HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-12-20, Page 1al a 93- StSi Yea Q1LL ITS IlEfillEFIS NESE, TN Vi"T'I'LL WIIIC C IS .L'CO1iI'OIZA.TEJ `fIIE CLINTON NEW ERA N ON H A EiOg.:: k1I X11 , A s LLr`OJa:aM:.s ER 29,a9"�'✓8 THE POMC' PAPER liOIIEXTENRST[ 1" et our ' kriht1Iaa5 Sift give give lasting something that will ser vice and pleasure. Our aim has to serve the public 'with such goods. Quality is om• slogan when buying, and we pass the merchan- dise on to the public with confidence, CLOCKS, WATCHES; RINGS. CHAINS, CUFF LINKS, SILVERWARE, CHINA CUT GLASS, FOUNTAIN PENS, SPECTACLES, EYE GLASSES enema _ And in, fact Anyhing ,found in an sip -to -date Jewelers' Store May be Purchased from elduar a (mid., U i.5 . Y.'Z. �} vt T .',i, k,. .� ..li: lees or L&st unde rs We have arranged a table of Vases, Candle Holders, Flower Bowls, Powder Boxes and, several. similar articles suitable -for gifts, V�'"P which -1;,m clear at exactly one-half the regular price. Do Your Christmas Shopping Before Dec.25 "WE SELL TILE BETTER GRADE TO BUILD THE ?SETTER TRADE." A if Directory For every wormian who wants to know what to give Men Folks this Christmas NECKWEAR Our Neckwear counter looks like flower beds, with •assorted blos- som. Everything thats new is here, which wakes choosing easy, A Fancy Box with each ,Tie 50e. 75e. Win. 52.50 DRESSING GOWN. Will surely please "Flint': for all year around. Selection is belt right now $6.75, 510.00, $13.50 ,GLOVES The kind that fit and wear in Pigskin, Deerskin, Buckskin, Wash Cape Swede and Wool Knit 75c, $1,50, $2.50, $3.50, $5.00 UNDERWEAR We study the Underwear question and appreciate the different requirements of 'different men. So we provide the best in all . the different kinds .of Underwear, Single Garments, .. , 75c to 54,00. Combinations .. $1,00 to 57.50 BATS If' you'll come here for "His" hat a correct style will be assured. In Borsaliuo, Ereck, St. Lawrence and King -53.95, 55.00, $6.00, $7.50 MUFFLERS Our Muffler stock' is the pride of our store. The colorings and patterns are beautiful 51.00, :$1.50,•S2.00, 83:00, 84.50 HOUSE COAT -An ide al coat for the Radio fan, and something he will appreciate 57.50, $10.00, $12.00 HOSIERY We pay special ecial attention to our Men's Hosiery. Taste and re- quirements gnt]rements- differ.. We appreciate this and keep full lines of the best makers. 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50. SWEATERS We, show all the best models for Men and Boys, and we have a wonderful range to select; from Boys, 50c to S2.50—Men's 51.90 to 56.50 HANDKERCHIE'1'S 5c 50e 75c,$1,25 $1.50; Irish Linen, 25c and 50c; In Silks, 3 ,, Trish Linen, extra fine qality, special, 60c; Initial handkerchief, 25c and 50c. 2 handkerchiefs in a package, 25e. PYJAMAS For the rest of his life. The man who. has never worn them has been missing a great deal of comfort • $2.50. 53.00.53,50. $4.50 NEGLIGEE' SHIRTS have ever shown finest shirt spread we Ourshirtdisplay is the.pr $ $2.25 52.50. 53.00,. 53,50, 54.50, $5.00 $1.,50, aZ.00, _ CAPS, You can a capfindhere for every requiremeat'and to: fit; every '• ad. Many: new colorings and patterns lie 51.00. 81,50, 52,00. 82.50 SNE 4,;�FfllfiB raoTw4c Sripare Deal for 19:1 ��li 9i ' THE MARKETS Wheat, $1.20 to $1.22. Barley, 65e to 67c. Oats,; 48c. Buckwheat; 77e to 80c, Butter' 37e to Me. Eggs,'30c-to 48c, Live hogs, $9.00. CELEBRATES GOLDEN WEDDING Mr, J, F. Wasman was 'in Fuller- ton on Tuesday attending the Golden Wedding celebration of his sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Etty; who were married in St. Thorn - :1i' Anglican church, Segforth, fifty years ago on -December-18th. Mrs. Etty was formerly Mary, Wasman and was born : in Logan township. Their four children were•present at the celebration andamongstthe forty guests who participated in the happy event was the man who acted di as, best. man at 'the wedding f ifty years ago.The :bridesmaid, is also. .