HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-10-25, Page 1�x. 24 -51 at Year
ed. to the limb of a tree. When the sapceases to clow through the' branches it soon breaks and 'falls off. o, with insincere.
Sincere advertising 1���.y be likened •
advertising, it soon drops away Sincerity names from the heart ...,intelligent and, effective advertising from the ;mind`."—Ar,1ur Bri$b
ane onAcrvertisin
oCTO Elt " 16• ;19
Vicek 6 ec ia1
long -as �s ���=as theaare in 61oek
Other alarm clocks of superior quality
with jeweled movenents with watch es-
capements, at various prices.
Mantle and Kitchen Clocks in differ-
ent kinds of woods and styles.
Why not buy a Westminster Chime
grandfather's clock, from $100.00 up.
Call and see our assortment of clocks
A. �i�llyar
With Navy Flannel Detachable
Collar and Guf f s. We have replen-
ished our stock in sizes 8 yrs to
size 40, New Prices $1.69 to 2.95
Navy Pleated Skirts
Made of fine quality sereg
e, ser-
and appropriate for school',
wear, Prices range according: to
size $1.95 to 2.95
Two Specials In
54" Navy Blue Serge,
$1.40 and 2.00 per yard
at P
Supreme in Style andTailoring
Luxurionsly Rich in Quality of
Abundant Variety of Models
—Such is Our Overcoat Stock
CustOM Tailored
Suits or Overcoats
22.50 29.50 35.50
We equally welcome the man who says' "What's • New?" and the
man who says: "Give me one like the one I have on." Whichever way
your taste runs, come and see the New Overcoats, and make your
selection early, while, the assortinent is at it's best,.
Men's Overebats' in Barrymore ,Cloth in very rich colorings,
Tans, Browns, Grey Overchecks, Yoke and Sleeves, Silk lined' ane
well tailored. If you want a real up-to-date coat we recommend this
line, Special at $35,00:
1VIen's Blno Overcoats with velvet or self collar' in smart snappy
style, good lining and well tailored $2"7.50:.
Men's Overcoats, in a variety of styles and patterns, at $25,00,
Men's' Overcoats in all wool navy blue cloth, storm collar, half
belt, velvet lined; a real dressy .coat $19,50.
Men's Overcoats in heavy all=wool cloth with storm collar, e
real coat for hard wear; .$12.00.
Boys' and Young'Men. Overcoats, $5.00, $7:50, :10,00 to :$15;00,
A Square Deal for,Every Mau
Wheat, $1.10.
Barley, 60c' to 65c.
Oats, 35c to 40c.
Buckwheat, 80e.
Butter, 35e to 37c.
Eggs,, 30c to 47e.
• Live Hogs, $10.00.
Mr. C. E Cathie. of the Collegiate
staff is laid up withan attack :of
scarlet ;fever.' It is not a particularly.
severe attack : and he is improving
favorably, but it is rather unfortnn-
tate for him and his bride, who is a
comparative stranger in, town, that
they should be under cluarentiine, It.
is hoped his recovery will be as rapid
as possible:
Miss Snaith of. Toronto has been
engagedto substitute on the C. I.
staff during Mr. Carbin's enforced
O • I .TER
The•death took place at the home
of her son near -Southhampton a fort-
night ago of Mrs. William Donald-
son, a native of Goderich township
and a sister of Mrs. W. Perdue, Sr.,
Mrs. Donaldson, whose maiden
name was Susannah Miller, was born
on a farm on the 9th concession of
Goderich township, over eighty' years
ago,, tieing a daughter of the late Ja-
cob Miller. Fifty-six years ago she
was married .to William Donaldson
and for a time they lived at Dungan-
non, moving later to Port Elgin and
still later to Southampton. Her hus-
band died nearly two years ago and
she• is survived by two sons and one
daughter: Chester, at whose home she
flied; William of Brampton and Mrs.
John Campbell. of Paisley. -Mrs,
James Donaldson of Goderich, Mrs.
