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The Clinton News Record, 1928-11-01, Page 3
enuine Westinghouse Electric Iron Buy Big Ben by the Vacuum (air- tight) tin, which keeps the plugs in the same perfect condition as they were when they , - left the factory. If your wife has always :. wanted a genuine West- inghouse .Electric Iron, here is your opportunity to obtain ` a fine one for for her, FREE. A "Poker Hand" is attached to every plug of Big Ben' Chewing Tobacco. Enjoy this rich, full-fiavoured chew -save only ten sets of "Poker Hands "—arid the Electric Iron is yours. and Save the "Poker Hands" aieet BOILED DOWN "I thought your wife's name was Elizabeth?" "So it is." "Then why do you call her Peggy?" "Short for Pegasa." "What has that to, do with it?" "Why, Pegasa Is feminine for Pe- ;gasus." "Well?" "Well, Pegasus is • steed." "What of that?" "Not so loud! She's in the next room. You see, an immortal steed Is au everlasting nag—so there you are." n immortal NEARER THAN THAT, Teacher: "Tommy,where is the Island of Java?" - Tommy: "I dunno." Teacher; "Don't you know where most o1 the coffee you drink comes from?" Tomtijy: "Sure. We get most of 'ours frjl our next-door neighbor." The trouble with most men who turn over a new leaf is that they use the loose leaf system. Golfer (to partner): "Just look at that girl dressed like a man. What .are her parents thinking ,of, anyway? I think it's disgraceful." Partner: "That, sir, is my (laugh - "ter." Golfer: "I beg pardon. I didn't know you were her father." Partner: "I'm not. Pm her mother." • We admire a baseball player who las the eye and the nerve to wait for the right ball. The successful busi• Hess man does the same thing --he lets the bad ones go by. YOUR SKIN can be made perfect by the daily use .of RBCHRCHB Cosmetics For Ladles who care." ,One $-ounce- Jar of Vanishing Cream and 1 - Box of face Powder mailed to any address in Ontario for $1.00. ROBERTSON'S, 298 Yonge Street: - -4 Toronto' an Telling the truth is said to shame the devil, It's also a good way to • run off all your friends: Crossing the legs in public is not re- fined, but it puts homely girls on a ' Par with pretty ones. (The man who -keeps the rural high school lawn looking so pretty de- serves a civic crown of some sort. It is gettiug to be quite a job to dump all the daily campaign dope into the waste basket., • The following was found pinned on the door of a deserted shanty M. North Ontario: "Fore miles. from a nabur; twenty -live miles from a postofgce; twenty-five miles from a r. r.; a mile from water; God bless our home,. but I'm glad I'm leavin,''' If good goods conies in small pack- ages the female I have in mind is a giantess. We are a changed people, and even a redheaded boy can attend school without having a fight every clay. If the girl says she doesn't believe she cares for a thing to eat, that means the bill won't be over $8.70.. POME Comes lass; Sees lad, Not bad In class. Acts coy; Eyes brown Chic gown, Gets boy. Her date Ali wet; W-on't pet;— Gets gate. It doesn't always pay to be kind and charitable. Try wrapping your scarf about a poor naked knee you see on the street. How do you explain the fact that smile men grow generous when they have a little Scotch in them?, Women are hesitating tq ride in air- planes, and their first complaint is that they can't hear themselves talk. b.rniimabieforNIGHT COUGHS FAMILY WYE YSC i P nL 80551.5 VChildren Love T H htlV�°� C n TI to"e4�yUiNC '`•`a ,PHILLIPS �,'oFltA�GN�lq For Troubles due. to Acid INotoes5t0N AHEAM'6UR.t7 NEARAO-K0 0ASES•NAUSEA Excess acid is the common cause of indigestion, It results in . pain and sourness about two hours after eating. The quick corrective is an alkali which neutralizes acid; :. The best cor-. native is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It Pae remained standard with pbysi- lelausin the 50 yeara since its.inven- tton. One spoonful"of Phillips' Milk of titiagziesia neutralizes instantly many tulles its volume in acid. It is harm- less and tasteless and its action is quick. You will never. rely, on` crude methods, never continue to suffer, When you learn how quickly, how "pleasantly this premier method acts. Please let it show you -now. Be sure to 'get the genuine Phillips'. MillsofMagnesia prescribed by:physl clans for 50 years in 'correcting ex- cess acids, Each bottle contains full directions—ally drugstore. No KKadding Caught" in the wc,it Miramichi River near the mouth of 'he Cains River in New Brunswick in water open to the pupils, this 46 pound salmon was landed by W. E. Kidder. of Kalamazoo", Mich., on the last day of the open season. A GREAT PUZZLE TOC '' EFUL PARENTS One of the greatest puzzles to tile careful patent isto know just what medicine to give the ' little ones. When the child falls ill with gripping pains; is seized with cold or fever, refuses food or vomits what he has taken, when he cries a great deal and cannot get the sleep' so necessary to the growing child, the parent is in a quandry. What is to be done on such occasions As often as not there is, not a suitable medicine in the house. The puzzleis what to give him to. Set him right quickly, It is to meet such emergencies that Baby's Own Tablets were designed. These pleasant little Tablets quickly reduce fever, break up colds, relieve constipation and indigestion and allay teething pains. They quiet the nerves and promote reetftil health -restoring sleep. They are guaranteed abso- lutely harmless and safe for even the youngest and most delicate baby. Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box Mein The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. TO THE MOTHERS -; OF ALL PALE GIRL If Your Daughter Shows Signa of Anaemia a Tonic is Needed. Anaemia ie simply a lack of blood. It is one of the most common and at the same time, most dangerous troll- bled from which growing girls suffer, It is common:• because the blood so often becomes -.:impoverished, during development, whoa girls often "over- work and overstudy. It Is clangorous because of the stealthiness ofits approach andbecause of its tendency to grow steadily. worse. .Eytiy grow- ing -girl should occasionally take a tonic to ward off this insidious trouble,. It is because of their powerful action in rebuilding' theblood that Dr. Williams' Pink . Pills have made a world-wide reputation. The case of Miss' Claire Sullivan, Pincher Creek, Alta:, amply proves the value of this medicine. Miss :Sullivan Bays: "Dun - Mg 'My Dun•Mg'My schooldays I,suffered a great deal from thin and watery blood.`. I was continually weak and=tired; my appetite was poor, my sleep unrefresh- ing anti I was troubled with backaches. To make matters worse I was attacked with acute appendicitis and the oper- ation 'left me . in a very weakened state. My mother, learning of the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, had me take them and after using them for some ;time 6 can say the result was simply wonderful, as they com- pletely restored my health, and now when opportunity occurs 6 always recommend these pills' to weak, pale girls suffering as l did." . You can get the pills from your druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a box. from The Dr. Wllliams.biiedicine Co., Brockville, put. To Raze St. Lazare Prison In the three -cornered struggle be- tween French' antiquarians, the Minis- try of Justice, and humanitarians and hygienists the last have won, and the Ministry" having failed to sug- gest improvements to their satisfac- tion it has reluctantly consented to he demoliieu of the notorious wom- en's prison of St. Laaare at the ianc tion of the Rue de Faubourg and the IBoulevard de Magenta, Paris. 1 I The old prison, some buildings of which date back to the twelfth cen- tury, was first used as a leper hospi- tal, then as an abbey, and then as a seminary—all before the French Re- volution. During the Revolution .it was used to house debtors and poli- tical prisoners—some quite famous: It became a woman's, prison in 1868, and at one time uc fewer than 7,822 women crowded in its tiny cells ;sad' stuffy dormitories. Within recent years it guarded, while awaiting trial; the beautiful Mme. Steinhell alleged to have been perpetrator of tis "studio crime"; Mme. Caillaux, wife of the former Premier, who slew Gaston Calmette in the office of Le Figaro, and the Anarchist girl, Germaine Berton, who shot dowfl. Marius Plat- eau lateau in the office •of Leon Daudet. . The