The Clinton News Record, 1929-01-17, Page 3t e�i Siti.a
Oise important thing about Christie's
Soda Wafers is that their excellence
never varies. They are always crisp
and crunchy -always fresh and ptire.
In the store or
on the 'phone,
allvays ask for
Christie's Baciuts.
a2t,,co es%",e /853.
' Peter was playing, at Johnny's
.rouse. When it was time to go home.
it started to rain. Mrs. White, how-
owever, gave Peter ,Johnny's raincoat
.and gaioshes.
"Don't take so much trouble, Mrs.
White," .said Peter, politely.
"I'm sure- your mother would, do as
'much for Johnny," she' replied.
'My mother would clo more," said
Peter, "She'd ask Johnny to stay for
May: "So you had a letter from'the•
•college boy?"
Tess: "Yes,h he wrote au
ast me
did ); get.)nomo all right from the
dance he took ale to."
A friend le one who pretends .not to
"Have heard your old and tiresome
:story before,
A hick town is place Whero'a nude
seems- naked.
Volt can easily telt the modern
inpther and her daughter apart, The
'mother Is the one who looks so young,,
'Thirsty days ]lath September, ,
.April, Juno and' November,
All: the rest are thirsty, too
Unless you make your own home-brew.
He: "When is your birthday?"..
She:, "When will it be most con-
venient for you?"
Everything was created for a pur-
pose. Rabbits do their best to get
•rill of carrots, but it seems there are
aiwnys enough left over to get into
the soup.
(Juniors and Seniors)
in Three:Years
A fifteen -year-old boy did this
straight from Entrance. A farm
boy ef'.18 not only did it but took
16 Honors. Ask for "Stories of
Success?, and reliable advice-- •
Pratt, President
A soft answer turneth away wrath
but it takes the hard cash to turn'
away, the installment collector.
A short story, entitled "The Genera-
tions," Grandfather had a farm.
Father had a garden. Sou has a can-
Baby's tiny system rebels against
castor oil'aud strong purgatives; but
here's a medicine that just sults him.
And it does the work quickly and so
.gently that Baby doesn't feel it.
.Fletcher's Castoria is soothing cross,
fretful -babies and children to sleep
and making.the feverlsh, constipated,
-upset ones well and happy, in miUions
•of homes today. Castoria is purely -
vegetable, harmless and endorsed by
the medical profession, Avoid imita-
tions. The Chas, H. Fletcher signa-
ture marks genuine Gastonia.
The best way to make a commodity
sell is to make prospective buyers
believe it's scarce.
'First Hobo: "When I lie down for
a quiet think I ,realize how Tempus
fugit is creepin' on." '
[t Is Just Twenty-five Years
Last December Since the
First -Aeroplane
Was Made' by,
Orville Wright
On a cold, raw, December morning
a little group of people faced a sharp
and billing wind at Kill Devil Hill,
Kitty Hawk, New Carolina. They
were gathered round a strange -look-
ing, machine, which presently rose in
the air,'. carrying a man, and flew
under, its own power for twelve aec
:Less Noise Please
Making the Airplane Easier on
the Ears Will Help a Lot
Could it bo bandits of the skies,
staging the first air hold-up, who were
peppering the mail plane with ,buck-
shot as it roaredthrough the night?
No, Douglas Clophane tells us in NE'A
Magazine and Science Service, it was
an irate former who was trying to
discourage aviators from flying over
his land. Tho deafening- noise of the
planes; he protested, bothered his -
Second Hobo: "I can't tell yuh de hens and made them stop laying. This
foreign name, but cley're creepin' on 'man, continues the writer•,, who, takes
me, too!" . up the problem of making the 'air-'
plane noiseless, or at 'least less noisy,
was the first to express dissatisfac-
tion in such sensational form, "but
millions of people are` becoming the in-
noise s
s b
'planes. Ebtlr the- airplane -riding pub-
lic and the millions who must' hear
this noise from the ground' are de-
manding that planes be silenced,"
What is being done to solve this baf-.
fiing,probiem is outlined thus by Mr.
