HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1929-01-10, Page 4COOPER'S STORE NEWS 20 per cent off CHIN .AWARE GTiASS WA) T)TNNE1?1i' R'( D1T1t1hTG JANUARY Odd lines of fiinner'tiare A'b ITALI! PRICE 8.50 Blankets $5,95 Beautiful Pure) Vol"orn— Plaids,` Blue, Pink, Tiny Ma Live and Yellow. Satin bound, .A REAL 13ARC alIN 5.9 � 5 5 Watch for our bills next week " Giving in detail s' 4 t -`zany January 'Bargains Lad ies' and Children' s W inter Coats CLEARING AT COST AND DESS Don't Miss Thi$ Chance if You Want a Cont Cotton .Farts 69c Large Comforter size 'Ba "SUNWHITI:" $1.00 Value for 69c PURE WOOL BATS $1.00` A. 'T.. DOPER,, 'THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" CLINTON Sherlock -Manning' Pianos How About Treatin,k Your- self to a PIANO? Ta J. MeNEIL Clinton's Musical Instrument Representative Always at Your Service Bos 113 or Phone 273, Clinton ows ta3t,, WE RECOGNIZE QUALITY and ., DISTRIBUTE THE CASH ACCORDINGLY at CLINTON CREAMERY, CLINTON' PHONE 145 SEAFORTH BRAN Cil, . SEATORTII PRONE. 162 CLINTON BRANCH, CLINTON, ONTARIO I'IIONE 190 • Gunn, ,Langlois 8z Co., Limited', HEAD OFFICE -- MONTREAL, QU13, Goderich •'Fowesshi p There passed to rest at his home the sixteenth on January the firs an old resident. in the person of Da vitt Garvie, He had been in failln health for a •tiuniberof years'an Nviren he contracted flu his life wen out like a soil of a candle: He wa :born June 22nd, 1849 in the Count of Haldemand. He leaves to mourn their Ioss, his wife, Rachel Garvie :also two brothers, James of. A.blene Kansas and Alexander 'of Woodward,. 'Oklahoma, and two sisters, Mrs. Mary johns' of Driscoll, Oklahoma` and lyres.' Bai barn Lawson, Hallett. The fun- eral on TIursday Iast was conducted , by Rev.‘,T, W. Herbert of Hohnesville, 'interment being made "in Clinton cern 'sstery, The Calgary Albertian recently car- ried the following ,despatch ' from Lethbridge,' an itemof news which may interest some of the older resi =delfts of this township: "Lethbridge has lost by death the oldest civieemploye in the person of -Jimmie Perdue, aged 79, who had been a resident here since 1907. He 'Was Only a. hurnble citizen as he fel- he was a lad of nineteen, Ivhen he [settled on. the farnt on which he died, on that being his home for over seventy - t' two years.. In 1885 he was married to .Mary Jane Dempsey and of their nine children, • six daughters, and g three sons, seven survive: .Miss. Bry- d ant, Edmonton; Mrs,-cCarthy, t arrey, Man.; 1Virs. Rands, Regina, s Sask.;Mrs. N. Kennedy, and Mrs. W. Y J. Niclole, Clinton, Mrs. ' Wilson, .. Stratford and John,l enry ' and George Connell, Goderich township. , Mrs, Connell died nine years ago, 'lowed the occupation, of street scav- •`'enger, but he was known to thous- ands in the south and throughout the Province, and his daily remarks .ad - 'dressed at r;andoin to any chance pas- serby on the sidewalks of. -the busi- ness thoroughfare will be missed. Coning originally from Goderich 'township ' near Clinton, Ontario, he 'was a staunch Orangeman. He died x rat, Macleod, at the residence -"of his, ..married daightoi,,1VI'is, Trosskl, on Wednesday, having gone to spend Christmas there. Two sons also sur - ,wive. Only. on Saturday last he was ..til; his .usual' work. Next Saturday has been 'set aside for his funeral; which Will probably, be a big ,:one, as many twill honor in -death a faithful old' employe whom. they respected in life for his unvarying.cheerfuhiess in 'the face of discouraging circum, stances." James Cornell, who died Last week :,at the age of ninety-one, wits born in Peel County, coming to Huron when The, funeral took place on Friday afternoon fr6iit the family house; the Deo. J. E, Hogg, assisted by the Rev. A.. A. Holmes, conducting' the services." The pallbearer'a were the three -sons, two sons -in. -law, Messrs. Wilson and Kennedy, and, M;r. Harry Graham, 'a neighbor, Interment was Made in Clinton cemetery, (Intended for