HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-11-01, Page 8CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELER STORE 11)10,01PER GLASSES --Are a boon. Improper glasses aro a menace. Don't go on suffering! If you feel any discomfort, come hero foil a free examination. We aro ex- ports. Modern glasses are ofgood appear- ance and comfortable. Let us fit you properly! :ave your eyes—have them exam- ined"regularly., Wo will tell you frankly whether or not you need glases: R. H. JOHNSON -. Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs • Next Hovey's Drug Store TIP' TOP. Suit or Overcoat MADE -TO -MEASURE $24.00 When, you buy a Suit or Overcoat at a Tip Top storo you can always save money and get better Clothes. Thousands of. Canadian men from coast to coast benefit by this great chain of sayings. Finest cold country fabrics made by the world's largest one-piece tailor- ing organization. Visit our store and see; the wonder- ful variety of new fabrics and styles for Fall and Winter. Plumsteel Bros. ii flioe! 11 No matter what. kind of a day you will a'hvays find our telephones No. 125W and 125 J awaiting your call. Our motto is Service; St's real meaning "Intelligent attention" is what we strive to give every Call, every order, large or sinall, and when ordering do not overlook to include a jounci-of our Orange Pecos Tea. and fresh round Coffee, - THE C, & S. GROCERS Branch 125j • Main 125w TILE CLINTON-NEWS RluCOR ) THURSDAY,. NOVEMBER Y; l 28 • min, Tea Pot (4 cup) A Cream Pitcher ,Covered Sugar Boal 6 Cups and Saaiters 6 Tea Plates (6,inch) 6 Decorations from which to make a choice Ali For $2.50 The decorations are floral, the col- ons -bright, ol-ors'-bright, the ground a good white and the finish smooth, attractive and voguey. We hesitate to call them "cheap"; the word might as well be removed from an advertisers diction- ary, it ictionary,it has fallen into evil days and become degenerate, its constant 'use_ has 'put a stigma upon it, it"doesn't mean 'merely little money—it' means low price for the quality -value for Your money. We don't eall these sets cheap because that doesn't express the facts as the word is now often used, We are trying to tell you that these tea sets are better than the so- called cheap goods -then we say they don't cost aify more. Inspection in- vited. nvited. r - SombwllCi a ii wontleriul philharmonic orchestra is playig r I the music -is too divine for words . , . admiring crowds are applauding. And in your home, by turning on the radio, you can hear, as well othe as if you were present, the beautiful mucic and "the applause .. multitude, - Or a great man is delivering an oration ., . miles away fron1you ...Von cannot possibly be present .. , but you can hear him spears, just -as if you were in the auditorium from whieh his voice it being. broadcast. Think of it! Don't wait another minute before you get your radio! It's a modern necessity! Get a Radiola or Sparton and enjoy all these treats. Sutter.& Perd.ue PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC WIRING Phone 147w Tile W. D. Fair Bo Often the Cheapest --Always the Best 1 I�III�u�Mu��Illllimnaum;n nunsla" JCC Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Gillies of Kitchen- er were in town on Thursday last, coming' up by airplane. Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Managhan of Windsor spent the week -end with their parents in town. e% Miss Helen Relines of Toronto' spent the week -end with her parents, Rev. A, A. and Mrs. Holmes. Miss Freida Wallis was in Ailsa Craig on Friday attending the Hutton -Wylie wedding. Misses 13. F. Ward, A. M. Stone and Hattie Courtice motored to Grims- by to spend. the week -end. • Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Managhan ol" Detroit spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T, 3. Manag- han. Mr. and Mrs. }Batley Managhan of Detroit„ spentthe weelc-end at the home of 1V4r. and Mas. T. J. Manag- hen.. Mr. Horace Wiltse returned to Detroit on lVfonday after a visit at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi k iltse. Master Owen Combs of Porb Hope. Boys' College' visited his parents; Col. H. B. and Mrs. Combe, duripg the past week. Mr. Harry Lawrence of the Bank of Montreal staff, Ford City, spent the week -end with his parents in town, Mr, and lVfrs. S. Lawrence, Rev. L. C. and Mrs. Harrison and Mise Madelon Hawkins have return- ed from Essex. where they attended r a eonventioli of the A. Y. P, A. last week. Mies ... Potts, who spent the peat couple of weeks visiting Mrs. W. Ford and Miss Foster of Clinton, Mrs. H, Diehl of Stanley, and Bay- field friends, returned to her home in Mitchell en Tuesday. -. Mr. and. Mra. Yibinlgley, Mtge p`lei'once Lindsay and. Miss Reta Beacom visited their grandmother, Airs. W. Perdue, Sr,, of town over the week- end, - They were accompanied by Mr. Brown, who motored them, up. Mr. and Mrs. Dinsdale and Mr, and Mrs. Harrison of Parkhill visited. on Saturday with Mr. George Davies and family of Clinton. Miss Gladys Harrison accompanied them 'and at- tended the Keyes -Reid wedding in Goderioh township that day. Misses Ruth MoMath and Ethel Hol- ales, nurses -in -training, who have been holidaying at their respective homes in town, returned to Toronto to resume their duties yesterday. For A. ' AND NEW F T Thanksgiving iving ,(eke. New Dates per lb 15c - New Sultana Raisins 2 lbs; 23c New Lemon and Orange Peels per lb 25cts eeipe Fpr "First H ➢ask.,y Fruit Cake'` 1 cup" Mazola oil, 1 cup fruit juice, :2 teaspoons' allspice 11/2 cups Candied .cherries. 2 teaspoons cinnamon; 4' eggs, 1 cup stewed Citron, 1 teaspoon baking poiviler, 1 teaspooncup chopped candied pineapples, 1 cup raisins„ 1 eup:chopped figs, iS cups brown sugar. 10 lbs Granulated Sugar 65c New 'Prunes, large juicy, 2 for 6 pkgs..Jelly Powder . 7 bars P. -Sc G.• Soap 4 bars Toilet soap 3 Corn Flakes . 2 'Icing Sugar 25o 25c 25c 25c 29c 19c Shelled-- Walnuts per lb 49c Canned Pumpkins, can ....... 15e Canned Peas, 2 for . 25e Corn and Peas, small, each . . . ... : .. ....: IOe Tomatoes; 4 for ..: , .. .. ......... a:.., , ...: 25e Baking Powder, per tin ..::........ ....... 7.9c Candied Cherries, per lb. ........ 59c New white Raisins, per lb.. .. , , . ` '20c Big .Tea Week November lst to 8th Regular 65c for 59c (2 lbs $1.10) (3 labs $1.65) for one week only New Budded California- Walnuts- "lb 50c. New Brazil •Nuts' 25 Soups -Aylmer per tin 10c., Campbell's all kinds 2 for 29 Picnic Hams per lb 21cts. Roquefard, Chateau and'Pimento Cheese Sweet Potatoes - Head Lettuce Cramberries Celery IN THE MORNING FIRST DELIVERY 9 a.m. . IN THE AFTERNOON FIRST DELIVERY 2:30 p.ni. ORDER EARLY ell Cash andService ' 9 .� Phon48 e WHERE FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS 0 T 0 4- A Handsom , o Wet t � on Home CoNhistiquction Containing valuable suggestions on home planning with Gyproc, Rocboard and Insulex.' Write for it. CANADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTINE,LIMITED Park! .:. Condo 41 gproof 'Wallboard: For Sale lly - e Thomas McKenzie Estate Clinton, Ont. __Geo T. Jenkins - „.. - - Clinton, Ont. Afternoon Tea And Sale of Homemade. Baking at the home of Mrs. James Scott, High street, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd. From 3 to .6 o'clock ovations for tea or sale thankfully received. 