HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-11-08, Page 6Sunday School .Lesson November 11. Lesson Vi.—Peace and Good Will Among Men,=Ramans 12; 1, 2, 9-21. Golden Text—Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. -Romans 12: 21 ANALYSIS l., TMG NATURE OF THE CIIRIST'IAN LIFE, 1, 2. II. THE EXERCISE OF TILE PRINCIPLE OF LOVE, 9-21. INTROn tCTmev—Thi in,, of the apostle in this Epistle is completed ai, now the writer turns to the problem of c -duct,: It was is custom to first lav down his principles, and then to show how these must find their fruit in a higher type of living. See also Ephesians, Golcc-:ians, Thes- salonians. The general object of this chapter is to cultivate peace and good will among all members of the church. L TILE NATUf2L OF THE CIHRISTIAN LIFE, 1, 2. - V. 1. The entire appeal for• Chris- tian service -rises out of the infinite love of God. Paul does not rest his at regiment on th power of God, but he appeals to the wonderful confession of the heavenly Father, reyealed in e eation and redemption. 'The res- . porno of man to this confession should be complete, and this verse Jays stress upon the body, which is, a very essen-< tial element in our Christian life. The. Greeks were inclir,ed to speak slight- ingly of the body andsomeof their teachers advocated the crushing out of the instincts of thebody since the seat of sin lay in the flash But Christianity does not condemn the body, nor, does it disyarage its inbu erre, Rather it urges us topurify and sanctify our '.ody, that we .may offer it as n sacrifice to God. Hang the Expense Open Up Canada V. 2. But the mind rules the body, and those. thoughts which are; most often welcomed ere long find their ex- pression in outward conduct.' As a. .man thinketh in his ',art; so is he. 'Therefore, -Paul urges his readers to .ponder increasingly t'- s: will of God. Let all learn to submit with full con- Bent to his divine will. The three adjectives which he uses in this re- gardashould be careful noted, asthey set forth" the apostle's conception of the nature of God. (1) It is good. God will what is good for his crea- - tures. He is not Mee me . who are so often envious and malicious. All of Cxl's purposes are for the welfare of his children. In Jesus, called "the Good Shepherd," we have the incar- nate example 'of the divine goodness. (2) It is acce`,table. It is well:pleas- ing to them who accept it. They who fall in with God's plan, for their lives may,sometimes Imagias.that it seemed hoed and forbiedinr, ut in the end they will come to rejoice in it, and will hove a joy such as nothing else car; give. The Psalmist said, "I de- 1'ght,to do thy will," and Jesus said that it was his meat to do the will of his Father, (3) It is perfect. This adiective comes from word -meaning "end," and may mean here that which has reached its end, o: goal and, there- fore, is complete. God's will is in this sense perfect or complete. It is final, and we shall reach our goal or final peuection only when we fully accept this perfect will f God. "Be ye per - feat even as your Father in heaven perfect." II. THE E=ERCIFE OF THE PRINCIPLE 'OF LOVE, 9-21. V. 9. In the preceding verses, 3-8, P:,ul has spoken of the different gifts possessed by the members df the church, and of the way in which these are to be exercised. Now he passes on to discuss the graces which they must develop and the first and greatest of these is love. .This must be absolutely sir eeri„and based upon the highest nrr4ives. •V. 10. Love of the brethren is a see cial form of love which is to exist be- tt.een . members of the same church. This will manifest itself in a fitting modesty, V. 11. Joy was one of the great out- standing malities of the early church. It was revealed in -the teaching and life of Jesus, and thea it was mani- fest in his followeds. It has been claimed that joy as; a moral virtue was the creation of the Christian're- ligion. Paul shows that joy is quite consistent with suffering. The perse- cutors of the early Christians did not crush out their happiness. The words of Matthew 5: 11, were abundantly fulfilled. V 13. Paul was himself very gener- ous, and had spent much time in col- lecting money for the poor saints in Jerusalem. Hero he urges the form of generosity which ' shows itself in hospitality -a grace very needful in t' ose days when travel was so .corn - mc s and inns so poor. i nd dangerous. V. 16. This is a ve se on humility. "'it forbids all wrong ambition and de- sire to lord it over others; while 1.