HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-11-22, Page 5TON -NEWS J'I-IiIRSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 192} f 1 erest to Yon Mrs. James Campbell 'over the, week- end. t.. ., week- ' -Mrs, Vi i, . Pickett 1 rt It end with Mrs, Chas. Watson. o r i , Nova un"• hunters down,.. r rtia:have been;`shooting farmers' probably when gime is This is bad enough, but not iso, bad as shooting each other. "Women of Germany are wearing siert' made in America," sass an ex - range. If they became acquainted ith the kind manufactured in Clin n ,we should probably have some e„dy customers.' 'If 'everybody .put in' piaetiee what hey learned at fall fairs, plowing; atches, seed shows and judging coin- ,etitions, ud ng;corn-- otiticns, the Province' 'off Ontario ould soon surpass the original: of ...den." --The Farmer's 'Advocate. ,.w w w _ We'd -have 'more time to spend on he editorial page of this_ great fim- ly journal if we.didn't-have' to waste o muchover correspondence from,haps in'tho-LJnitec] State's who want o write our editorials for -us. • Mr. and Mrs. James Ilsley return- ed tierce Friday after spending since Thanksgiving with thea -daughter, YMIn. Milton Hooper of near St. Marys, A farmer near Harriston on going out to his turkey pen the other morn- ling found that the twelve fine birds he had been counting on for the Christmas tradehad been stolen. He found' also a purse, evidently dropped by -the thieves, containing $'200.00. He would be willing to restorethe money to its rightful owner, but what about the turkeys? w e s t An exchange remarks with sur-' prisethe readiness . with which ""chunky boys and maidens ' can pick out noxious, weeds, name them and tell all About ,them." Now if these same chunks 'of boys and fair maidens, whoknow all ,about those weeds, would only turn in with a will to exterminate them it would be turning knowledge to good aceount. Lo,,,ndesbbro The fowlsupper and play given by the United church was a great sue- -teas, the•proceeds and Thankoffering amounting to 5897.00. Mrs` E. ' Bell is visiting' her ,niece, Mrs. Griffin of Wpngham.' - Mr, -E. Wood left last 'week for Toronto, 'where he expects 20 spend 'a short holiday. - Mrs. ,T, Armstrong of Clinton visit- -ed Mrs. Harold' Adams last Wiednes- day: .: Miss Parrott, teacher of No, 5, re- cently. visited Guelph friends. - She ,was accompanied by Mrs. Morrell, Sr. ' 1Vlr, and Mb's; Wm, Brigham spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Win. ,Stackhouse, Blyth, also Mr. and Mr's. 'E. Adams., Mr. and Mrs. A. Wells, visited .the•- latter's mother, Nlrs. ,Marshall, near `Blyth en Sunday, . Mrs. R. McCrea ,recently visited " gham friends, ifillintuite a number from here took in • the cattle' sale at Auburn on Satur- •. slay. Mr. W. Alli' of New Ontario spent . several days last week at the home, of Mrs. E. Bell and at the home of Mr. W. Bell on the 13th concession,' He has returned hone. Mi ai rsaQ es, IIALLiM-_,JOHNSTON Ab the • United Church Manse Aubprn, on Nov.• 15th, by the Rex. W. fit Alp, Viola Inose, daughter of. 'M.'S, Geo., s. Johnston of Suunmerlrill, toCharles Edward -Hallam, Sim• o'l.Mr, and Mrs, Thos: Ilailam of the Base line, B;rigs SI. Helene Miss Della Cranston: is spending met ✓ days an the home, o1 bar brother, Mr. Earl Cranston Kincardine, Miss Cora Neal spent a Sew days with Miss ,Winifred HFarnes Fest Wawanosh. MIr: Peter McDonald has returned home from Clyde, Alberta. Thanksgiving visitors at their'res- pective homes were as follows: Miss Colette Clark, Milverteir Miss Dor- othy Webster, Tilbury;', Miss Mabel Woods, 'Nile; Miss 'Doiathy MCQuill-, man, Stratford Miss Irene Woods, Kitchener;.'arr. Lorne Webb, Seaforth and .Mur. Chaffs. McQuillan, London;, Mr. _Alvin Woods, Miss Vera Woods, Toronto; 1\lc. and Mrs, Arnold``T3ar- -houi, Fergus. Mr.: and M.rs. Wm. Doughtery, Guelph and Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Whethare, Galt, spent Thanksgiving at the hone of Mrs, R. Woods, Rev. and Mrs. Wihitfield had • as their guests for the holiday, the for- mer' -s" mother, Mrs. Whitfield, of Peterboro,.his sister and her hus- band, Mr.