HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-11-29, Page 1249O-4Lsl Yea. R'l'I'<l VVFIIC S INCORPORATED THE CL vmaxissamomotaporafr CON NEW ERA oarARl0, TT U Sfir. +ti Y, NOV ,,.:ER 2 , 1915 T '8 E HOME PAPER, Do yon wish to share in the coining Christmas Trade? if so, you will probably have to go after it and one effective_ method of doing this is to tell the people -what you have for sale i.- the advertising c®Banns of The News -Record. (lc ristirws fess ,Jhari 5 Weeks . lar( • Thin]: now of the most important Gifts _on your list. Inspect our stack at your earliest convenience, for we have a splendid, well • assorted stock of APPROPRIATE, PLEASING AND ] PRACTICAL GIFTS -Goods suitable for presentation purposes for young, middle aged or those• of more advanced years. Our stock consists of goods found only in an up-to-date Jew- ellery store. v..7t.Yfellgar 1 1 1 Have You Caught the Christmas Spirit?: Now is the time and this is the place to become enthused. Our store is teeming with a -most f lof .G Delightful ifts u Array , for ever • Member of the Family �Y And You are invited to come in and browse around "WE SELL, T51E BETTER - GRADE TO BUILD THE BETTER TRADE." "Naught CanCompare � p With. Gifts To Wear" Years of service to nien have taught us what they, like in the wayof dress. A man likes things .thatdenotes quality, things that are modish; but not extremely styled, It is impels ible to list all of our merchandise in this space but we will be glad to help and advise you in the selection of a.suitable gift Poor "him." With Chr•istmah only a few weeks away we urge youto shop while assortments are more complete and while you eat make your selection leisurely, GIFT'S, FOR MEN -GROUPED ACCORDING TO PRICE BUT HIM SOMETHING IiE CAN• WEAR N50e, 75c $1,00, $1.50 MUFFLERS ; . . , . • . , . ,$ ' 2,25 1:00 $1.50, $3.00 to $4,50 MUFFLERS ... , .... i :., 50c, 75c, $L00, $1.50, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 to $8.30 PAJAMAS ••$1.75, $2.50, $3.00 to $4,75 $8.50, $10:00, 12.00 $6:76, $10,00; $12.00' HOSIERY NEGLIGEE SHIRTS . , HOUSE COATS , BATIH ROBES • SWEATERS . $1.75, $2.50, $3,50, $5:00, $6.00 INITIAL 25c, 50e HANDKERCHIEFS '. ,25c, 50c, 00c: PURE LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS , , , .. • . , . , COLORED SILK HANDKERCHIEFS.. .....35e, 50c, 75e, $1.00, DRESS; GLOVES , • $1.00, $1.50, $2.50, $3,50, $5.00 LET YOUR GIFT BE THINGS TO WEAR E ftiOHRISH CLQTHRIItiS L6 a 99 • re Deal 'for EveryMan A_.�g�� i THE MARKETS Wheat, $1.20 to $1.22, Barley, 05c+ to 67c. Oats, 48c. Buckwheat, 77c to 80e. Butter, 370 to 38c. Eggs, 35c to 60c. Live Hogs, $8.75, A BROTHER PASSES The ,following from Friday's Es- sex Free Press refects to the death of a brother of Muss A. M. Stone of Clinton, who has the sympathy of the community in this bereavement, es- pecially in view of the death of an- other brother so short a time ago, "Whitney Stone received telegram yesterday (Thursday) morning from Stacey, Minn:, that his brother Cecil passed away at two o'clock that morn- ing, Paiticulars were not given. The message cams from: his brother George of Greenfield, Mass:, who had been 'called to. Stacey by Mus. Stone on deceit:it of Cecil's illness.' His sister, Alena, of Clinton, Ont.; left on Wednesday for Stacey. Deceased was about 50 years of age, was mar- ried four years ago and had ;been en- gaged in chicken farming at Stacey. He was a sonof the late J, E. Stone, well-known citizen of Essex and be- sides his wife, is survived by four brothers and two sisters-Lynde, of Woburn, Mass:- +George, of Green- field, Mass.; W+ilmont, of Prescott; Whitney of Essex; Alena, of Clinton and Margaret, (1VLrs, C. bliillyard), of Grimsby. Particulars as to the funeral had not been received when we went to press, .A. brother, -Stan- ley, of London, died a couple of - menthe ago." AMiON. THE CHURCHES' G T The monthly meeting of the Cen- ter Huron Ministerial Association will be held on Monday morning next at 10.30, ,at the Rectory. Paper to. be read by Rev. A. A. I•Iolmes. toy. E. Stanley Jones, author -of "The Christ of the Indian Road„ and "The Christ of the Round Table,", will speak in the Metropolitan Uni- ted church, London, this, (Thursday) evening. His address will be broad- cast