HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-11-08, Page 2Clinton
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Office and Residence:
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Phone 172
Eyes examined and glasses fitted
IC)t '. /efeWLW ve
The barrier of Fire
Illustrated by 19. W. SATTERFiELD
I3EGIN IIERE TODAY a ss,because it seemed perfectly na-
tura''and. permissible thing to do.
They steed for a while, applauding the
titterer of !nen in loin -cloths and laugh-
ing g92°Rs; their sarongs tucked up well
owe their ]mets, until a wave—more
anal1t1ous 'than its predecessor =-
threiiined to encircle them. IIe swept
Midi arms' and deposited her
press e ona convenient grass -grown
bank amen?, the trees. They'talke 1n
Captain John Hewitt, Comtnesstegiat
of Police at Jesselton, British No'tb
Borneo, has us guest Enid BIssime'o
daughter of Chard Bromley, sell luetic
ager of the "Baniak.Baniuk `raliDer
estate. Peter_Penning ter slag ed bqr
the government to app /tend Chas -
Hung, leader of The Yellow 5 a.
act of epidressing, fop she contented r° eedin Trees
herself With calling to them over the
partition that separated her room
atom the verandah.`,
"How late yo.:. are—you two!" F.R,H,S
"We came down to n;cet you," .said Why should shade trees be expected
Enid, '"I: don't know how we missed to thrive on insufficient food? . 'Yet
you... Are. there two -ways?" there are: thousands of tree Owners
"';here are—and Jack knows, them, who'do not realize that ` the trees
both. He'our,ht to have •wir,erbered undei'thelr care need special :help be
that we nevi r take the path through cause of exigenc es of city lite.
the flees. T. suppose 'that',, ho '; you In woods. and forests there is a con-
nti;s t' es,"she added, ,v :4-a touch Stant yearly feeding of trees bynatur-
of'tnaliee. al /processes. The process by which
'here are' decidedi awbadr.' to she feeds the treesiealmost miracu-
talking through a wall -even if only lous, for a forest. is like 'a gigantic
a wooden one Hewitt_ .felt this, chemical laboratory. The leaves.of
"Aren't you coining out?" the trees absorb a certain amount of
"No, I can't." •
gang of Chinese banditti, levee Hews
p nourishment from the air, but it is,
itt's sister, es to Monica Piney. Jocelyn
t d , "You cans; ejip on :a dressing -gown. fz•om the soil that the trees obtain
Gwynne comes to Jessolton and tells Be a spot ! their maximum amount of food, and
Pennington that he knows Chard disjointed ,sentences, without either "Not nle, " laughed. Monica. "Peter's in woodlands the falling leaves remain
Bromley and that Bromley has. 00 appearing to notice` Suddenly the girl hanging about somewhere—and" I've on the ground and are acted upon by
1 more) self-respect than to let him see
the elements until they decay and
with my war -paint of." form humus or natural plant food.
"I've something to tell you." He al- Under the artificial conditions in
most said 'We,' but - checked himself in which the "trees on lawns, attempt to.
Office and Residence:
Huron Street -Clinton, Ont.
'Phone 69
(Formerly occupied by the :ate Dr.
0. W. Thompson).
Eyes examined and glasses fitted
aau ?hie
"Anyhow, I had been having a spot
with Chard Bromley at the hotel. Just
as I was thinking of pushing off, a
notorious sad hat tried to to:ch him
for money. Bromley's a pretty decent
little chap, taking hint all round, .tend
I thought my interference was justi;
fled. Soames hadn't heard what I'd
said to BromIey, but I gathered from
the look he gave me when he cleared
that he understood what had come be-
tween the planter and his generosity.
1 followed hint out,.partly out of curi-
osity and partly because I wanted an
excuse for going—and, leaning against
the stone parapet, I saw Chai-Hung.
lie was in pukka evening -kit and his
shirt front was immaculate. About
half a dozen paces from him a large
car was . waiting. • Soames walked
straight up to him and, before I could.
collect my senses, they had driven off
"Soames and Clhai-Rung," murmur-
ed Pennington. ` "I don't think I re-
member .Soames."
