HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-02-21, Page 3mine Westinghouse
Etedd'r c n
Buy Big Ben 15y
the Vacuum (air..
tight) tin, which
keeps the'pluge in
the+,sarne perfect
condition as they
were when they
left the -factory. '
If your wife has.always
wanted a,genuine WeSt-
inghouse Electric Iron
here isour opportunity
to obtain a fine one for
her, FREE. A "
Hand" is attache
every Plug of BigBen
Chewing Tobacco. Enyy'Joy
this rich, full -flavoured
chew --save only ten sets
of!' Poker Hands "—and
the Electric Iron is yours.
and Slave the 'Poker oke'r Hands' - .
It may bo ilii it's .the goodness of 74'
elite good that dies•young. The Chinook
When we
ai,t1 e...l.
There is hardly a household that
'hasn't heard of Oastoria! At least
.five million (homes are never' without
It, If there are children In .your
family, there's almost' daily need of
its comfort. And any night may and
1you very thankful theres a bottle in
'the house, Juet a few drops, and
that collo or constipation is relieved;
•or diarrhea chocked. A vegetable pro -1
date a baby remedy meant for young
folks, Castoria is „about the only
thing you have ever heard doctors ad-
vise giving to infants. Stronger mein- I
•cines are dangerous to Al tiny baby,
lhoweyer harmless they may be to
grown-ups, Good old Caatoriai Re -
.member the name, and remember to
buy ft. 11 may spare you as1eople0s,
anxious night. It is' always ready,
;always safe to wile; iu'emergeneies, or
for everyday alhnents, Any hour of
'the day or night that Baby becomes
fretful, or restless, " °Astoria was
.never more' popular with mothers than
:it Is today, Every druggist has it,
in southcrnOre
Ore -
gen „ r beginning with the first days
'.array;.. these who dwell in the
1 salizsat ar_ r.ptathink of winter AS
The rains may not'be over, be -
to nominally it is still the. rainy
55'501 for some weeks to come, blit
sunshine plays a heavy part in the
program; and then there is the Chi-
hinook. Soft as any breeze of euminer
is this with that,comes down from the
Mountain ranges, Carrying with it the
feel of melting snavi. •
A. few weeks hence the green that'
covers mile after utile of landscape
will be emerald id tone; now it is a
Yellow -green, with its unmattire1
growth ablating topaz in the sunshine.
Wild azalea, broom and rhododendron
are beginning tweeted; ,the branoites'of
the fruit trees alredy have a promis-
ing look; and the spruce, pine, fir and
hemlock are rich in contrast to the
new green of the land.
Farther northwhel2e the'Coluiubia.
and Willamette Rivers sweep on to
the sea; spring arrived later.. True,
the crocus, the Hyacinth and the
Shasta buttercup may now be malcirng
tiny spots of color along garden paths,
and the stents of the flowering quince
are garnet i]3 their challenge. Tho
valleys of these great rivers,, protect-
ed ley their eastern mountain range
and. tempered, it is believed, by the
Japan current in 'the waters of the
Pacificare not far behind ,in their
heralding 'of the spying.
The great tracts of southern Al -
beam and the British" Coltinlbia val-
leys are the- first to feel We breath
ing sign' that winter was over. So it
is to -day. Be it late January or early
astir, the rider of the foothills knows
that spring has come. -
Use Min:rrd's Llninient for the nu.
Maybe they are just trying toinOve
Salvation Army., headquarters to the
laud that needs the most salvation,
Requiring British help—Single men,
women or families, to 'assist with
farm work, should write "Rev. Alex,
MacGregor, 43 Victoria St., Toronto.
These people will be arriving after
March 10,'
Thousands are folding relief with
Venota Lightning Cough. Slump.
wkt i.t 6f .wig sv xnr
, comaery
rtn-' ubtee
dee• to Acid
' INtliGesrloN.
Exposeacidis: the oommon cause .of
.indigestion. , It results in pain and
sourness about two hours after eating.