In theory it' is as easy to makea
noiseless aviation motor as it is to
make a 'quiet motorlcar.Every pound
added for mufflers and other silencing
devices now on the market reduces
the amount of paying mail, freight,
and passengers that can the carried..
For this reason and because of the
added fire hazard and loss of power
that most of the devises cause, mann-
factiii'ers have been slow to adopt
them, '-
Recently. there has been a develop -
"I'm a somnambulist"
"That's`,a11 right; 5'11 go to ' my
church after we're married and you
can go to yours."
If it' hurts you to spend money you
can't go very far in business.
Women, so they tell us, '
Must always look, their best,
In spite of death and taxes,
Installments and the rest.
So i eontrivo to snake a trip
'1`o the beauty shop each week ..
To put the wave into my hair
And the pink into my cheek,
7 gaze into the"mirror
And Iike myself again;
And -I know I'll win a twinkly smile
From my own dear Prince of men.
Twelve. seconds! How -tame that
seems today, when aeroplanes can
wing their way across continents and
less, as a lubricant because ft turned (New York): (The article answers
oceans! : But it was the first power..solid, Mercury, after a Pressure of the question "Why is it that a gentle
driven flight that, had ever been made 60,000. pounds, began' to escape, the man in America nowadays 'seams
i theId Th e flights afraid to appear as suchPAn lin-
,were made the same morning, the last ed between ^ those composing the steel poverished aristocrat may sell his title
of fifty-nine seconds' ,duration. Dur- chamber in which ti was imprisoned. in marriage. for ono, generation to -ro-
ing that, time the aeroplane travelled The apparatus made by Dr. Bridge habilitate his house, but Americans
852 feet. man` attains a pressure of 600,000 who sell their culture and their breed.
Then, while the machine was on pounds per square inch ,which is said ing to truckle to the unbred in=bus'i-
the ground, a gust of wind over- to be the highest by far ever reached nese,•who shed these things o£ the
turned .and wrecked it, snaking aur- in laboratories. Tho tendency of spirit for motor cars and all the rest
ther experiments'impossible for the steel to Slow under pressure ,makes of the things of the'' body, are taking
It :is twenty-five years since that moment, possible the success of his apparatus, refuge in a yet more ignominious sur -
which is a' plunger forced into a hole render. They may thus pick up some
But I am scarcely in the house. merit that offers drat possibilities of 0
practical, solution of rho noise prob-
lem. A. device which will cut down
the exhaust noises without adding' ap-
preciably to the weight or fire hazard,
or causing a loss of power, has been
developed on au entirely new mind -
The exhaust gases are gathered to -
gator in two pipes and passed into the
inside of the blades of a hollow steel
propeller that has just been invented.
By leaving an opening on the trailing
edges of the blades from which the
gases escape, the centrifugal effect
messes a partial vacuum to be bullt
up inside' the propeller.
reply to one of the interpellations,.
Not, only will the motor be silecned
made'tlie by Mr:. Ormsby by this device, but it will do away
'with the long hot exhaust pipe which
is the main cause of lire in planes,
turning slight accidents in landing acid
in the air into horrible tragedies.
_wise it does two things: first, prevents
Even with the motors as quiet as in
the extension of existing preferences
automobiles—a development which
without the grant of the same privi- can reasonably' be expected Within' the
leges to Germany; second, it prohibits near future—no means has yet been
found to even reduce the roar of tate
propeller, and the best engineers la
this country and abroad can .see no
solution of the problem. These sounds
have two sources: first, the' vibration
of the propeller itself, and second, the
disturbance created by the blade tips
cutting the air at six to eleven miles
per minute.
