HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-02-21, Page 4WAY, b VARY 21, 1920 THE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD ACQC0fiElFi's STORE NEWS For Our A.nnounoenTent about SHRUBS 86 ROSE BUSHES To Sell aft 15c Si3ecial Importation From Europe Expected Soon A.' 1°.. COOPER. "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK"- - CbIN;,TON Sherlock -Manning. Pianos How About Treating Your- self to a our-selftoa PIANO.? T. J. McNEIL - Clinton's Musical instrument Representative Always at Your Service Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton • I3rucefi�k1 Mrs • (Rev.) Hamilton of Godereh- Visited at the home of Rev W.:A. and 'Mrs. Brenienr last week. •,i4l;iss Helen -Tough, is ' visiting friends is;, Stratford this. week. Mr.' Joseph McCully and son- . and daughter arrived here froia Ohio last week. They,}will reside at the home of the former's : aunt, Miss , Mary McCully. We welcome them to iiur village. Special Evangelistic services will be held in the United ,church begin- ning next Sunday, Feb... 24th to be conducted by the 'Rev. Mr. Woods of Ottawa.'. Special services will be held every night, except Saturday, commencing at eight, o'clock. One of the most successful annual J Crew Poultry, WE RECOGNIZE QUALITY and DISTRIBUTE THE CASH ACCORDINGLY at CLINTON CREAMERT., CLINTON PHONE 145 SEAFORTH 'BRANCH, SEAFORTH PHONE 142 CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON, ONTARIO PHONE 190 Gunn, Langlois & Co., Limited HEAD'OFFICE — MONTREAL, QUE. meetings in the history of BrucefieIa United church' was field Feb. Gth. The statement; of the treasurer, show- ed that, from the financial standpoint the congregation had done remark- ably' well daring the year 1928. All current expenses were met besides.' paying of $900 which was still. out- standing on the church shed, ''thus leaving the church property entirely free from. debt, The allocation of 51400 :for the- Missionary and Main- tenanee Fund -was fully , met and, in addition 5615 was raised by the W. M.S., the ""Marion 'Oliver Circle and the. Mission Band, bringing .the total' givings of the congregation for the year up to the sum of 56205. " Auction Sale Of Farm -Broke Horses, on the Henry Farm', one .half mile east of Clinton, on the highway, on Tuesday, February 26, at 1 o'clock sharp, con- sisting of the followings Team of " matched Bay Geldings, 3300 lbs; team of grays, mated, Mare and gelding, 3000 lbs; team of bay mares, '3200'lbs; team of bay geld- ing's, 2900 lbs; team' of chestnuts, mare and gelding, 3000 lbs; black gelding, 1650 lbs; bay mare, 1450 lbs; Clyde' mare, bay,:1400 lbs;: dark grey mare, 1500 lbs; brown 'gelding, 1300 ;lis; sorrel gelding, general purpose, 1300 lbs. These" are an -exceptionally good bunch of horses and. will -be sold without reserve. Terms °of Sale: 6 months' credit will be given on, furnishing approved joint bankable paper, with 6 per added. ' H.. J.' Aitken, Proprietor, G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. • 02-1, Among other things the congrega- tion decided to wire the manse for` Hydro, which is now available, place more insurance on the church .pro- perty and Id ask .the' ladies to meet and confider the advisability of the forming of a Ladies' Association, The new' managers • elected were Messrs, J: B. Mustard, Alton John- ston and James Thompson. Mr. J. A. 1V1!eEwen was elected a trustee. A unanimous vote of appreciation was tendered to 'the minister, Rev. W. '4. Bremner, and his wife for their bfforts in the interest of the :congregation... The regular meeting of the W.M. S. was held on Tuesday afternoon, with the' president, Mrs. (Rev.) Bremner, occupyingthe chair.. Mrs. Jas•. ItlbQueen took charge of'the de- votional exercises. The- topic was taken by Ml's.' G'. McGregor and Miss Jean, Murdock. Miss E. ' Bowey gave a short reading entitled' "Pray- ers for the Minister." , The World Day of . •Prayer•' service was' held at •the close of the regular • meeting. The program was opened by singing a hymn followedby all. ,repeating `the Apostles' Creed. Scrip- ture reading was found in Phillip= plains 2:1-15 and the General Confes- sion was repeated in unison. Mrs. Ross Scott •and Mirs. T. Chapinan, petitions. The prayers for missions were said by Mrs. Jas. Thomson, Mrs. T. B. Baird and -Mrs. Addison. The prayerof thanksgiving by Mrs. Rattenbury and of Consecration by Mrs. Tough. Auction Sule - ° Of Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Sheep, at