HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-01-17, Page 2Clinton News -Record CLINTON, ONTARIO Terms of Subscription--$2,OU per Year in advance, to Canadian addresses; $2,50 to the U.S.` or other foreign' Countries No paper discontinued, until all arrcars aro paid unless at the• option of the imblishe . 'ilio I date to which -very subscription'is. paid is denoted 011 ii,,e label. Advertising Rates—Transienr, adver- tising, 12o per ' -count line Soy first insertion,.. Se for each sulasequent insertion. Heading . counts 2 lines. Small advertisements, not to exceed one inch such as 'Wanted,' "Lost," "Strayed,' etc,; inserted once for 35e. each subsequent insertion 1150.. Advertisements sent in without In- structions as to the number of in- sertions wanted will run until Order- ed out and will be charged accord- ingly: Rates for display advertising made known on application. Communications intended for Pub- lication must, is a guarantee of good fa'tb, be accompanied by the name "f Ito writer, t' G. E. Hall, M. It, CLARK, Proprietor. • Editor. l o' McTAGGAR J3 BANKER A general,B Banking, Business transact• vr s#cor o�¢� ge i*�.' v tr ORANGE PEKOE rBLEN o ie uJf fr us the &lodes's' 1551 C.. T � p.HOUSE ` ,b I BEGIN .HERE TODAY conscious of that at which he was. The prospective visit'of a-ne'er-do- looking, for his - mind was with the well brother who had been absent for other man,' sympathizing with loin. fifteen years in. Australia, was :a far Cayley came into •the room again, an. ng us from pleasing prospect to Mark Ab. murmured -somethings and knelt 'down ed: Troths Miscounted: Drarts issued. lett,-bachelor proprietor of The Red to bathe the dead man's face.' Then House, Mark and his constant' cons he placed the handit<erehief over it, interest Allowed on Deposits Sale panion' Matt Cayley, remained` in The They stood up and looked at each "I've telephoned," be snit'. "Theyti-e amle, Cayley joined hint at the window: ou± bo Pi 's Jnc sending an inspector or some one from Midleston, and the lo.,al police and doctor .r;fsom Stanton." Antony felt quite sure, from what Notes Purchased. Red' Jiouse `awa:•,mg the arrival of ether, the brother. Robert, while the house- If T can be of any help'to you," party guests were 10 playing golf_' Antony, "please let_ me." hen Robert appeared, the parlor said„m t': kind of you. There H. T. RANCE ' Notary Public, Conveyancer. Financial, Roal Estate and Fire In• surauce'Agent. Representing 14 Fire • insurance Conspanien: Division court Office, Clinton. W. ERYDONE Barrister, solicitor,' Notary Public, etc. Office: SLOAN BLOp} CLINTON DR. J, C. GANDIER Office Hours: -1.30 te.'3.30 p.n., 6.30 to 8.00 p.m,, Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 p.m. •- Other beers by appointment only. Office pond Residence — Vidtsria St. DR. FRED G. THOMPSON Office. and Residence: Ontario Street Clinton, Ont. Ono door west of Anglican Church. Phone 172 Eyes examined and ©lasses fitted Gunner One merging Mr, Augusta Pigg got Cayley had said and had hesitated 00 particularly early and scrubbed her to say, that Mark had been the last tour clsildron,' Amelia,- Alice Arthur:hard, tc see his,brothor alive. It didn't fol.- and Arinold, extra''afterwar�d low that Mark Abietr, was a mur- putting 'a special hurl itr each of their. darter, Revolves go go'off accidentally,; tails. and when they ],ave gone off, peoplei Then. she said, '''Your Cousin Sambo lose their heads and run away, fear -.is coming to see you to -day, and I ing that their story will i:ot be be -want yeu to be most exceedingly lieved. Nevertheless, when people rim' good children," away, whether innocently or guiltily, Amelia, Alice, Arthur and Arnold one can't help wondering which way promised that they would be, and they wont.' started sight away so that they "I suppose this way," said Antony e,houldn't forget. When they had been exceedingly good foci ;about au hour• and half Sambo arrived. As soon as they saw him they got a big surprise, for he was' black from the tip of Ills ears to the 9110 of his tail• blacker than anything they had He pointed to the wall jutting out on ever seen before, and immediately the right. ' "You See, you're protected they all thought how convenient it 'ho took me home with him, and no- ,' from the ,rest of the ]rouse if you gel must be for shim not to need to wash! body saw ns till I was safe inside out here; If you •go out at th French Then they got a still ,greater sur- the kennel, with