HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-11-22, Page 3Irec EFL% eM
iii t :;11.ii;
held others ect to a hrouF`Irritah'aii
weltfinrtgrate ttl eekef tat r
9 ,y ra� ppnni�e�,.I,GHTNIld2i, rprrrpttt tppqq��op���.
y�',,{r, .,.y tri rayl. ` % !..• i,?t.,;v"�"... vEU?,�r 0Wl11Stis �YUi
Chitdren tout V ERO'S Syrup. FgMILV fllZf '754 Wis
rctinl.slxE35 ,`sorxef vs
Unemployed Who Want to'
Toronto Mail and Empire (Conn.)
There are many workers in Britain
who have been suffering from lack of.
steady, employment. These are not
people ; who do not want to work.
The experiment of bringing' unem-
ployed hien from Great Britain to
Canada to assist in harvesting the
Western grain , crop that was made
this year showed there were thou
Flashing Eyes
Laughing Eyes
Downcast Eyes
Eyes tell
A ourCharacter
The prettiest of dimples -or lisp
dr a sigh,
Neer "k:n compete with the
darns of the eyes
Brown eyes for strength—Blue
for generosity -Gray eyes for
jealousy -Sparkling eyes indi-
cate bgauty, yes, and good
health, tool Do your eyes
sparkle? Are the whites dear
or are they tinged with yellow
indicating an out -of -sorts
condition—due to constipa-
t tion? If .so, you need
02/1ovI.VE,11.ow .INESNI,j
Try'r regular dairy:
course for ■ short
period. Your eyes yesetahle
, will -soon till the
story of improved Product
Read about Character from the Eyes in
Juante Bcechao, A vertherne„tr. 9.11
f 2:.
for the
Wives and children of
British Subjects who ar-
rived in ?Canada prior to
June 6, 1928
Children under
17 years—FREE
Apply at onto to
Cunard and
Anchor - Donaldson
Cor. Bay and Wellington
Sts., Toronto:
---or nearest agent
sands of British workers willing to
try their hands at a kind of work of
which they had had little or- no ex-
perience. A large proportion of.
these men, too, proved capable of do-
ing that work and a .substantial per-
centage' of their number has remain:•
ed in Canada. Unquestionably
there are among the unemployed in
Great Britain many` people who
would ' make excellent :settlers in
Canada, Who draw unemployment'. in'
surance• but who could hardly lie ex-
pected to save out of thatinsurance
Sufficient ` money to pay their own
fares and the fares of other members
of their families to Canada:
British Centenarian • Advises
2 -Pint Nightcap as
Loudon.—England, like' Canada)
treasures its centenarians and eare-
fully records their birthdays in the
press. Their views on the causes of
longevity, thotitgh :differing so widely
as to be in sunt almost meaningless,
are quoted.exhaustively.
One of England's most popular pre -
corn Paw citizens is Michael Gammen-
ford, 195 years old, who looks on Ii1e's
evening star :front the austere secur-
eeurity of the Irv; Hill"Poor House. An
English "poor law : institution" is -hot
a cheery plane for most people, but
Michael, as the oldest inhabitant, has
The rheumatism which has attacked
his lower members` has entitled him to
fit all day in a chair in the sun. Mean-
while his upper faculties enable hint
still to talk fluently, gesture eloquent-
ly and light his pipe every two min-
Also, he has his prescription for
longevity. Here it is:
"Two pints of hot special ale every
night at bedtime."
'n dol:tt f`i'`
Likes 'em Wild
Jim Raby is caretaker at the Banff
Zoo. He claims that as a. dancing
partner, a timber wolf is, "par excel-
ence.' He does not recommend it
as, being proficient in ballroometi-
quette, but he does say, "After watch-
ing many dances L am sure that a
wolf would be ;nothing- new in .a ball-
room except in appearance." - Jim 15
a wise -cracker.,
(Photo by Canadian Pacifier)
New Sleeve -Valve
Engine Developed
� P
by Ohio Inventor
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology Co-operates.
Embraces New
A four-cycle automobile engine with
a single sleeve •vslve has been devplop-
ed in the automotive research labor-
atory et Massachusetts Institute of
Technology in co-operation with its
inventor, Luther A. Gaw of Cincinnati,
the Technology Review announces.