Perdue, Clinton, and Mrs Churchill of
Brandon, Man., are now all that are
left of a family of twelve. The three
sisters living in Ontario met during
the summer at the home of Mrs. Don-
aldson of !Goderich, where they spent
a happy few days together,
Mrs, Donaldson was buried at
Southampton, Mr. W. E. Perdue of
Clinton and Mrs, D. Gardner of God-
erich totvnshhp going up to attend the
Autumn always means mope or less
moving and Clinton citizens have
been doing some and are contemplat-
ing more. Mr. Bartliff and family
have moved into the house -recently
vacated by Mr. W. S. Downs, corner
of Ontario and Wiliam:streets, while
Ma. and Mrs. M. Counter will occupy
the ladies of
supper ery d by The s g
St. Joseph's church on 'Tuesday ev-
ening was, as it usually is a great
success.. Fowl, with all the good
things that go with it, served by :at-
tentive waiters', made a substantial
meal which was partaken of by a
number of citizens of both town and
vicinity. After the supper the' hall
was cleared and dancing was indulg-
ed in for some hours,
The October number of the Can-
adian National Magazine carried a
picture of Mi: J. G. Sloinan, recently
retired from the service of the C.N,R.•
after over forty-two years' service,
also a little continent concerning him
which was in part as follows:
"Ina letter to W. J. Piggott, Sup-
erinteiident of the Stratford Division
Fred Slornan,: who is a teacher on.
uel -Sudi-
1 on the R b
School Car No.
vision, writes: 'The freight cars had
a fascination for him, Ile helped load
thein with tan bark and dried apples
when he was twelve years old. They
have been his life ever since.' In
commenting on his • father's retire-
ment, -Mr•. Sloman pays special tribute
to the staff at Clinton and all'the
older men who were friends, adding,
. a hundred man of the division
have been good to him' "
A meeting of the Huron Publishers'
Association was held in Mackay Hall,
Goderich; on Friday afternoon last, a
fairlyfull, attendance being present, James street United church, Exeter, Fitzsimons home .after a visit in
Mr, G. E. Hall presided and addresses
en matters of interest to publishers visited the Huron' County Home one that city for a -week or so.
of country weeklies' were given by
Mr. Lorne ',Eedy • of St. Marys,
Mr. Malcolm MacBeth of Milverton
and Mr. W, H. Robertson of Goder-
ich. Messrs. IC. McLean of Seaforth
and W. F. Na£tei of 'Godericheach held in Clinton on Saturday, and also M,, and bars. L. J. Wasman and
gave some interesting impressions of of the East Huron Teachers' Instar- Miss Helen of Toronto visited the
a. former's father Mr J F Wasman
vImaw • spent. the week -end with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. P. Dyment.
alfa r= Miss D
1n the very week- o andss`
t i hstandt Lt v nspent'the e i CookDunn of
No w t g t o Miss Amy Howson w MssE.
able weather a goodly number Bath- end in 'Toronto with Miss Mary Ir- Ingersoll' were the guests of the Iat-
ered at the home of "Miss Washing- win. ter'e cousin, Mrs. R. Scotchmer,'over •
ton on Friday evening last to `listen Miss Ruth Ball of the Western Uni the week -end,
to' a :ti i.ddress ,by Miss Duff;'i'iel0 yerslty, London, was home over ' Rev. and Mrs. Charles Gairdner of
Worker' for the Womens' ;Christian the week -end.: Rochester, N. Y,, are visiting the. for -
Temperance Union, Miss Duff spoke Mrs. W. J. Paisley has returned af- mar's brother, Mr. John T. Gairdner•,
of the working of,government control ter spending' a:fortnight or so. with Mrs. H. Weston and Mrs, S. Dui•
in'tlle Western Provinces and in Ont- her son• Mr, W. S. Paisley of Tor -
ark); as it had come under her OWn onto,
observation,' and. also about the work Messrs: Ross McEwan and Kenneth
of -'the W. C. T, U, amongst rise young Roberton of Stratford motored up
people, explaining more '£Elly ache and spent the week-ond at their
contest on Scientific, Tempeiiance, respective homes in town.
which is being -carried '.on at present Rev. L C. and Mrs. Harrison and
by the Dominion W. C. T. U. for Miss Madelon Hawkins are attend -
young peppla,e There is a senior con- ing the . annual convention of; - the Naicom, Sask. for " the past two -
test for boys and girls over fourteen. A,Y,P:A. in Windsor this week, months, returned home on Friday.
