HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-10-18, Page 5.AUTION
=do with `.`get -rich -quick"
AVE nothing to g
salesmen—they will, try to hurry, you
-into a decision you will regret. A sound in-
vestment is never in a. hurry.
Meanwhile, the Savings 'Department' of
Bank is a safe and profitable place 'for
The Royal Bank
of Canada
Clinton Branch - - R. E. 'Manning,: Manager
Of Interest to YOU McCullough' on Maine. street, trans
ferred his bakery and opened' for
and liege business in his new quarters on Tues-
Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Boyd of Britton
were the guests of their -cousin, 1\Tr.
Sam Houston, on Tuesday and Wed-
nesday, having come to attend the,
funeral of the late Mrs. Jane -Heard. •
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Wightman;
who have spent the past five months
at their home on Main street, return-
ed to their home in Detroit on Wed-
nesday. Mr. Wightman has remodel-
ed the house and fixed the grounds
so that the property is greatly im-
There passed to rest 'en Sunday at
the hone of her' son, J..L. Heard of
Clinton, Jane Edmundson Eagleson,
widow of the late John Heard, in her
sixty-eighth year.'
The deceased was born near the
village of Moorefield, County Antrim
Ireland in 1861 and came tethis
country with her parents, the late Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Eagleson, in the year.
18&3 and settled in Stanley. township.
In 1891 she was married tto John
Heard of Bayfield, who predeceased
her in 1915. This union was blessed
with four, sons, Emerson and Nelson
of Stanley township, J. Leonard of
Clinton and Ninian of Bayfield.
After her Mother's death about
seven years ago she came to the vil••
lege and took care of her father.un-
ttl his 'death, since when she and her
son, Milian, have resided in the vii•
Mrs. Beard was a member of the
Presbyterian church, a cheerful, in-
dustrious woman and a good and
kindly neighbor. -
e is surviv-
Y2Jos; Bila Kirjt of Toronto is vis
icing hex sister Mrs,'Will Lyon
Mx and I s Rtohar_d Govret nnd,
Miss, Edna spent .Sunday las` with'
Ma and 1VIhs Joseph Yunl Mutt tit
"(:ionstance. a
Mi and Mrs. .Wm. Flunitmg aid"
£axnily spent ,tin ay an, Clinton 'a6
the.,guests t of M;r, • and Mrs, . -et, Cr,
•SLY LAWIRASON At Stapleton,
on Oct;"_15th, liy :Rev, A. ;18, Doan;
1, Mrs. Weis Lawrason to; Norman
FOX—SPAP 'ORA -•-At the; Anglican
eclatetch;.:Brussets.' on Oct; 4t11,. by
the Rev. Mr. Lewin, Mary, daugh
ter of s. 'Charles Spafford of
Blyth, to Roy Fox Of ' Beachville.
Births °.
•WILTSE—In Tgoltersmith,,on Octo-
-ber 16th, :to Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Wiltse, a daughter.
Thirty-three bicycle riders rode a
:3 -ace from Windsor to Halifax. the
• other Saturday morning. Can't have,
as, many motors on the highways
down in Nova Scotia as we have here
or the bicycle rider wouldn't have
much of a show.
We gather, from what the editor
says in praise of them that Bro. Eedy
of The St. Marys Journal -Argos has
' been attending some sumptuous sup-
pers served by country churches_ this
fall. , We trust_ he, did not fail to re
member the edmonition of the Great
Apostle to "be temperate in all
things," even when the 'steenth
pumpkin pie was passed.
An officer of the law had a lively
time in Bruce County • the other day
when he- was looking into a case of;
whisky making. Two officers, visit-
ed the'home of a suspect but finding
no evidence of manufacture one re-
mained with the 'husband' and wife
.�,�tnder suspicion 'while the other left
'vie:. continue a search through the
-woods. Later the woman went to
crank up the car to go out and get
bail for her husband and they con-
trived to get him a chance to'escape
and he made a run for it, the woman
attacking the officer to give him a
start. When he got free of her 5112
set. a couple of dogs on him and in
beating thein off yher husband got
away and into the woods. 'A still
was found in the woods and the w
an Was placed under arrest.
HEARD -4n Clinton, on Oct. 14, Jane.
