HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-11-08, Page 3WONDER
Children Love
V!, ,O'S Syrup
the amount of iron and steel produced Canis ' lie in India
In the first eight months of 1928,
le 9
in Canada exceeded the amount pro- .. gag °� I1 aaS,tiAAli�i1 {��;ls �Il
lured during the same mouths of 1927
that of 1927 .by 16 per cent,; that of ule nsn1e,
automobiles by 2 per cent , and that Leader, Says Country • nucleus of'a rabbit farm. The -express messengers' disbursed. one ton .of bosom mole thaw half a thousand
Will Yet Be Free feed to them during the voyage. I steamboats. Then joining the twelve
flour by inner cent. In the tables sippi, it stretches , away some twelve
given on the last nage of this letter - b hundred miles more; until it falls into
will be found the Royal Bank of'Cau Sees Peace of'Victory TO 1'rlend the great emblem of eternity. It is
ala•index of electrical energy produc one. of the great tributaries of the.
tion. The amount of energy geuer• New York.—Mme. Sarojini Naidu, ocean; which, :only .obedient to God.
Indian feminist and the first woman shall roar and roar, till the angel, with
ever eleotsd President of the Natsonal
Con ee4 of India and as such, success to the day; one foot on the sea and the other on
sof to Mahatma Gandhi, explained to t T f 1 ds to the. land, -shall lift up his hand. to
rows of Indian leaders and Press Pry heaven, and swear that time shall be
groups no more. So with moral influence.
representatives the- latest develop- This time
mems of India's struggle fur self -ruler It is a rill, a rivulet, an, ocean, bound -
Robed in the costume of her native ofless and fathomless as eternity-
country, Mme. , Naidu discussed the { i •
political outlook of India under Eng- a 1
lish control only briefly, preferring
cultural subjects. Besides holdingone health, noing brings, THAT "STAYS DOWN"
J -
Baby's tiny system rebels against
Summarizing business conditions in
'Canada in is November Letter, the
'Rgyal Bank of Canada writes optima-
•isticallyas follows;
If you want the very best, ask
''. it Red R �, se re Pekoe
17 In clean, bright Alumirzaam
Sandi Beginnings
Away•'.among the Alleghanlee there
is a spring sc small that a single ox
could drink it dry on a summer'S day.
tit ,k + �tx - It steals its unobtrusive way amon6�
x l : fc u t Yh ii �:' 3i rt
frills, till it spreads out into the
,beautiful Ohio. Thence it stretches
New Zealand Goes in for Rabbits away a thousand miles, leaving on its
1rundred of these chinchilla rabbits made a twelve thousand mile I wanks more than a hundred villages
by more than 30 per cent.; the news- and cities, and many thousand cul
1928- exceeded °' ' . mist. journey, under tiro auspices of the Canadian Pacific Express Company f oils punt production: of Mme. Larojinl Naidu, Ferri LI 1 1 i England to Auckland, New Zealand, where they will form the I tivated. farms,, and bearing on its
a' i
I always pray for you with morning
- light
When birds or sunbeams wake me
7t is so sweet for parted ren
Thus may they help each other in
life's tight.
With agriculture prosperous, man-ated in Canada for Canatdan use in
•ufacturing-plants Vetiver building eou� 1928 exceeded the amount generated
'struction achieving new records in all in these.,same months of 1927. by 19
marts of the country, and mines pro- per cent. Canadian manufacturing
-during increasing quantitiee of ore; it activity has been at a much higher
is not surprising .that the employ- level in 1928 .than during 1927, and
'went.index for each month in 1928 19x7 was a year .of record-breaking
should be well above the level of activity. ' '
'the, corresponding , month of any The' Dominion Bureau of Statistics'
'previous year. lmport and export eta- '.preliminary Report of Mineral Pro-
•ttetics'reveal a, large volume of trade duction of Canada for the Six.Montlis
and,all indices of Canadian business Ending June 30, 1928"shows that .the
conditions show that the country .is. -value of minerals produced' in this
senjoying a. sound prosperity. A con- i period was „ 106,600,000, compared of -the mask important, posts in Indian
tinned broad and steady development. with .599,000,000 in the same.montlis politics, Mnne. Nelda is a poet; play=
-of the type indicated by these starts- of 1927. wrigltt, teacher and social worker.