- living but .was unable to be present owing to ill health. Mr. and Mrs. Etty reside on the . farm on which 'theysettled cat their marriage. They were "the recipients of 'many hand- somegifts, amongst them aPurse of gold from their. children. AMONG THE CEIURCHES Baptist Church Sunday school at 2.30 on Sunday. thing and preachingservice at 7 o'clock. Subject: "Christmas Cheer." Monday evening B. Y. P. 17., Jun- iors at 7 o'clock, Seniors at 8 ('clock. Wednesday night service as usual. Christmas tree entertainment to- night, (Thursday) at eight o'clock. Presbyterian Church - The minister: will deliver special CIuristmas messages on ' Sunday. Subjects: Morning: "The First Evan- gelistic Sermon.' Evening: "A Sight Worth Seeing," Christmas vet cemetery on the side facing City music by the choir. , Park, just at .sunset. Only members Sabbath school at 2.30. Mid -week of the family and closest friends were. service . Wednesday at 8 p.m. present. The Sunday school entertainment honorary Iiallbearers were W. S. will take place to -night at .7,30, A Speece; Dr, Harry Campbell, 'II, H, cordial invitation is extended to all D]ls, James A. Bryan, 13. B.Bretney to come and enjoy the program. and Geprge 11. Chase. Active pall - St. Joseph's Church - bearers were Sam Dils, W. I. Steer, H. R. DeBussoy, E. E. Pope; Ralph Beckwith and Mr, Sylvester. Mrs. Callander's sister, Meg. Car- roll Nye, of Morehead,' Minnesota, was with her at the: time of Dr, Cal - Reynolds, 'boy soprano. lender's death. Two daughters, Miss Gounads Convent Mass. Rilla Callander of Boston and Mr's. Sermon: "The Word Wee Made Herman Byer, of Washington, D.C., Flesh," Father Sullivan. arrived Monday. The only son,. Ron- Offertory: "Adeste rideles," Miss ald Callander, as on his Way here Eileen Carbert, soprano; Gerald from Caracas, Venezuela, where he is Brown, tenor;• Mrs. Shaeaben, con- employed with the Standard Oil Cont-• tralto; Bernard Tighe, basso. pany." The mass will be followed by a DEATH OF GEORGE DAMES chorus by the choir, Angels Wo Have, Heard On High." THE KINU.IMPROVING Singe the operations last week Sox the purpose of draining fluid from 3-1is Majesty's lung, King " George's condition has been more hopeful ancl, while it will be some time before he is considered out of danger and much longer before he is restored to nor- mal health:, still his ultimate recov- ery is now confidently looked for, It is a, -month since the news of His Mi,jesty's, illness was first .pub- lished' and the weeks have been full of anxiety, 'The hopefulness of the news from the sick room during the. past week has-been very cheering. DEATH 01' DR: CALLENDAR A Parkesbui•g•, W. V. newspaper had, the following reference to the death and :funeral of 'Dr, Callender, husband of Emma Ruhn'ball, a former Clinton girl, .sister of ,Mre. A. 3. Tyndall of Clinton and Mire. Andrew Porter of Goderich: "Impressive funeral' services were conducted Tuesday afternoon for Dr, J. C., Callender, well known veterin- ]an, ; who _ died Sunday morning, The services,' which were held at the fam- ily residence, 1707 Avery treet,were in' charge of Dr," C. Fred Anderson, the minister of the First. Methodist Episcopal church of which Dr: Cal- lender had been a member for many years. He had served- as Sunday School .superintendent- and.eas a mem- ber of the official board of that church in past years. The service at vl o'clock„opened with a. Scripture reading- and prayer by .Dr. Anderson, followed by the singing _of "Lead Kindly Light" by Mr. and Mrs. Don Henderson, accom- panied by Miss Blanche Athey, Dr. Anderson then gave a talk of pterson- al reminiscences