HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-11-29, Page 4THURSDAY, NOVFiiIl3ER 241', 102$, TIIE CLINTON-NEWS ,RECORD' 1 will beat Cooper's Big Store sometime soon 1 want all the Boys and Girls to .write me a letter Enquire at Cooper S about the Letter Boxx Sherlock -Manning Pianos How About Treating Your- self to a PIANO? T. J. MeNEIL Clinton's Musical Instrument Representative Always at Your Service Box 113 or Phone 273, Clinton s Creat zaRtry WE RECOGNIZE QUALITY and DISTRIBUTE THE CASH ACCORDINGLY at CLINTON CREAMERY, CLINTON PHONE 145 SEAFORTE BRANCH, SEAFORTH PHONE 162 CLINTON ,BRANCH CLINTON, ONTARIO PHONE 190 Gunn, Langlois & CO., Limited HEAD OFFICE --MONTREAL, AL, QUR. New Line of t's nitro ski gs A FULL LINE OP NEW FALL GOODS JUST ARRIVED C;ALI, ON US FOR UP-TO-DATE FURNISIUINGS We can suit the most Fastidious Taste. Custom Tailoring, Dry Cleaning and Pressing DAVIS & HERMAN Clinton, Ontario Albert Street menta: .A11 sums- of $10 and under cash; over that amount 10 months credit will ' be given on furnishing apprgved.joint notes, or a discount 5 per cent,. straight, allowed for-eash Fred Watt, Proprietor, Geo. H. El liott, Auctioneer. 90-2 o sotlericp11 `T'o nnsltlp One evening recently the inembers of St. James' Church, Middleton, and people of the connn inity gathered n$ the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton to spend a social evening and bid farewell to Mr. Thomas Ell- wood and his daughter, Mrs. E. Han- ley, who have left io reside in their new home in Goderich. 'qrs. Hanley' has been organist of St. James' church for several years and also as a =member of Women's Auxiliary and Young People's Association has been a' faithful and untiring Worker, who will he very greatly missed in the church and community. Mr. Ellwood, who has been a resident of this part of the township i',or the past forty years, heti through•his kindly dispos- ition made many' friends who felt they would like to show their regret at his departureand as a 'remem- brance of his friends and 'neighbors presented 'him with a handsome arm chair. • Auction Sale - Of Farm Stock and Implements, at lot 3, Coneeesioea 1, West. Division, Colborne, 2% miles east of Goderich, Monday, Dec. 3rd, at 1 o'clock, sharp, consisting of the following: HOR- SES: Percheron gelding, '7 years old; Percheron gelding, 14 years old. CATTLE --4 young Airshire cows, due early, in January; 3 young. Air- shire cows; due in Marsha twlo-year- old heifer, freshened. in September; yearling heifer; heifer calf. This is a choice lot of young Airshire cows. Same registered, balance eligible for registration. PIGS -8 brood sows, dpe in February and Marek; 5. store hogs; 9 pigs, 10 weeks old. IMPLE- MENTS—Deering binder, 5 -ft. cut; M. -H. corn binder; Deering inower; Prost & Wood rake, 10 ft.; Deering disk drill; Frost & Wood spring tooth i r cultivator, frost dskha & Wood row; steel harorws, 3 section; Fleury walking plow; National I11o. '8 Twin plow; Fleury, stuffier; manure spreader; Bell cutting box with 30 feet of carriers; 3 -horse tread power with 30 feet 6 -inch rubber belt; sev- eral small belts, • circular saw and frame; fanning mill, (Templin make); set of Guney stock seales, 3000 lbs, capacity; set scales, 240 lb. capacity; farm wagon; hay reek; 'gravel box and stock rack, combined; set bob sleighs; •long sleigh; top buggy, steel tire; Portland cutter; tole -horse light wagon - -with pole; anvil and viee, (large); sledges; logging chain; 2 wheelbarrows; poet -hole digger; 2 set block and tackle (large); 26-£t. ladder; 18 -ft. ladder; about 3000 feet hemlock lumber; sheeting and 8x4 rafters; 3 white ash tongues; sinall quantity of white ash and maple; Do Laval' cream' separator, No. 17; 2 30 -gab, milk cans; 2 square Brantford felt shingles; crosscut saw; hay knife; 2 mows of • Alfalfa hay; about 300 bushel of foals; set single harness; set double driving barness; set 'team harness; large sap kettle; shovels, More will be heard later. Co1klc i'ne Township Tuesday evening; . of this week, friends and neighbors of. Miss Grace Fairburn, a December bride-to-be, gathered and presented her with a lcitchen shower. Music, and a mock marriage were, the principal enter- tainment. Following the opening of the