HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-02-21, Page 1No. 2.502 -- 52st Year
CIedN &l cif,
NTA2120, , T
V Boder i ' Slasse4 -
look Weill
The newest styles in glasses are
attractive—let us replace your old-
fashioned pair ,with an up-to-idate
one. Como here .for ,a FREE exam-
ination of your eyes—if you heed
them, ,we, have economical, service-
able and highly _ attraetive glasses
for you. If you do not need glasses,,
we tell you se. •
11 Special ..Demonstration
erne)* kir On Thursday Feb.
We will have in our
Miss F. F. Barren,
Corsetierer who NOB
be ;glad to suggest to
yeu the garment most
suited to your Figure
and give you a fitting.;
1iI DI.1aiL'4I 40i7'1ltlt"Y .t3'1,
1i1MI - T ILOR +
� co,�' 19 A I'iA "Tt[9'34t
J L. TAT -1..0,11 lESURE,
SUIT, .brARcOti;..,1 UXEit®
TIfl I? ;'ZICES ONLY -428.50, $29,513, :$35,1
Our modele'for Evening' ear are:eorrectly designed to the mast
• minute" detailand are in strict oomplianee with the- accepted St9+ ahs
as pronounced by the leading city merchant tailors.
Wo specially recommend out Black Vicuna 'Tweed -Suits at $29.50.
d1 a are showing se a le snappy a in tweeds- and worsteds
int real npY pa ttern•
at 323,50 and 29.50,
Wheat, $1..25.'
Barley, 70c.
. Oats, 50e to 52e,
Buckwheat, 77c to 80c.
Butter! 38e to 40e.
Eggs, 25e to 37c. '
Live ;=logs, 310.00.
RU F Y , 22, 2929
A class of; eight young Hien, ;with,
their S.. S. teacher, M. T. Corless,
went to the "Gully" on. Monday even -
ging and according to reports had a
real time. After trying ,all the hills
for miles around, -and there are lots
of them, allgathered at S3artliff's
restaurant, where "Harry," in his.
usual manner, had prepared a real
Goderich junior hockey team lost
to New Hamburg at thelatter lace
e gp
en Friday night' last in the second of
home and •home' games to decide the
winner of Group 12. New Hatniturg
won lm a score .of 8-3, taking group
honours 13 to 4.
Miss Ethel ITagg of University Col-
lege, Toronto, Was one of five chosen
lig the student body last week to eom-
pete for the. Ross Scholarship, svhieh-
is based en general effioieney, popul-
arity, deportment, etc. The scholar-
ship is a valuable one and the Winter
is supposed to continue study' abroad.
Miss Hogg declined to allele her name
toup,resigning '
ato favor of an-
other girl student whew she thought
might take full advantage of the
privileges afforded should she -win.
A young man wan The coveted schol-
arship, however.. ;
On Friday evening last n number
od' former Clinton people, friends of
MTs. T. M'aton,'who has been spend-
ing the' Winter with her sister, Mrs'.
Smith of Termite, gave 'her a little
surprise pnit' on the occasion of her
birthday. Amongst the guests were:
Mrs, r. T. pass, Mrs. D. S. Cook and
121se Mildred Cook, Mars. W. Aitkin,
lttrs.. GGeorge Reyes, Mrs, Margaret
J'o'ilaten, Mrs. W. Gibson, Mrs.
Tiielttoe and others. A very pleas-
ant "evening was spent and. Mra.
iifaton was presented with a hand -
'some 'brass sewing tray. Mrs. Mas-
son 'lett Saturday for Romeo, Mich.,
"where she will spend tho remainder of
the •winter with 'Mrs, Haber.
The Women's Day of Prayer was
rhserveit'in Clinton by a union rneet-
ing in the 'Presbyterian church on
F'ri'day afternoon, at which a repres-
entative gathering of women were
present from: the several eongrega-.
tions. 'Mrs. C. E. Dougan presided
and Many ladies took part in the,
Wesley- Willis United Clltu'eh
'Sunday morning subject: "The,
Price of Progress." Evening: The
'Second Saying of Christ from the
Cross: "To -day shalt thou be with me
in Paradise."
Baptist Chureh
'The pastor's subject on Sunday ev-j
ening -will be: "Looping the Wrong
'Sunday school and midweek ser-
vices as usual.
The Ladies' Aid will meet at 2:30
on 'Friday afternoon at the home of
-ars, 'Guy Jones-.