concerning Dr:' Cal - lender's fine life end lovable char- acter, and closed his tribute by quot- ing Tennyson's "Crossing the Bar." Interment was made in Mount 011 - The midnight mass, .at five min- utes to twelve -Christmas Eve, will be followed by a program. "Silent Night, Holy Night," 'Earl r CRflI5T:A CHRISTMAS ENTERT_A_INMENT MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED. Wesley-Wsllis Sunday school had iVlr. "and Eli's. Albert J. Grigg an - their Christ nit tree entert s mnent nonnee the Marriage of their only on Tuesday evening in the town hall,' 6 tughter, Helen Irene,. to Elliott Ross when a pleasing program was put Bell, second son of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. on entirely by the pupils, all classes A. Bell, Ilensall, which was solemn- Laking part. Alter the program the hest i7s A.11 ,,aint-s' church, Windsor, tree was stripped of its fruits and 'July 5th,1927, Rev. l'. 21 Ifaidnrg ol. the little folk' went home tired, but fieiating, War.- and Mrs; Bbll will happy, take up -residence in Detroit the he - The Salvation Army Sunday school ginning ' of the New Year, held their Christmas tree ; entertain- RECEIVED 10, D, DEGR'•EE Ment last,: evening, whena nice little program was given by the children Rev, A. Lloyd Smith, MA., B:D., who were alsd well remembered by pastor of Grace United- church,. Santa Claus: Brampton,°was one of those who re The ,Baptist and St. Paul's Sunday eelvecl. the degree of Doctor of Di - school entertainments take vinity at. the 'special convocation this evening and,„on Friday evening -which was .recently held::::: Coavec& that of Ontario street United school: tion hall, Toronto, De. Smith is a - LITTLE LOCALS son of Rev, A. E. Smith, Toronto; and was•born at Varna during the pastor - St. Paul's Church The services on Sunday will beas usual. - The Christmas services will begin with the Midnight celebration' o1 Holy Communion it 11.30, Christmas Eve. Ojd Christpias carols will be sung at this service. On Christmas morning the service will be at ,10.30, Anthem, . "The First Christmas Morn;" by Ernest Newton. - Tonight (Thursday) the Annual Sunday School entertainment and Christmas tree will :be. given .com- mencing at 7.30. All members of the. Chancel Guild are requestedto nt,eet on Saturday at 3 psis. to decorate the church for the Christmas season. Wesley Willis United Church Next Sunday will be observed by us as Christmas Sunday: _Both morn- ing attcl Evening the sermons = and music will be of a Christmas char- acter. The choir will renderthe fol- lowing anthems -and other: special 'numbers: "Christmas Awake," Mauder. "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear,"' A. Sullivan. "hail to the Lord's Annointed," II. E. Nicol. The minister's subject will be: "Potentialities of -the Christ Child." "Why; Did the .Son of God Become. Man?" A hearty invitation is extended to, any- who, find • it convenient to wor- ship ;with this congregation in the town hall. Choir, practice thisweek on PA. - day evening in the council chamber, Ontario Street United Church Special Christmas services on Sun- day. Fellowship service et ten o'clock. The ntihister's morning sub- ject will be: "A. Season of Refresh- ing." Evening: "Christ and the Home." Speeial Christmas music will be furnished by the choir. Morning Service—Christmas Pre- lude: "Nazareth," by Charles Qonnocl Anthem. '"Tidings ' of : Great Joy," Offertory: "P±.storal Symphony," "Messiah," by Irandel. Selo: Miss Marion Gibbings, .A.nthem: Selected. Pot ' "Cri Organ s 11e uc h sins as Marchi," T. V. FlagIer. "Gesu Bambino," by Petro Yon. Cantata: "The :first Christmas." Offeratory: Selected, Organ Postlude i "Marche Ponti- ficale,n by es J, Lemur a <, The message o s i a n Thf of d rnii lc g 5 will form the