86-1. AZA A R • AND Christmas Clift Shop auspices of Wesley -Willis W, A. will be held in THE COUNCIL CHAMBER, on the afternoon of FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16th r Christmas Gift Booth Candy Booth Home -mad Cooking Booth. Surprise Pie for Chidren. ' • Sale opens at 2.30 Afternoon Tea Served. EVERYBODY WELCOME 86-8. To -Night 'Thursday, Nov. lst COAL HARD AND SOFT COAL SEMETT-SOLVAY COKE ALBERTA COAL In Stock for Prompt Delivery W.:3. MILLER & SON Opening of Clinton Town Hall Stage Excellent Program at 8 O'clock Admission 25e EVERYBODY WELCOME Come and see the iinprovements the Women's Institute has made in the Town Hall. Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. PHONES: 46w and 46j "itippen.',- miss Jean Ivison, who has been out near Regina for nearly four months; returned home . Thursday last. We are glad to learn of the splen- did success of Miss Edith Dick in the Oratorical Contest held recently in Clinton.understand Edith in. We tends going to Guelph to try her luck there. We wish her all success. Friday evening last the C.G. 1. T. girls entertained their mothers and a few friends at a fowl supper. Music 2dllowed by toasts which all enjoyed were the principal features of the pro- gram which followed the supper.. A toast to "Our Church" by Miss Alex- ander lexander was replied to by Rev. Mr. Jane, the toast to "Our Mothers" was pro- posed by Miss M. McDonald and re- plied to by Miss Thompson, Toast to "Cur C. G. I. T. Girls" was propos ed by Miss Jean 'Bell, replied to by Mrs. McDonald, mother of the president, Songs, old and new,: in- ersed with speeches by Rev, NIr Sane and 1Vfys. Jane on "The_Purpose and Aim of the G. G. I. T." complet- ed one of the most enjoyable even ings ever sent by mothers and, daughters. This is a splendid organ- ization and we are all proud of our splendid girls. Mu.' and Mrs. Robert Parsons oil Hillsgreen left for the West last week to -spend some months' with their daughter, Mrs. Wrightman, who has not been enjoying very good health for some time. terse lVfiss Elva Anderson, has returned home after,' spending a week with her aunt, Mrs. John Mason' -of Auburn. ,Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Cudmore of Peachland, B; C left for there home, Monday last. , Mrs, Cudmore, will spend a fevv days in Toronto before starting oft -her long journey: Mrs. Wm. Butt, who has been ill for the past three weeks is able to get up and hopes to be able to return to her home in Seaforth. I Miss Mildred Workman spent tea a few days with friends near the Tavern Corner, -recently. Mips' Olive Anderson at present vis- iting' in and near Auburn. The farmers with good beans are very fortunate this year as beans ate a splendid price, One' man recently sold' 250 bushels at $3.50 per bushel, Mr. Clifford Watson of the Ocean House has now gottenhishouse nic- ely; 'shingled with asphault shingles and purposes opening up a new ball room in thenear future. Mr. Harrison of Wingham and Mr, Dunbar of Auburn were guests' at the home of Mr. John Workman FIVE' DOLLARS Puts one of these machines in your home, "Aliss Simplicity" Electric washer with four .good premiums.. Let us send you one, you will say; it's the best, ,a good guarantee behind it. Come in and, see ours at your first Opportunity, Get a Renfrew Separator now at special terms which we can quote you, if you come in and see us, Also ales at good prices. SC • HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 quite ill for the past few weeks but is much improvedat time of 'writing. Mr. Robt. Dayman's sale on Tues nay last was -quite largely attended and fair prices realized. . A Real Snappy. ShoW Of up -to -the