HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-01-10, Page 8Hifi: CLINTON-NEWS EC CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY STORE I92 Now that another yeor i,, gone we Will try harder than eve to serve our many'Customers better than in the past WE have a few odd likes to Clear at lteducert prices Don't miss some of the Bargains Always ready to serve you RadioBatteries, Clips and Tubes always on hand also flashlight Bulbs' and' Batteries R. 1-I. JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry e'iue Jewellery and Repairs Next Hovey's Drug Store IA e f '1othing We will place on sale Suits at a discount of 25 percent. These Suits are all extra good value at regular prices and represent one of the greatest bargains ever offered to the people of Clinton at this Special Sale Price See our Clearing Lines of Boys' Odd Pants At 98c .and $lleSQ Per Pair All Broken Lines. to Clear ' at less than Wholesale Price Piumsteel Bros. 'Let us supply your Grocery needs for 1929 and you will receive the finest_quality:goods at reasonable price,.. Satisfaction Guaranteed or' Money.Re'funded THE C. & S. GROCERS ,Branch 125j Main 125w A Still Finer-Radiola AT LOWER ' COST!' Canadian General Electric answers the popttiltl'' demand for. Batter3}lets-ftadiolas with a new and improved reeelVer,. Radials. 18, This latest model is even better than the fantaiih Radiola 17 yet it is priced much lower at $170. . In Radiola 18 you have sirnplifieci operatoin direct from any lighting socket... six Radiotrons . . a powerful Radiotron Recti- fier . . one dial tuning . . and an electric -lighted station sol eetor. The cabinet is new . , built of solid mahogany and finished in rich walnut. Tuning is still finer . . making it ahvays possible to get the station you want. And you'll be amazed at volume avid. realism of tone. • See your dealer today and have a demonstration of Radiola 18 with O.G.E. Loudspeaker 1001-A. Then you will be convinced that this receiver is the outstanding value of the radia world. 8170 COMPLETE WITH RADIOTRONS. RADIOLA 18 Slitter •& Perdue PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING Phone 147w r A liOVEY Stewart -Warner Radios We are agents. for Stewart- Warner radios. Prices for dee- m sets, table model, $199.00,; Consejo models, .$295.00 and up. Battery models, $175.00 and up. CLINTON A. W. ANDERTON (Lute Professor"el Music Ulster Provincial College and "Organist to Lisburn Cathedral, Ireland.) PIANTEACHER OF 0. SINGING ORGAN THEORY ' PUPILS PREPARED FOR— Toronto Conservatory Examinations. Royal Academy E` ann1nations, (32 successful pupils last year -,60 per cent gaining honors) STUDIO, ONT4.RIO STREET, "CLINTON Phone, Clinton '64 Studios in Hensall„Goderich, 'Wingbam nip -4. HATS off to 1928 COATS off for 1929 The period of twelve months known in the annals. of time. as 1928 has rendered its account in full. The new period of time to be hereafter known es 1929 is hete'with. it's hopes, predictions, plans, resolutions' and problems, Some of the helps, that help ,are A DIARY The use of one may help you never to miss an engagement, neglect a task or forget an idea; an orderly efficient, reliable Way of keeping your work arranged. • Rohm's—RECORD For use of Church Secretaries. Fifty contributions may be entered without turning the page. PELOABETS NOTES For Sunday School Teachers. Good for Senior Classes. , TARB L'L'S GUIDE For every class or scholar.- ARNOLD'S-COMMENTARY With its hints, illustration, black- board illustrations. GIST OF LESSONS Pocket size, very compact and use- ful, to seful,to carry with you, GOLDEN TEXT ,BOOKLET Contains Sunday School Lessons and Golden Texts. T�I0 .e.D�`Fai Coy Often the Cheapest—Always the Best 1 Mrs, T. Wiseman retur }ed last week after a visit with her daughter in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Russell McCaig of Galt visited friends in toti7n over the week -end. Misses Beattie. of "The Vogue” leave Saturday' to spend a holiday at ?their home at Watford. Mas, E. E. Hall returned to her home in Toronto on Saturday afternoon after a ten days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hall. Miss Helen Holmes has returned to Toronto after spenalnih' the holiday period with her parents Rev, and Mrs. A. A. Holmes. 