HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-12-27, Page 1apporommeirawrma
4• -51st Year
V1'ITTi "1'
T U SLJ&Y, DE� En 27, 119'43
ur idustome
A!though our relations during - the past have always- carried
slr,ti o ' goodill,the feet:eei-mins that they .havoebeon;petmeat
ed with business.
1 lid season .to.
MayWe tako thn,brl>`o'r't�l4lii'ty offered- by tte :holiday 1
forget business and greet Srt • eaml on the basis of bood-wil?
y k hap-
fl Dix
li letare everysiticore'cvsh for Let us extend to you, t e , 1
in ess elethis joyous ese<unon and °for our. prosperity in the -future.
p n J+L Y p ,p Y
;Sincerely youas,
Wheat, $1.20 to $1,22.
Bariey,'65e to 67c,
Oats, 45c.
.Buckwheat, 77e to 80e.
Butter; 38c to 40c. -
Eggs, 30c to 44c.
Live I-Iogs, $9.50.
,'While cranking a car the other day
Me. W. J. Plunrsteel: had the iris-
foitune to have his right wrist-'frac•
tided, amaccident which will give him
an .unwanted holiday. Had it only
happened to be his left.wrist-it_would
riot have been so bad.
:The Baptist church and:St. Paulin:
Christmas ,tree entertainments din •
Thursday veiling. last end Ontario
,stweet chuueh's entertainment oneFlt--,
day evening were all well . attended-
ttendedand very enjoyable. Especially, were
:the en'o ed bythe' young .folk, who
y �y...y gf ,
r ided'the' eo rams an •also fared
o and
.also `p n g.
well when the several trees were un.
loaded, .,
• The regular meeting' of the -Wo-.
••mart's Institutes was held Thursday
afternoon, with the president, • Mrs.
0. L. Paisley, in the •chair. After
the devotional exer'cites• the brtsiness
cif -the meeting 'wag transacted. A
paper entitled; "Sociability," written
by Mrs. 'Hawke, was read by Mrs.
Paisley and proved both interesting
and ins'tructiv'e. Mrs. Morgan Ag-
new .favored. the meeting -with an in-
; strmnental and Ms: leirtes with ''a
-reading: • •
The hostesses 'for the day were:
Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Sdhoenibals, Mrs.
Geo. Farquhar, Miss 'Walker, Mrs.
Fines, Mrs.`Wilson and Mrs, 'C. Ven-
The oppyortani again presents
itself io wish ,out • Many Friends,.
A arid. Prosperous W
Year,�express our '<al"�`•, } ' re -
4 aa!ti; : tof the business with
Which you have favoured us dui
ing a, mostsuccessful year
W 1 IV s
.tB ER'fl1Rftfl
its. Scason's
_ a
To Our Patrons
At this season it is appropriate to thank the patrons who have
been her ful to Its durin • the - past year, and to ho
be p g p > pe that in 1929 we
;diad, ;Mai onaosap xi5ulstiatoul HIM
At the same time we hope you will enjoy a Happy and Pros
-Mos New Year. .:
Hare Deal for Every Man
Mrs. MaCareus, •wife df Rev. 'D. N.
M1eCamus of 'London, for Jour 'years
pastor of the Wesley church;' Clinton,
•died on Monday after an illness of
deent Tour,nonths.,
Mrs. VdCamus during' her resilience
In Clinton made many friends, as she
was a woman df great therm of
manner and sweetness oI" disposition.
She was a great'help to 'her husband
in 'his work on the different charges
Where•h'e laboured; he shenvas an ar-
dent -worker 'in the wonteli's organiza-
tions of the "Church. Mr. 'McCanns
retired on 'leaving Clinton and they
have •since made teeir home in 'Lon-
She is survived by her husband and
a family of two sons and three daugh-
ters. 'The funeral took place in Lon-
don yesterday afternoon. •
A most enjoyable Christmas tree
entertainment was held in the Pres-
byterian church Sunday school room
on'Thuesday evening 'last. The cora
gregation 'had 'been asked' to help the
teachers give the _ boys and girls a
real' good' time and as a result Santa
came simply burdened With gifts and
good things to eat. 'The programme
was most entertaining, consisting of
two charuses'by a class of eight boys,
olos 'by Joyce Dougan end Cora
Streets, a reditation by Jean'Neilans,
quartette eiy -Ruth Jackson, Elva
Cook, Tom'Jackson and Frank Mutch
.and a whistling song by Mx. Hell, ac-
companied on piano by Mrs. no.