"Oh, he's an actor-feller—rather a
clever : impersonator `as. --a matter of
fact -who. washed out 'of a revue com-
pany .while they were playing at
Singapore. Drugs were his chief
trouble, I understand."
"Chard Bromley's over here now,"
said the Commissioner.. "Ey the way,
you referred to him as "a little feller;
I should hardly call Bromley little,
would you, Dawson?"
Dawson shook his head ponderously.
Gwynne looked from one to the
other in amazement:
"Are you sure?"
"Positive." The Commissioner smil-
ed condescendingly ` at the younger that Monica would be wondering what
man, who had crimsoned to the roots had happened to them.
of his hair. "Hie daughter's staying At the foot of the garden, Enid
at my place now." made him stop.
"Daughter?" "Jack," she whispered, "you needn't
"People People do havedaughters, you tell them -yet -unless you like."
know,", put in Dawson. He started,
Pennington laughed, ` ( "I shall have to," he said. "There'll
g ug
"Conte along, Gwynne. We're go-ngbe no end of a scandal if I donrt."
"I see. I had a note from father
this evening. I've got to join him im-
'inediately. He's lonely up there. You'll
come up to our house-warming, won't
you? and bring everybody you can. I
want it to be a big success"
And Captain Hewitt promised.
Dawson had gone back to the rest
house and Monica was evidently in the
Office hours: 0 to 12 A.M. and 1 to
6 P.M., except Tuesdays and Wednes-
days. Office over Canadian National
Express, Clinton, Ont.
Phone . 21.
Clinton, Ont.
Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and
R,C.D.S., Toronto.
Crown and Plate Work a Specialty
"Its simply wonderful! Why didn't
you tell me? Didn't you know it
was like this?"
A voice that Hewitt dimly under-
stood was his own' replied.
"It wasn't like ,his—until you
cane." ,
It looked too dark for him to see the
look of triumph in her eyes. They
had closed, moreover, by the time he
had realized that her parted lips were
tantalizingly near his own—and had
bridged the distance with an impetu-
osity that was new to him. He awoke
at last that the hour -glass of their ex-
quisite pleasure was fast running out,
He swept Enid into his arms.
to rope you in for dinner with us.
You'll be able to see for yourself then.
You've got hold of the wrong man, old
son; done it myself, scores of times."
"I tell you I met Chard Bromley
in the bar at Raffles. He was a lit-
tle man, and I'nl prepared to wager he
hadn't a daughter with him."
Hewitt tore to his feet, the others
following suit
"Someone's been pulling your leg,"
he told him. "Chard Bromley's here
all right., I happened to see his cre-
dentials hnyselfa and they were per-
fectly in order. He's talking about
arranging a gigantic house-warming,
by the bye, in the bungalow the late
manager never lived td see completed.
I suppose everybody who's anybody'll
be there."
Pennington affectedsurprise.
"You going, Jack?" •
"I don't be why not," said the Com-
."And Monica?"
"She's pretty keen on the notion."
They left the clubhouseand de-
scended the stepstihat led to the road.
Dawson and Gwymre walked in front.
"Bromley's area's still restless;
said Pennington after' a prolonged
pause. "If he raided the estate while
you were dancing, Chai-Hung'd stand
a fair chance of bagging• every im-
portant functionary in Borreo."
Hewitt laughed. •
"Twenty or thirty whites would give
Your friend a deuced warm reception.
I'm not forgetting the Yellow Seven
and PH slake it my business to insure
nobody goes empty-handed."
Chiropractor—Efeetrical Treatment.
Of Wingham, will be at the Rotten -
bury House, Clinton, on Monday, Wed-
nesday and .Friday forenoons of each
Diseases of all 'kinds successfully
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
'.of Huron.
" Correspondencepromptly answered.
Immediate arrangements can be hriade
for ,Gales Date at The News -Record,
Clinton, or by calling Phone 203.