• and Mrs. Tough and little daughter; Dorothy, of Brantford, Mrs. John Miller, Sr., 1Vlrsr Ed.. Thorns and lVlr. Wallace Miller atten- ded' the funeral of their uncle, IVir Thos, Cuninghame of Walkerton last week. ' • Mrs, W. Crisp of London spent sev- •eral days with friends in the com- munity last week. Sho- cable up to attend the funeral of her aunt, the late Mrs. Alli' of Harloek, whichwas held on Saturday. Miss Jennie Cowan. of: near Blyth has returned after a pleasant visit with liar sister, Mts..R. Townsend. Mr. and Mrs. Johit Nett recently -'Visited Hespeler friends. A happy event : occurred in this village op Saturday when Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Brogden celebrated : their Diamond Wedding.' As, a young man Mir. Brogden came from Carlingford to the township of Hu116tt and for many years worked with the' firm of Brinrdson & Son, � Carriage :makers. He was married to Hannah dockerline on Nov. 18th, 1868 and they ' have, spent their lives" in the Village '-of Londesboro. five ohildren were b'orn to them, William of 'Winnipeg; Mrs. D. Moody and Mrs, 'Wm. Lyon,' of Blyth; Miss Bertha of. London' and M'r. Alvin of. Toronto, who :'died abotit ten yews ago. - - Mr. and Mrs, Brogden received gifts and flowers from member's of their family; also coltgratulatiehs and flowers carne' from other friends. The Wornen s Missionary Society of which Mrs. Brogden is a life -member' -remembered the day with a card of congratulations, The Women's; In- stitute sent a lovely bouquet of ''rnurns, and the people of the village -presented them with a silver basket, filled with 'mums, accompanied • by the following address: "Dear 11,1r. and ' Mfrs. ;Brogden: On this, the 60th an-, niversary of your wedding, we wish to congratulate you and ,to express in some way the esteem in which you are held in our community. We feel you- are enjoying an unusual exper- ience 'as not many married couples are' spared to.celebrate their Diamond Wedding. We wish to join with oth- ere of your friends in expressing. our ''sincere regard and earnest wish, that. - you may be" spared to celebrate other anniversaries of your weddings"' As evidence of our 'esteem; nand good wishes vie present to r6u this basket of flowers. Our hope is that life's evening for you may be long and full of happiness, Signed in behalf of the Villagers, Mrs, Fingland, Mrs. Tam- blyn, Miss E. Lyon, 'Mh s. J. G. Adams, Mrs. T. Maines,'. Mi'. and Mrs. Brogden were at, home Saturday afternoon and evening; and many friends called to, offer best wishes. Their three daughters -were present, their son not, being able to, come. Receiving with Mrs, Brogden were ;Mrs. E. Crawford and Mrs, M, Mains, the Latter attended the mar- M•iage sixty years age. -Miss Lawday Young ushered the guests to the din- ing room, where Mrs.' W. Brunclson poured tea, assisted by Mrs, C. Wat- son, Nrs. F• 'Johnston anal' Miss ,E, Mains, ` Miss Margaret McCool is in Lee_ don for; a tiine. Miss . Gibson of Wroxeter visited Mrs Chas. Durnin, Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Colin McDonald were at Ripley last week attending the '20th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. ]tarry McAllister. .Mrs. R. 3. Woods and Wilsen spent Sunday' with friends in Stanley.' Quite a number from here attended anniversary services at Lucknow United "church. Sunday evening. • 1LTONDERSON---In 'HCl ihtou 1 nhlio. Hospital, on November 14th, to Mr. and Mrs, 0e rge * IIenderson o£ ,S'ta101ey 'township, -a son.