HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-11-08, Page 7MO' I A' C olu mn .Pre a ed Es A �' peca'ally #pr iYonpen"--; ,r N But''.o k For Idden .to '` b Men uetolaer turned my -maple's ea'" . o p leaves 5 t The most az• t e•one. g now; hero an there one lingers; Don' these.: will slip from out th twig's •'s weak 1d holdi hike 'coins between.,a,-d in Miser' dying msei.' fingers. o, or labor as attractive as any- ,' where else : o e s;. n earth. h. d But whire wealth' increases •thin c: it would he well for us to :see that' e some of the finer things oflife should be cultivated:, It is ; fine thing, •no s- doubt, for parents to;provide material: prosperity for their children but af- ter all, a fine •house, fine .clothes, 'a car and leisure, to seek am u erenti are not the greatest' things and in man ca " r y cases prove to be the very woxst' things fo start a boy or girl off with; The young folk are too much de pendent upon outside things for their entertainment, They go to the pic- ture show' or to the dance hall, or if spending an evening at home nowa- days they turn on' the radio and let somebody in London, Toronto or Detroit amuse them. This is very' fine, of course, for the radio enables many to hear music and addresses which they 'would never have an op- portunity of hearing otherwise, but it is to be feared that m.'iieh of the stuff corning in over the radio is not of a very uplifting or edifying char 'Sonne little word of kindness oftl Y •s�o s 1 1 en, 'To light the path p when skies are dull and grey, • -May ; serve to heal the l4eart that's well nigh broken, And bring new life and hope with every day. -Some kindly act of self-denial, To place a fallen brother on his feet; "The one bright spot that through long years of trial Maakes life worth while and memory passing sweet. -A. ,cheery smile to make some heart feel lighter, And,help to ease life's• -burdens, come what will, 'Can make this dull old world seem all the brighter, And bring the Heaven we dream of nearer still. 1. Sometimes I feel that we have come to put too much emphasis on the .mere making of money and not enough on actually living, In a young country, of course, the first duty devolving upon the inhabitants is that of producing the wherewithal to -sustain life, to gather about them suf- ficient of this world's goods to ensure their families against want. And the 'early settlers in Canada, by hard work and thrift, did -just that. They cleared the land, (working too dili- gently at that, perhaps), built homes, established schools and churches and 4 in time towns grew ups industrial,'ed- ucational•and financial centres, until today we have a country with varied interests and alluring prospects. Cer- tainly, as has been said, "the Twen- tieth Century belongs to Canada," and those who live to see the end of the -second quarter may see develop- ments which are little dreamed of now. I am a firm believer in the future of Canada and I believe that the young man or woman who invests his or her life here will be amply re- -warded. Not that I imagine every- one will in time become wealthy, but I believe that social and industrial -0 n "ons in Canada will be and re- main as good, or a little better, than t in any other country, and tate returns What would be better for the youngsters would be to teach them some good music, so that they would be able themselves to produce some- thing in the way • of entertainment; teach them to appreciate good liter- ature, so that if they are spending, an evening alone they will never be dull; enrich, theirminds so that liv- ing, developing a character, will be the greatest achievement of their lives. For the making of a life is of far greater 'importance than the making of a living. One of the very best ways of de- veloping a love for the finer things of Life is in making the home the most attractive of places. If home is a place where love and harmony ex- ist, where the refinements of life are appreciated and are prac- tised and little courtesies are ob- served between members, the young people will not be so eager to leave it and it will be easier to interest then in things ,worth while. All householders should try to make their homes attractive but I have of- ten wondered why people on farms did not pay more attention to beau- tifying their homes. In town one has so little room to work, but on a farm all one needs to do to enlarge the lawn is to move the fence back a bit. In towns and cities householders have taken down fences altogether to give an appearance of space. Of course I know the old excuse of he fainter, no time, but if interest was once aroused time would be .w.,..t. IWi edoef is New Book on the Saxophone Vividly: pot Ira v, newand tatesi ideas and methods of 1. n•_ gertng and tntittig. A book every Eaxo• phonisi hot, d have, Sen; FREE lot tin asking HOLTON WIEDOEFT