111'icc,:Tltomati Venner has gone to vis- it her mother, who is Ill, and to sea her sister and brother who are home from the west. Mr, Roy Cook has returned to Tor- onto after spending the mid -winter vacation with Ids parentsin-town, Mr, and Mrs. Wrn. W. Cook. Mrs. CIera Rutnball' returned last week from a visit over the Christ- mastide with her sons in Montreal,. She also visited in Toronto on her way houto, Mrs. Clenlen4 of Regina, Sask., was called home last week owing to the illness of her father, Thomas White, who passed away on Tues- day evening. Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Lucas and young son, who have been visiting the for- nier's„parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lucas, have returned to their home in Edmonton, Mr. Ray Carter returned to Toronto on Monday to resume his teaching duties' ,after spending the vacation period with iris parents, 1VIte. and Mrs, T. T. Carter. Miss Cora Jervis has returned to continue her studies at the Toronto University after her holiday at her home; that of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver • Jervis of the Base line. Mr. _Russel Jervis, son of Mr. a,nd Mrs. Oliver' 'Jervis of the Base line, left Monday for Guelph, where. lie will take a course in poultry raising and 'horticulture at the O.A.O. Mr, Samuel Eagleson of Milton, North Dakota, has been .calling on .old friends in Clinton and vicinity thepaiyt week or. so. It is nearly forty-seven years since Mr. Eagle: son,left here for North. Dakota -but he i5 still an interested reader of The Newt -Record, says he opens it ahead of any paper which he takes in, because it brings him news.. of the home of his youth. Thisis his fourteenth visit home and while his parents and sister have passed on: and Bayfield is not just the Bayfield of former' days to him, he still finds many old friends to welcome him, and this partof the world is -"home” to him still. Mr. Peter Ker of Yarmouth Centre, who clinic, up to attend the funeral of his niece, Minnie" Ker of Brant. .ford, who was buried here on Mon- day, called on several of his old_ friends in town Monday and Tues- day. Mr, Ker was`. formerly a well-known figure 'Here but ' he spent several years in the west and for the past dorxen'or so has been at Aylmer and Yarmouth. He finds old friends, however, en his return who ci•c always glad to see him and whom he is glad to meet, for Peter Ker is nothing if not genial and companionable. He's as spry as a youth, ts0, although he has : already' passed the fourscore landmark, a fact which is ]card to. credit when you see him, C'1INTON B THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1020 0 OCE Y ea la_ trY For Cash and our regular two Weeks and Monthly Custome A BIG ;.ARCA' EVERYDAY ` THURSDAY Rolled. Oats,'6 Toasted Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs..; Corn Starch, 2 pkgs, Sec ether Prices Inside 270' `LGc 19c FRIDAY 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar, 2 Ileinz's Soup Looso Starch,' 3 lbs 2 lbs. Ginger Snaps 3 lbs. Broken Sodas ,... 60e 29c 25e' 213c 29e SATURDAY 2 cans Peas , 22c 3 Cans Pork and Reams 33c Pineapples, sliced, per tin . , , iGc 2 lbs.; Seedless Raisins , 25c 10 lbs.' Seedless Raisins MONDAY .12 Bars P. & G. Soap 45c 3 pkgs. Ammonia 23c Seeded: Raisins, 2 :pkgs. . , 25e Barley, 4.,lbs. ....:...........C,` 25c TUESDAY Shei'eiff's Marmalade," large size -39e 2 lbs, Cooking Figs ....,....; 22c- Table Syrup, 5 lbs. 33c Loose Macaroni, 2 lbs. .. 22c WEDNESDAY 4 lbs. good Rice 25e 2 1bs. Prunes . , . 22c Green Peas, pkg. ,,.,.,...,. 20c. New Sherriffs' Jelly Deal With Cream Pitcher 25e New Shipment of Granulated Sugar to upload for ' Cash a January Price. Limited Number of Sacks at this Price SHREDDED COCOANUT Baking Powder, lb 190 Felly Powder, 5 25e Baker's Cocoa.: half lb 25c Shelled Walnuts, lb 4'9e per lb, 210 Loose Cocoa, lb. . 20c I Candied Cherries, per Ib, ;...., 60c MEAT Fresh Hams, per ib; ' . 22c, Schneider's Sausage 25c Kincement, to clear, lb, 15c Peameal culls, per lb .. , 25c FISH .AND VEGETABLES Fresh Halibut, per lb, Fresh Filletts, per ib ... -Finnan Iladdie', 30c 25c 20e Fresh Herring, per doz. ..... 