principal defenders of the old prison have been the antiquarians; its principal enemies, the hygienists. Some months ago the latter succeed- ed in having the Ministry remove all the prisoners to other places of de- tention. Now M. Paul Fiearot, President of the Conseil General of the Seine Department, has submitted a proposal that the site- of St. Lazare should be used for a new boys' school. This the Government has ac- cepted, transferring the historic edi- fice to the Ministry of Education, which will immediately begin its de- molition. Annoying B.1gs • River Jungles of Bolivia Hold Plague of Malignant. Insects 1'n the jungle along the River Beni, in Bolivia, are found some of the most malignant blood -sucking insects in the, world. Isere lives the apemane, a bird -eat- ing spider, attaining a length of• from eight to ten inches, whose poisonous bite is Sometimes fatal. It has a body resembling a ball of wool, with black hairs on its body and red ones on its legs. Its eyes are black and quick moving, -with a most malevolent ex- pression. It is very active and jumps about two feet at a .single bound. The pale Santo ant, a fire ant, which lives In hollow -stemmed trees, is com- mon here. A touch on this tree brings down a' shower of the ants, ;whose bites feet like red-hot coals, the sting lasting for hours. Other plagues are the zapntama, an almost Invisible insect which lies in the grass, bites the legs of men and causes an almost intolerable itehing; the guanaco, a bug which lives in the sand and whose bite is usually fatal; the baregui, a sand fly with a painful sting; sweat bees, which suck the perspiration from die hair; tlio ano-, pheles or malaria -carrying mosquito,, anti wasps, ticks and jiggers. Slight Exaggeration Greenwalt later staggered ,into a roadhouse near by with a story of having been attacked aid killed by bandits.—Pennsylvania paper. Shake, Brother! , Reading that tigers can climb trees makes us more firmly resolved than ever never to do any tiger -hunting;— Albany ICniekerbocker Press. Straddling the Issue What is needed now worse than anything else is a warm dry reify.- New 'York Daily News Record, Mutual Protection j Woman (to tramp)—"Go away or P11 call my husband." • Tramp—"Olt, I know 'tm; 'E's the little feller who told nie to go away yesterday or 'e'd call 'is wife."—Ep worth Herald. If a Car'uegieeoor a Leverhulme bo - got a family of sous who inherited their father's ability, all tb.e wealth of the world might soon be in a very few Bands. -J: D. Beresfkrd. Minard's Liniment for Grippe. There are spendthrifts who would feel guilty of the sin of wastefulness it "they paid . the price of a dozen' oysters fora book:—Robert,Lynd, The London Hunt and Country Club is widely known for the excellence of its afternoon teas. For sev- eral years this progressive club has used no other tea but Red Rose Orange Pekoe —a blend that leads all others in flavor and "full- bodied richness. Put up only in bright, clean aluminum packages. ' iSsw Detour Makes Difference She—"Men are ell alike—whatever you say to them goes ill one ear and out the otlfer." He—"Anti what is said to a woman goes in one ear and out at the mouth."—Buen Humo. (Madrid). Barefoot Tropics Earliest " 1' ootgear,' How©'Ver is Traced in Warm Lands, Such " a ' Egy'Pt and Irak Wasliinhton,—failing to year shoos has boon against the law he Portugal since October 1, Because of the many adults who have been in the habit of going barefoot, in the cities as well as in the country districts, tho authori- ties, according to dispatches, see dila- minims in enforcing the new. statute.' "This unusual law, draws attention to the great number of people in tho world Who still go unshod," says a bulletin from the headquarters of the National Geographic Society, "and to the varied kinds of footwear ie. use from the polar regions to the tropics. T11e tropical countries are the strong- holds of trong-holds-of the great unshod. In Africa, parts, of Central America, the north- ern portion of South America and in southern Asia, the majority of the human feet aro devoid of covering through the seasons and from the cradle to the grave. In the cooler parts of the; earth, both rigorous wea- ther and the greater