The Clinton News Record, 1929-02-07, Page 111rI'lXT ,iVI3'IIC1EI IB )'T*TGOitPOR RIY. II1 CL Tom N11W 5lst Year INT 6+TD, ��lix BRUA a. �E OrJE PAPE �era� Vfassed cot10g11, IU The newost ,styles •'irt glosses are attractive—let ue replace your o1d- £ashrqed pail' With.an itp -Go t}ate qne;' Come here forea FREE exam-- illation of your a ee—if you, need y them; we have economical, service- able .and highly attractive glasses o yeti, .Ifyou do not'need' glasses, for Y g , we ',tell you so. 7(. �ellgar 6 a9.9` Having just completed stocktak- ing.through and thoroughly going o1.11 t O g hrgh our entire. stock, we have sorted out a number of articles which we price clearat one 98c These Consist of Tweed knickers, Children's and Women s Skirts, , HouseDressesi as well as . a few Coats and _. Raincoats. , It will pay you to look them over on Friday Morning 111 on 1 "WE SELL THE BETTER GRADE TO BUILD THE BETTER TRADE." IVIN S E OYERCQATS CLEI NG ATBIG Reduction $35. Men Overcoats Clearing at 27.50 25. Overcoats at :18.50 Chea Young o n gens Overcoats • *Clear g at 11.50 HRISH. G.LOTHINL �,y uare Deal for Every . a,] TIIE ,MAR. 1 BTS ,, -W eat 1 25 ' h �. . Barley, `65c to '67c. Oats, 48c Buckwheat, 77c to SOc Butter,3$c to 40e: Egg`s, 24o t0 324: Live Ho`"S,, 10.5`' g� 0, • THE: TOWN COUNCIL A11 members of the council were present at the 14londay night meeting,.; with the exception of Reeve Tre wartha, who had to go to Wroxeter to be present at the nine a.m, meet- ,ing of an arbitratidn board'`+tiff- TzE-Oar"• day, A 'communication was read from R. Tasker asking for, a license for a billiard parlor, ; On motion .of Coun— cillors Livermore and Cooper this was handed to the finance committee. A communication from, the Hospital for Sick Children was filed.' There werelar e number . of vis- itors at the council meeting on Mon- day evening, many of the business and professional people ;having come in to listen to the deliberations.: This was no doubt due to the interest tak- en in the bylaw which was considered relating to the Stevenson -Harris Co. Mayer ;Combe, on expressing his pleasure at the presence of so many, said he had often thought that in Clinton civic interest was at low ebb, but, like the latent beat in a lump of ice, there •seemed to be interest •when something aroused it. He then said that deputations would be received and Mr. ,J. A. Ford,, president of the board of trade, spoke in favor of the passing of a bylaw by the coon- oil to give to the Stevenson -Harris Co., Ltd., a fixed assessment on a factory which they purpose building in the spring, He thought the in- dustry, which is now a going concern, would be a good thing for the town. He felt sure the council would see the advantage df passing the bylaw. Dr. Shaw also spoke in favor of the passing of the bylaw and Mr.."'Stev- ET's PAOIVI,OT'ION AN.fITZERE$TING L'E:CTURE,'', °. i .7 rgnz :'alto Hiai*iten Herald itis The: seconil'ltoture i i' the Uitivere learned• that Mn?. D G:';„`,Forieete? , s}ty:Extension ., ser.•ies, given Tnthe son .o1 khe late Mr and•,11Tas.. D: -A Collegiate auditorium CO, Friday. eV= Forreete'r of'•Gllutoli, ,who has been ahing• by Prof, 1VleKelle e was not as for several Years, ohief rvIerk at the well'ettendedaas might have beers the Hainiiton c.ity'ofi'ice of'the Canadian case diad there 'net shappeneci to;.be.,e National'-R.ailwaye has,1,ieen dppoini .lcgc}cej*. match `and a• 14Ii sonic at-home ed cit$'passeng'er'agent df,..the OWN,- om the,same :',evenbig, but. it>,was R,• at OS1caWa • He left•last ee'k: to ' greatly enjq ed q' .: hose ' ire ei ' �_. W Y Y 1 s it take over his iiow du ts, Before "•The subject was °'A ,Grin se of "Par, _ .121 p. leaving:ter Oshawa'his asosciates•in ls' and the.ledturbr with. word and he •C,. N. R. presenteccIV4r. •Fortes picture, gave a very .interesting`.:idea' ter with'.n Chia bag A:: •: to his hearers of. the I istory':ol''that Mr. Forrester'e old Clinton friendd `most interesting city; Prof.' Me- :ongratulate him`: on hie' promotion, Kellar 'and his famiy spent; six WSLL' soon BE NI Ty mingontohther s lastparts year•Of inFrancParis,.e..also visit Mrs, James Lindsay`' on Sunday . The next lecture will be on "Liquid , i next” celebrates' ter `:,eighty-riir}th. Air," with