40c NEW CARROTS, LETTUCE AND . CELERY HOUSE KEEPER'S CORNER PINEAPPLE AND MARSHMAL- LOW DESSERT Soak ;k lb. Marshmallow, cut in halves with 1, can of Pineapples, shredded over night. About one hour before serving add a ,pint of cream: whipped stiff. Serve very cold. . dN THE MORNING FIRST'DELIPk1RY 9 a.m. Cash and .. Service43 IN THE AFTERNOON FIRST DELIVERY 2:30 p.m. ORDER EARLY Phone E "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAIL W$ERS ktzwwwwilmetommowoommirowwwwwwwwwwiwitiopwwwesswovoilmAtokowtota 49 People You Know Mr. A. T. Cooper was in Toronto on business last week. Mr. Edward Rorke visited last week with Mr. Cutt of Galt. Miss Bessie Sloman, who 'came home to nurse her mother, the Iate Mrs. W. Monsen, has returned to her duties in New York City. 1Vliss Zenda Salter. has returned to resume her studies at McGill, Mon-• areal, Miss Beryl Salter to the University of Toronto and Mr. Al- bert to Upper Canada College,. Toronto, after spending the bolt: 'clay period with their aunt, Mrs, Mitten of. town. , 13rucefield The following appeared in a recent issue of the Sarnia Observer and re- fers to a couple formerly welt -known in the locality: - "Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Young, 109 north Brock street, received congratulations from all their friends yesterday on the occasion of their . golden wedding anniver- sary, which was observed at their home. They received many valu- able 'presents, among which were two purses of gold. Mr. and Mrs. Young were married in Brucefield, Ontarie, on January 1, 1879, by the Rev. John Voss, who was knownall over that territory as the "man with the book," "Their fam- iiy eonsists of eleven children, narn-, ely, Mrs. C. H. Blake, Los Angeles, California; -Mrs, '0.• F. McNairy, Jacksonville, Florida; Mrs. A. C. Fer- guson, Edmonton, Alta.; Mrs. Hugh Cavanaugh, Royal Oak, Mich.; Mrs. 11. F. Hoist, Detroit, Mich.; Dorothy and Francis ,Young; Detroit; the late Isabel Young, of Chicago; William, Donald F., .and Colin J., ,of Sarnia„ Among those present from out of town were the Misses Francis and Dorothy Young of Detroit, and Mrs:' A. C. Ferguson, of Edmonton. Mr. and 1Vlrs-Young have lived in SaInia for ten years, and in Sarnia township for twenty. They have made many fast friends, who joined •yesterday kn -.wishing them much Sappiness and. success in the years to come. Prior to- coming to this sec- tion they lived near Harriston, Ont- ario, 14r. Young was born in Ross Shire, Scotland, coming to Canada at the age of nine, with his parents. He crossed the ocean on the vessel "John Mac:ken:de," which took - 6 weeks in crossing. Mrs. Young was born at Ailsa Craig, her nanne being Isabella, daughter of Donald and Jane Noble Eraser. Asked if the weather on their wed- ding day, corresponded with that of their anniversary, Mrs. Young stated that they had such a blizzard on their wedding day that the snow near- ly topped the apple trees' in the or- chards and that all trains were field up for a.week. Mn. and Mrs. Young plan to leave` for Florida in February, where they will spend several months with their daughter, Mrs. 0. F. MoNairy of Jaocks onville. " Colborne Township, Church services at Smith's Hill were dispensed with on Sunday, rowing to illness. i\fr: Melvin, Tyndall installed the 1Vllunicipal telephone .'ready for the New Year. School' opened Monday for those who -are about again after an attack SKATING PARTY auspices of Ladies' Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church ' TUESDAY, JANUARY 15th. Skating from 8 to 10 LUNCH, SANDWICHES, HOT DOGS, COFFEE ' Admission, 25e and 150 • 'BAND IN ATTENDANCE 90-1.: of flu. Miss Katie Hunter of ` Kitchener. spent her holidays with her"brothers, Messrs. Irving acid Clarence Hunter, Lecburn. A life resident of Colborne town- ship passed away on Monday lit .the home of his nether, Mrs, Robert •Al - lin, St, Davids street, Goderich, in the person of Mr. Charles ARM is His' fifty-third year. Though' surgical aid was called in It was in vain. His trouble was the result of an accident received some years ago and the last year found him failing noticeably and about eight weeks 'ago was confined to his bed. Ire was well liked by those acquain- ted with him and those left,td mourn are his widow, three sons and one daughter, Clive, Clifford, Arnold and Margaret, all living ' on the home farms, also a brother, Nicholas; and a' sister, Mrs. Fred Seabrook, both of Goderich, besides his mother. The funeral took place on Wed- nesday afternoon from Goderich to Colborne cemetery ,and was under the direction of Rev. Mr. Cmnniing, pastor of Benmiller United church, The •-pallbearers were: Clarence Walters, Wesley MleLean, Wallace' Morris' and