HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-02-07, Page 313ig Ben is doubly attractive these days as, in addition to Chewing Tofoacco of ' unusual richness and flavour, with a quality that satisfies every man who ehews, a "Poker Hand" is now attached to every plug. For six sets of "Poker Hands," yeti can obtain FREE a Mail's Umbrella, with sensible handle and strong cover; for eight sets, a Lady's Umbrella, new 'style,' and fancy handle, with choice of Blue, Red, Green, Purple, Brown, or Black cover. These are only two of many presents; pro. curable in exchange for "Poker 1HIande.1 Ch w and Save the "Poker Hands" iuing .k.evils Service For, This 'MR. LLOYD J. MOORS' Member of the Standard Stock aid Wiling Exchange, who will contt'ibi to to this page t and 'answer a=il=ing euquiries. Mr. Moors is prominent in coriserystiye mining.'. investment circles, be completed • and equipped for hoist- ing ore in the latter part of this year. At the presenDD:time No. 3 shaft pro- vides insufficient hoisting. capacity; No. 1:furnace has been shut down for repairs, and No. 2 furnace has been blown in. As a result the current pro- duction figures have decreased. Im- provenient is expected as No. 2 fur- eiace works in. It is . expected that Norgnda will show itself capable of earning well over $5.00 a share annu- ally with two furnaces in operation. At the rate they Horne Mine is tde= veloping the doubling of present for these Who are willing to t=old CmrlrZler:Sr' etnd Cok quere1 reel' stock dor some iii u. Garvin In The London Ob The situations aL Tecic ilurheo and Lal=e Shore are exceptionally' good sower (In,i:j Goiman3 wIcor anent and theso will be outlined in succeed- i layulent dinsintslied 4n 1020 has ninil[' ing' articles iY-the cnrrclatkin of =nine wily as 11 ,001 lisr(i in Britaiti, is Inure developments and 7naikat opinions Of, like lcnorica iii itS' industrial and coat - the writer meet a responsive audience, r1ieljai life diary is any oihe] =intimi on in she meantime requests for ,inior-; this side of Lite Atiantie; and the i.lafion on Canadian mining subjects !Reich. is inspired by the most, abs0- will' be cheerfully answered in order 00 receipt as 'far 00 •.,flee Pet -mita. Address• your enquiries to Air. L. S. Moore, 10 Jordan St., Toronto, and your letter and answer will, appear in an: early issue. Railways and ;Airways Baluburglt Weekly Scotsman, (Cons)': Railway iclicatlo es have given many ® 4ddti7��1�1VW.dLIKE � lty ". defi=nite inclirat:ions of ]ate of a revival, q@� �+ of efiterprisewlhich promises to make li tilt hYall. classes of the cern-, lately confident vision of becoming, when Austria is added, far larger and richer' and more ,powerful than ever. A, visitor 't;l'om Mars, judging, like the old-fashioned lih•ench tax -Inspector, by. "external indications," might well con- clude that Britain. must have been de- feated ihso0ie Creat;War. Itself f. The latest of th xicom- BABY'S O `�A ET of enterprise' reaches .the air. The railway companies are promoting. Air For Either the Newborn Babe or Transport Bills which' will give them Wide powers, and WIT - lack: of muni. tihe GroWin Child cipal enterprise in this respect may There is no other medicine to equal, be taken advantage of, by the railway Baby's Own Tablets for little ones promoters wiles° aim Is obviously to' whether it be for the newborn hake control all the available means .of or the growing child the Tablets al- ly Their powers will evident- ways do good.'dhey, are absolutely. be confined to the bounds of the fico from gelates or other harmful, United Kingdom, but the development drugs and the mother can always Teel of overseas routes seems to be a nat- safe in using 'Ibsen. nr'al sequence 00 other agencies remain Concerning• tine 'Tablets, Mrs. John Inactive. Armour, 11.R. 1, South Monaghan, ------o----- Oet., says:—"Wei have:three fine; England to France " • healthy children, to whom, when a medicine : is needed, 'ive have given Lotrdgn Daily Express (Ind, Cons.) : , The obstacle ,(to the Channel Tunnel) only Baby's .Own Tablets- The Tab- ltitherto has corns from