activity of the people have made -foot-coverings nec- essary during the winter months at least... - "It is in the warm regions just out- side the tropics, such,,as Egypt and Mesopotamia,. that we . can trace, civil- lzationfarthest into the past. There the slaves and lower classes could go comfortably:throughout the year with- out protecting their feet, but the use of shoes for the upper classes develop- ed at an early date. The primary. consideration was to protect the bot- toms of the feet. Therefore,the san- dal was the first type of shoe to be invented. It was merely a flat piece of some protective .material bound loosely to the foot. Since wood was difficult to obtain both in ,the Nile and in the Tigris -Euphrates Valleye, sandals of crudely plaited straw and' reeds were first used. Later the Egyp- tians made sandals and light shoes of beautiful workmanship from leather and kid.. "In. Palestine the ancient Hebrews wore sandals made of a heavy piece of leather, of cloth, or, less frequently, of wood. A few of the latter, for rough use were shod with iron. Tia Greeks t 1 Romans, starting "with a simple tandal,.improved on it in time by adding edges which turned up along the thongs passed over the top of the foot and around the ankle, foreshadow- ing the closed shoe. The thongs be- came sheet's of leather and shoes and boots were born in Europe. "In central and northern Europe the cold winters made it necessary, of course, to cover the feet and legs when out-of-doors. In early times, crude sacks of stains were made. Grass was stuffed hi under the soles of the feet and around them td add warmth. Later, well -made boots of leather replaced this crude footwear. "Tho greatest single factor in the development of modern shoes was the iuventiou of shoe -making machinery. American inventors were first in this field and, as a result, the United States leads the world in shoe produc- tion. In 1026 more thaq 324000,000 pairs of boots and shoes were turned out by the factories of the United States. This one year's production was worth nearly $1,000,000,000," Appetizer Theyoung people of the First,Bap' tist Church will have a little pet -to, gether at the church parlors on Fri- day evening. A. light lunch will be served afterwards.—Iowa paper. Desk Cure Doctor (to wealthy patient)—"Yes, you're all run clown. I suggest that you lay off golf for a while, return to business, and get a -good rest at your office."—London ;Calling. Not Too Fussy Middle -Aged lady wishes house- keeping in gentleman's or bachelor home Seattle Daily Times. Minard's Liniment for Asthma. I am opposed to -the return of the saloon as much as I am in favor of the banishment of the speakeasy.— Norman Thomas, A Preventive For 'preventing stiffness and further pain from sprains and hurts of any kind use .M l nard's. seaseesaaa `SMO OF PAIN" en gf0117" Childre °t Com' for it There is hardly a household that hasn't heard of Castoria! At least five million homes are never without it. .f there are children in your family; One's almost daily need .o" its com- fort. Anel any night may find you very thankful there's a bottle in the house. Just, a few drops, and that colic or constipation is, relieved; or diarrhoea checked. A vegetable pro- duct; a baby remedy meant for 'young folks, Castoria is about the onlything you have ever heard doctors advise giving to infants. Stronger medicines are dangerous to a tiny, baby, however harmless they may be to grown-ups; Good old Castoria! Remember, the name, and remember to buy it. It may spare you a sleepless, anxious night. It is always ready, always safe to use; in emergencies, or for everyday ailments, Any hour of the day er night'that Baby becomes fretful„ or retless.: Castoria was never more popular with mothers than it is today, Every druggist has it. OMAN S SICK COULD OT WORK Helped by Taking Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound' Gralnland, Sask.—"I amlad that 2 heard of that good Lydia. Pink • , i1atn'smedicineand Will not be with- out it again. 2 was so sick that I could not work at all and could not sew on the machine. My aunt told me of Lydia' E. Pink -- ham's Vegetable Compoundandnow I am telling all of my friends - how good it is and l will answer all letters T get from Women.'4 —IVlxai MARY SCHULTIES,'Gsainiandn Sask.' ISSUE No.. 44—'28 The Orange Pekoe, at a little extra cost., is extra geed in clean, bright! 