Charges Moderate and Satisfaction
plinth.), Ont.
General Fine and Life Insurance Agent
for I-lartford. Windstorm, Live Stook,
Automobile and Sickness and Accident
insurance. Huron: and Erie and Cana-
da. Treat Bonds, Aplointments made
to meet parties at Brueedeld, Varna
and Bayfield. 'Phone 5?.
Trains will 'arrive at and depart from
Clinton as follows:
Buffalo and Goderich Div.
Going East, depart 6,44 age.
.. 2.52 p.m.
Going West, ar. 11.60 a.m.
•' ar. 6.08 dp. 6.53 p.m.
ar. 10.04, p.m.
London, Huron. & Rruce Civ,
Going South, ar. 7.66 dp. 7.56 a.m,
II CS 16
9.10 p.m.
Going .North,,depart 6,50 tem.
ir. 11(40 dp. 11.51 a,m.
Fire Insurance Company
Head Office, Seaforth, Oht.
President, James Evans, Beechwood;
Vice, James Connolly, Goderich; Sec,
Treasurer, D, P', McGregor, Seaforth.
Directors: Georg* McCartney, Seaforth;
Tames. Shouldice, Walton; Murray Gib-
son, Brueelield;. .Wm. Icing, Seaforth;
Robert Verde, Harlock: Jdhn Benneweir,
Brodhagen; Jas. Conclly, 'Goderich.
Agents: A1ea, Leitch, Clinton; S, W.
Yeo Goderich; Bd. l:iinchley, Seaforth;
S, A. Murray, Egmondville; R. q. Jar-
muth, Brodhegen.
Any money to be painin may be paid.
to Maotlsh Clothing Co„ Clinton, or at
Calvin Cutt's Grocery, Goderich,
Parties desiring to effect insurance or
transact other business Will be promptly
attended to on application to any of the
above- officers addressed to their respect-
. live post °VICE,.. Losses inspected by the
Director who lives nearest the Beene,
Captain John Hewitt stretched him-
self wearily, pushed from in front of
him the documents at which he had
been working after dinner, and stroll-
ed out on to the verandah.
Both the living room and the ver-
andah' were deserted. He cast a quick
glance round hint and remarked that
one of the most comfortable chairs was
missing. Thirty seconds Iat,er he had
succeeded in tracing the dish outline
of the missing piece of furniture—not
a.. dozen yards from the foot of the
steps. A single glowing spot ---accen-
tuated against the blackness—indicat-
ed that the chair was occupied.
Hewitt went down.
"That you, Peter?"
The 'pleasantly contralto tones of
Enid replied to him.
"No, it's 1, Captain Hewitt. The
others have gone down to the coast,.
Mrs, Viney was anxious to discover
how the native fishermen spiked fish."
• . He took the flight et a couple of
strides and, selecting :a wicker stool,
placed• it in the' immediate proximity
aft Miss Bromley.
"Why didn't you go and see the
fishing by lamplight, Miss Bromley?"
She tossed;the end of her cigarette
into the darkness.
"It didn't seem altogether fair go-
ing out 1.6 enjoer curselves while you
were slaving away in there. So I
There was something about Valid
Bromley that wee f r more intoxicat-
ing than the contents of the decaliter..
"That was really very` nice of you,"
Hewitt contrived to respond. "I'm
sorry you snivel. the show on my ac-
count. • It's quite an interesting spec-
tacle. The fish comes up to see What
the light is—and Mr. Black Man jabs
his spear into it,"
Thegirl laughed.
"Couldn't we go tonight?"
"Certainly, 12 you're not too tired.
Would you like to?"
On the way to the coast he took her
"I can hear you perfectly from
here, What is it?"
In some respects Hewitt was sensi-
tive. He was particularly keen on'
seeing for himself: the effect of his
statement Upon his sister. Nor was
he altogether satified that Monica
liked Enid,
"Enid—Miss Bromley's going up-
country tomorrow;" he said, sdrddenly
endo'red wadi a happy inspiration.
