )Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Wiring and Repairs.
Phone 7
Clothes' Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed arid re-
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Season Coming Rooms aver Heard's Heber sleep.
A House to Rent,
I have received Sunworthy' Wall- W. J. Jago. 2253-t
paper sample book for year of 1829
and I am pleased to say they surpass /�1 '
any of the previous years' papers. ■ OC shutf Agency
Thanking my Customers for their 4
Past patronage, I will be on deck this
year again. My phone No. is 640x14, As I ant now handling the Cock -
Clinton central. Evered L. Johnston shutt and Frost and Wood Implem-
01-tf, ents and also Coekshutt.eream separ-
ators, and am prepared to supply all
Rabbits For Sale kinds of repairs for same, I solicit
Flemish Giants, also. 6 Chinchilla. the patronage of farmers and others
bucks. Apply to Harry Keen, Spruce Orders -will receive prompt attention,
Rabbitry. P.O. Box 362, Clinton. JOHN V. DIEHL,
Phone 641114, Clinton central.
tll-2-p. Queen street, Clinton
Cows For Sale
Holstein cow, 7 years old, doe to
freshen Feb. 15th; Holstein cow, 5
years, due to freshen February 25th.
Apply, to Roy Tyndall, R. R. No. '3,
Clinton. Phone 607r8, Clinton cen-
tral. 100-3-p.
Five Hundred --�. n ed Dollars
Do yon want it? 13y buying this
eighty acres of productive loam with
good drainage; picturesque location,
you will profit this. Farm about two
utiles from Clinton; buildings con-
sist of good hoose, barn, also wind-
mill. Considerable bush. Terms:
W. Brydone, Clinton. Owner, 322
South Main, Ronteo, Michigan.
Mar. -7-p.
Logs Wanted
Iligh'est cash price will be paid for
good elm, maple,. ash and basswood
logs delivered in our yard at Bay-
field aid Goclerich Township,, Me -
Ewen Bros.,. phone 624r4, Clinton.
Raw Furs Wanted
Don't sell your furs till you get
my prices which are higher than you
can get elswhere. You are loosing
money selling to other dealers,
H. A. Hovey
Clinton 90-tf.
r r
The Heat Folks may not be singers
but'.they can:give a reap meaning to
".Thorne, Sweet Home."
They are not vaudeville stars,'but
they can turn cold into warmth more
quickly than any sleight-of-hand per-
They are not musicans, but, maul—
the harmony they can bring into any
household with a.few selections from
their 'excellent coal!
Call tha "Y�',l
for good,' clean coal
ant .A,dmntistrabors't ,, 108. Pl NE .74
a,: t
Just received a car of nice dry cord
while it lasts, good value.
Have on hand clean Ontario Oats,
Fall Whea
t Bran Shorts,
heavy screenings.
Let us know Your
requirements. Our prices are right.
Maple,' Basswood and Elm. En-
quire about Prices.
Phone 123
Flour, Feed and Seed
Coal That Satisfies
We sell the cleanest, egfest and
most economical fuel and always at a
fair price.
A telephone call will receive our
prompt attention.
You can feel asolutely sure thad
every shovel of coal will be of tht
same uniformity of quality.
Phone 182
Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery,
Phone 111 '
We Want Your
Milk and Cream
We are manufacturers of botli
cheese and butter. We want your
milk or cream. We pay highest mar-
ket price weekly, Satisfaction guar-
anteed. '
Phoneyour order for finest the
n este
or pasturised butter in prints or cob
ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont., R.
R, No. 3, Phone No. 605r32.
Eggs and Poultry
Home on Tuesday and Friday fore-
ile=, to take. in -.Poultry::,
Eggs handled at residence every
day—graded by ,iin experienced grad-
er, for which we pay the highest mare
ket price, • -
Cream purchased for Stilhnan's,
A. E. Finch
Viking Cream Separator Agent. `
Victoria St.,' Clinton Phone 28t
Buy a radio for . the family
in doing ase you "will hal
giving them something which thee!
can enjoy the year around.
'We are dealers 'for the licllster
Sings sets and will be pleased to gi4;Y
you a demonstration at any time,
Batteries charged and sites
for the winter
edfeil•� ;P o