- a specific case he urges an interest in poor popple, a very wise and worthy counsel. j: A. MacNeil in the New York Times Tells of Progress Made and Making in, Giving Oiir `Inacc- cessable places Transportation HUGE EXTENSIONS Important railway projects and de- velopments now actually under way or being planned will within the next five years alter CanaCa's 'transporta- tion map to an extent that the outside world hardly realizes. Even many Canadians have failed to note the full significance of the prospective changes and shifts which 'are duo to become actualities' within so short a time. Mauklnd'aimmemorial motivating im- pulses, the need ofwheat for food and the lesire for gold, either liter- ally or in its equivalent form -of met- als less precious but equally neces- sary in the world's work, are the,two prime factors in the urge which., is rolling back Canada's northern fron- tier'three, four and even five hundred miles into regions which but :a few years aao *ere looked upon as barren and inhospitable wastes, but which are now known to include areas incalcu- lably rich in natural resources or agricultural,.po tentiaflties. Ten years ago there was a general agreement on the part of .Canadians that railway- expansion in. the Do- minion had outstripped the needs of the country to a degree /that placed a heavy burden upon the public. Of three transcontinental systems; one at least, it was believed, was super- fluous.With the Canadian Northern. lines bankrupt, the. Grand Trunk Pa- cific tardy in meeting its obligations and the original Gland Trunk embar- rassed by the difficulties of its West- ern subsidiary, the Government of the, flay felt constrained to step in and take over the trio, consolidating them with the Intercolonial Into the present Canadian NaUonal Railways, with 'a trackage of more than 20,000 miles, approcimately equal to the mile- age of the C.P,R., the other great Canadian system. In addition there were probably another 0,000 miles' of railway under independent corporate or provincial ownership, a total mileage hugely out of proportion to the population of the country and 'its transportatin re- quirements. the Canadian. Pacific has taken over the Alberta & Great Waterways Reit- Way and the Edmonton, Dunvegan & British Columbia hallway,; which have for year been heavy liabilities to the province. In part they serve'` the Peace River Country, . where world's prize wheat and oats are now being grown, and . where million of acres of the' richest farm lands await the settlement which has been re- tarded by inadequate railway facllitlee and lack of a direct outlet to the Paci- fic Ocean. aci-flc'Ocean. The logical sequel to the'. C.P,R.'a acquisition of the, Alberta lines will be the providing' of these two: requisites andthe creation of a new and important Canadian shipping' point on the Pacific well to the north of _ Prince 'Rupert, one of the . two western termini of the Canadian Na- tional. • May Help British Columbia British Columbia has its white, ele- phant in the Pacific and Great East- ern Railway. The good fortune of Al- berta in disposing of its incubus will doubtless hearten the new adminis- tration in the Pacific province to been negotiations for a sale to one or other of the two chief systems, which may see an 'opportunity of proAtable operation where public ownership has' failed. Another radical change in the gen- eral scheme of trahsportatfon is seen in the reversal of th flow of part of the prairie wheat. Up to five years ago virtually all produced east of the Rockies came by rail . to the Great Lakes or even to the Atlantic seaboard, Now much of Alberta's yield goes across tae mountains to Vancouver for shipment to Europe via the Panama Canal, or to the Orient, and this year nearly one-fifth of the record crop; of 660,000,000 bushels is expected to go out. Via Vau- couver. The apparent tendency is to make the centre of the prairies .a dividing line, one-half the crop •going west and the other -east, with the ultimate result of Vancouver becom- ing a serious rival of"Monrteal• for the honor of being the world's great- est grain -shipping port. Certainly the outlook at present is that :Van- couver within the next quarter of a century will make Greater progress than any other Canadian city. Ten years ago the cry of Canadians was: "No more railways until ' our population is doubled.” To -day the slogan is: "Open up the inexhausti- ble mineral and cultivate regions and the population will come in.' Heavy Deficits Faced One of the most serious cense- quences was the operation of the Canadian National for years at the price of heavy deficits in running costs, not to mention unpaid interest charges, all of which came out of the pockets of Canadian taxpayers. Un- der the skilful