HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-01-10, Page 51' 0 -DAY, -the lure of easy as ro ts; drawing many into 'the ' whirl ool of risky speculation : to-YnUrrow the vision of wealth may be rudely ,shattered. • ' few w years hence, which will'. be yours --a,comfortable. balance in the. Bank or, vain regrets for hasty action? The - . at Ban of Canada Clinton Branch - - 12. E. Marini€, Manager g g 996 . The Bell Telephone ' Company and its Bill in Parliament THE' Bell Telephone Company is bringing before parliament this session a Bill regarding its authority to seek,new capital, - No. grant or subsidy from parliament is involved. It is entirely a matter of authority to offer new. shares for purchase by investors, from time -to time • in the future as new capital is required for the growth of the system. There are three reasons why the telephone company is asking parliament for this authority, Each of these reasons is important the first reason The telephone system cannot extend to meet the growth of the, country•, unless there is a •' steady supply of new capital year after year. IN a progressive country like Canada the telephone system never stands still. Each year there are thousands of new telephones in new homes and offices. For the next free years the definite needs whish the 'system is under public obligation to meet mean" spending over $120,000,000 in new plant. Year after year, in good times and bad, new money is needed for more telephones if the system is to keep, pace with the country. And of this ,money a great part can be supplied only through the pur- • chase of new shares by investors, the second reason Nereasary pians cannot be made unless there is assurance that money may be obtained. in • the future to complete them, 1JN the telephone busihess it is essentialthat plans a be made for years ahead. There must be cables •and conduits and central ex- changes before new telephones can go in. To wait.. until people are clamoring for service is too. late, Such projects in the past have been undertaken` be- cause the company has boon confident of securing rnoney from investors to put the new equipment into lull service. But if the company is not able 'even to approach in- vestors, its assurance vanishes and to prepare fox: the future becomes impossible. • The telephone system does not need, and will not - seek, all the seventy-five million of new capital pro- vided for in its amendment now, nor next year, nor the year after. . it may not -need it all for a good many years. But' it does need now the assurance that it will be able in the future to go into the market' fornew money whet, it 'is the third reason The company's present authority to seek new capital is' almost exhausted. HF �% N the telephone company began, in 1880. it had authority to sell shares to investors up to half a million dollars, but with the growth of the 'system this authority has been extended by parlia- ment. This has happened, 00 an average,, every eight years" since 18e0. The last anrendrhent by parliament was in 1920. Another amendment hs necessary now be- cause, of the seventy-five million of shares set in 1920, less than ten Million now remain for the com- pany to ofd r to investors.• With over $120,000,000 to be spent during the next five yearse-a substantial part of which' must be pro- vided by sale of new shares -this margin "of less than ten million represents neither the,:steady supply of new capita] nor the assurance of the future which the company must" have to serve the , public with • efficiency, . eight, years from now P' there had not been an amendment 'in 1920 With the right to raise new capital, Ontario mid uebec today would be true •I' Q Y s gg uig with .a telephone system 90 hopelessly behind public requirements thatall branches of ; business would sutfe'r, The telephone company does not 'want that state of affairs to prevail' eight years from` now.:: The •Bill; is to prevent it, 5ucceeg1'.gl ,boys n0ea sago' Sala" rr}oney,7Tenry p`0,4says, they siieid it all 011 selfrlmnraretltent That 2nay be so licit; tl{e 'tronbie is that a numbei of boys seem to tainle ,th'at• their chief inettns of `self innpoiye nitric rine the pool iovurs; the pnrtpre Shoyvs::and such ]ik instatutlgris: 'Choi;e is not, hP' nnpi iqotonoio the weather ' ii; Oaitar, ` whatever; elsq may bosaid agoue.it- Last week