HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-12-20, Page 7itee ki 1'HE CI.INTON-NEVir s�exrxazea,, �rtu�*irseriMaY�,crr,:•�: ehl -TILE MEMBERS OF THE 1928 COUNTY COUNCIL. -Courtesy The God-erich Signal. SOS Accomplishment The Old Man says: "I began work at fifteen Now T' atn retiring at sixty Mypay averaged $1,500 I earned altogether $67,500 And I have $30,000 saved— IT COST ME $6 A WEEK."'. .As for our booklet, "The Measure of Your Thome." T ea yal of Canada Clinton Branch - - R. E. Manning, Manager 996 Of interest to You and Me \ Merry Christmas to Everybody. * v e • n feu can . stilt -de your Christmas :Doing early—in the morning. s soon as Christmas is over there 1 be the nominations and elections think of. Y y * ,00hs as if we might have a white ristmas, which is the sort that ms to suit Canadians best, *• l Hope of the recovery of Ring orge is a very welcome Christ- 's gift to the British Empire. here's hoping we escape the flu least until Christmas is over, and et everybody who has it may re- Iver sufficiently to enjoy the uistinas-baled :meats. :N * ,k 9 This is the week of the Christmas tertainments, when Tittle Johnny, ary and:, Susie make their bow to a world. Good luck to them, ev- y one, and may Santa Claus make up to them. Christmas morning. IOMINENT.MEMBER OF TOR- ONTO HURON OLD BOYS' -AS- SOCIATION PASSES ON; A. well known resident of Toronto; d a former resident of IGoderich, the person of Mr. John Robertson, ssod away at the residence of his lighter, 493 Windermere' Ave., Tor - the 7th Inst after a short o, on ness. 'Deceased was born in Col- rne township, and from his boy od was, attached: to the late Sher - Gibbons' office, later becoming Once sheriff of, the county. Re ruing to Toronto in the '90's,- he as associated with hisbrother-in- v., the late E. F. Clarke, M.P, in 3 'insurance business. After a ort residence in, the -city, he was pointed an inspector of the Road-' rys. Department. _ Later he was ap- inted to an important position in Provincial Registrar's Depart- nt, :from which he retired a few eks: previous to his demise. He as a prominent imember of the hu - 't Old Boy's'' Association, being moraey Treasurer at the time of death. Ire was Past District toter of the Or n110'0 Order, and a ! .tuber' of Huron and Bruce Lodge, P. & AM. Being of a genial and agreeable ,position; he made hosts of friends, d was often remarked that he 1t 1 not have an enemy in the world. The funeral took place on Monday, h inst, to Mount Pleasant cemetery, d was attended' by a large con- arse of the citizens, including ninny enbers?of the Ituron01(1 Boys'. As - sedation, and of the Orange and Masonic Orders. The services at the home and the grave were conducted by the Rev. blr. Meintyre, of the Reformed Episcopal Church, and the pallbear- ers were Messrs. J. A. McLaren, R. C. King, E. Floody, B. H. McCreath, Robt: Holmes and R. D. Stanley. Do you wish anything in the way 9fprinting, sale posters, letter heads, business or correspondence station- ery of any kind? Try The News -Re- cord Commercial Printing Depart- ment. THE DIFFERENCE, (When Pa is Sick) When pa is sick, He's scared to death An' ma and us • Just hold our breath, He crawls in bed . And puffs and grunts, An' does all kinds 01 crazy stunts. He wants the doctor, An' mighty quick, For when pa's i11, He's awful sick. An' sort o' sighs, • Ho gasps and groans He talks so queer, And rolls his eyes, Ma jumps and runs, An' all of us, An' all the house, • An' peace and joy Is mighty. skeerce— When pa is 'sick, Itson . s nothing fierce. (When Ma is Sick) When ma is sick She pegs away, Not much t' say, She goes right on A-doin' things, An' sonietitnes laughs, 'Er even sings, . She says: sire don't Feel extra well, But then it's just A kind of spell, She'll heall right To -morrow sure, A good old sleep Will be the cure: An' pa he sniffs An' makes no kick, For women folks, • Is always' sick, An' 111a she srniles, Let's on