and under eighteen and one for jun- Mr, and Mus. Mason and Mrs, Green The members of Trinity churcle
for boys.and girls between ten and side of Loudon, and Miss Mason and congregation are busy preparing for,
fourteen. The Dominion W. C, T. U. Miss Flood of : Cleveland have been the fowl supper to be held in the
is offering prizes and the Provincial in town this week visitng Mrs. W. town hall on Tuesday,' October 30th,
and local :Onions are offering extra Walker. On Sunday, November 11th, Arm
prizes. The contests ,are being. • in Mr. Bert Glidden returned Saturday istiee Day, a> special service of conn-
troduced in' the various Sunday from Saskatchewan, where .he .as- memoration and Thanksgiving will`•"
schools, silted in harvesting and threshing. he 'held in Trinity church, Bayfieidl
LLTTLE LOCALS I the crop on the farm of Mr C. J. In order to allow- for the proper ob-
Wa11i's,' servance of the two minutes of siI-
Mr, Peter Cole has purchased Mrs. Mr, Howard Vernier, who spent a ence at eleven o'clock, the service will
L Hunking's.house in Albert.. 1 week's vacation at his home in commence at 10,45 a,m, A special
town, has been -sent to Cargill to invitation is given to all war veterans
Mr, James Holland has purchased supply for some weeks in the to attend this service,
the residence of the' Iate BMs. And- Royal Bank. • Children's Day was observed in
yews, Townsend street, Mr, and Mrs Frank O'Neil of Essex Trinity church on Sunday last. The
visited with Rev. L. C. and Mrs. Rector tonic charge of the Sunday
kin returned the end of last week af-
ter having visited in ;Kitchener.
IVlesers. W. E. Parker and Howard;
Saunders of` Sarnia motored to the'
village on Friday' and spent the week-
end with the former's parents; Mr -
and Mrs. Chas. Parker,
-;Mir. E.'x'eatherson, who has been at
Messrs. McEwan and Phelan have
rented the lower floor' of the building Harrison at St. Paul's Rectory over' school and gave an interesting talk.
in which they carry on their manu-
the week -end, also calling on their At the church service the service for
featuring business, and intend branch- cousin, Mrs, •1, Cluff. • children was followed. The children
ing out in the retail trade. e. and Mrs. Norman Fitzsimons occupied the choir and front pews and
motored over from Detroit on Sat- lead the singing. The rector preach -
The Young Peoples' ' League of urday, bringing Mr. and Mrs. R. ed an impressive sermon both for the
parents and children. During the
offertory the .children sang an an-
evening last weelc, presenting a pleas- Mr, and: II s. R. B, Carter motored
ing program and also a treat for the to Kitchener on Saturday and spent
inmates. the week -end with their daughter,
Miss Eva Carter, who is a member
'A report of the meeting of the Hu- of the Public school staff at Kit-
son County Educational Association, owner.
the convention held in Edmonton inl ate convention held in Blyth last
July..' I week will be found in this issue.
• Mr. J M. Southcott of Exeter, was I .during the past week. They also
elected president, on the retirement The sidewalk west of the postof- visited Mrs. Wasman's father and
of Mr. Hall, and Mr. W. H. Robert- flee has been straightened up this sister, Mr. John Wise and Mrs. J.
son was elected vice-president. Mr, week, The street committee acted Innes of Stanley.
W. L Craig of Wingham was retain- wisely in making repairs which were
ed in office as secretary -treasurer. long overdue, the lack of which, as -
ORANGE CHRISTENING, The News -Record pointed..out on more
than one occasion, might have caused
Under the auspices of L. 0. 'B. A. a serious accident. - • Miss Annie Potts of Mitchell, - and
and L. 0, L. 'twelve little ones were THE Mxs. fleury Diehl and 1Vir. Gal
received into citizenship with .God in „.Diehl of Stanley were visitors with
a beautiful and impressive service Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Foster on Sunday
eonnucted by Revs. A.Doan; L. C. last.