demonstrations, and should- birthday' and starts upon:• her nine- be'interesting. Prof. -Burton will be tieth year. the lecturer and the date is March Mrs. Lindsay has not been enjoying 1•5th. the best of health latelyj',having been u, F. 0. HONOURS MEMBER -from suffering one h s , fro able with h' , er eye.rs'''• i Th � Shee nlrovng,7iowever, and Clinton U. I`, 0, Club tact her friends trust, that she may fully last Saturday. A very interesting recover. , 1 meeting was held. The new officers Blessed with a very retentive mein- took their places, -F. H. Powell, ory Mrs. Lindsay can recll many president, 0. J. Jervis, see. -tress very interesting incidents" of her urer. After the business part of the childhood days in this country, when meeting was over Mr. G. W,Layton, living was simpler that at present ; the former re sec.-treasurer' ec: treasurer, was' cal - and luxuries were 'few. ` i- led' to -the front' when an address was A CAPABLE ze - read and the presentation of a club bag was made., Mr. Layton made The Toronto East GeneralHospitala very able reply speaking of the en - was opened with due ceremony re- joyable times spent together. " Mr. sentry; many mineni, : men being Layton has disposed of his farm to his Walter brother and i present at the. opering'� the goldenc s,le;tying key being handled by His Honour, these parts for the present, going to Lieutenant Governor W. D. Ross. London for the winter months. Mr. The new 'superintendent of.this Layton has been a .g'ood'citizen and hospital is Mr. Ralph Ilewson, who our' best wishes go with hint. The is a son' -in-law of Mr. ;and lefts. -T. following is a copy Of the address: H. Cook of town, of whom one of the Clinton, February 2, 1929 speakers at -the opening__ ceremonies "Dear Mr. Layton: We the mem- said: bers of the Clinton•U.F-0. Club de "Mr. Hewson, as superintendent sire to. express to"you aur apprecia- should also be -given every considers_ lion for the many years of faithful tion in the wank that ride before hint: service you have rendered to our club In Mr. Howson we have. a Very cap= as a member; also as secretary-treas- able iv" We found h}m ,,run in- uret:. enson, at the request of the mayor, tendent of a largerhospital than ears, We have found you to be trust - told something .01 the plans of the and he comes to us highly recon- worthy, honest and upright' in all Joint stock, company, which had been mended," your dealings. As you separate from formed to replace the partnership Mr. and Mrs. ITewson who have us we feel our club is losing a val- which had subsisted between .14Ire been in California for .kt few years, stable member which we cannot re - Harris and himself, The plant had intend returning to Torento to dive, place, though you may be -far off in been handed over to' tins' company, Mr, Tiewson has been there for some othon fields of usefulness we -shall of - he said, without one cent of debt and months and Nos, HewSoo returns 111 ten, recall some of the pleasant eve - a charter had been obtained. He the Spring.s ' pingwe have spent together. said it was the intention to install tett 1 As a token of esteem and fellow - full -fashioned knitting machines of AMONG THE CHURCH,ES,. ship, we ask, you tooccept this club the ' latest manufacture, :three . _ofA prayer meeting r in coutection bag which" we bust will be of ser - which wou}clbe delivered by July, the with the Women's World • Day of vice as you' travel through life. May ethers as soon as possible but prob- prayer, will bo''held in the Presby- it never be too full to carry in it a ably not all for two years from the bundle of pleasant memories of the tensa church on•Friday afternoon, present tinrp, as delivery could not be February the 15t1i,'at 2 o'clock. Clinton U.1? .0. Club. had before that time. Iio said they You take with you our best wishes Representatives from each church would employ both men and women, and we hope that happiness' and employing Clinton people and train- its town have' arranged the program i g 1 p aid it' is Ironed that many will be prosperity may always attend you ing them in their work, and that they present. A colleetiolt will be taken. pathway, would in their building purchase ev- Signed on behalf of Clinton U.F. erything that could be purchased -in Presbyterian Church Clinton. • The ininistcr's morning subject When a report was asked from the will be: "Christ and the Last Enemy." bylaws conunittee Chairman Cooper Evening: "A .Night of 'Wrestling," • said there were three bylaws before the council, Aro. 4 to appoint mem- Baptist Church bets of the fire brigade, which is The pastor, Rev. 