HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-01-24, Page 5Of Interest to You
and :�
A. recent fashion note says that
;plump girls =irls will be- the style ,the com-
ing spring. Bette}; try to, plump up a
bit, girls, in anticipation •
Eight weeks from today will be the
first day of spring, March 21st.
When you consider that it is a month
since ; Christmas Eve it wo'n't take he may be spared, t, see many smore
those eight weeks long to slip around, birthdays.
hair Manned a Program o' Mr.Jas. M'eel moan has returns
Theso:who 1 P >; # y 1 d
home alter - a two weeks visit in
Mr. Ross Granger of Brace -field is
helping his uncle, lVhs. Jas.:'Bowey,
who has been off duty for a few
We are glad, tet be able to report
that there are no cases of flu in our
neighborhood as lar as we know at
The church was closed
Sabbath last also all other public
We are glad to be woke to report
our sick as all- able to be up again,
except Mr. Fowey, and: he too is feel-
ing much better.
The reads are filling up and mak-
ing it very difficult'foi' motoring... It
seems cheerful to hear the, sleighbells
as they pass along.
Our entire community was shock-
ed on .Thursday morning to learn of
the tragic death of one of our highly
respected, farmers about three miles
east of here,` in the person of John
Huliston was never- married and had
alone, had gone out' to feed his hen's
and, had fallen, dislocating his hip.
He had evidently tried to get up, as
when found by little Miss Helen Up
shall the next morning, he was in a
sitting position, quite. dead. Mr.
Huliston had never married and had
lived alone for many years.' Ho js-
survived by .one sister, Mrs.: Henry
Forsythe. The funeralwas held Sat-
urday afternoon. Interment in Matt -
landbank cemetery, Seaforth. The
bearers were old -chums and neigh-
bors of the deceased, Jas. Finnlay-
son, John Huston, John McGregor,
Wni. McKay, Frank - Upshall and
R . Daly i umple. ,
Mrs. J. Workmaneceived+the fol-
lowing obituarynotice from the Linn
County News., of . an . aunt, also
an aunt of Messrs, Wm. and Arthur
Anderson who died at.Lennens, Mo..
"Nies- .Agnes MacKenzie was.. born
fa Ontario, April 18, 1842 and was a
daughter of the at Gilbert and Mar-
garet Anderson, of Stanley -township;
Ontario, Canada,. whet' came from
Scotland in 1830.' Miss Andersen
was united in marriage to Donald
MacKenzie of Tuckersmith towihship,
in 1862 and.' came to Missouri and
settled- in Linn County. Her hus-
band'died at Fairbult and she return-
ed to Browning, where she; raised her
family of one son and three daugh-
ters, giving them all a splendidedu-
cation fitting them ter occupy, fine
positions in life, but better than all,
an example of righteous living that
brought thein all to years of maturity
possessed' of fine. personalities and
high ideals. The children -are Gilbert.
Melton, I. A., bars. Lois Guthrie,
Fort Madison; D. Ar., Mrss Jennie
Cady, El. Paso, Texas; Mrs. Maggie
Flemming, whe,died three years ago.
Mrs. 1VIellenzio's death occurred on
Dec. 31st, 1928, at the home of her e
daughter, Ms. Guthrie.
'rhe following Sunday her pastor
conducted a memorial service at the
First Presbyterian church.. A. dear
friend sang "One Sweetly Solemn
Thought"' and "The Home Over
There." The rentains were brought
to Browning ..and placed in the Jen-
kins cemetery,'Ibeside the grave of
her. daughter, Mrs. Flemming. The
remains was accompanied to Brown-
ing by Mrs. Cady, Mri-`and Mrs. -
Guthrie, Mr. •G. A. MaeKenzi'o and
Mr; Jae...B. Flemming.
Mrs, Guthrie states that Iter mother"
died under a blanket made from wool.
that she helped to clip from the
sheep, carded the Wool, spun it into
yarn and wove it into the blanket.
AU of which wtls characteristic of the
traits of fragility and industry she
instilled into her daughters and son.