Gunner's front paws windows, I: imagine you're much more "prise, for, with ,Sambo was a huge dog round nue, and his tongue licking me visible." - that looked terribly' fierce and seem- all over to keep me warm and clean:" Cayley looked at him thoughtfully. ed to bristle all over. The little "'Oh," exclaimed the little P1555, "It seems to me, Mr. Gillingham, Piggs were rather alarmed, and they "then you do have baths!" that you know the house pretty well, said, "Yes, sir," and "No, sir," to bim ""Most' certainly," answered Sambo. maid, startled; by his''tough - appear- ha 5 very r ince, ushered him into Marks 'office wiil.,be things to do. But you musn't and went to inform her, master. Mark let.me trespass on your kindness." e "I• came. to see Beverley. He is an old friend of mine." ' "He's -out playing golf.: He will be back' directly." e was not hi the garden and whentli maid returned to the house she heard the report of a revolver and then the sound of Cayley pounding on the lock- ed office door and demanding admit- tance.. Thjs was the State of affairs', when Antony Gillingham, a youthful gentleman adventurer, arrived. GO ON rTITH THE STORY CHAPTER III. Cayley looked round suddenly at the voice.' "Can. I . lie! ?" said Antony polite - "Something's happened," said Cay - ley. He was breathing quickly. "I heard a shot. I was in the library. A loud bang. And the door's locked:" He rattled the handle again, and shoole it. "Open' the door!" he cried. "I say, Mark, what is .-it? Open the door!" DR. PERCIVAL HEARN Offlee and Residence: Hdron Street — Clinton, Ont. Phone 69 (Formerly occupied by the late Dr. C. W. Thom'rSon). Eyes eXamined and glasses fitted DR. 1-1. A. MCINTYRE DENT'Sr Office hours: 9 to.12 A.11, and 1 to 6 P.M., except Tuesdays and 'Wanes - days. Office over Canadian National Express, Clinton, Ont. Phone 21. , DR. F.' A. AXON DENTIST Clinton, Ont, Graduate of C.'0.13.$., Chicago, -an,, Toronto. • Crewe and Plate Work a Specialt d 7 "But he must have locked the door on purpose,". said Antony. "So why sheuljl he open it just because you ask him to?" Cayley .turned to the door again: "We must break it in," he said, put- ting his shoulder to it. "Isn't there a window?" , "Windpw? Window?" "So much easier to break. in a win- dow," said Antony with a smile. He looked very coal and collected, as he stood just inside the !tall, leaning on his stick. "Window of einirse! What an idiot I am:" ' He push1l hast Antony and began running cu. into the drive. Antony followe' him. They ran- along the front of the house, down a path to the left. and then to rl+e-left again over the grass, Cayle in fro;it, the other close behind him. S edlnly Cayley looked over his she -alder and pulled up short "Here," he said.. They had conte: to the windows of. the locked room, French windows which opened on to the lawns at the back -of the house. But now they were closed; Antony couldn't help feeling a thrill of excitement as he followed Cayley's example, and pttt his face close up. to the glass. But if there had been one shot, wvhy should • there not be two more --at the care- less fools who were pressing their and e murmured, "Thank God!' d. h "rl° t noses against the panes, and asking let the body go again. for. it "My God, can you see it?" said Gillingham. 0f course, you're. quite Cayley in a shaking voice. g The next moment Antony saw it. A right; and I'm mereiy being stupid." man was lying on the floor at the far He took off the receiver. end of the room, his bac toward then. ' Let us suppose that, for the pur- "Who is it?" said Antony. ( pose of malting a first acquaintance "I don't now," the other whispered. with this "office," We are coating into "Well, we'd better go and see." He it from the hall, through the door considered the windows 'for a nto- which is now Locked.• As we stand meet "I should think, if you put just inside the door, the length of the your weight into' it, lust where they r'eom•eens eight and left. Across the join they'llgive'ali right." 