HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-11-22, Page 8CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELER" E;' GLAS --Aro aboon. Improper- glasses a 'e a:menace Don't go on suffering! If you. feel any discomfort, come hero for a tree examination. We aro ex- ports. Modern glasses are o2••good appear• P.Uce. and comfortable. Let us, fit you properly! Save yon eyes—have then{ exam- ined -regularly. We will tell you frankly whether --or . notyou neer] NSONGraduate of Toronto College of:Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs • •Neat Hovey's Drug Store solastiateecciametteaenewsess AT '11 $ J st ® Wear 1 ip Top Clothes Suits or Overcoats $24.00 other lines from $20. up rLL P1iust�e1. Bros. QUALITY SERVICE Seed 'your. Christmas Greetihas On a Card that's Typically; Personal The feature '02 your naive and ..d - dress neatly printed on each card you send makes your salutation one of refinement to the person receiving it and is pleasingly exclusive for the. sender. ,0f course you will remember'' your immediate: friends and what" about the acquaintance you haven't Beard -frons in quite a while and what about sending one • to those who used, • to be your neighbors but have.moved away or those you met on your sum- mer vacation, or some -of the aged friends who would be so deilghted to be remembered, or those who are sick, and, those who attend the sick, or those who have -had recent trouble, or members of your fraternal 'soc- iety. And then the.kiddies,rdon't for- get them, your remembianee of them will enthuse their parents too. Scatter Christmas Sunshine with greeting cards. We offer choice • of ninety cards and nine greetings. Prices are -from $2.00 to $6.00per dozen. Early. Orders Assure Convenient Delivery JUST ARRIVED --All Fresh Fruits Lenton' Peel, Orange Peel and Citron Pe• el, Bleached Raisins, .' Velencia Raisins, Puffed Seeded Raisins, Seedless Raisins, Cooking Figs, Eating Figs and New Oates' Best Shelled yalnuts and A1- monds, Glace' Cherries, Mincemeat, '2 Grades, ,Choice Prunes, 3 sizes, See the QUALITY and PRICES of our goods before ordering - for your Christmas Cake, Pudding and Mincemeat, ;.Ate THE C. & S. GROCERS Branch 125j Main 125w SoineWlitsee it Wonderful philharmonic orchestra is playing . , the music is too divine for words r. adtniring.crowds are applauding. And in your' home, by turning on the radio, you can hear, as well us if you were present, the beautiful music and the applause of the multitude. Or a great roan is delivering an oration . miles away from;ycu . you cannot possibly be present .,. bub you can hear him speak,. just as if you were in the auditorium from which his voice Is being broadcast. Think of it! Don't wait another minute before you get your radio! It's a modern necessity! , Get, a Radiola or: Sparton and enjoy all these treats, Sutter & 'Perdue PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING Phone 147w The W. D. Fair Ca. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best' • WORLD FAMOUS 8Stm11]1SteP &iee Siagors LONDON, ENGLAND Ontario Street United Church, Clinton -Thursday,_ v. 29 - Auspices of Ontario Street Choir They ere the only Touring Company of boys' and men's voices whieh has ever left England and which is exclusively made up of professional vocalists from the great Cathedrals of -the Old Land. A Rare Opportunity' pp ortunit ' for Music Lovers Y Secure Tickets Early—Number is Limited Tickets aro available at 1Vir, Wendorf's Restaurant, Mr, Royce, Bank of Montreal, The C, & S. Grocery, W. D. Fair and any member of Ontario Street Chair. ADMISSION": • 50c and $1.00. mi CLIN.ON-NE ' 5 RECOR THURSDAY, NOVEMBD12 22, 1 saur sass anetEEKO ✓ Fruit Cakes Light And D rk New Seeded Raisins 2 pkgs.