lot 29, con. 18, •Hullett tciwnship, 3r/ .miles north west of Londesboro, on Friday; "March 8th, at 1 o'clock, sharp, consisting of the following: HORSES -Brown horse, rising 5: years; bay horse, rising 7 years. CATTLE -Red eels'', :7 years old, fresh,' with calf at foot; Red cow, 6 years old, due to freshen May 2nd; red cow, b years old, fresh, with calf at foot;• roan cow, 8 years old, due to freshen in September; red cow, 7. years old, fresh, with' calf at foot; blue caw, 5 years old, fresh, with calf at feet; Black' cow, 7 years old, due April; roan cow, 5 years old,due in September; Brindle : cow, fresh, with calf at foot; • Holstein cow, 8 years old, due to freshen Kay 20th; Here- ford cow, 6 years old, due tel freshen. Oct. 1st;,fat cow;.2 fat heifers ris- ing 3 years; farrow cow; 6 steers ris- ing 2 years • old; 3 heifers rising 2 years old; 12 steers, rising 1 year old; 7 heifers, rising,1 year old; Durham bull, rising 3 years old. HOGS—York saw, due • to farrow March 30th; York sow, due tc' farrow time of sale; sow, half fat; 7 shoats, about 70 lbs. each. SHEEP -75 choice Oxford and Leicester ewes, 2 and '3 years old. These are a choice lot of sheep, bred to lamb the first of April. :TERMS: 12 months' eredit'wiil be given on furnishing approved joint bankable paper with 6 per cent. dis- count allowed fdr cash. Everything advertised to be sold without reserve. - Wilmer Howatt, Proprietor,' Geo. H. Elliott, Arictioneer. 02.2, We i2 222 Pirouns is to, announce to poultry and live stock owners that we have arranged to handle the famous line of Quaker Feeds in this community. These are the famous feeds in striped sacks --the feeds that are winning int creased appreciation all over the country the feeds that "do the work, and do • it at a profit" it will be our aim to render you the kind of service that will bring you profit -from the use or these exceptional feeds. GEO. T. MICKLE & SONS, tiensalland Brncefield, Ont. Quaker Fut-O.Pep Poultry Feeds Quaker' Dairy Rations Quaker Sugared Schumaclyer snwsomeausgessewwwwwwwwwwweemeas Porte -Ks ,Hill The Young People's '. Society of .exrace .United church had their Valen-' tine Social on Friday evening. There was a splendid crowd and after a,, short program, followed by contests, 1ha b was served,, The silver collec- tion •amounted to 49'.°35' On Sunday, March 8rd, 'at 3 p.m *ere wifl be a rnen's service in :Clearing Auction Sale' Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple- ment, at la 17, eon. 4, London Road Su' vey,.2t/a miles east of Kippen, ' on Wednesday, March 6th, at 1 o'clock sharp, consisting of the following: HORSES -4 year-old filly, sired by, Glengyre; gelding,, rising 11 years; heavy draft mare, good worker. CATTLE --Durham cow, rising 3 years, eligible for registration, fresh- ened January 15th; Durham cow, ris- ing 4 years, eligible for registration freshened hi November; Registered Durham cow, 8 years old, freshened middle February; grade Durham cow, rising 6 years, duo to- freshen May Oth; grade Durham cow, rising 6, due to freshen March 18th; 3 Durham grade yearling calves; 2 young, pure, bred Durham heifer calvea, PIGS -purebred Yorkshire sow, due time of sale;"9 store hogs, about 176 lbs. each. IM,PLEMENTS Massey -Harris binder, 6• -ft. cut; Cncjtshutt manure spreader;Fleury, walking plow; Mas - say -Barris Farmer's Friend single fgrrciw riding plow; root scattier; spring tooth. cultivator; International mower, 6-11. cut; International^ steel rake; Prost. & Wood' seed drill; set sleighs; set harrows, 4 section; land roller; wagon; gravel box; stook rack; hay rack; root pulper; hay fcak4. Wortinan & Ward -car; 165 ft. new rope; set of slings; steel•tire'buggy; Portland cutter; set of 'breeching• harness; set of plow harness; several collars; set of single, harness; quan- tity of lumber; 'extension ladder; Bell City incubator, •.140' egg capacity; Killer incubator, 600 egg capacity, with, automatic turning trays; 4 poul- try . fattening crates; Chatham fan- -sling Chill with bagger attachment;. set eta scales,' 2000 lbs. capacity; brooder stove, 500 chick capacity; 2 brooder houses, 12x12; colony house, 6'x8'; Anchorholt cream sbperator, almost new, 500 ib. ,capacity; quan- tity of hay, grain, tools, forks, chains, shovels, neckyokes, tvhiffletrees and other , articles too numerous . to men- tion.