The flrat country to develop a iaoise
less propeller or other system of pro
pelting the plane, wiR have a tremend-
ous military.advantage,ever the world
The value of airplanes inwardepends
to a large extent on the element•: of
surprise. At, present the noise, which
can be heard by sound -detecting de
vices for nines gives a' warm t h
opposing forces, allowing' them to
range anti-aircraft guns, send up op.
posing planes, and prepare other pro-
tective.devices that are being .devel-
When the youngsters come poll melt;
And in one grand; and glorious romp
Wreck my fine marvel! .
Treaty Disturbs British '
The tecently negotiated commercial
treaty between Germany and the Un-
ion of South Africa has s°venal ti
been the aubect of comment in the
British Parliament, 'where it is charg-
ed that it will work to the disadvan-
,tage,.of the another country. Accord-
ing to' the London press there is . a
strong movement, on foot to prevent
its ratification.
,In the light of the Government's
Pressure. A v ernes
Kno•w&ii 1C aaope =tries
Many alb tances
Oanbridgo 1V�a, ..' -- Tremendous
pressures have reversed almost coni-
plotely the ,familiar properties' of
some well known substances in ex-
periments at Har vard Uryi ersitp,
Paraffin, under pressure ranging be-
tween 200,000 to 600,000 pounds a
square inch, became so hard that Pro-
feseor Percy W. Bridgman pronounced:
0 harder than machine steel. Rubber
became so hard •that it,was pronouns -
ed usable as a,die to form steel
Dr. Bridgman found that stet tend-
ed to: flow, if not like water, at least
More cups to the pound, more flavor in the cup, more
tang to the taste. That's what mattes Rod Rose epi
so popular. very package ;guaranteed. ea
RED' ROSE ORANGE P EKOE is isxfr°a.good:
sufficiently to spread- I -ie noted 'g`flg8, Mushier Pose
different -kinds. of ice, each, foruaed at
e four et ar
a different pressure. 011: became use- James Truslow Adams in Harper's
Gore, Under-Secretary of Stats for
the Colonies, the new treaty does not
aect existing South African prefer-
ences to British products, but other-
n won . res.• max ag s theory being that its atoms were fore -
the grant of new preferences unless
they are also granted to Germany.
The Opposition press charges Mr.
Onrnsby-Gore With being obscure, fon
he said nothing about.the declared
policy of South Africa to conclude
most -favored -nation agreements with
as litany foreign' governments as "pos-
sible, and that the preference given
Germany by the trehty must also be
given to the others; this is likewise
obected to in ,London.
Minard's Liniment prevents Flu.
RailwayPresidentto Testify in
Union Suit—Head-line. At a very 10 -
formal hearing, one imagines.
Many people, two hours after eating,
-Suffer indigestion' as they call it. It is
usually excess acid. Correct it with
an alkali. The best way, the :quick,
harmless and efficient way, is Phillips'
Milk of Maguesla, It has remained
for 50 years the standard' with 'physi-
cians. One 'spoalful in water neu-
tralizes many Canes its volunne in
stomach acids, . and at once. The
-symptoms- disappear in five minutes.
You syill never use crude methods
when you know this better method.
And yea will never suffer from excess
acid whom You prove out this easy.
relief. Please do that—for your own
sake new.
. Be sure to get.the -genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi-
cians' f or
bysiciaus'for 50 sears in correcting•exeess
acids. Idi,eb.bottle contains full diroc'
tions --any drugstore. '
Farr➢ ®jIl
-Tho Colonization and Immigration Branch of the
Department et Agriculture for Ontario will have available a
number of Experienced Married Men With Their Wives'
and' Families—Married Couples Without Children--
Also Single Men,
remota reasuring holy will ,be well
adviaca to, matte earl
y animation pp c
Geo. Ae Elliot
piraator of Onranirntien
Parliament .aide/.,.
Toronto, Ont.
Ara Filed As Far '
Ae Possible In the
O'Fdor in Which
They Aro.,.