we;Jtad it storing issue•a]Lweek, with 'coiisxjeiable .snowfall Then;: •Satuiday eame`.e quick"tihaw and' -the snow' wkns hn`slush,,. in a iew'bou'is. The tepipeztituxe dropped during 'the night• and Sunday Ras cold and` blue tete •with re' atzventeets' lleeday ;and Tiiceday the•sante, o, Worse Wed •needay.was inilder and this morning it_t'ainedawne.inote • and"the;siicnW is again so£t At tune ,of ,wtitipg 4t is• a littlo colder, .with rain turning "to snow.: Buts es, is not much wondir people talk about the Weather, there's nothing So active, so uiiexiiected, to talk,about If we' hada ehalico we'd like a'bit of ".steady winter, cold eiloiigh,tq•keep • the ice,fiozen sled the. sleighing good,^but not too coldor blustery. But, Ybile • We •'ecies change sone things, the .weather has to 'be. taken as, itconies. Marriages JOIINSTON-COOK-At ' the lime of the bride's parents, --East .Wa- wanosh, on Jan. 3rd„ by the Rev. W. It. Alp, "Gladys IV1ae, eldest daughter oe Mr. and ears. •Leonard .Cook, to Edward Norman Victor Johnston, son of the late George Johnston and MMs. Johnston_ of Siimmeihill.", - • Deaths WHITE -In Clintene on January.8th, Thomas White, in -his 78th -year. CANTELON-In Toronto,. on Tana 3rd, Isabella Brown, widow of 'Pet er 3rd,,, of Clinton, aged 64 Years, SNOWDEN-In Stanley township, on San. 7th, Elizabeth J. Snowden, x AR1BUGKLE-In Detroit, on Decor: - her 29th, Virginia Patricia, laugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Ar- buckle, (formerly' Kathleen 'Bed- our),.aged 2 years, • SUNDERCOCIC-At FIensall, on ean- uary 9th, Nathaniel Sundercoek, • formerly of near Brueefiel'd, aged 71 years and 4 months, Funeral on Friday afternoon to Elyth cem- etery, TEBBUTT-In Gacierich townshijl, on January • 10th, Cerolirie • F. Shepard, wife of Mr.. George Teb- butt, in her 73rd year. Funeral from her late, residence on Satur- day afternoon, January' 12th, to Maitland eentetery, Goderich, Ser- vice to coin hence at 1.80. ICER -2n Brantford, on Sanuary 2nd, Minnie. L. tier, ' daughter of the • late Henry Kor of Clinton and of Mrs. 5. Ker of Edgerton, Alta. Londesborlt. Mr. Arthur Lyon of the Toronto Normal returned to Toronto Saturday after spending the holidays with his parents Mr, and Mrs. Will Lyon, There was only morning ' service in the United church owing to the severe storm. on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Milton ,Hooper and. Master Gladwin• of near St, Marys spent New Years with Mrs. 1Iooper's parents, Mir and Mrs: Samos Elsley. Mr.- and Mrs. Will Tgmblyn. and Joan and John of Toronto spent part of last week -'with Mr. Tanblyn's, mother. . Mrs,, (Rev.). Johnson returned home Thursday,having spent New Years with lier.sisteras"Miss Maud Fair of .Toronto. Miss. Olvetta I3righani, teaeher re- turned to Windsor oat Saturclay after spending the holidayswith lei par- ents,"Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brigham. • The congregational service is to be held ill the United .church Friday ev- ening, . leas Alex, Stewart 'has a position in Stratford but does not intend mov- ing until the spring... An enojynble time was spent at the watch.' night' services ofethe United church, ,field by the Young People's Societies or New.Year's eve. . • - The monthly meeting of the Woe men's Tnstitute was held in the com- munity hall an Thursday last, The girls had charge of the meeting president, Alberta 1lIoon, secretary; Pear] Moon. Piano duet was given by Katie and Julia Brown, reading by Lillie :Garrett, instrumental by •Venda Watson and a couple of, short dialogues were put on. After the program anadjournniept was 'made Io the basement where an excellent lunch was served; also by the' girls: There wete fifty in at- aendance. Oruceteld Schools 'around 13rucefield have all been 'closed on account of the flu, Mrs. William Douglas is visiting her nnbther, • Mrs. Hudson, tin ,Hen - Mrs, Hen -Mrs, I'.iieh Berry is ill with b ental near ` ion p monis, Her many friends, wish her a speedy'secovery. 