Engineers for years have sought to
perfect an engine with a single sleeve -
valve, ' a problem which presented
pany,.teehnical obstacles. Engineering
development of the new engine, whi •u
has a renlarkabiy simple single sleeve
valve of fewer parts than any other
four -cylinder engine, has been going
on in Technology's automobile re-
search laboratory for more than a
year under the direction of Prof. Dean
A. rales.
Tho basic idea of the Gaw single
sleevevalve has been proved practical
in laboratory research and- in opera-
tion of one of the experimental engines
on road tests covering more than 1U,-
000 'tulles, Professor Tales reported.
The engine, he stated, marks a -notable
advance in the design of sleeve -valve
'Phe outstanding feature of the new
engine is the simple sleeve -valve of
light steel tubing, which slides be-
tween the cylinder wall and the piston,
being operated vertically and without
rotating notion' bya ball-bearing
rocker arra and positive earn mechan-
ism. The motor is conventional in ap-
pearance and the valve mechanism is
readily accessible through removable
plates on the side of the crank case.
Williams' Pink Pills Should
be Taken to Enrich the
When girls grow weak, pale and
thin, parents 'should not neglect these
symptoms; to do' so'moans danger.
The girl in her teens cannot develop
into - robnet womanhood without an
abundant supply of igen, red blood in
her 'Veins. It is the lack of this that
is the great .trouble with nine girls
•out .of ten. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
live achieved, world-wide fame ,for
their :remarkable blood -making prop-
erties. In these pill's' there is' vigor-
ous health, with glowing cheeks aud'
sparkling eyes for every weak, hale
girt''` The value of the pills in cases
of this ]hind is shown by the ,,state-
ment of Mrs. Winnifred Rutty, Bar-
ton street west, Flaniilton, Ont., who
says: -"About two years ago - my
eldest girl got into very bad health.
I;took her to a doctor who advised
having her tonsils removed, saying'
this was the seat of the trouble. We
had them removed; but it did not help
her, and she seemed to have absorbed
so much poison from the trouble• that
she did not pick up' at all. She could
neither eat nor sleep, and what food
She did' take ".did not digest. Then she
developed a 'cough that kept her
awake at night, and went -down in
weight to 96 pounds.- A neighbor
'said to me, 'You have tried ee many
things why not try Dr. Williams'' Pink
Pillet-' I got some and before she
finished the "second box she began to
show improvement. She continued
the use of the pills for some time and
Is now in the pink of 'condition, able
to work and play, and. eat and sleep
with all her old-time vigor. These
statements can be verified by neigh -
hors who watched her restored from
111 health to perfect health.'-.
If your medicine dealer does not
keep these pills you can get thein by
mail at 50c a box from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont:
Secrecy Increases .
Trade With the B,W.I.
Saskatoon Star -Phoenix (Lib.): De-'
spits the fact that the commercial'
tt•eaty between Canada and the Brit-
ish West Indies has been in force
since 1025, trade between the two,
countries has by no means reached
its fullest capacity. . . . Canada -ap=
patently is not yet importing from
the 'West Indies the volume of bana-
nas, oranges and gretpetruit which
this -country can absorb, nor aro
Canadian manufactured articles .be-
coming popular in the Nest Indies
as rapidly as expected. Marketing
conditions, however, are being im-
proved and organizations created
which will tend to popularize the
products of the two countries with
each other.... It is worthy of note
that already Canadian butter is dis-
placing the United States product
Assam teas are known by
experts as the "finest teas
grown --a fact which explains
why Red Rose Orange Pekoe
has become so deservedly
popular in Canada. For Reda
Rose Orange Pekoe is chiefly
composed' of Assam teas,
which accounts for its dis-
tinctive quality and value.
Every package guaranteed.
3 12
due to Acid
[Noloss ION
What most people ca 1 indigestion is
usually excess acid in the stomach.
The food has soured. The instant
remedy is-a:i alkali'which neutralizes
acids. But don't use cruilo helps. Use
what your doctor vsouid advise,
The best help Is Phillips' Milk of
Magnesia. For the 50 years since . its
invention it has remained standard
with physicians. You will find nothing
else so quick in its effect, so harmless,
to efficient.
Three patents have been granted
Mr- Gaw covering the single sleeve
design, the positive cam driving the
sleeve, and the type of head embodied
in the meter. • The sleeve is so con-
structed that no harmful ,burning oc-
curs around the edges ol the ports,
the simple up-and-down ageiproeating
motion of the sleeves giving- a sharp
opening and cut-off. The sleeve is
light and capable of being operated at
high speed's. Further power advan-
tages are made possible by the rela-
tively fewer working parts.