-25e while they -last - New Dates 2 lbs 25c Lemon & Orange. Peel per lb 225c New 'Valencia Raisins Spanish p'er ib 18c New Figs 2 lbs 25c Prunes 2 lbs 25c C6' S Walnuts lb 49c Currants lb 20c WEEK -END SPECIALS And Every Day' Price List 6 barsP. & Soap' .. 23c 2 pkgs. ` Corn Starch • . ..... . ... 19e .'3 lbs. Bulk Starch .,-- 25c Black Tea, per lb. ..........•.:..., 590 2 cans Tomatoes 29e. 2 cans Peas•....0. ............ ...... 25e 4 (smell) Tomatoes ,, 25e 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar 650 3 Clark's Soup:. ' 29e • 1 (5elb.pail Syrup) 33c Finnan Haddie, per Ib. Filletts Haddie, per 15. Salmon Snacks :• Kippers, 2 for . 25c. Codfish Binks 20c Flaked Codfish , 15c , Pork Pies, '3 lbs. 25c Spare RiO, lb. 25e 200 25c Miss Jean Ford of London hasbeen visiting at her home in town this Week. Mrs. W, Mason of Detroit is the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cook, Albert street. 1Viiss Amy Andrews and Miss M. Mac- Donald spent Sunday --with Wood- stock friends. Mfrs. James Finch returned last week after a six -weeks visit in Strat- ford and Toronto. - Mr. and Mrs. John 'Wiseman yisited the latter's mother, N1•rs. Grant of St. Marys, this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Finch and son George of Flint, Mich., visited re- latives in Clinton and Auburn last Week. Miss Nellie Medd of Exeter and Miss Mary Cartwright of Londesboro were week -end guests. of . Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Medd. Mr. and Mrs, !George Boyer and son, I{enneth, of Toronto spent the week-en'd as the guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Cook. kr. and Mrs. Milton Cook returned ,. to their hone in Sarnia last week after a visit in town -with the lady's parents, Mr. apd Mrs. J. Schoen- halt. Mr, and Mrs. A. T. Cooper are in Toronto for a .couple of days this week, the former on business. But they will take in the Royal Win- ter Lair while in the city. Mrs. Sarah McVittie of East Wawa- nosh and Mrs. H. McVittie of Goderich visited at the home of the former's brother, `that of Mr. and Mrs. J. G, Medd, recently. -. New Seedless Raisins 2 lbs 23c 1O lbs 1 Friday Saturday Fresh Picnic Ha Or lb 21c Schneiders Fresh Sausage. WHITE FRUIT CAKE % lbs. Butter, % Frt. Sugar, 6 eggs, 4 cups flour sifted 1 teaspoons Baking Powder, % lbs. white Sultana Raisins, 34 1b. Citron heel, T1s lb. Candied Cherries. Candied Cherries, per lb. 80c Citron Peel, per Ib. .... ... 690 White Sultana Raisins, per Ib. 20c. Our Own Baking Powder .............................190 Christie Cherry Fruit cake, per 111 •40e 2 lbs. Icing. Sugar .. , lee -'1VITNU CORNER CRANBERRY ICE 4 cups Cranberries, 2 cups water, 2 cups sugar, juice 2 lemons, Cook Cranberries • in water until they stop popping, strain and add sugar; cook until dissolved; cool, add strained lemon juice and freeze. Can be served with meat for as a dessert. IN THE MORNING FIRST' DELIVERY 9 a.m. 'lr;,.i • WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS IN THE AFTERNOON FIRST DELIVERY' 2:30 p.ne. Cash and. Service YOUR FIRST CHRISTMAS PRESENT C. C. 1. Commencement Presented Wed. Thu. and Fri. December, 5.6 & -' at the COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM Consistmy of— Choruses;; accompanied by Collegiate. Orchestra Drills and Dances Consisting of— Field Day Cups and Medals, Wed- nesday evening. Prizes' for Target Practice and Scholarship, Thursday evening. Diplomas, Friday evening. A CLASSIC TRAGEDY i and A