she's glad -- When ma is. sick, It, ain't so bad. Do you wish to purchase some ar- ticle which you do not just know how to "locate? Advertise for it in The News -Record. FRANK P. LANSING, A WELL- KNOWN CITIZEN OF ' BUL-'. LETT TOWNSHIP, CROSSES "GREAT DIVIDE.; Another old resident of Hullett township crossed "The Great Divide," on Sunday morning in the, person 'of Flank Lansing,.of the Baseline.. Mr. Lansing was born in .Prince Edward County, sixty-eight years ago and when a boy moved with his- parents to the farm on: the Baseline, which continued to bo his home until the end came. IIe was an energetic worker and by sheer ability and hon- est effort became one of the most prosperous farmers in Hullett town- ship. He was a staunch Conserva- tive .and was a member cf.the Bap- tist church. Of a' quiet, home -loving disposition, he was a wonderful fath- or to his family; a person of the most sterling integrity and highly res- pected in the community and by a wide circle of friends_ itlr. Lansing: always enjoyed .very good health and until 'the last few years war, hale and active. He slip- ped away very quickly and yet very peacefully, like the sun dropping down behind a cloudbank silently and surely, hidden' for a time only. "Sunset and evening star, . And one clear call for ate, And may there be no moaning of the bar, When I put out to sea." The funeral took place on Wednes- dayafternoon and, in spite of the bad reads and disagreeable weather was largely attended. •The casket was covered with flowers sent by sympathizing friends. The services were conducted by Rev. Rebt. B. Gracie of Clinton and the pallbearers were: - Andrew Shepherd, Robert Youngblutt, Willis Mountain, Harold Sprung and David and Foster Wright. Mrs. Lansing, who was Miss Fina Rapson until . her .marriage thirty- eight years sago, survives her" hus- band, together with their four. child- ren, Sidney and. Clifford at home, Mrs. Edward Ball of Hallett and Mrs. ,Elmer .Robertson of Colborne. Mrs. Wealthy Brown of Edmonton. and Mrs. Jno. Raithby of Auburn, sisters, and Clinton Lansing of Piston, a brother also survive, The sincere sympathy of the en- tire cornmunity is extended to the family in the present bereavement. Births PALIET — :In CIeveland Hospital, Cleveland, 'Ohio, on Dec. 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Pallet, (1or- •merly Harriet Porter, Goderich), a daughter.—Dorothy Elizabeth, Deaths DAVIES—In Clinton, on Dec. 16th,,; George Davies, in his. 86th year. LANSING—In Hullett, on Dec. 16th, Franklin P. Lansing,. in, his 69th year. CALLENDAR—In Patksburg, W. Va. on December 9th, Dr. J. C. Callender, beloved husband of Em- ma Rumball, CANADIANS TURN TO FLORIDA FOR A CAREFREE WINTER SEASON Semi -tropical. Florida is again' drawing largonumbersof . Canadians for the winter season. Itis becom- ing more pcipular every year—pritt- cipally because it is sonear, its climate is so inviting, and it offers stela an array of interesting- sports an stimes peculiar to that part of th ' csntr'y. ' nFloridat 4�i•e else but Floi can one el y better such an exciting novelty. ason fishing g , .. or aquaplaning , or speed -boating . , or polo. Where else can ;one motor for utiles through avenues shaded• by graceful, paltns—by great citrus groves of: ripening oranges and leptons—or a- long the shore of the ,Atlantie ,There's pelf, tool -all winter long, Arrange now, to spend your winter months in Florida—any Canadian' National Railways Agent will gladly supply you with information about rates, routes and its resorts. 