military and lets are the best medicine you can naval mandarins of the type that will =coo! in any home where there are never believe Britain .to be safe until young cliiktrn.' we have ainhexed'Satui'n and fortified oi-ougBaby's 0wu Tablets alo a mild but it against an attack from Mars, The' thorough laxative 'which regulate the Channel Tunnel has nothing to do with stomach and bowels; banish consti- pation and indigestion; break up colds Y T 1 justified. The any problem of defence. It must be smelter capacity seems fcrtheoming ,annual report will be considered and judged purely . ae e who commercial melertalclug. As snob, the verdict lies already gone in its favor and United now be put into force, ,t 1911 'nest conservative. For those 1 have the patience to hold this stock we have no doubt they will realize up- v,ards of $100.00 a share. The retire - Former, Financial Editor of the "Toronto Globe'', Mr. L. J. Moore Will Contribute Exclusive Weekly Letters to this Page and Will Answer Enquiries CONSERVATIVE INFORMATION. Dy. L. J. 101001113 We are very pleased to.tell the r'.aecre et this Pege.that Mr. Lloyd J. Moore, mining and flnaupial expei3fir nate. win contribute a weekly letter to this page. sir. Moore hal a -long and successful connection in the news- paper field as financial editor or the "Toronto Globe". Ile is now a member •of the Standard, Stock and Mining xchange of Toronto acid has visited all the chief mining centres of Canada; 'he brlugs to you a wealth, of personal knowledge whish should be or keen interest and extreme` value. Mr. Moore has agreed to answer iu these columns any, legitimate enquiries -on hninesand mining investment problems, and we trust t=ie headers will avail 'themselves or this attractive opportunity to acquaint themselves with Canada's vital growing industry. THE SITUATION TO -DAY High-priced stocks have been the principal Money-makers in the Can- adian`nining market for the last year or more. The. experience of purelhas- 1 • •ers of low-priced shares has been un- satisfactory on the whole. The same situation seems likely to continue in hen �z - ::i die Cry or It Baby has little upsets at times. All your care cannot prevent then=. But you can be prepared.' Then you can do what any experienced nurse would d'o—give a Pew drops of plain Castoria. • No sooner done than Baby is soothed; relief is just a matter of moments. Yet you have eased your child without use of a single doubtful drug; Castoria is vegetable'. So -:it's safe to use 35 often as au infant has any little pain you cannot pat away. And it's' always ready for the crueler pangs o0 colic, or constipation, or diarrhea;' effective, too, for older children. Twenty-five inillloh bottles were bought lestyeal, • inert of the $a'conetl'ue ive bonds. pieced by IS ALWAYS AILING Ilotlingcr is a` constructive' piece- of f1ansin •. The Manitoba Field • Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting in in very strong shape. It looms up , as one of the most.attractive Ca1n-IIlealth Restored Through the admit mining ventures from thein- Use of Dr. Williams' NEVER FELT WELL 'vest -ors standpoint.. The shrewd and greater o1• less degree during the coming months,.. N Joke! • International Nickel has been the most speetacular performer during January. Its present price bis dis- counted the future several years in advance,' Its chief sponsors, notably in Montreal, are predicting confident- ly that much higher prices will be reached. Recent performances of the stock lend color to their views. The strong Montreal geonp is easily cap- able of obtaining its object, In 'the meantime the Fi;ood Mine is develop- ing wonderfully at depth. . • Noranda Noranda Mines is second in market interest. The news of a proposed offering of Bights has had a 'detri- mental rather than a beneficial effect on -.the market, but this is probably merely temporary, Noranda has been earning at the ::ate of close to $3.00 annually on returns from a single reverberatory unit. Sinking of•the new No. 4 shaft is proceeding. It will Local Representative WANTED Responsible'representative want- ed