'.These numbers were interspersed
by six reelsof very pleasing pictures,
the machine being owned and opera-
ted 'by Mr. Paterson of the Depart-
inent of, Agriculture.
Santa, was in a jolly mood but
felt •very sorry that he was not abIe
to being along the gift from the con-
gregation to. Mr, and Mirs. Dougan,
but next morning he called at the
manse and presented them with a
shower. of canned fruit, pickles and
vegetables. •
The annual °meeting of Tinton Pres-
byterial W. M. S. of the Presbyterian
church, will
meet in the.Presb teriat
church, Clinton on . Tuesday, Jammers
Wesley -Willis United Church
New Year Services next Sunday,
Morning Subject:- "A Happy New.
Year." Evening, Subject: "Lite Per-
Presbyterian Church
Sunday morning service at 11 a.m.
Subject: "The -Year's Weaving.".Ev-
'ening, 7 p.m, :Subject: e'The ‘upreine
Offering to God."
' Sunday Scheel at g.ao SUuday a4.
Ontario Street United Church
Services on Sunday will be of a spec -
lel New Year's'chai•acter. The minis-
ter's morning subject will be: "The
Lampe of Life." Evening: "Looking
Forward." Otherserviceson Sunday
as .usual. Special music by the choir:
The members are . requested to
hand in. their ballots ;Lor the Board'
of Stewards for next year. Write
twelve names": on the ballot and place
them on the plate on Sunday.
St. Paul's Chereh
On the Sunday after Christmas the
Christmas 'music will be repeated.
At seven o'clock Morning Prayer and
sermon, Anthem: "The First Christ -
nuts More," by Ernest Newton. •
At seven o'clock there will be bold
tho annual Carol Service. Carols: 75,
74 : 37 741•. 49 747 514 n
5, 7 , 7 74 and
anthems, • "God from on Iligh hath
heard," Edmund Turver; and '`Holy
Art Thou " Mandel.
The Sunday school will be at 2,80
and the Bible Class at •2,45 as usual:
EXTENDS THE 010 1111,911: A HAPPY NEW YEA[19'
91i'. Lem San, who cotes here Bayfield „Pubic School report:
from Ilamilton, is preparie g •to open Sr. 5th--:-Eleanor`Scotchenet•, 75:4;
a restaurant in the Fair. block' facing Jack' Stirling, 72.1; Lottie I-Iiggins,
Ontario street. The Fess irant will
U4 1 Fred
0 , Jess c hinds G
at 1.0• icd
NewYear's 1
be opened. on Tuesday, e< s Weston; 571, •
Day, and all • the proceeds; for that .; Jr. •6t1t a•Ber0iee Seeds, 71,1; Irene
gpening: day, from eleven a.m. to Sootehneer•, 67.7; John 'Armstrong,
eight .1n., will be to the _Olin- . 5
g pen., givenG .(i, Doris ;•Gemeinh n•d,' 04.1;' Mary
,:ton: hospital.: • Wideoneee,, 56,1; Harvey Taylor:
i 55,2;: Eila,' McKa• , 50,8; Robert, Tay -
HAVE YOU GOT YOURS . rat' 49.8.
Many News -Record ;•;subscribers.. Sr .ath---Berthena, Sturgeon,, 77;8;
have renewed and received their cal... 'eh elm a,'•Parket•;, 71.7; Isobel •Osmond,
enders but some have not yet. clone:' 71.0;, John Vi7ild„ Ct2.7; Edith Merrier,
's'o. We should like all our subscrib- ,.61.7; ?,Laurie Johns 40,8; 'OJohn
ors to hpve one•, of theseloyely cal -Brown, 28,2; Eva Sturgeon, absent.