MODERN ADDRESS Admission 50c Plan open at Fair's' Monday ia'a'n't Miss the Sensation of the Year. • 89-1. Mr. and 1VLrs. E. Carpenter motored over last week from Buffalo and on their return they were aceoen- panied by their aunt, 'Mrs. Kearns, who will spend the, winter with thein, • -Mrs, N. W. Trewartha is in Toronto this week andwill be. one of the women speakers at the Provincial Conservative Convention, which is- in session there today. Miss Myr- tle Trewattha acceemanied her; Mr. W. J. Nediger -motored tap to Bur -wash this week to visit his daughter, Miss Linnie, who is Principal . of the Burwash school, and is spending a few days as the guest of Governor and Mrs. Fair - full. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hall and Miss Eve- lyn spent the week -end with Simcoe and Tillsonburg friends. Mrs.. Hutchings, Mrs. Hall's mother, who had been her for some weeks, rel1urned with theist to Lang- toh. Messrs, W. J. Ford, Glencoe, and Ray, Fred and •Freest, Detroit and Miss Elizabeth Ford of Oshawa were called °home'last week owing to the illness of : their father, the late John Ford, whose death occurred on Sunday. Brucefield The annual thankoffering of the 'Women's 'Missionary Society of the, Brucefield United church was held in the school room on Wednesday, Nov- ember 14th, with Mrs. Bremner pre- siding. After singing the opening hymn, the Scripture reading and de- votional Leaflet, "nay Possessions," were read by Mrs. II. Aikenhead. Mrs. Ratteubury offered prayer. After the roll • call and minutes of last meeting, iifiss Jean Murdock rendered a pleas- ing Holo. Prayers for our rnission-- aries wcre made by Mrs. R, P. Wat- son .nod' Miss Edith Fowey.. The- sneaker hespeaker for the afternoon, Mrs. T. E. • ' Hogg, Clinton, gave an inspiring ad- dress "Echos front `' the Dominion Anniversary Supper And Concert The anniversary of the Community hall, Londesborio, will be held on the evening of THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29th in the Community Hall, Londesboro Supper will be served from '6 to 8 o'el;ock, to be followed by a program at 'which HARVEY McGEE, df Auburn will give a number of his choice sel- ections. A short play entitled "The Hired Itfan's Courtship" will be given together with vocal and instrumental selections; readings, etc,• COME AND ENJOY A GOOIb TIME Admssion:. Adults 50e, Children 25c George Culbert, John Fingland, Chairman. s Secretary. 89.2. St. Paul's Guild Bazaar The Ladies' Guild of - St. Paul's church will hold their annual -Bazaar on the afternoon of .. Board Mieetiiig" She took hex hear - errs across Canada to the Hospitals, schools and homes and the work among the New Canadians, then over to China, India, Japan, Africa and Korea. The offering amounted to $134.45 'apd the dedicatory prayer was given by Mrs. Addison. Mrs. Jas. McQueen closed the meeting with prayer and social hour was. spent, Thursday, Nov. 29th' In the Sunday School rooms BOOTHS AND CONVENERS Fancywork: Miss Doan. Touch and Take Mrs: Schoenhals Kitchen: Mrs. Zapfe, Homemade Baking': Mrs. Elliott. Rummage; Miss Bawden Market: Mrs. Thompson , Candy: Mrs. Silcox Fish Pond: Mrs. S. Taylor Afternoon Tea: Mrs, Holloway Sale commences at 2:30 and during the afternoon tea will be served. 