Harrison, A. A. Holmes and 1, Foote Rev, Charles E. Dorgan, B. A.,, of Jdhn Foss; wTio, is visiting his
at a gathering of members and their Toronto will preach morning and_ev- brother in Hensall, was in the village
friends to the number of 125, who.ening on Sunday. • on Wednesday of last'4week. It is
were witnesses of - Ontario Street United Church thirty-five years since he left the vil-
- Classes at ten as usual. The min- lege after having run a bakery in the
ister's morning subject will be: "The building, which stood where the post
Great Refusal." Evening subject office is now located for a number of
"N"a Man better than ,a Sheep?" years.
Sunday school at 2.30. t Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jowett and
Wesley -Willis United Church Mrs. Lundholm returned on Wednes-
Serviee in the town hall ,at usual day of last week after having visited
hours. The minister's morning ser- for several days in Detroit..
mon subject will he: "An Optimise -le Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Paull motored
Note." Evening: "How to Know to Listowel on Monday. Mfrs. Paull
God." attended the septi -annual, meeting of
Tho W. A. -will meet at • the home the W. A. at Preston on Tuesday.
of Mrs. Chant at three o'clock _ on, Rev, and Mrs. J. Gale and family
Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 31. Group of Corunna visited the former's par -
one will,serve. ants, Rev. and Mrs. R. M, Gale, over
St. Paul's Churcli the week -end.
Morning prayer at eleven o'clock, Mfrs, E. H. Fork of Toronto is vis -
Sunday school will meet at. half ;ting her mother, this week while re-
TheA memento of the occasion was past two. Evening prayer at seven, cape sting after• Having undergone an
given each child by way of certificate Ven, Archdeacon Jones -Bateman will operation in Clinton Community Hos-
adorned by. a• picture of King W11- be thepreacher at both services. pital on Saturday for the lemoval of
Ilam, and bearing .nanio and number The AY, P. A, has been invited her tonsils:. Mr. E. H. York motored
of Lodge, together with officers names tai Goderich for next Monday evening. with Mrs •F -and spent the week -end
and emblematic initial, and signed by
officiating clergymen.
The officers of L. 0. L. No. '710,
would take this opportunity of ex-
pressing their thanks and aliprecia in this church on Sunday.- nest Oct. ,
tion to the brothers and sisters who' with Mrs. Boyds nether, Mrs. Geo.
gave of their time and talent to snake 28th, when the Rev, F. C." Elliott of w Woods, Little Miss Peggy, who
this evening a success and 'one long the Goderich Baptist church will was visiting her grandmother, was
to be remembered... -A. S. Warren, preach ab three o'clock in the after- ,taken ill on Wednesday night which.
It S. noon and seven in. the evening. Spec, -necessitated sending for her parents,
ial music will be tendered by the Her health was much improved when
PUBILIC SPEAKING CONTEST Choir of the Auburn Baptist church they left on Monday.
and ladies' quartette, also others are Miss R. Burroughs and Mr. Harry
The first prize public speakers at eypected to assist. A. cordial invite- Baker of spent Sunday with
Hurons' "School ,Fairs met in Clinton tion is extended to all who can to the latter's melba, Mrs, F. W Balser,
on Saturday, October 20th, in a Cham- come and enjoy the services on .this Mr. E. A. Edwards returned on
piouship Contest.. Ten young ladies special occasion. I Sunday after having spent a couple
and three young gentlemen, repres- 1 of weeks' vacation in Kitchener,
enting thirteen of the School Fair Mee Margaret McLeod left on Sun -
groups, gave a display of oratory the London -Road i Bay to, visit with her.son; Dr; A. Me -
k ' f which h idem been equalled
the house they.have vacated, Batten- mony, Historic water from the Boyne
bury street, east, as soon as repairs was used for the service.
now in progress are completed, Mr, Splendid addresses of inspiration
•Herbert Castle:has taken the house and encouragement were given by
which has been occupied by Mrs. the. Rev. gentlemen who spoke of the
Boles; King street, while Mr. and "Greatness of God, Church and Can -
Mrs. T. Morgan 141 move into, the ada." - Fred Steele's rendering of the
house he ,has vacated in Fulton street. solo, "Open the Gates of the Temple,"
Mr' Kenneth Whitmore intends move was much - appreciated as was also
ing from Albert street to the cot- Mrs. C. V. Cooke's rendering of "The
take recently vacated by Miss Wat- Old Rugged Cross." Mrs, Fremlin
Mins,, Cutler street, Miss Watkins acted as accompanist, Mr.' G. E1-
street, liett's introduction of himself was
having moved to Princess
west, and Mr. F. Rumble is moving enjoyed by. all, as was also the mud -
from Rattenbury street, east, to the cal selections by his children.