management of Sir Henry Thornton, the . operating _ de- ficits were gradually eliminated and replaced with surpluses, but it took time to allay the feeling that Canada. was "over-railwaylzed." To -day all this is changed. The two big systems have gone steadily ahead, building strategic feeders and absorb- ing independent lines which offered promise r' profitable use. Other State or private enterprises have added and ars adding 43 the mileage, Canadian, American and British capital and public funds are available in plenty for what in the end will be regarded sure -tiling bets. What little criticism is'heard is mostly based oa sectional Jealousies or apprehension as 1, the effect on the critic's own community of develops -ants elsewhere consequent upon the new construction. Outstanding in interest is the Do- minion rrojoct of the Hudson Bay Railways After making a start, it !fad lain in abeyance during the war years, but was again taken up because of the insistence of the Prairie Prov- inces where the -wheat glowers saw in this short haul to tidewater a pros- pect of quicker and cheaper carriage pf their grain to the British and Euro- pean, markets. The. end of steel Is being pushed through the wilderness, and should reach Port Churchill, the chosen port on the h� est shore of Hud- son Bay, by 1930...The Pas, nearly 500 miles north of Winnipeg, is now a thriving little city, with all the ameni- ties of a modern community in exist- ence and a daily newspaper applying for a news franchise, where but yes- terday was a trading post chiefly known to the outside world for its dog derbies. Whether .the Hudson Bay route to Europe will fulfill all the hopes of its champions,in view of the uncretainy as to the duration and the safety of navigation through the Straits; can only be determined. by experience, but the opening up of so large a territdry believed to be'rich in minerals will probably justify the enterprise in the end, apart from its grain -carrying capacity. V. 18. Paul renumbers the beatitude rf the peacemakers. If there must be discord, then let it coma from outside ;the church. Vs. 19-21. Revenge. These verses take'for granted that good men will call forth the hostility of evil men, sand Paul warns the Christians against 'every act of retaliation. The only way olden to the Christian of showing his feeling is by caring for the best inter- ests of the enemy. In doing good to him he will heap coals of fire on his head, which probably means the burn- ing pangs of shame, which will fill the heart of the man who comes to see that good is being returned for all the evil he is doing.He will be so filled with a deep senna of self-accusation. that he will repent. This great moral lesson is summed up in the famous saying of verse 21 which teaches that all revenge is wreng and that we must seek to win over one for whom we have a dislike by a dit -lay of true -Christian love towards him. Love is the only world conqueror: Mental Deficiency Spectator ((London): Segregatioa must for long remain art impossible` .ideal. .' . Sterilization --though the : word frighten those who do not under- -. ',stand it—ie the only practical rem - ;tidy that has yet been proposed...,. The problem must" in any case be tackled promptly and effectively, not only for; the sake of the unhappy beings who ought never to be born, nor onlyon account of their cost to ;ss.' Man has attained his place in nature by his kind, and by, mental evolution he has created civilization. -,he existence of the sub -human and mentally 'defective is ,a peril and an gfront to tee dignity of man... Ontario Extending Road Meanwhile the Province of On- tario is pushing ' its Temiskaming and Northern Ontario railway north- ward from Cochrane, a town nearly 500 miles north` of Toronto, 'with Janes Bay, the southern portion of Hudson- Bay, as -its objective. Al- ready nearly half the . distance has been spanned, with completion to the bay, or at least to one of the large rivers giving access to it, in early, prospect. , Another extension of the same railway taps the Rouyn mining area in Quebec Province, into which the Canadian National also has a branch, and'a C.P.R. line is projected, thus giving triple service to a region which experts say may prove one of the world's richest gold •producers, judging by mines now an opotation. , Northwestward from Winnipeg a railway is being built to serve the Flin-Flon mining district which lies partly in Manitoba and partly in Saskatchewan. Nero the Whitney in- terests are prepared to spend $100,- 000,000 in development. Ontario has made a success' of its public ownership railway, 'the T. ,& N,O., largely due