Too' much' in praise cannot be spoken
of Mrs. Agnes MacKenzie as mother, -
friend and neighbor ).
week from, Loudonwhore he was
helpingcare for I19 wife who
has boon quite ill
(Too late :for last week). -
eek).lfi. Joni .Whiteman celebrated
ninety-sixth birthday last week. and
is enjoying- wonderful health' ITe
still enjoys reading , his paper and
'keeps in touch with 'all of the hap
penings of the times.: We ,d all hope
liwork or study' . for the winter will
meed to be getting it underway.
editor Stratford a,
The ditor of the .tr tfor�d Be eon-
:Nereid evidently has suffered some-
what ' during the recent cold,snap
from nipped ears, as he's callig for
some invention that would cover a
man's ears. What's wrong with the
-old-fashioned cap with "lugs" attach -
¢.d which could be tied under the chic
:and when -not needed, turned up and
tied over the crown?
A -number- of the friends o'f`.the
late Hec y Maurice Cody,' son of the
, [rev. Canon Cody of - Toronto, • who
,.as accidently drowned in the sum
mer of 1927, have subscribed a fund
to be used for the purpose of provid-
ing scholarship's, and "fellowships for
-research -work, to be .known as the
Maurice Cody. Research, Fellowships-
eand-Scholarships. The sum of $50,-
'000 has already been subscribed and
-it is expected that this will be added
'to as time goes one. This ,is a move.
linthe right direction.Canada has
not paid "as much attention to 're-
search work as might have been done
mnd the consequence ie that a number
•of our brightest andtndst ambitious
university graduates are 'lured away
to other countries where greater
facilities are pravidecl for post-grad-
0' 4i - '5
In'discussing '.the situation in Eng-
land and especially Wales, where
-many are in dire straits' owing to the
falling" off of :employment' in the
-caret urines, the _Orillia Packet-Tirees
makes a const active-- suggestion
-vhieh, . if carried' through by the
'Governments of,' gehrd'a incl Great,
" Britain; would, sono of the most
i,1oiktogs aehiet ements a ei made in,
piny Age , Let :equotes n r ;^ n•
"Today- Engl'ziic7, kiss, 4rpparent-
ly, upwards of half a•ini'llion men
to wheat the old :.leeid•'cannot
give employment. 'Canada, an
the other hand, is, . -aching for
British inuiiigration, to fill 'up
'her wasteepuees with people who
'have traditions -arid' ideals that
. •will accord 'with ours, fearful
that if this is not done aliens
will force their way in. Surely
such a situation wily' requires
'big enough immaginiation to meet
it. Why not spend money in
peace, for _preservation and
sweetening of, English lives de-
teriorating for Tack of opportun-
ity to earn a living, on something
the same'scaie that money was
spent in war to enable these same
t'tniners to' destroy' the lives of
"their :enemies in defence of •Brit-
•Ish` freedom and ideals? Why
.not take.a hundred thousand, or
'half a million of these. workless
-mere train 'them in the arts of
pace as they were trained for
-war; equip thenn with farm mut.
plements and seed, instead of
with guns and ammunition;
house .thein iii homes instead of
'barracks, and fill up the great,
•agricultural districts in North-
ern Ontario? It would cost a lot
of money. Brit no more than
another -year of war,' for which
•t1 h Er itish and Canadien - Gov-
ernment were" alike prepared:
Andinstead of involving pure
loss, it would transform what is
-Mew a population that is both a
'burden and - a menace to the
old country, into a self respect-
ing, self suppot•ting asset to the
'Empire. '
Are we of the British race big
enough, bold enough, brotherly
• enough to do a`thing'so splendid and
•so worthwhile?. In the meantime as-
•sistancc can be given to needy ones,
and -perhaps the most needy may be
'left --to want: `It is always the most
worthy who are the last to ask for or
'accept charity, But eventhoiigh ad -
'equate assistanee were given for the
°tinte being, the need will keep.reeee-
ring: Some asisstanee of a pennan-
rent'inature is required,
X3ppe-ill. '
The Y.P.S. will hold its annual
'business meeting ,Friday, January
.25th at 8 o'clock. •
Me.; Cliff Watson's dance Friday.
last was net a very big success: The
prevelance of the flu and wet weath-
er I:05it people at home.
Mr. , Robt. Raymond - received a
wire Saturday last telling of the re-
lapse and serious illness of hit sis
ter, Miss Sarah' Daymond, ;,end "left
Tor Toronto Tuesday morning.