Presbyterian Church
A. preparatory service will be held
on Friday everting and the commun-
'ion service on Sunday morning. The
Minister's evening sermon subject will.
;be: ""The Man Who Carried. His Bed."
A cottage meeting will be held on
Wednesday evening at the home of
Mr. Shepherd, Huron street, at, 8
'St. Paul's Church
'Morning and evening prayer and
'Sunday 'school will be at the usual
'Tomorrow,- •Fri a
zx t`r d at 4:30 the
, y
chilHr n eef 'the, Sueday school. will
have their •anneal " sleigh -ride and
'On Monday 'last the. ;,A Y.P.A.
held -a.' Missionary ,night. .1 fine.set
of 'lantern elides 'illustrating lifer. and
•missionaryweek in the Island Em-�
Aire -was shown. Next Monday the
A.'Y':P:14,. Will 'take •a program and
treat out to -the Huron 'County, home.
Lenten' services next week Will be
at '1:30 on 'WWednesday -and nt 4 on
Friday 'afternoon.
Ontario Street United Church
The pastor's subject on 'Sunday
next will be: "The Cure for' Worry."
Evening: '1e1- Young 'l tan's •Ques-
tions," Who shall be miry eompen
ions?" ."Shall 1 drink'?*' ' "Sho'll I
Smoke?" "Shall 1 frequent tho•
Theatre?" '"How 5h831 1 .spend my
mono?" •
The regular meeting of the.W.M.
S. was held at the'honte of Mrs. Wil -
Hem Walker on Feb, 13th. Mrs..Go-v-
ett and Mrs, Hawke had . charge of
the devotional serviee, Mrs, Wendorf
read an interesting and helpful paper
en Chapter five of the study book:.
Mrs. Aiken favored ' the gathering
with a, solo, Mie. Biles gave a few
rornarks on Christianto
S wardshtin> an
ntnrestung article was read on "The
girls' School at • Korea," by Miss E,
Cornish, and Miss ii, Courtiee told
about some of her sister's experienc-
es and work in Japan. The meeting
was closed with .a prayetf by the
president, Mrs, Doan,
The Chancel Guild. of St. Paul's
church held • a social ,girth aring at the
home of Mrs'.' II 13..C'o nbe on Fri-
day evening "last, when ,• the hestese
gave a talk on her trip abroad last
summer and the Rev. ;A. A. Holmes
gave; an' address on Sir GVilfrid Gren-
fell ,and his work in Labrador, Those
present report a Most enjoyable even-
A meeting of the farriers of the
eommunity' will be held in the offide
of the `Agricultural 'Representntiye,
Clinton,' on the afternoon of Friday,
'Mar. let., conuneneing`.tat two o'clock.
• Mr.`MsCurdy „Toronto, will speak on
live sto' spinM;. roy, -
onto,: on-ckthehipwheat,g;pndr.eggGilpeals,Torand
Mr.: - Foster, . London; !:will speak, on.
hog grading. All farmers are invit-
ed to. attend.
There will be a business meeting of
the Clinton l7: F. Or: Club at half
past one op the same date.
The: third lecture in the University
Extension series was given last Fri-
day evening in the auditorium of the
Collegiate by Prof: Burton,, whose
subject was "Liquid Air." The sub-
ject was demonstrated :ht a very ea -
lightening .manner and ' -those present
thoroughly enjoyed the: lecture hour.
Awing to other interests of onesort
and another the attendance at the
lectures this season 'ie not as large
as it might be. Those who miss
them miss a very pa ch leas t
n ante of
adding to their sum of knowledge.
On ATareh ist. Professor Sissins of
Motaria College will speak of "The
IVhakers of Ontario," a subject which
should be most interesting to all.
On Friday evening of last week the
cheir of Ontario St. `United church
surprised Dr. Evans ; by journeying
to his home after the weekly practicer�
where they spent the balance of the
evening in gauzes and sing -song.
Following refreshments the Doctor
was presented with a leather bound
Nemo Book by B. S. Gibbings as a
token of the high regard in which he
is held by the choir, 'Dr. Evans re-
plied very worthily and expressed his
appreciation of thein', token of es-
teem. -
The surprise was then tamed ou
Mr. ,Gibbings,:,who tv4sweelebrating a
birthday the sam+eriay,w'howes'nres
tinted' on behalf Of_ the e'hoirby33r.