In this ,community to repre- sent . an incorporated Ontario company, To -the' right man who has 'the proper connection a very attractive proposition will be made. ' Apply by letter to W. E. Snaiih, Manager, 1106 C.P.R. BLDG., TORONTO 2 For Influenza The Liniment that :Relives All 1 Ailments, For Troubles, dee te cid 1150(0 011� 10N ACID eTOMA219 Nis oaQH4 GASSS•rwuSSA..:. About two hours after ;'eating many people sinal' froi)t • sour stomachs, They: call it indigestion, 11 means that the',etomaea norvee have ,been o 'al'•SttnTiltiatsd, Thom le nxgess acid. Tho way. to oorl'5e1 it lo- will sit Alloall, Wi11oi1 iulnlrrolIuop many tln}eij its vdiliila iii acid, The fight Waif is pilillipil Mia Oi Magnesia --305t t1 159101010 11088 tit water; • ft 13 01805501, e ilS;sat anti tis powerful -group Bolding control of Pink Pills this conpany have said unoffueiaily "I am one of"the many who have that the Flin-Flan earnings in the fotued new health t=hrough the use of feet Six years operations will 13e suf- Di'. Williams' Pink Pills," says Mrs. fieient to meet the entire capital ex- Everitt .Dolce, South Nelson, N.B. penditures. Its ore reserves are -esti- ",Por some years I never felt wen, mated to be in excess of 20 million ,and at tines was se weak that I tons. The company is in an unassail- would be confiued to bed.: At the very able finaticing position with over best I was in an ailing oonclition and $16,000,000 in cash, to meet the de- found it difllcult at all times to do my velopnent and equipment require- lrousetvorle, I was subject to head- ment before starting production. Even aches, poor appetite, breathless at the least'exertion, and 'very pale. Before Dr, Williams' P1nli Pills were recom- mended to me I : hall trled several medicines, but without any good re- sults, I had become completely dis- eouraged and felt that I would always be an Invalid, A friend strongly urged' me ,to tithe Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and finally I consented to do so, but without much hope that they would help, where other medicines had failed. ' But in this, -tit my joy, I Was mistaken 1' had not been taking the pills ,very long when I knew they were helping me, As I'continued their use I found lay appetite improving, I slept better at Might, and my strength was gradually retnrning. I continued tak- ing the.pills.'for several months, whtu I again found myself a well woman, and I believe that had it not been for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I would to -day be it helpless invalid. The pills have since been taken by others in our family, with the same beneficial re- sults. I strongly urge' every weak woman to try this' grand health- building medicine." I0 you will send` your name and address to The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont„ a little book, "Building 'Up the 'Blood," will be hailed you postpaid, you ca11 Set thee pills through any medicine' dealer or by mall at 50e a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Mice an expenditure of etoee to $6,- 1(100,000 for. power development at IIsland Falls, Saskatchewan, tiers will be left more than ample funds for smelter construction, mine develop- ment, towneete and other noels. The rli0a1geneil. has a far-sighted erre. gram. It has been most reticent about' min development, which is known however to be most "favorable. It is estimated that there is enough ore to be obtained by 'glory -bather to pros ide smelter feed for the projeeted 3,000 -ton mill, for at least ten years. Hudson Bay will- undoubtedly earn market recognition of its assured carving power in due course, The stock should be held for substantial appreciation in the . writer's opinion. This conclusion is reached after se- eming the best information obtain- able, and after making a personal visit to the property in Northern Manitoba. It has been holding stead- fastly around $21.00 recently. Sherritt-Gordon has earned much market attention recently. The de- velopntent and exploratory work has yielded some surprisingly good re- sults, especially on recently acquired clahps, situated