88-2. WESLEY-WILLIS BAZAAR A very successful bazaar was put on in the, council chamber on Friday afternoonlast by the Women's As- sociation of Wesley -Willis "United church. The day was anything but favorable, rain falling pretty, much. all afternoon, but, nevertheless a large number carne out, bothto fur- nish the ...various booths and to buy from them. ' The booths, especially the hand- made and . produce booth, were very generously supplied and almost ev- erything offered for sale was dispos- ed of, Afternoon tea was served and the whole proceeds amounted to over 5260.00' The ladies were well pleased with their; efforts and are grateful to all who assisted to inztke the affair a Success. 5 'Dust of the Earth' will be repeated by request , by 55. Paul's Dramatic Society in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON Friday Evening Nov. 23 at 8 ?'clock Dancing after the Play Phalen's .Orchestra in Attendance Admission: To Play 35c. To Dance 25c No Reserved Seats COAL BARD AND SOFT COAL SEMET-SOLVAY COKE ALBERTA COAL In Stock .for Prompt Delivery W. J. MILLER & SON Orders taken at residence, Ontario St, PHONES: 46w and 463 - Are You 'Ready or Winter Not, unless Mott have ' one of our Circulators in your hone to insure comfort terthe cold winter evenings.: See our: different makes of Clare, Bros. and Dominion Stove Co, square and round heaters. If on are still going to -got that hew stove see our "Invictus" and "Masterpiece." Come in and see thein.and we are sure when you do you'11 get one right away. We and 'others reeon?,ineud thein, highly. We also have Qeubec heaters iii two sizes. Dealer for Renfrew Separators Miss Simplicity Electric Washers O a =. y• r)s HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 ORDER EARLY Phone 4a A Real Snappy Showing Reeks, Gateleg and tilt top tables, spinet Desks and Tea Wagons. Ask for one of the Gibbard gift 'Books. •Of up -to -the minute furniture is on display in our show room - in anticipation of a large'Christmas Trade, We are showing a nificant lot of useful Gibbard solid Walnut Magazine tables` THEN FOR LAMPS We undoubtedly have the finest display ever shown around these', parts in Table, Bridge and Floor lamps and a few nifty Bed -lights. All shapes and colors. Prices ranging from $8,50 to as high as you like to go, but they are all bargains. 0 HARDWARE DEPARTMENT In Chesterfield Suites and Occasional chairs we are always pre -i pared to show -you up-to-date goods, and good values. Other early Christmas shopping suggestions are smokers, cedar Chests, Ferneries, Fibre Furniture, Fancy Mirrors and Pictures. We will be glad to put away any goods for Christmas delivery. It's thne•to think of your heating problems. We still handle th old Reliable Beach Quebec heatersand ranges with a few other line to suit all price requirements. .Ask to see the new Beach Furnacette Some Heater! r. Clinton Hardware and Furniture C THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALER Furniture Phone: 104 - Hardware 1'' mesionniammetzernSONNAIW SHOE EARLY" For Your Christmas Cake 16 Mincemeat Christmas Pudding Y IiE iSTORg .Sun Maid Nectars, pkg... 15e New Seedless Raisins, 2 lb. 25e Baby .Puffed Raisins, pkg. 15c NewSeeded Raisins, pkg. 15c . Bleached Sultanas, lb ... 20c Valencia Raisins, lb.. . 15e New Currants, 2 lbs. ,. 37c Choice Figs, 2 lbs. . r .. 25c New Dates, 2 lbs... 25e Marekino Cherries, bottle 2 Cherries, per lb, Mixed Peel, lb, 3 Lemon & Orange peel, 1b, 2 Candied Pipeapple, ring. • 1 Icing Sugar, 3 lbs, 2 Cocoanut; per lb. . , 2 Pure Lard, 3-1b. pail 5 i Shortening, 8 -lb, pail Sher , Gran. Sugar, 10 lbs. FINNAN HADDIE, FILLETS, KIPPERINES CURED MEAT LETTUCE, CELERY, CRANBERRIES, GRAPES L LA SO Phone one,one one Lumber At Bargain ai rice `. We have a ,large stock ol1umber hand, which Weare selling at Gre Reduced Prices Now is the tim buy. We handle everything in Builders' supplies McKenzie Estate Thomas 9 Clinton PHONE 88 ilESIDI'1NCE