We 'eXtend our sympathy to. Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Brown ire the loss 'of
their little child from pneumonia on
IVIrs. Robt. Dayanond has been
caring for her sister;', Mss. T. Butt,
who was quite ill. But we are happy
to .say she is feeling much improved.
Mr. Jas.. Lowey: is 'tip and about
The long delayed party in
cnnection with the Y.P.S. of
Cippen church was held last Fri -
lay evening.' The two captains gave
heir •reports' of the penny per year
anvass,ga Bell's side reporting $28.10 in all.
Ass Olga aa l l .10 and
l < $ 19 9
iss Florence's side, 39.00. There
as a fine crowd and a pleasant eve.
was spent in. contests, games,
usic and lunch, ;:Owing to the
pedemic the gathering had been de -
eyed three weeks but was a fine sue-
ess When it did take place.
1VIu'•-; Win, Harvey has rented Mr.
td: Butts house at the Borth end of
rr village e
and intends shortly
rove up 2or111 London'. We are al -
aye happy to welcome young people
f 'itir. and Mrs. Harveys stamp to
ui' village'.
Little Dennie. Smith, wlee has had
he mumps, is now quite recovered.
Mia'.. P. Higgins returned this
The News -Record:
In your issue of January 17th, you
use this reference, "Mayor Combo
said the audit of the business of.
of which I am a Member cost $250,00.
Will you please torrent this, what I.
did say was the audit of the business:
of which ho was head cost $250.00.
Yours truly, H. B. COMBS.,
11, oDONALD—HBP.M.AN,—.In the.
Anglican church, Bolton, of lin:
18t1, by the, Rey. J, 11 . Colclough
01 Scarb to assisted' bybride's
e T the
father , Edith Ferman,' R.N.
dau liter of Rev. 'Frank Herman!
and :Kt's, Herman of Bolton, and,
granddaughter of Mrs,. E Hernial',
of' Clinton, to Aliner•a .Harold Mc-
Donald of Toronto
Births �• ,;i��
MOSS—In Medicine Hat Hospital, on
January- HP, to Rey. W. 11. moss
and ilh_s: Moss of Burdett, Alta.,,
' formerly of Baimiller, a son,—
Wilson :Harold.
EASOM—In Goderieh-towiiship,' on
January 21st, 'John Everett, sons of
Mir. and' Mrs. David Easem, aged
G years; 10 months and 20 days.
STIRLING—In Torontd General Hos-
pital, Toronto, on January 20th,'
Howard, A. Stirling, youngest Son
of Mr: John Stirling of Clinton,
aged 34 years.
COLCLOUGII—in loving' memory of
your . •dear daughter and sister,
Phebe Ford, who fell .'asleep'. in
Jesus 2 years ago to -morrow, Jan.:'
25th, in her 19th year.
"Gone front us, our; 1pvecL one,
OUT sweetheart and'pal of old;
God needed you in Heaven
When He called you to His fold.
We are- lonesome yvithopt you, dear
Aird sad is the. weary way,
'For life to us is not the same,
Since you' were called away.
God is good, He gives us strength
To bear the heavy cross;
He is the only one who knows
How bitter is our loss.
—Sadly missed by her parents, s
ters and brothers.
s -
Annual meeting of the Holmes.
ville Cor -operative Cheese and Butter
Company will be held in Mulholland's
hall, Holm,esville, ' Tttesda.y, January
29th, 1929 at two o'clock. An share-
holders enol patrons" are specially 're-
quired to, attend, Tho-buttermilk,for
the year will lie auctioned at 4 pan.'r•
Will Give Concert
The W'•esley-Willis church choir
are planning for alt old-time concert
to be given in the town hall on 'the'
evening of Friday, Feb: 22nd: Watch
for further, particulars next week.
Ilelmemado Baking Sale
The Girls Club of Wesley=Willis`
church, will hold a homemade baking
sale on Thursday " afternoon, Feb.
1.4th, this year instead of their usual
Valentine Day slipper. -
Manitoba Oats
IIVianitoba Oats per bus . „ 67c
Ground Screenings, per ton 330'.00
Pig Chop, per cwt. $1,50
Clinton Chopping Mill
J.. R. No, 1 Clinton,' Ont,
Endorsed by National Radio Institute
Washington, D. C.
