HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-12-27, Page 5CLINTON - 1WrS RECORD s,, ti• got? your OF orfs i ea till r•oil, e,e.4rf ,yrii .dad kali en to fox'- iota can'send one'aj Cln,istmas 'New Yea' 's card Penny postage from` Canada •roughout the r British, Dioptre was Canadian i overnment's Cl4ist4 s gift'to the people 'the Ngo- Castle News .says :that: ,Che'",lta dest°•task' L klcl=faces s -try= hg to, ,leaui =rivetgoods without ebtrsll,ant" It rs,tough"on the little havers,^ hisn't xt 1:? }ist nes is •'; over .fox another' year but:ijwe should trY to: keep alit, tlo df the .spirit . throughout r, the ttCelve n oaths white will elapse Be- fore another conies around. • `1Vlonday evening next ,will be nonl- tnatton•night in Clinton ,and citizens who do pt Come:oirt and'see that pro Per candidates and enough of. then' to fill ail offices"'are put forward" meed .males no ;coiirplaintr.if such 'of- fiees era` not filled to their°liking "on electien day The trouble otter' the alleged ;sed- ition bf the'editor'of a Finnish news- `i'pez 'lit Northern Ontario 'empha- es tbeneed '`m of,aking the iiiobtain-, ipg of • G'anadian;Citizenship a matter of '. more, amPortarice The man' in fiuestioni:is'rrot,a loyal Cenadian'and ld`oat b show e able •to: call himself.' a citizen at all It ',would be better for' ,all, concerned if new comers to Can- ada were made to'prove their"wort'hi-. iteia'before. bestowing upon them the boon of 'Canadian citizenship, Latest reports regarding His Ma- aesty, :King George, are most • en- 'eouraging .his,' progress ` delighting and surprising; his family and physi- etans. "He hag improved ablest stead- ily' since itis lung was"drained two weeks ago, and his ultimate recovery °lcoks'to be but a matter of time. For this all his loving subjects are duly grateful. His two younger sons ar- rived home for Christmas and we may be sure -it was just as happy a family gathering as there was anywhere in the Empire, albeit the holiday was celebrated more quietly than night 'have been the case had the head of .the<family been able to enter into the 'festivities with his usual energy. ;UNIVERSITY SERVES A WIDE AREA The City of\Terontedoes not pre-. duce half the students who attend the Provincial 'University, according to the President's Report, just issued, 2,831 students came from the City 'Met 't and the total registration was "5,98G. The Province + ,f Ontario, outside -of Toronto, suppleXd 2,748; Saskat- •eheWan, 127; the Utii;ited States, 103; 'British Columbia, 79;, Manitoba, 60; ,Alberta, 49; Quebec, 22a Nova Scotia, '28; New Brunswick„ 24; Prince Ed- ward Island, 11; Yuko2i,, 4; and 93 students came from places outside' of 'Canada and the United '.States. • Of the -Counties of Ontarie it is ngt•always those nearest from which 'most students come to the University of Toronto, for Carleton County is fifth in the "list, sending 105.' The 'figures for the first fifteen counties Are as follows: Wentworth, 224; York 198;.:.,.Sintcoe, °162;, Wellington, 109; 'Carleton, 105; Ontario, 103; Water- loo, 95; Huron 93; Grey, 85; Elgin, '84; Perth, 77; . Middlesex, '76; Peel,- 131, eel;'73;, Bruce, '71; Brant, 68. From ev- eryone of the fifty; -four counties and districts in the Province of Ont- •ratio young then and women come to 'the University of Toronto. The retail merchants of Ontario send the largest, number of students 'to the University of Toronto, accord ing to the President'sreport Report just issued. Of 1,413 students enter- ing ,the„ University in the First Year, 1.48 Were the sons and daughters of retail .;mere -ants. Farmers come next in order; they sent 139, Arti- '"sans Sent 133`and clerks and sales- nien,'131, It would seem, therefore, that higher education in - this Pro- vince is very •'democratie. Mahufacturers are not far behind. Their' sons and daughters, tq'the num- bey' of 81, entered the First Year. 