` Dentias T ORD-.ln Clint.on, on November 1$, • John Ford, in leis 78th year, Tuckersmith Township Roland Kennedy, reeve of this liownship, whose home is on the sev- enth concession, had the misfortune to lose his house and garage by fire on 'Friday. Mir. and Mrs, Remedy attended the _ supper held in St.- "Janes' Catholic parish •hail, Seaforth, on Thursday evening, and when they •returned home about midnight everything was all right and the family retired. Mrs. Iiennedy. happened • to waken about 1,30 o'clock, and, seeing alight, carne• fo the conclusion that her son had left a lamp alight. She arose `and ran downstairs and found the kitchen in flumes. • The family forturiately escaped;. but their clothing, bedding and Ynos't of the furniture was destroyed; also the coptents of the' garage, -which contained'alt automobile, two cutters and a fuggy. The fire track frons Seaforth went out, but the blaze had got'beyond control when the neighbors and:fire- men arrived. The origin, of the fire is not 'known. The loss is partly cov- ered by insurance. IN MEMORIAM 1VicEWAN-In ;toying. memory , of our dear slaughter and sister, El'da Jane McEwan, `who. departed this life November 1:8th,' 1922. "Gone is 'the face we levee so dear, Silent is the voice. we loved to hear; Too fay away for sight or speech, But' not too :far for thought to reach. Sweet to remember her, who was here, And she, though absent, is just as -clear." --Sadly missed by father, mother and brothers. London Road Mrs, Tram( Gould,; Clinton was hostess t0 the London Road 13.F,W,O.. on. Wednesday last,, for their. annual meeting,, A large number of ,chem- bers were present, After the open- ing,exereises reports;kvere given by the different committees. The past year hasbeen-a very, successful .one for the club. Ml's. Wm. Lawson,was apIiointed, delegateto the Provincial Convention mit Toronto in .December. •Mfrs. Davidson, read_ .a' very suitable articleprior•to;the election of gffieers and• she was then appointed to the chair, anil took charge .of the, rest of the meeting. Mrs: Roy Plumsteel, 'who hasbeen president for the past, two years, made a very appropriate speech and thanked everyone for the co-operation given, her. The follow- ing officers were elected for the coming year: President: Mrs, Geo. Falconer; lst vice: Mrs. Glen Mc- Knight; Sec. -Treasurer: Mrs, Arthur Wiltse; Directors: Mrs, Norman Tyn- dell, Mrs,, Mervin Hanley, Mrs. Nor- man 1ttarining, Mrs. Percy Cole, Mrs. Phnnsteel and, M{rs. Stanbury. Flow- er cowniittee: Mrs. Lebeau, Mars. Tiar- as, Gould, M}cs. Falconer; Convenor of Citizenship: Mrs, . Milton Wiltse Convenor of Marketing: Miss Wald- ron; Convenor of Legislation: Mrs, Switbank. The Tuclsersrnith ladies assisted the hostess to serve refresh- ments. Next meeting will be at the hopro ,of Mrs: Arthur Wiitse on Dec-. ember 13th, , Benfield Mr. Z1jrn. Pease of London is vis" iting his son, Mr. John Pease. - Mirs.: Jos. Ferguson went to Lon- don on Saturday, where she intends to spend the winter with her son, Jas. P. Ferguson. Ma. and Mrs. Douglas of Hyde Park visited with Mrs, J: M. C. Tough a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Down and daughter of Thedford spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Widcolnlre, who celebrated their silver