last -week) Mr..and Mrs. R. J. Cantelon and Mr. Walter Corey of Stratford, Miss Alice Corey of London, Miss lt1abel of Naris and Mr. and Mrs. H. Corey and "family attended a dinner given on Sunday, December 30th by Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Cantelon; Mr. and Mrs. R. 3'. Cantelon and Mr. Walter Corey of Stratford mot- ored up to a family gathering held by Mr. and Mrs. H, Corey on Christmas atjfiela:l Miss Nina • Heard resumed here teaching duties' near . Clinton last week, Mrs. T. Wirm of Znrich is with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Woods, on account of the serious illness of her mother. MA.'. Nesbutt Woods ,of the Toronto Public School staff, wed left for Toronto: ori Saturday, return- ed home again on. Tuesday: Mrs, If. Deihl of Stanley Township is visiting 1411, and Il4rs. W. J. Fos- ter, Ms. Foster:, who was quite ill, is recovering nicely. The Senior' room of the Public school opened on 'Thursday last with. Mr, Wrn G Rae in Char Junior,r'oom has not opened yet, ow- ing to the illness,' of the assistant, Miss Anna Woods: ilie seats and desks- in the Jnuior room have all been: nicely refinished the work being dobe by Mr. •George Castle. Mr. John Cameron moved his household effects into his new build_; ing• on Ann street on Saturday last: Mr. John Parker has purchased the Cameros, property on Main street'aud. lIos moved l,1to his new home. Mr: Samuel Eagleson of Milton,, North Dakota is visiting fronds and. relatives in the villajgc, 'Miss,Thelma Ritz is able to be out' again after having been ill With the flu. Dei ruother went to Toronto and accompanied her home on Wednes da. of y last week,' 1VEss Elva Dewar. returned to Tor- onto on `Saturday. to rebunie her teaching duties. Mrs. ,Jno. Davidson received word en Tuesday evening of last' week of the sudden death of her niece, Miss M. Ker of Brantford Mrs! David - 1011 left the following day for Brant- ford returning•liomo on Tuesday eve- ning. Miss'JeAn M. Woods left (01 Satur- day for' Galt to resume her teaching duties.' • Mi. Clifford Clarke returned to'` St; David's 'to take charge of bis school last week, 117x'. and Mrs, Howell and, child, who aIso spent Christmas with their par- cuts, returned to- Bridgeburg. Mrs. Fred McEwen, Miss M. C. Reid and Mr. Arthui' Peck attended the funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs. Walker, , at Exeter on . Sunday, Mis. Peek accompanied them tome, 1141ss Gladys Davidson came on Tuesday to spend her vacation..with hes' mother, Mrs, .Ino. Davidson, Tho annual meeting of the Bay-. field Agricultural Society will be held in the town hall on Wednesday at one o'clock in the afternoon. The officers and .directors hope -.for a large attendance Wand ask. for any suggestions which might improve the Pali Fain. • Mr. Allan Pye returned to Windsor last week after havingspent a week With his wife and family. Miss Heist returned from her home at `MInthrop and school opened lir S. 8. No. 3 on Wednesday of last week Mi P1 bert=Penhale• is spending the winter with his brother, John, in Stanley township. Stoning Township Mrs. John Innes is visiting friends, nr Toronto. Miss `Kate McGregor has returned to her school duties at Now Market. Miss Pentland has returned to re,' sume her teaching duties here, school opening on Tuetsday. A number in this locality have had' flu but the worst seems to be over and it hoped all will soon be well again. Result of election in Stanley town- ship by wards as follows: 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 i• Total Wim, Douglas 39 77 35, 40 24 17 14 9 ' 255 Art P, Keyes 30° 9 ,13 108 31 48 •13 107 359 • John Etue - 8 18 13 106 30 62 22-112 355 ` .Goidia Graham 4413 58 27 106 42 9 9 43 327 Mervyn FIanly 62 46 22 96 40'`19 .7 44 324 Fenwick Stewart 42 38 21 86 23 13 0 82 256 John Pepper 35 74 23 75 16 10 2 17 352 Wm. McKenzie • 2 20 33 7 4 1 2 2 71 Art P. Keyes being elected reeve and . John .Etue, Goldie Graham, lVlervyn Hdnly and Fenwick Stewart being elected councillors. Election daffy being such a stormy one very little over half the vote was polled. 