Fred Seabrook. We are sorry to hear of the loss of the third barn irt.the Moore fam- ilq in about three' years, Mr. Owen Moore lost two bhrns in succeeding Years and an Monday; morning Mr. Ginner Moore, a son, lost his from a spark fern a gasoline engine used for pumping water. Elmer does not live in Colborne but is well known here, He lives on the first conces- sion of Ashfield now, An insurance of $3,300 is on the building and is• a small part of the loss. A successful dance was held at Mr. Won. Chisholiit's on Friday evening. The vote was taken on Monday in Colborne township for council for 1929. It was a very stormy day and therefore all voters did not quake the attempt against the weather. Mi. Hugh Hill had a majority .of 5 votes 'above his opponent, Mr, Albert Gold- thorpe and the number of Votes .giv- en in full are as follows: *Hugh'' Hill, 181; ' Albert Gold- thorpe, 176; oldthor•pe,:176; *Aaron Fisher, 196; Nel- son McClarty,'111;` Albert Mugford; 120; 5Williain Thom, 195; "Prank Wilson, 165; ',William F. Young, 227. Those marked with stars constitute the council for 1929, Varna The annual meeting of Stanley District L.O.L ; was 'held in.'Varna on Tuesday afternoon, when the offices for the ensuing year were el- ected as follows: Dist. Mos.: C. Diehl; Deputy Dist. Master: , Fred Watson; Dist, Chap- lain:, C. C. Pilgrim; Dist. Pec -scare tary: Jas. Petty; Dist.; Fin.-Secreary. Fred 1VfcCiymont; .Dist Treasurer: J. W. Reid; 1st Lecturer: D. C. Gal- braith; 'Viet:shall: albraith;'Viarshall: 1,4;14/.15.; Auditors: 1. MbMlurnay and Geo. ;Petty; De- puty: l,ectuie.c:` 13. Rathtvell, tommaiamstommaramoommomommrow SACOMInlatili From January 10th to "Specials" Peameal Roll, Ib. ' piece... 10 lbs. Gran. Sugar Cern Flakes, 3 pkgs.. 25c G6c 29e January 1711 .BETTY'S CHIPPED ORANGE MARMALADE 40 oz. jar 37c Pure Strawb'y Jain, 40 oz. .49e Pure Rhs. Jana, 40 oz. .. 49e. Pineapple, 40 M. ... ... 49c Black Currant, 40 'oz..... _49c Coin Syrup, 5 lb. 38c 10 bars P. & G. Soap';42c Choice Rice, a ib. 25e Seedless Raisins,.2 ib. 28c Tapioca, 2 lbs, 25e Broken Sodas, 8 lbs. ,... 29e Canned Torhatoes, 2 for 29e Macaroni, 2 lbs. 25e Soups, all flavors , 150 Special Black Tea 59c Choice Fig Bars, per lb.... 25c Large Catiup, per bottle 26c Choice Figs, 2 lbs...... , 25c Choice - Prunes, 2 ib. .. 25e Pork & Beans, 2 tins ......26c Canned 'Peas, 2 for 25e • .Canned Corn, 2 for 260. Shortening, 8 lb. pail 59e Breakfast Bacon, piece, lb. 80c Shaker Salt, per pkg. 10c CELERY, LETTUCE, • GRAPES, TOMATOES, ORANGES, BANANAS - FILLETS, FINNAN HADDIE,' RED SALMON, HALIBUT L. LA .!SON Phone one one one - Prompt Delivery Beautify -Your Home WITH HARDWOOD FLOORS, IT MAKES THE HOME COMPLETE Your Most Important Furnishing—Your Floors—Should Have First Attention,, Because They Form the Basis for the Whole. Appear- ance of the Room. Low Cost, Ease in Laying and the Everlasting Durability are Features That you will' Enjoy, along with .the Exquisite Beauty of ITARDWi00D FLOOJ4S. Measure Your Ploors,'an Estimate From us will Cost You Noth- ing. We Otto Supply You with Any, Brand- of Hardwood Floors or Grade Desired, Thomas McKenzie Estate, Clinton - PHONE 88 RESIDENCE 61' SOLVAY COKE Small Nut ... ,,.. ..$ 9.50 Large' Nut ,.._.... , 11.00 Furnace 11.00 •(Delivered inTown) i Phone us for Prices: on Coal W. J. MILLER & SON Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. PHONES: 46w and 46j • ELITE CAFE n I wish to thank the people of Olin= ton and vicinity for the patronage given on` our Opening Day, New Year's Day and give them a hearty invitation to come again, We have special 40 cent dinners eVer•y, •day, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Special attention paid to orders for family parties, Banquets, Et:e. Good Service Guaranteed. UM SAM Proprietor. Are You Ready For Zero Weather Not unless you have one of our Circulators in your hone to'insure comfort for the cold winter evening's.. See our; different makes of Clare Bros. atd Dominioli: Stove Co. square and round heaters. If. you are still going to get that new stove' see our "tnv.ictus" and' "Masterpiece.". Come, in, and see them and we are sure when 'you do you'll get one right away. We and. others 'recommend them highly: We also have Quebec heaters: in, two: sizes. Dealer for Renfrew ,Separators,. Miss Simplicity Electric Waashers: 0 8 HARDWARE and PLUMBING', • Phone 244