wedding on Monday. A number of friends enjoy: ed a very pleasant evening with thein Mir. and Mrs, 3. L. Dixon and daughter, Carrie, of Galt spelt the week -end 'with their danghter, Mrs; F. H. Paull. They were accompan- ied by Miss Jean Woods, who visite* with htr parents.' Messrs. Jas. Wainsley, 5Richnrd El- liott and W m.' Higgins went to De- troit on Monday,, Leslie Elliott mot- oring them as far as Sarnia, Mr. Wm. E. Parker of Sarnia spent a few days this , week with his par- ents, 3, and •Mrs. L W, Burch, 'who have spent the past six months in one of their cottages in Jowett's.,Grove, left on Wednesday of last week to spend the winter in Florida. Mrs%:.Geo. Hanly of Clinton, is visiting Mrs, Green. IVir. and Mra. Albert Carty motored to the Oillage on Friday. Mrs. Schoe- field and Mss, 3., Rich_ aeompaiiied Mr. Carty home' to Detroit' on Mon- day while lifts. Carty Carty remained to. take care of.her mother for a while. On Sunday eveningthere will'be no service in Trinity' church .owing to the fact that the annual service and Bleating, .of •tlrro Upper Canada Bible Society will be'hel'd in St. Andrew's church., It is hoped that there will be a large attendance at- this ser-, vice. On St. Andrew's Day, Friday, Nov. 30th, a special missionary service will be held in Trinity church, Bay- field,. at 8. pan. To this -service' all are invited: especially members of the other two.churohes of title parish.. It ig . the'custorn of the church to :em- ,phnsize the importance of missions on or near St: Andrew's day. •Mr::W:'J."Stinson spent Monday in London. The' Young Peoples' `Society will "Meet on 'Friday evening at eight o'clock idthe basement of St.: And - tearer church. Mr, Foster. Potts of Grand Rapids, 1Vb'ich.,' visited with his aunt,. Mrs: W. J 'Faster, on Saturday and Sunday. Notice'! Notice !• I tush all people wanting 1ng Portraits fc, Christmas Gilts had bet- ter have then taken any ,Tuesday in Novcrnber- as owing Lo mho shortage of help and:the rush of liusiness at Mit- chell I may -have to close my Clinton Studio for. the month of December; Am giving .you this warning so as not to dissapoint my Clinton custom - era in" not being "able toget their Christmas Photostoken in December. Clinatoir Studio open every Teesdoy, Hours 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. BURGESS PORTRAIT STUDIO Clinton and Mitchell In Many Colors and Varieties All top size bulbs that will force satisfactorily or, give excellent re- sults outside. Cut. Flowers, Plants and 'Floral Designs for all Occasions. • The first regular meeting of St. Andrew's •l bung''Poeple was held on November 15, with a' good 'attendance. The topic was ill charge of Mrs. Robt. Scotchmei, who gave an'exeellent pa- per on "Stewardship," A musical number by Miss Gladys Gale and Rev: Mr. Gale and Mr. Harold Scotehmer, was also 'much enjoyed by all. The :text meeting will be held on November 29011, and. will be in charge of Harold Scotchmei. There passed to rest, at the' home of ]her son, Robert G: •Colwill, Blue Water Highway, Goderich. Tp., Ellen Turner, widow of the late' Joseph Col- v,rel1 in her eighty-eighth year. The de .eased was well-known and highly respected ht the village, hav- ing lived here for 'a number of years. Owing to failing' health the sold her property, mid went to live with her son three years ago. Her husband predege0'eed het about ten years ago and one tinughter, Lizzie, three yeas ago, Surviving are . four Sups and one daughter, James 'and i2p cirt'of Goderich township, William of Sov- ereign, Sask, Joseph of Seattle, and 'Mrs. 1,. Galbraith of. Regina, Sask. The funeral was held from the resi- dence of her son, Robert G. Colwell, on Sunday afternoon, iriterreent being made in Bayfield b cemetery' 116 n-tany fr:ionds of rlliss' Cecil Mc- Leod, R.N., who underwent an opera- tion in`(1linton liospitai 'ori Tu sdiy will- be glad to hear that ane is im- proving.'