HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-11-08, Page 5•
Honour , with Profit
ANAIDA is proud of the grain and livestock
records established by her farmers in, the,
_face of international competition. Success
Ari, any branch of farfning. comes,-. with a
1znowledge of the beat-methods.
"Feeding and Better Livestock" is a 'book-
let issued by this Bank to help the Canadian
• farmer increase his profits. Ask for a copy.
The Royal al Bank
of Canada
Cllntbn Braricfi
R. E.', Mariniig; Manager
Of .Inte1I•e.St to you' t anx,ivonder some of us have nearly
. a o
fortter the war: ?• But have we, ev-
and• me . • ,en the•M6st careless of us? . No: not
Mond•iy., is Thankspi-ring Day an
-- a Public: holiday
,� ,k ♦,�, ...�, y.
Ii imrel ;lit '`011i° ]a .l eT:U'i +- t
. - ,,g,. -h . lrf frl
one at least who ever felt site t •d
d of having anyone whom they cared for
that tat welter, much less an on who
y e ho
thnilcs of any° spot in Tiat,d6 and
lenders"'as sdered gr oSnd,;,betause"
holden the "
rentiains of 'a <loved
g t
:No' ive'do tot forget.- Nor .slioii •'
g Id we
cease to think of the -sacrifice -' di
those -rho endiired'tlfe 'bar"dsfiips` o£
tlIOse"font. yeeri." ''As we<' n-teet-,ort
rage y
abroad; exPressec1 . theopini nn that;
Canada was the best cgontrY,' _
ui dei.
the sun, so that makes it unanilnous:
* 5
November a
h s certainly behaved'ex='
trniely well this 'year; ` We
will keep up the good work. Nobod
has any complaintexcept .coal deal-
ers and retailers of :winter clothing.
A,' * * 4
They are going to. prohibit the
police shooting fleeing criminals and
now if -only '• the bandits could be pro-
hibited from shooting the police and
• citizens we should be in pretty good
tj'Siiniley,`the tenth'-anniversary'of the.
Y' cessation of hostilities, and bow our
,heads in reverent memory of the
dead, we 'should' also give a thought
to those who,' while they were not
left in the graves of Franca and
Flanders have since been almost as
dead' to the world as if they had, ly-
inv in hospitals and rest horses;
of those who, while able to take their
places in the world of men, do so
with handicaps from which they will
never be relieved andof all who, for
one reason or another, are not just
the sante men,,they were before. 'We
should not allow ourselves to forget
what these men endured and what a
dept we owe them,
* * *
Parkhill citizens who do not pay
' 'their taxes before November 14th are
' to be deprived of their franchise in
..-01-igie municipal election in December.
nt perliaps•the slow -pay citizens are
the ones who never exercise their
franchise anyway.
.* 0 *
Well; the. Mpg -drawn-out campaign
is over but the President of the
ted States is not yet elected. The
Electoral College will attend to that
later, 'Tis a roundabout -way they
take to carry out the•peoples' will in
the great republic to the south.
* ,n *
If the University Extension Lee-
- ture Course - for Clinton is turned
• clown this year for lack of encourage-
ment from the citizens it will give
this town a bit of a blade eye as an
intellectual centre. Come along, lad-
ies and gentlemen. A. little added
knowledge won't hurt- you a speck.
It is now stated that the lad who
was found 'as a stowaway on the big
German Zepplin on its return trip
and who was lionized by the German
public was paid to take the trip as a
bit of publicity. But perhaps this re:
port is only an act of revenge by the
airmen, whofound that thg feat of
. the American adventurer was receiv-
• ing more acclaim than their own,
Members of Canadian churches
pay out a large sum of money each
year to send the gospel to heathen
countries but it is alleged that there
are in Ontario Indians as pagen as
- their ancestors were hundreds of
years ago. If:' this is true. and we
have reason to believe that there is
some truth in the statement, the
Christian churches should see that
a change is brought about:
*.& 0 0
A report circulated recently that:
Newfoundland might dispose of 'Lab-
rador to United States interests
sounded rather startling to Cana.
dians. It would be something like the
case of a disputed line fence which
• was finally settled, the distuped strip
of land assigned to one of the con-
testants and then immediately dis.
posed of to an outsider, who -had no
-claim. If Labrador is for. sale'Can-
•oda should most assuredly have the
' first chance to buy. •
i'* s-*
• We cannot understand why`so'many
• publishers of country newspapers fall
' for the demand by a certain big Can
radian weekly that reader advertise-:
• inerts, lauding its merits, should be
printed "without advertising inarks
:and strictly amongst reading matter,'?