Mr. end ,Mrs-. David Easont wish
to extend.their sineere thanks to:all
the neighbors and friends for theit
assistance during the illness of their
little son, .for the sympathy shown
since his death; for flowers sent and
cars loanedfor the funeral and .2
all other courtesies and kindnesses
Miss- Rose Snowden and Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Snowden wish to thank
their many friends for their kindness
and sympathy during their recent sad
bereavement; also for the lovely flor-
al tributes and those who so very
kindly loaned their cars.
Mrs. Thomas McCartney and niece
'Mrs. A. Fletcher, wish to. extend
their sincere thanks to the neighbors
and friends for their kindness and the
sympathy shown., them in their ber-
House to Rent
Cottage in Victoria street, Clinton,
Apply to W. T. Iierman, Phone 210,'
Pigs For Salo
About 20 young pigs for sale,'teat-
ly a ,month old, Apply to George
Holland, Clinton, phone 607r15, Clin-
ton central. ' 98-2-p.
no X. W. Burgess, Photographer
MTitclioll, Ont._
I wish to say' to my 'Clinton eus-
Comers i lied ilitendod opening ,my
Clinton Studio tgaun-this mouth; but
on account of. so much sickness` all
over, I -will not open the Studio until
same time in February and tl you
watch ; this paper for special an
noui censeet and special prices it will
pay you to wait for me. In case you
wantphotegraphs taken int the mean
time if you come to <'Illy Mitchell
Studio I will: give you special prices.
Thanking all`- for past business.
Wishing you a Happy New Year.
.Clinton' and lliitchell
Member of''Florist Telegraph delivery
For All Occasions, Sent Anywhere.
Our Greenhouse is a near as your
Chas. V. Cooke
Two Phones -66w and 66j
Logs' Wanted
Highest cash price will be paid for
good elm, .maple, ash and basswood
logs delivered' in our yard at Bay-
field and Goderich Township. Custom
sawing will also be done in Clinton
as usual. McEwen Bros., phone 624
r4, Clinton. 97-tf.
Tenders: 2qr Flooring
Tenders addressed to the under-
signed will be received tip to 8 o'clock
p.nt.: February 1st for flooring the
auditorium of the Town Hall, Clinton.
Specifications and further 'informa-
tion at the Town Clerk's office. The
lowest or any tender not necessarily
accepted. D. L. Macpherson, Town.
Clerk. .98-1.
Executor's Sale
Executors' Sale of Farms, ` Farm
Stock, Implements, Grarn,.Furniture,:
The Executors of the estate of the
Late • :•
will sell by publie auction, at the
homestead, lots 28 and 29, concession
2, East Wawanosh, on
commencing at 12 o'clock, sharp:•
Horses.—One heavy draft mare; 1
Pereheron mare..
Cattle.—One red cow, just bred; 1
white cow, due May 16th; 1 white
and red cow, due in March; '1 grey
cow, due April 16th; 1. black colo, due
March 25th; i roan cow, due time of
sale; 1 pure Jersey cow, due about
May 30th.; 1red and White cow, due
in July.
Young Cattle—Four 2 -year-old
steers and heifers; 6 1 -year-old ethers
and heifers; 6 calves.
Sheep and Poultry. -Six sheep; 1
registered Oxford ram; a number of,
liens and pullets.
Machinery, Etc. One: 15-30 McCor-
mick Deering tractor, nearly new; 1
threelfurrow tractor plow; 1 tandem
16 -tractor disc; 1 Massey Harris
'power sprayer; 1 Massey -Harris 6 -ft.
binder; 1 Massey -Harris 5ei-ft.
mower; 1 bflssoy-Harris spring tooth
cultivator; 1- Massey -Harris seed
drill; 1 gang plow; 2 walking plows;
1 land roller; 1. stuffier; 1 wagon
with box; 1 bobsleigh; 1 long sleigh
with box; 1 Massey -Harris hay rake,
10 -ft; 4 -section diamond harrows;
1 top buggy;.1 cutter; 1 light wagon;
1 pulper; 1 car rope acid pulley, slings
and hay fork; 1 fanning mill 1 De
Laval cream separator,•No..12; 1 No.
'7 Daisy churn; 150 sap pails and
spikes; 2 good iron' kettles; 1 sap pan,
7 feet long; 1 sap pan, 10 feet long;
1 galvanized sup storage tank, .5 Unr-
eels; 1 set double harness; 1 set sin-
gle harness; number of collars; quan-
tity ,of lumber; 6 barrels; quantity of
hay; 7 feet ensilage in silo; 400 bus.