Such is the design of the camshaft
that it may be built extremely rigid;
thereby eliminating torsion or twist-
ing. that is said to occur in the eccen-
tric shafts of some•sleeve-valvemotors_.
The compact combustion chamber with
the exhaust port on a lower level
than the intake, is said to give unusual
turbulence to the entering gas, and
n:akes possible what is known as a
strptified charge—a condition where
the new gas fortes a layer at the top
of the cylinder next to the spark -plug
and the unoxhasusted gas remains be-
tween it and the piston top., Because
of the cobspact-'combustion chamber
the engine has a very high eompres-
siolr ratio.
Divorces in Britain
What aDnnce
111 you want to be wise y: r. sl,oudtl
go to Duns. They have bean learned,
there for centuries;, they are So still.
ml where is Duna,; that you may go
there? It is a wee toavh.1r Barwick-`
shire, with the usual history of towns
in Cho Border country; for in 1145 it
was unfortunately destroyed, only to
build itself' up again blsavely a few
years later. But Duns has a greater
claim to history, or at least to tradi-
tion, than a few Border ,raid's, It is
the town of Duns Scotus of medieval -
fame. Duns Scotus was a philosopher
of the thirteenth century, and a popu-
lar one too, as his mere presence at-
tracted some thix'ty,thousand students
to Oaiord University. lie wrote books
on the Bible and Aristotle, and: he dis-
puted with Aquinas, enhaneing the
reputation of his native town for.
learning. It seems strange indeed
tisat from: so wise a place, ;and from
so great' a 'philosopher, should have
come a word that still expresses:the
unlearned, 'a simpleton, a fool, a know--
now-nothing-in short, :a "dunce!' But
though Duns Scotus may have been a
nponument to"wisdom,''his students of a
later day were not, and they opposed,
all forms of learning but their own.
Hence, in derision, they were known as
"tDunsers" or opponent's of advancing
thought, therefore ignoramuses. So
the whirligig of time turned and
twisted the word about, as it has done
to many another word, and gave it an
opposite meaning to its first one. So
take courage, little dunce in the pis-
ture, as you stand in the corner with
your foolscap on your head. You may
not be as silly as yeti look, and cer-
tainly Duns Scotus was no lack wit,
But dunces are out of date 'today, it
is pleasant to think, when there is
more love for learning; The only
"foolscap" left pertains to the station_
ens; among whom the name lingers,
though its meaning is lost forever".
Law Prohibiting Newspapers
Publishing Court Details
Dismays Its Sup-.
- ` porters
London.—Divorce has proved so
popular under the'law forbidding the
newspapers to publish court details
that the President of the High Court
bas been; compelled to appoint two
assistants for the Michaelmas term.
This country, which was once one
of the hardejt nations in the world in
whielr to obtain a divorce, has ob-
served a steadily increasing nuniber
of applicants since the new law
shrouded the cases in secrecy. There
art) 800 -divorce actions filed for hear-
ing during the two-month Michaelmas
term, an'fucrease of 300 over the last
Manch people, who' supported the
new law on the theory that publics.-
ublicstion of details of 'hi'olren-up family
lite could serve no useful purpose, ire
coming ` to believe that they. have
Helped to create., a Frankenstein mon
ster which may do more to encourage
divorce than to hinder it.
A further complication in the di-
vorce situation is seen In the an-
nbullcement that shortly there will be
launched an agitation for the right to
divorce on such grounds as separa-
tion owing to penal servitude, chronic
alcoholism and' temperamental differ-
ence. The only grounds upon which
divorce can now be obtained in Ang-
land Is adulterY••
Some strange and unusual matri-
monial tanglea will worry the judges -
this season. The secrecy laws has en - I
couraged so much collusion in getting
divorces that it has been announced
that the judges win not accept as ab-
solute corroborating testimony con-
fession of a husband.
One tasteless spoonful in water neu-
tralizes manytimes-its volume in acid."
The reedits are immediate, svith no
bad after-effects. Once you learn this
fact, you will neves• deal with excess
acid in the crude ways. Go learn—
now-why this method is supreme
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physl-
Mane for 60 years in correcting ex-
cess acids. , llacir bottle contaius full
directions—any drugstore.