. :At a rneeting,•hscld in the town hall on Tuesdayevening a ••Badminton Club wase formed with the following officers: President: Dr. A. Newton - Brady; Seet.-Treasurer: Rev, F. H. Paull, Play commenced on that night and' the club -will continue to meet each Tuesday, (hiring the winter months. - Mrs.. F. A. -Edwards returned home last week after having spent a month in. I{itchener. Lettuce 10c per Bunch Chas.' V. Cooke -Two Phones -66w and 66j Mr. and Mrs, T. M. Johnston visit- ed Sh'epparton friends one day last week. Mrs. Link, Dashwood, who has.been heir daughter, 'Mrs: John; Ja- cob, visiting cob, returned home :last week. Mr. Dick Jacob, Detroit, visited Isis parents, Mr. and Mfrs. John Jacob, j'or` a few days last week. • Mr: John Biggins attended a meet - Mg in Wingham oe'Saturdaylast of thedirectors' of the Huron Shorthorn Breeders' Association. - Mrs-. Wm. Scott 'atid Master Billie of Rosetown, Sask., were guests at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. `P. M. Johnston ;for a few' clays last week. Mrs. III, • Lebe rt and lily, Arthur Le- beau, Windsor,. spent a 'few days this week at the home of Mrs, N. J. Le - beau. e -beau. iMIrs. Lindsay returned home last week from ' Sombre where; she has' been visiting forsometime with'heir daughter, Mrs. Frank Rathburn. Mr. and Mrs. '. Rathburn accompanied her liolne. ' a Mn•. � Norman Tyndall had a the 1o nris fortune to lose a` valuable hoose lasji week. The many ;friends of Mr. Wes. Stackhouse'will be pleased to know he is able'to be around again after being confined to bed' for several, days. We still have the AGENCY for the Atwater Kent' Radios Both Battery and Electric. It will pay you to try the Atwater Tient before you buy. , J B. 8s! AVI S 88-tf. Live and Dressed POULTRY WANTED Bring Your ,poultry and eggs here and make more profit for yourself. Market prices' for heavy hens are high:, -take advantage of them" now. Clinton's Leading Egg -Grading Station Clinton Poultry Ouse. N. W. ,Trewirtha Phones -Office,"- 214j Residence, 214w. Cockshutt Agency, As. I am rievr handling the Cock shaft, and Frost and' Wood Implem- ents. and also Cockshutt cream separ- ators, and am prepared to supply 'all kinds of repairs for same, I solicit tile patronage ; of farmers and others Orders will receive prompt attention. ' JOHN V. DIEHL, Queen street, Clinton home of Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Mutch- Mr. and Mrs. Wm - Craig Craig motored to . Detroit -over the week -end. Mr, Jno. Mills returned on Friday day. after a two -weeks visit with .his son, . Russel Mills,.• ills, in Detroi '"M's, H. Mogridge went to Toronto this week and will attend the Royal' Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Amos, J. Andrew motored to Toronto this week. The newPresbyterian church was opened on" Sunday last, large con- gregations being' present at both morning and evening service The Rev. R. C. McDermid of ,iinox church, Goderich, was the preacher of the day. In the evening the choir and organist of the. Presbyterian church, .Clinton, had charge of the musical"part of the service and their, assistance was' much appreciated. The offering on Sunday. amounted to $1160.00. Auburn CARD ,QF THANKS. The family of. the late John Ford of Clinton wish to express their sin- cere thanks to ,the neighbors and friends for the kindness shown, their father during his