'enders and hope to give many: out yet Jr. 4th—Louise McLeod, 80.1; Dean
before the New -Year. Some renewed ,„Castle, :.70.4;- Emma Sturgeon, 66:3;
before the calendars were ready and Maud Parker, 64.0; Keith Gemein-.
if"they would call we should be happy hard, ^52 4. 94.;11. Gerrie; prtnclltal:..
t'o' supply' them. Jr RoaneS . 3rd Tem Castles,
CANDTDIA!TES FOR WARDEN, "LiniisaY 77; :Tames -,Sturgeon. „7-1-•
According to custom, ..the county Hugh McLeod, 64;;Anis. Wild • •58
warden for 1929 will be chosen:from Carson Johns, Fred Sturgeon, missed
,among -the Liberal meinbers- ot: the onenig more tests
County .Council.- 'While nobody .really: Jr, aid—Dgtis 'Featherston) 74;
renown asyet the -choice will Dick. Weston, '70,': Charles _Parker, 07;
probably •
be made from the fallowing fem.: n Duna,, •64;• . 'Clara Parker, 63;
Reeve Thos, Inglis cif I;towick, Reeve • Evelyn Gemeinhard, 44.
Robert Turner. of •lGoderich,,Reeve e. i Jr: 2nd—Vera •Wild, • 78; +Charles
'W. Beattie of Seaforth and -Reeve J. Brandmt;, 71; Larry 'Brandon, .70;:
Kenneth Castle, 70; William. Osmond,
A, Meninx of Stamey and •Reeve°Ken- 240; Mae Murray, missed tests;.
reedy of Tackersmith• I Sr. Ist-Pearl Lindsay, 64; Bob
PARTING GIFTS., ' McLeod, 62; Albert Osmond, - 60. `
L Primer—Willie Westlake, • Kenneth
The :employees of the Doherty Pi- Brandon, •Eugene Castle, Doris Os-
anos, Ltd, prior to her leaving the mond, Anna Woods, assistant.
office where she had been employed Mina Thelma Ritz returned to Tor•
A. E. Breen returned home on Satur- People Yogi' ,Knew
c ay,
Mrs. Donald Murray and two child-
ien left on Wednesday of last week
to spend the Christmas season with.
her1 aret s n i t o
i G clench:
Wm E. Parkerof Sarnia is spend-
� sl d
ing the Christmas season with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. Packer.
Miss Alma McKay of Toronto spent
the -week -end and Cht•istnms with her
parents. '
Miss Lolo Elliott of Detroit was
horse' over the week -end and Christ
Miss Anna ' Elliott of Toronto is
spending the week with her. aunt,
1(4 s:.John Fraser,
Miss Jean M. Woods of Galt is
home for the Christmas vacation.
Miss G. W. Woods and Miss Anna
,`roods left on Monday to spend
Christmas with Rev. and Mrs: Ii. G.
E. Crosby, Otterville:
1VIrs D. T. Prentice returned to her
home in Toronto on Tuesday -evening
after having spent' Christmas with
her parents,; Mr. anti Mrs, W, J.
Stinson '
Mrs Win: Stgrgeon '`and babe, left
Ali Friday for: Alvinston on account
of ;the serious illness -of her mother,
Miss McTavish, of .Clinton nursed
Mrs. Mergaref McLead.wilo after but
a few 1ays-of serious illness passed
=away at her home on Christmas
Itrwas with deep -egret that the
community learned last week of the
•resignation. of' the principal of the
Public school. Miss Gerrie has taught
for the past 'four Veers, presented.having p here for over three years and en -
onto after sent, the week -end deared, herself to both pupils and all
Mrs.: E. R. Bell with a' handsome. and Christmas-wher mother. triose with whom `she came in con -
Hawketravelling bag, setting S: C. Borman- Toms ' of •Detroit spent tact She will be much missed in
Hawke read an address forth Christmas with his mother, Mrs. E• St. Andrew's United church as she
cue goon• wlsnes ox tee' start For the Toms, - •
future happinoss• and 'prosperity of Miss Jessie Metcalf- of Detroit
the lady thus honoured, and several came on Friday to spend, the Christ -
others expressed like sentiments. teas vacation with her parents, P.