to the lucky chance which led to its location, through or near the later -discovered silver and gold districts of ,Cobalt and Porcu- pine. Other provinces have not been se fortunate, but Alberta has jugf made a favorable bargain by which Their Majesties Open New Connecting Link BRIDGE OVER THE TYNE OPENED BY KING' GEORGE One of the finest .bridges -in England has been erected at Newcastle -on -Tyne at a -cost of $6,250,000. The royal cortege is seen passing over it. Inset: Their majesties at tib opening. Interesting Story Of `-Rockford' Flight Bert Hassell Described the Trip and.' Landing at Greenland in New • York' Times THE NEW ROUTE land in the rough strip near the coast. If we had tried it we merely would have given the Eskimos a fine exhibi- tion of how to crack up. We swung out over the inland ice, where we had been told no human being could sur- vive. Shortly Cramer looked out of one window and I looked out of the other. There werecrevasses every- where. We saw a small space which looked smooth, but we had no idea what the snow hid. We couldn't waste gas circling Shorty sent out•a The intrepid, and I think possibly ,radio call, and we set her down and the lucky pilot of the big Stinson hoped. It was as smooth a landing plane that flew via Cochrane, Green- as i4 we had come down on Mitchel Field. land route for Norway, tells in graphic Plane Is Abanodoned phrase, of their trip and the hard- "Shorty and I climbed out and ships 'they endured after circling the looked at each other. 'Well, Shorty, preliminaries, Hassell goes on: it's ten minutes to 12, Eastern Stand- - "The trouble on the first hop was that our load was too heavy. The PRETTY BRIDE Sstsuko Matsudalra as she .appear- ed on the day before her ..ar:•iage to Prince Chicllibu in Tokio, Crown Prince of Japan. solution was to break the first leg of the flight by a stop in Canada, and we chose Cochrane, Ontario. Shortly weht up there to make arrangements and the people co-operated magnifi- cently. They saw at once the oppor- tunity to establish their town as the logical stopping place en the air route to Europe which eventually will be travelled. In six days they made a Easy -Going People Mere good -nature is not the end for which the world exists. Nor is it the law by , which we should control our conduct. There is a "good-na- tured" tolerance of evil in• other men, by which we help them to their sins, and become their 'passive accom- plices. -There is "good-natured" :ly- ing, which seems to say what is plea- sant rather than what is true, and it undermines social truthfulness. There is a "good-natured" endurance of'en- croachment upon rights, which we should guard, not for, our own sake so much as for that of society. And there is a "good-natured" avoidance of honest testimony against ` the world's evils, which seduces us to mere' ciphers in the battle for the kingdom of God.:: There is need for all the really "good -nature," the courtesy, thb -cheerfulness, the broth- erless, we can muster. • But for this vicious "good -nature," which seeks only the pleasant and the easy, neither earth nor heaves has room fn• need. Benefits The sage relishes what is without savour. He 'avenges the injuries he and Time,' I said to him, looking at my watch. 'We've been flying twenty - leer hours. "We had no sleep and no food since the bacon and eggs at Cochrane, but we were happy. We thought we were only a day's walk from Professor elobbs's camp, but distances in the Arctic are deceiving. There was five inches of snow over the ice. We un- loaded our duffel -bags, our parkas, pemmican, rifles, knives and Very pis- tol and started out, It was lots of beautiful landing field. fun. We bade our plane a regretful "So finally we got away at 6.45 a -m. farewell, for the noble old ship had on August 16 and flew the 670 miles certainly stood by us, but we expected to Cochrane without incident. Bad to get back to it in two or three days weather reports held us at Cochrane' and go on with out voyage to Sweden. ,until noon on August 18 and then, I "Then next day we started out with the prospect of tail winds over again. Each day was like the one to cross to reach Greenland, away before. Rough ice. Crevasses. We we went. would look down one and see huge Storms Gather et Start pieces break off the asides, The "As night came on storms gathered breaking ice was booming andcrash- around us, but we batted right along. ing around us like an earthquake • The Ungava River north of Labrador night and day. showed black beneath us and we "WI left the ice and tried the moun- knew we were right on our course. tains. It was an uncharted area 20 At daylight we passed our last check miles across. We walked sixty miles point, Port Burwell, on the coast. in crossing it in three days. There's where we made 'a big mis- Pilots Get Separated take. We did net fly down and circle "I began -•to worry about Cramer. them, They never saw us, and later, He was rick with a fever, but he when rescuers wey'e searching for us, wouldn't admit it. I foresaw having that caused a lot of trouble and ex- to put him in a cave and hunt Dense.