illness, for the beautiful flowers sent' and for all courtesies shown 'to him and . to them. , Mr. and ,Mrs.. frank Stanley :of •i ds hero ' at Alliston visited fr en i o an0 Geclerich: last week and 'during. the - week -end, .Mrs. J. Bennett is visiting a -81-tf. Cottage For Sale Five rooms and shed, town water, electric lights in all rooms. Small garden. (Good central location in Townshend street. Apply td James Holland, R. R. No. 4, Clinton. ` 88-2: Private. Sale of Furniture Amongst which are the following Solid 'Wahmt chest of drawers;' wal- nut centre table; oak . dining room suite; bedroom suites;` bed extension couch; clay couch; two congoleum rugs 6x9, one congoleum rug 9x10' carpets; kitchen cabinet; chairs, Pic- tures, gasoline sfdve,' writing desk, kitchen utensils, electric fixtues and Sewing machine. A. Ford touring car. Call at apartment of A. J. Grigg, ov- er Lobb's grocery store between four and eight O'clock, pail. any day. En-- ter n=ter by stairway next to W. Brydone's law dffice, 88-2. Bull For Sale One .three-year-old inure bled Dur- ham bull for sale. This is a real choice• stock bull, quiet and reliable. Apply to Ben. Bothwell or -Robert Cole,R. R. No. 3, Phone 16 on 606 or 24 on 606. � 89-2-p. Reward The . Mniiicipal Council of . the Township of Goderich offer• a.re- ward elf $15.00, per dog, to anyone catching such dog dead or alive While worrying sheep in said 'town- ship: By Order of -the' Couhcil.--R: G. Thompson, Clerk. ..:89-3. For Sale A. '1928 •Chevrolet coupe, in _good condition. 'Also 60 early Barred Rock pullets.. Apply Estate A. ' E Durnin, Clinton. b ` 89-1. Raw Furs Wanted Highest market prices paid. 11. A. Hovey, Clinton. Phone 299. 87-tf. Pullets For Sale Number of Single Conibe White Leghorn. Apply Roy Tyndall, R. R. No. 3, Clinton, Phone 607r3, Clinton central. 88-tf, Stray .Heifer Holstein yearling heifer strayed to the premisesof the undersigned, Lot• 22; Con. 9, Goderich township. Own- er' may have same b31 proving pro- perty a}},d paying expenses, II. J. Treivartha,: 89-1 "MEETING OF IHURON. COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County, of-1?Iuron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich, at' 2 o'clockin the ,afternoon, of 'Tuesday, the '4th day of December 1928. All accounts agoinst'the County mast be in the hands of the Clerk not later 'than Monday prec:ediag • the meeting of Council, Geo. W.'Holman, Co te- ty Cletlt," 89-2.. Godrich, Nov. 17th, 1028,' Cockerels For Sale Some choice Barred Rock: cockerels. Apply to James Stoddart, R. R, Na. 2, Phone 602r22, Clinton central, 88.4-p. CHATTEL 'MORTGAGE SALE Cabin Dishing Boat For Sale Under and' by virtue of a certain chattel mortgage, dated March the 12th; 1928, J have seized and I have possession one cabin fishing boat, length Forty feet six inches. This boat: `is in good coalition and may viewed at the-hsrbour at the Village of _13cy'ield, where it .now lies. ' This boat will be nut up for 'sale -1 public auction at 11..00 a.m. Satur- day, Deee.mbcr" the 100, 1928.at the beat Houses on the north side of the leirbeur at the:; Village; of Bayfield DATED at Goderichthis 19t1t day of November, AD. 1928.• [Geo. II. Elliott Auctioneer George Gordon Mortgagee, - 89-2. Do you wish: to purchase some ar- ticle which you do not jest itnow howto locate? Advertise for. it in the The News-Reeogd, Bazaar and Supper The W. M. S. of Varna . United church purpose holding a Bazaar and Supper in the town hall, Varna, on the afternoon and evening of Thurs- day, Nov: 29th.