'R, B. Gracie, cdmprised as last year, with tho ex- will preach on Sunday evening, tak- ception that W. J. Match takes the ing as his subject: "A Narrow Mar - place of H. Fremlin, No. 6 was to gilt." appoint the town officers, which re- Sunday school and week -eight 'scr- suited •in the same staff being ap- vices as usual pointed, and No. 6 for the purpose Wesley -Willis United Church of fixing the assessment of lite Stev- Next Sunday is Hospital Sunday. at 2000 Limited, ensom-Harris Co. The morning sub eel will be: Luke for period of tet years, the bylaw the 'Beloved 'Physician." It is also to be published for three weeks and aty vote taken on it on Monday, March our.. Good Literature Sunday. The 4th. Councillor Cooper spoke in evening subject will be: " "Good Lit- favor of the bylaw, saying 'that the erattire: . more people were employed in Clit- The. Girl's Club will meet on Tues - ton or the would bef. the better it t town. ' Bylaws No. 4, 5 and 6 were then read first second, and third time and passed. Evening prayer at seven o'clock. season Goderich defeated Clinton 5 Chairman Cooper of, the street Next Wednesday' will be Ash Wed- to 0 on Friday evening. committee reported the purchase of inesday • and, there will be service in ' The Clinton bays were not hi the said in- s and a d two now snowplows clow w wl :30. Sunday schoolchi ane ow - the church at 7 St dbest of condition 1ox s y stmetions had - been given that ' an g early start be made when necessary at the usual h$irrt' ing to their hard g'en'e .in Seaforth and all streets cleared. He also said The A.Y.P.'A. will -,hold a box the night before. that Chief Stong had been made social next Monday evening` in the The game Was handled by L. .Saw- street supervisor and that he was' to Parish hall. yer of Mitchell, who unfortunately the game hadno.control over t a8S1S- of obtaining � , have the privilege b g Ontario street United Shureh On the nights play Goderich boys lance as needed when attending to l'he minister's morning subject On the': better team, but three of these ditties. on Sunday will _ba "Tho Christiitn thein goals were scored from Off Chairman Holmes of the fire and Program." Evening: ""Religion in silos. water committee recommended that Everyday Life." i Teams. day evening at the home of Mrs, W WELL; BATTED CaPireeFirecle Waugh of- Owen Sound, 'Olio brought his tt g Flarrison from Owen Sound to Col ingwood t re oth-- er clay to.lift '.tile w'r'ecked steamer, A,geweeSeng' the 'first eaPtam to enter the. port, was :presented with a sills .bat, by,,the board of ti atjp,.. On returning to Owen Sound 'he was presented with the set.oncl sills hat; as: be' was the' first to'enter that,' harbor. He his the distinetien of be ng the first captain. ba he:,great lakes to op- en 'navigation ,in 'these .two 1) Mis in February, 'Capt, Waugh is a,'brotlter of .Mrs.' W. J, Nediger•, Mary street, Clinton. VANDEIIBURGH•-MANN A very, quiet -wedding, was , solem- nized at:the' Ontario street church parsonage on January the 30th, at eleven o'clock, when Greta Mann, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mann became the' bride of Al-` _Pert Ernest Vandeiburgh, second son of Mr. and Mars: Geo. Vanderburgh, all_ of Hullett. The Rev. A. E. Doan performed the ceremony. The bride looked charming in navy blue. georgette, The Couple were unat- tended. At the conclusion of the ceremony they drove to the home of the bride's parents, where a wedding dinner was served. The young couple - will reside on the groom's farm in Tiullett, DEATH OF DR. UPSHALL The following from the Brampton Banner -Times refers to the death 9f a former- resident of Clinton, who may be remembered by seine of the older inhabitants: "The death of Dr. John Upshall oc- curred Saturday, January 26th, at the Moine of his sister, Mas. John Jones, Union St. Dr. Upshall was in his 83rd year and Was born on the third line east, Chinguacousy, at what. is still known as the Upshall homestead,. His parents, Charles Upshall and Mary Hessey, were pioneers of the district. He became a veterinary surgeon and first practised at liis pro- fession at Clinton. Later he went for air extended trip around the world. and when he returned to this country Ile Went to Peru, Indiana, United States, where he had resided for over thirty years. 