Prior to Mrs. Bell's departure from • and etre. Wm. F. Metcalf. •
town a number of her girl friends niet Mr. Allan Pye of Windsor carate on
at the home of her cousin, Mrs. J. M. Christmas Day to spend a week with
Elliott, and also presented her with a hie wife and family at the Ilene of
handsome gift. her parents, Mr. and min. C. Wid-
LITE LOCALS t combo.
Mr: and Mrs: II, Lord and Miss
Next Tuesday, is New Year's Day Gladys Davison spent Christmas with
and a public holiday there mother, Allis. Nate Davison,
Mr. T. Mallett of London was also
The Collegiate and Public school . her guest.
closed on Friday last. The latter op- logy, and Mrs. E. Schnell oI Detrdit
ens an ,January 3rd, the former on Qpent Christmas . with the latter's`
January 7th. i mother, Mrs. Henry -Peck.
bl4ild weather marked the Christmasl�Totices have been posted calling a
holiday season this year; Indeed, we ' meeting In the'Town Hall on Monday
hate had no real wiutei weather test December 31 of the 'purpose 'of men -
yet, whatever is still in store for as.atiug three trustees for the police
Nominations for mmnirapnl pt. a, I Inant Village of Bayfield two trustees
tions w'11 be held ei the town 'hell on 'fou :the T'tililic School Board,
NiotdaY evening next, Deconber 31st,.
1st, Mr, Sydney 'Castle otNiagara Fans
from a]f past seven to half past .sent Christmas with his:mother, Miss Matheson, RN, spent `Christ -
eight. Mrs. Martha Castle, mss in Goderich..
took an active • pact in all church
work and also in the Young People's
Society of the, village. But what is
our loss is another's gain. Miss
Gerrie goo's to Durham High sehoohto
teach mathematics. She, left in Sat-
urday for her home near Ingersoll.
At the school concert held ou Friday,
her pupils presented her With''0
chased brass vase.
Miss 'Winaifred Metlath of. Toronto
.was home fee Christmas.
Miss Luella Walkinshaw was home
from Toronto fee a. Chi,stma
Miss Agries tiV tinier of Wingham is
home for the Christmas vacation...
Dr. Gunn spent: Christmas with his
daughter; Mee. Crass, in Toronto.
Miss Barry Combe oi; Toronto was
horn over the 'Week -end, and holi-
day; si
Miss Clark was with Toronto rela-
tives over the week -end and holi-
Miss : Mary McMurchie of Toronto
came home to spend; the Christmas--
' tide.
Miss Alice. Simian ' cif Stratford came:
up tee eeend. Christmas . with, her
Ali: Charles_ Hovey:of Ingersoll came -
home to spend Christmas with his
=other. _ '
Miss Rudd was with -relatives in
Flint, Mich., for the week -end and
- holiday. '
Mr. Bert Sloman of : Chicago is home
• for a little holiday over the Christ-
mastide. •
Miss Ruby Irwin spent Christmas
Day with: her. sister, Mrs. Vesey of
Fullerton. '
Miss Nora Kennedy of Mildmay is
spending the -:vacation with her
sisters in town.
Mr. Lloyd Curren was up from Osh-
awa spending the Christmastide-
hristmastidewith his' family.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Frenilin spent
Christmas Day with the latter's
family at Auburn.
ivTr, Fred McTaggart of Kingtson is
spending the Christmas holidays at
his home in town.
Miss Norma 0, Bentley of. London was
with her sister, Mrs. Morgan Ag-
new, for Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Steven and Miss•
A. Bartliff are visiting their moth-
er, Mrs. C. II. Bartliff. •
Miss B. F. Ward and Miss M. A.
Stone were in Essex over the week-
end and for Christmas.
Mr. Joe Biggins of the Toironto Uni-
versity is spending the Christmas
holidays at his home in town.