'breadth of the room (some fifteen ' y feet),is the other door, by which Cay - window hisweightgave, and they went into the ley went out and returned a few' min- Utes ago. In the right-hand wall, roans. Cayley walked quickly to the g body, and dropped' on his- knees by thirty feet away from us, are the French -windows. Crossing the room and going out by trip opposite deter, eye come luto a passage, from evhioh two rooms lead. The one ote the right, into which Cayley went is less than half the length of the office, a small, square room, which has evidently been used some time or other as a bedroom. The window faces the same way as the French windows in the next, room. The room on the other side of the bedroom is a bathroom. The three rooms together, in fast, form' a sort of ,private suite, • Antony wandered into the bedroom. The window was open, and lie looked out. at the peaceful stretch of park. "Ceytey thinks he -did it," said An - aloud, looking out Of the window. "I wonder.” . "Well, he didn't go by the windows in the next room, because they were shut." "Isn't that rather odd?" 0 Doubt . bon this fa Ho a5CO s high vol,;e t Ile. .c t Ideal t r Wer ter with hot ;Bilk Prowl by 34 years ®t rowiu popularity Made h' The Canadiace Shredded WheatCoinpanay, Ltd: "Well I thought so at first but--" a "I will stay if I can be of any h Ip "Please do. You see, there are wo- men?' He hesitated, and gave An- tony a timid little smile. pathetic in so big and self-reliant a man. "Just your moral support, you know." "Of course." Antony smiled back at him, and said cheerfully, "Well, then, I'll begin by suggesting that 'you should, ring up the police.' "The police? Y—yes." He looked doubtfully at the ether. "I suppose-" Antony spoke frankly: "Now, look here, Mr.—er--" "Cayley. I'm Mark Abiett's cousin. I live with him" "My names Gillingham. I'm sorry, I ought to have told you before- Well Mr. Cayley, we shan't do any D. H. McINNES Chiropractor—Electrical Treatment. Of Wingham, will be at the Rotten. bury House, Clinton, on Monday, Wed. nesday and Friday forenoons ofeachweek. Diseases of all kinds successfully handled. tcnsidering that this is the first time most' politely, and wondered how you've -been to it." Sambo dared to call him "Uncle Gunner.'' Presently, when he left Sambo with them, and'went to talk to Mr, and Mrs. Albert -l?igg, they were.so. re- lieved that they all said,"Ohl" just like that, and.Santbo looked at them. "You seem a little bit scared of any Uncle Gunner,"' rte said, laughing.; - Amelia, Alice, Ar'thnr and Arnold looked' at one another. "Well, he looks most awful fierce like, they ad. matted. • How did be, come to be your now, good by pretending. Here's a pian. meen shot—well, somebody shot hint." Cayley: shrugged his shoulders and went to the telephone. • "May I—er—loop found a bit?" Antony nodded toward the open door. "05, do. Yes." He sat down and drew the telephone toward him. "You must .inake allowances for me, Mr. (Continued in; Our Next Issue.) • • Chinese Judge Calls His �r Bluff Shanghai.—Wong Tseng -Hing, a tailor, is in jail here, serving the long- est sentence -ever passed in a- Chinese court for opium-smoking.Wong's sneer', was blamed for the sentence.. Judge Liang Fong. first sentenced the tailor to three months in jail. Wong sneered•... The judge saw the sneer and added a year to the sentence and Wong GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at the News -Record, Clinton,- or by caning Phone 203. Charges Modorate and Satisfaction` Guaranteed:. uncle?" • "That," said Sambo, "is a very in- teresting story, and with your per- mission I will unfold it" — "Yes, do," said the little Riggs, thinking what grand language' he called hila with another sneer. used. Not to be bluffed, the .court angrily • "In the days of my extreme youth," sentenced the tailor to two years and began Sambo Pigg (he was exactly three months. six months old then!), "I lived in the "Make it ten years if you like, you ner lived there, too, and, like you, grounds of some works. 'Miele nele Gun- iow .son of seven sewers snehie Wong. - d everyone tltougiit him a most 'etre- ' The judge said: .- ordinary fierce -dog. I need to hear "Ten' years!" the woritmen say that when he jump- ed. on the back of one of th.:nrries Old 'Cities they daren't tell him to get off. So you won't he surprised to +hear that I like a city'that is worn and old, I was seared of him'myeelf." Where stones aro hollotiv_d by.the • "Indeed we're not," said Ainslie, press of feet, Alice, .Arthur and Arnold, with much Where gables sag and open doorways feeling. hold • "'Well, one day 'my mother bad A store of legends, where a narrow gone away, and it was ,so very cold street that I was taken -indoors. They put Will twist and turn before the leis- me on a shelf in a warm room, in a urely, box that smelled beautifully of And windows stare at me like tired seethed soap. T was °eeling most eyes. eomfertabie