over 03E0 from half past eight. Mr. Jones is considered to be an out- standing authority on missions, and his address will probably contain much of interest and profit to all in- terested in missions, Presbyterian Church The Rev. C. E. Dougan will have charge of both 'services oh Sunday. His morning subject will be: "Words of 'Encouragement," Evening: "Spir- itual.'Vision." The -W. A. will meet in the lecture room of the church on Wednesday af- ternoon next at two o'clock. As it is the last meeting of the yeara full attendance is requested. Baptist Church Preaching service on -Sunday even- ing, Rev. -T. W. Goodwill of 'Myth being' the preacher, Sunday school at the usual hour. The B. Y. P. U. Monday evening, Juniors at '7 p.m., Seniors at 8 pm. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. The Christmas entertainment wlll b21st,e held in the church on December The Ladies' Aid will meet on Fri- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. H. Johnston. St. Paul's Church There will 'be a celebration of Holy. Communion at eleven o'clock on Sun- day morning. Sunday school at 2.30 and Bible Claes at 2.45. Evening prayer will be -at seven o'clock. The Ladies Guild will meet in the Parish rooms on Tuesday next at 3 p.m. The A, Y,.P.' A. will entertain the Associations from St. George's church, +Goderieh, and St. Paul's church, Hensall, on Monday evening, when it is, expected an interesting meeting will be held. Wesley -Willis United Church, The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be observed at the morning service next Sunday. The ,minister's evening subject will be: "The Pattern in the Mount" A choir of male voices led the ser- vice of song atthe evening service on Sunday. Messrs. W. Muteh, W. F. Moffatt, L. Pearson and Dr. Gandier sang a, quartette and the whole choir rendered an anthem. The Women's Association will hold its regular meeting on Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 5th, at three o'clock, at the home of Mrs. W. Higgins, Rat- tenbury street. Ontario Street United Church Services on Sunday as usual. Classes meet at ten am, The pas- tor's morning subject will be: "The Crown of Thorns." Evening: "Com- panionship of Persons." Sunday school at usual hour. Young Peo- ples' League eo-ples''League on lVllonday evening and prayer and praise service Wednesday evening. The December meeting of the Lad- ies' Aid will be held on Wednesday; December 5th, at half past two, The Program ooh mittee have prepared a program which will be followed by election of officers and lunch served. by ladies of Huron and London road. The autumn thankoffeting meeting of the W. M, S. was held Friday af- ternoon, when the special speaker Was Mrs. Greenwood of Mitchell. The devotional exerct3es were conducted by Mrs. Hiles, Mrs.'Govett and Mrs, Beaten, SolossungMrs, were by Campbell of Mitchel, Miss Elva Wiltse and Miss Grace. Evans and Miss. Plunesteelcontributed a reading. Refreshments were served after the program. ' The thankofferiirg was very satisfactory, THE: PICJCETT FUND The above Rind le still open, those wishing to contribute may leave same at -The Ncws-Record office or With Ohief Stong. Previously reported $425.00 Received since 5.00 Total 430.00 PLAY REPEATED' St. Paul's Dramatic Society repeat- ed the play, "Dust of the Earth," in the town hall on Friday evening last to another very good house. The pro- gram, was followed by a dance, to which ,a number stayed. The young people are well pleased with financial results of their efforts. HURON'S TEAM DID WELL The Huron judgingteam, eomposed of Messrs. Robert rchibald, Edwin Johns and Edwin Wood, who competed at the Royal Winter Fair in, Toronto last week, came fourth in- a field of thirty-two. Edwin Vflood of Blyth, came fifth in the total and was high man in the•horse judging competition, so Huron did pretty well on the whole. THE OLD 83rd. A reunion of the 33rd Battalion was held in London on Saturday and Sunday, a banquet being held on Sat- urday and a church parade to the Church of the Redeemer on Sunday morning. co. H. T. Rance, Capt. Morgan and Pte. Walton were the representatives from Clinton. .Qol. Rance occupied a seat -at the head table and he propos- ed the toast to the Regiment, The Clinton