• This natter is paid for, of course,
but by stipulating that it • be 'put
-amongst reading matter and without
'advertising marks gives to the adver-
• tising an advantage .:which no local
advertising; for instance, enjoys, puts
behind itthe weight of the influence
of:.the newspaper 'publishing it, It
"'looks like' giving too ranch for. their
-looney. The News -Record has re -
'fused for years to do it and -will con
'tinue to do so, as it doesn't seem just
• fair ,to our readers.
o 0 ,: *.
Ten : years have passed 'since the
• glad day when the grins ceased firing
and it was realized that; after four
the horror of it,the Great
Gars. ofh
Thankfulness was
War. was
our theme that day and loud and
'fervent were bur hymns of praise for
• the -relief from the strain of the atw
'ful conflict.
time, Ten years! , It is a long tan Is
After giving the matter very care-
ful thonght, we have arrived at the
conclusion that there is one law con-
cerning highway traffic that is not
entirely a fair one and that is the
law that says if farm animals get
out on the roads and any damage re-
sults from their being there, that the
owner of the animals is folly reepon-
'sible for such damages incurred. We
have reached the conclusion that this
is unfair to the farmers. No farmer
want§ his animals to be on the road-
side. They might wander away, might
be impounded and cause trouble fpr.
the owners. Therefore itis to his
advantage to keep his animals in his
fields and the farmer does that to the
best of his ability. Let us give two
examples from our own neighbor-
hood. One.farnter, through whose
land the railway passes, turned sever-
al horses into a field, At a,late hour.
of the night a train coming along
scared the animals and in their fright
they tore into a fence' and got out of
the field onto the highways The fol-
lowing morning the farmer learned
of a ear accident near his farm and
found it had been caused by an auto-
ist striking one of his horses which
was on the highway. The horse was
not seriously infured, but the car,
which bit the ditch, was badly'damag-
ed, although the occupants 'escaped,
The farmer was held responsible and
was forced to pay the damages, In
another instance a man called 071 a
farmer one evening and when leaving
the place over -looked closing the gate.
Some horses wandereed out onto the
road and a car coining along in the
early hours of the morning, struck
a horse•and killed' it and the car was
badly dainaged. This farmer- not on-
ly suffered the loss of a valuable
horse but also had to hand the amount
for repairing -the ear: It will be not-
iced that practically, all these acct-'
dents caused by animals en the road
occur at night. Of course, it may be.
said thatthe animals cannot be seen
then. But everybodyknows that `at
night, when.the traffis is lighter. a
great deal more of speeding''is dope.
on the roaclt and in -matey .of these'
•accidents the cause is just that ,' 7t
isn.'t altogether fairto the.farmer to
be soaked for damages his animals:
inay cause on the highway, when they'
get there through, no cause, or, boo:..
led on his `;part. blit` for some ,reason:
beyond his control;-; •Kineardine Re-.>
view -Reporter. .
Mr, Andrew Snell has sold his faint.
to 'Mir. J. II-Scott.-
T..Scott.-Mr. Ben. Riley 'has rented . his'
house -and lot to'George C, .Dale; who
gets ,possession soon. .
'VD's. Wm,; lltoore left Stir 'Toronto
on Saturday last ai.ter spending the
summer with her son here.
Wedding • "-" 7
bo s Will • ring at the
west end this week.
-i'here'll -b
wi e no:church
sert+cc here
next Sunday, but Sunday school will.
bo held at 2 o'clock.,"
t#iri!hss !!
JOI NSTON -At :Suinmozhtll on
November ?id, to Mi and IVfis•
Iloliert Solmstoti, ti c #iught9r,
Deaths t
STiA1?P--In' Cl ntpn,, `'on November.