Offering Annual:
Work Ara
Given the,
Filo Your
at Once
, MON, •'JOHN 8, MAR
All Men
Placed Subject
to Trial Period
N, Mlnister,of Agriculture
, ng of e
101 Steno;: - Ada practices the
touch syetesn
grid Stottog: - Yes,i practices it on
me about twice a week. -
Human Nature
Dame Madge Kendall in • John
O'London's Keekly: Has the race
thrown overboard the capacity for
cadet enjoyment that .made the Vic-
toria period the basically sound ora
that it wee? For it was sound, and
it produced many great. thinkers,
whom arestile-with No;
many of st N us..
beneath the veneer of modern condi-
tions, witlie its hectic race, alter hap-
piness, there is in reality' 110 change.
It is a phase just as duelling Was a
phase, and it will become asunfashion-
able as duelling. Human nature does
not change, and Youth of to -clay is no
wisea,'no nearer perfection, than
Youth, of 5, 500 or 50,000 years ago.
historic`` morning (December 17th), in a solid bloc][ el steel;, Tho reaction of the 'golden drippings from the
from -which' we now elate man's Con- of the steel Is used to plug up escape muckers' tables, but they d'o not gain
quest of the air; the anniversary was along the sides of the plunger by the the respect of the muckers whom they
celebrated by a dinner of the Royal substance itis pressing. ' imitate and ;may yet awake to the
Aeronautical Society at South Ken- A wire inserted, in the steel sham:- fact that they have properly forfeited
sixteen Museum, London. The tables. ben al an aid in measuring the Pre*, • _even their own,
were arranged d underflighthe machine in sure -:has been shot out with such ---•:a —
which the famous : Was made, force as to dent a hale -inch armor Mlnard'e Liniment for Rrlppe. and Flu,
EUROPE WAKES UP. plate set up' to catch it. Dr, Bridg-
Yet in 1903 not a single newspaper' man said that once the almost solid
man' had thought it worth while- to steel chamber broke, in`�such an ex-
make the journey to Kitty Hawk to plosive manner that ' its fragmentb
see what might come of the Wrights' penetrated six inches of pine pl'ank-
in . He estimates the maximum
daring experiment. - And though a g
general invitation had been elstended pressure as equivalent to that at the
to the people who lived in the district bottom of an °bean 250 miles deep.
to be present only five of them had
troubled to turn out, A PROBLEM FOR
It was Orville Wright who made
the first flight, and in 1908 he and his
brother -had already' been snaking
aeronautical estperiments for seven
Stomach troubles cause most of the
distress of babyhood and childhood,
and ars the greatest problem. that a
young mother has to solve. The treat -
Aleut fon' these digestive disturbances
that make baby cry continually and
disturb' his sleep mast be quick and
effective, and, above all, perfectly
The absolutely safe treatment for
disturbances of. the stomach and
bowels Is found in Baby's Own Tab-
lets. Thousands of mothers have had
their problem solved through them.
They are guaranteed to be free from
all injurious drugs and cannot possi-
bly do berm to even the youngest
babe—they always do gond.
Baby's Own Tablets.regulate the
stomach and bowels; banish constipa-
tion and simple fevers and promote
that health -giving sleep which. is so
necessary to the welfare of the baby.
or growing child. The Tablets are
sold by all medicine' dealers or by
years. They continued their work,
and in 4908 set the seal upon their
triumph by a flight of sixty-one miles
in France, when Wilbur remained in
the air for over one hoiir and a half,
Europe . now• woke up, and from
that point the progress of the aero-
plane has gone' forward without a
check. Among the first to realize the
importance of the new invention was
Lord Northcliffe, who played' a big
part in the development of aviation
in England,'
Since those days aviation has taken.
giant strides. The Atlantic has been
crossed by air on several occasions;
Mr. Milkier has flown' to Australia
(11,000 miles) in a light aeroplane;
Sir Philip Sassoon recently returned
to England after flying 17;000. miles
in about a month; and commercial, as
distinct from military, flying is now
recognized as one of the: safest forms
of transport.