'The clergymen of Ontario are rep- iesented by 76 entrants; physicians `arid .surgeons; 60; teachers 53; busi- tnen,',48; ;lawyers, 44; insurance and -teal estate men, 40; wholesale iner- •chauts,< 30; financial men, 29: engtn- ecrs, 28; journalists, 21, and den= tilts, 1.6. , Commenting on these figures,, Sir 'Robert'Falconer says, "It is obvious 'that” far more 'students .proportion- "afely come ' to the .University from professional: homes than front those whdse,heads are in business.`or the in- tlnstr.'ies, including ahrieulture. The University reflects the changing soc- ial conditions of the -Province.", owls t1i111axgi: Brown of London spent'':Suhdgy with his +inothel, ; Mrs Robert: Bi own,, Mr Brown lyssa; se cm ed ;a position at Ldndou• Ml,;;i4lalton J§hnston who has been Working at To ±onto, has telae home toi ilio wtntei .-`. The death tok place m Ilullett on Thursday last of Richard Cai,ter,:Who •was iti his eightieth year g and ;who sen a resid ... ent of'tho.townshrp had b° for pver fifty years •,•CciteX w;as born on rt. -feria' on the Hnon road, Tuekersm'lth, .where he spent ^hie,.early life. • Or Iris irlar-, ,'ago 'over, fiftyyears et ag'b; 'hooey he settled oft the farm on the .9th .of' Iia ilett •'the f. ar " now occupied •by- his m sant '110Derwin Carter, where lie' lived until s little over,:` a year ago, 'when 'he rind Iris wife gave' up 'house- keeping and Wentto With:their` daughter, Mrs',„Fred'Shobbrookf 'Mr, Carterbad alWays'enjoyed the best 'of health, '. indeed, .,hadhardly ,.ever b'eeit all in his% life, ' unt'1' abent a month; ago brat; he rapidly failedand the end caine, on Thursday. Hers survived by ;his' .wife, who has been in delicate health' for • some years,, end a faiisily of -two. eons and tWe •daughtersa: Derwin and J.Stanley Carter ,and Mrs. Shobbrook of lett, and Mrs. Herb. Oakes of. Goder ich township. ,,James Carter of Wal - ten, and. Albert Carter of Calgary, brothers, •also 'survive. Ca . a iter wa • a life-long Mem- ber ber of the Methodist; now United Church, ,and was a member of the Londesboro ' Congregation, having been, an official member for ' many years; being a member ,of the build- ing, when the present -'- r g • church was .built. He was a_Liberal in politics.' He was a man. of jai's - try and was a good neighbor and a Worthy citizen. The funeral took place from the residence of Mr. and e Mrs. Fred Shobbrook on Sunday afternoon, the services being taken by the Rev. J. W. Johnston of the' Londesboro Uni- ted church and the pallbearers were: G. C. Thompson, Albert Morrell, John Hutton, Albert Weymouth, William Brown and 'Simon MeVittie. Those from a distance who were present for the funeral were:`Messrs. W. Bryan - and J. Beatson, Granton; B. Revington, Lucan, Mr. and Mr's. Chas. Carter, Wingham, and many from Seaforth, Clinton and. all the surrounding community, The flow- ers were carried by four grandsons, Ivan and Percy Carter, sons and Mr. J. Stanley. Carter, and Clifford and Leonard Shobbrook, sons of Mr., and Mrs. Fred Shobbrook. Mrs. Carter has been quite ill since the death of her husband but at time of writing' seems to he somewhat bet- ter. onstance Mrs.; Peter•Lindsay is spending the holiday`s• • with :her' sister, Mrs. Me- Lean','in ,Buffal'o: Ther:arµival• Meeting' of the Sunday school:'. eras ,"held on Thursday after- noon ;?` iss Ohvd ,;Medd of ;McKillop" spent 1l hor'ssy adattd Friday withher sister, Ittiss•.;'Icla 1Viedd' las"Thelma,' Dale 'and>_,'Miss' B1anehe Wleatley of " Toornto_ are spending the'• vacation 'with"their par- nts a 1V1td s: , Gh ts.,r;. Riley agent t � Thursday nt • , S',. tratford;; Where- Mr, Riley `lies talcei 'e''position; ,his neW work'•to',egminence the 'first ofa the ar.,', M iss i1 red. Button of Toron d y herp, a s•with' "arntto s; ntr:a.l,ew, Hintonl' T111711'S,P LY, DEGE1Vi'i&iElt 27, 102 .1 QU] J N'S 1FIESSiiG>♦ , t O Dt Ns (XVES P 1 1IS VOR ;Ii'INll �'QIiTiS ' CAN. Cable Says `My •Childrn and T', Thank You I+roiu the , Bpttom i'of