Waldorf with a writing sett—mit/ate:
rack. Mi'. .Gibbings was taken by
surprise but in eaprsssinghis 'thanks,
also expressed his inteerst in the
choir and its :cork.
After singing "Avid Lang Syne"
the party was brought to a close ev-
er'one claiming it a very enjoyable
Consternation and keen ':'egret was+
felt throughout the town and vicinity;
on Sunday morning when 'it became
known that Effie Iiathwell, wife of
H. P. Plnnzsteel, 'had passed 'mar
early that morning, after a short ill-
ness. Mrs. Plumsteel had had an
attack of influenza, had recovered
sufficiently to be able to be about
again and then took a relapse, when.
other complications set' in, proving too i,
reach for her constitttt:Eon.,
Mas. Plumsteels
wa the youngest
daughter of the late kr. and. Mrs,
Samuel Rathwell of the Bayfield line,
Goderich township, Where her; girl-
hood was spent, The family 'attend- i
ed the Varna Me2he4ist-church, where
Miss Rathwell took part' in the young.'
people's activities and sang .In the
choir. For oae year before her mar-
riage in 1910 she zesided in Clinton,
becoming' eohnected with the Ontario
street church anda member, of the
choir. For six •years after their
marriage Mr, and :Mrs. Plumsteel'
lived on the farm on the London
road but since that they have resided.
in Clinton,;
Plumsteel was of n reserved
and retiring n disposition p osition
but she' was
a devoted wife and mother, a home-
maker, who looked well after the
ways of her household,' and still found
time to take an active interest in the
women's organizations • of ,the church, tt
being a member of the W.114,S. and i'
the, Ladies' Aid. She was also a
member of the Hemeatid Sehool:Club.
She is -survived: by her husband' and a
family' of four; two_sons and two
daughters: H}arr`y, Lawrence, Marie
and Lorna. Three sisters and three
brothers also survive: "`Mfrs. A.. B.
Stephenson, high Park, I,endon;' Mrs.
Sperling, Brussels;` Mrs. Fenwick
Stewart, • " Stanley; John , Rathwell,
Varna; S. C. Rathwell, Waterford
and J. B. Bothwell, G:odet3ch:.toWn-
The funeral tools place from., her
late residence:' on Tuesday after:men,
the service being, in, charge of the
Rev. A. E, Doan, assisted lay the
Rev. 0, J. Moorhouse, a former
pastor, Exeter; Rev . J. Penrose,
Varna, and the Rev. J. E. lTogg,
Clinton. The pallbearers were the
three 'brothers,, e brother-in-law, F.
Stewart, I, Rathwell, a 'cousin, . and
Elmer Beacom,: a nephew. Dr,
Thompson sang a solo at the service,
"The City Four-square."
Amongst those who came from a
distance for the funeral u were: Mrs.
and ).Mrs.. Livermore,
London; Mrs. Snarling, Brussels;
Mr. S. C. Itathwell, Waterford; Mr.
and Mips. 77. 21 Beacom; Goderich;
Miss Diary Stewart, Crediton; Mr.
I. Rathwell, Grey -township and Mr.
nd. hrre. A.. Broadfeot,. Brtaeefield,,
The regular meeting . of the Wo
anan's Institute will be held Thursda3
afternoon newt, Feb. 28th! at a
o'clock sharp, " M e. N. 'W W. Tre
wartha will gin+e ' a paper entitled
"Canada, Her Natural Resources and
Developements," Roll call will be
answered by an .exchange of Valen-
tines. A good porgram is being pre-
pared. All ladies welcome.
The entertainment given under the
auspices of the :Young Peoples'
',League of Ontario street United
church on Monday evening proved' to:
be an excellent one. The' entertainer
was Mr. Ralph Gordon, 'cartoonist
and inpersonatex, ivho gave a highly
entertaining program of fun and
fancy, mixed with e liberal sprinkling
,of something more serious And in-
There was a fairly good attendance
and' those - present expressed them-
selves as highly Pleased with the en-
Last week's 'Exeter mimes -Advo,
cate, in .commenting on the purchase
of a branch business' in that town by
1VIr. Trewartha. said:
"Mr. Hooper, in selling out to Mr.
Trewartha, says he has secured the
best uranin Western Ontario to suc-
ceed him. Mr. • Trewartha is well
known throughout this community.
He is at present reeVe of Clinton
and' at one tints represented South
Huron in the legislature. a
sl tune. Mr.
wartha has taken over the store and
the equipment and in addition to
eggs will handle poultry. He will
handle the business in connection
with his Clinton business."