3 Glasses WaterHeIp Constipation One glass of water is not enough --- take three glassesone hour before breakfast. Much better restilts are obtained by adding . a teaspoon of simple glycerin. Saline compound (known as . Adlerika) to each glass. .4dlerika a4ts on BOTH upper, and lower bowel and removes old waste' matter you never thought was in your system."' Stops" gas and sour stomach in TEN minutes, Relieves constipation in twcl hours, W, S, R. Holmes, Druggist, O1 THE SAME PERSON AT ALL `Fruit -a -tires" Stopped. Pails :and 'Ter'rible Dizziness ...'Prime, GOO5N' .. It seems almost a miraolc—the way Fruit a fives" benefits women suiTer- iug at the change of life. "I was obliged to go to bed because of the terrible dizziness, pain and weakness," writes NI'me 0neshne Gedar of :Paquetville, H 8.; "During this trying time `,Fruit-a-tives' proved 'a - godsend to roe, and now 1 am in berfoot health. Every winner,. should follow, my ex.. ample and take luuita-fives,' and they, would st.:re1) get the wonderful relief that 1 did:" 'Pry y it. Ypur dealer has ,this wonderful fruit >meditine- -' 25e. and 50c. a box. Kipper:. The road, to the north betWoe Kippcn and l3rucefield-`: are quit heavy, 'c using a lot of hold-ups i Lx ripe. Wklere tho snow 1(ncc-- au they r 'e certainly G a a ' t rely a groat "llLlp Ali =schools and ehnrch' services i Cncicei•sinitlr' also all Public gather inns have been called off: until fax then notice on account or the 110 vellance el' flu. , We are sure this :i aap3sillrn A . see sor1yto report the serious c illues; of Mrs; Jas, Johnston, who is n ill with pneumonia,` TIer man e i'rlefids hope for' a speedy recovery. Mrs. Alfred Asquith had the ads, fortune to full whilo' hanging out 71611150 one day loot week and injured'r 1- her Back, - 111ri': J. J. \Vilnon went 'to Dungan- S 0011 0n TueSday to audit' the hooks of very� wit tvi e thing and will help t check the bpread of. 41111 Disease. itir, John M„ Be 1th is confined t 1310 room Wil,11 Mr, Wiggins is spending the week end with his family in London, .Mr. -Eobt, Dayinond, who was cal- led to Toronto recently owing to the illness of his sister, Miss Sarah Ray- mond, returned Friday and reports his sister as somewhat imirroved, 111r. Ilog•gartlr, south of Exeter was up calling -00 1Kr, J. Workman, Fri- day evening last, o the West Wananosli Fire, Insurance Co. o Owing to the severe st i'rn on Mon- day a very,small vote was cast' at the - polio. here, Miss Mary Jenkins 04 Clinton has been visiting syitli titer sister, Mrs. 0. E. Erratt, during ,the just week, Mr. Alex McKenzie visited with his daughters in Toronto last week. Mriss Annie -McLeod of Toronto. "'Is visiting her pairents, Mr. and Mrs. J. McLeod 011 the Base line, Little -Ida Belle Watson issnttter- ing from =pneum"onia. We tire glad to know that she is holding her own and ever) better at date of writing. Ida is a general favorite withall and we "hope' she will be able 'to visit all her friends again quite soon, Mr, Wm, Anderson has been and is still in a very bad way with his old enemy, asthma, combined- with 'Mr. Joint Workman has been a prisoner in his room for a week, but, we are glad. to be able to report a de - aided improvement. Mr.. John Bengoug'h suffered a slight stroke Saturday morning and is being cared for by his sister, Mrs Wan. Anderson, another sister, Ibfrs,' CIark of 'Hensall', assisting, Miss Bengough, who has spent seine months in Midland; U,S:, re- turned home Saturday evening. Mrs. Albert Harvey spent a few days recently with her sister, Mrs; Jas, Ferguson' of Hensall. PRETTY WEDDING IN EAST WAWANOSH A very prettry wedding took place at the home of Ma'. and Mrs, Leonard Cook, East Wawanosh, on January 350, when their eldest 'daughter, Gladys Mae; became the bride of Ed- ward Norman Victor Johnston, son of the late Geo, unci Mrs.' Johnston of Summerhill, 'The bride wore a very pretty dress of peach colored silk' georgette, trimmed with cream Iace and brillants. She was attended by Miss Evelyn Dale, of Seaforth, niece of the groom, who wore a dress of cream colored flat silk crepe. Mr.' Mancel Cook, brother 'of the bride, acted as groomsman. The wedding ceremony was performed by. the Rev. W. R. Alp of the ignited church, Aub- urn. After the ceremony about twenty-, five guests, the immediate relatives of the bride and groom, sat down to a dainty wedding luncheon. 