"In whieh case,"' asserted' the ex-
asperating voice which . might have
been at the far end of along -distance
'phone, "the sooner she getsto bed—
the better. The train leaves just after
breakfast." •
The Commissioner went to his room,
walking with unnecessary `emphasis.
Enid paused outside her "own door and
blew a kiss to him from the tips of
her fingers.
* • -e * •
As Hewitt had predicted, almost
everybody ' who mattered went to
Chard Bronleys houce-warming,
The Commissicl-er and Monica were
among the first arrivals, Dawson put- given in the form of a commercial
ting in an appearance an hour or so fertilizer "which, with the action of
later in company with l5loorhouse, dis- moisture, releases just what the tree
trict officerdat Bukit-Ilan. Chinese requires,
Pennington was presumably keeping a Here 18 -inch Holds
watchful eye on the movements of the For feeding deciduous trees, a stand -
Yellow Seven, for neither he nor'Joce- ars commercial tree food should be
lyn Gwynne shower- up at dinner. Be-
sides Enid Bromley and Monica there
were seven other women—wives of
planters and officials. The meal was
served under a vast awning, illumin-
ated ' by means of an electric light
plant installed by the late manager.
(To be continued.)
thrive, they are deprived of this re-
funding of food as the lawns are usu-
ally kept nicely swept, and, as a re-
sult, the soil becomes impoverished.
Then, gradually,` trees under such. con-
ditions are weakened, are attacked by
insects and fungi, and .decay sets in
In this way many a stately itree has
been lost,
How Can We Feed Them?
How are trees artificially fed? To
answer this question we need con-
sider how a tree is formed. It has a.
trunk and foliage we know, and it has
roots, too, but just how does it feed,
we wonder'? The branches spread
from the trunk for -a certain 'distance
and the roots spread approximately
the some distance in the ground, At
the ends of the long roots there are
a number of line thread=like feeding
'rootlets which" take up the nourish-
ment in the form of liquid salts, and.
this is transported throughout the
whole system by the sap in the tree.
Trees seek certain chemicals, for
that is their food, and these can bq
The Thiings You Didn't Do
It isn't the thing you do, dear,
It's the things you leave undone,
That gives ypu a bit of a heartache,
At the setting of the sun.
The tender word forgotten, ,
The letter you did not write,
The flowers you might have sent,
Are your haunting ghosts at night.
Baseball draws much of its briI-
liance from sandlot diamonds.
-"Ancient Mummies Found in Far North
purchased from a seed store, and a
number of holes 13 inches deep and of thousands of American visitors
two feet apart should be bored under crowd into the Gallery of Mirrors and
the extremities of the branch spread. gaze with interest at the table' on
Each hole should then be Oiled' to which the treaty of 1919 was signed;
within about four inches and the bole yet it es safe to say that not 1 per cent.
of their number takes five minutes'
walk down the Rue Galnbetta to the
spot where some of the earliest history
of their nateon was written.
The room is one of a suite occupying
the whole of the first floor. Above and
on each side of the open deorway are
paintings by Van Blarenberghe of the
capitals of Europe as they were in the
closing years of the eighteenth cen-
Each room took its character from
the picture painted above its door.
Austrian affairs were dealt with in the
chamber having the picture of Vien-
na; Russian affairs in that with a pic-
ture of St. Petersburg; British mat-
ters in that with a view of London.
That plequerito rrrellow smootbriess, of a fine Japan
tea nannot Ire appreciated rimless" it is'trietl In the',
ann.',Tr'y':this de11ghtt'tal green tea.
Fres ,.f .12 dens .