E. Eagleson, widow of John H.
Heard,' Bayfield,; in her 68th year.,:
SLOAN—In Toronto General Ilospi-
tal,on Oct. 13th, Major R. R; Sloan,
Goderich township in -his 48th year.
BETTS -In Port Huron, Mich.,' on
October 5th; George ;;W, Betts, for-
merly ,of Clinton, aged 68 years. '
Last :ye5r we made: eittinge,' for
Christmas Photos up to • ,Dec,"15th.
We cannot' promise -to do that, thus
yearas::we are 'short .of Studio help
All people wanting Photos figs .Christ
rias must have sittings inade on
Tuesdays `Opt, and. "November
months, We make this announce -
it -tent -so no one Will be •disappointed,'
Clinton Studio ;Open each Tuesday
Retire 10 ern, to/4.80 p.m,
Clinton and Mitchell
The family of Mrs, John H: Heard
wish to express their thanks for the
kindness of their many -friends, der:,
ing their. mother's" illness and' -death
and for the beautiful flowers sent.
Ours Are Quality.
-In . Many Colors and Varieties
All' top size bulbs that' will force
-satisfactorily or give excellent re-
sults 'outside,
Cut Flowers, Plants and Floral
Designs for all.Occasions. -
Besides her four sons sh
ed by two sisters, Mrs. Henry Young,
Baufieid S. Dak„ Mrs, W. G, Johnston, Mile-
• stone, Sask., and seyen brothers. Sam:
Mrs. C. E. Brandon returned on uel and Milton, North Dakota; John
Satirday after having spent a couple of Langdon, N. Dak.; James and Wil -
of weeks with her sister in Belgrave. liam of Aberdeen, S. Dalt.;
o RobertBuchof ,
Messrs. Jack Lindsay Brown Mg- Warner, Alberta;
gins and Leslie Elliott, who have an, N. Dale: and Edmund\ of Morse,
been working near St. Mary's re- Sask. . . .
turned home last week. The funeral which was largely at -
Mrs. A. McFaul of Miami, Fldrida, tended, was held from her late rest -
is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. S. dence on Tuesday afternoon and in -
Atkinson. terinent was made by Bayfield ceme-
Miss M. H. Gerrie spent -Saturday tory. The services at the house and
at her home in Ingersoll. graveside. were conducted by Rev. J.
Mrs. Susan Durkin of Meaford vis- Mcllroy of Hensall,, assisted, by Rev.
ited with her sisters, Mrs. Richard F. H. Paull. The paulbearers were:
- Weston and Mrs Henry Weston. Messrs. H. Darrow, S. Houston and R.
Mr, and Mrs. Percy Weston spent J. Boyd, cousins of the deceased, J.
the week -end with the fornier's par- Castle, +G, Castle and R. Heard, neph-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weston. ews, The beautiful floral tributes
On their return to Kitchener on Mon spoke for themselves of the high 03-
.- day they were accompanied by MIs. teen in which the deceased was held
Henry Weston and Mrs, S. Durkin, by all who knew her. '
who will spend the week in Kitchener. Friends from a distancewho
• Misses M. H. Gerrie and Anna sed the funeral were:
Woods attended the Teacher's Con- Robt, Boyd, Britton, Ont.; Mrs. Ellen'
vention held at Goderich on Thursday Howard and son Douglas and .Mrs.
• and Friday last. Miss A. Woods gave Earl Mason, Detroit The sympathy
a 99962 on "Teaching of Primary Pu- of the) community is extended to_ the
pits." - bereaved ones.
Mr, and Nes, H, McLaren and fart- Miss Irene Ross arrived on Friday
ily of Port Elgin were with Mrs. Mc- to spend a vacation with -her 'Parents,
Laren's mothers, Mrs. Win. Stirling, me, and Mes. M. Ross,
over the week -end. Mrs, Ada Reid, of Stanley town-
" Misses Ethel Jowett and Itetta Mar ship has come to the village'to spend
ner of New Dundee and Jean Woods
some with Miss E. Cameron.
of Galt motored to the village on Tri-
day evening to spend the week -end
with their parents. Lo de$il30rti/
Mrs. Ida King of London is the
; guest of Mrs: Jno, Davison this week. The young people of the United
Dr. A. Newton -Brady motored to church are planning to show pictures
"Toronto' on Saturday, On his return on Oct, 24th, the title of the'pictures
on Sunday he -was accompanied 3 being Over The Old ;Slave Trail."