MODEL Saxophones with'the new Low -Register iSey Mine the most revo'utionary improvements ever made in Saxophone building, The entire register hair been -equalized, in- creasing its richness and beauty intone and simplified the fingering throughout. Hit the, low F,E,DandC with all your power—they won't warble or break. Tone so easy to get,end so easy co hold. You can have one lot 10 Days Free.' Sold on Easy .Payments. The J, M. Greene Music Co.. PETERBORO, ONT. I1d9 THE EVENT OF AN ACCIDENT You will ;want your car repeit'ed as good as new We have the largest, most completely equip- ped Auto Body Repair Department in Western Ontario and do all our own work, If it's a badly wrecked ear or just a,: fender dint let us do it and be assured of a'"good as new" job. Drive in today -Drive out to -morrow Phone Metcalf 814-' Corner York and Talbot Sts, found, Some farmers.,—,'do iAeep thei f ilia ,grounds very carefully 'and: at iri tWeiy, and when one ;itappeus;, on cue a:� lacg what a 0h.i• P a J Y it fa zs . rm grou}Ida have such an advantage oyez those .in the towia or -city for no.anat tez,`liotv'initch °:a town dweller inay trY;'to ; improve•,'} is P1aee-he.may be. u a sins& a-nei hbor • up;',against g g who is • care less or,:ho ip r have en. o}ttlgoit over •soanebotly's bash` yard "whroh .spoils• the effect Tn circ country he often- dotarir;' h riot , rias an oiitloolt tdwa .t, rd sorne`'-. rass g Y. , a itackgrrotni] of 'woods aiid at; the'worst, ht can,:pn 1 y have -a grainfield as `a;nei 'hbor to g. his lawnse- or garden, and' -it is'heAfia Mite' etsSea Seri e son to add to'.�the.beauty of the scene. ` A 'small outlay for 'some flowering shrub's 'and peren- nials; a:Tfonco wbrch•will keep The stock txanp]ing 'OVer: ' at a li tte l workWorX and cultivating and so ie '• n xas ed` o s se s 'and au g iNr' . Y, ,have the groundwork of a heantifui lawn• end'.garden,' The fall and s winter j: 1 a good -time to plan for the, spring THE, CLINTON T?B1W RECORD The ° followingcomment appeaerd in a Toronto daily paper last week: "Women are voting for the first time in Newfoundland, and New- foundland is- likely to make the dis- covert' which has been made in oth- er parts of the world, namely, that the -women vote is, -like the 'male "vote, a human vote after all, and will not greatly change public life. One would think, on reading that, that woman, . or somebody for her, had made the claim that women were more than human and their votes would changeearth ea • h t o heaven. Women are only asking n that they be accept- ed t- ed as 'human beings, not placed on a pedestial and worshipped by men, nor yet thrust aside as inferior, as being less than human. We want to be accepted as just what we are, fellow -human beings, with 'the desire to assist in any way we can to make this world a better place to live in, We may make mistakes, it will not be claimed, I ani sure, that men have never made any, but we shall `' learn by our mistakes and if men will just give, us a chance we may prove in time that we are not any detriment, at least, to public life, and we might possibly be of some help. REBEKAH s Fisherman Wrecked Peter was a deepsea fisherman from one of tire Maritime Provinces who came to Ontario, .married and made his home here. Went in for commercial fishing,but he says the winter work here l. even more trying than among the- fogs and lee floes of his old fishing grounds. Of course, he was working harder because there were now two people dependent on him. Anyway, he caught a severe cold which brought, on pleurisy. and because he Is a sturdy -willed Cana- dian lad he wouldn't give up, but .fought on, at home, for over a year. No use! The doctor finally gave him up and said he would have to take hospital treatment—his only chance. So here Peter is, In the Muskoka Hospital for Consumptives, where doctors and nurses of skill and ex- ack to thece ways 00 health and usare tryinto lead efulm ness again. A long road, but better this than the fate that used almost in- evitably to overtake the consumptive poor, Would you not like to help In thls great work? A subscription would mark your interest. Such may be sent to Hon. W. A, Charlton or A, 30. Ames, 223, College - Street, Toronto 2, Ontario. MRS. CHARLES STANLEY GETS SIX MONTHS IN JAIL Mrs. Charles Stanley, whose home was a few miles east of Kinlough, was last week given a six -months terra in Walkerton Jail for having a whisky still in operation on her farm. She had just served a twenty -day term for obstructing the police hi the discharge of their duty. In-- court Mrs, Stanley did not deny having the still, and the magistrate imposed a fine of $750 and costs of .