Misses Linnie Nediger and Marjorie
Mcll atli of Burwash are at their
respective, homes for the holiday
Misses Isobel Draper of Brantford
a11(1 Winnie and Sadie of St. Cath-
erinesholidaysare home for the Christmas -
Mr. W. Argent of North Bay arrived'
home on Saturday to spend a.
week's vacation with his mother;
Mrs, W. J. Argent.
Miss Clete Ford of the staff of Alma'.
College,. St. Thomas, and Mr. Wil-•
bor and Miss Jean Ford of London.
CAMS home for Christmast,
My. and Mrs. George Zapfe of Owen
Sound and the Misses Zapfe of
Kitchener were guests of Mr. and.
Mrs. J. Zapfe for Christmas.
Er. W. E. O'Neil of Halifax, N.S:,,
and Miss Jessie O'Neil of London'
are spending the Christmas va-
cation at their .mother's home.
Mrs. Harrison and Miss Mattison of
London were guests of the former's
ison, Rev. L. C. Harrison, St. Paul's'
rectory, over the festive holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Andrew Oke of Sea -
forth and Mr. Alvin Oke of Lon-
don were guests 'over the holiday
with Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Higgins.
Mr. J. B. Whittingnam came from
Herschel, Sask., to spend the holi-
day season with his wife, who has
been visiting her mother, Mrs, Ar-
ilrfa: and Airs. W. Wilson and children
motored to Pinkerton, where they
spent Christmas Day with Mrs.
Wilson's parents, Mr, and Mrs. W.
Mr. Robert Hunter, who is .taking up
post -graduate work at'the Univer-
sity of Toronto, is spending the
Christmas vacation with his mother
in town.
Mr. and Mh•s F. Treleaven and Mas-
ters Billy and J'itelt of Lucknow
were Christmas visitors with Mrs.
Treleaven's parents, Dr. and Mrs.
H. Fowler.
Mrs. HarveyMcBrien town of ow and
her son, Mg. Stewart Marie, of •
Guelph, spent Christmas with the
former's daughter, Mrs. W. F. Gid -
,clings of Detroit.
Mae. J. H. McCool of ' Youngston,
Alta., and her son, Mr. William Me -
Cool are visiting Mrs. J. K. Mair,
and other friends in. town for a
couple of 'months.'
Misses Jean and Helena Middleton of
Toronto and Mir, George Middleton
of Windsor are spending the boli-
days with their parents, Sherif
and Mrs. Middleton;
Mrd. Sutor of Cayuga, Mr. " Fred
Lawrence of Hamilton and Mr,
Harry Lawrence of Ford, and Miss
Aline ,Lawrence of Kimnount spent
Christmas with their parents, Mr.
.and Mrs.' S. Lawrence.
ltir, and Mrs. Nixon Welsh of London
spent the Christmas holida +'s with
efe. and Mrs. R. Welsh. This is the
first timesince leaving Clinton,
twenty years ago, that the roads
were free of snow enough to motor
home for Christmas.
]VIr. T. R: Shepherd of Regina, Sask.,
was the guest of her aunt, Mrs, Alie
Rchson, over the week -end and for
Christmas; Ile had also visited his. 9
sisters in Ottawa, on his way up
from Montreal after visiting the
head office of the Royal Bank,
lZrs. Gordon.' Cuningliame left the;
morning for Walkerville, owing to
the illnes of he sister,MiseKath-
leen East Miss East had been
Spending' Christmas with her broth-
er in Wia'llterville, when she took
is into
the flu,' which . elevelo ed p Ineu-
in,'nin, She is in the W,aikerviile
St. Andrew's United church held
their annual Christmas social in the
basement ,of the church on Friday
last, The evening was spent in games
and a concert given by a number of
the pupils. "Santa Claus” arrived'
and presented the Children with can-
cry and oranges.
Mrs; W. J. Johnston and little Billy
are visiting with her parents in. Clin-
ton during the Christmas season.
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Carty and
Junior of Detroit came on Saturday
to spend the vacation with Mrs.
Carty's mother, Mrs. Al. Green.