92-3. GODERICH: The annual liieotinp,• of Victoria L:'-0. L. No. 182, Goder- ich, was held da Thursday night, After the usual business was tran- sacted, the election of eificers took place, the following being elected: Past Raster, E. G. Smith; W. M.,' John Bell; D.M., David' Sproule; chap,, Herb. Leggitt; recording sec- tetar'y, Joe IVIcNevtn• financial sec- retary Ernie Breckinbridge; treas- urer, 'John Sturdy; director of ser- etnonles, Neil McDonald; 1st lett., Art Kaiting; $nil, lett., John Mc- Craw; inside tylor, D. 14oVicair; out- side'tyler, Wm, Mew; 1st cern. man., RECORD PHOTOGRAPHS I wish to say my Studio. in Clinton will be closed until January , 1929, Watch this Paper for special an- nouncement. A11 people wanting Photographs taken before I -open again come to my Mitchell Studio and I will give you a special reduc- tien in prices. All work as usual, the hest: BURGESS PORTRAIT STUDIO Clinton and Mitchell Christmas Tree and Concert -- Ontario Street United church, Fri- day evening, December 21st, at 8 o'clock. Splendid program of songs, music and dialogues. Santa Claus will be. there, Don't', miss this- con- cert. Admission—Adults 25c, Child- -ren, 15c.• Children of the'Ontario street school free. - 92-2. Christmas Tree The annual Christmas entertain- ment of the Baptist Sunday school will be held on Thursday evening, Deceniber 20th. Everybody welcome, Adults 25c, children accompanied by parents, free. Otherwise 10e. 92-2. NOTICE The annual:meeting of the rate- payers of S. S. No.. 4, Tuckersinith, will be held in the school house on Wednesday, December 26th, at 10 a.m. G. R.' FEAR,. Sec.-Treas. 93-1. Thos. ITywkins; 2nd com. E. G. Smith 3rd. coin, Will -Brownlee; 4th coin,; John Juek; 5th coin., Thos. Ryan. The new officers were duly installed by past master Bro. E. G. Smith. "CONFEDERATION" TRAIN TO EDMONTON ENSURES PLEAS- ANT COMFORTABLE JOURNEY Canadian National Railway offi- cials are being congratulated on hav- ing continued the popular "Confed- eration" in operation between Toon- to and Edmonton. This innovation has eliminated most of the delays experienced . by travellers crossing the Prairies in the winter time as it provides a fast, through, comfortable service to Ed- monton, via Winnipeg, Brandon, Re- gina and Saskatoon. By this route good connections are made'to all im- portant points by lines radiating from these cities. The splendid equipment and tour- -teous service—always' a feature of the "Confederation"—ensure a pleas- ant journey without the discomforts Of winter travel. Full information and reservations from any Canadian National Rail- ways' agent. 92-3. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Frank Lansing and family wish to expre9s 'their gratitude to the hind friends and neighbors 'for their kindness and sympathy in their pre- sent bereavement. For Sale- Solid Oak Buffet, Solid 'Walnut Chest of Drawers, Writing Desk. Also ono mattress. Apply to A. 3. Grigg. 93-1.' Cows For Sale 2 5 -year-old cows, due to freshen this Month, 'for salebyRoy Tyndall, R. R. No. 3. Phone 6071'3, Clinton central. 93-2. Fdr Sale A. buggy, cutter, set of single har- ness, --set double . harness,' wagon, g&tave) box, land scraper and logging chain. Apply to Chas, Peacock, op- posite the Clinton Public , Hospital. 93-3-p.. Pigs For Sale Two purebred 'Yorkshire sows with litters, also a bunch of York chunks, Sonathan Hugill, R. R. No. 4, Phone 610r32, Clinton central. 93-3, Woed For Sale Quantity: of stove wood, mostly beech and" maple. Leave orders at Charlesworth's flour and feed store; Clinton. James Stoddart, R. R... No. 2. Phone 602r22,' Clinton central, 93-3-p. Wo Sell Coal That Satisfies Don't buy your fuel till you get my prices which are lower than else where, • Best quality of coal and co1ec. Order by phono at my 1101150. Edward Cartel• Phone 271, Clinton POULTRY`NEEDS Oar togylrensents Tor next heck;: 500 Dressed Geese 4 200 Dressed Ducks; 2500 Frit Livo Chickens. Sell here -and receive top notch prices. Clinton Poultry douse,' N. W. Tretartila` Phones—Office,' 214j Residence, 214w Cockshutt Agency As I am now handling the Cock- Shutt and Frost and Wood Implem- ents, and. also 'Cockshutt cream separ- ators, and am prepared to supply all kinds of repairs for same, I solicit the patronageof farmers and others Orders will receive prompt attention, JOHN V. DIEHL, Queen