• •Sale -cpmrnences at 3 o'clock and lunch will be served during the afternooln. Supper served from 6 to 8. A splendid assortment of articles both beautiful and useful Will be offered for sale. Come and have yodr dhristinas problems `sol - vied. Afternoon lunch 15c. Supper. 25c. 88-2. House to Rent Small brick house to rent, six rooms and kitchen, 01091510 light. Central. Family of two preferred. P. 0. Box, 266. 83-tf, IViiller TELEPHONE 53 Pa �wSsee esaF.an,:s®g 'CLINTON 'e are,piepared'to handle your, Fu nace problem wheth- i thee o- have been o.� the repairing' • of one u er it ire a new one i e 1 gy using, Also .Quebec Cooks and',I-Leaters at lowest prices. Our 1926-1027 and 1928 Special Quebec Cook at 727.50 Cash. 'We also have a couple of bargains in used Heater, ,and used Range and both for coal coke or wood and'both •largo size. Wo still handle the Goodrich • line of Rubber Boots, Rubbers, Etc., and the reliable Work Shoes unequalled in quality at the price, aa3 C. Ho - VENNER, Electrician Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, irons,, Fans and other Appliances , Wiring and Repairs. Phone 7 baraMISMOINI Business For Sale • Will sell or exchange for farm our stock of Groceries, boots and shoes sweaters, hose, staples, etc. S. Merrier, Bayfield, Ont. - 82-01. For Sale • A comfortable seven .room cottage With town water. and electric lights, 101 acre of land with small fruit and good stable with chiekon house. Ap- ply to Alex. Sternal:, Albert• ,,St.86` , House mor. Sale 8. rooms, ]lardwood floors, ;modern conveniences;. garden. Apply- on premises to Mrs. H. M. Beadle, Hu- ron street. 87-25. For. Sale 8 room house, Princess street, east, modern equipped; large' garden, henhouse. Apply -to E, ,L. 1Vlittell, Clinton. Phone 213. 87-tf, DON'T BUY YOUR VI: COI. T. UNTIL X01 SEE OUR STUNNING• EFFECTS A11 Models scores of beautiful fob - ries = novel and exclusive and person- ally tailored to suit your figure. ; Stock of Overcoats Just Arrived. $18.00: TO $65.00 ' - RC.RUHL McEwen's .Old Stand. Opposite Post Office Cottage For Sale. ' Cottage in High street, Clinton, six rooms, summer kitchen, cellar, lights and water, :small. garden. For further, Particulars apply to Alf. Moffatt, lCippen. Phone 77r?16, Iiensall cen- tral. - 86.1f. For Sale Good white brick house on Prin- cess St., east, with eight rooms, town and soft waterand electric lights. One half acre of land with barn. Large and small fruit. Terms can be arranged. - Apply to Mr. Levi' Stong, Clinton, Ont., or Mrs. 'damns Steep,, 8 Elmwood Ave., London, Ont. 79-tf. .Farms For 'Sale Lot • 12, con. 3, Stanley Township; consisting- of 100 acres. There is on the premises a good two-storey brick cottage, a' good barn with straw -Shed attached, acid stabling underneath, min element house; orchard, about 6 ac- res of bush on a back corner of the faun, through which runs a never failing. spring creek, two never -failing wells,one near the house the other near the stable. The farm is in a good state of cultivation: Also 100 '10, con. 4; Stanley town- ship, consisting of 100 acres on which there is a very good barn, and about 15 acres of bush.. A never -failing stream runs across the back end of this faun. Good for either grain or pasture. App y 1 00 Murray Gibson, Br. nee- field, executor for the Estate of�- he late: Williaiii Collins, 85-02, TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES In the Town id Clinton, in the. County of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that the. list of lands for sale for arrears,` of taxes Was been prepared and that cop- ies thereof' may be hacl in my office, and that the list is being published in the Ontario Gazette, September, 8tlr„ 15th„ 22nd., and 29th, A.D. 1928, and that in default of payment of the tax- es and costs the lands will be sold on Monday, the 10th clay of December, A.D.1.928 nt 8 o'clock p.m: at the Council Chamber in the Town of Clinton, D. L. MACPHERSON, Treasurer, Town of Clinton Treasurer's Offices Clinton, Sept, 1st, 1028. 