7th;;, Jessie Nairn, wife of i•Iarry It
Sl}arp r I ti term 'at Aylmer, Ont,
Triday Nov.'9th .
MAC'DO- L -ln London, no Noq
'7th, Mille Archei., wife of James'
MacDonald olid dauglitex of the
late` Td, rias ,- ther. ''
Mi ;'olid Mrs. "Willard; Stuugeon- of„
"London ,are,the gueste''of Mr; >.and'
iVllrs. tics Sturgeon' this' week.
-Ms, 'Agnes Biggart left on Tlturs
day for 'Toronto, where.,she will ,spend.
the -winter' ,with `her dauhters,
Mrs: Eric Ti;` York, who ha's'been
visiting her mother, returned" tri her
home in Toronto on Fyiday.
-Mr.,.;and Mrs:._'Thos. H. Elliott and
family,. who for• the past few years
have occupied.. Geo, .Copgland?^, resi
deice, -moved, on. Friday last'=-oo-,the'
farm Which they recently purchased
two: miles south of •G'oderich. Their
departure front the village is much.
_regretted' and will leave a vacancy
which rt will be difficult to .Fill, ,Ms:
Elliott' having.'=served 'as.sehool'mus
tee for a number of years. For the
past four years he has been chaii-
inan of the school board.
Miss Lottie Higgins and Miss Fth-
el;Stiiling wept to Windsor 'on Wed-
nesday to visit for a few days.
Mrs,: Jno. Davidson is visiting her
daughters in London this week. `
M92: and Mis, D. R. Weston, 'Miss'
E. Weston and 'lily:. deo. Weston' mot,,
'orecj to Ms tifprd on;' Sunday. Theis„
mutt, Mis Durkin, wljohos been vi-
iting bei sisters and ether, relatives
in the vicinity,-acceinpanied,them, t6.
her hoine jt `iGIeaford. .
Miss.. -Norah Fer uson. -returned
hoine, Qu,..Thursday, last,:after; -haying
visited Iur.I ondpar, ey, a ,ppuliles:of,
•weeks., i... �: • ,,..
1 snit
s. RebtF •and• •Iiarold' Pexdtal'e+
mot6red- to T'obeinieraq. •'ori 'Tuesday
Where they took the boat for 14faii-
toulin Island. us'_
• ,Dr. and 1Virs.*•'Newton-Brady° visit-
ed the latter's mother, Mrs:•MacDon
ild; in Sarnia on Saturday and -Sun-
The Public • school was' closed on
Monday afternoon for fumigation
purposes, following. an outbreak of
scarlet fever amongst the children,
School will not re -open until Tues-
Mr. Donald Cameron and dough
ter Miss Ethel Cameron, -motored
from Detroit on Friday and spent the
week -end with the former's father,
Mr. A, .Cameron. '
A special. Armistice' Day service of
cram cmoration and Thanksgiving
will be held in Trinity church on Sun-
day morning. A. special invitation
to attend this service is given to all
war veterans. To allow for the pro-
per observance of the. two minutes
silence at eleven o'clock the service
will commence at a quarter to eleven
Sunday school will be held at a quar-
ter to ten,
Mrs. Schofield, Mrs: J. Rich, Mr,
and Mrs. Albert Carty and son Jun-
ior arrived on Friday morning; after
having received word that their nieth-
er, Mrs. M. Green, had suffered a
paralytic stroke on Thursday morn-
ing. Mrs. Green's many friends Will
be pleased to -hear that she is grad-
ually improving in health. Mr, and
Mrs, Carty and Junior returned to
Detroit on Monday. ,
Miss Annie' McCurdy and Messrs.
Thos. and It. McCurdy left last week
for their house in Stratford, ' after
having spent the season at Thos. Mc-
Ourdy'it farm "Stanley Park."
Mr. L. R. Pirie of Listowel has
taken N. Tilker's place as teller in
the Bank of Commerce.