'The ulnek ,corroctiv'e is: au alkali
,which neutralizes acid, The best ear-
-1'eetive is Phillipa Milk of .Magnesia;
:It has remained standard ,with physi-
cians in the 50 years since '1tq inven-
tion, . .,
-One spoonful of Phillips' Milk of �
Magnesia neutralizes instantly -many
times its volume in acid. It is harm
doss and tasteless and its action is
quick, 'You Will ncver`r•ely on crude
Methods, never Continue to suffer,
when: you learn- bow -;'quickly„ 'how
pleasantly this premier inethod acts,-
Please let it show you—now.
Be sura to get the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi-
crane for 60, years .in corrocting excess"
acids. Each bottle -contains' full dire..
tions -any drugstore,
Jews Flocking
Into Pi. leSti e,
Trade . "evivhig
Warsaw Said to Have Waiting
List of 10,000 Approved
Jerusalem.—Aftera. lull of nearly
two years there has been organized a
large-scale Jewish immigration into
Palestine and .a fresh batch- of 150
pioneers arrived toward the end of
J'anuar5 in time to join their'' Com-
rades working on large Jewish plan-
tatlolis in. Judea Their arrivalis said
by. Zia-nisi:authorities here to be proof
that the economic depression which
set in toward• the end of 1926 is past
and that Palestine is entering a period
of expansion which may equal the
rapid deyelopuvent of the boom years
preceding the crisis..
Permits for new immigrants were
obtained by the Zionist• organization
toward the end of 1928 and imrnedi-
atelyafterward the Zionist offices
central eastern Europe began select
ing suitable candidates. .from ion
waiting lists. In some places, ezpe
"Malty Warsaw, the' number or appli
Cants approved as fit' for early iinm
gration into Palestine is said to reach
lucre than 10,000.
Souse, 500. pioneers, or haluzi as
they are called in Hebrew, are expect-,
ed before the end of 'February, the
first group of 60 being from the train-
-Mg farrhs-of Germany, Poland, .Litltu-
anis, Latvia, Galicia, Austria, Czechs
slovakia, all had euotas assigned then
from Jerusalem. Although imrnigre
tion was not actually, suspended .by
law, there is only a' very small trickl
frig of immigrants of the laboring
class with no meas- of their own dor
ing the time pi depression.
Prospective settlers with means are
at the same time subjected to very
seve •o control and there Have. been
loud complaints against the policy of
the. iimnigration- authorities, . whicli
wee said to divide families as well as
keep potential wealth out of the coun-
The Jewish settlers' eagerness to
ado Palestine n esti•t
e n tionallt • '
p a is reflect-
ed in .the 2,078 esrieficates of natur-
alization issued in the three. months
ending -December. The Gcverinnent
was obliged to increase -the naturali-
zation staff and bring a special offi-
cer to deal with the large acc,ttula-
tion of citizenship applicatiots,
A Severe Stlfi'eser Overcalls,*
This Trouble -b a Taking. Th,''
Willi Melsr::• Pink- ff'.11ls,
No ailment of ;recent' years has
proven "so .treacherous as'Itiis the Flu;
The disease itself ,to ;bad enough, but
the after effects 'is w lea e rho, real
danger iles, "The Flu leaves behind it
a weakeued bbdy, impoverished blood,
shattered nerves and an 'impaired di-
gestive system. Too n}uckstress can-
not be laid oh the importance of re-
buileling the blood aild strengthening
the nerves during convalescence, Un-
til the- blood is byilt;=tip there eau bo
no recovery of health and, strength:
The one sure blood-biifIder is Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills. Start- a treatment
of thorn to -day and see -how soon you
show signs of robust -health again.
Among the uranyl victims of the
terrible Flu epidemic. of 1919'. was
of Mrs. Irving Maxwell, of Bancroft, Ont,
Road what this lady has to say con-
n, oerning what Be.Williams' Pink Pills
did for her: After' au attack of the
en I was. left in an extremely weak
Mimi state. n.Iy, blood was imboverished;.