Ort,, Hearts''; ' :Chtistma's Greetings of• Dominion".Br}ng At?preciatrvelles- ponse '.l! rain Loisd a OTTAWA, Dec. 26, = A message both Qnegn'`1Vlary at Buckingham' Palace ,wliere Ring George is.slowly iinproting from 'his serious ilhiesst;' was ferwaided'bY, the Governor Gen-• eral' who is spending; Christmas at the Citadel, ', Quebec : ,City, to Preto kenzi g at ren',: 1V)1a4 e King r Laurier House, Ottawas On this Christmas morning," said the :Queen, "my ehil,. dren and I thank you fromour hearts,.,' The 'Queens message was in reply to one sent by Premier Kingn Sun- day' conveying to King George/Christ Inas greetings on behalf of the Gov- ernment and'peopla.of Canada who ,,. jo'tt our prayers to• those' of alI parts of the Empire for the complete t'estoratien of Your Majesty to health and strength," The message from Her Majesty was as follows ' ' `Please be assured that the mess sage of greetings which' you have s,o' kindly sent• on behalf of the King's Governinent in Canada and the peo'- ple, of the Dominion will be highly appreciated': and valued by the Ring when his progress ,.to recovery is sufficiently advanced ter him to re- ceive it personally. The expression', of love and devotion of•the Cana- dian people, the knowledge of their' prayers' and .sympathetic solicitude during the past anxious weeks, and the messages o sa es joyand thanldulhess f g to God for the hopeful condition of the King, touch me profoundly, and on this Christmas morning, my chil- dren and I thank' you froni our hearts.' I look forward to the day. when the Ring will be cheered and strengthened by this testimony that the heart of Canada, is with. him h Weal and -in woe." "(Signed Mary R.'! Colborne Town's'hip Mr. and' Mss. Ewing have been on-- gaged n-gaged by Me', John Kernigan for the winter: Mr. and Mhs. JoJm Wilson of Mus- koka are visiting Mr, and Mrs. Allan Wilson and other relatives here: Mr. John Kernigan is, wearing a broad smile, A little baby girl coins to live with hint on. Wednesday, Miss Reid. of S. S No. 1 held a very successful entertainment for children, parents and friends at the school on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Melvin Tyndall took the chair. Chor- uses, drills and a violin selection by eanore Tyndall and a short play was given. A Christmas tree. was reliev- ed of its treasurers and all returned home happy. Mr. Harvey Errington and"Mr. Rod Bogie arrived home on December 18th from. a years work sailing with the "Baton" which is wintering at Port Colborne, Miss Reid of S. S, No.1 returned to her' home at West McGillvary, and Misses Irene and Margaret Jefferson to Donnybrook for Christmas holi- days.., • Miss Isabel Young has been attend- ing Ladies' Course in 0. A. C. Guelph Is home till after the holiday 'season. The flu epidemic is moving north- ward in this township. Miss Hogg held her day scliool en- tertainment on Friday afternoon and Miss Margaret Jefferson. on Thurs- day afternoon. • Mr. Lee Potter of. Detroit visited -•with friends here this week. Tuckersmit► Township Report. of S. S. No. 4: 5th—Margaret Fear. Sr. 4th—Edna Cook,, Leslie Pepper. Melbourne 'Ball, Walter Pepper.'" Jr. 4th --Frank" -.Garrett, : Wilma Roweliffe, ' Marion Matheson, Beat- rice Snell, Dorothy Walters, Sr. 2nd—Alden, Crich, ''Bert Gar- rett' Harold Pepper. Jr. 3rd—Kathleen Faledner, Nor- man Pepper, Wanda.'Rowc1iffe, Sr. 2nd—Clifford Pepper, gEldon O'Brien, Glen Layton. Jr. 2nd -Margaret ° Crieh, Beatrice Walters, lst: Erma 'Garrett, 'Irene Garrett, Harry Crich: C. Collins, teacher. Marriages 1 wish 10 salt my Studio uu Cdtnton will pe •closed until Jailuayi 19'29;; Watch ?this. paper , hog ai#:eciai 'an nouneenient All.', people_ wanting',' Photegrapirsc. %taken, befoii 1 olren' again come, to ' my lithe&slit Studio, and I, will give you a special reduc t0qn ,in; Prices :i , AiZ worlr as usual, the best BURGESS PORTRAIT, STUDIO " Clinton and 111`itet►ell • BELL—GRIGG—At All Saints Asig- lican church, Windsor, on July 5th, 1927, by the Rev. P. N. Harding, Helen Irene, only daughter of Mr. and -Mrs. A. J. Grigg, Clinton, to - Elliott Ross Bell,second son of Mr. and Mrs. James Bell of Hensall. Births ALLENIn the Clinton Public Hos- pital, on December 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs.- Edgar Allen of Tucicersmith, a son. Deaths DODD—In Clinton, on December 19, Isaac Hodges Dodd, aged 84 years and 6 months. MCLEOD—In Bayfield,.. on Christ- mas Day, Mrs, Margaret McLeod. The .funeral will be held from, her late residence, Bayfield, on Thum - _ day afternpon, December 27th, com- mencing at 2 o'clock. STEVENS—In Mullett, on Christmas Day, Maria K. Daley, wife of. Wil- liam Stevens, in her 92nd year. The funeral takes place from the hone of her <laughter, Mrs. James McGill, Huron Road, East, on Fri- day afternooti, December 28th, commencing at• 2 o'clock. CARTER—In Hallett, on December 20th, Richard Carter, in his 80th year.' WAYMOUTH In Victoria• Hospital, London, on December 22nd, John Henry Weymouth, of 'Blyth, aged 63 years. DUNGANNON: The funeral of".. snnti' t1211oito.W 33asee4 •gdasby aryl ens held on Wednesday myon the -arrival cif the C.P.R., tree at,McGaw at noon. Interment , was made in Dungannon cemetery, the service being conducted by Rev. William E, Perry, L,Th., pas-. tor• of St. `Paul's Anglican clinch, Dungannon,,, Masonic" services;, were also conducted at the graveside, a large number of members•, of this • body being present from lodges at Goderich and Carlow, also :farotn :this district, the .deceased man :having beth. a uzenvber of the order.. The pallbearers - were IVlossrs. William Bailie and R. 114. Yorting of Gotiorich; Charles A...,,,Robertson, ison r , Carlow; William Sallows of Colborne; 4iGhard Finnigan and diaries' Con- .grant, of Dtin$annon. • Wishing our Patrons and .Frieirds A IIAPFY AND PROSPER'ors el`D e: S Trio Phon es-66w and _66 t .�� ERT HOLIDAY CONCERT. AND DANCE Given by Bayfield Badminton Club in: the TOWN HALL; BAYFIELD_ on the evening of 8th 2 FRIDAY' DEC. $ 'at 8.15. Concert by the Lakeside Entertainers- Followed ntertainersFollowed by Modern and Old-time Dancing Admission: Adults, full evening, 60c, Concert only, 350, Children, 25c. • "CONFEDERATION" TRAIN TO EDMONTON ENSURES 1 LEAS' - ANT COMFORTABLE JOURNEY Canadian National Railway offi- cials aro being congratulated an -hav- ing continued the popular "Confed- er'ation'- in operation between . Toren' to and Edmonton, •. This innovation has eliminated most of the delays experienced by travellers crossing the Prairies in the winter time as it provides a fast, through, comfortable service to Ed- monton, via Winnipeg, Brandon, Re- gina and Saskatoon. • By this route good connections are made to all im- portant points by lines radiating from these cities. The splendid equipment and cour- teous service—always a feature of the "Confederation"—ensure a pleas- ant. journey without the discomforts of winter travel. Full informatl'on and reservations from any Canadian National Rail- ways' agent, Countg News GODERICI-I: The Salvation Army • young people held a very successful Christmas tree entertainment in the Barracks on Thursday night. This is an annual event of mere than passing interest as the officers in charge have for years been able to put on more than an ordinary program. This year was no exceptionto the rule of other years. The numbers given by the children and others, were splendidly given and very enthusiastically re- ceived. by the people present, that small fee of fifteen cents was charge eel for admission .and • all declared they had ''received more than they paid for. A splendid tree fully de- corated 'was ..laden with presents which were distributed to those pres- ent. All who took parte in this pro- gram are to be congratulated, as thus event brings, cheer to several children,, who otherwise would receiye • very littlenotice at this -'Christmas time. GE!RICH: Thq Godorieh Col-, legiate Institute Literdry ,Society held a midst sucecssful,darice on Friday evening. The gymnasium was, most artistically decorated with the -school. colors, blue -and white, and the school, emblem.' A large .decorated Christ- inas tree was very pretty in one ter-. net, One end of the hall was reserv- ed for the patrons 'and patronessses and. was most attractive,' cedars fo'ning'a large arch and ':a railing' closed this spacefrom the dancing. floor and the large easy chairs, tab- les and bridge lamps presented a, most home -like appearance. A large num- her of students and ex -students were present and the colorful party dress- es of'the young ladies made- a most gay picture. Tho ,excellent music was furnislieil by the ' Shaw -orchestra of'. Stratford. Novelty dances were Pon - tiler and theexecutive gave approp- riate prizes, During 'the evening the president, D.•NTuteh;'received, a telegramfigon Dr. S. Messina, Belle- wills, a former teacher, conveying Test wishes .far the suceess of the evening. Jack ;Abell, first vice- president, on the absence of the .president, assumed 'dull responsibil ity and is to be heartily congratu- lated onthe evening' perfernlance. This 'hi the first attempt of the Lit- erary Sloeioty, ab conducting a dance end the wish of the student body is ;that before lgng the executive •'"will have permission to, hold another, CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Richard Carter of Londesboro wish to express their sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends for the kindness shown their father during his illness, for the beautiful flowers sent and' for all courtesies shown "to him and tel them. Signed J. Stanley Carter, on behalf of the family. ars Gre'etingr, WU'Wda1T otr t WANT? CI7S.TO,ivr ERS A VERY HAP1 Y AI' Dl PI i15PL'RO I'S STEW': 'iiEAR .,, Clinton Poultry W'orrse 11ir W. Treuluartha Phones-Office,''2141 Residence, 214w � p enc socks utt A Ace]] am, ' now haaidling the Cock :shut' and Frost and ;Weed xmplem ents and, also Cockahutt'cream separ -ators,randi am .prepared! to", supply ald! kinds of repairs for same, I solicit the :patronage of farmers ans others, Orders will receive, prompt attention,' JPIHN',V: D'IEE1fli Queen,' street,; Clinton CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Dodd and Doris wish to' ex- press their sincere appreciation of the many kindnesses shown them in their recent sudden bereavement. Al- so of the lovely floral contributions sent, CARL) OF THANKS Mr, G. N. and the Misses Davies Fish to extend their sincere thanks to all the friends and neighbors. for the kindness shown their father dur- ing his illness and also for the sym- pathy shown to' them in their;, ber- eavement. Katt Poultr • Supplies � FP Different brands of bread and poe- try flour* - Bran :and Shorts, Oilcake .meal, Royal :Purple calfineal, ground .flax seed, whole flax seed, bone meal, "Big Sixty" Beaf Scrap, Beef meal, fine Homony. Big Sixty tankage, Royal ,Purple Stock Specific and Poultry Specifics, Dr. Hess' Stock & Poultry feeds, Charcoal by the pound or by the bag, llfonarch Laying mash, Moth- ,erwell's Laying Mash, Oyster Shell. la r and Grit, good mixed grain for laying, hens, Cod Iiver oil, $1.25 per gallon. We are handling Royal'PP rple Brooders and Poultry Supplies. Rooms Wanted I" can take four' roomers or will rent rooms for light housekeeping.` Comfortable hone with electric lights. Apply to. Mrs. Annie Col- elough, Maple street, Clinton. 94-3. Cow For Sale A. grade Hereford cow, due lo freshen on or before December 29th. Apply to A. E. Finch, Clinton or phone 231. TENDERS WANTED FOR• CHURCH STIED Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned for the purchase of the closed, church shed. size 20x42 ft. (Anglican church), at Holnlesville until January 2nd, 1920, E. 1: Tre wartha, Sec. -Treasurer, Holniesville Co-operative Cheese and .Butter Co., Hdlmtsyille. 