France's Older
Foreign Office
In What is Now the Library
of Versailles, Two Treaties
Affecting American
Republic. Were Signed
In these days when so much is writ-
ten and illustrated of the Quai
d'Orsay, the modern French Foreign
Office where the Kellogg pact was
signed and where M. J3riand spends
his working days, it is fitting to re -
mil that there is another F retiohn For-
eign Office,
or-eignOffice, now diseased .and deserted,
which is or should be interesting to
The building is now the Town Li-
brary of Versailles. In one of its
rooms, where today'the librarian has
his desk, the treaty of alliance be-
ttveen France and the United States
was signed in 1778 and five years later
the treaty of peace between France'
and England which recognized the ex-
istence of the young American Re-
Save for the . furniture, the great.
stately chamber is now just as it was
when the bewigged, bepowdered and
besworded diplomats of Louis XVI's
time put their seals and their signa-
tures to the ' two momentous •docu-
ments The whole edifice, indeed, is
entirely unchanged since the last
years before the revolution, which is
a great deal more than can be said for
the palace near by. Each year tone
plugged with soil. Then, after fer-
tilizing, the land should be watered,
turning the hose onit and leaving It
until the land is almost sodden—
about eight to 10 hours.
Deciduous trees fed every second or
third year will well repay the extra
care and attention and be far healthier
than those which are not provided
with food.
Ten years from now, we are as-
sured, girls 'will be as delightfully
feminine as every they were. It looks
as thought the young women of the
next generation will be the men
their. mothers
With finds which they believe :rank with those of
King Tut's tomb in antiquity if not:' in splendor, tine
members -of the Stoll-incOraelten .,Expedition of the
American Museum of Natural History reached Montreal
over the lines of the Canadian National Railways from
P Rupert, 13.0., where they left the Schooner Rflle.
14I. Morrisey which had carried them through the Arctic
Waters. the party consisting of Charles Stoll of New
York, backer and Director of the Expedition and his
wife, a noted big game huntress; !Harold McCracken,
Associate Editor of Field'' and Stream and leader of the
expedition; Dr. H. E. Anthony, Curator of Mammals of
the American Museum and other Museum experts, left
the port, of Prince Rupert on May 1st for northern.
waters, and were at one time 225 miles' north of Point
Barrow. Their search was 'for.' ancient mummies' be-
lieved to be of Stone esge men, whose presence on the
barren islands of the Aleutians group had been reported,
On a barren island, far from the present haunts of
men, a burial was discovered in which were four bodies
in a rude sarcophagus, constructed of driftwood, cleverly
mortised together and held by nails madeof walrus'
bone. The mummies were those of a chieftain; „his
shunter who .was tent on. the longe journey with him to
provide game for his food;a seamstress who had her
Around the walls of each room are
the light wooden cages that once held
treaties] correspondence and secret re-
ports. Most. of the papers are now
with, the rest of the national archives
at Paris.
About the high, echoing apartments
there still lingers the grace and calm
of the eighteenth ee htury. The room
in which the treaties concerning Am-
erica was signed was the Due de
Choiseul's own inner chamber. From
there he went most days, in his dark
blue velvet coat, to take his chair up
the short hill to the palace, there to
consult with the Xing.
All around are books. Books over-
flow into the rooms of the second and
third iicors, where the Foreign Office
clerks of Louis XVI's day carried out
their tasks of copying and engrossing.
The upper part of the building was
used to home a printing press, whence
all the official publications of the Gov -
eminent issued. The books here con-
stitute the Town Library of Versailles. We have trusted too, mucin to the
The ee'lection prcbably has no equal head and hand and have not function -
in the world. ed enough through the heart. Men
A fely of the haver and more cestly who sueceeed in any line must get
volumes are kept in a locked ease head, hand, and heart to function b-
uilder the librarian's personal super-
vision. Here the visitor may take
from the shelves a book of prayer used
by Marie Leezinska, Queen of France;
romances read by her neglectful hus trust, and into which we can pour
band, Louis XV,; a book illustrated our grief, and our doubts, and our
with pretty hand -colored flowers in fears. is already to take the edge
which their daughters, the Princesses - from grief, the sting from doubt,, and
Ilenriette, Victoire and Adelaide, rosy the shade from fear, --R W. Emerson,
have learned to read, One of the most
curious specimens is a book, apparent-
ly presented to Louis XVI., in which is
.a table setting out whet would novo be
called the vital statistics—figures of
births, marriages and deaths—of Paris
in one of the early years of his reign.
