HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-11-29, Page 8• CLINTON'S -LEADING, J1aWELERY STORE ;i ON•NENB',RECOi;i>I TI-P.OR'S; "re'NWVE1X ER 20;, 19284. 1 iikr�c:,rk. 11,14y! Santal. That's Just What ' 1 Waited ! You can get her just what, she wants at this shop, where ;the best jewelry is available at the lowest possible prices. 'Sewelry is a lasting, gift—a constant reminder of your thoughtfulness., Exceptional values rightnow—do your Christmas shopping here and you will have no disappoinments. We handle only high ga de,jewelry—every article as represented or your (money back. Here are son; gift suggestions: -- WRIST WATCH, frons ... , ... , ,$9.50 to $25.00 BEAD' NECKLACES,, from $1.00 to $12.00 CAIVIEOS, from . . , . ... ........ $1.00 to $10.50 SIGNET- RINGS, "front $1.00 to $12.50 GOLD BRACELETS, from , . ... , • • 2.00 to -5.00 NOVELTY EARRINGS, from , 50c to $3.00 fto Ho J • N ON" Graduate of Toronto College .of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next liovey'e Drug Store BESS WELL AT SnialI Cost Wear Tip Top Clothes Suits or Overcoats $24.00 other lines from $20. up Plumsteel Bros. QUALITY, • SERVICE JUST ARRIVED—All Fresh Fruits •Lni.ieii Peel; Orriiitle Peel and Citron Peel, Bleached Raisins,. Val@ncia Raisins, Puffed Seeded Raisins, Seedless Raisins, Cooking irigsf Eating''. Pigs and New Dates, Best Shelled Walnuts and Al- monds, Glace' Cherries, Mincemeat, 2 Grades, Choice Prunes, 8 sizes. See the QUALITY and PRICES of our goods before ordering for your Christmas Cake, Pudding and Mincemeat. a_tiar.! "- THE C, & S. GROCERS Branch 125j, Main 125w Bemewhere a wonderful philharmonic orchestra is p10,Jiiig . , the nntsic is too divine for words : , , admiring crowds are applauding. And in your home, by turning on the radio; you can hear,, as well as if you were present, the beautiful music and the applause of the multitude. Or a great man is delivering an oration . miles away from you , you cannot possibly be present , . . but you can ]tear him speak, , just as if you were In the auditorium from which his voice is being broadcast. • Think of it! Don't wait another minute before you get your radio! It's a modern necessity! Get a Radiola or Spartan' and enjoy all these . treats, Sutter & Perdue PLUMBING . HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING Phone 147w hla. '2 A Fest' Dance .,1 o110 And,Whirt a Polio It is Bald that titan is the only mal that can talce full advantage of all that; has gone before: Statisti- tiome i;e11• us that .only one half a' one per cent. do.so. ' To those who know the previous issues., of Feist folios, we have ,said enpugh in an- ziotincisig at except that it• contains Ramona, Blue Heaven, Ohio Home, You're'•a Real Sweetheart, Last Night I Dreamed you Kissed me and other good .ones -30 in all, Price the 'same' Then :don't forget "Good' Old Tim- ers" contains -75 of the old song fav:., orites, ,that nobody ever grows tired. of—It's`a song folio and a dance folio 75 sprigs, d0c. "You Can't go Wrong with Any Feist Song." A. Tea Pot, Cream Pitcher, Sugar Bowl, 6 Cups and Saucers, 6 Tea Plates, all for $2.50, _ 3 only Sets remaining unsold. The best business is that which is based on mutual good will and satis- faction and profit, It's good business for us to offer and for you to buy a Cup and Saucer, white with gilt band at 15c. It's the best value we have, seen, A11 Signs Point to act Early Chirst- mas This Year. Me. W. B. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best St. Helens Mrs: Robinson Woods . spent the 'week -end with her sisters in London. Mrs. Clark has gone to Westfield to spend the winter months with her daughter, Mrs. M. McDowell.: Mr. Fred McQuillian was at the Royal 'Winter Fair as, one of the Junior Farmers who were entertain- ed by the, Ontario Government as a result of the contest in judging held recently, Messrs. Frank and Tom Todd were at the Royal Fair' where .they exhib- ited tattle. Miss Cora Neale spent a few days ,�pm11111 �nl III1 t11011'�' '�" I� I�IM����4➢nllllln:ooi _i ins i III I d tte t e time to .Call ;;� n `Inspect ur New Fruits,, Nuts and all Our Christmas Fruits e are` Completely Stocked for Your Christmas Cake and Christmas Puddings Christie; Brown's Pudding in Bowls and Bags each $1..25 Christie' Brown's Cheri Fruit Cake lb 40c, were are listing`orders in'02 a to 3'o flr'4't s New Seeded Raisins , New Soedless Raisins 2 pkgs. 25e : 5 lbs: 23c New. pates 2 lbs. 25c Lemon & Orange Peels per lb. 25e Prunes. 