•caribou. We could have lived on the "We checked our instruments by raw meat, I guess, and the skins the sun compass -_and flew out over would have kept us warm. the sea. For twenty minutes it was "One day Shorty was walking a good flying, and then the clouds closed long distance ahead of me, When I in and there was no way for us to wasn't watching he stepped behind a check: our drift.' There was a strong rock to rest. I passed him without northwest wind., knowing it, and, missing him, began "After we had been flying out there to worry. For an hour we were lost about five hours we suddenly saw the from each other, each fearing that the sun shining there lefore us what at- other had stepped into a hole and peered to be a great mirror. It was broken a leg. That wasn't very corn- ice. That was a pretty sight. There fortable to think about. is a fringe of mountains along the "We leaped across crevasses and shore of Greenland. Off on the liori- waded rivers with our clothes held zon ahead of us was what appeared at first to he clouds, but really it was a great dome of ice. "Below us was a fiord, correspond- ing to the description we had of the fiord on which Professor Hobbs's camp is situated. We flew up it and found we were wrong. It wasn't long euough . We knew then that we had been swept off our course in the wind and fog and were many miles south of our objective,. Delhi to Invite Bids 'on Air fine ,Across India Egypt to Karachi Section, First Link of Route, May ,. . Start Service in April, 192? Simla, India.—An important stage has been reacheelin the development of an air -mail route across India( by the approval of the Assembly's.Stand- ing >Finance Committee to ti.e govern-, ment of India's proposals to can for bids soon for the`operation of three main .sections. A weekly plane serv- ice between Egypt and Karachi, -sub- sidized by the British government, le expected` to be established by April, 1929. An internal • service, in, three sec- tions, ,from. Karachi to Rangoon, is the next objective. It is intended that this shall form a connecting link in the England Australia air' route. The three sections will be: Karachi to Delhi, Delhi to Calcutta, and Cal- cutta to Rangoon. Preparations for the ground, organization between ICar- ach! and Calcutta are well advanced and it is understood a start will be made on the Calcutta -Rangoon section as soon as sufficient funds are fn hand. Bring London Nine Days Nearer As soon as the through route front Karachi to Rangoon 13 established, the air mail from Enit end will - be delivered in Delhiinseven days, at Calucutta in eight days and at Ran- goon in nine days, compared with six- teen, seventeen and nineteen days by the present sea route. It is antlelpated that the Karachi - Delhi section will be ready by the fall of 1929.' Three -engined aircraft of the approved British type of construction will be used. The government of Ia- die proposes, if funds permit, even- tually to extend' the London -Karachi. service to Bombay. The Finance . Committee; in agree- ing to the proposals, suggested that, following the English practice, the government should participate in any profits over and above a certain per- centage after making due provision for depreciation. To Add Ceylon Later Ceylon, ,in the near future. will be linked' up with existing air -mail serv- ices, according: to official advices, which say a connection will be made first with America and subsequently • with Australia. In the former case it is betted to effect a saving of one to. three days, while, with the latter country, a reduction of approximately three days is expected. The postal authorities in Simla aro waiting to avail themselves of the Cairo -Karachi air service, but at pres- ent the saving of time will not be appreciable to Columbus owing to the long railway journey between Dham- ishkodl and Karachi. but there was sand in the firing pin and the rabbit just smiled at us and walked off. We had five shells left. "And so it went on for two weeks. On Sept.' 2—we thought it was Sept. 1; we had Jost a day somewhere- we camped alongside the fiord lead- ing to Professor Hobbe's camp, many miles away and on the other side of the fiord, Hunter's Boat Sighted "We -planned a last effort that night to attract help. We prepared to build a Are which Greenland would never forget, shoot off all our Very lights and fire our guns. "'Anyhow,' Shorty said. 