mining and man-.Baridas T. Muzumdar, Secretary of
-tics from agriculture;g � The exports" of lumber from British
'ufacturing, will be of greater service ;Columbia for the first six months of the Naidu Reception Committee, ex -
'to the ultimate welfare of the country 1928 are 30,000,000 feet ahead of 1927. plained that Mme, Naidu was "an un -
'than -a sudden boom. Brom this view-• Out ;in Rain Without Umbrella official ambassador to this country to
:point, the present tightness of .money -I It was estimated early this weep interpret Indian culture.. It is her
constitutes a healthy restraining lin- that the short interest in Wall 'Street first visit to the United States and it
,fluence, preventing over -speculation in Nickel must amount to at least is felt, Mr° Muzumdar said, that her
and, too rapid expansion. ;100,000 shares. With the market weak lectures in the country will promote
With harvesting completed, or_ near- fora: brief 'period, it would seem as better understanding not only between
-ing completion,, throughout the coon -,though the .<shorts had increased the. United States and India but be- taxed nerves and give new strength
the try„the farmers are negaged in fall rather than drawn in their lines, as tween the East and West. Following and vitality to the whole system. ne
,-. Naidu.cheon, Mme. for this natural process Dr Williams'
Pink Pills completely' dispel all pains
andkweakness, and a better, happier
condition of health and spirits arises.
Every woman of middle age should
take advantage now of the' wouder-
ful health -help •of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. They are sold by all medicine
dealers or will be ''sent by mail at 60
cents a box, by The Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Need Rich, Red Blood to Main.
taro Good' Health
After passing the age of forty
everywoman has reason. to grow
anxious about her health. s me
trial,with its attacks of faintness
and fits of depression, its often violent
head cl es and back pans s rightly
dreaded by women; but, if reasonable
steps are taken to safeguard the
serious all -effects will arise.
At this turning point in life Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills have given a helping
hand to thousands of suffering women
who -were fighting a hopeless battle
against poor health and waning
The very best help for any woman
of middle age is the health help given
'by Dr.' Williams' Pink Pills. These
pills reinforce the blood supply, en•
riching arid purifying it. In doing this
they nourish the starved and over -
Prayer spans the -gulf of• circumstance
Our lives; I spend my thought on
eager' wings,
God bless my. plea, to your a bless -
And in His care I leave • your life
apparently to. confine her comments to
Classified Advertisements
891 I w 1'211 POUND UP, TWENTY -
W 9 one samples free: Stocking &
Urn Mills, Dept. 1, Or1111a, Ont•
and light sewing at home; 'whole or
spare time; good pay;.. work sent any
distance; charges paid. Send stampfor
particulars, ---,National - Manufacturing
Co., Montreal..
either sex) malled In plain envelope.
Paris Specialty Co., Cosier 2423, Mont-
real, :Que.
Canadian Artist's Series
Christmas Cards.
Beautiful . Hand -Coloured Christmas
Cards designed be Canada's Leading
Artists. Twelve especially attractive -
Cards with charming and aiproprtate
sentiments may be purchased at a
considerable saving in.boxed assort-
ments at 600, 41.00, and 51.50.
PubUahed by
The Ideal
It is no may matter to .keep hold
of. an ideal; it slips away amidst the
eeof and preoc-
este oil and strong, purgatives; but eeupatioxcitemnsnts: of business;society it is comprothem
here's a medicine that just suits him. ised amidst the onsets of temptation
work quickly andso and the accesses of passion; but it
ently that. Baby doesn't feel it. must be recaptured and set up as the
ietcher's Castoria Is soothing cross, signal and standard of everyone who
has not abandoned the struggle for a
life which is more than mere exist.
once.—James Stalker, D.D.