1 elleiss leery Wild returned to Tor- Miss Elva Dewar :of Toronto and
Isaac Dodd,- an ]d d hi lily es -
vacation spent the Christmas week -end with on Saturday to spend the Christmas
teemed citizen Clinton, passell
away at his home in Princess street
on Wednesday evening of last week
after a weeks' illness of influenza
DEATH OF'ISAAC DODD onto on 'Wednesday after having' David Dewar of Chalk River arrived
o an g vacation with their parents, Mr. and
Mus. David Dewar.
Miss Ethel Gemeinhardt of Tor-
onto spent the week -end and Christ-
mas with her parents. Mr. Gilbert
Knight and Charlie Gemeinhardt mot-
ored up for Christmas and all return-
ed to the City on Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mos. W. 3, McLeod, Har-
old, Louise and Elsie_41McLeod, motor-
ed to Detroit on Monday to spend
Christmas with their' daughter, Mrs.
Charles Plater.
Lawrence and Fred. Fowlio of 'Lon-
don were house for Christmas.
Wilber and Frank Erwin of Kit-
chener spent Monday shooting near
the village. -
Mrs, L. B. Smith and babe spent
Christmas with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Parker,
Miss Mina Proctor of Toronto spent
the week -end. and Christmas with her
aunt Mrs. Geo. King.
Mrs, be W. Baker spent Christmas
in London with her daughter, Mss. V.
A. Burt.
Mr. and blas, Jilin D Woods 'and
Nesbitt Woods spent Christmas with
Mr, Jas. Blair in Goderich.
'Miss 3, E. Whittaker of Terotto is
the guest of Mrs. J. 14. McLeod for
the Christmas vacation.
Mr. Grenville Atkinson left on Sat-
urday for his home in Detroit. He
was accompanied by Merton Merrier
who expects to spend the winter in
Miss Nina Heard bf Clinton -is home
for the Christmas vacation,
Trinity church congregation and
Sunday school social was held in.the:
Township hall on Thursday last. The
evening was spent in games, contests
and an impromptu program given by
the children, Crutch was served after
which candy and oranges :were dis-
tributed to the children. •On acocunt.
of thevery stormy weather all the
children were not able to be present.
Newton Sturgeon bf Toronto is
home for the Christmas season,
Mr. and -Mese F. 0. Neilin left last
week to spend a week in Seaforth bp -
fore going to Flerida. They Will vis-
it ini'Toronto en route.
L, R. Pirie ;of the :Bank of Com-
merce spent the week -end and Christ-,
teas at lois home in Listowel,
Mr. Dodd was in his eighty-fifth
year and active till the last,,talcing
a keen interest in the affairs of the
town. :The day he tools to his bed
he had 'tdken a hark to see the Wes-
ley -Willis ehurel, which is being re-
built. •
Mr. Dodd was born in Liverpool
England, in 1844, coming to Canada
at the age of 'three with his parents
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Valentine
'W'ild, '
The following dinning is taken
from the Durham Review: "Miss
Gerrie, `B.A., Principal of Bayfield
High school 'has accepted 'a position
on the staff of Durham High school
to take effect after the New Tear.
Ontario .is suffering- from a great
dearth of high school teachers of
proper qualifications and Durham
high sebool board are fortunate in
scenting Miss Gerrie."
'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart of Ham -
and two sisters. His father bought a
ilton spent Christmas with the lat-
fam rat at 1'orteo's Hill and ,settled ter s parents, Mr, and Mrs, John' Poi
there, but remained only for a, short loci.. -
time. He was the last survivor. of Ma Miss Ruth Houston returned to
family London on Wednesday after having
Whelp, te lad he served his appren- spent the Christmas week -end with
ticeship as a carpenter with the late her parents,
Henry Stevens. Then he worked M On December the eighteenth iMir.
the fanning trill factory fora time and Mrs, Wui, C. Johnston celebrated
and later in the organ factory. He : their golden wedding. They were
then engaged in the bee business, married in Bayfield on December the
which occupied his time up to 1924.eighteenth 1878 by Rev. M. Patterson,
when he gave ' up bee -keeping. The tate Sarah .Tiventyman and 'Rev.