- At the same tine and place lot 17, consisting of 100 acres, more or less,` will be offered for sale,,if not sold before day of sale. On this farm there are good buildings, 8- acres of timber, 't acres of fall wheat and 20 acres fall plowing done. ,'PERMS --on Farm Stock and Im-' plements—Hay, grain, roots and all sums of 510 and under, cash; over. that amount 8 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint bankable notes; with a discount of 5; per cent. straight allowed for cash'' WALL. PAPER. It is not too early to think of your Wall Paper needs. I have six hun- dred samples to choose from. PRICES 5e to $2.00 PER ROLL Grace church'. There will be a choir entirely componed,oif men and laymen• will conduct the service. • On the fallowing Wednesday ;evening; March 6th, there will be a supper served in the brisement 'of the church followed by, :a program The surrounding cdmmnnity. is ;ifivlted to, ,attend both the service. anti 'the supper 1, ss" 'Nell Mcdougall `4r'eV Seaforth is visiting friends in the cOnmuirity.. II. Elliott, Auctioneer. 02- . D. A. KAY Huron Street Phone 234 • • HOTEL RATTENBURY •on ' WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 J. B. KNIGHT will display a complete line of Ladies' and Gent's AIR G=SODS ',including Patent Structure Advice on all Scalp Ailments and the use of Inecto Rapid. Phone Hotel for Appointment THE `v, T. PEMBER STORES Limited 129 Younge St., Toroi;o, Ontario. Clinton Chopping Mill YOUR PROFIT DEPENDS ON THE COST OF FEED - WE OFFER YOU THE BEST FEED VALUES ON THE MARKET. FOR CATTLE Bran and Shorts at Wholesale Prices FOR HOGS Heavy Mixed Chop' at $160 per 100 1b. WESTERN OATS at present wholesale prices 02-2-p. on' credit amounts. • Terms on farm made known, on day oR'•sale:and sitbject to reserve 'bid. Walter NicCuihe,.Proprietort,Ged. POTATOES Worth More You will be given 25c per bag prem- rum by using LIME, : FETILIZER AND .CLOVER A 'SPECIAL MEETING To the farmer and his sons in the NORMANDY OPERA HOUSE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd at 2:$0 sharp Actual .moving pictures ` taken on Ontario farms ;before and after using Niagara Lime. Yoilr Farm Needs Lime Sweet ,Clover^ is Dying for It. A shore -talk will° be given by Wm. Blackburn; Wm. •Sproat, J. E. Hu- gill and Hcgward Baer. -THIS IS'YOUR MEET'ING COME AID HEAR• ALL 'YOU CAN Also.we will give you prices on certi- fied; erti-f ied <;eed Potatoes, at car load..prices.. • 'ADMISSION ' FREE Blackburn; Woodstock, • : ''Gezieral' Manager Wfin:''Sproat; District Managers, J, E.Hugillmut Howard Baer: Local represdntative4", 02'1• teiviesteustaimicasentawasumetscustiess IEtN LY E . `CI wUUh FAIklYIERP, 'There is a spirit or service' e11� co-operation about: ,the,' Bank or i oritreal which appealsi strongly to our farmersoustsmers; • eu are cordially . lny.ite to, call at this l3an and discuss' your Financial problems with' .the martagle • ANK OF MONTREAL Established 1817 'Dotal Assets in excess of $87o.000.00a A CHRYSLER MOTORS PRODUCT mourennenionawneuxesia AND riPIPAMIZDS LYMOUTH'S exceptionally low operat- ing cost is the direct result of Chrysler engineering, research and manufacturing ex- perience which has produced vastly increased power and smoothness' while retaining all its inherent economy and simplicity typical of the' Chrysler high -compression engine. Yet economy is merely the beginning of the greater value Chrysler has built in the Ply- mouth. Plymouth is unique din the lowest -priced field in giving full-size seating capacity for all adult passengers.—without crowding or dis- comfort. Plymouth is the only car in its field giving the positive safety of Chrysler weatherproof internal -expanding hydraulic brakes oft all four aoheeLe. Itis the only car in this class providing the distinctive new Chrysler 'silhouette with slender -profile radiator, "air -wing" fenders, arched -windows, bowl:type headlamps and other striking features of style and beauty. On every basis of comparison, the Plymouth earns your respect and the immediate'con- viction that it represents today's greatest diollar-for-dollar value in the field of lowest- , priced cars. 304 r Coupe, $820;' Roadster (with rumble seat), $850; 2 -Door Sedan, $860; Touring, $870; De Luxe Coupe (with rumble seat), ¢;870; 4 -Door Sedan, • $890. All prices f. o. b. Windsor, Ontario, including standard factory equipment (freight and taxes extra. WHIPPET 4 Touring . , . $626 Roadster- . . 660 Roadster R. seat ..'.,716 Coupe ,725. Coach 726, Medan :810 WHIPPET 6 'Pouring . 5816 Coach . 916 Coupe . ... 915. Sedan -..-- 986"', (Freight fwd Taxes 'Extra) 0111:0, ,,C• 1®l.