On Thursday evening, Nov. lst,
the United church young people or-
ganized for study work. The officers
elected were ,as follows: -President,
Donald McKenzie; vice, Miss Gladys
Gale; ' Secretary, Miss Helen Gerrie;
Treasurer, Brown Stewart, Conven-
ers of Committees: -Christian fel-
lowship, .Colin Campbell; •Christian
Missionary, Mrs. B. Stewart; Christ -
Man citizenship, Mrs. R. Scotchiner;
Literary and Recreation, Harold
Scotehnnes; -Organists, Miss IGlddys
Gale, Miss. Sarah Reid; Social. com-
mittee. Misses:Dorothy Scotchiner,
Ethel Stit•ling, Marie Grainger, Sarah
Reid, Albert Woods and Charlie
Notice I
I" wish "to` S 2� all p0ople wanting
Pprbsaii rt9sd1b istinas,,Glfts h'ad bet-
tei':have theist j191 til' any, Tuesday
November as. awing jo: ilio sltottage of
Beau and tlie.nuh 029 business °ilt Mit
•ebell I may:,hate io.ea. e+nty;Clinton
Studio fort the ;{nbnth •of,.I?eceinber,
• Am giying:YOU this warning so. as -
'tea ` to dissapoint nay :Citron custom'
ors: in not being able to^ get their
Ch •istm' s- Photos "taken in 1)ecetnber:
' Clinton ,Studio openevery'tiesdsv•
):ToYirs Y0, a;an., to 4'�;m
:Clinton and'Mitcliell
o r#,
--Ours Are Quality 'Bulbs-.
In Malty' Colors and Varieties
All top, size. bulbs -,that will force
satisfactorily or . give excellent re-
sults outside.
Gut Flowers, Plants' and Floral
Designs for all Occasions,
Chs. If. Cooke
Two Phones -66w and 66j ,
People, Interested
In _Radios.,
Should call at. my office .and hear
Rini without axial Or 'batteries. and
costing .about 5c, per -week
to, 'operate,• -
nI 'CHIN 1 5
.B aJ
-•:, ;Albert-'S'Creet .
• A Dance
Will be held in the Girls' Club
rooms, over the Bank of'Montreal, on
Friday evening, Nov. 9th... Stratford
Orchestra' in attendance,' . Admission;'.
gentlemen 75c. Ladies 25c. 'Ever;y--
body welcome. • 86.2.
Raw Furs Wanted.
-1 Highest market prices paid, 11. A.
Hovey, Clinton, Phone 299.' 87-tf.
Thanksgiving and Armistice Day
will be fittingly, celebrated next Sab-
hathmorning in. Knox limited church
at the regular hour of worship.. The
congregation will; observe the two
minute silence ' in memory of those
who were- killed overseas. -
.In -'Sunny Califtrniaou will
y find'
wonderful places to spenda inorith`00
two' this 'wintbr, -'It is aland •of
equalled ',climate, . of high.'inountains,
of colorful deserts andfascinating,
Sumptuous hotels at tlio many..e-
sort centres 'along the Pacific Coast
will male your atay'a pleasant one.
1VAany te Calife$nia phi's
their, initerary via the North Pacifio
e ast. ,The beanty and eosmonolita'iI
character: of Vancouver and Victoria.
-•--Canada's famous far western cities,
snake the journey enjoyable and;in-
'Com leteInformationr
p regarding
California' --fares, aceomodation and
literature gladly supplied by any Can-
adian National Railways Agent,
Do You
Want. .F
Pall Work Doie?
Those wanting', gardens :plowed 00
other -such workdone should apply 'to
John Garrielc, Albert street Clinton,
He will, do it for; yon in short order.
No Trespassing
Anyone, found trespassing en the
property of Union S. S No. 2, Hul-
Iett, will .be prosecuted according to
law. Frank Tyndall, Sec. 87-2'.
Cockerels For Sale
Single combs white Leghorns, al,
so Barred Rocks of choice quality.
Frank Tyndall, R. R. No. 4, Clinton.