Minard's 'Liniment for Grippe.
Seven engagements were announced
at the end of a pleasure cruise on a
liner. On future cruises, the thoughts
of friends on shore will be with those
in peril of the sea,
.plowing and in the preparation, of the there was not mush opportunity for
land for the crop of 1929, The Cana - l them to cover at yesterday's low lev-
'dian wheat crop as a whole has been els.. If this is the case their position
-the largest or record, amounting to 'is unenviable, to say the least, for the
about 676 million bushels. I situation is, that the stock which they
An average of the crop estimates have sold .sho t is being' called for
of the, Dominion Bureau of Statistics, -i deposit immed telt'. It does not ap-
1 that anyone who' had had
`the- Manitoa Free Press, and the pear likely y
North West Grain Dealers' Associa- enottgh ,confidence in Nickel to stay
tion. indicates that crops of the three ' with it through the, ssmewhat stormy
•prairie provinces will amount to 540 going that has obtained recently, will
million bushels of wheat, 316 million hold up .their deposits of stock to ac -
bushels fo oats, 115. million bushels i commodate those who have sold it
of barley,. 15 million bushels of rye, 'short and. done their best to destroy
:and 4 million bushels of flax. In the :'conflednce in the company itself, and
.other provinces the season has heel]). all the factors that have gone to In-
-normally satisfactory for agriculture. spire confidence in the stools Share-
holders will immediately start deposit-
ing their stock, and it looks• as though
the short would have to stand some
calling for orrowed stock. `They will-
either have to buy in their lines or
for the next few days *01 be some-
what slim, although,, of course, the
shorts can make adjustments with
the certificates of deposit. The fact
that Loudon is a heavy buyer of the
new stock at. 38, indicating a value of
nearly 200 for the present.stogk, na-
turally cannot offer mien consolation
for those who find themselves short.
All In all, it is a very interesting situ-
ation, and appearances are that "those
Canadians” have scored again -
When in Toronto, call at our Ware -
rooms, . to see these wonderful
Instruments — Uuright Player
— and Grand Pianos—or write for
Illustrated Catalogue and Price List
Heintzran Hall
195 Yonge St., Toronto
Minard's Liniment for Asthma.
1,' vaSjOn
Chicago; where she will speak on the
interpretation of Indian, womanhood,
When asked about English influence
in India, Mane. Naidu called It ."pure
'domination." The form that India's
struggle for freedom will take, she
said, will develop later; "meanwhile
the principle is there."
"Britain is -trying to do something
for education in India," she continued,
"but she has spent so much for an
army to guard India 'against its
friends' that little is left for education.
Puruely altruistic friendship does not
yet exist between any nations. Pure
donlintion is more demoralizing to the
ruling than the subject race."
Mite. Naidu said that the Sinton
Connmission, which. includes no Indian
members, which the British Govern-
Inent has sent to study the Indian
situation with a view to writing's new
constitution for India, never will.
achieve anything because it cannot
work "against .the will of the people."
Ghandi, she said, is a man who rep-
resents the spiritual thought of India
and one who is "looked up to" through-
out the country. "There is only cone
feeling about Ghandi—he represents
the soul of India and symbolizes all
that is best' in Indian culture. Our
mysticism is a dynamic thing. It
doesn't communicate . with death but
with life. Where yew develop your
muscles, we develop our mind, spirit
and will."
Mme. Naidu, 'when asked about the
Evasion Is unworthy of us and is significance of the marriage of the
always the intimate Qf equivocatiou,— Maharajah of Indore to an American
Balzac. girl and told of the prominence the
-accounts of the ceremony received' in
the press, said that the reason for the
interest shown in the marriage was
"because you like stunts." Accounts
of child -marriage in India, she said,
have been exaggerated in America;
and some of the stories about India,
she added, were written by persons
Who had seen only "a few gutters and
a few drains."