'we'll give the Esidmos a Ane fireworks display!' "We built a fire to warm us and drive the mosquitoes away. Shorty, thought he saw a sail.. I was through seeing sails which turned out to be icebergs . and told -him so. `Did you ever see an iceberg sail upstream?' be demanded. Sure enough, it was a boat, a caribou hunter's boat, and we learned afterward that the hunt- ers had seen our smoke and reported !white man's fire' to people of the Hobbs' expedition. "While we waited for night 'Shorty heard a motor. I thought it was the mosquitos in our ears, but after an hour wo heard the unmistakable roar of an outboard motor and ran to the shoreline. There in a boat were Elmer Etes, whom we had sent ahead to prepare for us in Greenland, and Duncan Stewart, geologist of the Hobbs' expedition, whom the Eskimos had told about the fire. "Etes shouted, 'My God, Fish, I'm glad to see your "He bad canned peaches and beans. That was a reunion. I was anxious to get over to the station and send word to my wife. On the way across the ford Etes flashed a signal to Ralph Belknap, who was 'waiting on shore, and Belknap flashed it on up to the observatory on top of the mountain three miles away. They sent a radio message to The New York Times, aud so our families and friends learned of our rescue in record-breaking time. An "Enjoyable Shipwreck" "Professor Hobbs came racing down to the shore and served us hot soup and caribou steak and that night we slept under warm blankets." But even then the aviators' adven- tures were not over. On their way to the coast their motor bolt foun- dered and they had ghat Cramer de- scribed as a very enjoyable shipwreck. They had tents and one of the Eski- mos had an accordion-• "Cramer; getting off our course in the fog; landing on the ice; cold; hunger; soiling marches; shipwreck— all experiences," Said Hassell, over our heads. We tried sand fiats "We didn't get to Stockholm, but our very difficulties proved what wo started out to prove, that a safe route to Europe lay over Greenland. Wo weren't very comfortable after we came down in Greenland, but how much more unto: 'fortable we would have been down between Newfound- land and Ireland!" which, turned out to be quicksand, and one almost cost Shorty hie life when he went in up to hie armpits. Mosquitoes buzzed around us, bit 08 sad imbedded themselves in our ears. We cut our pemmican ration down to four ounces a day for each. "Shorty shot a ptarmigan—a bird like a partridge—and we made a little fire and tried to cook it. Anyhow, it wee fresh meat, The Lap of Fortune Ben Franklin said: . "To be thrown "And Dur gasoline supply was run- . "One day Shorty saw a big rabbit upon one's own resources is to be ning low. We saw that we could not looping at us.- He, tried to shoot it, cast into the very lap of fortune." Empire Capitol Thrills to Martial Music receives by benefits. He begins by LONDON'S FAMOUS GUARDS ON THE MARCH easy things when he meditates dile- rico Station on arrival from Aldershot to, relieve the Coidstreams cult things; by small things when he Grenadiers leaving Waterloo. meditates great. i Tower of Lo.,.don. for duty. at the ors rio -----Mw Yore SWAGGER SPORTS MODEL , You'll like its swagger cut; its sim- plicity and wearability. The skirt ef- fects box -plaits across front that sway so gracefully when one moves. The bodice has most becoming neckline with flattering pleated frill below tab extension. It also shows new higher waistline, a smart detail. Style No. 280, designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 86, 88, 40 and 42 inches bust, adapts itself charmingly to black' lustrous crepe satin, the seasons most popular fabric for daytime wear. Myrtle green fiat silk crepe, sheer tweed in• grey tones, black rayon velvet, printed rayon velvet in wine .red coloring,. mauve -brown canton -faille ' crepe, Autumn -loaf brown` wool jersey, pat- terned jersey and black crepe Eliza bath are new combinations for imme=� diate wear. Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin preferred). Wrap, coin carefully. HOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Write your :tame and address plain- ly, giving' number and . size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number and address your order to Wilson Patters Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toren' '. Patterns sent by return mail. There aro 416,53 victims of leprosy in the British' 'Shapiro.