HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-02-14, Page 8CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE AVit nES EYAMINED • The 9reiv instriinieuts, for cyo exaininatmn makea perfect diag-' nosis possilbe—come hereby all means for a FREE examination to' make sure of your eyesight. Don't neglect your eyes—no instrument ie more" delicate or precious than the human eye, R: H. .JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Fine Jewellery; and Repairs Next Hovey's Drug Store RING PRICES ON OLD WEATHER MERCHANDISE' Overcoats, Sweaters, Windbreaker's, Mackinaw Coats, Heavy Rubbers, Galoshes, Fleece -lined and Wool Ulerwear, .Mitts `and Gloves, Flannels and Flannel Shirts Etc: all at prices' reduced beyond anything we have ever before undertaken. ' A Real Price slashing Event that represents a big saving to you in thepurchase' of these articles. 25 Men's; and Boys' Overcoats to choose from at wholesale prices and many of them at less. Penman's and Velvatine Fleeced -lined. Underwear for men at 75e for Boys et 49e. Cotton 'Military flannel shirts, good fitters, long wearers, Regular $1.00 and $1:25 for 85e. Wool Flannel Shirts, -franc $1.19 up. HEASLY WOFK RUBBERS -Clearing prices on all lines Men's $2.49 up. Boys' $2.15 up. WOMEN'S GAYTEES—Sand, Beige or Black, the balance of our stock of these lines, Regular $2.75; .Clearing•priee, $2.15. MANY OTHER LINES TO CHOOSE FROM COMB IN AND LOOK THEM OVER Piumsteel Bros. What We mean by Pure Groceries When w0 say r'}'nre Groceries" the Mean that we sell only pro- ducts that can pass the most rigid government tests for purity and wholesomeness.. Webelieve that our customers are entitled to this protection. _Buy your geoeeriee here! R TSE C, & S. GROCERS Branch 125j Main 125w A Goldin Opportunity For the Month of February we are putting on a Genuine Sale of Up-to-date Furniture At Prices that are Bound to Interest you Look over this Partial List and Judge for Yourself 9 -PIECE VERY LARGE SOLID WALNUT- `DINING ROOM SUITE..EECTILAR PRICE $225. FEBRUARY-SALE•PRICE $185, 9 -PIECE SWELL MASSIVE DUCCO 1INISHED SOL?, it) WALNUT DINING ROOM ,SUITE, REG. $215 • FEBRUARY SALE PRICE $175 ALSO REDUCTIONS ON ALL DINING ROOM - UITES.' IN :STOCK THEN FOR BARGAINS IN CHESTERFIELD SUITES THESE ARE ALL BRAND. NEW. STOCK AND WITH EVERY CHESTERFIELD . SUITE;, SOLD DURING ' FEBRUARY WE WILL GIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE, YOUR CHOICE OF FLOOR OR BRIDGE LAMP OR CHESTERFIELD, ' OR END TABLE VALUED AT $11.00. A FINE NEW LINE OF BEDROOM SUITES ON *InCH YOU WILL. SAVE FROM 10 TO 15 PERCENT WE HAVE A REAL BARGAIN'WAITING FOR YOU IN. t1 ICROEHLER 3 -PIECE DIYANETTE SUITE COVERED IN A GOOD GRADE OF TAPES- TRY WITH REAL GOOD MATTRESS. BIRCH WAL- NUT FRAME, VERY REASONABLE AT $75.00 FEBRUARY SALE PRI $65.00 Come in Early and Get Your Choice 'while the Bargains last, as this wilibe a 'Real Chance to get New and Nifty Furniture for Your Home Clinton •rare and urratre Co FUNERAL DIRECTORP MONUMENT DEALERS THE STORFR.S WITH A STOCK /Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 DosoNesa 0.00.rr414,11 rrs d4,1arss•set#44a+POWY , THE' C Misty Crusty People Who have contempt lor the pretty playfulness, the foolishness without a I hint of silliness as xt is made, mmaul- fest in the porper observance of St. Valentine's Day, miss: much,- Our superstitions may be on the toboggan slide but are we notunfortunate if we allow the decline to extend,to the ex- clusion of the harmless :festivals that give lite zest, put new meaning into common -place exi existence and for once make equal all the