"Peace in a strong nation," she eon-
cluded,• "is courage, and in a weak
nation cowardice.' You mustn't get the
idea that India's peace is that of sub -
submission. It is a peace of victory.
The end is to be freedom for India and
then friendly relations with England'
and other countries.."
`y�or riAGp
due to Acid
What many'peoPle .call indigestion tasteless' alkali in water will neutralize
-very often "leans excess 'acid in the
stomach The stomach nerves have
been over -stimulated, and food sours.
The corrective . is an alkali' which
neutralizes acids inatanly. And the
best alkali known to medical science
is Phillips'. Milk of l4Iagnosia. It has
remained the standard with physicians
in the 60 years since its invention.'
One spoonful of this harmless,
instantly' many times as much acid,
and the symptoms disappear at once.
You will never use crude methods
when once you learn the efficiency
of this. ,,,Go get` a small bottle to; try.
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips'
Milk of Magnesia described•by.physi•
cians for 50 years in correcting excess
acids. Each bottle contains full direc-
tions -any: drugstore.
this Ing tee
UNNY land. of
fruit and flowers;
where living is a joy
the whole -year
: Mile-highmountaina
°" ^� ' --smooth beaches
�+t tit?S�
'orange roves' pepper: trees' and palms
g groves;„
World cities --quiet retreats'Everysporb`,
revery day,
"California Mid Winter Escorted Tours -21 days—all
expense. On the;way—Indian-detour, Crrand Canyon,
Phoenix, California and Yosemite. Return through
Dever. Leaer ve Canyon,
ago SaturQorgdaysoJanuary Springs.,
February 2.16, March 2.16, 1929. Ask for details.”
F. T, Hendry, pen, Agout, Santn Fe Ry.
604 Trsaspontation Bldg„ Detroit, Mleb..
Phone; Randolph 8748
Fight Lone Battle
Farmers Are Lone Individuals,
Struggling Against Or-
ganized Conditions,
It Is; Said -
London.—•The unsatisfactory condi-
tions which are true of agriculture,
practically all over the world, and
their decidedly poor state in England,
afforded an interesting topic for Sir
Horace Plunkett, who has `long been
a leader -in bringing better living con-
ditions for fi[rmers in the British
Isles. Speaking before the Allotments
Organ''izatoin Society and Small Hold-
ers, Ltd., which encourages the taking
up of small plots' of ground' to be
worked in "co-operation with other oc-
cupations, he said that the' plight of
English farmers largely springs from
the same causes 'which bring dissastis-
faction in America and elsewhere.
' "The business of farming as distinct
from the industry of farming is in a
state of chaos," said Sir Horace. "The
majority of farmer's in this country
buy everything they require in their
industry at retail prices, sell every-
thing they ,produce at wholesale prices,
and borrow lnonsy on terms wholly
unsuitable 'to the agricultural indus-
try. The great mistake that farmers
make is that they have not learned the
I always pray for you at close of day,
When in •the quiet .of my room I` nd it does theq Y
With God and ,you. In symptttiny to
feel; fretful babies and children. to sleep
It hallows sleep for parted friends to and making the feverish,' constipated,
pray. upset ones well and happy, in millions
And throug:i the. working hours, oft oS homes to -day. Castoria !s purely
vegetable, harmless and endorsed by
the medical profession Avoid imi-
tations. The Chas. H. Fletcher sig-
nature marks genuine Castoria.
I 'lift m;; soul to God in prayer for
That He will bless, your soul and
bear you through,
I wonder—do you ever pray for MMe?
—Constance M Savage.