'While there he married but alter the death of his wife and only son he came to this town to live with hie sister about four .yeara ago. Six grandchildren and eight great- grandchildren survive. Two siker) 'Vias. J01111 Jones, Brampton, and Mrs. Margaret Spear, Cromarty, and one brother, Charles, of Port Elgin, also survive. The rennins were taken to Peru for interment." DEATH OP ,MRS. D. CANTELON The death- occurred on Sunday Ili - 0. Club, F., H. Powell, Oliver ,Ter. ternoon of Mrs: David Cantelon, at her horse Raglan street, Clinton, Mrs. Cantelon had been.an invalid for years but her death came as 0 shock to her fancily, as her condition had not been such as to cause alarm until very shortly before the end came. . Mrs. Cantelon was born in Goder- ich township Nova 14th, 1853, being a daughter of the late Adam Cante- lon. She was united in marriage to David Cantelon Nov. 26th, 1874 and for many Seass they haveve been resi- dents of Clinton. She is survived by one son, W. J Cantelon of Red Deer, Alta„ and two daughters, Mrs. A. Weathei-wax of Orillia' and Dorothy at•home. One son lies in France end another died it few years after the the war as a result of of war service, and one son died very young. Five brothers and two sisters also survive: •Hanley, Arthur and David J., Clinton; Adam of Planet, Sask., William of Vancouver, B,C., Miss Sar- ah Cantelon of Clinton and -Mrs." Ed- ward Floody of Toronto. Cantelon Was of Mrs. C ras a • Wesley -Willis United church. The funeral, which will be private, will be held from her late residence tomorrow, Friday, afternoon, ,having be held over for he arrival of her been eon, who is expected today, Inter- ment will, be Heade in Clinton ceme- tery-. . • PERSONNEL OF COMMITTIE vis." HOCKEY NOTES On Thursday last, by the score of 3 to 2 Clinton Juniors defeated Sea- forth on their Orin ice, Both ,teams played fast, clean hockey, with the penalties few and far between. Muir and Willis were the best for Seafot'th, while Brown, Twyford, Streets and Cook played the best hockey for the locals. The line-up to Vf0 as s: wasfollows: ` Clinton: Goal, Twyford; defence, Cook, Gliddon, centre, Elliott; wings, McEwen, Brown; ohm Streets, Gibbs, Seaforth:, Goal,. IIiggerson;, Muir; Passmore, Munn; centre, uir; wings, Porterfield, Willis; subs: Hart Pickard. Daly. , St, P'url's Church • 114 - Morning prayer at eleven o'clock. Before the largest crowd of the (" Referee-Govenlock-. oilcloth be placed on the fireball floor Sunday school and ween night ser- Clinton: Goal, Twyford; defence,' that some new hose be procured and vices as usual.:: Cook,' Gliddon; centre, Elliott; wings, that a stave be placed in the fire- for the purpose of promoting the.pro- The 'annual meeting was held en Brown, M¢Ewan; subs: Streets, Nath, pool to aid The Stevenson -Harris Wiens room, Elliott,n the"absence Wednesday of last 'Week. The large Gotierich: •Goal, Doak; rlefeiice.o., I invited, by, granting a fixed .rate ChenReevllor , tnumber. resent indicated the interest Woods, . MacTCay; centre, Allison of the Reeve, recommended that the p . ' of -assessment. for taxation of their tender of Messrs. Wiggington and ill the work of; the church, The 1•e- Whig's, Stoddart, D. MacKay; subs, new factory proposition, it was mov- Glazier be accepted for flooring the ports of the different organizations Moore, Westbrooke.. ed by Thos. Hawkins,- seconded by er. Referee: Saw • town hall' auditorium; at a: cost of showed the church 'to be in a very _ii � ¶ n _ A. J, il4orish and carried that th}s 623.00 the world to be aecoinplished'. liiospernus.cond}tion.. The member- I `� meeting proceed in orgrtizat}on by yshipi The- M. and 14I: '•fund ClintonJuniors tied Godei+ich for within' one weak,` -from Monday .until S' 525.panning ward- committees to