UNNY land of
fruit and flowers,.'
where living is a joy
the Whole year
I Milerhighmountains t
ax - smootla'beaches••-
orange groves, pepper trees -and palm,;:
World cities—quiet retreats. Every sport '
•a; --every day.
Red Rose Orange Pekoe
the best tea yu can buy,
In dean, bright -Aluminum
Fewer .accidents are caused by
traffic jams than by pickled drivers.
—Norfolk Virginian -Pilot.
Once a mother has used Baby's
Own 'Tablets for her little ones she
always keeps a supply on hand, for
the first trial convinces, her there is
nothing to equal them in keeping
children well. The Tablets are a
mild but thorough laxative which,
regulate the bowels and sweeten the
stomach, thus driving out constipa-
tion and indigestion, colds and simple
fever and malting teething easier.
Concerning them, Mrs. Saluste Pelle-
tier', St. Dumas, Que., writes:—'I have
used Baby's Own Tablets for the past
ten years and am never without them
tin the house•. They have always given
the greatest satisfaction and I can
gladly recommend them to all mothers
of little ones." The Tablets are sold
by medicine dealers or direct by mail
at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Personally we crave Iuxuries, but
we have never seen a $5,000 funeral.
that we 'wanted,—Dallas News,
Minard's Liniment for Backache.
The most essential factor in break:
Ins an, airplane record is to shatter
nothing but the record.—Weston
(Ore.) Leader,
“California Mid -Winter Escorted' Tour( -21 days—ate
expense. On the way -Indian -detour, Grand Canyon,
Phoenix, California and Yosemite. Rctitrn through
Feather River Canyon, Royal George, Colorado Springs
and' Denver. Leave Chicago Saturdays, January 5.19,
February 2.16; March ' 2.16, 1929.4 Ask for details."
P. T. Henan', Gen. Agent, Santo Pe 1;y.
604 Transportation Bldg., Detroit, Mich.
Phone; Randolplt $Ids
Advertisement says that the secret
of poise is money in the bank, At
least, it's the secret of balance,-
Ar•kans Gazette
as azo e
Classified Ac!•vertisemcn s
Atr,mrs'rs' ssJmsnxns.
PE7kt5, min rue. Crimple'te line artist
materials; Write for catalogue Christ-
mas earths tor. 'fiand coloring. C. 12,
Crowley Limited, 1316 St•, Lathering
West, Montreal.
Paradox: The candidate l43 one samples free: Stocking -4
President either .Cs the job and bas
mons. Dept. _1, Orinin, Ont.
P c t, go
bthin to I et doses the job and
ng ,
goes to work. -Detroit News.
Minard's Liniment for Asthma.
The biggest business of this gen-
eration is
en-eration-is to nail down peace, before.
the race forgets what war is.—Taos-
ton Herald.
FREE 139Oii
hi LI Sent Request
�e n
4 t S
Tells cause of 'cancer and what to do
for pain, bleeding, odor, ,etc. Write
for it to -day, : mentioning this paper.
Address Indianapolis Cancer Hospital.
Indianapolis, Ind.
The" new engind' is virtually .570125-
less and in road tests has shown eosin
only in fuel and ell consumption.
- What .tlie great Anienican home
heeds right now is a can -opener a Wo-
man eats' 9perate,—council Bluffs
Nonpareil. -
The whole Pro em its how to trim
the war debts without trimming the
war creditors. -Dallas News.•,
Just "do your stuff"—don't run a bluff,
Or, let o1' hardship "5ta11"
Or' )flay your hand with too much
Or life will surely "call" youl
Just forge ahead, and don't go dead
Or be 'too` "wise" `and "knowing;'
And put your heait in what you start,
And sanely keep on going.
—s, E. IIungereord.
Minard's Liniment, for Grippe.
The ;'talkies," we are told, hate
come to stay. SO -much for the hope
that- they had just popped in fora
• Evenibough you°; get in the public
c?e, you: may be just a little squirt,
Look at the gi'apefruit.—Corvallis •
(Ore.) Gazette -Times.
"Our baby kept waking, us several
times a night, until we -started giving
him a little Castoria after his las t•nurs
int" says an. Iowa mother. "Lie slept.
soundly from the first night and it
made pini look and feel worlds better."