minute furnitureison display in our show rooms, in anticipation of a large Christmas Trade. We are showing a mag- nificent lot of useful Gibbaid'solid Walnut Magazine tables and Racks, Gateleg and tilt top tables, spinet Desks and Tea Wagons. Ask for one of the Gibbard-gift Books. THEN FOR LAMPS We undoubtedly have the finest display ever shown around those parts in Table, Bridge and Floor 'lamps and a few nifty Bed -lights. All shapes and colors. -Prices ranging from $3.50 to as high as you like to go, but they are all bargains. In Chesterfield Suites and Occasional chairs we are always pre- pared to show you up-to'date' goods, and good values. • Other early Christmas shopping suggestions are smokers, eedar Chests, Ferneries, Fibre Furniture, Fancy Mirrors and Pictures. We will he glad to put away any goods for Christmas delivery. • HARDWARE DEPARTMENT It's time to think of your heating problems. We still ;handle the , old Reliable Beach Quebec heaterg and, ranges with a few otherr lines to suit all price requirements. Ask to see the new Beach Furnacette. Some Heater! , Clinton Hardware and FurnitureCo TEE STORES WITH A STOCM FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 S. Helens during the. week. Mrs. ' John Anderson has been. .' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker, East Wawanosh, , spent Sunday at the: -home of the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Humphrey. Mr. Robert•Durriin and Miss Annio attended tho IS_eys-Reid wedding in Stanley on Saturday. Miss Edna Ritchie of Ashfield is A visiting her sister, Mrs. S. Gibson. Very successful anniversary ser- vices were held in St. IIelens United church on Sunday.: Rev. M, C. Pari af. Goderieh conducted the service in , the morning and Rev. R. B. Cnmamim of Benniiller in the evening. There Was a large turn out at both services. A little boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robe. Purdon•last week. Congratulations. Specials For Cash Oct. 31 TEA WEEK ill v. Choice Black Tea, 59c lb. 3 lbs.. for $L70 Special Black Tea Reg. 75c, Special 69c,1b. Maple Leaf Baking Powder per tin 19c p. & 0. Soap 10 bars for 42c Pure Lard, 3' Ib. pail 59c Shaker Salt,'2 pkgs. 23c Pork & Beans, 2 tins 25c Canned' Peas. 2 tins 23c Rolled Oats, 5 lbs, ... • • • • 25c Soups (all flavors) • 2 tins 25c Seedless Raisins 2 be.:25e -Bacon, Brealcgast, piece 35c' 101bs. Gran. Sugar .., ... . Corn' Flakes, 3 pkgs... • . Broken Sodas, 3 lbs. ..• • . Matches, per pkg. , • Choice Rice, 4 lbs. California Grapes, -. • a Pure Honey. 5 lb pail • . Sardines, 4 tins • . 65e 25e 29e 270 25c 150 690 25c HEAD LETTUCE, LEAF LETTUCE, CELERY, GRAPES, CABBAGES, ONIONS •n L. LA SON. Phone one one one TEN 130Y5 WIN FREE TRW TO ROYAL WINTER FAIR Thirty-six Huron County Junior farmers cda>Ipeted in the Second an- nual Junior Royal Judging Competi- tion held at Clinton on Friday, Ccto- ber 26th. The ten boys making the beat scores in judging livestock and crop products will visit the Royal Winter Fair at the expense of the Ontario Government. The winners of this free trip arc The possible score was 850. Prompt Delivery David McIntosh, Seaforth, 3, 775 Fred McQuillin, Lucicnbw, 1, 75. John Fetheringham, Brucefield, 751 James 1Vfelntosh, Seaforth, 3, 75( Frank Reynolds, Seaforth, 732; Cec Coulees, .Wingham, 5, 735; Norma McDowell, .Belgrave, 1, 728; Gad Reynolds, Seaforth, 71.8; Claren, Down, Hensall, 1, 704; Ross M Gregor, Seaforth, 1, 704. The contest was held under direction of Agricultural Repress tative, G. R. Paterson and his assi taut, G. A. McCague. The• judg were Messrs;. W. K. Riddell and 9; Donald, Walkerton, T. 5, CooP, Mari daIo and F. A. Wiggins, Cl ton;