2 lbs. 2re SHELLED WALNITTS per ib. 49e MIXED PEEL Lemon, Orange & Citron, ib. 29c FRESH PICNIC HAM per lb. 21e FOR' THURSDAY, NOV. 29th -2 Cans Corn . 29c 2 ons Peas , 29e RASE LITE Baking Powder' 19c LOOSE' STARCH 3 lbs. 25c SMOKED PICNIC per Ib. 25c FOR FRIDAY,' NOV. 30th Schneider's Fresh Sausage, lb...: 30c Gunn's Sausage, ib. 30e CLEANED CTJRRAN'OS: per Ib. 20e CORN STARCI=I 2' pkgs. 19e BREAKFAST BACON piece 30e SATURDAY FOR ONE' HOUR 8 to 9 p.m.. 2 lbs. Seedless Raisins 19c ( Only 2 lbs; to. Customer) FISH DEPARTMENT FRESH HERRING— Finnan Haddie, per lb. 20e Filletts Haddie, per lb, �; 25c Codfish, per Ib. 20e Flaked Codfsh, per Ib. 15c Salmon Snacks, lb.- 45e CANDY DEPARTMENT FOR CHRISTMAS We are opening up a new candy case. Fresh shipment of Singes & Chuckles. We will have a special cleric to show you. • Call and get bur Chain Store Prices Australian Raisins, per lb, .. , .... • , • • , 150 Spanish Raisins, per Ib; . 18c Special Candy for Christutas Trees MENU CORNER Plum Pudding 1 lb, suet (cut•fine), 1 cup Lemon and Orange Peel, 1 Ib, Raisins, seeded, 1 ]b. Currants, 1 teaspoon cloves, 1 lb, flour, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, Ib. sugar, brown 5 eggs, teaspoon salt„ 1 cup bread crumbs, add enough milk to soften. Steam in small cans for 5 hours. • IN THE MORNING FIRST DELIVERY 9 a.m..IN THE AFTERNOON FIRST DELIVERY 2:30 p.m. ORDER EARLY 0. To O'Neil Cash, and Service Miss Elizabeth Ford has returned to Oshawa to resume her teaching duties. Mr. and 1\frs. J. Sterling of Jackson, Mich., have been visiting relatives in town. Miss Rena Pickett has been spending the past couple of weeks with Park- hill friends. • Miss Jean Ford has returned to Lon- don after a fortnight's visit at her home in town. Mrs. J. If, Johnston and children were guests of London friends on Thursday last, Mrs. O. L. Paisley was in Toronto a few days last week and attended the Winter Pair. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Holmes of Lis- towel, formerly of Clinton, were in town on Sunday. Miss Morrison d Chicago was the guest for a few days last week of Mrs. Hiram Hill. Mrs. Chas. Mogk and Master Alex- ander of Monkton visited friends in town on Monday. ' Mr. and Nina. W. Windahl have gone to London and May remain until the beginning of the new year. Mr. J. G. Sloman has gone on a visit to his son; Mir. Fred Sloman, teach- er of the C.N.R. Car School, up north. Mrs. S. S. Cooper left this morning .for Morovia, Cal., to visit her daughter, Mrs. Percy Ladd, who has been ill. Miss Smith, who supplied on the Col- legiate Staff for a month during Mr. Cerbin's illness, left Saturday for Toronto. Miss Florence Cuninghame spent the week -end in Toronto and attended the flower show in connection with the Royal Winter Fair. Miss Myrtle Mair, teacher at Broug- ham, was holidaying at her home in town last week owing to an out- break of chickenpox in her school Mr. and Mrs, R. J, Dunsmore of St, Therms and Miss Belie Paisley of New York spent the week -end as the, guests of Mr, and Mrs, 0, L, Paisley. Messrs, I`+`:'£unii Andrews and Harold Pickett and Mary Andrews and Dorothy Watts were amongst the many people who visited the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto.' Mrs. W. Jenkins returned on Monday after spending a couple of weeks with her son in Toronto. She re- mained long enough to attend the Waiter Fair. before returning. in Lucknow"'this week. ' M`r, and Mrs. John : McQuillan spent a day at Stratford last week., Mr. Wilson Woods spent the