Thule treasures are kept in a small
apartment beyond the treaty room. In
a heavy steel safe, something like that
of a bank, are artielee of a mote in.-
trineic value; . The heavy geld pen,
encrusted with d anhonde, rubies and
capphihes with which Clenenceau
signed the peace treaty of 1919, is in
its velvet and 100/0000 ease, Upon its
nib ds still a trace of the ink of that
memorable oceas.oe. The preciens
,tone around it form together the
•f arj$ y6r .d.
A new diagonal line appears in
bodice of black lustrous crepe satin
dress, with effective embroidery in silk
and metal thread which combines with
side drape of skirt to carry out smart
one-sidedness. It will be difficult to
distinguish it from the original Paris
model—and the cost is so moderate.
Its sole trimming is piping used to
finish neckline and bodice of the dull
side of crepe. The drape is a separ-
ate piece of material, shaped to fall
in cascade effect, and stitched to left
side of skirt. It's exquisite for more•
formal wear, made of perveneche blue
sheer velvet. Bordeaux and red fiat
silk crepe, black crepe Elizabeth, bil-
liard green canton -crepe, printed. sheer
velvet, golden brown crepe satin and
sheer tweed are ideal suggestions for
Style No. 286. Pattern ran be had in
sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 88, 40 and 42
inches bust Price 20c in stamps or
coin (coin is preferred). Wrap coin
carefully. Emb. No. 11189 (blue)
costs 15c extra.
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of such
patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in
stamps or coin (coin preferted; wrap
it carefully) for each number and
address your order to Wilson Pattern
ervice, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
Patterns sent by return nail.
Head, Hand and L-Ieart
gether,—Clarnece Howard.
A Comforterer
To have a heart which we can
\lard "Pax." it was presented by we_
sewing enaipment for repairing he l.1 s 11 r ^n o to
.and a child believed to show the chief's love' of children. 'Agcy"; Canadian wome who "sub
Beside the body of the hunter, were the stone hatchets scribed may have ,rendered what has
and harpoons of his craft. The mummies !sero splen- beeeme of the historic pen , Chauac-
tlidly, preserved and showed every' indication that the tcristicaIly; Clem nceau did not take it
people of the Asiatic races, from whieh: these'Ston{ with pini into his retireritent, but, ay -
Age" leen were believ
ed to have come used methods
i 't Ef;yptians ing nothing about it, left it to France.
e West
Settling $ h
Toronto Globe (Lib.) : If young men
axe to be brought from the -Old Land
to settle. the West, there. should be a
corresponding, number ,of young we-
men introduced into the country, that
hones, may be established and: colon-
teatton `Naybeeome a fact. On the
prairies at present :there .are more men
than women. , Thie condition has
been getting worse gradually, It is e
point to which: the Government should
direct attention, fox it is c5senbial that
the man have Opportunities to estab-
lish tlteumsleee in their own homes.
preservation similar to those of the Anc en
in preserving the bodies of their Pharaohs. The four
mummies, including the trunkless head of the hunter
*Hell is shown here in the hands of Harold Mecl hken
eader of the Expedition, travelled to Montreal wit the
party on the Continental Limited of the Canadian Na-
tional Railways and will be placed in, the American
Museum together with the important groups 01 mammal
anll birds of the Arctic watery which the party secured
during their expedition,
Photographs '.show the Members of the party on.
their arrival at < Honaventure Station,, •Montreal; the
mummified head, of the hunter brought back by Mr;, Mc-
Cracken, and "Tough" a member of the party and he
only English bulldog whicliIs't?.own to have ever sailed
Arctic waters, enjoying a looltout from the cab 01 the
Canadian National Railways locomotive .'which hauled
their train into Montreal,• --Canadian National Railways
Here is a treat that can't
be beast Benefit and plea.
sure in generous measure!
Pe ersasintt ilia vi-lr
ISSUE No. 45—'28