.oats; 600 bus. mixed grain; 8 good
ladders; chains, forks, shovels,ete.;
quantity of household furniture:
Parcel . No. 1—Homestead, south
part of lots 28 and 29, East Wawa -
mesh, consisting of 150 acres, one mile
north of Auburn. Twelve acres hard-
wood bosh, never failing spring creek
running through barnyard. Good
buildings, consisting of frame -house,
barn, cement silo, driving shed, straw
shed and sheep pen with loft above.
Apple orchard - of winter .varieties
consisting of eight acres. -
Partel No. 2 -Grass farm, lot 27,'
concession 2, West Wawanesh, one
mile north of Auburn, consisting of
100 acres. 'A l well seeded, never
failing smite. running ,acros`s farm,,
Bankbarn; well drained and fenced.
On Real Estate.—Ten per cent. of
purchase price to be paid to the -Exe-
cutors at time of sale, the balance
within 30 days, when possession will
be givens,
On :the McCormick -Deering Tractor
—One-third cash at time of sale; one-
third 'et October 6th, 1929; balance
February 6th, 19$0, A straight dis-
count of 5 per ccitt, will be allowed if
purchase price is paid in full' at time
of sale.
On "Feign Stock, Implements and
other Chattels. -$10 and under, cash;
over that amount, eight months' cre-
dit will be given On jurnishing..ap-
proved joint notes, •A discount of 4
per cent, straight allowed for cash on
credit amounts.`.
All hay , and straw will go with the
Farms whet will be sold
in separate
parcels, 2 o'clock sharp,
Executors, Auburn P. 0,
T. GUMMY & SON, •.
Make More Money "
Selling our Fruit trees, Berry bush-
es, hardy Flowering Shrubs, 'Hedges,
Shade Trees, Roses, Ste. Every
home -owner is a:prospect. . We pay
.liberal commission. Cash every:
week. Can place a fete mitre good.
men. Write to -day. E. D. Smith
& Sons, Limited, Winona, Ontario.'.
Social Evening
Tuesday evenin Jan. 29th at.
8:30 in. 'St,' .Joseph's Parish Hall, 1
Clinton. Cards, dancing, lunch;
For Sale
One '8 -hp. Brantford gasoline en-
gine and ono'15`-hp Olds gasoline en-
gine, will- be sold cheap. Apply to
A, Seeley, Clinton.,. e 98.3°•
•Incubator for Sale
600 -egg: Mallen Ideal incubator, as
good tis- new. . Apply R. Lawson, Clin-
ton P.0. Phone 241x31, Seaforth
central. 08-2-p.
Stratford Royal Troubadours will ;
furnish music. Admission 5,0c.
For Sale
Solid 'Oak Buffet, Solid Walnut
Chest of D2'awers Writing Desk.
Also one mattress. Apply to R. Tea
ker,'the Jackson block, Clinton.
For',' Sale
,Double barreled shot gun, 310.00;
double barreled shot, gun, 35.00; sin-
gle barreled shot gun, 37.00'; 5 -tube
radio set, equipment all new, $815.00;
4 -tube radio ' set, ,stripped, $35.00;
violin and case, ..$15.00; , saxophone
and case, 35.00; ukelele -banjo, 310.00,
guitar, S 1 V,
.'10.00 Willard wet B bat-
teries, 48' volts, $30.00, including
battery. charger. II. A. Hovey,
Clinton. 98-tf.i
. Wood Wanted
Twelve e nds of, good green maple
and beech. wood, 18" long to be deliv-
ered at -Summerhill school, not later
than April,, 71st, 1929. Tenders will
be received by ` the Secretary until
February 4th'. Oliver Jervis, Sec. -
Treasurer, 11.S . S 12, II. '& G.
We have a., good market for Goose
and Thick feathers this month.
Woarebuyers of Eggs, Live and
Dressed Poultry, every day in the
week:, throughout the ,year at good
�ClintonClinton£ll �i1t
Pry House
W. wa.rtha
hones -O2
'fice 214jResidence 214in
� F
Small Farni For Sale
Consisting of 27 acres,' mostly till'-
able.-- Modern bungalow house . with
furnace. Good barn and silo, large
henhouse. Young orchard and bosh
fruits: Water :in barn: Rivet' runs
through farm. Situated on - Provin-
cial Highway just south of Clinton.