house on the southeast corner -of- No christening is complete without
Mary and North streets, Mr. J• Rath • eats, . so chairs were circled and a
Dundalk, who has been looking about sumpaious lunch was enjoyed.
here for some time, has taken Mies
Mtoore's house, . Rattenbury, west,
while a couple of other families are
looking for suitable residences and
will become citizens if they :can find
and- obtain just what, suits, them.
The death occurred on Sunday ev-
ening at the home of tier son, Mr. A.
J. IVlorish, of Mrs. Mary Jane Robb
in her eighty-fourth year.
Mrs. Robb, - although failing in
health, had nevertheless been up and
about- as usual until a few days be-
fore her death having attended
church two weeks before,: She was
born in Devenshire, . 'England, her
maiden name being - Mary Jane Do -
vela, and came to'Canada with bee
parents as a child, the family settling
at Port Perry, where she wan married
to the late John Morrish. About for-
ty-five years ago she and her -hus-
band came to . Clinton and ,this has: from any platform.
been her home ever since. In 1901 Miss Edith Dick, S. S. No. 14 Ilay
Mir, Morrish died and some years sat -who spoke on "Jean Blewett' was de-
er she•was married to John Robb, who dared the wimier. The splendid com-
predeceased her by some years. position and paanner of delivery re-
Sinee the death of her husband' she fleets considerable credit on- her ab -
has spent her tune mostly amongst. , 'tand training. She will represent
her' children, in the west, in' Picker- ?h i g p
ing, in Hamilton and here. having Huron Comity. at the contest held iii
been in, Clinton since April last, She connection with the District Conan
is survived by three sons and one tien of the Ontario Educational
Harry` Morrish , of Oxbow, sedation. `
Sask., Marsh Morrish 'of • Regina. Miss Claire Pentland, S. S. No, 8;
Sask., Mks, Puckering of Pickering Ashfield and West Wawanosh gave a
and A. J. Morrish of Clinton. Two splendid talk on "Better' Famine to
win second place,
All those wishing to go are requested Mr, and Mrs. Aclam - Boyd anti'
to be at the Parish Hall by 1.15. ' children, Peggy and George, left on
Baptist ChurchMonday for their home at Longford
Anniversary services will be .held 'Mills after having spent several days
sisters and two brothers also survive.
One sister, Mrs: Sproule of Canning- Miss Mary Caicos, S. S. No. 4, God
Mrs. Puckering and erich told of "Tho. Benefits of the
ton, her daughter
wrand=daughter, Mrs. Powell of Ham- School Fair to the Community." Her
ilton; were-• all with her. when the end argumentative spanner prize gave her an
advantage for third and -when
she said that the School Pairs were
Mrs,. Robb was 'a woman of very responsible for her effort to speak in
genial andhappy disposition and had public at the tender age of eleven she
a largecircle of friends, ` She was a took the house by storm.
memnber of Ontario street United, for- Miss Marion West, Clinton Public
•merly Methodist.church and was very School delighted the audience with a
regular in her attendance as long as life'sketch of "Pauline Johnston" It
she was able to go. was; a splendid 'effort and won her
fourth Place: .
The :funeral was held from the The first: four prizes consisted of
borne of her son yesterday afternoon, specially selected books for young
the services at house and graveside people, while each of the other young
conducted by the Rov. A �,I
cani e
titers received.
a sing
le book for
Doan, assisted by Rev. A, A. Holmes rheic earnestattempt to win higher
and Rev. R. B. Gracie. The pallbear henotirs.
hers • ',mere: ' Messrs, R. and W. Tip
lady, -J, W. Stevenson, I3', Ball and W. The names of. all contestants at
lady, J. W.- Stevenson, II Hill, ,:W.
Connell -;and W't 14.' Hellyar. •
A very pleasant evening was spent ,Lend, Wroxeter,
at the home 'of Mrs. Lebeau on Fri- . Mrs.. Maria Elliott and son Leslie
dwhen the U. F, W. Elliott returned home on Monday
ay evening last,
of the Bruce- ens.