94-3.: For Sale_ Solid' Oak . Buffet, Solid Walnut Chest of Di'aw.ers, Writing Desk. Also oho mattress. Apply to R. Tas- ker, the Jagkson block,, Clinton. 9344. Cows For Sale 2 5 -year-old`: cows, due to freshen this month, for sale by Roy Tyndall, R. R. No. 3, Phone 607r3, Clinton central. 93-2. Fehr Sale A:,buggy, cutter, set of single har- ness, set double helrness, wagon, gravel: box, land. scraper, seuffler, woodrack, Sharples cream separator and logging chain. Apply to Chas. Peacock, opposite the Clinton Public Hospital. What we haven't in stock we will. get for you. New supply of Celo Glass on' hand. H. W. Charlesworth Flour and Feed SPLITDORF RADIOS We are 'now agents for the above radios and to introduce them are of, feting special prices. Every set guaranteed this year's models. Where can you buy an electric radio all complete for 8150.00 or a console model all complete for $175.00. Re- member these prices are for the set complete, nothing else to buy. See. these sets before you buy. We also have a table model battery operated set at $150.00, "regular price 8190.00. You can save money if you buy your radio here. See our large ad on an- other page. We have a Splitdorf lead speaker which sells at 830.00. We have several to sell at 815.00 These are the best loud speakers we have heard yet. H, A. HOVEY, CLINTON Pigs; For Sale Two purebred" Yorkshire, sows With litter's, also• a bunch of York chunks. Jonathan,liugill, R,. R; No, 4, Phone 616r33,, Clinton .central. 93.3,. Wood.•For Sale • Quantity. of 'stove• woad, mostly. beech ,and •maple, Leave orders : at Charlesworth's'„flour and feed store,, Clinton, James' Stoddart, R. R, No. 2, Phone 602r22, 'Clinton' centrad.' M. T. CORLESS, CLINTON Agent ,For Fire, Automobile, Plate -Glass, Sick- ness and Accident Insurance, Etc. ,General Agent for The Ontario Equitable Life and Insurance Co. of Waterloo TO OUR RADIO FANS The Ontario Equitable Life is broadcasting each alternate Sunday evening, front, and including Decem- ber 9th, between the hours of 8.30 and 9.80, throughout the • winter months, through station C.F.C:A., Toronto Daily Star. Music rendered by the famous Waterloo Musical Society Band. ACtet Clearing : Stock to; be m,db to make' ream' x Spring Chan es,EderYthing goesat ,a urn sayme ,lrtce.: for stars ••r • :' o da cU goods, All Goods sold..for Coals onl,. No. S'aie ' on=• ” ova •y o. Appr l No. Deliveries on od , sold i s i gas. t, Sale ,l, trees. tiller Hardware` Wo Sell Coal That Satisfies Don't buy your fuel till you get my priceswhich are lower than else- where. Best gtiality of coal and coke. Order by phone at my house. Edward Carter, Phone 271, Clinton. For Sale A comfortable seven room cottage With town water and electric lights, 'i4 acre of land with small fruit and good stable with chicken house, Ap- ply to Alex.' Sloman, Albert St. 86-tf. CLINTON +�Nw.nss3 C. H. , VE.NNER Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Tons, Fans and other Appliances Wiring and Repairs. Phone 7 OVF4II BUY YOUR COAT. UNTIL YOU SEE OUR - STUNNING EFFECTS All Models - scores of beautiful fab- rics - novel and exclusive and person- ally tailored to suit your figure. Stock of Overcoats Just Arrived. $18.00 TO $65.00 E. C. RUHL McEwen's Old Stand. Opposite Post Office Farms For Salo Lot 12, con. 3, Stanley Township, consisting of 100 acres. There is on the premises a good two-storey brick. cottage, a good barn with straw shed attached, and stabling underneath,lim- plement house, orchard, about 5 ac- res of bush on a back corner of the farm, through' which runs a never - failing spring creek, two never -failing wells, one. near the house the other near the stable. The farm is in a good state of cultivation. Also lot 10, con. 4, Stanley town -- shim consisting' of 100 acres on which there is a very good barn, and about, 15 acres of bush, A never -failing stream runs across the back end of this farm, Good for either grain or. pasture. Apply to Murray . Gibson, Bruce field, executor for the Estate of the late William Collins. 