Apply on premises to Mrs, T. J Lind-.
say, or to Charles Lindsay, Clinton.
Farms For Sale
Lot 12, con. 3, Stanley Township,
consisting of 100 acres. There is on
the premises a good two-storey'brick
cottage, a good barn with straw shed
attached, and stabling underneath, im-
plement house, orchard, about 5 ac-
res of bush on a back corner of the
farm, through which runs a never -
failing spring creek, two never -failing
wells, ,one near the house the other
near the, stable. .The farm is in a
good state of cultivation.
Also lot 10, con. 4, Stanley town-
ship, consisting of 100 acres onwhich
there is -a very good barn, and about
15 acres of "bush. A never -failing
stream runs across the back end of
this farm. Good for either grain or
Apply to Murray" Gibson, Bruce-
-field, executor for the Estate of the.
late William Collins.' 85-12.
Five Hundred Dollars
Do you want it? By buying this
eighty acres of productive loam with
treed drainage;, picturesque
you will profit this. Farm about two
miles from Clinton; buildings con-
sist of good house, barn, also wind-
mill. Considerable bush, Terms:
W, Brydone, Clinton. Owner, 322
South Main, Romeo, Michigan.
In the Estate of Jane Edmundson
• Heard, Deceased
NOTICE is hereby given tiara • all
persons having claims against the
estate of Jane Edmundson Heard, Iate
of the Village of Bayfield, in the
County of Huron, widow, deceased,
who died on or about the 12th day of
October, A.D. 1028, are required to
deliver to George Henry Elliott the
administrator of the said estate or
W. Brydone, solicitor, : on or before
the second day of February, A.D.,
1929, a full statement of their claims
together with particulars thereof, and
the nature of the seeurities, if any,
held by them all duly verified by
AND TAKE NOTICE that , after
the said last mentioned date the said
achninistrator will proceed to dis-
tribute the estate of the said deceas-
ed amongst the persons entitled
thereto having regard only to such
claims as he shall have received due
notice and in accordance therewith.
DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this
12th day of January A. D., 1929
W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for the said Estate.
In the Estate of Emily Anna Finch,
NOTICE is hereby given th#st all
persons having claims against the
estate of . Emily Anna Finch, late of
the town of Clinton, in the County of
Iluron,:widow, deceased,' who died on
or about the 26th day of November
A.D. 1228, are required to deliver to
Artliur Elymer Finch, the executor of
the said estate or W. Brydone, solic-.
ttor,.on or before, the 24th day of
January A.D. 1929, a full statement
of their claim together with parti-
culars thereof, and the nature of the
securities,' if any, held by them all
duly verified by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after
the said last mentioned date the .said
executor will proeeetl to distribute
the estate of thesaid deceased a-'
mongst the persons entitled thereto
having regard only to such claims as
ho shall liavelreceived due notice' and
in aeeorclance herewith.
DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this
3rd day of January A,D, 1929.
W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario,
` Solicitor for the said Estate:
In the Estate of Sarah Frances Crich,
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the
estate of Sarah Frances Crich, late
of the town of Clinton, in the County
of Huron, spinster, deceased, who
Iliad on or about the 27th day of De-
cember, A.1). 1928, are requested to
deliver to Wellington' Crich, the ex-
ecutor of the said estate or W. Bry-
done, solicitor, on or before the 26th
day of January A.D. 1.929, a full
statement of their claims together
with particulars thereof, and the
nature of the securities, if any, held
by them all duly verified by affidavit.
NOTICE that AND 'TAKE NO at after C l
the said last mentioned date. the said
executor will proceed to distribute the
estate of the said deceased amongst
the ,'persons .entitled :thereto having
regard only l to such claims as he
shall have received due notice and in
accordance therewith.'
DATED at Cltnten,LL Ontario, this
8th day of January, A.D. 1929.
W. BriYDCNE, ,Clinton, Ontario.
Solicitor for the said Estate.
�..a�,.rwrar+�o.s.�.r..v�e:rre.a• ea...vw�Ar..e+vwa•
I" x.