along the mineral- ized break. Slherritt -will undoubtedly be productive of big tonnage. It may eventually rival the 1i'lin Flon: It has plenty of cash. on hand for some time ahead and there is understood to be approximately 1,333,000 shares of the total authorized capital of 6,000,- 000 ,000;000 shares remaining in the treasury. This should be approximately.' suf ft - tient to bring' the mine into produc- tion in a big way. Mandy has not received much mar- ket attention recently, but it is due to leach its 1025 foot objective in shaft sinking andcommence lateral work on three levels by aiout March 1st. Only a smallamountof crosscutting will be necessary to reach the favorable zone. Sufficient encouragement was en- countered bin upper levels to make ex- pleeation at depth decidedlyinterest. ing. Reflection of this program on the market is not' unlikely. The stock has been dragging recently at around $1.25. The operation, is ell financed. and very capably hur=dled from a mining 'standpoint.' The Smaller Issue harmless,' It has remained the stand Ard With physicians in the 50 years sinesits intention, • it is: the, -ging)€ method, j.eelilte co=ne almost distantly, tt is the approved method, Yon will never use another whims you lenOtt',, Be ore to lset file gallltine 1Itl iiia§t 111111€ ®f iVillitila910 ceche °illefi i)7 11344 fllali9'ter 10 #11 60ffeeti11a a o�ss 00i1Ni .111a011-. ottro o@i4alee ]li el ;epe tlnes=+aRY Oituosta;•at Wright -Hargreaves 15 now looking' better after an unusually tempestu- ous market career during the past twelve months. Mill heads were not Japan i novatli Cruisers,much above $0,00 d.tiring the final r quarter of 1928. Bullion returns were Adding Weight and Strength also low. Profits were approximately Tokyo, ---Japan's Lour battle bruisers, 910,000 in October and about 914,000 swift, powerful capital Ship,,: of n class l in both November and December. The not represented in the American Navy,' Mine' is looking definitely better,.. how- aro undergoing in turn a thorough I, ever. The clownwr.rcl continuation of renovation' designed to iirei case mate - the vein encountered in the north riahy their': defensive strength: workings iii the direction of the Syl- The details are kept septet., 11 is vanite boundary looks' like extremely known that anti•Lorpocto blisters are good are. This vein has been en- being added and the armor otherwise, countered at froth the 1500 incl 1750 improved. The :Japanese press report's foot' eyels. ,A.1r the former horizon it that the tonnage of.eaeh cruiser, rated' was 435 feet wida and assa`yod 948.00, now at 27,500, Js beingincreased about No returns nye available Cly: about 1,500 by therenovation, but 1,1115 can - values and ave ago widths at the 1750 not he officially confirmed. It is foot, but 11 le tnderistood that the ore merely stated that the:, alterations are loops oompara.blteboth In 'quality and within' the Terms of the Washi=ngton quantity with lite level above, The naval limitation treaty, • Management 'seems to 139 sanguine - Tho I-Iaruna has bean renovated, the that; it has the makings of a new mine Klriehiura ling bean in drydock more below tlie faulted gone, Laka,8hore than n year, the Bongo has just gone hes secured wonderful pre recently In and the Illyol 1s, next. very sloso to, the Wright-IHrgucaves boundary: All 11199e things Pembina to makok $its WoifititRiarg'rcltvca hilt=s;} 165i( pare (1118841-11; n1; ospeaially Miilat?4l9 1,il11mitilt dap Ril.lt311s, ;olds, AND A HOUSE, TOO "They say her husband owes a lot to lier." "Yes, and a house, too.". and simple fever and' make teething easy. They ,are sold by medicine dealersor direct by mail at 25c a box from The Di'. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont• A Plea for the Child The Superintendent of Chil- dren's Aid Suggests Trade For Idle Hands inn reed -e -to the Legislature over twenty years ago Mr. J. J. Kelso made the following prediction: "Tile time will come viten the State will insist that every child on Teaching a cel'. Iain age shall be apprenticed to some ueeeul avocation so that lie may be- come a happy, beeanec a oontrieuting member of society. a Among the most hurtful influences against wbiell grow - Ing -boys and girls have to contend, are idleness and bad companionship. These two evils ili.variabiy go together and are every day leading boys into criminal acts and t=hus into a settled criminal career.' Many parents, sloth• 0111 and improvident themselves, make no effort to provide useful occupa- tion for their cihildren and encourage them in laziness end self-indulgence, There being no compulsion to learn a trade the children, when they earn money at all, do so by chance methods, with the result that in latei years they are of very little use - in the industrial world.' Life's Little M ries Sydney Dark in The London Morn- ing Post (Cense: Why are the Ger- mau•Swiss tlhe best barbers 'n the world? Why are the 'French the best cooks? Why is the Russian Ballet Russian, and not Swedish or Spanish? These things puzzle me, and, incidentally, they add to the interest of lire. The seiontist can 'explain much. Ile would reduce all mysteries to a. formula, but, though los may be able to traoe the ascent or man and to draw 1n detail's genealogical tree that starts with a. jelly -fish'-•' and finishes with a poet, the nature of men eludes ltim, •Iiumanity remains freakish. As a matter of 'fact, humanity revolts against being explained away. Benefit it by our Kn, } vel ;a ogem OuI' close eesooclatioll with the mining industry and stock mar- ket operations places us in a position to be or reel help to you, Why not benefit by our knowl- edge and communicate with this office when you need assistance concerning .mining market prob- lem? Wright, Wilson & Austin STOCK BROKERS M11embers. Stnudctrd Stock and b$lni+tg L':eclutlt rye. Grot:nd Floor ELgln 812744 51 KINO Tr. W. TORONTO • Minord's Linlmont,for'Grippe and`;Ftu, The "Question lYiarlt" brought 1).1011) an CxalauIntin,i ovor the :period of 4'ts chilli on 0 1ccord-breakingftight, 'lr.as:tnt-zt ea ro'Ll'C":la `Busy -Red -Rope Orange Pekoe Made from juicy", flavor failed Zeav, s-- tures days' Jet bud. "v ry package guar=heed. 05 RED, ROSE OR NGE PEKOE is xtra<gpQd Just Thank! Just think! It is only ,twenty-five years since Orville Wright startled the world by a sustained flight of twelve seconds, - Question Mark's endurance flight, just finished,' taster 150 hours, 40 min- utes and. 15 seconds. Just think! It Is less than twenty -flue `years sinceSantos Dumont broke all aerial, speed records with 05'4 miles an hour. To -day the speed record stands of- ficially at 318. miles an bent'. Just tlinkl The altitude record for airplanes twenty-five years ago was :negligible. To -day it is more than 36,400 feet. Just drink, and marvel. Minard's Liniment prevents Flu, Box OUR b,Nea .re .br,J f 1,1,, sex nrodualon. White, Worn and 1101.e,imrny timed and Wide Reck, R. t. ned,. Ancona,. 111 26. Den' , eua Oryln,ma4 Whim Wy nd s ' d op. 1008 Ike delivery guaranteed W,5, today for TUE 011150 6000.' S0111F01SAT Wil'giiERY =Bortuampton uffalo, N.Y. 875, BR/DGEBt 1 G. pa0 i, 0A14. akasantSligustantiteliti Thera is an effective woy to Diesa- untlyy relieve that distressing Cough. Buckiey's' ML•tture is delightrul and "friendly". Yet it acts like a dash in clearing the throat and chest. One dose stops coughing—nand there. ere 90 doses in a 75 -cent bottle I All druggists sell it nnder a money -back guarantee. W. If. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual Si., TeFouto 2 C 0LEYszs ht IXTURE _A�' Acts like a flask— s single sip proves it 75c and 40c Free Book About Cancer The Indianapolis Cancer Hospital, In- • t or t btlehud alum oils lad give has u aboklet which 6•leea i Cancer, also -.facts= about rice cause or Cesdin, also felts weal to do for pain, bleeding, odor, eta. A valuable guide. in the nlanagmnent Or' any case. write rm. It to -day, mention- ing this paper. .. Do You Get Up - Tired, Cross? Look out. It may be kidneys. Try Warners Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy "Yell," 8595 the kindly sector. "you need a stimulant diuretic." And for 21101'0 this classe] Years warner,'s remedy l 15 Wilton, Ont.