Free Book About Cancer
The Indianapolis' Cancer Hospital In-
dianapolis, Indiana, -bas published a
booklet et Nhigh gives interesting
about the °ease of .Cancer, also tells do for pain, bleeding, odor, etc.
A valuable.. guide in the management of
any' case, Write for It to -day, mention-
ing this paper.
Keep, Itoar Heart
iiiar 's.LIn imearg
for that cold and tired feeling.
Get Well—Keep Well.
by using the OLD RELLIBLIg
asiusad's Liniment tlo„ Ltd.,
Yarmouth, 10.11, ,
g�y'.q{ f
t oft:T1 t
.f !d Pneumonia
Neglected bronnhint es,9a%�, axe dna.
garotte. Stop them aacar ett 'with
Buckler's Mixture. Sts settop to re..
Having the hough add.clearing . tt
tubes ie amatingly swift -amt ansa.
Ail druggists eon "Buckley•s" smear
n a -Positive guarantee. Bur a battle
irr today, and be safe.
'-s ... W. IC. Buckley, LiraiteJ,
't" 142 Mutual St„ Toronto,2
+""6 't4
F:a, ■ 0
:•SY �
u.s I l
�4f.o K
Acta tike flask-.
s22 a
a e ng e alp braves t
75c and 40c
this winter
UNNY land of
fruit and flowers;
where living is a joy
the whole,yealr
Variety andbeautyt
i? Mile highlnountains,
lam v —smooth beaches—
orange groves, pepper trees and palms:
World cities—quiet retreats. Every sport
,...-every day.,
"California Mid -Winter Escorted Toters-21 days—all
expense. On the way—Indian-detour, Grand Canyon,
Phoenix, California and Yosemite. Return through
Feather River Canyon, Royal Gorge, Colorado Springs
and Denver. Leave Chicago Saturdays January 5.59,
February 2.16, March 246, 1929. Ask for details."
6'. T. Hendry, Oen. Agent, Santa /Pony.
604firansportatton Bldg., Detroit, Mtch.. Phone: Randolph 6748
INFLUENZA'S VICTIMSl maamis'ad iceiinbe xCofroBm gTchceviDler, .Onntt..
Left Weak, Miserable and a Prey
" to Disease in Many Forms.
One of the most treacherous dis-
eases aflloting the people of Canada
during the winter months is influenza.
It almost invariably ends with a com-
plication -of troubles. Its victims suf-
fer with alternate fevers and . chills,
headaches and backaches. It leaves
them an BUSY prey to bronchitis and
pneumonia. Indeed, the deadly after
effects of influenza may leave the
victim a -chronic invalid. You can
avoid influenza entirely by keeping
the blood rich and red by the use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. If you have
not done this and the disease attacks
you, you can banish its deadly after
effects through the use oe this great
blood -buckling nerve -restoring tonic.
Here is proof of the power of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills over this trouble.
Mr. F. H. McMullen, Belleville, Ont.,
says:—"Some years ago, following a
severe attack of influenza, I was left
in. such a weak - condition that my
friends thought I would not get better.
I developed nervous indigestion, and
my blood got thin and watery. In this
weakened condition I began the use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and these did
what other medicine had failed to do—
brought me back to health and
strength. I'can honestly sayI think
them the best blood builder and nerve
tonic known, and I shall always praise
You can get the pills from your
druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box
from The Dr- WiiliamselvIediciue Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Modern Values
Edith Sitwell in the Spectator (Lon-
cloit): Money has no relation to life]
at present; it has no relation to any
thing' real; it hag no true relation to 1
the things which it buys. sit has 'got
outside humeri control altogether; it
is a - Frankenstein monster; dominating
tate unhappy•world which created it.
Where Charity once .spread a ,cloak'
which was permitted to cover -venial
faults; this.Frankenstein monster now
offers the Ons garment which is allow
el not only eo cover, but to glorify;
any kind of mortal sin. Nothing mat.
tern if you can spend more money
than your neighbor; hos• an
d if t'oucan
spend it in such a Way that noone
who really needs it benefits by it,
then so much the better,.