street, Clinton 81-tf. Poultry Supplies Different brands: of bread and pas- try flour. . Bran and Shorts, - Oilcake meal, Royal Purple calfineal, ground flax seed, whole flax seed, bone meal, "Big Sixty" Beal Scrap, Beef meal, fine Ilomony. Big Sixty tankage, Royal Purple Stock Specific and Poultry Specifics, Dr, Hess' Stock & Poultry foods, Charcoal by the pound or by the bag, Monarch Laying mash, Moth- erwell's Laying Mash, Oyster Shell and Grit, good mixed grain for laying hens, Cod liver oil, $1.25 per gallon. We are handling' Royal Purple Brooders and Poultry.Supplies. What we haven't in stock we will get for you. New supply of Celo. Glass on hand. ' H. W. Charlesworth Flour and Feetl. , SPLITDORF tipioS We are now agents for the above radios and to introduce them are of- fering special prices. Every set guaranteed this year's models, Where can you buy an electric radio all complete for $150.00 or. a console model 'all complete for $175.00. Re- member these prices are for the set complete, -nothing else to buy. See these sets before you buy. We also have a table model battery operated set at- $150.00, regular. price $190.00. You can save money if you buy your radio here. See our large ad on an- other page. We have a Splitdorf ldud speaker which sells at $80,00. We have several to sell at $15.00 These are the best load speakers we have heard yet. • II. A. HOVEY. CLINTON' M. T. CORLESS, CLINTON Agent For. Fire, Automobile, Plate -Glass, Sick- ness and Accident Insurance, Etc. General Agent for The Ontario Equitable Life and Insurance Co. of Waterloo TO OUR RADIO FANS The Ontario Equitable Life is broadcasting each alternate Sunday evening, from, and including Decem- ber 911i, between the hours of 8.30. and 9.80, throughout the winter months, through . station C.F.C.A., Toronto Daily Star. Music rendered by the famous 'Waterloo Musical Society Band. For Sale .A. comfortable seven room cottage with 'town water and electric lights, acre of land with small fruit and good stable with chicken house. Ap- ply to Alex. Slomaa, Albert St. 86-12, ' Notice All threshing accounts due the Londeslidro Syndicate of 1926-27 must be 'settled at once. Londesboro Syn- dicate, 3. Nott, See.-Treosurer, 32-2-p. Farms For Sale Lot 12, con. 3, Stanley. Township, consisting of. 100:acres. There is ort the -premises a good two-storey brick cottage, a good barn with straw shed attached, and stabling underneath, im- plement 'house, orchard, about -5 ae res of bush on a back corner of the farm, through • which runs a never - failing -spring creek two never -failing wells, one near the house the other near the stable. The farm .is in a good state of cultivation. Also lot 10, con. 4, Stanley town- ship, consisting of 100 acres on which there -is a very good barn,, and about 18 acres of bush A never -failing stream inns across the back end :of this farm. Good for either grain 9r pasture. - Apply' to Murray Gibson, Bruce - :field, executor for the Estate of the late William Collins, ' 85-1.2. Wanted $300 for shott terns. ` Good secur- ity. Inquire at News-Rceord Office, 90-tf. For: Sale Good white brick house on Prin- cess St., east, with eight rooms, town and soft' water and electric lights. One half acre of land with barn. Large and small fruit. Terms can be arranged. Apply to Mr. Levi Stone, Clinton, Ont., or Mrs. James Steep, p, 8 Elmwood Ave. London Ont, 79-tf. For Sale 8 7.'00111 house, Princess street, east, modern equipped, large garden, henhouse. Apply to E. L. Mittell, Clinton, Phone 213. 87-tf. 1 THUPSDAY, DECEMBEP 20, 1928 •. mea-vrruvw�eso.+eaaawaaw.s e.m rrro.ewn+.ar.a �ars.rrae.vr.�svvwaa..