.,Since then ho-• busied himself' Phos, Johnston, brother of the groom
around his hoine. He wae,twiee 1nar- and now living in .North Dakota,
rigid, his.first wife being Annie Steep acted as bridestnutd and groomsman,
who died eight years ago and his on. Mrs. Johnston was born in Goderich
daughter of the late M M.
iy child, Mrs. G. W. Layton died in g tand rs.
For ,,ole was married to Mrs. Little James Macdonald. F x a number of
of Goderich township in 1924. Ile years they lived in Bayfield and thou
was a member of Ontario street Uni-
ted church for many years. , ston followed his trade as a black -
II is survived by his widow and smith until he retired"a few years
a niece and nephew, 1VIrs.,. Robert ago noise when they have lived in
Hunter and Mr. Minn Stanbury, j Bayfield. The celebration was of a
The- funeral took place from his quiet nature on their' golden anni-
tato residence on Saturday afternoon, i versary, only members of their family
The service was conducted by the ' being present. Mr, time Mrs. Percy
Rev. A. E. Doan, assisted be• Rev. A. i Johnston of G1(lerich,wore the only,
A. Holmes. The pallbearers weoej ones who were able, to come from a,
his- neighbors, Dr. Shaw, W. -S. R. 'distance. The table was decorated in
Holmes, Wm: Jones, A: II. Cudniore,0 white and gots and centred with the
R H. Johnston and Chas, Clew. In- bride's -cake, The bride and groom
terment was made.' in Clinton eerie- of fifty years- receivedcongratula-
rets. tions. from Detroit, ' Toronto, Sarnia
andSault Ste. Mane and ;were pre-
sented with a purse of gold by their
family, Their children are, Clara,
Mrs, A 13. Tullock, Sault Ste. Marie;
Nina, Mss. Ed, :Weston, 'Bayfield;
Gordon, Paris; Perey,'Gotlerich; Wal-
ter, Bayfield; Florence, Mrs. M. Toms
Bayfield; Babe, Mrs. Clayton 'Guest,
Sault Ste, Marie. Besides their child-
ren eteey
hildrentey havo sixteen grandchildren
and two great grandchildren. The
community joins in wishing them
many' more happy pears together::
Mr Thos. Clark and little daughter
Clara, returned from Flint, Mich.,
where they havebeen visiting for the
past two months, on 'Wednosday ; or.
last week,
Miss Alice Stinson, R.N., of New
York ai•iived oti Tuesday of last
week 1
t o 's tend the Christmas season
w't1 parents,t t herMr. and Mrs. W. 1
Mr. A:. i•;. Erwin .unci brother John
Erwin of Goderich left, on Wednes-
day of last week to visit their broth -
o• Robert, who :is ;ill in 'doledo, 'Ohio.
People You Know
Mr. J. Bowden of Hamilton is :Tend-
ing his holidays ip town;
Miss Eileen. Atkinson of London is
spending the Christmas holidays at
her home in town.
Misses Eleanor and Jean Plumsteel of.
the University of Western Ontario,.
'are home for the vacation.
Ma, Elmer' Paisley of the Toronto
University is holidavin, at the
ltome.of; his parents, Mfr. :' and Mrs.
0, L. Paisley.
- PderI 'E2 a ow sit➢p
Bessie Corey has retureel"
from a two months visit with her un-
cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. J.
Canteloi of Granton.
Miss' Alice Corey of Lothar• is
spending a tete weeks' vacation with
her 'parents, ilfr and,Mrs. Ii. Corey.
St'tn1ej To 1uishIp
MT. Will, Baird of Toronto spent
the holiday, with his mother, Mrs,
George Baird, Sr.
Dr. Peter• McEwen of Detroit vis-
ited Inc sister, Mrs. J. Pearson, and
brother, Mee .J. McEwen, Bayfield
Mr. and Mee Albert Batt of
Stouf£ville are visiting; her parents,
Mr, and Iiln. John McCowan,