greater part of the Christmas services. The cernsoee will will he very brief, Vat are asked to come;' and bring your friends, George 'Davies, an old and highly esteemed citizen of Clinton, passed away at his home, Huron street, on Saturday evening after about a weeks illness. Mr. Davies was in his eighty-eighth year but ,until less than a year ago he was ad active as many a man of halt his age, attending to his work of dairy farming every day, Last Whiter he had a severe illness and since that had not taken up all his olll duties but he was well and able to get about `quite happily until he contracted a cold about a week prior to his death, from which he failed to rally, his heart giving out on •Sat-. urday. Mr. Davies- was born at Worcester, England,,July 23rd, 1843, coming to, Canada with his parents at the age of four. They landed in Goderich in 1847 and -he had resided hereabouts ever since.. He had been a resident' of Clinton for many years. Mr. Davies was a man of very quiet and unassuming. disposition, He was best known by his own intimate circle of friends and by them he was held in high regard. Ile was of so gentle and kindly a nature that little children all loved him and he often had them about him as he went about his work, He . was devoted to his family and his home and he was de- votedly loved by his children, who cared .for him with great thought- fulness and tenderness during his de- clining years. His wife died three years ago. this month. Of his eight children five survive: Mr's. Hairy Marshy Detroit; Miss Margaret, : a Deaconess in Chicago, and Newton, .Mae and Bessie at home. One sister, .Mrs. Annie Mof- fatt ,of VIoffatt.of Los Angeles, Cal., also sur- vives: Mrs. Moffatt visited her son and brother here all summer, ' only returning south a few weeks >age. Mr., Davies was a member of Wes- ley -Willis • United chinch, formerly of Wesley' Methodist, and while health permitted he was very regular in his attendance. Of late when he was unabla to attend' services he tools much pleasure in listening to church services over the regio and the last Sunday of his life he listened to. two.. The funeral took place from his late residence, Huron street, on Tues - clay afternoon. The services : were conelueted by the .Rev. 3. E. Hogg, assisted by the Rev. A. A. Holmes. The nallbeaiers,were: W. A. Grant,` A, S. Tyndall„ C. J. Wallis, It 13. `Chant, W. Biggins,' and E. Ward, Those from a distance who were here for^ the funeral were his two daughters, Mrs.. Marsh of Detroit and MissMargaret Dayies (if Chie- Mti0r. ' aM)d r sVFs: MEicLafic]h0m li annc] MDRtr a nd Mrs. 7. E. Harrison, Parldnll: Mr. T, P. Phillips, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs.. W. The ;Public Library will bo closed ate there of his father. He is..•a on•edonday, Tuesday and Wednesday preacher of marked ability; and has of next week, already .filled seine -'of the official positions of the United Chinch. e Flynn t IIS,. Wilfred y n has ke I' a n a position as junior on the staff of the -CHILD DIES • local branch of the Bank of Mon- - ASr. and ]firs. Wm,. Stec received treat. p word on Sunday of the death of their L.O,B,3. No, 377 had installation little grandson, Dickie Clarkson, sev- of officers at. its last meeting and en year old son. of Mr. and Mrs. A. will. not meet, again until Tuesday,. : Clarkson, formerly of Clinton,` The January 8th, 1929. child contracted diphtheria and after a short illness succumbed, • Mr. R, Taslcer is preparing to open Other members of the family have up a furniture finishing and repair also been taken downwith the chis - shop in the old Jackson block, Rat- 'ease but it is hoped there will be no tenbury street, east. other fatalities. The News -Record is being issued The Clinton friends of Mr. and Airs. earlier