78,-tf, Leicester Sheep For Sale My present offering consists of ram Iambs, yearling ewes and ewe lambs, All may be registered. J. E, Quigley, London road, R. R. No. 6, Clinton. Phone 619r3, Clinton cen- tral . 85-tf. Have you some article you wish to` sell? Advertise it in The News -Re- cord. PHONE 330 GODERICH, ONTARIO For Upholstering, Repairing, Refin- ishing. Samples of Coverings .Carried • P. A._ZIMMERMVIAN • Nelson Street • . Tractor Plowing • -.,I am prepared to do plowing.-by•tha acre, ,at any time. Also wood sawing • Apply to S. Fiewitt, or phone 13 .on. 606, Clinton central. 64-tf-6p., Clinton's 1-r iSrll' HARD KEEP A eOOK, WHEN.YOu ENGAGE-. -THE HEAT' Fowls TO HG1-f' HER, i SHAW'S Business Schools Toronto -twelve of them -train young peope for office positions through 'day' and evening sessions end home study courses. Through a special Employment Department definite a"ssistance.is offered both Empolyer and Graduate. Write for calendar. Head Offices: Bay_ and .Charles Streets. --_J Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned, pressed and re- paired. Woollen, goods, dry .cleaned. Rooms aver Heard's B..rber shop. W. J. Jago. 2283-12 Coal That- Satisfies We sell _the cleanest, safest and most economical fuel and always at a fair price. A telephone call will receive our prompt attention. • 'You can feel asolutely sure that every shovel of coal will be of the same uniformity of quality. HOWARD CLARK, Phone 182 Orders Taken at Lawsoa's Grocery, Phone 111 __ j. Whoever.. coolss the family- meals-= Whether• it's the lady of the house or the maid, Is entitled to the best fuel obtainable Nobody can •cook good food with poor fuel. A. great deal of dissatisfaction among cooks may to the daily battles with a i•efr•actory"kitchen- Stove. Solve your servant problem with some of our :excellent heat. Call the vattgefoM good, clean 'coal for g tl, ii I1 :r , &8 Illf COAL COMPANY C Y • PHONE 74 - CLINTON • We Want Your. Milk and Cream Wo are iilanufaoturers of both cheese and butter. We want yorit milk or cream. We pay highest mar- ket price weekly. Satisfaction guar- anteed. • Phone your order for finest cheese} or pasturised butter• in prints or sol- , ids to W. H. ,Lobb, Clinton, Ont:, li, R. No. 3, Phone No. 606r32. THE HOLMESVILLE CO -OPERA. WIVE CHEESE ,AND BUTTER. , - COMPANY, LIMITED. . ggs and P;iC9i ltry • •Home on Tdesdab' dnd°'Frrdayfere- Boon '•to'take in Poultry:$' ' Eggs' handled -'at residencre ever, day -graded by- an•l•eltperienced''grade er, for which we pay the 'highest 'mar- ket price. Cream purchased ,for Stillman's of Stratford.. • ,L E. pinch , Viking Cream Separator Agent. Victoria St., Clinton Phone 281 27-tf • WOOD FOR SALE A quantity of good hardwood and cedar for sale. E. WARD Phone 156 Huron street; Singer... SewingMachine Leased on: Small, Monthly Payment* Big Discount .on••Cash Sales - Now is the time 'to have your ma- chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs, Needles, Belts and Parts 'for` al$ makes. • A W GLEN COt+; .,, K • Phone 171J - P.0, Box 201 ,. albite* �Al A 10 KOLSTE 1NG Buy a radio for the family in doing 3o you will bel giving them something :which they, can enjoy the year. around, f and w e are dealers for the, Koster d Kings sets acrd will be pleased' to give you a demonstration at any. time. Batteries charged and suer „ for the winter ;S1I" W. J. NedigerProp. 4