Scientists say the earth is slowing
up in its •rotation, which should be
some 'comfort to those of us who are
banging on by the skin' of our teeth.
r i• ' hit
There o rs ono t .r C to be said rrt
favor Of the 505081' trust. It doesn't
debate with itself for six years when-
ever it colzsiders undertaking a now
ower project, `
About tlies only thing a man gets
free in this world is criticisut
•Minard's Linitbent for 'Coughs, Colds,
Australia's Navy
The Week (Brisbane): (H.12.A.S.
Australia, stands for the principloa of
independence, interdependence, and
loyal attachment to the groat Com-
monwealth of Nations of which Aus-
tralia is a unit), For the existence of
an Australian Navy is evidouce of a
determination not to shelter behind
the forces of the British Government.
and to recognize that the Empire can
only stand by the united strength of
all parts of it. So much for indepen-
dence. As to loyalty to the litgther
Country, the readiness with which the
Commonwealth Government placed its
navalresources completely at the
command of the Imperial Naval auth-
orities at the outbreak of the Great
War is testimony enough. of the in-
tention to place Empire before every-
Tradition points to Julius Caesar as
the founder of the Tower of London,
and remains of Roman fortifications
have been found beneath the present
Minister (meeting man about to en-
ter public -house): "Do you know, my
man, that that .door' will surely take
you to hell." "That don't matter, mis-
ter," replied the man. "They turn
us an out again at ton o'clock."
Use Minaret's Liniment for the Flu.
We learn from tiie pi•ess that broad-
casting has added five hundred words
to the average radio fan's vocabulary.
And we wouldn't dare to print any of
Flashing Eyes
Laughing Eyes
Downcast Eyes
Eyes tell
Your Character
Brown eyes for strength—Blue
for generosity—Gray eyes for
jeaiouoy parkling eyes in-
dicate beauty, yes, and good
health, too 1 .Do your eyes
sparkle? Are the whites clear
or are they tinged with yellow
—indicating an out -of -sorts
condition — due to constipa-
tion? 0f so, you need ,p
To d regular'deily
caurso for a sbgrl�#_w I• "'
period. Yoaeeyeswilt r.fl lregefaStF
tett the wee. i'roqucs! obs
Read about Ckaracfer from Ebe Eyes ,is
„trine Beecham Advcrt,scetc"ts,
Sale, dgenis: Harold F. Ritchie' & Co.,
Limited, Taconto
ISSUE No. —'29
To break a cold harmlessly astd in. a hurry try an Aspirin tablet
'And for headache. The action of Asp rin is very efficient, too,
cases of neuralgia, neuritis, even•rheumatism and lumbago!` An
there's iso after -effect; doctors give Aspirin to children—efts
infants. Whenever there's pain, think of Aspirin. The genuin
Aspirin has Bayer on the box and on every tablet. All druggists
With proven directions,
yc8escA a yi t, dBC°
-it does .NOT affect the. heart
le the trade malt (reglafiied .In Canada) fndieattnt; surer ata ub t� nralnsWiil tt
Is twit e Ta that. Aspirin t wax , . r t rnnufantarc, to 50" re
tr the d
tions, the Tablets will be m m.:a �rdk tart^ •'nater Cross' tradem,uk.
High School Boards and Boards of Education
Are authorized by law to.. establish
With the approval of the Minister of Education
may be conducted In acconce with the regulations issued by
tho Department of Education.
• le elven in various trndeo. Ths echoole and cheeses ars, tgiciol ih0
Application for attendance should be rixado io, the Principal of thef''
for In the Courses of Study In Public, Separate, Continuation`atHFMigh
Schools, Collegiate Inititutcs, Vocational Schools and Departments.
Copies of the Regulations issued by the Mlnletor of"Education may be -
obtained from the Deputy Minister, Pariiatnont BulldinOe, Toronto,