ages Such is St. Valentine's Day when serdidness may well be' forgotten and exaltation let reign. Up and down the land Cupid will train his, arrows, and many a hostess will entertainin his honor, The hilarity of the day starts with the young and tapers off with the aged. V,'judge our stock to be replete with all the gay.',}seat's, streamers, arrows, festoons, hats,' cupids, decor- ated crepe,: napkins./ table covers, luncheon sets, tally cards and other frivolities to make February 14th a day of happy revely., We also have Red card board if you make yourown cut-outs, Valentines and ,cards for everybody, relatives, friends; sweet- hearts, children, serious,, refined, sen- tiMental and humorous. A Guest Book of verse makes a delightful Valentine, six titles to choose from: "Just Folks" "A Heap 0' Elvin' "Rhymes of : Childhood" "When Day is Done" "Harbor Lights of Home". "The Path to Homes' 'e W. B. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Miss Jean IfaeMurchie is home from Detroit. Mr. Weldon :Hovey spent the week- end in Detroit. P rs. G. D. Roberton visited Brus- sels friends - last week. Miss Belle Draper was up- from Brantford over the week -end. Miss Start of Curries is the guest of her sister, Mrs. 0. W?. Potter. Mrs: Herb.' Castle .• bas been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Vincent of Blyth Miss Ella •Reid of Goderich visited with relatives in Clinton on Tues-, day. Misses Dora and Freida Schoenhals. Visited Ma's. l*Caig of Galt rec- ently. A3'iss. Eileen Atkinson of the Western University spent the week -end at her home in town, Misses. Florence Huller and Clara Steep spent the week -_end with Getier'r h friends. Mrs. MiEwen. and Miss Margaret and Miss Mary Sharp are visiting relatives in Aylmer. Mliss Winnie 1VIeMath of, Toronto is spending some time with her moth- erwho 4s not well. Miss A. McDonald' left -Saturday tdi spend a few weeks' holidays at her home near Woodstock. Miss Florence Cuninghame is ;attend- ing ' the Provincial Horticultural Convention in, Toronto this. week. Mr. W. J. CanteIon " of Red Deer, Alta., isspending a few weeks with his father, Mr. D. Cantelon.. Miss Clement of Gdderich visited ,Misses' Stone and Ward and other trends in Clinton over the, week- end. Mrs. E, J. Jenkins of.London spent a•' day last week with Miss Dor- othy Cantelon and Mrs. Weather wax. Mrs. W. Fldody of Toronto spent" a• couple of days last week with her parents, Dlr. and Mrs., H. .B.o Chant, Mr. J. B. Hetherington of Toronto while in Clinton on business last week, was the guest --of Mr. and Mrs. J. Livermore. Mrs.` A. 'Weathertvax returned to her home in Orillia on Tuesday after spending a week at the home: of her father, Mr. D. Cantelon. 1VIr. John Doddsworth of Edgerton, .Alta., is spending a holiday with . his grandmother, Mrs.. Doddsworth of town, and with other relatives hereabouts. Condon 1Road Miss Edith. Stanbury, who is at- tending Stratford ' Normal school, spent a few clays last week under the parental roof convalescing from a bad 'cold. Mrs. Labeau entertained a few of. her neighbors to a euchre party on Friday evening last. MIs Marjorie 11lcEwing, Ilnrloek; spent the week -end atthe home of Mrs'. Lebeau . Miss Edna ,Jackson spent : a few days last week with Mr. and"" Mrs. Wilbur Nott. Misses Rose O'Connor and Katie Flannigan of Dublin, who are attend- ing the school of Commerce, Clinton, spent Sunday with Miss Irene Swin- bank. Mrs. Nay of Souris; Man., who hasbeen spending tho winter with her sister, Mrs7 G. B. Hanley, and, other friends in the community,: leaves .for her home to -day, (Thurs- day). Tho nrdnthly meeting of the Lon- don : Road Connnunity Club will be held at thehome of Mrs. W. Swint bank on Wednesday, February 20th..