85-tf. Wanted $300 for short terns. Good secur- ity. ecur-ity.'Inquire at News -Record Office. 90-tf, We still have the AGENCY fer the Atwater Kent Radios Both Battery and Electric. It will pay you to try the Atwater Kent before you buy. e] B. IL A V1 S 68-51. Icor Sale Good •white brick house onPrin- cess St., east;' with eight rooms, teivn and . soft water and electric+•lights., One :half acre of land''' -/With barna Large and small fruit. Terms Can be arranged. Apply to •Mr, Levi Stong,, Clinton, Ont., or Mrs. Janus Steep, e Blinwood Ave., London, Ont. For 'Sale ' 8.. 'room ,house, Profess street,- east, mlarge"garden,'odern.`-equipped, henhouse, - Apply to E L. ;Mittell, Clinton, Phone 213, •87-t'f, Raw Furs Wanted Don't sell your furs till you get my prices which are higher than you can get elswhere. You aro loosing money selling to other dealers. H. A. Hovey Clinton 90-tf. Five Hundred Dollars Do you want it? By buying this eighty acres of productive loam with good drainage; picturesque location, you will profit this. Farm about two utiles from Clinton; buildings con- sist of good house, barn, also wind- mill. Considerable bush. Terms: W. Brydone, Clinton. Owner, 322 South Main, Romeo, Michigan. 90-7-p. Clinton's tke -WHCN WINTER FINDS The ai MCAT FOLKS WAITING IN YOUR BI NE LL PUFF AND BLOW AND lbLUSTER-- i4uTil.g CANT ,{TET•IN • r � ^ -ora .. • `... re, Did you ever realize how much the happiness of your Christmas depends on coal? • You plan your lovely presents, your gorgeous tree, your big dinner, your family reunion, And down underneath is the fact that your Christmas merriment would literally be frozen if you didn't have a warm,, comfortable house for your celebration. Be sure and do your Christmas coal -buying early. Call the ' for good, clean coal b CA E COMPANY 74 ' fa CLINTON -NEWY Term from Jan. 3rd will inter- est a fine lot of Matriculants and High School students in the work of qualifying for a business posi- tion through one of Shaw's Busi- ness Schools. Why not you? Think it over and. act. Write for syllabus of ' cdurses, locations of our 12 schools and list -"of grad- uates placed. Address W., R. Shaw, Registrar, '1130 Bay St., Toronto. 1 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re. paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms sver Heard's Haber shop. W. J. Jago. 2283-tg Coal That Satisfies a We sell the cleanest, safest and most economical fuel and always at a fair price. A telephone call will receive our prompt attention. You can feel asolutely sure than every shovel of coal will be of the same uniformity of quality. HOWARD CLARK Phone 182 Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery, Phone 111 We Want Your Milk and Create We aro manufacturers of both cheese and butter. 4 We want your milk or cream. We pay highest mar- ket price weekly. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Phone your order for finest cheer( or pasturised butter in prints or sola ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont., R, R. No. 3, Phone No. 605r32. THE HOLMESVILLE CO -OPERA• TIVE CHEESE AND BUTTER COMPANY, LIMITED Wishing' our Patrons and Friends A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR A, E. Finch Eggs and Poultry Viking Cream Separator Agent. Victoria St,, Clinton Phone 231 27-tf Wishing our Patrons and Friends A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR E. WARD Phone 155 Huron street Wishing our Patrons and . Priendg A, HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR W. 'GLEN COOK Phone 1713 P.O, Box 201, Clintoh RADIO ING Buy a radio for the 'familyi in doing ae you will b4 giving them something which they can enjoy the year around, for the Kolster an We are dealers di Kings sets and will be pleased to giey, you a demonstration -at any time. z;) latteriee charged and stet. 'v? for the winter l i W dl o `l Nediger, Pr 9 0