this week so as to give read- Clarkson will sympathize with then ers a chance to see, what Clinton in their bereavement: merchants have to offer fol. the last' - few -days of shopping before Christ- 1 mos. Barfield - Mr. AIvin Leonard, son of 111'r. and Dr, and Mrs, W. J. Tillman of Mrs. Fred Leonard of -town, seeins London spent Thursday in the vill- to be entering into the life of the age. United" church- in Elmira, as he al- - Mrs, Jean Buchan left on Phurs- ways did while at home, and was day for Lorain, Ohio, to attend the recently appointed assistant organist funeral of her sister, -the late Mrs. in the Sunday school, , T.'T1. Wilson, She returned home on Next Tuesday is Christmas and _a ]Vf(nclay, Miss J. Grant who has spent the holiday, Advertisers and correspon- past four months with Miss J. Reid dents are asked to get their matter left on Friday. in on Monday in order to assist us' In Trinity church Bayfield in getting out next week's issue. The midnight Same applies to the following week liras will be observed by a midnight Tuesday being a holiday,, • mas Eve and lasting one hour. This JUNIOR HOCKEY SCHEDULE service was l ld last year for the first time and was so successful that Thursday, Dec. 27—Stratford at the Rector feels justified in baying it' Seaforth. service, commencing at 11.30, Christ - Mrs. T. Daymen. read the Scripture lesson. The treasures :reported this Thankoffering $141.00 - but as 't i Society has not yet :reached their- alloc:ction it was decided to ask fee. a freewill Wenn, on Christmas an - day. Rev. W. A, Bremner gave nr• interesting address on Africa take -fa- from the study book, "Drums to the Darkness" He: also occupied' tate. chair for, the election oC office -le !me - the coming yd'16t, resulting as fol- lows: Hort.-Preeicletit:' Mrs, ,t: Arc -- Queen; President, Mrs: Bremner; 1st - vice: Mrs,..Jas: Thompson; 2nd vice; M:cs, -3. Hazelwood; 3rd vice: Passe M. 3. McCully; Ree.-Seeretary: Lohse E. M. :,Botvey; Treasurer: ilirs. Q. Brock; ,.Christian Stewardship Sec- retary: Mrs, E. P Watson; .Treas- ure?.• of Expense Vaud: 1331,s. A. *os. -. Queen; Stranger's See:: Mrs. 'J':. Chapman; Supply See.:Mrs, Zapfe;r Associate Helpers Sec.: Mrs. Hugk Aikenhead; 1VIissionary Monthly Seer Mrs. Toug; Literature See.: Mrs. Baird; Press Sec.: Mrs. G. McGregor. Assistant: Mas. L Fbr-rent; Organists• Miss Jean Murdock; • Assistant: 1%Sew. Ross Scott; .; Supt, of Marion Oliver - Circle: Mi's.'3. Addison; Assistasste Miss E. M: Bowey; Mission Bane Supts: Misses Eleanor Snider, 'Cath- leen Snider and Janet Aikenlread. Rev. W. A. Bremner closed t1i4+ meeting with prayer. "again this year and confidently ex - Friday, Dec, 28 --New Hamburg, at pests a larger attendance, It is n Clinton. very old and beautiful custom, to Wednesday, Jan, 2—Seaforth at have the holy Mysteries celebrated in Goderich. Thursday, Jan. 3 -Clinton at Strut- Wednesday, first hour o£nChAristmas Dayiuvita. All commmunion'themunicants s. houldeurdial make their - ford. Friday, Jan. 4—Goderich at Newtion is extended to all to attend this Hamburg. - service. On Christmas Day at 9.30 Monday, Jan, 7—Seaforth at Clin- a.m. service will be held in St. Jo'hn's ton. church, Varna, and at 11 a,m, at St, Wednesday, Jan. 0—New Hain- James' Church, Middleton. burg at Goderieh. - St. Andrew's Young People's De - Friday, Jan. 11—Clinton at New pertinent met as usual on Thursday Hamburg. evening, December lath. The topic Friday, Jan, 11—Goderich . at for the evening was "Missions," and Stratford. , ` was in charge of Mrs. Brown Stew - Monday, Safi. 14. — New Hamburg art... Rev. R. M. Gale led the dis- at-Stratford. - cession on the topic After the Monday, Jan, 14 — Clinton atbusiness meeting, a social -half hour Goderich. was .enjoyed, during 'which