gifts by the young lady, a beau- tiful lunaiieon was served amid much laughter and fun. At a late hour, all left after wishing Miss Grace the best of good -wishes for ller future happiness. Mrs. .Hanley was presented, on be- half of the W. A., with a lovely rose Viand gold blanket '`by Mrs. George- Cools. eorge Cools. She was also presented with a purse of money and the following address read by F. 11, Paull, rector of; St, James: useful gifts. Afterwards music and "Dear Mrs. Hanley: We, your lunch were indulged in and all depart - many friends of St. James' Church ed, wishing Mise Love a long and - and its vicinity,, take this opportunity happy life with her partner in life. of expressing our deep regret at your departure. We are genuinely sorry that you have gone from this Constancee parish and the 'place that was your hone for so many years. As organ- ist in the church, an active' member of the Woman's Auxiliary and a:wil'- ling worker in all church and com- munity affairs, you -will be greatly missed by us. Our loss will be oth- er people's gain. And to Mr. -Ell-: wood and all members of the house- hold, we express • similar sentiments and regrets at your departure. We beg to offer these tokens of our effecionate regard and esteem.. We assure you, you will always: have a warm place in our hearts." Sharon Sunday school Christmas entertainment will be held on Decem- ber 19th. • Mr. and Mrs. ID. Butt spent Sunday last with' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Butt, S eat orth. The heavy fall of snow has made the roads very bad for cars but it sounds nice to hear the jingle of the sleigh bells. Monday evening girl friends of Miss Grace Love, another, bride-to- be, gathered at the • honie of Mrs:' Park and tendered her a miscellan- eous shower. A:mock marriage was 'the first feature of this pleasing ev- ent. Mrs. J. 'Cochrane was the bride and Muss Elva Anderson the groom.. This called'forth great mer- riment. Then the bride-to-be was led forward and a hugb basket was pre- sented to her containing beautiful and Ide, 1b M, Young held a very buc- essl'ul sale last Monday. 'Mr. 1a.' V, Lawson has ,taken possession or his hew farm alid Mr. Lawson has rented his farm on the Lake Shore. road to Mr.' J. Parrish.. Mr. Young has re- served, five acres for a little lot on which he will a: ai cottage, �a��aaenoac•a usememrsommeot AUCTION SALES Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm, Farm Stock and Imple- ments, at Clinton, . one bloek north of Collegiate, on Tuesday, December 11, at 1 o'clock sharp,' consisting' of the following,: nee c - forks, chains, whiffletrees, 1 yokes and numerous other articles. Everything to be sold as proprietor is giving up farming. Terns; All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will be 'given en furnishing eppeeved joint bankable paper, bearing interest of 5 per cent. or a discount of 6 per cent. allowed for cash on credit amounts. Gordon L. Lamb, Prop- rietor, G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 89-2' Kipper'. Tho Mission. Band :net at the home of Mics. Robt. Dinsdale on Saturday last to quilt a quilt to *send to the sick childrens' hospital, Toronto, as a Christmas gift. , We are sorry to report the illness of Mfr.'s. Wesley French. We hope soon to hear of her improvement. Mr. John Whiteman of our village met with a nasty accident Sunday ns stairs ', a coming dew morning.+ While c he missed his footing and slipped, failing down severhl steps, and break ing his arm. Mr. Whiteman is well advanced in years, having passed his 96th birthday, and this will prove a very serious shock to him. Mrs. 'John Anderson, who is visit- ing her daughter, Mfrs. J. Workman, is, we are glad to -,say, very much im- proved in health. The C. G-. L T, will hold it's regu,- ler meeting. Friday• evening next. We hope there will be a good atten- dance. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Barnby of Blyth are visitors at. Mr.