'elle many' friends el Mrd. 1. Walk- in the village will be .sorry to. know that 'elle ,has been i11,` ee I{etehen spent the week e ndilli w .filend9 in Ltllldbn,:, 'For 'Salo Eighty purebred Barred Rock pal - Sete, Apure to `W. V, Itoy,'Londes. bora. Phone 28-6,.Eleth Central, I;;wrsh i9 •see lily S,{'udio iu Gent on. be+ elQeed uncal :Jantiltal+y;: 1929. Wcit th%s paper Citi spec?al an$_ notieesniynt: A11 I eople w,antrang Photographs taken ;before L open' again tomo ,; to m5 , 7rtchell :' Studta. and. S wi1i: he you• d•• ePeeral%';iedue„ then' iii prices :All 'Work •ae usual, 'the ebest, • 'et URGESSPORTLAIT sd'UDo,° Clinton aid Ma4dbell Meinber of Plvrist.Telegteph aeliVery As$oeiation • •CUT FLOWERS, FLORALa DESIGNS For •.A1I Oeeasions, Sent Anywhere, Q11r` Greenhons le a: neat+ as yens l • t.`E' Two. Phones -66w and 66j, 'CARD OP,T:ihANT{S TIM family of the late Mrs. Peter Cantolon wish- to express .their sin- cere'thanks to the friends and:tieigh- bors foe their kindness and sympathy shown in their recent bereavement. Also for 'the many - floral tributes seht. CARD Or THANKS . Mrs. Garvie of • Goderich township wishes toexpress her'thaeks to the friends and neighbors for their kind- nesse- to her husband' during his i11 ness, for their sympathy with her and for, flowers sent. Annual Meeting The annual a meeting ,of the Clinton ITorticniturl Society will' lie held in .the board room of the toWh 'hall at 8 o'block on' Tuesday evening, San. 15th. All, members are urgently re quested to attend, H. E. Rorke, Sec- retary. 96-1. Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the Bay- field Agricultural Society, for the re- ceiving. of reports, election of offic- ers and the transaction of other busi- ness, will be held in the town hall, Bayfield, 'on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 16th, commencing at 1 o'clock. As E. Erwin, secretary. 96-1. Small Farm For' Sale Consisting of 27 acres, mostly till- able. Modern- bungalow house with furnace. Good barn and silo, large henhouse. Young orchard and bush fruits. 'rater in barn, River runs i through farm. Situated on Provin- cial highway just south of Clinton. 'Apply on premises to Mrs. T. J. Lind- say, or. to Charles Lindsay, Clinton, 96-3sp, MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Huron County Council for 1929 will meet in the ,County Council. Chamber in, the Court House,- Goder- ich on Tuesday the'22rid hist. at 2,30 o'clock in the afternoon. A11 ac- counts, certificates, of election, and returns re ntiniber Of voters for each Municipality should' be in thehands of the Clerk not' later than Saturday or , Monday preceding the day of meeting. Local Municipal Clerks will please see that all these ecrtifi- dates .and returns are sent 10 by mail as soon as possible, Geo. W. Hol- man, County Clerk, Goderich, Jan, 5th, 1929, Auction Sale • 01 Dairy Cows and Young Cattle. The undersigned auctioneer will sell by public 'auction at lot 68 Bay- field road; -4 ' miles west 'of Clinton, on Tuesday, January "15th, at 1,30 o'clock the following: ,Grade Durham cow, Color, red,' due lt'ehe 3rd; Grade •Durham cow, roan, due Feb. 10; grade Durham cow, red, and white, due Feb. 20; grade ,Dur- ham cow, red, due April 6th; grade Angus caw, due Vele 5th; 10 choice Holsteins from 3 to 6 years old- to freshen in January,February and March; ten oe these above mentioned cows were bought from ono min and are of high quality both in type and breeding. Come and get one or more of them at your own price. Young Calves -4 spring calves, grade Dur hams; one calf, .10 days old time of sale. Guarantee-Any"cow sold to be twith calf not proving' to be so 30 days from date of stile 10 per cent of purchase price refunded. Terns: Six menthe; eredit will be given on furnishing bankable paper, er wells. -count is- count of six per cent per annunn, will be given for cash. Sale -will be, core ducted in doors. W. H. LOBB, Proprietor George H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 96.1. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Sri t1ieEstate of Sarah Frances ,Crich, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Sarah Frances Crich, ,late of the town of Clinton, in the. County of Huron, spinster, deceased, who died on or about' the 27th clay of. De- ceinber, A.D. 1928; are requested to deliver to Wellington Crich, the ezi- ecutor of the said estate', or W. Bry- done, solicitor, on or before the 26th day 01 January` A,D, 1'929, a full statement of their claims together with particulars` thereof, and , the nature f o the s ocurrties, if any, Held by them all dbly, verified.:by.affidavit, AND TAKE' .NOTICFI. ,that' after the, said last mentioned date the said assents/I! will proceed t6 distr'ibato the