1VIr. and Mrs. Johnston will reside at Sumrner- Heillett;. Tovvriship , Election for Reeve on Monday re- sulted as 'follows: Poll NO. 1 2' 3' 4 5 6 7 To'l Adams 22 24 1367 18 77 59 280 Armstrong' 80 51. 26 34. 6 21 10 228 gliomas Sloan withdrew from the contest for Coi,ncillor leaving Jauies Leiner•, I. C. Forbes, Herb Mogridge and Robert Lawson elected by accla- mation, ' HURON COUNTY COUNCIL FOR • 1929 Colborne Twp. --Reeve, Hugh Hill. Goderich' Twp, --Reeve;' J. R. Mid- dleton. Ashfield Twp.—Reeye, Wim. Mac- Kenzie; deputy reeve, Tu J. Anderson, McKillop . Twp. - Reeve, John Dodds. Tuclrersinitlf Twp, --Reeve,, Roland Kennedy. West Wayvanosh—Reeve Wm. Mole.i ., - East Wawanosh—Reeve, I+.,- D. Stalker. Turnberry Twp,—Reeve,- :I: 3. Wright. • Howiclt Twp.—Reeve, T. Inglis; deputy •reeve, George Hubbard. Morris Tivp.—Reeve, W. J, Hen- ,derson.' Usborne Twp. Reeve, James Bal- lantyne. Stephen Twp. Iteeve, A, H. Neeb;. deputy reeve, W. H. Sweitzer. , Hay Twp.—Reeve, L. H. Rader, Hullett Twp. --Reeve, Ernest Ad- ams, . Stanley Twp. Reeve, A. P. keys. Grey Twp.-11eeve, 11. A. Keyes; deputy reeve, Frank Bollin, Brusesls—Reeve, A. A, Baeker. Exeter—Reeve,' Charles B. Snell. • Goderich—Reeve, Robert E. Tur- ner; deputy reeve, J. W. Craigie, Clinton—Reeve, N. W. Trewarthe Seaforth—Reeve, J, W, Beatti hill. e, Wingham—Reeve J. W. McKibben. is $1R�i �9� �' . 0f 'c'$ ne` ' 6A .which. �-q � O $1e BANK or 11/10NMAL M Ai. has issued and is now a1s'ti-ibut1,II;i Free to, al! who ask POI,- a' co 3 P. This bookte't is;dedi- eated to th pX'i'VG&tfl01 of accidents copy be I.J Ylllay'Y�0 ObQ's11121ed on application to any Branch` of tine BANK. MUNTR, AL Established 1$1? Total Assets in excess of 4870,000,00i3 Clinton Branch: H. R. Sl -[ARP, Manager New Line of Gent's Furnjshs A Full Line of Winter Goods WE can suit the most Fastidious Taste - Call on us For Up -To -Date Furnishings CUSTOM TAILORING, DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING DAVIS a�./ iffERMAN Albert Street Clinton, Ontario '�Farl m in the Lowe LL -SI ms 'riced.till e C`°'ups' a Seda l Thy f -Door Sed n Fo r -Door; De .Luxe Coupe NEW PRICES SAVINGS OLD- PRICES $820 $30 $850 860 15 875 890 25 9.15 870 40 910 Roadster and Touring Car Prices Unchanged; Roadster $850; Touring Car4870 All prides f. o. b, Windsor,, Ontario, including standard factory equipment (freight and taxes extra) In the past, scores of thousands of buyers seeking the greatest dollar -value, have purchased Plymouth -on the basis of simple comparison and contrast with other cars in its price range,, At these new lower prices, the contrasts that Plymouth presents --in all-round economy of operation and up- keep, combined with full-size, weatherproof hydraulic 4 -wheel brakes,ai'aogiei•n engineering, im- pressive power and perforniance^-ire even more conclusive, ever, more empha- tic of the Chrysler nianaggenxsent's deter- mination to give quality and value far rIND UPWA RD S in advance of anything else in the lowest -priced field. This most significant reduction iii Plymouth prices is thus In keeping with Chrysler ideals, while passing on' to purchasers the benefits that accrue from hugely increased production. ` See the Plymouth! Drive itandtry to match it in quality and value. We believe you will find these new low prices remove Plyiuouth further than ever from any other offering in the greatest motor Caw F.0.13, WINDSOR ear market.,