when someone said, 'I'd I know those cities and I love them better put this brick on the 110, so well that Gunner can't get at him.' it Because they seem to me, t was )rather a pity I heard that re - He .w'ae a bit offended at this 're- nark, but soon he finished his story. "From that day to this," be said, Gunner and I Slave been tato greatest friends, and I have always called him 'Utivele'. Can you won'der?" "No, we can't," answered Amelia, Alice, Arthur and Arnold, •who sud- denly began to whisper among tbem- selves. When they had finished whis- pering they -said they would like to speak to Gunner again. So they all went up to him. "Please," said Amelia- Pigg. "We should very much like," 'went on Alice Pigg. "To call yon 'uncle'," finished the two boyPigge• I shad be delighted if you will," . answered Gunner, with his -bail thump- ing the ground, and amost pleasant expression en hie face. "The more nephews and nieces I have the hap- pier I am," And the little Piggs smiled brightly and maid that they were very pleased toe hear it. 13. R. HIGGINS Clinton, Ont. General Fire and Life insurance Agent for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stook, Automobile and Sickness and Accident Insurance. Huron•and Rrie,and Cana. da Trtt5t' Bonds. Ap,lointments made to meet parties ,at Bruce/kid, Varna and Bayfield. 'Phone 57. . At111RIAtifiNAtitiNl�I. dt_ WA Lille men who grow more feeble 5e nark, because it took all my piens- nuns wise. i ed of belief in their < tense is supported With nothing nmcli to do brat Iuuc and presently reeling lonely, I began physics chemists' and astronomy, bow, tied in linos with loop aiid loose d to ff t Behavior of Atoms Under X.ays May Solve New Secrets Cornell Scientist Suspects More Than. One Electron• May Prortopt.New Light . Ithaca, N. Y. — Announcement 'is made at Cornell University of rotate obtained from study of X-rays that reveal the possibility of atoms. Although atoms, the smallest units of chemical elements such as oxegetr, gold and silver ,r have been seen, aria'-^—^••N6w )tn k4 EXQUISITE .DETAILS A swagger sports dress with air of formality, featuring the new sunburst a..... " h use awry to be reminded Gunner, by a vast amount of evidence from effect in- blouse, laid in plaits nr to tell. to cry for my mother—not real hard, The Cornell research is one of many end. It closes at left side affect Gertrude Ryder Bennett ilt l ,rf jilst now and then, you know," excursions into this field anti it is diagonal line. Tho collarless neckline a, we ltnoan answered nodding producing additional data in support is piped in same fabric as bow. The tir c. heads. and Asnold, no ng of atomic theories.skirt, p type, France. and Peace clan • heads, Dr. F It: R.iehtmyer, pro The Century. =*� ddi a wrap-around buttons fes,- n' of smartly at left hip. The circular physcs, one of ,the authorities on skirt is .attached to hipyoke, which is X-rays, working under an August stitched to the blouse. The dart -fitted Heckacher grant, is studying the "sa- sleeves have circular cuffs: Stvle No. tellit0 lines in the X-rays spectrum. 846 choose sheer rayon velvet 'inted Thio work' may be visualized by cons in scatted dot with faille silk crepe paring it with a photograph of the contrast. The pattern for this charms spectrum of visible light as made by, ing lair can be had in sizes 16, 18, a spectrosec•pe, an instrument which 20 years, 36, 88, 40 and 42 inches bust. actsupon a beans of light in much - It is equally smart made of sheer the same way as rain drops act upon tweed, crepe satin canton faille crepe, the sun's rays in producipg a rainbow. wool crepe or plain velvet. The 86- Such prints, weekly called spectre -1 inch size takes but 3ih yards of 40 - grams, frequently contain sharp, trans- inch material with sib yard of 40 -inch posse lines which reveal the kind of contrasting. Price 20c in stamps or substance from which the light has 'coin (coin is preferred).; Wrap coin carefully. HOW'TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your name: and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such atterns as you want. Enclose 20c in • The Round Table (London) : There "I hadn't- been crying very long, is only one olicy to pursue. and that however, when I heard a little 'wuft' is to 'make it clear to France, ones from the floor beneath, and peering and for all, that, as her best friend through the peep -hole left for me, I we can enter into no unilateral 'en- saw Gunner