0. entertained their families and after having motored to Mount Clem-
and families birch., and spent;the week -end
field Club. Mr. Geo. Layton kindly with relatives.
acted as chairman and a splendid tiro Mrs: J-. Tippet motored to Detroit
rata, • consisting of 'readings, sing on Friday with Mrs, W. Howard and
ing, duets and a couple of short
playlets was given. Tloe Maple Loaf
orchestra furnished the music and
generously responded to the hearty l-
encores given them. Some pretty,
costume dancers were given by two
little girls- from Brucefield, Misses ,
Ketchen and Aikenhead. The ladies
served delicious refreshments and
despite the inclement weather.a large
crowd was present and a hearty vote,
of thanks was : tendered the London
Road club, also -Mrs. Lebeau for her,
hospitality. The program will be re-
peated this Friday evening at the
County Ilome for the benefit of the
inmates. A treat will also be provid-
The next meeting of the club will
be held at the Home of: Mrs, Harry
Gould, Clinton, when the election of
officers will take place: All members
are requested to be present.
Mr, and Mrs.Marshall Smith of
d Mrs Ar-
;ted" Mr hn
f is ii
i ner,ef t
thin Wiltse`on Sunday
Mr Horace Walesa' of Detroit ',is
visiting his brothers, Messrs,'Ar•thur'
the titles of their subiects are given and Milton, Wilts°,' on the London
in the report of the Huron County Road this week, also his parents, Mr:
Educational Astociationmeeting. and Mrb,levl Wiltse of Clinton,,
Mrs. D. A. Aikenhead is visiting;
friends in Milton this week,
R. McNaughton, of Thamesville,
spent the week -end at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc-
Messrs. Ross Chapman, Ross
Broadfoot and Cliff -Broadfoot, have •
returned from the West, where thee'
ahvebeen spending some time.
Mr. S. Reid, of London, was visit-
ing his home on Sunday.
Miss Doran Farquhar, of London,
spent, the week -end at her home
Miss Olive Harrison, of Hensall,'
visited her mother on Sunday.
The regular monthly missionary •
meeting was 'held on Monday eve-
ning with Miss Eleanor Snider, the •
missionary convenor, in the chair.
Miss Hazel Haugh had a chapter in
the book "Drums in the Darkness.'"'
In the -absence of the president, the
missionary convenor conducted the
business part of the meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. A, Johnston spent'
Sunday at the hone of Mr. and Mrs,.
M. Crich. •
Miss Dorothy Robins, of Seaforth;
spent the week -end at. her Bone
The sincere., sympathy of the con- -
.gregation and friends is extended to
Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Bremner and.
family in the death of the former's
sister, Miss Bremner, who passed away-
wayon •Thursday, Oct. 18th at her home
in London. The funeral was heli one
Saturday, interment being made in
Owen Sound cemetery, -
In the absence of the minister the
morning service in the United' church.
on Sunday was conducted by the old-•
ers, with Mr. James Moodie as Iead-
er, A beautiful duet was sung by the'
Misses Eva and Florence Boyce, en-
titled "It is My Lord," which was:
much appreciated.
The delegates who attended the
Laymens' convention in Massey hall,
Toronto, in the first week in Octobers,
were Mr. W. S. Broadfoot and M'r. .
IL McLachlan, who gave interesting •
reports of the meeting,, Mr. R. Wat- -
son closed the meeting with prayer.
Rev. Mr. Connor of Kippen con—
ducted the evening service and preach-
ed a very fine sermon on courage and
consecration. The anniversary :ler-
vices will be Field next Sunday, Oct. 28,
morning and evening. Rev. Mr•. Hal?
of Sarnia will be the preacher for the •
day. The shed building committee Is
asking for a liberal offering to wipe
pff'the remaining debt on the sheds,
Me. John McGregor of Harrisville,
Mich., visited his brother, Hugh Me -
Gregor, last .week.
Mrs. W. Stevens has returned to••
her•home after spending a few weeks.•
with her daughter in Sarnia. -
The congregation of this church celebrated, on Sunday the six;
anriiver•sary of the• building of ;the edioice.