delegates to the affair n cej ed the outingoy bout they pretty bad roads between here and London as they rammed in the early hours •of Sunday morning. NOW AT TABER ODD FELLOWS' SMOKER The Odd' Fellows had' a smoker and card 'party in their rooms Tuesday' evening for themselves alone and they report a pleasant time. M'r. J. L. IIeard: carried off the honours at the card tables, Mr. A. 15, Rumball being low pian. Refreshments were served during the evening. . ADDRESSES WOMEN'S CLUB According to the, Aylmer Express 1VIr, E. S, Livermore, who is a mem- ber of • a law firm in that town, ad- dressed 'alargely attended meeting pi: the East Elgin Liberal Wotnen's Club a fortnight ago, his subject being the, St. Lawrence Deep Waterways, a subject which he -seems to have given some study„ Be .favored the :joint' developement of the St. Lawrence, the United States and Canada sham ing'"costs and benefits. SUCCESSFUL -TEA, The tea held at the home of Mrs. H. Fitzsimons' on Wednesday after- noon of last week for the benefit of the. Women's Institute, was a decided success in spite•' of inclement 'weath- er, about eighty -ladies coming in during the afternoon: The rooms and tea table were prettily decorated, the hostess and helpers were gracious 'and attentive and the whole affair was like a pleasant social :function and was .declared mtost enjoyable. SOME HISTORICAL ADS. The following from the Wetasld- wan (Alta.), Times, refers to the eldest son of the late J. A. and Mrs, Irwin, and a brother of Miss Ruby Irwin of 'Towne "Taber, Nov. 16: -Featured by the presence of eight ministers of Leth- bridge -United presbytery on the plat- form, two being returned missionar- ies from, China and three former Eastern 'Canadapastors, the formal induction into the Taber charge . of, Rev. W, ]'I. Irwin, pastor here for four months, took place in the local edifice 'Wednesday evening with an ahnost' capacity audience and full choir, Mr Irwin was a pastor of the. former Methodist church Wetaski- Win L. 0. B. A. OFFICERS Annual election of officers took place at the regular meeting of Hu- ron Lodge, No. 377, on Tuesday even- ing, when the following officers were elected: Worthy Mistress: Mrs. W- rifeLinchey; Deputy: Marwennow Judd; Chaplin: Mrs. John Watkins; Recording Secretary: Olive Watkins; Fnancial Secretary: Jeanette Taylor; Treasurer: Viola. Livermore; Lectur- ers: Hattie Livermore; Mrs. Stewart 'Taylor; D. of C.: Mrs. George'Teylor. Guards: Mrs, Bert Mellveen, Melvin Seboenhals. Committee, Mrs, Eveline H:anly, Mrs. N. Miller, Mrs, George Falconer, Mrs. E. Cook, Mrs. 0, Tebbutt; Auditors:, M. Hanly, W. Fal- coner; Guardian:. Mrs. W. Shob-- brooke; Pianists 1VIrs. C. V. Cooke; Past Mistress: bti's. Lr. Cook. After 'the election a social, hour was spent. DEATH OF MRS. J. FINCH After an illness of only a few days the death occurred on Monday of Mrs. James Finch of Victoria street, in her sixty-sixth year, A . blood clot was supposed to be the cause of death and she never re- gained consciousness after the first leisure. Since the death of her hus- band a few months ago, whom she had unreal with Unceasing devotion during his long illness, she had spent a good part of the time visiting mem- bers of her family and friends and had just returned a little over a fort- night ago after a visit in Stratford and Torioatto• She was contemplating making a visit with: , a daughter in Wingham when she was taken ill. Mrs. Finch was ;formerly Einily A, Wheatley, being a daughter of the late George Wheatley, and was born in Tuekersmith township. She had been a resident of Clinton for about fifty years. She is survived: by a family of three sops and four daugh- ters: George of Detroit; John and Mre. It L. Moore, Stratford; Mrs, Frank Sturdy; Wingham, and, Mrs. W. Kennedy, Mrs. Frank Dixonand El - trier Finch, Clinton: Three brothers and three sisters also survive: Mrs. Rogerson, Mrs. M. Adams, :'Mrs, C. Lowery, Thomas and George 'Wheat- ley of Hullett and Joseph Wheatley of Tuekersmith. Another sister, Mrs.. Cowan, died in Idaho early this month, .