looking at my box. And tentes'and alliances with her of any do you know, I wasn't at all fright ort or kind, that our policy in Eur- ened because his voice was ao kind. TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton as follows: Buffalo' and Goderich Div. Going East, dep€irt 6.44 a.m. <, n "i 2.50 p.m. Going West, ar. 11.50 ane. " ar. 6.08 dp. 6.43 p.m. " ar. 10.04 p.m. London, Huron & Bruce Div, Going South, ar. 7.40 dp. '7.40 eau. . ,i a 4.08 p.m. Going North, depas't 6.42 p.m. ar. ,11.40 dp. 11.53 a.nr. THE 1V1c14ILLOP, MUTUAL Fire Insutrance Conapanv Head, office, Seaforth, Ont. DIRl7SCTORT: ' President, ' James IIvans, l3eeehwood;- Vice, James Connolly, Goderich; Sec.- Treasurer, - D. 8'. -McGregor, Seaforth. .Directors: George McCartney, Seaforth; aaaen, James ucefle, Walton; efied WM. zinuSaorth' -- Itobeit•,1re1'rle, Garlock; ZahnBennewolr,. Brodbagen: Jas. Conotly, Godarlch. Agents: Alex. Leitch, Clinton J, ' Teo Goderich; Ed. I•Itiichloy, Seaforth; J. A... Murray, llllgmondville; 12. 4. lar,': moth, 13rodhagen, Anymoney to be paid in may be paid to Moorish Clothing Co. Clinton, or at .Calvin Ctttt's Grocery, t'dotlerich. Partlesdesiring to effect insurance or transact other business will be promptly aittsnded to on application to any of the above officers acldressett to their respec- live post office. Losses inspected by the Director who Saves nearest the scene, With an effort he .put a hand on to its shoulder and pulled it over.. "Than God!" he anurinured, and let the body go again. "Who is it?" said Antony. • "Robert Ablett" "Oh1" said Antony. "I thought his name was Mark." "Yes, Mark'Ablett lives here. Hob- ert is his brother." He shuddered, and said, "I was afraid it was Mark." "Was Mark in the room too?" "Yes," said Cayley absently. An- tony had gone to the locked door, and was turning the handle. "I suppose he pet the lceyin his pocket," he said, of he carne back to the body, again. '"Who?" Antony shrugged his shoulders. • "Whoever did oris," he said, pinrt- toter' to himself. "That's obvious. It ing to the ratan, do the floor. "Is he oxplsins why ho wasted so much time r de,, �banei.ng on the 'door. Why should he s ope or outside is to do everything we and his tall was wagging so hard! can to bring nations together and -to "Really!" exelotmed the Nitre Pigga, prevent wear and to ensure the peace- "Yes," went on Sambo. 'Don't cry, f ul settlement of all international dis- little pig' said Gunner, T will be a mutes, and that the only hope for mother• and a father and arioter and France's own security is to work far good relations between Great Britain and both Germany and the United States, for if these four .an put into practice in their, respective spheres the ideals of the League, Locum., and th Peace Pact there is ri Power on a brother all roiled into one to you, if you'll let me.' , said, f u I h kind o 0 most , t e "'That's5 'but how will you get to me? "'Oh, don't worry about that,' he answered, 'l'ni not colied a police dog e for nothing!' e earth that dare -challenge them to "He managed to jump up beside me, e d h the bride off my box -with tea . "Help me," said Cayley simply. They tutted the body on to its back, nerving themselves to look at it. Robert Ablett, had been shot between the eyes.' - "Did 'you known hint well?" said Antony quietly. _ He meant, "Were you fond of him?" - "Hardly at all. Mark is the bro- ther I know best." He hesitated, and then, said, "Perhaps I'dbetter get some water." There was another door opposite to the locked one, which led, as Antony was tie discover for himself, directly, into a passage from which opened two more rooms. Cayley stepped into the passage, and opened the door on the right. The door from the office, through which he had gone, remained open. The doorat the end of the short passage was shut, Antony, kneeling', by the body, followed Cayley with his eyes, and, after he had dui- appeared, Icent his eyes on the blank wall of the passage, but he was not emanated. . Although X•rays are invisible, Xray srectrograms'can be made by suitable aT.paratus and much spectrograms show lines analogous to those found ar.. his pus . in the visible speOtrutn. Those Xray _— his nose. Then he got the lid open spectrum lines have been known tor stamps or coin (Coin preferred; wrap aany years. According to current it carefully) for each number and The ntenea of tenichildren has and looked o nth. address year order to Wilson Pattern been sentenced to prison