I was seized with indigestion and
stomach trouble; `, my nerves were
shattered mid nothing my doctor gave
me seemedt3d'help me in the least,
1 continually, gleye weaker and weak-
er 'till
eak-er'till finally I lost all -control of my
ltervous system, My mother, who had
ued Dr. Williams' Pink Pills with
:5002 results for anaemia, strongly ad-
vised me to give them 'a trial. I did
so, . and after using three boxes I
noticed' some fnipi,'ovement.. I per
sisted in the treatnhent and by the
time I had used seven boxes I was
fully restored to healtii 'again, and
although I ant 'a mother , of six chit-
dren I am now able to•do all 107' wok
around the house And feel es well as.
ever .b slid in my life before.. What
these Pills lave clone for ale they
will surely do, for others."
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are a Mice
not a stimulant. They build up the
and are a specific for such trou-
bles b
8 a8 indigestion, ges i
nlatism vva
men's ailments andthe general worn-
out feeling that affects so marry Deo-
' pie. , They are sold by all medicine
dealers or direct,by, mall at 50 cents'
a box from The Dr, Williams' Medi-
cine Go., Brockville, Ont.
' Every mother itisipeieber' child. or
Children to be well 22d`happy; to be
4br1gbt-eyed, . rosy-oh'eeked boys and
girls. No mother, thoulrti, eau expect
iter children to escape all the ills of
babyhood and childhood, but site tan
do much to help them fight the battle
All prudent mothers constantly
keep 'at land the means of .aiding
their little ones when sickness comes
suddenly—as it generally does in the
ease et children. In every 1tomewhere
there are infants and young children
Baby's Own Tablets should be found,
Read ,1�7q�11at Mrs. Mary Bill, Centro
Dttuunei•, ont., says concerning these
Tablets:—"I am tile mother of six
children and would not be without
Baby's Own TabTets. They are a won-
derful medicine for little ones,"
i3aby's Own Tablets are a mild but
thorough laxative which regulate the
bowels and sweeten the stomach and
thud 'break up .colds and simple fever,
banish constipation .and indigestion
and allaytheirritation accentpaliying
the cutting of teeth. Timy are Aliso
lately Safe and are pleasant to take.
The Tablets ai•e sold by all medicine
dealers or lie' mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Cd.,
Brookville, Ont.
Egypt t1,,'ais
Ass¢ an's Dam
by Eight Feet
New irrigation ' Project Held
Safe Owing to Strength
of Dam's Found
London—Tho report, of the intdrna-
tional technical commission en the
raising of the Asauan Dam in Egypt
has now been published' here, wtilh the
news that its roeommendatons have
been accepted' by tate Cairo Govern
Ment and will no* be put into effect
The commission finds that the dam
has been 'so strongly' constructed,
stracted, and upon sunt excellent
foundations, that it tan safely be
raised by no leas, than 20% feet.." ,
In making file, reconmendatiol, the
commissioners say they, keenly apiire- a
elate that tlie'seeurityr health, and trap- .
»moos• it); More peda1si -than ever be-
fore elepend,,almost-entlrtlyupon e
safety of the dant, but 'taking tlus' i
consideration, they stillehold that this
great work should be done.
Tito Cairo Cabinet has decided to
intrust its 'supervision to Sir Mtn,
doh Macdonald, • thea • engineer re-
sponsible for the 'ypl,endld original
work, subject to' llis ,accepting all the.
conditions laid down by the conriuis
bion. ' It is understood that, as a tat:
salt of the heightening :et the Ass\ran
Dail, it will bo necessary to strength=
en the Esti � Assiut and Delta barrages
at a probe le cost'of about £173,500,-
000, to conit{ert land in. Upper Egypt
and improve drainage in Lower Egypt
at a probable cost of a further £3112;
5000,000.—(E stands or ilgyptlau,)•
In Groat Britain A' limited liability
company has . been formed to pun•-
ollase an. the stdelts,fo> all retail gro-
core, through'the country,
British WI'. rrking
Boys Interested
Many Employed Youths.Show
Desire to Come to
Canada .
It cis among the boys of the more
prosperous areas of• Great Britain,
where many of these Iads Bold good
lobs, that the keenest interest is
shown in Canada and its opportunities
for young settlers, rather titan among
the distressed areas where hitndreds
Of lads .aro on the unemployed regis-
ter, and where the apathy towards op-
portunities for n. new start in life in
Cthiada has been very marked.