Saving Giant Tortoise
From litter Extinction
A very short time ago it seemed
likely that when the giant Galapagos
tortoises at the London Zoo had lived
out their bong, -slow lives there would
be no more of them to be seen. Our
grandchildren or great-grandchildren
wouldknow them only from photo-
Like many of the other Strange
creatures of the globe; they were
being extinguished by folly,: of "greed
or carelessness. . The Galapagos tor-
tosses'are found .only on the islands
near the Equator, which bear their
name, and 60 years ago they were understand that thele are thousands
innumerable. In later clay: whaling
°]'Cps eal•ried them 0Fr ter'fe d by ,tb4 of anxious enquiries 31 t0 whether tile'
thonsaitd, and.11y ol014Kentucky home that everyone
dogs, pigs, cati tsleft 'and rats,boltinwhicnlegac'car-of ,sings about is stili ail right.
Baby's Own Tablets Are the
Ideal Remedy for Babies
and Young Children
More Immigration Fads
Toronto Telegram: IIon. Robert
Forke, who, as Minister of Immigra-
tion, feels that he must do something
to stein the tide of immigration ora-
tors, p109030s to establish in England
schools for domestics. These, it is pre-
sulred„ will take -girls from the fac-
tories 'and fit them for positions in
Canadian hones. But why,stop with
these girls? Why not schools that will
take men'from the ranks of the unem-
ployed and turn them in -to farmers?
Canadian mothers are noted for the One proposition seems just as reason-
- Empire. Ambassadors
Spectator (London) : Tho existing
means of diplomatic intercourse be-
tween Great Britain and the Irish
Free State leaves much to be desired.
Now that the British Government has
appointed a High Commissioner to
care they give .their little ones—the able as the other
health of the baby is most jealously
guarded and the mother is always ou
the lookout for a remedy which is
efficient and at the same time abso-
lutely safe. Thousands of mothers
have found such a remedy in Baby's
Own Tablets and many of them use
nothing else for the ailments of then
little ones. Among -thein is Mrs. Canada, it is to be hoped that a similar
Howard Ming, of Truro, N.S., who appointment will be made in the Irish
says: --"I can strongly recommend Free State without delay.... Diplo-
Baby's Own Talets to, mothers of statically, if not commercially, the di -
young children as I know of nothing rest representation of Great Britain
in Southern Ireland is quite as import-
ant as British representation in the
Dominion of Canada.
to equal them for little ones"
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by
inedi'cine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont
World's Oldest Married
Couple Dwell in Serbia
In a little Serbian village Hoar Seiit-
iitl are living probably the oldest mar -
vied.. couple in the,,,.world. Document-
ary evidence proves that Demetrius
Filienovic and his wife, Zivana, were.
already mulled and living in the vil-
age, where they had spent their child-
hood days, -in 1339. Demetrius was
then over twenty-one. He is fully 110,
meaning of modern ronditions of corn- and his wife is 107.
bination. They ant ndividuels sting- They.1avo lived together for eighty-
gling° against highly organized condi- mine years, and are now surrounded by
The fanners' plight ; may also. be
partly ascribed to the fact that while
the slow, processes of nature refits: to
be hurried,'rean's inventive genius has
made the industrial life of the city last glass of .vine thirty years ago.
more agreeable than they were,. con- —Tit"Bits, London.
numerous children, grandchildren and
great-grandchildren. Both are in - ex-
cellent health and in the ettjoylneut of
all their faculties. Filienovic has 'never
smoked or drums spirits. Ile took his
tinned the 'speaker. -He poked some
good -matured fun at certain so-called
advances which are much heralded, "I
hear a'great deal about nitrogen from
the air," he said, "about synthetic food
and similar stunts. There was'a de-
lightful article in the, press a while in hospital for a •month, suffering
ago upon milk. • Some inglorious .phy- from loss of memory. With character-
sicist has discovered that the cow `is istic .cruelty the doctors aredoing
quite unnecessary fol• the ,production their best-te maize limn fit to leaVe
of milk. All you have tode istakethe hospital..
grate to the laboratory and make the _----
milk. Physically' I' dare say it is pos- L
sible, but I don't expecttosae that
little industrial revolution in my own.
time." .