Ono month from today March list
will be the opening of spring.
Mrs. Howard W. Clark will be at
honl.e on the fourth Tuesday of each
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon. Lawson are
moving into Mrs. F. Herman's house
in Vidtoria street. •
Miss Kerr, nprsem-in-training at
the Clinton Public Hospital, had the
misfortune to fall recently, breaking
00 arm.
The firemen held a very enjoyable
skating- party in the local rink on
Tuesday evening. Good ice and a
jolly crowd' bnsursd a retied time.
Clinton Intermediates won out in a
match with the St. Marys hockey
team lust night, 8 to, 5. No time this
morning for a more detailed report,
Mt. E.. E: Tiunniford of London,
formerly of Clinton, was badly burn-
ed about the face and hands and had
a narrow escape with his life when
an explosion ocourred in the Super -
test 'Gas Plant in London early Mon-
day morning. Mr. Runniford was
tate bnly man in the building when the
explosion took ,place. He was
knocked to the floor and on regaining
conseienceness the front door had
been blown open and he ran through
flames to it,and made his escape.
His condition was reported as not ser-
ious,'thoughpainful. Thebuildingwae
-destroyed together with many gal,
lensof gins but several large oil
tanks -in the rear were not touched,
although situated only a matter of
ten feet or so from the building which
was destroyed.
Did you notice it very cold yester=
day morning? If so yeti were justi
fled, it was cold. The Gaverntmeet
thermometer at the home of Mr,'
Geo. Baird,,: Stanley township, reg-
istered 31 below' during Tuesday
night, the eoldest by a good manyde-
grees'this season, and 28 degrees
colder than it was at any time last
February. The .;nereury • had risen
several degrees by morning, of course
lint yesterday was a cold day. It
was so bright and sunisY, however,
that it brought less discomfort than
many a .warmer but duller day.
On Feb. 4th it was 10 below, on the
12th, 9. ' Last February the coldest
day was the 26th, when it was 3 be-
low. On the 19th it went down to 1,
but February 20th this year made a
record by dropping to 31. u
iMr.'Harry Baker returned_ to Lo$ -
don 'on -Saturday,
M. Nesbitt 'W!oods returned on
Monday to :resume his teaching duties
10 Toronto.
•Mir. A. E. Erwin returned on Sat-
atu ,day from Gederieh where he assist-'
ed` in auditing the county -books last
The annual Women's Day of Pray-
er'wet observed by all the churches
in the village on Friday last.; The
women of Trinity joined with St.
Tames, Middleton, and St. Johns,
Varna, and service was held ,at the
latter' place,
Lenten mid -week :services 'will'be!
held'in.Trihity church each Thursday,:
evening at eight o'clock.
Mrs, A, 'Newton -Brady returned
home on Saturday after having•,spent
the week with her mother, in Sarnia,"
ar 1
Dew` Jimmy 'l z J mm visited
her sister, Mrs}. J. il'I'ossop in Vallis,
Tor a few daysalast week,
The Girls' ,Auxiliary met on Wed-
nesday afternoonof last week at the
hone of Mrs. N. W. Wends. < The
meeting opened with a hymn and
prayers ledby the president.: After
the •reading of the, minutes there '3'00
a short business discussion. It was
decided•. to continue the work of pro-
viding an o itfit for an Indian girl' at
St. Paul's School, Blood Reserve. A
letter oi' ap rreciation from Mrs. Mid-
dieton'of the Dareds work in that
respect last year was read.' Mrs: F,
H, Paull took the first chapter of
the study book on India. The•meet-
iug• closed with a hymn and the Dox-
ology. Following this meeting was
the animal meeting 'of the Junior
Guild, when time following " officers
were elected: President, Miss Susie
Westlake; Secretary, Miss Mary.
Widcoinb, Treasurer, Miss Ella '1VTc
Kay: The treasurer's report'showed
a fine balance. A donation of 'ten
dollars was sent to tho Beacon -Her-
ald fel. the British "liners' Fend.
Mrs. M. 'MacKenzie is visiting her,
daughter, Mrs. S. Keyes, in Varna
this week.
The Play "Tile Mistress of St.
Ives" will, bo presented by the choir.
of St. Andrew's United church early
in March.