Phone 630x33, Clinton central. 87-tf,
,For Sale
Choice 2 -shear Oxford ram, cheap
for quick sale. Also afew;Oxfordewe
lambs. For particulars apply to L
W. Crich, Phone 617r23, .87-1,
Goats For Sale
Two nanny goats 'for sale, - Apply
to J. E. Howard, • Clinton, Phone
189w, , 87-2-p,
House for Sale •
8 rooms, hardwood floors, modern
conveniences, garden. Apply on
premises to Mrs. H. M. Beadle, 'Hu-
ron street. 87-t£
For Sale '
8 room house, Princess street,
east, modern equipped, large garden,
henhouse. Apply to E. L. Mittell,
Clinton. Phone 213. ' 87-tf.
Private Sale
Some articles of household furni-
ture will be offered for sale. Call
between four and six and seven and
nine pan., Thursday, Friday and Sat-
urday, .Nov. 8, 9, 10. Miss Harland,
Princess street, east, Clinton. ` 87-1.
Reward! ,
Thi Municipal Council of the
Township of Goderieb offer a re-
ward of $16.00, per dog, toy anyone
catching such dog; dead or alive
while worrying sheep in said town-
ship. By Order of the Council. -R.
G, Thompson, Cleric. 87-1.
'House for Sale or Rent
G room house, Rattenbury street,
west. Apply to Miss 'B, Cantelon,
Flaxen street, Clinton. ' 87-2.
To Rent
Comfortable furnished cottage.
Apply:. to 'Miss Harland, Princess
street, east, Clinton: 87-tf.
- All - veterans are requested to at-
tend Divine
t-tend'Divine Service on Sunday, Nov-
ember ' llth, Armistice D ay,• in Ontar-
io street tinted church, Clinton: All
veterans meet in rooms over O'Neil's
store at 10:30' a.m,' sharp, to parade
to the church. Dress, civilians•
clothes and ;medals, ,
Bailiff's Sale
I will offer for sale at the laundry:
on lot? 177, North side 'Ontario street,
Clinton; on Tuesday 13th November,
1928, at 2 e'elocii a quantity of, lawn-:
dry machinery,supplies,' etc, Terms:
Cash,' For inspection ' and particu-
lars apply ,to :Robert Welsh, Bailiff,
Clinton. 87-1.
_Tenders for Fire 'Insura`ntie '
Tenders addressed to the under-
signed,, marked :"Tenders for Fire: In-
Suranes" will be received up to Noy
16119 .for $11G0' additional' fire insur-
ance on the, Town hall building ;:and
82900 on contents , of same. H, B9
Combe; Mayor,
and 'Dr'essed
Brnng: Your' poultry' and r:eggs here
rind irlalce ; Mere' profit ` for yourself..
Matkot:;.priees Eor-heavy' hen"s. ale
liigit take advant,�e of •thein now:
Clintons Leading Egg -Grading
-Clinton,Poultry - House.
Ii t. W. TreWar'tha
Phones -Office, 214j • Residence, 214w
Coc'shuft Agency
As I sin now handling,the Coek-`
•shutt and Frost and Wood,, Impleni
ents and also Coekshutt eieain s'epar
ators, and am prepared to supply all
kinds of 'repairs for same, I solicit'
the patronage of farriers and others
Orders" will receive prompt attention,
Queen street, Clinton
House to Rent
Small brick house to rent, six rooms
and kitchen, electric Iight, Central.
Family of two preferred. P. 0. Box,
255. ' 83-tf.
Business For Sale
Will. sell or exchange for farm our
stock- of Groceries, bootsand shoes
sweaters, hose, staples, etc S. E.
Merner, Bayfield, Ont. 82-1f.
• Pigs for Sale
•'7 young pigs, bacon type: 'Apply
to Fred McCool, R. R. No. 1, Londes:
boro:..Phone 28-14iBlyth Centi•il:'
... 86-2.
For.'.S 11e
A comfortable seven i:oosit cottage,
with town water ,and electric lights,
1/¢ acre of; land. with sinall fruit and
good stable with` chicken house:`` AV -
ply to Alex Albert
;L n ry
u d A ue
i. o hon in n a
;.>� .epi.,, i. W .dl: g a ,•.�enev. for
laundry: and�npl,.orders`let with rte
tyill g_ecgiye prompir attention
Hearda 2, Tinton, , . ,,e , "•/8613 --
Private ,Sal
8G 3
Private"Sale, '
Of general household furniture and`
effects, also Ford touring car. Call at
apartment of A. J. Grigg, over
Lobb'a grocery 'store, between four
and eight, o'clock, pun. any day. En-
ter by stairway' next to W. Bryodne's
law office.