- The funeral took place from her, late residence yesterday afternoon, the sriviee at house and graveside being conductedby the Rev. A. E. Doan, The pallbearers were: George, James and Emmanuel Finch, R. Cree; W. Kennedy and Frank Sturdy. The remains were laid beside those of her husband, who passed away in May Last. Amongst, those from a distance who were present for the funeral were: Me srS. Roy, Warren n d Clarence Finch, i c Mr. and Mrs. James Pinch and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Moore and Lloyd Moore, Stratford; Mx, George Finch, Detroit; Mr, George Fisher, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs, F, Sturdy, Wing - ham. The Bell Telephone Company' is publishing a series of advertisements in The News -Record at present which are st little different from the usual advertisement, inasmuch as they are frank little talks to theeo le about p p the uses and expansion of the tele- phone, which has kept pace with .the growth and expansion of the country to an extent which proves the alert- ness and foresightedness of those in charge. . REGRET HIS DEPARTURE Expressions of regret at his de- nurture and the. presentation • of a well-filled purse marked the farewell of Rev. Father Gaffney at Blyth and an. address of appreciation and con- gratulation was read by James Phel- an, while Simon Ilallehan madethe presentation, Father Gaffee ern reply, expressed ko'irow"at leaving iiia commnuni - - but said he would always fondly re- member his associations with the peo- ple there, wishing them' every success. THEY HAD DIFFICULTIES The 'Brunels Post last week had the following littlestory setting forth the diffculties experienced getting home : from Toronto. The good old C.N.R. waited however, and all was well: "Mrs. J. L. Kerr was able to return Irome from Wellesley Hospi- tal, Toronto, after spending two months and a half there, and under- going two operations. And it was more by good management' of the C. N. R. officials than the taxi driver that we got home that nights After missing the train 'at the Union station, the train waS ordered to wait atWestToronto station for us to get there and the taxi driver landed us in traffic and all the: stop signals and then droveusto Park- dale station, remarking that this was Parkdale Wiest Toronto. What we said would note -look - well in print and the "driver" admitted he didn't know - where West- Toronto station was, ser we directed lrini to that important spot in West Toronto, where passengers and train crew were patiently awaiting. our arrival. With all jhe excitement and the ride. home, Mrs. Kerr is feeling the effects at present, but, with the nurse's care will improve, Wb won't mention the taxi company, but we do think for the sake of passenegrs that they should know the'oity., i or in fact the 'driver didn't know how to get into the hospital at the am- bulance door. But we got ' home. 'and everybody was thankful," • LITTLE LOCALS .The: Huron County Council meets in Goderich for'its-December session on Tuesday, December 4th, The W. C. T. U. will - meet at the home of , Mrs. James Miller, King street, at three o'clock Friday after- noon. Murphy Lodge, 'No. 710 will . hold their annual -meeting for election of officers on Fridby evening, Nov. 30. All members requested to attend. • WENT TO 51 AFORTI3 'MONDAY Mrs, J. 0.'Gaudier and Mrs. W. J. P1unieteel were guests of the Sea - :kith Home and School Club, Monday afternoon at their regular meeting, Mrs. Gandier giving a paper on the objectives awned at by the Clinton or- g•urization and the attainments a- chievecL' At the ,conclusion of the business meeting 0 -Social half hour was spent over a cup of tea. VISITED HURON CO, HOME Five auto loads of Exeter Angli- cans came up itionday evening to pay a little visit to the County Horne, putting on a nice program for -the inmates, After the program ;a treat of candies and oranges and, for the men, 'tobacco and cigars, was dis- tributed. The kindly' social attention was greatly appreciated by the reel-. dents of the Biome and by the man- agers. People You Know Miss Ruby Irwin has been in Toronto 'during the past week - •Mss. D. E. Kennedy - has returned from Blyth, •where she spent a fortnight with her sister,, Mrs. Wat- Ille.