This, according to information,
reaching the Colonization Department
of the Canadian National Railways in
Montreal is the experience of It, M.
Pym, who is the special representa
tive of elle railway company in Brig
talit for the oohing of juveniles for
Canadian farms,
Duringa lecture tour among the
Juvenile welfare centers of South
Wales, reports Mr. Pym, he had ossa''
cion recently' to address twenty-eight
meetings of boys who Were on tine un•
employment registers. The response'
to lits appeal was practically nil. 'In
marked contrast to this he reports
that interviews held more recently It
Cairdiff, Birmingham and Dover, were
attended by large numbers of lads,
many of them in good Jobs, who net•
eetheless appeared willing to threw
Wiese up and try their. fortune 1n the
flow to Fool the Rats
,Au+ingenious way of catching rats
is as Eoliowe: In setting the rat trap
this article advises the covering of
It with tissue paper. Rats are too
intelligent to walk into an open trap,
However, they are curious to know
what is under the paper, and will
soon find out,
. ' We know a; member of the younger
generation Who declined an invitation
to attend a horse show recently, on'
tiiehorse, ground that he'd already 'seen a
Minard's Liniment for Grippe and Flu:
London Comity ouncil ruled that
knitting by members at 'sessions is
out or order, whereupon Dame Lyall
stuck her needles in a ball of yarn
til loft the •c rusilizr.
Tho United States Biological 'Sur-
vey has increased +he meat supply by.
erose -breeding Alaskan ,reindeer with
Caribou and thus producing anima'.,
of heavier, weight
IVI!1]aecl s Linimr,ent for Coughs, Colds.
ayes of Bice
-true to you
Eyes bf Gray.
—love while away
What; are YOUR eyes
sayifig tooday` .
Your • eyes ' have ,no voice, . but
tltey speak —.they show moods
and temper. They do more, they',
show' your .physical condition,
Aro they clear, ,bright„ ;sparkling wren
health -,or dull, with a yallowislt dnao'
to the whites? This yenowiah tinge is
the signalof intoatlnal' oluggBislmesa.
'. nafo•tntoricstion and liver troubio, Don't
'negglecS this Warning, of poor beeldk to
Try a regular 'dairy
' � y
course fax a oiled °L91 .4 11e„fiaellillre
S'oriod. 7 yes will
tell the stagy.: ereauct
Road ala Chararf •e frons tha Rya in
lutura Bosnian dsserIitcviautr,
Saka Avian, Herold F. Ritchie & Co.,
LmtedcToront, oe4
Radii,' Crime Net
for hole State
Proposed in Bill
Swift. :Warnings Over Low-
Wave Statiorts \VoL,ilci
Hasten Captures
Radio will be called 'into state-wide
use to aid crime control by outdistanc-
ing the law violator who seeks escape
by the speed of the automobile,- it is
planned if a bill just filed in the Mas-
sachusetts Legislature is enacted. The
bill proposes to require every city and
town. pollee headquarters in the State
to install a receiving set; to pick tip
broadcasting from the new love -wave
tadiocasting station of the State De.
partment of Public Safety
According to its sponsors the mese-
urn would ntai.o Massachusetts , the
first state to inaugurate radio police
communication on such a broad scale,,
to : present, :'General . Foote said,
When it is desired to spread an alarm,
an officer must sit at the -telephone
and repeat the, story time after time
on a series.of long distance calls and
the process 'is so slow .that a criminal'
in a fast niotos car frequently may
keep ahead of the warnings,
The proposed method is already in
use for communication from the 'de-
partnlent.headquarters.in the State
House to barracks of the state police
in many parts of the State. Jesse F,
Stevens, adjutant -general of the Mas-
sachusetts National Guard,pointed
out that the system wourd be of great
value in emergency and relief work,
being ased in connection with the port-
able radio transmitting sets of the
national guard to establish eommuni
cation with areas which ]night ;be
isolated by ..terms or floods. •
Commissioner Wilson, who already
is enthusiastic over the results of use
of the teletype communication system,
installed a year ago to connect tite
22 Boston polee divisioe,s, ,said he
-would installation , favor in . dtair¢ On Of radio 1,
co,p:ng sets not only in the Roston
headquarters but also at every divi-
sion station. We understand a similar
system is under consideration in To-
ronto for Ontario use. - -
Drrsggists Observe
Buckley% Cough Mixture Week
The week of February 28th to March
6th is being observed by the retail
druggists of Canada as "Buckley's
Cough Mixture Weak."