Baby specialists endorse Fletcher's
Castoria; and millions of mothers,
know how this purely -vegetable,
harmless. preparation helps babies stun
children, with colic,' constipation,,
colds, diarrhea, etc. The Fletcher
signature, is arrays on the wrapper of
genuine Castoria.' Jstoicl .imitations.
Break Colds with Minard's Liniment.
When. in Toronto, 6111 at our Ware -
rooms, 'to seethese wonderful
Instruments Uuright Player
andGrand Pianos—or write for'.
"'illustrated Catalogue and Price 1-ist
Heintgan Hall
195 Yong Si., Toronto
For Every Paan
For cuts, bruises, ' sprains.'
, stiff joints, and other pains,
use Minard's. Relieves,
Elliott and Victoria
Church & Shuter Sts. 56 Yongc St.
In the Shopping District
Do you intend to run your own farm; to practice the best farm
methods; to raise better crops acrd better stock; to keep your fou do,
the hlghest state of fertility; to make the farm pay? Unless you ,
what satisfaction is there in farming? Now is the time. to lay the.
foundation of your life's work; to learn something of soils; fertiit-
zere; drainage; plant and animal diseases; insect pests; varieties of
grains, roots, and fruits; breeds and types of animals; marketing of
farm produce; carpentry; blackamlthing; dairying, etc. Get an In-
sight into the innumerable problems that every farmer has to face
and should know about.
-? R^ : ?
By Taking Some of the Winter Courses at
These courses are designed to -meet the requirements of boys
who cannot spend a longer period at The College.
Send •for the Short Course Calendar outlining the various courses.
G. I. CHRISTIE, B.S.A., D.Sc., A. M. PORTER, B.S.A,,
President. Registrar.
ase hong. LOCOS. BEaf6rsa sea
Canadian Artist's Series
Christmas Cards
Beautiful Band -Coloured Christmas
Cards designed by Canada's Leading.
Artists. Twelve especially attractive
Cards with eharmlat and appropriate
sentiments may bo purchased at a
considerable saving In boxed assort-
ments at Loc, 01.00, and ;1.60..
rnbnonea fly,
172 SIMOOF s'1`,. '.BonoNTo. -,
riAnA titre are 40 doaea In el!
76 -cent bottle 1 Pleasant to take
and instant in action rn every kind
of Cold. Relieves Bronchitis, Croup"
nd Whooping Cough. Prevents
"Flu" and Pneumonia. Lancs Irri-
tatodthroats: Buy "Beckley a . Sold
by all druggists and guaranteed.
W. A. Buekicy, Limited,
142- Mutual St., Toronto 2 _.
Acts like a jlasjt—
\"®1 a single sip proves lt` 937
A Friend to Women
Lydia E. Piukha is
Vegetable Compound
Lynn, Maas., tkS,A.
and. Cabourg, Ont., Canada,
ISSUE. N9. 47—'
The Gaal' Coast
lRichin legend and history. Lux-
urious hotels, apartments and
cottages. The Pao-„rtmeriran, a11 -
Pullman train leaves Cincinnati
10:20 A. M. daily and arrives at
Gull Coast points next morning.
.2t'ew Orleans
Every day is "holiday" --every
night is "carnival” in New Orleans.
All sports. Historic shrines, Ex-
cellent hotels. World famous
restaurants. Reached in less than
24 hours from Cincinnati on The
Iliad -
Splendid through train service
from Detroit, Cleveland, Indian-
apolis, Cincinnati and Louisville
daily on The Flamingo and The
Southland, Diverse route includes
Gulf Coast one way. Same cost.
CatitQAit'td ia
The most fascinating way to go
";abroad at home" is to follow the
sun to the Pacific Coast, The Pan.
vinterican connects with finest
western trains at New Orleans.
Liberal stop -overs allowed. No
extra fares.
H. E. Potter, T. P. A., L. d,: N.ILA., 0925.224
603 Tcaesportenon Bldg., Detroit, Michigan.
DNewO:I4,at; OCalifornia. ohoecAlso iudotewinter otes. Coast;
The nursetells you to take Aspirin becatise she knows that it is
safe. Doctors have told her so. It has no effect on the heart, so
take it to stop a headache or check a cold,. For almost instant
relief of neuralgia, neuritis,'rh'eunlatisin; even lumbago. ,Bet
sure it's Bayer—the genuine Aspirin. At druggists, with proven
tlirections for its many uses.
Aspirin is a Trademark ItegisteSfd in Canada