-and Mrs. E. Harness of 'Exeter were hi town yesterday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. James Finch. • Mr. G. R. Paterson, agricultural rep- resentative, returned on Monday af- ter spending the week at the Roy- al Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Paisley and Mrs. W. J, Paisley were in Teeswater on Monday attending the funeral .of the former's aunt. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Sturdy and little son of Wingham have been visiting in town, Mrs. Sturdy being called. home by the illness of her mother, the late Ars. J, Finch. Ba�f$e�il The many friends of Mrs: M. Green are delighted to hear that she is steadily improving in health. On Thursday last Messrs. Harold Stinson and Wm. McDool returned from a . hunting trip to Muskoka, Each bringing home a dear. Mass Lucy Woods left on Friday tel .visit in 'Galt and Toronto. re""11fri1 'i . A. Fetitheestun returned' on Friday from visiting her sisters in London and Sarnia. - The monthly meeting of the Clin- ton Hospital Board will be held in the board room of the town hall at half past seven on Tuesday evening next,' The. Clinton town council will meet on. Monday evening. This will be the last meeting of the year, except that of Dee, 15th, when the, financial re- port willbe received. Mr. 0. E, Cathie, who was quer= anteened forsix weeks on account of an attack' 'of scarlet fever, re- sumed his duties on the staff' of the Collegiate on ' Monday. The Rev. C. E. Deegan,, the newly - inducted minister of the. Presbyterian church, has brought his wife and fam- ily to Clinton,` They are at present staying' at `the Commercial Inn. CCommencement ill b . Tha C. w e C. given on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings of next week in the Collegiate auditorium, ' The students and teachers are busy preparing for the event, At the close of the regular prayer meeting on Thursday evening last at St. Andrew's United church an ad- dress was read by the Rev. Mr, Gale and presentation made by Mr, A. E, Erwin to Mrs. Wrn, Stewart, who has so efficiently filled' the post of or- ganist for,tlie past three years. " She has always been faithful in her duties and will be much missed by the choir incl •• ti Mr and Mrs, Stewart are leaving this week to make their home in Clinton, The annual meeting of the Bayfield Branch of the Upper.- Canada -Bible Society was held in St. Andrew's lint- bed church on Sunday evening last. Rev. R. M. Gale, the pastor and Rev, F. U. Pauli, rector of, Trinity church, took charge of the meeting, Rev Mr. Paull gave a very interesting address taking for his text: Peter 1:21, -from which he spoke as follows: "The Bible is the greatest of all books. It is indeed a library and contains many classes of literature, It is the only book that is, or will be- come, universal. It is the book .of life, concerning this present life and the Life of the world to come. The Bible is the source of the Christian's comfort, revealing God and Jests Christ, man's Saviour and only hope. It is also the br o1 truth, for it contains the truth about God and all truth that a Christian must know and believe. The Bible is also •a revelation, God's revelation of him- self to the world, to his chosen peo- ple first and through them to • the rest of the world; and it reveals pian himself as a seeker alter God, Rightly, we believe the Bible is the in- spired word of God. But it ought not to be looked upon as a manual of science or early world history. it was never intended as such. The Old Testament is 'the record of God's first revelation of Himself to man. The New Testament is the, record of the completed revelation. When, where and by whom the booksof the Bible were written, we cannot say in regard to everyone. The Old Testament- was ' written in Hebrew and Aramaic, but all - the original writings are lost. Nothing earlier than the 4th or 5th century A.D. is known to exist. The New Testament was written in Greek,. although our Lord spoke Aramaic No manuscript earlier than the 4th century A.D. survives. • The earliest are those in the Vatican, library, Rome, St. Petersburg, the British museum London, and Cambridge Uni- versity, library.; Translations were made in England as early as Icing Alfred's time, but Wycliffe's Bible 1370 A.D., A.D., was the first great English Bible, The authorized ver- sion, that in ,general use, appeared in 1611, the week of 47 scholars of the Church of Engalnd. The