Pigs For Sale
Forty-two young pigs for sale.
Apply to Alton Johnston, Brucefield,
Phone 625x14, Clinton central. 86-2.
Cotys• and Sows for Sale
Several cows, - and a /lumber of
Yorkshire sows, farrowing•soon. An-
ply to R. W. Gibliings, R. It. No. 4,
Clinton. Phone 017015, Clinton cen-
tral. 84-4.
. Clinton Fioui_ 1Vlills,,
We have a.car of good western
wheat for feed, 'will make good hen
feed, at $1.15 per bushel. , J. Sehoen-
hals, • 85-4-p,
Leicester Sheep For Sale.
" My 'present offering consists of
ram lambs,. yearling ewes- .and ewe
lambs.. All may be registered. J. H,
Quigley, London road, R.' R. No. 5;
Clinton. Phone G19r3,: Clinton cen-
tral, 85-12.
Farms For• Sale
:Lot 12, con 3, Stanley. Township,
consisting 'o£:100•aares. There is on
the premises a good two-storey brick
cottage,' a' good' barn with straw shed
attached, and stabling underneath, im-
plement house, orchard, about 5 ac-
res of bush on a back Conner. of the
farm, .through which runs a never
failing spring creek, two never -failing
wells, one near t,be house the other
near the stable. The farm is in a
good state of cultivation.
Also lot 10, con, 4, Stanley town-
ship, consisting of 100 acres on which
there is a very good barn, and about
15 acres of bush. A never -failing
stream runs across the back end of
this farm: Good for either grain or
pasture: "
Apply to ' Murray Gibson, Bruce -
field, executor for t'he•Estate of the
late William Collins, 85-tf.
Town of Clinton
Notice is hereby given that I have
complied with section -7 of The Voters''
Lists„Aet and that I have posted up
at my office in the Town Hall, Clin-
ton, on the 29th day of October, 1928,
tho list.of all persons entitled to vote
in the said Municipality at municipal
elections and that such list remains
there for inspection
And I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to
have any errors or omissions correct
ed according to law, the last day for
appeal being the 19th day of Novem-
ber, 1928.
Dated at Clinton this 29th day of
October, 1928.
D. L. Macpherson,
Town Clerk.
In, the Town' of Clinton, in the CottittY
of Huron -
NOTICE is hereby given that the
list of lands for sale for arrears of
taxes has jmen prepared and that cop-
ies thereof may be had in my office,;
and that the list is being published in
the Ontario. Gazette, September 801.1.,
150h„ 22nd., and 29th. A:D..1928, and
that in default of payment of the tax-
es and costs-the\lands will be sold on
Mond . the 10 • dayof December,
Monday, 10th ib r,
A.D.'1928 at 3 cl e u at the
0 ok
Council Chanber in the Town of
L.H Rs ,
Treasurer, Town of Clinton
Treasurer's Office, Clinton,
Sept, 1st, 1928. 78-11,
We';are prepared to handle your Furnace proble n'wheth-
er it be anew one or the repairing of the one youhave been
,using. Also Quebec Cooks and Heaters at lowest prices.
Our 1926-1927 and 1928 Special Quebeg:.Cook at'$274q;,
Caslt. We also have •a couple.of :bargains in used Heater--
eater'and u'sed'Range and both for 'coal. coke 'or wood and 'both
large site. ,
We still handle the <Goodrich, line of Rubber Boots,
Rubbers, Etc and. the reliable Work Shoes unequalled in
quality , at the price.