4lwninurr? • No Hurry Berlin, `'hiay 25.. -The Tyrolean in venter, valuer, originator , of the rocket automobile, declared ill an in- terview to -day that an airplane pro- pelled with -incredible speed by rocky - t ets would laud in New York within . We aye easy-goiug.rMrs.. Henr one or two years.—New York Times, Fords y So bad has 'become the situation Break Coids with MI -nerd's L'nlmept . You cannot learn to be a comic.; ways be; Somebody intimating that he it is a gift from God,—Sir I3ansy was not blowing at for any good pita, Lauder, pose and would want to take it away from him. -Mayor Mackey of Planar delphia, Classified Advertisements RUta YARN $1.15 y-F•E:It YQUND UP. 1'WPNTY. \urnJiliiip; Dept, i,:Orlilia,. ene samples freeStocking lain Ont. here that if the Angel Gabriel were Director of Public Safety here, -blow- ing his horn all day, there would el- • Minard's Linimentfor Backache. - Blood-letting cannot be healthy. It has been abandoned by the surgeons and let it be abandoned by the na- tions.—Field Marshal Lord Allenby. ASS 'y'OETByOCAX. DEALER E01,4 Canadian Artist's Series Christmas Cards Beautiful' -Hand -Coloured ChrIstinns Cards designed 1»' Canada's Leading Artists. Twelve, especially attractive Cards with charming and appropriate sentiments. may be purchased at a considerablesaving in boxed assort-. ,meets at 50c, $1.00, and $1.50. Publlahed.ty RODS % MANN, LIMITED 12 examen liT„ TO'souTO TORONTO HOTELS Elliott and Victoria Church R. Shuler Sts. SS. Stange St. In the Shopping District TENTS List er "wonted Inventions" and Full intactnaUan Sent Eves on Request. !VMS 11Aa5a F 00., napts, w. ala :tank St.. Ottawa; Ont. Cross -cut, Crescent Ground, will saw 10% more timber, time and labor being equal, than any other made„ This guarantee has never been chall9nged. SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO., LIMITED, OT. RUM STREET Mao ACORN Avenue, MONTREAL (UM. VANCOUVER, B.C. TORONTO ONT. ST, JOHN, N.B. 545.3 You doubtless depend on Aspirin to make short work of head- aches, but remember that it's just as dependable an antidote for many other pains! Neuralgia? Many have found real relief in an Aspirin .tablet. Or for toothache ; an effective way to relieve it, and the one thing doctors are willing you should give a child— of any age. Whether to break up a cold, or relieve the serious pain from neuritis or deep-seated rheumatism, there's nothing quite like Aspirin. Just make certain it's genuine it must have Bayer on the box and on every tablet. All druggists;, with proven directions. Physikians prescribe Aspirin; it does NOT affect the- heart Aspirin Is the trade marc (registered lo Canelo! Indicating nayor,ltanntaoture. Wien is well known that Aspirin marina nnrer manufacture, to assure the public against tante. hoes, the Tablets will be atamood nth, t „tr Mawr Cross" trademark, xi Improves ear ' ig, Relieves Head Noises Nine out of ten cases of DEAFNESS and HEAD NOISES are caused by catarrhal mucus (matter) in the Eustachian Tubes, which connects the nose and the ears. Leonard Ear Oil removes the MUCUS, OPENS UP THE TUBE and THE OTHER AIR PASSAGES OF THE HEAD, and the result is improved Hearing and relief from Head Noises. ' It is not put in the ears, but is "INSERTED IN THE NOS- TRILS" and "RUBBED in BACK OF THE EARS" and special in- structions by a noted Ear Specialist in each package for different kinds of Deafness and Head Noises tell you exactly how to tape care of your own case. Leonard Ear Oil is not an experiment buthas had a very large and constantly growing sale since, 1907, and every year it 'has relieved thousands of people of their Ear Troubles. No matter how long you have Peen amt., nor how deaf you are, or what caused your deafness, or how many things you have already tried which have failed to`relieve 'you, Leonard Ear Oil has relieved many such 'cases as your own. Why not you? The price is $1.25. Leonard Ear Oil ie for sale at Druggists, or direct postpaid upon receipt of`priae. Interesting folder Bent on request'. A. 0. Eeonaril, Inc., 70 Fifth Ave., New York