„f e'llARY 24, lee
S 6 RIi' �
T3 , •e Cod Liver`Qi ”• Poultry, 'a .60
-lgyt ne 1 -for per gal �
Pure Epsom Salts, 6' lbs. for •.... ...... . 25e
` Pure Sulphur, 6 lbs. 25e
Salt Petreound 12e
Perfection Oil Stove 'Wicks, each - ,,..... .: 35c
Electric Light. bulbs, 5 for t .51.00
Sweat pads,'each'..,,..:.-.:........,v.. 50c
Goodrich. Rubber. Boots, reg. $4.50. at ... .-.$"3.75
Goodrich Robber Boots, reg. 35,25 at $4.25
Work Shoos, reg. at. 34:50 at :..........5. ....._.:... :....$-3.75
A few odd sizes in Men's, Ladies and Boys Rubbers, Heavy Rub-
bers and Boots to clean at Cost.
Milier Hardware. Co
C. -H. VENNER, Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, -Bulbs, Irons, Fans and otlhe'r
- Appliances
Wiring and Repairs.
-- We Sell Coal That Satisfies .
Don't buy your fuel till you get
my prices which are lower than else-
where. Best quality of coal and
eoke. Order by phone. at my house.
Edward Carter, Phone 271, Clinton.
. I,c i.
All Models - scores of beautiful fab-
rics - novel and exclusive and person-
ally tailored to suit your figure.
Stock of Overcoats Just Arrived.
318.00 TO 365.00 •
McEwen's Old Stand. Opposite
Post Office
We still have the
for the
Atwater Kent Radios
Both Battery and Electric.
It will pay you to try the Atwater
Kent before you buy.
J,�. i.o
Raw Furs Wanted
Don't sell your furs till you get
my prices which are higher than you
can get elswltere. You are loosing
money selling to other dealers.
H. A. Hovey
Clinton 90-tf,
1RdFr1,TOli moRE
Cotl:t -ro HEAT,
You've: GO" To
OK You( PO
Some theatres -never live up to
their slogan of
"Thirty- degrees cooler inside"—
Except in the Winter time,
Then it is an "absolute fact. .
If we were putting on a show,
We'd snake the house comfortable
Then the people on the program.
wouldn't ,have to perform to empty
Call they!
for good,clean
J. B. Mus(ard
Phone 7
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and res
paired. Woollen goods.: dry cleaned.
Rooms toter Heard's B..rber shop,
A House to Rent.
W. J. Jago. , • 228341
Cockshutt Agency
As I am now handling the Cock-
shutt and Frost and Wood.Implein-
ents and also Cockshutt cream separ-
ators, and am prepared to supply all
kind's of repairs for same, 1 solicit
the patronage of fanners and others
Orders will receive prompt attention,
Queen' street, Clinton
Just received a car of nice dry corn,.
while:it lasts, good value.
Have on hand clean Ontario Oats,
Fall Wheat, Bran and Shorts, also
heavy screenings. Let us know your.
requirements. Our prices are right.
Maple, Basswood and Elm,
quire about Prices,
Phone 123 Flour, Feed and Seed
Coal That Satisfies
Wo sell the cleanest, 'safest and
most economical fuel and always at tj
fair price.
A telephone call will receive oasa,
prompt attention.
You can feel asolutely sure that
every shovel of coal will be of dist
same uniformity of quality.
Phone 182 1
Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery,
' Phone 111 )
We Want Your
Mibi and Cream
We are manufacturers of both
chbese ,and butter. We want your
milk or cream. We pay highest mar,,
ket price weekly. Satisfaction guar-,
anteed. -'
Phone your order for finest cheese
or pasturised butter in prints or ad.
ids to W. H. Lobb; Clinton, Ont., R,
3, Phone No. 605132. '
Eggs and Poultry-
Home on Tuesday and Friday fore-
noon to: take in Poultry. _
Eggs handled at residence every
day—graded by an experienced grad-
er, for which we pay the highest mar.
ket price.
Cream purchased for Stillman's
A. E. Finch
Viking Cream Separator Agent.
Victoria St., Clinton Phone 231
Er "
Buy a radio . for the family
in doing ' ao • • you will bel
giving them something which they
can enjoy theyear around,
We are dealers for the Kclster and
Kings sets and will be pleased to give
tract n a anytime.
you a demons ono t
Batteries charged and stoi-
for the winter , , e
Nedier,' Prop,