estate': iif the said " deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto ' having, ,regard, only to such claims es ,.he shall h� tive recall/ea due notice and in accordance therewith. ' DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this th day of Jc{ina y,` A.D, 1929 '8 W. BF(YDONB, CIinton, 'Ontario Solicitor for the said Estate. • 1 Wer havo #{ good',m>xkeG'foi, 'Goose lad Dlae1c feathers• tins Montle, VJs are: buyers of Eegs,',`Live and: Tressed ponitrys eavery day in the ,weeks throughout: the• year; at •.;y'ood` pi ices In ti Poultry 1lozrs ,hones-Otf;ce, 2141 Residence, 214w TENDERS WANTED FOR "CHURCH SIZED Tenderswill•'be received by the un dersigned;for the.. purchase of the closed chureh ' shed„ size 20e42 ft,, (Anglican church) •: at Holmesvilie until January. 2nd,1929. E. J, Tre wartha, See: Troasurer, Holmesville Co-operative Cheese and Butter Co,, Hohnesviile . 94-3. For „ea1e A pair of light "bobsleighs in good shape. Apply to Bert Langford,., Oyerland Garage, Clinton. 9ti 1 p, NOTICE TO 'CREDITORS In the Estate o2 Emily Anna Finch, Deceased: NOTICE is hereby' given that -alt persons, having claims against the estate of Emily 'Anna Finch, late of the town of CIinton,,in the County of Huron, widow, deceased, who died on or about the 26th day of November A.D, 1928, are required to deliver to Arthur Elymer Finch, the executor of the said estate or W. I3rydone, solic-' itor, on or before the 24th -day of January A.D. 1929, a full statement. of their claim together' with parti- culars thereof, and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them all duly verified by affidavit, AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said last iirentioned ,date the said executor -will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased a- mongst the persons entitled thereto having regard only to such claims as he shall have received due notice and in accordance herewith. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 3rd .day of January A.D. 1929. W. BRYDONE, Clinton, Ontario, ` Solicitor for the said Estate, 96-3. For Sale Solid Oak Buffet, Solid Walnut. Chest 'of Drawers, Writing Desk: Also one mattress. eappiy.to R. Tas- ker, the Jackson block, Clinton.. • 93-11. Fclr. Sale A buggy, cutter, set of single har- ness, set double harness, . wagon, gravel box, land scraper, scuffler, svoodrack, Sharpie's cream separator and logging chain. Apply to Chas. Peacock, opposite the Clinton Public Hospital. _ 93-5-p Rooms Wanted I can take four roomers' or 'will rent rooms for light housekeeping. Comfortable . home with electric lights. " Apply to Mrs, Annie Col- elough, Maple street, Clinton. 94-3. Cow For Sale A grade Hereford cow, due to freshen on or before December 29th.. Apply to A. E. Finch, Clinton or phone 231. Farms For Sale Lot 12, Con. 3, Stanley Township, consisting of 100 neves. There le on the premises a good two-storey brick cottage, a good barn with straw shed attached, and stabling underneath, im- plement house, orchard, about 5 ac- ''t-es s''res of bush on a back corner of the farm,' through which runs a never - failing spring creek, two never -failing wells, nue near the house the other Bear the stable. The farm is in a good state of cultivation, Also lot 10, eon. 4, Stanley town- ship, consisting of 100 acres on which there isa very good barn, and about 15 acres of bush. A never -failing stream, runs across the back end of this farm. Good for either grain or pasture, 'Apply to Murray Gibson, Bruce - field, executor for the Estate of the lata William Collins. 85-11. Wanted $800 for short term, Good secur- ity. Inquire at News -Record Office. 90-te. Chopping Will do customgrinding on Mon- day, 'Wednesday and Friday of each week. Lloyd Picot, Con. 6,'Goderich township. Phone 600r42, Clinton. 'centra, 05-3-p. Notice A, special meeting of ' `the ratepay- ers of S. S. No. 3, Goderich township, will be held :5n the school house or Friday, January 11th, 'at 8 p.m. to consider the matter of sending a dele- gate to the annual conventionof the Ontario School Trustees and Rate- payers Association to be. held in Tor onto April 2nd, 3rd . and • 4th, 1929. E, J. Trewartha, Sec.-Treas. 95-2. • Strayed ' A black heifer, December lath, 1928,' Tuesday' evening, "left side - road going' to 'Gothen. Coming 2 years old_ le April, no horns, from the premises of llobort Campbell, Varna Ontario. .' 