$14, with the option of a six -months term. As there was no means of paying the ,fine, the woman took the jail term. She appeared little concerned about the court proceedings or sentence evidently being prepared .for the worst. It will he remembered that Con- stables McClevis and Nelson visited the Stanley farm, and that while McClevis was searching the swamp for a still, Nelson remained at the house" to see that Stanley did not leave. Stanley made a run for the swamp while . his wife endeavored to hold Constable Nelson and when he broke away she set a couple of dogs • after him, and these so retarded his progress that Stanley escaped. While this little scene was 'being enacted at the Stanley home Const- able McClevis was wrecking a still which he had "discovered in the swamp. 'In passing sentence on Mrs. Stan- ley, Magistarte Walker " intimated that so, far as he was concerned the -illegal. distilling of liquors in Bruce County is going to be stamped out -Lucknow Sentinel. Varicose Veins Reduced OR MONEY I3Abiif Simple Home Treatment 'That. is Giving Amazing Results.< If you have varicose veins' of bunch- es you can start today to bring them. back to normal size, and if :you are. wise you will do so. Just get an original bottle of Mooses Emerald Oil at any dispens- ing pharmacist and apply it night and' morning to the enlarged veins. Ib is Very ; powerful and penetrating, After a .few days' ti•eatmen the veins wjll begin to grew smaller and by tognlar fisc Will soon,reduce to nor- mal, People who want to reduce varicose veins, or get rid of eczema, ulcers or piles in a few days ,should not' -hesi- tate to gob a bottle at once. It is Snell a powerful, penetrating antisep- tic oil that a small bottle lasts a long time. Any pharmacy can supply you and sells lots ,of it, Ccyl(ioro a TIO*11.s'hi`pi " tLiiniversary servioesl were field` at Smrth's Hi ^. Il �huvch oi} Sund ty: with full'', capacity congrpgatxons',, both znornuig stall evening, ., Bennntlier . jotl2t,approintment,,wibh- dt'ow; servicesfor'itho. event: • <`I{ev. Mh,=imthony' of Thttisjes`' Road; `took full charge, ofsaitornlnp:service,and • as a te""tit took ',`laot us rise up and'joutld." 2tovi; ;IVPs ' As;thonY alsp•;'speko 't'o the young people''on the klerne "Keep on irunnmgy' "which ryas^ Geiy ins iris • P g The :ehon; sang "A,wake' -•as a `V',olnn- tary,:' The evening 'seiviee Was in. eharg o1 Rev. ' R. •'Alp of Auburn and, ,agarn Mir, Alrtlrony, griver-a.' sage Prem 'Genisis 13.;,11,,,r1:2; 13' ram's,' Choice ;;against• ,Lot's Choice," The. :reale quartette of Weet£ield` •awe' .threo : music 1 ri a umbers 'and were'hig'h•. ly co>ypiemented, Master < Herbert rber and' t Mises' Mary and Dorothy Green are; visiting' with their. relatives, Mrs, Rohert Daer and IVIr and Miss Green, • Miss Lillie and Mr. Archie Fergus- on ;Were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. ,Wm. Watson's, Mr. 'Varner. Walter attended the live stock sale' at Guelph .on Thurs- Mr, John Tabb and 1Vtr. Clarence. Pesten and Mr. D. McGrattan,-Isaac Currey and Jas. McCann of Ashfield. motored to Mitchell on. 'Monday even- ing of last week to attend the Mis- sionary Banquet held there. Mt. and Mrs, Albert Glenn of. Leamington are visiting at the for- mer's ofd home, Mr. -Geo. -Glenn and family. • Hullett Township.'` Report of S. S. No. ..1 0 for the month of0ctP o era Jr. 4th_Donald Sprung, Gordon Johnston. Sr. 3rd—Dorothy Vodden, Jr. 3rd—Leonard Yungblutt, Char- lie Mlachan. Sr. 2nd ----Stanley Yungblutt. . Sr. lst-Beth ,Gooier and Ruth Vod- den, equal; Florence Yungblutt, El- eanor Sprung, Eddie Honking, Pearl Johnston, Printer—Rhoda Govier, Joe Hun - king, Jack Sprung. No. on roll, 15, average attendance, 15-E. Arnett, teacher. AN ARMISTICE DAY APPEAL Sir Robert `Jones, the famous Eng- lish Orthopedic surgeon declared re- cently that in ten years the number of men and women still suffering from deformities incurred during childhood will be reduced by ninety per cent. The reason for this sur- mising change is the fine work being done in hospitals for crippled child ern. Diseases which were formally believed incurable are now easily rem- edied through the efficient treatment carried on in these Institutions. The only hospital for sick and crip- pled children of its kind in Western Ontario is the War Memorial Child- ren's Hospital at London, Ontario. This Institution has only been in op- eration for five years, yet it has a- quired a reputation which is second to none in -Canada. In the Spring of 1923 the first pat- ients were admitted to its sunny wards, and during the first three years 528 patients from Windsor, Sar- nia, Chatham, Woodstock and all parts of Western Ontario, were cared for, with a total of 27,398 patient days. During the past two years 709 patients were treated with total pat- ient days of 32,795. These figures Call up your :l customers by long distance An occasional call will make it almost impossible for them to stop trading with you. Do you realize 'that' one of the largest returns you can se- cure•froln the expenditure of. ,. a small sum is to be had by calling up old customers • '., occasionally by Long Dis; twice? 