for life, in "'Well, Yourg mass,' he said, 'i'd atomic theory, they. originate as a re- wervice, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto, lessgen, for selling liquor. Un- Dike to take you to my kennel. suit of the falling or "lumping" of less pardoned er paroled she prab- There's sonde. beautiful straw there,! electrons from the. outside of atoms ably will enley her fleet real rest in and besides I could look afte", you townron the mth a decade. The Champion steer of the Chicago that 'I almost .thought if cit show brought $5,000, but seine- so gently iE-ray lines. As a result of a careful of ' Anglo•Japaneso relations. .el - times matter. and •um ed shelf by times a very bum steer will cost even was my 3 p study, Professor Richt/Ayer has found though' several of Ilia Majesty's pro- More.than that. shelf, to the ground with ms: Then many new satellite lines end, in a re - paper before the National Acad- emy sent Minsters are more .or less re- cent of Sciences, has suggested "the. sponsible for the gigantic gaffe per- petrated by the Coalition' seven years experiments—that the satellites may I ago, when an invaluable. Alliance was sacrificed on the. altar of Washington be due to two -electron Sumps Within Jingoism, even official England is con, the atom." scions et the wisdom of endeavoring If correct, this means that, nndni; to undo the 111 effects of that policy. corti;in conditions; two electrons, i I As great nations, like great men, call stood of one, may simultaneously m . afford to acknowledge their blunders, "jump" toward the centre of the. atom it is our duty frankly to recognize and send out an X-ray. A •further that Great Britain was exclusively re study of thisadd vahiablent Reid seems sponsible for au action for whicli likely to add valuable data with re -there was little to be .said at the time, gard to the struttm•e and behavior of and nothing to -day. • at.ems. Giants "Preen • 1 wish you had married me long ago, I was not so young, I was not So fair, Eat a wild rose clung in my tangled hair There were giants then in tido hazel wood The dark was a danger, but dreams were good.' My hand was too little to wear a ring, Out my lips, that never had learned to sing, Could whisprir and laugh the wholo night tlir_opgli And • my fest could dance la the moSn• ing' dew. I wish you had married me long, apo. • --Louise' Dutton in the. Harp, 'nettle try to break a lock when it's• so touch. easier to break a window? 0£ course, he might just'have lost his head; on the other hand, he might have wanted to give his ,cousin a chance of getting avrae. Why did we run all the way round the house in ordei:to get' to the windOtS?" There was. a step in the' passage outside, and he turned round, to see Cayley in the doorway.. I -lo remained loblcing at him for a moment, asking himself a question. It was rather a curious questoon.. Ile was asking himself why the door was open. - Well, not exactly why the door Was open; that could be explained easily enough. But why had he expected the door to be shut. He did not -es member shutting It, but somehow he was surprised to see it open now, to see Cayley through the doorway, just coning into the room Something wor1cing sub-eonScieuely in his brain had told him that it was surprising, Why.?, . so much better at home-' The "satellites" which the Cornell eligh ed!' I answvered. I investigating are taint Leo Maxse in the National Review Grinner picked me up in his mouth I1ies lyt i8 ,se tog g (Louden): Every' eircumtance has tinea lying close to the more,intenseconspired to enhance the importance Patterns sent by an early mail. The tdl'tglo,••5'inarr'a--- �,,ll♦i;.I•pre by. I ' "s the nestle. Alb Eur Asks. RUSSIA TEACHES ci T IZENS USE OF GAS MASKS A Russian Soviet army glacial 'teaching ince .and women of one o'. •larger towns how to put on gas !links in the event oe another war, the And Never Will Houston Post Dispatch: A. bite on the Ohba'by herpetpoodle caused a woman's death in .PTew Jersey. Wo have never heard et snob an accident happening to a", woman trona holding a bably in her lap,. We are still waiting for • a big Chinese civil -war story which the In• spired war correspondent 1v111 begin by the. wor'de, "All is Confucian here" She 'you'll give me fibs 5or my birthday or 111 know the reason why, .He; I can tell you the reason wily now. And tlsesr he rnarried, •tile coast 'guarded daugilter so they �coi,ld (It lighthouse keeping. ,,ttrri� ISSUE No. '3 11.