Mr. Jas, Thursday, Jan. 17---,Goderich at Rouatt delighted the audience with a Seaforth. s► mouth -organ selection, Another in - Friday, Jan, I8 --Stratford at New teresth g feature was a spelling- Hamburg, match of Bible names in which Wednesday, Jan, 23 — New Liam- Brown Stewart's side won over Len, burg at Seaforth. Talbot's, The next ,meeting will be. Friday, Jan, 25—Soaforth at New on December 27th and' will be in Hamburg. ; charge of Colin Campbell.. , Friday; Jan, 25--StratfordatClio The annual :sleeting of the Girl's ton, . ' Brandt of the W. A. of Trinity Monday, Jan. 28 — Stratford at church was held at the home cif Mrs, •Goderich, N. W. Woods on Monday afternoon Thursday, Jan. 31 Clinton at Sea- 'Tri reports showed that the girls forth. . - have done a great deal of Dames Friday," Feb, 1—Goderich at Clin- work for so small a branch. The ton. financial standing was also good, all Friday, rob. 1.-Seaforth at Strat- obligations' being met and a sum don - ford, , 1 ated to special calls. The following officers were elected. for the ensuing FORMER RESIDENT DIES year Advisor: Mrs. F. It Paull; Tho following appeared in ' last President: Lucy. R. '4Vloods; vice: week's Beeton World, and refers to a Ploy H. Edwards; Secretary: Eleanor former resident of Clinton: � Scotehmer; Treasures: 'Edna Sander - "The death occurred early Tues- son; Dorcas -Sec, Miss E. Cameron; day morning of this week of one of Literature -Sec,; Mary Widcombe. our best-known and most esteemed The tea and sale of gifts held.at citizens in the person of Mr. James the Rectory on Wednesday last under Aitken' -a gess 77 years. - Two years. the .auspices of the `Girl's Auxiliary g was quite a success netting' - over ag' he suffered a severe attack of , the flu, from the effects of which he, twenty-seven .dollars:. Members of never fully recovered, hislast illness., the organization from Varna assisted extending over a period -cf only a: the Bayfield Gn'ls, Miss few weeks: Mr, Aitken was bairn in Mxs F. Summers, who lias been Dumfries; Scotland, and. at the age of employed by Dr.- Newton -Brady for four years came to Canada' with his the past eighteen months, returned parents, who settled near .Guelph, to .her home in Stratford on Theta - later moving to Huron county. At day' last, the age of eighteen: he comruenced.-in: An epee session, of .Trinitychurch the milling business, 'learning the Sunday school will be held on Sue- ;'trade in the Clinton mill ' at that 'day next at eleven o'clock, when by time operated by James hair, and recitations of Holy Scripture and had .s'nce followed . the pursuits of singing of Carols the children will the industry frons the old stone give the Christina± story. All.. the trade up to the present— btaining a Parents are especially asked to' be thorough knowledge from' his wide present arid an invitation is extended. and varied experiences in inilling .et td all others who are interested in Buffalo,. Oswego,- tiensale Clinton, Kincardine and Beeton, —Fifty—two years ago he was united u marriage to Miss Mary Penlound of Bruce -- field. In 1808 he calve to Beeton; where he has since been ,prominently identified and fictively engaged in the chief industrial works of the vil- lage—the Aitken Milling ;Co. (now Aitken' 6i' Burns, Limited), of which the children to attend: this service. RruOefield Tho many friends of YTr, W. Stack- house and Mr, 'James Moodie will be glad to heat that they are both re covering (rain the recent illness. IVCs•. Dan, Miuiyoe is having his he was senior., member, and which house wired for electric lights this brought hint into contact with resin week. dents in everyp art of the surround- Misss Irene Snider and Miss Mat- ing district. In politics he was ' a greet Ailtenheacl of London visited at Liberal; in