• W. Ivison's this ton diamond harorws; Verity walking. plow; internatonal farm wagon; Mas- ser -Harris Manitoba bob -sleigh with flat rack; hay rack; fanning mill; stock rack; Massey-ILnrris . cutting. box with carriers, new; De Leval cream separator, -No. 15, alrnest new; set of double harness; set of single harness; several horse collars; Wort- man & Ward hay • carr; bone- grinder, good'as new; about 300 bus. of nixed grain; quantity of hay; forks, chains, whiffletrees, nocicyokes and other ar- HORSES: 3 good farm horses: CATTLE: Choice Airshire cow,, -1 yearsold, due, to freshen Jan. 7th; Airshire cow, 4 years old, 'due to freshen March 10th; Airshire cow, 8 years olcl, due to freshen May ist; Airshire cow, 6 years old, milking • good, not bred; eaten choice Dur- ham cow, 6 years old, due to fresh- en March let; Durham cow, 5 years old, due to freshen April lath; 'choice Holstein cow, 8 • years . olcl, clue to freshen March' 11th; Guernsey cow, 4 years old, due to freshen Fehruary 66; Jersey cow, 8 years old, due to freshen March 30th; Jersey heifer, rising 3 years, due to freshen Feb. 911a; 6 heifers, rising- 2 years old; 5 spring calves. 1.10GS-5 store hogs. IMPLEMENTS—Deering binder, 7 ft. cut, in good' running order;, Deer- ing , rake, -10 -ft„ almost, new; steel roller, 10 ft., nearly new; Disc har- row, 14 plate; Deering 11 hoe fertil- izer drill; Massey -Harris mower, 5% ft. cut; IVIossey-laarris cultivator; Mgssey;-Ilarris hay tedder; Massey - Harris 2 -horse seuffler; set of 3 -sec- tion diamond harrows; set of 2 sec - At the same time and place the iarm., which eclpsiste of 50 acres, more or less, known as the Gibbing's survey, will be offered for sale. On this property are a bank barn 45'x55' with cement stabling and galvanised roof, A 50 -ft. chicken house, and good frame house. Town water and electric ,lights in both barn and house, also a good bearing orchard and abundance of small :Fault. This as a most ''desirable property adjoining the town of Clinton. Also west half of :let 22 in town- ship of Mullett, consisting of 50 acres of good land more or less with good frame barn, 30'x50'. These properties -will be put up in separate parcels. Mr. and Mrs Will Thompson spent a few days in Toronto and attended the Winter. Fair, - Mrs B. B. Stej)hehson spent a day in Toronto with her brother, L. W. Andrews. of Prince Albert, Among the number that attended the fair in Toronto' are Harvey Tay- lor, Thos: Livingston, .Ross McGreg- gor, Lee Stephtnson and Arnold Dale. IVa i L. W. Andrews of. Prince Albert Sask.. spent Saturday w Mae. -with his sis- ter, M . B. B. Stephenson. The Ladies' Aid held a social even- ing on Thursday of this week. Quite a number around here went. to hear Rev. Mr. Savage in Seaforth on Wednesday evening. Mr, Wm. Watson left by motor this week for Toronto in the interest of Gunn Fertilizer Co. ITe was ac- companied by Mr, Jarvis McBride, and Mr, Alexander Young, who will attend the Toronto Winter Fair with him, , Mr; Thorby Lamb is moving onto the farm of his brother, Mr. Gordon Larnb. Ma, Thorby Lamb, has been in partnership with Mr. James' Me - Manus in tht milk business for the last two :vbars` or •so. Mrs. Will.'Will.'Mcllwain has'been laid up with a very sore face. We hops she will feel better shortly. Smith's Hill. Sunday school has..' decided to have a Christmas Tree and entertainment ; this year. A committee has been appointed' as fol- lows: Miss Margaret Jefferson, Miss Reid, Miss Hazel Young, Miss Dor- othy Robertson, or-othy.Robertson, Miss' Vesta Fisher, Mr. Fordyce Clark, Mr. Tait' Clark, Mr. Tom Wilson and Mr. Reg.. Glen. Mr.' Darwin, a returned Missionary, spoke to a gathering on Wednesday evening. There was not a large gath- ering- owing tq' bad weather, but those who went heard interesting things of the work that Missionaries are carry- ing on. Mr. Charles Maedel of Lsadx anal' Mks. Maedel visited with ,blr. and Mrs. Paul Maedel;the fore rare of the week.