HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-01-10, Page 6v,. ELECTION RESULTS HURON COUNTY 'I ngho ,t theo Cority of- Ir u.mn on Monday the election of municipal irfficors was marked by small -major•- itiesgenerally, " Twelve municipali- ties' in the county elected officers as follows: Colborne Township: Hugh 3191 re - NCE r elected reeve with 181 voter, as cont- Pared to Albers: Goldthorpe, his op- ponent, with 176. For council—Wm. Young, 227; Aaron Fisher, 190; n, Thom, 195; Frank Wilson, 165, West .'Lest Wati,anosli Township; Wan.. Stole defeated T. Forester for the reevoship by a majority of 53. Votes polled for councillors show:' W. J,. Stewart, 234; F, G. Todd, 218; Win, v.,���lAi'A'r •a THE AVON .F F]NIOR :. ,r 'rice, W13Wul Fcibo, a540.06, nattory ,raoda15160.11Wkli tl mbar eXdl&loird OW - 0/1 feeio *5.60:' 10 6756.66 omPare o with 3rrewtpeGorfdE iht e of, Toturyt3ouodweeuoerteannasdeeQseeleO ?!! omphAacc�ceptn' ttgn - eiynathdeeitiermYaeni�cgclPittidonl srsttiaten�atgeeertumaeg mofts°eventY Yeas of electric myriad it. Splitdorf receivers are obtainable in all -electric type. or battery, models. Manufactured by SPLITDORF ELECTRICAL COMPANY LIMITED TORONTO - CANADA This Set Complete, nothing else to buy. Price $175.00 CLINTON II. A. HOVEY Cares, 170; Thos. 'W'ebster•,"168. HnlletLTownship: Ernest Adams was re-elected to the reeveship 'over IVJathew Armstrong by a majority of 52. Council by acclamation as 101- lows; Jas. Leiper, 7, 0. I+orbes, 13.. Moeridge and R:, Lawson. MorrisTownshipvoted for council only. J. T. Brydees, J, A. Brown, John W. McNill and Wm Shortreed. vot- ed ,For council: PetcF Airliner 113; ,Trines. illi;7avish; 1.73, Edward :Baird, 95; Richard Wilton, 87, Cr c} Township: Henry ; .4 Keyes n i _ re-electedree *e ei Gi�ev Town- ship by a m ilorit,y of 62 ever ,ez= Reeve .Jolr .VieNa'bb. For the deputy reeveshipJ. Cal- hno was elected sit a three earnernd fight over Olivor,�Tiemingw.ry and Joseph.11IeKati�. CotirieilTors elected- were Thomas Dougherty, Silas :J'ohnston and! Ro- bert 14IcDovald. Stanley Township Election re- sults are as fellows:,Ree"'ve, Art P. Keyes; council, John Ptine, Goldie Grahaiiry Mervyn Hanley, Fonwicic Stewart. Hay Township Reeve, Louis Rad- er; council, E. Wolper., : A. IVfellich, D. Ducharme, "William Alexander. Stephen Township: • I£eeve, Alex, Neeh; deputy reeve,.. Wm. Sweiteer; council, lad. Gill, Wesley Dearing, Is- aiah Teh'eau. "•Godericlu Icy streets, chilling winds; low temperat�xre and preval- ent sickness combined in vain to pre- vent Goderich ,:electors polling their votes in Monday's mayoralty ,contest. Tnrnberry Township also only Mayor I -I: J. A, 1VcEwan waS again unsuccessfully opposed by his oppon- ent af'last year, C.0 Lee Th pre - Sent olfiee holder by carryingfive out, of seven stLdivisions returns for his fifth term -of office, Final count showed 604 ballot,5 niarlred for Mac- Ewen with 545 .for Leo and four re- jected ballots, ejected^'ballots: Exeter: Reeve C. B. Snell; noun, cil, 19: J`. Christy, 11. C. Rivers, B. 81 Francis, B. Bierling; Board of Education, S. M. Sanders, Wnr. Pen - hale, T Jones, P. Coultis. • The bylaw voted 00 by the rate- payers was carried by avote of 306 to 43, 'rho bylaws allows for the borrowing of 810,300, the issuance 07 debentures and the 'authorization to levy a special rate `for the pay- ment„of the debentures,, for the loan- ing of this surn�. to the Columbia Han- dle and Lumber Company, Limited, so that the firni may :establish and operate their plant here. Blyth • The result of the municipal elections were: Reeve—Dr. W. 'J. Milne, (ace.). ' Councillors—,C. Bell, W. Johnston, W. Mills, J. 'C. IIeffron ., Hibbert: Reeve, ,J. Nagle, defeated the reeve of last year, W, P, Morris, 246 to 132; council, R. Burchill, G. Vivian„ F, Hackney, W..Jaffrey .' Hensel]: Robert .IIiggins was re- elected reeve of Ilensall Monday by a majority of 85 over ex -Reeve Owen Geiger. 7.'he vote was 184 to 149:. Councillors elected were: James Sangster, 213; G. C, .Petty? 194; Rob- ert' Cameron,' 178 and J. W. Ort - went, 158. HIIM1IIailous of Rebelill A Column Prepared Especially for Women -- But But Not Forbidden to Men' May the Giver of Gifts give -unto you That.which is good and that which is true, The will tothelp'and the courage_ to do,; A heart than can sine the whole day through Whether the sky be grey or bine, J May•tlre Giver of Gifts give these to you.—Anon. People have nanny ways of doing things abort the beginningof,the New Year, such as.' making resolu- tions, beginning a diary,,,ete. By the way; .did you ever start to keep a diary? Most people have at one time or another and of re O.111/ times . diaries seem to 83 yin c.al; favor, they are'said to cast' a light the +� b 1 on .1e times in:t hieh wore they v ,vrit •en .