�.s �e+racs.00 a•+svw. A Clearing of all Stock to be made to make room for . Spring changes. Everything goes at genuine saving prices far standard goods, All Goods sold for. Cash only, No Sales on Approval No Deliveries on goods sold at :Sale Prices. M11er Hardware Co. TELEPHONE 53 CLINTON ,C; H. VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, '.;ulbs, Irons, Fans and other Appliances • Wiring and Repairs. Phone psometsossamin DON'T BUY YOUR - UE CULT UNTIL YOU SEE OUR STUNNING EFFECTS -All Models - scores of beautiful fab- rics - novel and exclusive and person- ally tailored to snit your figure. Stock of Overcoats Just Arrived. ,. $18.00 TO $65,00 E. C. RUHL .. McEwen's Old Stand. Opposite Post Office We still have the AGENCY for the Atwater Kent Radios Both Battery and EIectric. It will pay you to try the Atwater Kent before you buy. J a Ld, { VIES 88-tf. Raw Furs Wanted Don't sell, your furs till you get my prices which are higher than you can 'get elswhere. You are loosing money selling to other dealers. H.A. Hovey Clinton 90-tf. Five Hundred Dpllars - Do. you want it? 'By buying this eighty acres of productive loam with good drainage; picturesque, location, you will profit this. Farm about two miles from Clinton; buildings con- sist of good house, barn, also wind- mill. Considerable bush. Terms: W. Brydone, Clinton. Owner, 322 South Main, Romeo, Michigan. 90-7-p. Clinton S OP t WHEN \a/INTER Finms..THe ID HCAT • 1vAITING IFOLKSN YOUR BI FIE LL PUFF AND BLOW AND B3LUSTER.-- •RU7lgCAL.T(E�' IM1 We don't meati to brag. Bet, honestly, no blizzard can get into a house, where the Heat Folks aro in charge. • We can't control the weather man yet., But our C001 can snake the inside of your house so comfortable that it wont make any difefernce to you if the thermometer outside regis- ters forty below! ' Send for some of our concentrated sunshine, and give yourself. a Warm home. for the rest of the winter. $d e Call the keNtle for goods clean coal COAL COMPANY PHONE 74 • CLINTON N E W YEAR Term from Jan. 3rd will inter- est a fine lot of Matriculants and High School students in the work of qualifying for a business posi- tion. through one of Shaw's Bust ness Schools. Why not you? Think it over and act. Write for syllabus of courses, locations of our 12 schools and list of grad- uates placed. Address W. R. Shaw, Registrar, 1130 Bay St., Toronto. Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.. Rooms Iver Heard's B..rber shop. W. J. Jago, 2283-tf • Coal That Satisfies We sell the cleanest, safest and most economical. fuel and always at a fair price. A telephone call will receive our prompt attention. You can feel asolutely sure that every shovel of coal will be of the same uniformity of quality. HOWARD CLARK Phone 182 ' Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery Phone 111 • We Want. If our Milk and Cream We are manufacturers of both cheese and butter. We want your milk" or cream. We pay highest mar- ket price weekly. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Phone your order for finest cheese or pasturised butter in prints or sol- ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont., R. 'R. No. 8, Phone No. 605r32. THE HOLMESVILLE CO -OPERA- . TIE CHEESE AND. BUTTER COMPANY. LIMITED Eggs and Poultry Home on Tuesday and Friday fore- noon to take in Poultry. • Eggs handled - at residence every day—graded by an experienced grad - et, for which we pay the highest mar- ket arket price. Cream purehased for Stillman's of Stratford. A. E. Finch Viking Cream Separator Agent. Victoria St., Clinton Phone 231 27-tf Wishing our friends and patrons A Very 1%ferry Christmas and A Happy New rear; • E, WARD Phone 155 Huron street Singer Sewing Machine Leased on Smallonthl Payments M 9 . Big Discount on Cash Sales .. a. Now is the time, to have yonaa- chine repaired and cleaned, Repairs, Needles, Belts and- Parts for all makes. W. GLEN COOK Phone 171J P.0, Box 201, CBntoos RADIO KS ESTE -KING il lL�l Buy , a radio for the family in doing '. •do you will be; giving them ' something which they can enjoy the year around, We are dealers for the Roister and Kings sets and will be pleased to givti you a demonstration at any time. Batteries charged "and stoa for the.•winter J. Nediger, Prop.