—"I am taking Lydia ney ana Livor Beltway, originally a E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable. Compound physiciau'e prescriptions, wade of Na- throughtlteChange Lure's lterhs. ;;;# : '•' 2°"�'W' Safe of source. But better than that, •2:'^ of Life. It helps me '4s ti and 1 Cannot raise it et, y urto healtrva eyt ly it t malates 7;; ... +^$ P tweet, your health. Gently t e ptWO= os .,� ?•3• ' it too highly. I was kienoys qua bvor 10 eo their work of ,zy troubled with Beat dictating out boat/ Isoteoue, with yOnt• 7 3' ifs f flashes and my blood -stream - cleansed, and all organa 1 . >• l functioning as they should, yon aleake ,3, .a.. {`cr y imbs were heavy from a sound night's - sleep refreshed, ay' ,� ej',. so 1 could hardly invigorated, strong'. Life takes oa is walk t0 do my apers new joy. Your eye Clears. Your shin r'?•#' 3 gains a healthy dolor, Yon walk with k rs cs 1e farm work. 1 saw .?. �t ...mum . uanacsu von display au ai,s of author ld er knows pleasant tasting!1YouraaboutthewarnersSatoBlaneyAnaLivorRom- oily, St ousts little, but it is worth un- p Ontld and thOUght told amounts t0 anyone who needs the to give it a trial. The first bottle gave Com - may it gives. Bus, your bottles today. me relief and 1 have told others what e tit bask to henitht. Warnor's safe 8euo- it does for me. I am willing for you to ealeq UO., Toronto, Ontario, use my letter if you Choose."—MRS i 'Warners Safe Kidney D. B. PETERS, Wilton, Ontario. and Liver RC'n`tetiy Ask Your Neighbor Classified Advertisernenta y�'LST W000 BEARING= ENGrasa" ILA Angora and t'hinchitla Rabhfts, pealgreetl. Write l:ur ,)ices and informa- tion. Solomon's. I u, 1ra:•112, tkllistoxt. Ontario. Odd fini=tes'' Itis astonishing what a lot of odd minutes one eau catch during the day, ifone really 'set about 'it: Dinah alarm Malock. Use Minard's Liniment for the Flw., Standing in, ones own light often foreshadows failure to accomplish the tasir at hand. WHEN IN TORONTO Eat and Sleep at SCHOLES HOTEL Cafeteria and Short Order Service YONGE ST., Opposite -Eaton's Hotel Rates; 91 Per Day and Up.. ATENTS List et. "Wanted Inventions" 0nd Ault Inforeuation Sent Free on Request. TUE RAMSAY 00., Dept. W. 273 Bank at., Ottawa, out. POT B'eaatler Skins C atiee .ra Shaming Stick Freely Lathering Medicinal & .Emollient fpr ESS ®A�� Axndd ddSES � THE Prrce�j.2; pontis• At Al/ Druggists ,Orb wtntaatar'Of'/NIJJ'000155111. AO Lsow,no. INC. 70 b. --AVC NEW YON( F HAWS E GETS STRENGTH By Taking' Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable h ' ` Compound 1 Mit 51 Those Langz3'k Eyes They cin lady rafle01 your health and physical co:. it-'an-restiess eyes indicate th0 tepsperalnie et the stomach. Watch the eyes; . . see that the whites are clear with a healthy bluish tinge. The minute a yet - 1.0w tinge appears itbetrays'. con- stipation, sluggish liver or bil- iousness, your .s=eed .a laxative. Bring' back your: Rigour, Vrint, Vitality with Beerisaln'a pills—the su[o way to constant, joyous, bounding health, Try e regular dnilyy course for a shore ayC "elablo pettod.'Your oyes will 1+' tell the story. rod7tCC RBad m=ost Character froi,,t0e.Eyes 11. /ra=re Breaha,ls rfdverdsan,e0ts. $sten Agents: Harold' 3'. Ritchie O; Co., L,mited. Toroned sig.. ISSUE No, 6—'29 The whole world knows Aspirin as an effective antidote for pain. ,Biot it's just as important to know that there is only ono, genuine Aspirin. The name Bayer is on every tablet, and on the box. If the name Bayer appears, it's genuine; and if it doesn't, it' is not 1 Headaches are dispelled by Aspirin So are colds, and the pails that goes with thein ; even ne4lralgia, neuritis, and rheuma- tism promptly relieved, •faet Aspirin -at 'ally, drugstore—vii=i proven directions. Physicians prescribe lbs0 vawsaaertn e ice•" � s it does NOT affect the head1 Menlo Is. the Crane mirk (registered to 0000 indicating Bayer:llaseta,ture. While t4 is .wellkesW" that Aeyirlo means Bayer. taanurecteee, to Assam thio, piddle egabist buns. Don,, the Tab=oo seat In ntapeped with their Bayer ranee" . tratlereark..