This week has been arranged by the
Retail Merchants' Association of
Canada and'the Provincial Boards of
the Retail Merdltants' Association, in
co-operation with Messre. W. K.
Buckley Limited, the mauufaoturers.
This product has been On the market
for many years and because of its
rapidly increasing favor with Caua-
diaus during the last few years, "The
Week" is being featured this season
to focus additional attention ou this
flue •cough remedy.
where to go on my iron Tamen.
Olga Alimony: Why not go to the
Riviera? That's where I always go
on mine;
London to Paris
(By All'way)
England lies below like a gigantic
picture puzzle;
Its pieces—the meadows—rintred by
hedges, roads and streams,
Fit perfectly each. into the others.
The oblong fields of France, precisely
a,. laid,
Shading, front saffron gold to 11129511,
Are, like nothing so' much
As a multicolored pat1ltwork' quilt,
-Margaret Nellie,
To Prevent Breakage When
When packing china, glass or can-
anlied fruit for moving, it is wisp to
use excelsior and dampen it well. As
it dries it Will shape itself. to, the
articles which ai.'e enclosed, forming
a safe and solid framework.
Minard's Liniment prevents Flu,
Rubs of Khali; or Empty Quarter,
'iu Arabia, the greatest desert itt the
-Werke remains uutraversed -,by ex -
Worm. .
Regi youth .ctaimes
fro, , i Within .
l''d ace's Safe Kidney and - Liver
Remedy by flushing kidneys, helps'
you stay young ,
The 'principal outward chat•niof youth
in a clearskin, sparkling with natural
color, 03ut how - can you,- skin remain
clear -19 kidneys and liver do not act
as nature intended? At times when your
system is upset take a few bottles. of
Warner's Safe Tilney and LIvor Item.:
et'', a aattob-wide"favorite Eotc 12 yogna,
Note how.9uickly kidneys 0100 liver res
pond, flushing away the dangerous body
poisons that do so. much to - make 7n
loofa old and -'worn out. Tho vory first
bottle should'- showa splendid improve -
mot. Purely vegetable acid -pleasant-.
'lasting. Start On your first bottle today..
7011 have delayed long enough, Warner's
Safe Remedies Co,., Toronto, Ontario.
warners Safe Kidney
l Liver Remedy `
ISSUE No. 8—'29
The world's . finest young teaeiruds o Ripened under,
tropical suns: . q 'Bursting with fulsome flavor. ,That's Reiff
Rose Orange Peron `i ca --every trackage guaranteed, g�
E 'h Q'.abh8°a good
'landin Seeks
Limitation f
Aircraft Use
Former Minister
Says Now Is
Most Appropriate Time
, to Establish Control
Paris --The airca'aft is the only arta
Rf the service on whish no 'restriction
to expansion or use 10 placed, and the
tihinao establish some limitation is
now, declared .:Etienne Flandin,. Dep-
uty and former. Cabinet Minuted, and
also president of the Aero Club of
France, speaking at a luucheo° t e' the
Alnerfcan Club 09'Paris. Ile contrast-
od the dangerous potentialities of qn
controlled aviation with its possibili-
ties for increasing international colla
boratton. For this reason .he called
for world agreement on limiting the
employment'ot aircraft in time fo war.
M. Flandln foresaw *aviation ex-
pendituro eventually far exceeding,
for example, the sums, devoted to -day
to navies, it it grew unchecked as a
fighting arm. He strongly favored
naval disarmament in the hope that
It would include agreement on curb-
ing aerial and chemical warfare.
German h t
as led t world 0 ld u
Y 1 r until l
recently ' i
rt ecmmerciai aviation, ho i
pointed out, and this was due to the
fact that the Treaty of Versailles
prohibited 'that country from building
up a fighting alr'fleet. it was the
commercial side of aviation which.
must .be en.ol!raged, and not. the
other. When the day cornea c•`_ regu-
lar 40 -hour service between America
and Europe, . relations wilt be found
to bo •developing much more rapidly.