Mrs. Newton -Brady. Mrs. H. R. Mc- There will be no preaching service
<"ilay accompanied Min and visited her in the United church Sunday next on
Mrs. Thornton Mustard wishes to
acknowledge the unfailing and unstin-
ted kindness of the neighbors to her
mother, the late Mrs. MacDonald, and
to thank them all for the happiness
they brought to her mother in the
closing of her life. .
Chas._ V. Cooke
Two Phones -66W and, 661
Live an liressed
THIYESD4Y, :OCTOBER "1R, 1928. ' '{
Brng.iyout.''poultry and eggs hero.
and, moaloe- re profit 'fob .youzself,
M8rltet prices for -heavy hens are
high --take aiivantago bf them; now.•
Clinton's Leading J8 g -Grading •
Auction Sale
Of Horses, Cows, Young Cattle and
Sheep, at lot 58, Bayfield road, 4
miles west of Clinton, on Monday, Oc-
tober 22nd, at 1.30 sharp, consisting
of: HORSES—Team of• geldings, 6
and 7 years old, weight, 1400 -lbs. each;
CATTLE—Durham cow, 6 years . old,
due in February; Durham cow, 7 years
old, due in November; Durham cow, 6
years old, due in February; Durham
cow, 4 years old, due in March; choice
Holstein cow, 6 years old, clue Nov-
ember 8rd; choice Holstein cow, 6
years old,:with calf at foot; choice
Holstein cow, 6 years old, due in Feb-
ruary; extra quality Holstein cow, 4
years old, due March 6th; 8 choice
holstein heifers, rising 3 years old,
due in Nov., January and February;
9 extra choice Durham grade steers;
900 lbs. each, in good condition.
SHEEP -=55 choice Oxford and Leices-
ter sheep, 2 and 3 years. If you are
in the market for good stock attend
this sale. Terms -6 Months' credit
will be given on furnishing lianlcable
paper ;with a discount of •1) per cent
straight allowed for cash. Wan. H,
Lobb and Fred Middleton, Proprietors,.
G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer. 84-1,
under auspices of Trinity Church,
—in the -
Clinton. Poultry House
�.��. Trewartl'a
Phones—Office, 214j Residence, 214w
Cocshntt Agency
As T am now 'handling the `Cock-
shutt sad' I post and' .Wood 'I npleni-
ent$ and" else Coekshutt •cream separ-
ators, and -axe. rprep'ared to •supply all
kinds of repairs for : same, I" solicit
the patronage of farmers, and ethers
Orders wi11 receive 'prompt attention,
Queen street, Clinton _
Tuesday October 30th
For Sale
Buggy, cutter and robe, delivery
sleigh, drag wagon and two set,sin-
gle harness. Will sell cheap for
quick sale, G. R. Sheppard, Holmes-
ville, Phone 601r23, Clinton. 84-3-p,
Cows and Sows for Sale
Several cows, and a number of
Yorkshire sows, -farrowing soon. Ap-
ply to R. W, Gibbings, R. R. No. 4,
Clinton. Phone 617r15, Clinton cen-
tral. 84-4.
daughter, Miss Alma McKay in To- account of anniversary services
r';onto. the Constance church, But Suiidat.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Clarkson. and fan-
ily school will be held as usual.
returned to Stratford on Monday Mr. and. Mrs. Court of London were
after having spent the season in Dr. week -end guests of Mr. John Garratt'
Win.,Metcalf's house "The Lodge". and Miss;Lillie Garrett,
Woods returned home and Mrs. Stevenson and 'son,
Mrs. N. W. Ma. )
on Monday after having spent a con- of Eethel spend Sunday with Mr,
vie of weeks in Toronto and Dunn and. Mrs. Crawford.