•zs 4 no other' sort of document can. Bot • sono people who ” write their aro not doing it for l,hib information of pos- terity as 'they are alarming to have their diaries buried with them, 1 began a diary on one or two occas- ions but somehow have never been able to stick to it for long a8 a time My lest attempt, was; at the beginning of 1928, when sorneone bad given me a petty new diary as a Christmas Gift. It looked very inviting, and, perhaps with the idea hi mind that some future' historians might find. my, -written thoughts and reflections worth while and I might come in for some belated fame, I began bravely •and kept it up Tor' fully half, the year. Then I dropped it with some thing like a sigh of relief. And when I found what a load was lifted off my mind when 3 diclu't have that old diary to write in nightly, Idecid- ed that the fates hadn't intended that my memory' should become famous by the 'diary -route. Folet is, I be lieve I'd make a better "dai yist" than diarist. Anyway, the dinky little diary I seas using hadn't ;roam for the chronicling of any ":mighty thoughts, even I diel think them. It barely had room for a description of the weather, and that can be obtain- ed, when necessary, from the Pro- vincial weatherman. I'm not keep- ing a diary any longer, I don't make any particular ..re-. solutions either. I think I used to dd so and didn't keep them very long. Anyway, I never do now, although the beginning of the New, Year seems a good time to turn over a new leaf and resolve to 'improve ourselves, and I'd be the last one to discourage. this sort of thing, so if anyone likes making New 3"ear resolutions and keeping them, far be it from: me to say.a word against. it. Onething that perhaps discouraged me was the fact that I have' a birthday coming along only a few clays alter the New Year and there was •another chance to make good resolutions and when.I was small and my newly -made new L year resohitions lay in broken'hea}ps about me, my elders were apt' to say: "Now, here is your , birthday, which Iis a. good time to turn over a new I' leaf," and I' was expected to make good the breakages. The strain was too great and I gave up in despair.. evertheless, the end of the, year'. is a very convenient time to go over ilhe books et, our hie mad see, how they stand: It maynot. be i eee ssri r. t � ra for, f to , mance definite resolutions, hut,we can check-up, at least, and it 1 be effect. o lit -19001 n ay s me during the year which is still young, If we ,can I'1n sure we no MatterMatterhoc' :pcaf'ect: so ai at, may already be ' REBI NOW Can Get 'DeIiver :0 The 'Famous "Four-Twe at ROGERS Battery less It AM n --m . at Only° $165 Complete (except Speak The % iggest Value in the .Whole Field of .Electric Radio' T would have been nice, of course, to have had a Rogers in time for the Holidays—but even some of the folks who ordered sets early were disappointed this year, . The good of orders from those who wanted Batteryless Radio was more than the Ro$ers factory -even with its enlarged facilitie could cope with,, temporarily. Now,; however, you can ge --delivery on practically, any of the new, 1929 Models—includin the famous "Four-Twenty"-Nlodel shown above. This Model "Four -Twenty° Rogers is, just as our headlin states: "The biggest value in the whole field of electric radio,' The model that preceded it was first introduced to the publi in 1926 and outsold all &her electric sets in 1927 at $725 The present price of $165: is only possible because of Roger greatly increased production and you can rest assured that 1 any other, comparable electric radio could be sold at this pric you would soon hear about it. , Ask Us To Show You .. . Test this famous model as to distance, selectivity, volufne, tone quality (any way you wish) in your own home at our expense If it doesn't perform to your entire satisfaction send it back If it does -and it make it easy for you to keep it Ta J. IVIi 'NEIL PIANOS AND 'RRA1MOS PHONE 273. CLINTON r.nr.,evv rim eNv.nrdvrararr,. EATEST 4 Days CL TO SEE Sale Opens Friday, Jan. lIth, at 9 t.m. 4 Days By Special Arrangement with one of Toronto's Leading Fur Coat Manufactures, we are - in a Position to offer to the Ladies of Clinton and Surrounding District a Genuine saving of 35 per cent to 50 per cent ori Every Fur Coat During this Money ,Saving Sale Every Fur Coat Carries A Signed Guarantee For Two Years All Linings in our Coats are of the2finest soil Quality Silks, beautifully embroidered, and borders of colour combinations which carry our ;usual Guarantee. RISMOWIRIMUNIMMOIMMINEMOINOM l ersian Lamb Cats FROM EXTRA FINE SELECTED ' PELTS, TRIMMED WITI ALASKA SABLE. GRAY SQUIRREL AND ROLINSKT. 'kids uSeal Coats PRIME AN)) FLEXIBLE PELTS. TRIMMED WITH IC.OLINSICY, 'FOX, ALASKA' SABLE AND 'SQUIRREL. 005117 AND SEE OUR BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF BEAVER AND GRAY. AND :.COACO 'SHADE J SQUIRREL Cors. No Obligation to Isnecriosessaseni AAA uy FREE ---A Chemical Treated Bag to Protect Your Fur Coat From Moths During the Summer eameomanntionstannagawianalannamow Save 35 per cent to 50 per cent During This Sale. 9o+,m® XIMw^isNuhV OVIIIVISIMINKOMMCMEEMIDEZILEMAREMISEWIMNINSIUMESNIIMaN4 Beautiful Chapple Seal Coats COLLAR AND CUFFS OF DEEP ALASKA SABLE, ALSO. GRAY AND BROWN SQUIRREL, ICOLINSIiY AND SELF -TRIMMED. Northern Muskrat Coats DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR EXCLUSIVE! STYLES AND THEPERFECT MATCHING OF OUR PELTS. Silver Muskrats THAT WILL APPEAL TO THE BUSINESS GIRLS FOR STYLE AND QUALITY.