assist in Saturday:, rellized':$2000, and the total amount second place in their group, by de the carrying of the By-law about to New an but last night atin N v H t g by fe g g r fall purposes was. 7400.qualifiedvoters. raised or submitted tie to the S,be..nm d • and Thom sunlP • Cooper p uncillbrs Co p 4,3 moved that the Public Utilities be: The. church 'work' is well"organized a scored It Was moved by Dr. Shaw; second- askedan estimate' on extending the; the most,prosperous of all the years ' Clinton drew first,' blood when ed by T. Hawkins and carried; that for. n in the ork there Brown scored; in ,the first few mm- � 111:1% J A Ford sxdent of -the At a meeting ;convened to organize 'waterworks to the cemetery, ales of'the play. Nett' I3atn}>urg be pre cigarette CgClrer 'asked 'about a' During the evening several musical soon tied the score wih a finite goal. organization. c}garette:lfcense which he said had numbers woo rendered and Miss,It was moved by N. Ball, seeandecl Tit the second period Chilton scored been granted' witliaut being passed, Margaret MpLeod rivo , a splendid by J- P. Sheppard and carried that upon, ley the. Mayen.- ayor' Com7te asked Clerk.' Macplierson, to explain, Which be did by saying that this, man had asked: for a license arid• he had taken his money, with .the under- standing that the council should deal with it, On Motion of Councillors' Elliott and; Holmes the 'natter was left in the hands of the finance cont On motion .of Counoillors •Themp- San and .I,iviermore'itwas decided to give C. V Cooke, cemetery, superin tendent, a' bonus of $100' in view of t_the: required a the vdluino of -Workq cemetery last Year. • On motion of' --Councillors Thomp- son and^'Itohnes all park' lots at the cemetery, whit 'the exceptidrt of - lot review of the boors '1 Ben' Iiur," At twee and New Hamburg once, sz teems ad- ' 11 ieriod be 1 nit 1n•the f 1 the close of the spleudness session 'the dad a goal to their credit; ' war}es served it ly onnd d r, which t iron bot ' all played splendid :was thorbnghdy'.entrnYed by all Pres Gln Y P Y p eat, : Rev, A . 17','Doan, M:A., B,D., hookey, and the game Was the, best pastor i sto oe the church was the chair,_ exhibition ,of::hockey ':sten here this nervi,, n;the revernyinogf , wthheileBMoared, 0g.avTe. aM'ttiandsg.o`n.:ltgeoyiaflbieBrv oof fine icshuu'recht, relvtttwinogn Thee wpaorskt wahlwwvilnor,d eEM11t1ihtsIce'Ih'atesemltalse,mrrls, M:tflhcisteEfbm, wvtihesnae k : year and planning for the future, worse heating. During the evehing•Ma's. A. R. Doan Lineup:' New" Hamburg--Gcral:• was presented;With. very,beaittiful" 13 Hamel; 'defence, '!Helbfleish'and basket of flowers by the ladies of the Benjenon; centre, Sownnatt,_ Wings, d Ilamei , :abs cehem h • edei n s M C o a , , ,M r W S 1hone- ' of Mrs• 4Ccr wlicWalker,' alker . •' High d Clinton-r-,Goalt Twcoylitokted , ' defence,TIto tneeta t street - n We eoda .kafteruosxkeb, (leek un d".Elliott .the h "wia a, Brotvn and &%Ewan' ;;e abs Streets ami Iia+tlt �{efe s • =Ri'g Iderci,• Btt`�tfo$ aro iojbo opened for sale ac seen at dollwill glva chapter irye of- t e proper surveys can ire: e, stu4y pok T' re1 JaCkF0 besecretary. The following Cam mittecs were ap- pointed with_ power to add to their numbers: St. George's .Ward: N..Ball, A. Morrish, 0. L,, Paisley, Cliff,. Lobb, "Gordon Cuttiitghame. St. Andrew's Ward: Dr. Shaw, Geo. Roberton, N. Johnston, A: F. St. James' Wardi T. Hawkins, Or. Evans, .1. Cook, .Geo. McLennan, Creo Cao,; Councillor Geo,: H. El- , 1iotU St John's Wird:, JP. Sheppard, , A,v J Tyndall, Harold LgWson, W, J Nediger ` Geo„',1onkirip, (',S, Cooper, ' Portlier meetings, at” the call of the pxeeldeitt. DECI:1111) MASONIC AT-HOME The at nual at -haute given be the Masonic: Lodge: u1 the town ball on Friday evening last proved te, be the s ioecss which such functions usually are•- A good turnout of Masons and their families and friends, ebcelient arrangements for the entertainment of guests and a disposition on the part of the guests' to enjoy them- selves inaclp a combination which:. en- snred an enjoyable evening. LITTLE ' LOCALS • A meeting' of: the Board of Trade will be held in the board 'room of the town hall on Monday evening, Feb, llth. Mrs. Parker