• 1VIr. Maedel brings the news that potatoes are weed) ` just one cent per pound in his locality. Miss Julia Young and Mrs. Jean week. Thursday evening the Y. P. S. of the United church is holding a social evening in the chprch and will enjoy the address from Rev. Stanley Jones who is speaking -in London. Rev.'Mr. Conner having kindly offered to take .his radio ever for this occasion. Mr. and Mrs.' Reid Torrance . of Porter's Hill were visiting Mr. and Mrs H. Ivison this week. Wedding bells are ringing loud and clear in our wag:unity this week. JUST LIKE ROME Travellers are exceedingly enthus- iastic over the eonnfort aiid conven- ience'of the individual roomsleeping cars operated by Canadian National Railways on both the 10 and 11 o'clock trains from Toronto to Mon- treal. • "Its just like a home en wheels" is the comment of a recent traveller who declared that it is the ideal way to travel if one wishes to arrive in Montreal rested, refreshed and ready for the day's work. One feature of the individual room - sleeping cars that has made them .ex- tremely popular is the successful manner in which any vibration that. fends to disturb sleep has been elinnie- ated by the special arrangement of rooms and beds and the adoption-. of the latest type of box spring mat- tresses. Reservations in the individual room sleeping cars should be made well ahead of time with Canadian Nation- al Agents. • - 89-2. Terms on•Farms: 10 per cent. of purchase money paid down on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Terms on faun stoele and .ilnple- r Tuckersmiith Township The death occurred at the home -of her brother, John. Martin, in Tucker - smith Township, of Miss Margaret V. Martin, an esteemed resident of the township, aged 65 years. Miss Mar tin, who had, been ill for some weeks, was -bort: in.'Tuekersmith,` being -a daughter of the . late Mr. and Mrs. James 11ilartin, ' ,She is survived by five sisters, Mrs. L. Tebbutt, af; Tuck- ersmith; Mrs. i3. itfcLoughlin, of Stanley; 11irs• W Luff, of Hamilton, and •the Musses Jessie -tied Isabella Martinat home. The'fueeral took place yesterday, interment being made in the Maitlandbank Cemetery. Service -was, conducted by Rev. fr- ying B. Maine, of First Presbyterian Church, of. 'which the deceased, was a member. , - Huron Road East "rms. 1. Phillips spent a few days at -Belleville last week, and attended the funeral of her sister on Thurs- day. Another sister passed away a few months ago. Our sympathy goes out to Mas. Phillips in. this time of bereavement: Mr. Noble Holland made a business trip to Toronto on Monday and, in- cidentally, took in the Winter Fair. Ma. Holland has finished threshing beans, having threshed out eighty barns this season. Walter were tit; fal" rho ate±Ek-•end at the home , alfMI% and Mrs, A. Id, Young Mr. C, A. Robertson returned froin a hunting trip -with a finis specimen ,, of dee Mr. and Mrs, George Patterson and Misses Alrna and •Flonenc e Patterson visited 'recently with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Robertson and Mr, and 'ars, B. Weir, Auburn. Sleighing arrived in this locality Monday morning. lilies Amelia McElwain is again as-, sisthng hiss Amanda Maedel at the telephone office. HOW TO REACH MONTREAL'.. Mentally Equipped for a busy day There is one sure-fire recipe for a successful Mlontreal trip—start the day right, Step into one of the Individual Sleeping rooms on . the. 10 or 11 o'clock Canadian National ` trains from Toronto for Montreal. Have a solid night's sleep—xelnxed, restful. Wake up in Montreal completely"re- freshed, ready for a fine day's work. That's all there is to it. The ap- pointments of the individual Sleep- ing roams will give you a train com- fort you could hardly think possible to provide. Vibrationless rest—well worth the small additional cost. Reservations for the Individual Room Sleeping cars should be. made in advance with Canadian National Agent, ' - 90-1. Ar"3�ft�'i d e. BATTERYL RADIO i c t� w.w:'Vx- s -'e.. 1�4'el�°e' +o ie0i II4k ♦+ 11 I 14'l0.4 IIIIIIIIIillf,lad`rtsol'is±tt,o e.t?A '..:'..p...,.„14115'115 :, - Ili "Four -Twenty" Table Model The standard model by which all other deckle seta a •e judged. A development of the famous Rogers Model "Two -Twenty". Single Tuning Knob operates Ilitnriinated Drum Dial. Auto- niatic Voltage Control, Rogers OutputFilter, Plronograpla "Plurg-in" Jack. Genadne Walnut Cabinet by Malcolm. reliDu A Hcckey Far? .' .then the price of this Rogers-Batteryless will admit you to every Hockey Match this year, next year and just as Tong as you want to lfeep this Set. And, of course, -every other Sporting Event is no farther away than your den, if you own a Rogers-Batteryless. The famous Model "Two -Twenty" that preceded this model, sold for $225 last year. Yet this set, with all the new 1929 improvements added costs only $165 complete (except Loud Speaker), $60 less than last yearl That's why we say without any" if's" "and's" or "but's" that this particular Rogers Model is the one best "buy" in tate whole field of electric radio. but don't ttalw oar word for it Come in or telephone and ask to have a "Four -Twenty" in- stalled in your home without obligation. That's the way to rind out for yourself what the Rogers-Batteryless will do. Termsto suit your convenience. T. 