Goderich Township
On Monday of last week, there'was
rejoicing in otir township, the occas-
ion -being, the happy re -uniting of the
members of a family. . Three years
ago, a youth nailed Seymour, came
to Canada and was placed on a farm
near Montreal, with `a: family of
French Canadians. Not being:0on-
versant with the Freneh language,
he left the place, and 'drifted west-
ward until ho reached London.
was not very easily obtained, so he
applied to Mr. Farrel, immigration
agent in that city. The agent asked
him several questions, and in the
course of conversation, learned that
his name was Seymour. The bay's
parents in England used to come -
pond with their son, but in some un-
accountable -way their letter, to him
apprising him of the news that they
were to sail for Canada never reach-
ed him and was returned to them.
They became alarmed' about their
boy and'inlisteti the services'o2 the
Mounted Pollee And others, including
'air. Farrell, the inunigration agent.
After the boy consulted the agent
and the latter asking his name, be
felt he had found the lost boy, Be
asked the boy if he would like to talk
to his parents, and the boy was over-
joyed, at the suggestion, Mr. Far-
rel then called Mr. Fred Middleton
of this township with whom his fath-
er is 'engaged, Mid us' hr Was' out" tit
the time his sister talked to hint and
it was arranged that he should Come
pp to visit her patents. Mr. Middle,
ton and his father met tho morning
train from London, which, bore the
boy to Clinton. Needless to say,
that there was a great joy at :the re-
There are hosts of people in this
township who are glad that the fam-
ily are together once more and we
hope that they Will make good in
their new abode, We are confident
that they will, while in the employ of
a man with the integrity and kindly
sympathy of Mr. Fred Nsiddleton.
On Saturday afternoon last the
pupils of S. S. No. 4 had a merry
time at a sleigh -ride party given by
their teacher, Miss Hearn. After
the frolic, the kiddies journeyed to
the bonne of Mrs. NL, J. Butler,
where lunch was served. This is, the
second - its a Series d entertainments
for ch dr Mr the it en s. B. Murphy
entertained theta to a skating party
two weeks ago. '
/Vitas Marion Middleton left Mon-
day for London; where site will •cont:,
plate her course at. the Normal school,
Mars. Geo. Lyon of the .13th con-
cession Hullett is visiting for a time
with Mrs. Elizabeth Lyon gild other
friends in the villager
Mas. E. Lyoti went to Palmerston
on Saturday to spend a few days with
her sister,. Mrs. T. Sampson.
Sampson is very ill at present and
has been removed m ed t o the hospital
there. Wee are sorry to state that
there is small hope off his recovery.
'We have the promise of a few more,
street;: lights on the dark corners, and.
afro one to be put in the United
church shed. They will be much ap-
preciated- '
On Sunday evening, Feb. 24th,
there will be a father and son service
in the. United church, Rimy. Mr. John-
son wili be in charge of the service.
Mrs. R. Youngblutt is visiting het
sister,'Mis. J. PiAe .of Goderich.
At a meeting of . tho . managing
board of 'Burns 'church, Hullett, held
in the vestry of the church on Mon-
day afternoon, matters of importanee
to the future of the church were con-
sidered. At the close trf the meet-
ing a motion Was passed expressing.
regret that the minister, Ur. Abery,'
was considering leaving the charge,
at tho end of the Conference year.
Unanimously the board assured Mr.
Aber, of their confidence in him as.a.
man and as a minister, and assured
him also of their deep appreciation
of se
work in Burns church d?n•ing
the past thirteen years. Mi, Abeiy
was assured that should'' he leave
Burns chilled' ' Ito would always have
a hearty welcome as a friend and as
A minister on his visits to the coma-
Trull , The, hest wishes h 5
of the
members ber8 Of t a1
the board will go
Mr. Aber, should he wiih'the enn-
sent of the Conference Committee,
make a change of pastorate, in .Ynne:
Miss Gladys Mountain is visitituo
with ,her grandmother, Mrs. D.
Mountain.' •
Nfissee Florence McCallum and
Harriett Candler of C inton spent the,
week -end with Miss rlda Watson.
Mre G. McCall visited withhe
sister, Miss Wells, near B yth, last'
Mr Edwin' Cartwright 1 as iSE
a barber shop in the village.
wish :him success.