95-2.: Five Hundred Dollars Do',you want it?':By buying this eighty acres' of productive loam with gooddrainage; picturesque location, You will pr fit this. Farm 'about two miles; from Clinton, buiIdiligs ` con dist of good house bairn, ,also Wind Considerable bits, Terms: W Btydone,Clinton, Owner) '• 323 South blain "Borneo, -Michigan., . A•,Clearing'of all Stock ,to be`anade to`malee room for Spring:ellanges.'' Evel h'n `' 'yt r g goes at genuiiio saying; pricew for standard'goods, All Goods sold -for• Cash Only. No Sales on Approval No Deliveries on' goods `so'ld at Sale Prices.• :, Milier' Hardware TELEPHONE' 53 CLINTON seseeseeee C. H. 'VE'NNER -Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtur,ss, Bulbs, Irons, Fasn% and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs. Phone 7 Wo Sell Coal That Satisfies Don't buy your fuel till you get my prices which are lower than else- where. Best quality of coal and eoke. Order by phone at my house. Edward Carter, 'Phone 271, Clinton. DON'T BUY YOUR UNTIL YOU SEE OUR STUNNING EFFECTS All Models s scores of beautiful tab - ries - novel„and exclusive and person- ally tailored to suit your figure, , Stock of Overcoats Just Arrived. $18.00 TO $65.00 E.C.RUII`IIL ` McBwen's Old Stand. Opposite Post Office We still have the AGENCY for the Atwater Kent Radios Both Battery and Electric. It will pay you to try the Atwater Kent before you buy. J. B. L AVIS 88-tf. Raw Furs Wanted Don't sell your furs till you get my -Prices which are higher than you can get elswhere. You are loosing money selling to other dealers. H. A. Hovey , Clinton 90-11. Cli ton's 0.0 � ldf I-E'A'i- FOLKS (-HELP YAtl STA12T Tr1E MoRN;NG RIGHT antra yliEs' Mf1i{ You GLAD To &t r6,�et 1-1PIH1_'A-r N1GHT LI 14 ----- When the Heat Folks are in your home- . You can wake in the morning to the delightful aroma of coffee and bacon. • You jump willingly •ly out of bed be- cause the room is warm. You start off to work glowing with conrfort••.and happiness from head to toes. . You look forward all day to a cosy' evening •at home ` You can really enjoy the winter -- When the Heat Folks are in your home. Cali the akt y forgood,clean Coal os�rd COAL COMPANY 'PHONE 74 CLINTON Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re. paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms tier Heard's B..rber shop. W. 3, Jago. . • 2283-t11 Cockshutt Agency. As I am now handling the Gock shutt and Frost and, Wood Implem- ents and also Coekshutt cream sepals eters, and am prepared to supply all kinds of repairs foe same, I solicit the patronage of farmers and others Orders will receive •prompt attention. JOHN V. DIEHL, Queen street, Clinton 81-te, CORN Just received a car of nice dr•y con while it lasts, good value. Hare on hand clean Onter10 Oats, Fall Wheat, Bran and Shorts, also heavy screenings. Let us know your requirements. Our prices are right. J. A. FORD & SON • Phone 123 Flour, Feed and Seed • 06-4, Coat That Satisfies We sell the cleanest, safest and most economical fuel and always at cI fair price. A telephone call will ieceive one prompt attention. You can feel asolutely sure that! every shovel of coal will bo of tjiit same uniformity of quality. HOWARD CLARK Phone 182 - Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery, Phone 111 We Want Your Milk and Cream We are manufacturers ' or botli cheese and butter. We want your milk or' cream.- We pay highest mar. ket price weekly. Satisfaction guar,. anteed,. Phone your order for finest cheesy or pasturised butter in prints or sots ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont., It, R, No. 3, Phone No. 605r32. THE BOLIVIESVILLE CO -OPERA;, TIVE CHEESE AND BUTTER COMPANY, LIMITED Eggs and Poultr.. Home on Tuesday and Friday fore- noon to take in Poultry. Eggs handled at residence every day -graded by an 'experienced grad.. er, for which we pay the highest mate ket price. Cream purchased for Stillnian's A. Finch Viking Cream 'Separator Agent, ' Victoria St., . Clinton Phone 23/ 2744 RADIO JCS, ��'• a�, 1:IITE;,; l'"6 t Buy a radio . for the famillej in doing da you will - be giving thein , something which they can enjoy the year around, We are dealers for the Kolster and Kings sots.and will be pleased to give you a demonstration at any time. Batteries 'charged and store • for the winter W '� ,J. e i er, Prop,