'J. Mc N fi L "lie l�3iw S- AND RADIOS PHONE 273 CLINTON WINGIIA1'±I: Following an opera- tion in the Wingham General Hospi- tal on Thursday, there passed. away Monday night Catherine Adeline Mc- Gee, beloved •wife of John Beecroft,' East Wawanosh:. She has been in ill health for the past two years and was 55 years of age. Besides her husband there are two sons ,and 'two daughters surviving, Mars. W. Dow, East Wa- wenosh; 'Beatrice, : Wingharn; Melle- ville of Western University, and Gil- bert at home, also her mother, Mrs. .Jas. 1VfcGee, East Wawanosh and ' one sister and.three brothers, Mrs Geo. M. Robertson, Henry and Leask of East Wawanosh and `Robert of Wing- ham. Deceased was a member of the Brick United church. The funeral will be held from -her late' residence, lot: 81, concession 9, East Wlawanosh, on Thursday at 1.30 pm. Rev. Jas. Scobie will conduct the service. In- terment will be made in the Wing - ham cemetery. G'ODERICH: The town council passed a resolution at its last meet- ing instructing the town solicitor to take steps to get possession of the aircraft factory. N THE TELEPHONE BUSINESS this .11 man is called a "trouble-shooter',' which . may sound. like sport but it isn't for him. Any hour of the night he may be roused from sleep. Somewhere the line is down and it is up to him to fix it. Right away. Usually the line isdown because there has been a storm. It isn't much fun to cling to the top of a pole with a zero gale taking your .breath away. INDING- THE BREAK in the lino is not as bad as it used to be. It used to mean that men had to trudge along through the storm,. perhaps for miles, until the bad spot was found. Today there ` are delicate instruments which can locate the spot within a few rods from an office many miles away. They are 80 accurate that if there is a break in the 180 miles of line between Toronto and Sarnia, a tnan''can sit in a building in Toronto and locate the spot within a pole's length or so Or a man can sit in a building in Montreal and find a break anywhere between there and Quebec. He can tell the tremble -shooter almost the very .pole to go to because every pole now is.num- bered. UT THE TROUBLE-SHOOTER has to 'do the, actual job and it means more than losing sleep or braving bad weather. It calls for very high technical skill. Big cables are simply lead containers holding hundreds of tightly packed. wires, each fine as a hair. When the cable is burnt out for a stretch, or, is opened, there—is a fine looking mess. It looks like the stuffing of a hair m2,t Ztress. Eac1i of these hundreds of fine wires has to be connected again to its mate in the other half of the cable. If you can imagine yonself finger- ing those wires at two o'clock of a stormy Wintry morning you will realize how good the; trouble-shooter has to be at his job: - 0TORMS COST MONEY' as well as dis- - comfort. The telephone system has over 675,000 miles of wire strung on poles stretch- ing across. 23,000 miles of country and every storm hits some part• of the system. A big storm can do a great deal of damage. Sleet lids cost the telephone company as much as a .million dollars in one year. Sometimes one storm•means spending more than $100,000 without delay. There is no time to call the directors together. The job has to be done and the money must be spent: Tlie money -is ready because the telephone company - has followed a : policy of making ;definite provision. for such emergencies. 'And die e job is done because..tlre telephone business has men and women, like the -trouble- shooter, alive to the meaning of service and eager to keep the telephone in the front rank of Canadian progress. Pubiisked ly.:The loci Telephoto COmpchp oe Canada to tali you emnalhing aborat the telephone) business: and the people in 11. eso