Mr,. and 1Vlirs, John Finglam/ -
tettained Wallcerburn friends recetnt-
Mrs. (I-. E. 'Adams bas spo i,
past week visiting at the home et' 1
sister, Mrs. Fred Toll, Jr., near croft
London Road
Mr. and Mrs. Langster, Reseal
visited Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs
A. 'Wiltse.
Mrs. John Jacobs is spending z
short holidaywith friends in Sexing,
Detroit and Mulford, Mich,
The London Road hockey tease.
played a gams against a picked tem,
from Clinton at ,the tint: oho iMeenda,
evening but unfortunately were -3ie-
feated, the score being 5-3.
Mr. and IM,rs. Wilbur- Crieh enol
Miss Doris,: Hallett, spent Sunday at
the•home of Mr. and Mra. Joe Ship-
Mr.John Biggins attended the
sale of Shorthorns held in Winglet:a
this week.
StaIlnieu Township
Mfrs. Robert McLaren of Hensail
is -spending aher
hter, short time with
d it v
a 1121s,. Ed, Glen,
Miss Jean i eEwen of Stratford,
was at her home over the week -end.
The regular meeting of the Ladiex.
Club was held on Thursday afternoon'
Iast at. the home of Mrs. Ernest Roz -
ell. •There were about twenty-five
present, also a few of the ladies froze
the Landon Road club. The after-
noon was spent in sewing etc. after
which a dainty lunch was served. At
the conclusion of lunch Miss Pentlanit
sang a solo which was voty muolt
On Saturday, night Mr. Malcolm
McFarlane took a eleigh load to the
rink at Clinton. • A few who didn't
care to skate attended the Shaw.
very., pleasant ride • was enjoyed
through "Mikes" Icindness.
Wiles Fannie Diehl spent a couple
of daye last week with her aunt it:
Clinton. •
Mt.' and' Nis, Har
oll Penhnle en-
tertained a number; AA, their frionde
and neighbors to a, duck dinner on
February 14th, and also had their
little daughter, , Doris Margaret,
The many friends of Mir. Chris.
Ward will be sorry to hear that .he
has been under tate weather lately.
Mr. George Williams, who spent
the past six weeks in Detroit, has re-
turned. '
Mr. Robt. Greer, Sr., has been ust-
der the weather for the past two.
weeks. We hope to hear of his re-
covery soon.
Mrs, *Brien of Whitechurch is
visiting friends here this week,
Mr. Thos. Johnston and Mies -7 Mat
Phillips were visitors in Mitchell ev-
er the week -end.
Mr. Raymond Cartwright of Lor,
desboro visited at the home of his
cousin, Mr. : Ames Andrew, on Sus.
day last.
The Women's Institute was held on
Tuesday in the Forrester's hall.
Mr, Ed. Helwig has been cohzfino
to bed owing to high blood pressure.
Messrs. Chas. Beadle, Russel King
and R. D. Munro had their ice sup-
ply cut area put away, hist week.
•,Mrs, Alp of Granton is visiting eat
the manse, also Mr. Eric Harper el"
Cobourg. ,
The concert held 00 Tuesday wett-
yesing in the .united church was a decid-
s c Mr, Ralph
Gordon '
o its
a splendid entertainer and if ever ie
Kippen again will be given a hearty
Nfr. and Mxs.' Charlie Upahawl• ill:
13. b. are visiting at M. Wesley
French's this week.
Mr. Samuel Cudtnore is again at
his old job pressing hay. He 'ship-
ped a ear from this station Saturday;
Mfr. Thos. Butt is now able to be
at his accustomed duties after `bio
severe attact of quinsey.
Mrs. Glazier of Clinton, who wee
caring for her daughter, ,Mrs.
Butt, returned •home, Saturday.
Mr: Gilbert - Jarrett of London
spent the weak -end withhis parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jarrett.
Mrs. John Chambers . of Hibbere,
was :a guest of Mrs. 17eitze dining'
the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Daymond, wire
were reeently..married, are receiving
congratulations these days,
ItIrs.'Jas: McClymont,:who was': a
Toronto recently' returned Friday eti
ening. •
1Vltss Alice Kyle, Eensall, 0 visitin
her sister,, MTs._ Deitze,
11tr. and Mrs.. Charlie Waassma,,..
have treated themselves < to a net''
radio and enjoy it ernmensly.
The C. G.I.7!. meet in the S. 8. las
v nt
tt with
only 1 as alI
donee. .Itea pity that more don6
route mit as their leader, 'Mrs. J. 'Tv-
isnn takes a great interest in those
and deserves greater' support frot
those young girls.
Mrs. Thos. Workman is visithn,,
her sister, Mrs. Louisa Herten of"22a.,
borne. township,