religion a Presbyterian'. their respective homes last Sunday.. Besides his widow he is survived by The Women's Missionary Society cony daughtersl t (r5 anti one son.: M lm ]ie. held t hegL animal incetig in the of Hamilton; Elizabeth, of Winnipeg; schoolroom of the IJniLed church on Edna anti henry IYI., of Bceton, and December 12th, with the president, Mrs. G. N. Walker, ce' Winnipeg; ail Mrs. Bremner, in the chair. The Cede -tore,, Seaifrn•th and Ml, and Mrs. so "b rother, John Altl en, of Tees - T. Werknanfippen, meeting opcued bY singng. a hymn Goderich Township A slight: mistake was made in rd porting the return of a couple or young men . from the west recently. It was Messrs, Lewis Ellwood Mule Walter Corey,' instead of Waiter Ev- ans, who returned. Mr. and Mrs. R. Pearson leave Sat- urday to spend the Christmas anal: New Year's holiday season with thets- son, Ur George Pearson of W'ey. n Mich, Londesboro Miss Susie Sampson and: Mr. i>1 - Nelson of Palmerston spent S•untla se with Miss .Ida Lyon. There are a great number in ate- around nitiaround the village who are suffering from the flu. In fact there are vetg few homes 'where some one is no* pick, Tho W. Int, S, of the Untedichurelez held their December greeting at.thd, parsonage, with the president, Breeze. J, Tautblyn in the chair. The Strube book was taken by Mrs. Manning emir was very interesting. After a+spIca.. did program of singing• and readings„ Group No. one served a dainty•linrrr,. There were twenty-eight present. ItIrs. Humphrey Snell, who hag been very sick, is we are pleased..'%: say, improving, 'Mr. and Mrs. R. Carter are butts, quite poorly at the home of then, daughter, Mls. Fred Shobbrook. • Mrs. Annie 'Tufts and Master Ed:- win of Kirkton spent last.week visa-. ing at the' Bone of Mr. and Mrs. Gene. MOOD. Mr. Carman Moon of Buffalo, .spear Iast week visiting at the home 'of Ms parents, Mr. end. Mrs. Geo. 'Moon, Mr, anal Mrs. Geo. Moon and 'Lama ily visited friends in Goderich recent- ly. Auburn - . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mills 'of. Goderw Joh visited friends here on Sunda hart: _ An entertainment under the awe - Kees of Knox United Sunday schoeit will be held in Forrrester's Hall, Fri- day re - day evening. Miss K. M. Welsh visited friend$. in Toronto last week. Messrs, Leslie Buchanan and Chat, - Rogers were Stratford visitors, one day last week. - -Mrs: Bunking is visiting at tiro home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Howson.. Constance The Public' school Christmas tree entertainment was held on Thursda- afternoon of this 'week for the ehlida rem The Sunday School Christmas trot. and program will be held this Ft•ida3- evening. A good program is expect - The funeral of the. late Mrs. Ed- gar Dexter of Blyth was held frog her late residence to the Constanos cemetery, where she was laid„beside. her husband, who died sometime ago.. Your .correspondent wishes Tial Netvs-Record staff and readers a Merry Christmas and A Happy Nes* Year, Varna P 'eco for . Neo. Varna Royal Bloch s p y 1025, at its annual meeting. on Mos - day elected the following officers: War. Preen.: Sir K.: W. J. Mc- Leod; Deputy: Geor .e Cfark; Chap: . . Leo ,g lain: D; C., Galbraith Registrars: Chas. C. Pilgrim; Fin. Registrar•::' •ea urer: Grass Wilson Carlile; Ts . S Stephenson; ':1st lecturer: L. K. Epps; 2nd lecturer: J. B; Rathweh; 1st;. Censor: G. II. Johnston; 2nd Cessna:.` V7., Turner; 2 standardboarers: JR.. Keys, R. Errant; Auditors: T' 1YEtire-- a •Ilan G. Beatty; Sursnivant;• 'R R Keyes; T:tierr: W. R. Stepherise a,„ Johnston:9 7 W ., rs. Dep.-Registrar:°77` ki r Y t ea:aa-• Pin.- Registrar: II. Il vta , 5 com- mitteeman: T. Monaghan, J. W. "lto°. P. Weekes I. Rathwell, W. M3Doole and Mrs, Bremner led m Prayu' and, Ii,: Weekes,