week- end visiting his eisters in Guelph and Galt. Miss M>lrie) 'Miller, is home .from Ilderton, Mrs. Lewis- Weetherhead and daughter, Grace, visited friends' at Blyth last,week. Miss Joshephine Gaunt ..is home ,from Wingham ' hospital, where she recently underwent an operation fo appendicitis. i^Nfi's. Havens has returned afte spending a few weeks with friends i Goderich., Mr. and Mrs. John L. Parke, who have been visiting . relatives and friends in and around Clinton for some months, left Saturday on their return to their home at; Hu genden, Alta. Ma. and Mrs. EIarvey Alexander and the former•'s sister, Mas. Mudie of Walton, aeconrpanied, by Mrs. Al- exander's sister, Mee. A. L. Cart- wright of Clinton, motored to Kingston last week to visit Mr, sand Mrs. G. L. Hall. They intended ietopping for a day at the -Royal Winter Fair, Toronto; and to` visit Mrs. S. L. Scott, on their return trip. y Anniversary Supper And Concert WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS PRIM PREVAILS The anniversaryofthe Community hall, Londesboilo, will be held on the evening et THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29th Mr. F, C. Elford of. Ottawa was.in town on Monday, having motored up from Toronto, where he was at- tending the Royal Winter. Fair, with Mrs. Elford , Mass Jean El- ford and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Moss of Dundas,' to ,visit relatives at Iiolmesville,,-, Mr.' Elford is busy preparing for the .World's Poultry Congress, of whch he is president, to be held in London, England, in r, 1930, Mr. Elford :expects to take over a large number of Canadians r on this trip to England and the n Continent, an extensive , itinerary having been arranged, in the Community Hall, Londesboro Supper will be served from 6 to 8 o'eloelc, to be followed by a program at which HARVEY McGEE, of Auburn will give a number of his choice sel- ections. .A. short play "entitled "The Hired Man's Courtship" will be given together with vocal and instrumental selections, readings, etc. COME AND ENJOY A GOOD TIME Admssion: Adults 50e, 'Children 25e George Carbert, John Fingland, Chairman, Secretary. 89-2. C. C. L Commencement SNAPPY STUNTS by SNAPPY STUDENTS • COLLEGIATE .AUDITORIUM Wed. Thu. and Fri. NEXT WEEK Rousing Choruses. Dutch Dance, Senior Girls, Mimetic Drill, Junior Girls. A. short play, Station YYYY, Booth Tarkington. Two Scenes from Julius Ceasar, Wm. Shakespeare. Presentation of Medals, Dr. Shaw. Presentation of Special Prizes, Mr. W. Brydone, B.A. .Presentation of Diplomas, Rev. 3, E. Hogg, Valedictory Address, Arthur Lyon. Music furnished throughout program by Collegiate Harni'olty Orchestra 8 p.nr. Admission 50c Plan at Fair's 90-1. i3ruCefneld The Young People's meeting held in the auditorium of the United church on Monday evening, took the form of an oritorical contest for the finals of West Huron district. Speak- ers were present , from Bayfield Clinton, Blyth, Egmondville and Brucefield: Rev. Mr. Bremner was in the chair and opened the meeting. The first speaker, Miss. Hazel Haugh, Br'ucefield,' chose the sub- ject,. "Christian Stewardship"; Miss M. McLeod, Clinton, spoke on "Cana- dian Poets." Miss Reinkie, Bay- field, spoke on "The League of Na- tions." Miss Jean Smith, Egmond- ville, on; "The hone Field—A Call to'Young People." K. Robinson, of Blyth, on "Success, What? and W. 1VIeNay, .of Egmondville, on "For- eign Missions—A Field ' for Ser- vice." Every speaker showed remark- able ability and the, judges had a' hard problem in' choosing the win- ner. Miss Jean Smith was, deelared winner of the girls, and W M"bNay, for the boys. Rev. 1VIr. Galeof Bay- field, closed the ,meeting with the benediction. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. R. McKenzie, of Detroit, spent the weekend at, the home of 11. Zapfe. . Ed.. Boyce has returned home from a hunting 'rip.; in Northern On- tario. ' Misses hazel Haugh, Mary Stow- e -it and Janet Aikeuhead, were Stm- day visitors with Miss Kathleen El- liott. Rev. W. A. Bremner and Mrs. James Berry of our village have had radios Installed in their homes re- cently, • Miss Mamie Swan spent the week- end with friends in Goderich. Mrs. C. Ham and son, Wesley, re- turned to their home in Toronto after spending a few days at the home of the lady's father, Mr, Jas. Swan, ,, Mirs. Tayloir of Michigan is at pre- sent visiting' her sisters, Mrs. C. Brock and Mrs. J. Jamison. CONSERVATIVE SOCIAL EVENING TOWN HALL, CLINTON on the evening of Tuesdaij, Dec. 4 8 o'clock sharp This social evening is being held jointly by Clinton Conservative As- sociation, Ladies Conservative Asso- ciation and Young Conservative As- sociation. All residents of Clinton and surrounding townships „will, please ac- cept this notice as a personal invita- tion, as no other invitations are be- ing sent out, you are urged to be present. After the business session, an in- teresting programe will be presented followed by dancing. IL B. Combe, Mrs. N, W. Trewartha, President. Pres. Ladies Con, Ass. Dr. F. G. Thompson, Pres, Y. C. A. COAL HARD AND SOFT COAL SEMET-SOLVAY COKE ALBERTA GOAL Lr Stock for Prompt Delivery W. 3. MILLER & SON Orders taken at. residence, Ontario St. PHONES: 46w and 46j Are You Ready For ter Not unless you "have one of our Circulators • in your home to insure comfort for the cold winter evenings. ,See our different males of Clare Bros. and Dominion Stove Co. square and round heaters. • If yon are still going to get that. new stove see our- . "lnvictus" and "Masterpiece," Come in and see them and we are., sure when you do you'll get one'right away. We and others recommend them, highly. We also have Qeubec -heaters in two sizes. Dealer for Renfrew Separators Miss Simpl]oity. Electric Washers Phone 48 aivkins HARDWAiiEVAnd PLUMBING" phone ' U4 A Reap Snappy Showing Of up -to -the minute furniture is on display In our show rooms, in anticipation of a large- Christmas Trade. We are showing a mag- nificent lot of useful Gibbard solid Walnut Magazine tables and Racks, Gateleg and tilt top tables, spinet Desks and Tea Wagon, Ask for one of the Gibbard gift Books, THEN FOR LAMPS We undoubtedly have the finest display ever shown around thes parts in Table, Badge and Floor lamps and a few nifty Bed -lights. Al shapes and. colors. Prices ranging from $3.50 to as high as you lik to go, but they are all bargains. In Chekterfield Suites and Occasional chairs we are always pre pared to show you up-to-date goods, and good values. Other early Christmas shopping suggestions are smokers, cede 'Chests, Ferneries, Fibre Furniture, Fancy Mirrors and Pictures, We will be glad to put away any goods for Christmas delivery. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT It's time to think of your heating problems. We still,handie t old Reliable Beach Quebec heaters and ranges with a few other lin to suit all price requirements. Ask to set the new Beach Furnaceti Some Heater! Clinton Hardware and Furniture C THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS gam if DEALER Furniture Phone: 104 ardware 1 'SHOP EARLY" iA.:, For Your Christmas Cake 44 Mincemeat Christmas Pudding Sun Maid. Nectars, pkg... New Seedless Raisins, 2 Ib. Baby Puffed Raisins, pkg. New Seeded Raisins, pkg. Bleached Sultanas, Ib. , . , Valencia Raisins, lb. . , . New 'Currants, 2 lbs..... Figs, gs, 2 lbs. New Dates, 2 lbs. 15c 25e 15c 15c 20c 15c 37c 25c. 25c Mareldno Cherries, bottle 255e c Cherries, per lb. 559e Mixed Peel, lb. c I Lemon & Orange peel, lb. 25c Candied Pineapple, ring150, Icing Sugar, 3 lbs. 29e Cocoanut, per lb. 25c Pure Lard, 3 -Ib. pail59c Shortening, 3-1b, pail 59c Gran. Sugar, 10 lbs. Ole FINNAN HADDIE, FILLETS, KIPPERINES 'CURED MEATS LETTUCE, CELERY, CRANBERRIES, GRAPES L. LA W SON & CO. Phone one, one one Prompt Delivery Lumber At Bargain Prices lumber �7,ehaveala large stock of We hand,selling which we:are at Great] Reduced Prices. Now is the time I We handle everything in. Builders supplies lt•` Thomas McKenzie Estate. Clinton S PHONE 88 RESIDENCE