Minard's Liniment tor Backache.
Over twenty women claimed as
their husband- a man who has been
Damage amounting to $(300,000 -vas,
done iu Kentucky by a tornado. I
ried on the work of extermination by
destroying the 'eggs. '•.
When Dr. Townsend, of the New
York Zoological Society, went to the
Galapagos islands a year ago, he found
that the tortoises had gone from all -
but a few islands; and there they had
taken, to the mountains.
the Galapagos tortoise Is not of
the build for a mountain climber, and
this generation of"leis family would
have been the last had not Dr:;'bown-
send captured 180 of them and trans-
ported them in safety to places in
South and Central America, where
they can live protected lives.
Some thinir• that their exactness in
one duty will atone for their neglect
in another.—Samuel Rogers.
Break Colds with Minard's Liniment.
An explorer says that he has often, -
come across wild tribes who have
asked for whiskey, but he has always
refused to give them any. No won-
der they were wild.
Red Rose Orange Pekoe has
earned the patronage and
good will of more tea drink-
ers than any other high-
quality< tea in Canada.
Judges of good tea gladly.
give more for Red Rose
Orange Pekoe because they
know that the value they re-
ceive is worth many times
the few extra cents they pay. '
fOr the
Wives and children of
British Subjects: who
rived in Ginn ads prior to
June 6, 1928
Children under
17 years -FREE
APd3Iv at 017.08 to
Anchor - Donaldson
Lines -
Cox. Bay and Wellington
Sts, Toronto.
—0r nearest :agent
ISSUE No. 45—'28
There 1s no "impossible" for the
man who can "will" strong enough
and long enough.
Check t„:,ids
At the slightest warning of a
cold, rub your chest and
throat with Minard's. -
Y u, j R SKIN
can be made perfect by the daily use
of RECHERCHE Cosmetics"Por Ladles
who Care.":
Ono -ounce Jar of Vanishing Creatn
and 1 i3ox of Face Powder mailed to
any address In Ontario for 51.00.
2B8 Yong* Strer, - Toronto
Sent on RQR uesii
Tells cause of cancer and what to de
for pain, bleeding, odor, etc. Writs
for it to -day, mentioning- this paper,
Address Indianapolis Cancer Hospital,
Indianapolis, Ind.
Read This Letter from a j
Grateful Woman
Vanessa, Ont. -"I think Lydia E.
Pinkham s Vegetable Compound is
wenderfuh -I have
had six children of
which four are liv-
ing and my young-
oungest . is a bonnie
baby boy now
eight months old
who weighs 23
pounds. I have
taken your medi-
cine -before each of
them Was born and
have certainly re-
ceived great benefit
from it. I urge my friends to take it as
I am sure they will receive the same
help I did."—Mas. MILTON MO-
o-Mutual, Vanessa, Ontario.
The whole world knows Aspirin as an effective antidote for ,
pain. But it's just as important to know that there is only one
go; 1100 Aspirin. The name Bayer is on every tablet, and on the
bo.c. If the name Bayer :appears, it's genuine; and if it doesn't,
it is not! Headaches are dispelled by Aspirin. So are colds, and
the paid that goes with them; even neuralgia, neuritis, and rheuma-
tism promptly relieved. Get Aspirin—at, ally- drugstore -with
proven directions.
Physicians prescribe Aspirin
it does NOT affect the ' heart
dsplr Inis tLo toads mark (ragtsttrod In Canada) indicating Bayer Menufeettro, . whlie
la-woll 13005 ihat Aaplrlo melted Bayer manufacture, to assure tine pub le seainst lmitv.-
ttoas, the Tablets 15111 bD garaged Oita, per "Bayer Cross" trademark.