The 'United States now taloa first
place as a commercial aviation pow-
er and is bound to take the lead in
developing aviation to -day.
D. Liandiu spoke also of what
France wad doing and brought out
the fact that the passenger trans 6f
Franco by kilometers was greater
than that of any country fu 1927, that
its network of air lines now covers
more than 10,000 miles, and that
nearly 40,000 passengers were regis-
tered at the main Paris airdrome,
Le Bourget, last year.
Aa 1 •
new nail route uta to South America
was opened last year These thiltgs
have bee naccomjli'shed despite its
entail trritory as compared with the
United St-ates and despite the neces-
sity of establishing a etroug aerial
Stars that science calla gaseous are
solid enough to our prosettt senses:
one of thong is 2,000 times as dense
as the earth's densest metal, pleat
A Health Saving Remainder
{ o 'H't ''+ ait
until you get the.
At the 'first sign of it, its Healing
Qualities ars Amazing. THE
List. of "'Wanted Inventions"•
and Pull Infor:.mtion Sent'S'ros •
on Request •
TETE is ntasny co.,: Dept; W.
273 $auk St„ Ottawa, Ont.
R G tjWW1
0112 <� .a Ned (.ridge erg
< ,t 005
rca,raI, u.,,eaa.a• wwroo
art 1 Lte', IM,Wh Mule Mos. tr.,
s n 0011,, tiver•ue.000.4.1
154.1 <041 , 0,, 5505 011011 11001V.`
1121 N9r:thamPton
- Elulfaeo, M,Y, •
Boa ffiie, $if,ZDGnE17$1i, OZIT., . CAW.,
In stamps or coins, Will
bring you Five iilgh•Clasis
Toilet Preparations (trial 8.15.08) by
return'mail. Dept. W,
Chamberlain Laboratories
Free book About Cancer
The Indianapolis Cancer Ifospital, In-
dianapotle, Indiana, has published a
booklet which gives interesting Eaeta
about the causo or Cancer, also tells
what to do for pain, bleeding, odor, etc,
A valuable guide in the management-ob
any case. Write for it to -day, mention..
Ing 11111 naeer,
Insure against Skirt Troubles
by daily arse of
Chari nra. Soap
Assisted • by Cuiicuta Ointment
Hold Evarywhero 550, melt
And there are 45 doses in a
75 -cent bottles Pleasant to take
and instant in notion to every kind
of Cold. Relieves Bronoldtis, Croup
and Whooping Cough. Prevents
"Flu" and Pneumonia )vases fret.
teledthrontn. Huy-"Bucidey's", Sold
Layne druggists and guaranteed.
IV. ft. Burkloy, Limited,
142 Dilatant St., Toronto 2
N919t'1PtJr3E a... r
Acta lac a flash -
75cprows it st7 ,1/1
75c and 40c
IS ; 121 Ofi4YaD'EI1YFV<
Read This Letter from a
Grateful Woman
Vanessa, Ont,—"1 think Lydia P,
Pinicham's Vegetable Compound is
wonderful. 1: have
had six children of
which four are liv-
ing and my young-
est is a bonnie
baby boy now
eight months old
who weighs 23
pounds. T have
taken your medi-
eincine before each of
them was born and
have certainly re-
ceived great benefit
from it. T urge my fiends to take it as
1 am sure they will receive the same
help ' T did."—Mas. MrtToN Mo-
'MtGLLSN, Vanessa, Ontario.
P you ever have rheumatism,
lumbago or other pains that
penetrate to the very bones
and joints, Aspirin offers such
quick relief, and such complete
comfort that it's folly to stiffer.
Keep these tablets handy • itx.,
the house; and carry them: its
your pocket. Then you need
never suffer long from any
attack of neuralgia, neuritis,
rheumatism, or from a bad
headache. Aspirin is always
a marvelous antidote—for all
pain and has no effect on the
heart. - Proven directions Jos
many valuable uses in every
box if.genuipi0 Aspirin. Every
druggist had it.
aTradctitarlt Regis ercd,ih Canada