` INTON-NEWS RE,cORD CLNTON'S B 6 :c THUS DAS,!=; I`1B11UARY 14,"14 NER GROCERY LEW If You Were to Ask us for. the Loan:of our Little Hatchet We would have to tell you "ItIs`Lent" LENT SPECIALS Ilivnes,,ungzaded, 2 lb.s . Macaroni; 2- lbs.. Kraft Cheese, 5 Ib. boxes, lb.. Coolcng Figs, 2 lbs. , Peaches, 'per •1b, Apricots, per .1b. Asparagus Tips, tin Mushrooms, can Raisins, ;2 lbs. . Broken Sodas,,, 3 lbs. Green Beans, tin 25c, 21e 55c 22c 25c 28c 25c 460 23e 29e 25c FOODS FOR LENT Custard' Powder, largo size .. 40c Soups; Campbell's - 15c AylmerSoup ..... ,.;,:.-.. `10c. HINTS FOR THE' LENTEN' SEASON' FOR SALADS, - Head Lettuce, ;bunch >... , : 20c New Carrots, tin 15c ..Cannell 'Beets, "tin 25c Pirnerttoes ,and ' 25s Tomatoes, per 1b, , ..,. . 25c Chicken Haddie - 250 5 ib.' pail 'Syrup 33e 10 lb. pail Syrup . 65c Canned Tomatoes, 2 1er 20c Corn and Peas, 2 for . 25e Quaker. Corn Flakes, 2 pk. 29e Bitter Oranges, per doz60e Red Salmon,.' per tin ; , .-. 32c ,Per Dozen. .,. ..$3,59 Fresh 'Herring, elev. .. 500 Fresh Filletts, Ib. , 25a .Finnan Haddie .. 22e Red -Saluron Halibut, lb.. 30c HOUSEKEEPERS CORNER --PARADISE PUDDING (Mrs. G.. D, Roberton) 14 lb. blanched Almonds; 12 plain marshmellows;- 12 marehino cherries; 1 pkg. Lemon Jelly Powder; 1 cap cream, (whipped); 14 cup Granulated - Sugar " Method: Prepare jelly pow der as directedon package and set aside until it commences to thicken. In the meantime prepare remaining ingredients. Cut.a moods, marsh- mellows, cherries fine;: let stand in _, cool place; whip the .cream. When • jelly mixture commences: to, thicken whip it- to the consistency pf:-whip- ped. cream, fold' in whippet] cream, sugar. and ehopped fruit and'nut mix= tune. Pour into a brick mould lined with oil paper. • - Big week for Oranges ' per dozen 25c Just the thing for Marmalade Special Price on Dominion Sugar by the Bag IN THE MORNING FIRST DELIVERY 9 a.m.' IN TEE AFTERNOON' FIRST DELIVERY 2:30 p.m. - Cash and Service • Be it Known UNTO ALL MENNE AND WO- MENNE THAT YE OLDE TYME CONCERTE WILL BE HOLDEN IN THE IM- MENSE TOWN HALLE WHICH IS SITUATE IN -Y13 CEN- TRE OF YE TOWNE on Ye 22nd day of the 2nd Mouth. of Ye Present Year (Feb. 22) The Front doors will bo unbarred and the Concerte will 'Begin' past Earlie Candle Lyte, about the tinio yo clod{ strikes Eight. There will be Speakin' and Singin' Pieces, Musilc with Mirth. Ye Cost to obtain a Sittin in ye ladle will be Fiftie,,Pieces of Copper Xenia. All.Seats reserved. See Plan at Faies. Admission 50e and 253. FANCY SUN MAID 'RAISIN LOAF Coffee, Cake, Tasty Buns WHOLE WHEAT and SNOWFLAKE BREAD HUNT'S CHOCOLATES • '"The Better Kind" 3/2 lb., 1 Ib. and 2 lb: boxes Wendorf's .Bakery "Makers of- Snelwflako Bread" SKATING PARTY A Skating Party, under the - Auspices' of the Clinton Fire Brigade wi11 bo given in the Clinton; Skating , Rink On Tusday Evening Feb. 19 SKATING TO COMMENCE AT. S O'CLOCK BAND, LUNCH, GENERAL GOOD TIME COME Admission 25c A full attendance is desired in order to arrange the year's work. ' Mr. Wilbur Nott has purchased a New Fc» -d: Roadster and. hiss' had it delivered to his home, W. T. 0' ell WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE' PREVAILS Elite Cafe Special 400 Dinner every day from 11 to 2. Excellent meals served at all hours. Special_ attention given to parties, Banquets, Etc, -QUICK LUNCl3ES Sandwiches, Pie, 'Ice Cream, Tea; Coffee, Milk, Fresh Fancy Boston Cream Pie and other kinds of