3 . Friendliness begets ' friendli- ness. How can you or I keep away from a merchant who spends his money to shore his interest in our affairs? We can't. The newspaper editor tonna on this trait in human nature. He mentions sub- scribers' names frequently, because he, knows they will look for them in his paper, The merchant who occasion+ ally calls customers by Long Distance is one who can't big overlooked or forgotten. ., For SWalleln Joints - Most reinedies fail blit Taint -Ensu succeeds, ' 'Its for Joint troubles only, whether inankle, knee, hili, elbow, shoulder, finger or spine -whether rheumatic 00 riot. ' It limbers up Stiff, inflilaned, pain- ful, creaky 'joints so quickly you'll be ast0rvished. Two seconds' rubbing and ,'away it goes through skin and flesh right down to the bouo: and ligaments—that's Why it succeeds:, Ask any reliable drug- rviat spealc.elequently ofthe increasing de mend upen;•the hospital from all part 'of this district. Fe people Few' p epic fully appreciate th importance of the War Memorial Children's Hospitalwork. To under r cstandnunitsitTe valuesono mtoush. Westernseethe: Ontachildrrio°en Dint at the time of their admission and then see them again when they have returned to their homes.: They come in ill and weak, crippled ppldan d deform- ed , tiiz'ough accident or sickness n ss. Th , T cy.g'o out in good health with their deformities; in man : instances, es, i:om- pletely cured. The h i .. ogp tai has 0h sic.1 p Y 1 Cher - any department which is in, charge of skilled physieans and ' a masseuse. This department gives massage treat - ant applies treat- ments and..aP-,hes' artificial light and heat to the crippled bodies. Despite their ailments cuts the children k'eep well up with their school work, attending' daily classes' conducted by a qualified "teacher. Since earlylast year a sun roof has been added to the building which has been ofimmeasurable val- ue to the little patients. As years go on this very important Western Ontario Institution will con- stantly require :new supplies, modern. equipment and increased facilities. To function at peals efficiency the hospital is 'obliged to broadcast an annual armed' for funds, for it is on- ly through individual contributions that it can install the best of ,equip- ment and give the best of service. It was founded as a memorial to West- ern Ontario Soldiers who died during the Great War and each year it sounds its Armistice . Day plea so that the memory ' of the e heroic dead may be perpetuated in little boys and girls reclaimed to 'health and happi- ness. Contributions to aid in the work of the War Memorial 'Children's Hospital should be made direct to the Hospital at London, Ontario. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER $, 192 - s Co6IlCltO Ne',1/s pastianes peculiar to that pair of the country, y, SLAP > O RT H. The h 3�' �'t1 1 we. c ort o' ,Frolic held on Wednesday evening • Where else but Florida can one en' Jay »otter such an exciting` novelty as Tarpon is rug . or aqual rlamn • or s ' 1 g speed -boating 00 polo. Where else can one motor for miles. through avenues shaded by graceful palms—bygreat ` erti•us groves of lip - ening oranges and lemons -or along the shore of the Atlantic,Ther ' es golf, :too—all 'winte long. g. Arrange now tospend p ci your winter months in Florida -Any Canadian National Railways Agent will gladly supply you with information about rates, routes , z res and its "resorts.. ' 87-1. "CONFEDERATION" TRAIN TO under the auspices of the - ens, Club was a splendid success. Early in the evening hundreds assempled at the Lions Park to sea rho' lure works and the big bon -fire, At 8 o'clock a grand parade of old and young, many of thein in costtirne, headed' by the''Seatorth Highlanders and marched from the park to the Palace skating rink, where a short program comprising an: address by Mayor W. H. Golding, a chorus and skits, etc., by the Lions wasiven. Dancing •i; wa ' e g s enjoyed `by many and the fun was .,kept up tiI1 midnight There was also a colossal midway and d different kinds :alcontests. BLYTIL Flax mill_proprietors have :ha'd quite a serious time har- vesting. there crops this ,:year, but at last they have got their crops off, the land and are now busily engaged working it up at their mills here. Some of the fields around here, have Water on them two and three feet deep, which is something unusual for 'this time of the year, , and, cense-. quently, the farmers are finding it hard to get their fall plowing done. SEAPORTH: The auditorium of First Presbyterjaii church was filled at the induction service on Wednes- day evening of last week, when Rev, Irving B. Keine, of Orangeville, was formally inducted into his new charge. e. Re g v. J. McElroy of Hensel], salt, moderator