C. 0' VE `.a. El
� 't ectr&•ciad1
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, . Bulbs, Irons., Fans and other
Wiring, and ,Repairs. }... Phare
,.+-.. '
All Models
o beautiful f�i<b -
tics <hnvel and'-exelasive •.hod •porton
•ally tailoi'ed'"t5' suit" yoiti"figure :)"
of'Ove`rcoats-Idst alrrittcd'r ,
$111,:00:T0 $65:00
1VYicwen s 014. Bland' Opposite •
.post' Office `
Cottage For Sale
Cottage in High street, Clinton, six
rooms, summer kitchen, cellar; lights
and water, small gaden. For further
particulars apply to Alf. Moffatt,
Kippen. Phone 771:16, Henson ceu-
tr al, 86-tf.
For Sale
Good white brick house on Prin-
cess St., east, -with eight rooms,town
and soft water and electric lights.
One half acre of land with barn.
Large and small fruit. Terms can be
arranged. Apply to Mr. Levi Stong,
Clinton, Ont., or Mrs. James Steep,
8 Elmwood Ave., London,, Ont, 79-tf,
For Upholstering•, Repairing, Refin-
Samples of Coverings Carried
Nelson Street
Farmers Attention!
Having purchased a new tractor
and plough, I am now ready to do a
limited amount of custom ploughing.
Let me help you get your land ready
for fall wheat. Will do a satisfactory
job. F. W. Andrews, Clinton. Phone
33-w. 72-tf,
Tractor Plowing
I am prepared todo plowing by the
acre, at any trine. Also wood sawing
Apply to S. Flewitt, or phone 13 on
606, Clinton central. 64-tf-6p.
Means a lot to the kids, doesn't it?
Means something' to you, too.
Crisp frosty evenings.
Pleasant brisk- walks through the,:
bracing air to get home to a glowing
fire, a Warm house, a good, hot. din -
Are you ready for the first cool
weather? --
Better get your coal supply.
Then, if winter comes -who cares?
Call the tigirMa
fol ood clean coal
Toro_nto=tWelve of therii=traria
Yang' peeps for office' positions
,through day' and evening sessions
and_it mo study et:a seg,. Through
ar gilectal,.g,,mployrnent„D,epoitmept
nine: -.;;ss stanes.:isr.-of,feredboth
Enipol5 er and..Graduate Write �+Ior
calend'ai, -. Head Of$iccs Bay -arid
Charles Streets i': "
•CIothes Cleaned'and`1'ressed`
, Clothes cleaned, pressed and, re.
paired. Woollen goods 'dry. cleaned.
Rooms • fiver Heard's .:B•.:vber shop.
W. J. Sago. , 2283-tt
•00 •i v.
Coal That Sa#i'sies
We sell the cleanest, safest and
most ,economical fuel and -ahvays at a
fair price.
A telephone call will receive our
prompt attention.
You can feel asolutely sure thati
every shovel of coal will be of the
'same uniformity of quality,
Phone 182 ' 1
Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery,;
Phone 111'.
We Want Your
Milk and Cream
We are manufacturers,.,:0f both
cheese and butter. Wo want your
milk or 'cream. We pay hig'he?.it mar-
ket price weekly. Satisfaction guar-
Phone your order for finest cheese
or pasturised butter in prints or sol-
ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont., R.
R, No. 3, Phone No. 605r32.
Eggs and Poultry
Home on Tuesday and Friday fore•
noon to take in Poultry.
Eggs handled at residence every,
day -graded by an experienced grad.
er, for which we pay the highest mar-
ket price.
Cream purchased for Stillman's of
As E. Finch
Viking Crease Separator Agent,
Victoria St., Clinton Phone 231
A quantity of good hardwood and
cedar for sale. • . p
Phone 155 Huron street
Singer Sewing Machine
Leased on Small Monthly Payment
Big Discount on Cash Side,
Now is the time.: to have your ma'0
chine repaired and cleaned. Repaird,
Needles, Belts and Parts, -for •aA
makes. 4.1“,
Phone 1713 P.O. Box 201, Clintel)
KOLvie -,.�..
i E•� � �,T
Buy, a radio for . the family
in doing so you will bq
giving them something which .then
,can enjoy the year around.- . r
We dealers for the Kolster and
Kings seta and will be pleased to givd;
you a demonstration at any time.
Batteries charged and atoi
for the winter. g.�
�p Ned>l er =Pro � ..