pie. We Also . Handle c Boxed Chocolates,Tee Cream Ice .Cream Soft Drinks,. Cigarettes. Good Cooking and Quick Service Open from 8 a.tn.to 2 a.m. tum Sam, Propriety 98-4. COAL Hard and Soft Coal and Coke in Stock. Carload of Alberta Coal to arrive this week. Get Our Prices. W. �. MILLER & SON Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. PHONES: 46w and 46i UY YOUR METAL ROOFING NOW Pay for it Next June Call and Get Prices Agent fee Renfrew Cream .Separator and Scales. • Have the agency for Miller Netib- stars and Brooders, also:Royal Breed - or Stoves and Incubators. Order early so as to be prepared, ger your• early clucks. .‘ ,. HARDWARE ,and PLUMBING Phone 244 ORDER EARLY Phone 48 "WHERE THRIFT MEANS QUALITY" "Suggestions For Lenten 'Season" Fresh Salmon, per; lb., .. 20c Fillets of Haddie, per lb 20c Fresh Halibut, per - lb . .. 30c herring, in Tomato Sauce 25e Herring, plain , 25e Fresh Mackerel 25e Pilchard's, tin • '19c. -Shrimps, . Chicken Haddie 25e Macaroni, 2 pkgs. ...... Sardines, choice, 2 for 25c I Campbell's Soups Cream Tom. Soup, large 15e {{{ Lake Superior Fr. Frozen1"lerring doz. 40 SPECIALS Choice Rice, 4 lbs. 25e Tapioca, 2 lbs. 250 Syrup, 5-1b. pail 33e Sweet, sour Picldes, .large- 49e Orange Marmalade 35c Choice Prunes, 2 lbs. .,, 25e Cocking Figs, 2 lbs. 25e SPECIALS--- Gr. Sugar, 10 lbs. 00c Pork and Beans, 2 tins 25c Classic. Cleanser, 4 tins , , 25e Special B. Tea, per lb, 59c Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs. 25c Shortening, 3-15. pail 69c Matches, B boxes 27c LETTUCE, CABBAGE, -CELERY ,TOMATOES, FRUITS ,AND COOKED MEATS L. LAWSON & CO. Phone one one one Prompt Delivery A Million Thrills For The Millions NOW -EVERYONE CAN HAVE A GENUINE SPARTON EQUA,SONNE $266.00 EQUASONNE CIRCUIT ALL ELECTRIC EIGHT TUBE DYNAMIC SPEAKER TWO POWER TUBES IN•PUSH-PULL ILLUMIN- ATED SINGLE LLUMIN-ATEDSINGLE DIAL, COMPI ETE WITH TUBES' $266 00 A promise fulfilled. A golden -voiced Sparton EQUASONNE in- strument within the means of millions! • To the radio world, which recognizes Sparton's revolutionary EQUASONNE circuit as the greatest radio developement since A. 0. reception, this announcement of Model 930 is of vast import, and music lovers who have hoped and expected to own a Sparton EQATJ- SONNE "some day" will receive it with even greater amazement and delight. It makes that "Some day" NOW. Worthy of its name is this latestaddition to the Sparton line • a true EQUASONNE with all the amazing qualities that have made Sparton the sensation of the radio world. Sutter & Perdue PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING. •` Phone 147w Manufacturers' Sale On account of going out of the Boy's Clothing business we offer the balance of our Boys Stock at prices below cost. Boys Suits '$3.50 t0 $4.00, 10, 11, DON'T FAIL -TO HEAR RALPH GORDO Catreonist and Entertainer : etf terhational reputation, in Ontar Street church on the evening of Euchre and Dan—fee 12 years, . Alf : �.:: „a t Boys Lined Bloomers, 75c .to 81.00. Boy's Unlined bloomers, 50c to $1.00 at g (Abacki; , Also a quantity of Tweeds at 65e to $1.00 per yd. This will ba one of tate fittest: e Salo starts tertainineiits of the season. It ca SATURDAY, FEII.RITAR7 i6ts not. be praised tooh '}iig)bly. Eve part of it is o£ higorder. Y'bu sv at our factory at 10 a.m.laugh and enjoy the whole eveninClinton_ 9 i Mfg yet you will carry something' go with yon. Come bring yo Adults; 35c, Childern, 2 01, 111 OLI? TIME CLUB ROOMS under auspices of L. 0. B, A. on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 at 8' p.m. Admission. 35 cents 01-1.