informs , us that 'she has not yet planned to return to Eng- land ng -land`• in the, spring, as The Ne+vs-Re- cord'was informed last week, and that her daughter does" not intend return- ing.. The skating party given by the Kiltie Band on Tuesday evening was quite a success, the largest eroivd .of skaters of the season being on the ice. A very jolly' time was spent. Reeve Trewartlta was at Wroxeter e on Tuesday, acting- on a board of ar- bitrators oppointed by the County Council, in a school boundary dispute. HOME BEAUTIFICATION The home loving followho attended the illustrated lecture held in the Collegiate apditorium on Tuesday evening, were presented with an illus- trated lecture on FTone Beautification the like of which has rarely if ever been heard or seen in this district. Professor A. H. Tomlinson, who came here under the auspices of the Clinton Horticultural Society, show- ed a great many slides beautifully colored, to illustrate his ideas on the improvement of home grounds. And he also gave many hints on the important work of improving the in- dividual home grounds. He emphas- ized the value of personality in plan- ning the grounds, stamping the own- ers' personality upou everything about the home. He also put stress inion putting SOME., beauty into purely useful things. Because a thing is useful is no good reason why it should be ugly. The artistic should be cul- tivated as much as possible. The lecturer's talk may bear much fruit the coning spring when the home lovers can get •to work on their grounds. DEARS FROM GRENFELL The I4ev. A. A. Holmes, who is a, Newfoundlander, having only been he Canada a matter of six or seven years, and who spent much of his younger life as a missionary to the 'deep sea fishermen along the Labra- dor coast, has on more than one oc- casion C-casion met Dr. Grenfell, now Sir Wil- fred Grenfell, well known missionary in Labrador. Sir Wilfred has boon lecturing in the United States just recently and Mr. Holmes had the pleasure of hearing him over his radio. He then wrote a little note to the great missionary, congratulat- ing Hint on. his success and expressing his .interest in the. work and asking about some of the people whom they both knew in Labrador. In reply , Mr. Holmes received last week a nice little letter from Dr. Grenfell, whose worknever flags, and in his interestg , Nw lo expressed keen pleasure in the • interest displayed on Mr. Holmes' part. Sir Wilfred conies to ,Canada in April and will lecture in Windsor, ,London, Hamilton and Toronto. The Iternat1 nal Grenfell Association, , has an office in Ottawa and publishes a little quarterly magazine. Cr de rich Township After a lingering illness of several away mouths there paisecl at y at her -ltone in the township of 'finless, Bruce County, on January 30th, Sar- ah Rebecca Gerson, beloved wif0 of Fred A. Hodgens. She loaves to moor t ani •n heir loss a d evoted husband„, two daughtems and two sons:. 14Irs Lovett of London and Alice, Oscar and Harvey at home. Her, youngest daughter, Edith, predeceased her by two years. Two sisters and a broth- er also survive: Mrs. Geo. Vander - burgh of the Huron road east of Clinton, Mrs. W, Weston of this township, and, William Cereen of Kincardine. • The funeral took place on Friday afternoon front the Church of the Vey. Assension, 3t;u'dough , P• the v W. A. Townshend officiating. After an ap- propriate and inspiring sertnon to e large congregation the .cortige pro- c -- Lu.l. metes • nhi11 :cemetery, �r to Glee Y, 'eedc.l e t 'rhe Luck - now, Where interment was made. pallbearers were: Messrs. Wm. Coney, II: Graham, Levi Ball, Jaime Hodeses, George Vandenburgh and • J. !Bleu; • Those from'a distance who attend- ed the funeral were: Mr. P'. Cul- bert bort and Messr8, George and Charles Corsey, Liman; .141ir • oibd Mrs.. George Vandenburgh, Mire. Weston and Mrs. Frank Picot of neer Clinton, and Mr, Wsn. Cersou and Mr. J. Bleur, Kin-` sardine.` Constance The. W.M.S, is having a meeting: at Mr. Jas, Medd's on Thursday af- ternoon for patching quilts together All .tea 1 iii• a community la and v g aro welcome, Mrs, Joe Riley, Sr., has gone away to nurse for a couple of weeks near Walton.,' Mr, and Mrs. `Thos. Riley $fit t• Sunday %n the. village •