Bible in use and accepted by nearly all Eng, lisp -speaking; Protestants, is , the prodded of the Church of England. The only other 'Church that has pro- duced an En gli le Bible is the Roman t d rs 1 g Catholic. Tho revised versiont gas completed in 1895 after 15 years of labour, by 50 eminent scholars in England. Itis the most accurate' of all versions of the BibIe. The British and Foreign Bible a KING GEORGE V Whose illness has been causing grave anxiety during the, past week. His condition, however, • is supposed tobesomewhat better, according to latest reports. ' The Prince of Wales and the - Duke of Gloucester, who have been on a hunting. trip in East 'Africia, are hurrying home and it is 'expected will reach London by Dec. 3rd. Society was founded in 1804, and of this, the Canadian Bible Society is an auxiliary. The great work of the Bible Society,• ever increasing, . was dealt with by the speaker and our obligation to support it. It is our Christian duty to study God's word, the word of life, which is "a light un- to my feet and lamp unto my path." Rev. Mr. Gale also spoke of the great work being done by tate society in spreading the Gospel to all lands, The choir was assisted by members of Trinity church choir and rendered a splendid anthem, there was also a quartette by Rev. R. M: Gale, Harold Scotchnier, A. E. Erwin and Brown Stewart. Mrs. R. Scotchnier presid- er at the organ, The following offi- cers were apopinted: President: F. A. Edwards; Sec. -Treasurer, Mis. R. Scotchnier; with them the resident clergymen constitute the executive committee. The collectors are Mrs. Chas. Toms, Miss Ploy Edwards, Miss Marion Davidson, Miss Jean Lindsay, Miss Bertha Cox, Miss B. Elliott, Mrs. 13. Stewart, Miss E. Sanderson, Mr. 'Baker, Mrs. P. Cleave Mrs. A. Westlake, Miss Dor- othy Scotchnier, Miss Sarah Reid and 'Miss Marie Grainger. The first re- cords of the Bayfield Society shot that this branch was organized or, May 23rd, 1855. Walter N. Hosin being treasurer. • There passed away in Goderieh on November 21st, Miss Annie Wild, daughter of the late Joseph Wi1d, of Stanley township. The funeral took place from her late residence on Gloucester ,Terrace to St. Peter's church, thence to R. C. Cemetery, Colborne, where interment was made. The brothers and sisters have the sympathy of the community in their -sad bereavement. Londesboro The W. M, S. of the United church met in the basement On November 21, group No. 3, taking the program, which was an extra good one, After the business part was over the Rev. Mr, Johnson tools the chair, as it was election of officers. M'rs. J. Tamblyn was again voted in as president, Mrs. E. Bell, • 1st vice; 11lhs. G. Brogden, 2nd vice; Miss E. Lyon, Corr. -Secretary; Miss J. Brown, Sec. -Treasurer; Mrs. J. Collinson, Treasurer; Mrs. A. Carter Supt. of systematic giving; Mrs. E. Adams, organist; Mrs. Win. Lyon, strangers 'secretary. - - Miss Esther Lyon returned home Monday after spending last week with her brother-.in-Iaw, Mr. John Spindler of Luoknow, Miss Laudy Young is suffering from a severe' cold. • llrs, Teinblyn, Miss Mary Tani- blyn, Mrs. Manning and Mr, and Mrs. James Elsley spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tamblyn. Mr. Alex. Stewart is working in Stratford, l ' 41 Rev. Mr, Abery is spending a few weeks with his daughter in Toronto and Rev. A. A, Holmes of Clinton is supplying hit pulpit during his ab- sence. ' Mr: and Mrs. Dennis Roberton spent Sunday with friends at Ripley.. Mr. E. Woods, who was in Toronto last week, was successful in obtaining the gold medal for judging horses. Each of the churches here are busy practising for their ' entertainments to be held in the near future. The monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held in the community. Nall on December 6th. Rev, J. W. Johnson will give an ad- dress. A quartette will be given by Mrs: Adams, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. G. Moon and Mrs J. Manning, reading by iIhs. F. Woods, instrumental by Mrs H Adams Exhan e heiet- mos gifts, valued at fifteen cents s will s A +oCool and be in charge of 1Viir, Mrs. R, Vodden. Hostesses: Mts. G. Moor, Mrs, D.' Carter, Mrs. F. Wells, Mrs.' F. Shobbrook, Mrs. A. Wells, and Mrs. D. Adams.