of the Huron Presbytery, presided, Rev. T. W. Goodwell, of Blybh, conducted the devotional ex- ercises' and preached an inspiration- al sermon from the third chapter of Ephesiaus, Rev." James Foote, , of Exeter, moderator of -the session, narrated the steps, leading up to the present occasion, Rev, R. C. Mc- er•inidof Goderich, addressed the Mister and Rev, James Foote, the congregation. After the benediction the audience adjourned ,to the school room where a dainty luncheon was served by the Ladies' Aid Society Mr. Kaine begins his ministry under very favorable auspices. EDMONTON ENSURES PLEAS- ANT LEAS ANT COMFORTABLE JOURNEY Canadian National Railway Offic- ials are being congratulated on hav- ing continued the popular "Confedera- tion" in operation between 'Toronto and Edmonton„ This innovation. has eliminated most of the delays experienced by travellers grossing the Prairies in the winter time as it provides a fast, through, comfortable service to Ed- monton;.. via Winnipeg, Brandon, Re- gina and Saskatoon. By this route good connections are made to all im- portant points by lines radiating from these cities, The splendid 'equipment and cour- teous service—always a feature of the "Confederation" -ensure a pleas- ant journey without the discomforts of winter travel. • 1 Full information and reservations from any Canadian National Rail. ways' "Agent,' 87-1. HENSALL: Fred Brock has bought a number of fine Iots from Mr. Zuefle at the northwest part of the village, and will put thein all under cultivation of different products. CANADrANS TURN TO FLORIDA FOR A CAREFREE WINTER SEASON Semi -tropical Florida is grain drawing large numbers of Canadians for the winter season, It is becom- ing more popular „every year—prin- cipally because it is so near, its clim- ate is so inviting, and it offers such an array of interesting sports and ALMOST 1'Pg TI WITH HEADACHE gidne3r,,Trouble and Weakness Relie i y� ,p� y, oed -byFri it-a-tivesl'9 _ Mato. TESSIER "I was very weak because of Kidney Trouble. - and suffered with terrible Headaches," says Mme. Romulus Tessier, St. Jean de Maim, P.Q. I was treated fora long time and was just about discouraged when I learned of 'Fruit-a-tives.' Improvement came with the first few doses, and in six months the kidney trouble, weakness and headaches were gone." "Fruit -a -tines" regulates the bowels, kidneys and skin—purifies the blood— and 5rings sound, vigourous health. Try this wonderful medicine madeof fruit juices combined with the finest medicinal ingredients, 25c. and 500, a box—at dealers everywhere. A Soldier Builds Ships Joe spends a geed deal of time making d tar, you atty. Wrong. Joe was a aol- model snipe." Ah, an o deer, and he Isn't very old at far -- about 80. But there is something rather serious the matter with hire. When he was at the front ho was wounded twice, seriously too. Often . a fellow seems to get over a wound, but later on in life It seems to Dome, back on him," says Joe. His eccrreri., once was that when he took a job he. became too weak to hold it, seemed to get worse and had pains In the chest, Atter e, while the doctor said it was consumption. Joe is now at: the Toronto Hospital for Consume ttves, where the kindly doctors and nurses are doing weir best to patch up the worts naive and put new life in the waste& lungs. They may suc- ceed, too, for .,Coe is worth saving, and a big fight 18 being waged to save him. Would yon like to help 1n such, work? A subsori-ition from you Would be much appreciated. Such may be sent to Hon, W. A. Charlton or A, PI, Ames, 228 College Street, Toronto 2, Ontario. Asistosioseneniesonalivoroscriman Makinga Convenience of a .Business Many there are who stake of a legi- timate and well-established business nothing but a convenience—a place from which to get odds and ends when there is no time to go farther afield. They do not hesitate to send their good money away for many things they need, and which could just as sat- isfactorily and much more prompt- ly be supplied by their home mer- chants and dealers. No business, no matter of what nature, can long exist on this sort of patronage. ,Nor is it fair to expect that it should. The public expect to receive services as and when they demand it; but many •do not do their_ part in making this Possible. There are manufacturing industries with fairly 'completa equipment which because of such lack of consideration, are idle 'm'ach of the time. 1t must be Patent to all that a busy plants can operate much more cheaply than one. 'which, is working only on part time. Therefore it should bo the policy of all to place their business ofwhatever kind it may be with the local plant or factory to the end :that it may bo kept reasonably busy and thus be in a position to give its hest service. When it is Printed' Matter of any kind remember tile, plant and equipment of he e