. vine, vine,, In the absenee•of Rev.:1V1r. Johnson,
Miss Nina Heard of Clinton visited typo was taking anniversary services
her parents aLents over the week -end. at Ethel, the Rev. Duncan Guest o,
Mrs, Margaret Ferguson was called that place took -the morning madeV-
to Win,gham on Fridayowing totheening' services` here, and gave VIVO
illness of her sister. splendid sermons,
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Gordon of Mr. and Mrs; John Radford- and
nd Mich, "spent Saturday in rte two daughters left this week for their
Midland, Clinton.We are very
new home in I t Radford
. Dose. Mr: and Mrs
to 1
sorry y
from our village ,
and they w be
very much missed, but our loss will
be Clintons gain:
Mr. and lVlrs; Dennis Roberton re-
turned. home last week after [mend-
ing •several weeks in the west. Mr:
Roberton, reports snow and very,eold
weather as they were leaving,
• a
aim •coir of
Scrimgeour and
s, C. it Will of
,• ford.and Mr, andl4ir
;London were- 81 their cottages over
r Ibe week -end. •
nson went to Lon-
Norah Ferg
l: don on Sunday, to visit in ;the city for
a time.::
Mr. fir; J. Johnston who' sed
p urcha
ache property recently owned bit nSed
Supper served from 6 to 8
followed by Excellent Program
given by the Lakeside Entertainers
AdmissioJ1 Adults, 50c, Children, 25c
For Sale
Two pure fired Polled -Angus bulls,
and a number of Leicester ram lambs,
from purebred stock. Chas. Lindsay,
Clinton. 84-1-p•
For Sale
A Royal Jewel steel range, dike
new. Apply to P. 0. box 45 or phone
218, Clinton. 84 -i -p.
In G. W. V. A. hall
on the evening of
Music 'ii Seaforth Orchestra. Ad-
mission: $1.00 per couple tax included,
extra lady 50c,
For Sale
Some young cattle, a bargain for
quick sale. Apply to R. W. McMillan,
R. R. No. 2, Seaforth, or phone 24
on 236, Seaforth central, 84.1-p,
' For Sale
2 Quebec heaters,,in good,eondition,
Apply to Morgan Agnew, Mary street.
Phone 34.' 83-7.
For Sale •
A quantity of pears and blue and
white grapes, .also 12 thoroughbred
Rock cockerels. Phone 160. Mrs,
Hiram Bili. • 88-tf.
House for Sale
'Bath room, electrip light, good barn,
henhouse, for 500, in town, about 3
acres, Orchard. $3000 or near of.
fer, part cash, E. Parker, Clinton:
- • 83-3.
• —to—
Jitney Dancing Come.
Wanted -
Boarders or roomers, two doors
west of Baptist church, Huron street,
Clinton, Mrs. WI, H. Cole. 81, tf.
House for Sale or Rent
Comfortable brick house belonging
to estate of the late Rev. T. J. Snow-
don, Hot water heating and all con-
veniences. Apply to W. Brydone,
Solicitor for the estate, Clinton.
In the Estate of Abraham E. Durnin,
.For Sale
Baby's buggy in good shape: Blue
body with cream trimmings. Price
reasonable. Write box 88, Clinton.
Stray Hound
Came to premises of the undersign-
ed, a black and brindle bound. Owner
can have same by proving property
and paying expenses. M. - Stock,
Holtnesville. 83-2-p.
TELE131-10NE -53
We are prepared to handle your, Puri/dee pk'obleln ivheth•-
er it, be. a: i1ew, one er the repairing of the one you have, been- .'
using. Also Quebec Ooolcs and Beaters at lowest prices.
Our 1926-.1927 and 1928 'Special Quebec Cool{ at 527.50
Cash. We also have a couple .of bargains' in used heater
and used Range and both,../or coal coke or wood and -'both
large size.
We still handle .the Goodrich line of, Rubber Boots,„
Rubbers, Etc., and the reliable Work Shoes unequalled in
quality at the, price.
For Sale
Oxford lambs, of both sexes, regis-
tration if required. Frank Weekes,
Varna. Phone 622r31, Clinten central.
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having clninis against the
estate of Abraham E. Durnixi, late of
the town of Clinton, in the County of
Huron, yeoman, deceased; who died on
or about the 23rd day of September,
A.D., 1928, are required to deliver to
Harold Murray Durnin, the adminis-
trator of the said estate or W. Bry-
done, solicitor, on or before the 15th.
day of November, A.D., 1928, a full
statement of their claims together
with particulars thereof, and the na-
ture of the. securities, if any, held by
thein all duly verified by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after
the said last mentioned date the said
administrator will proceed to dis-
tribute the -estate of the said deceas-
ed amongst the .persons entitled
thereto having regard only to such
claims as he shall 'have received due
notico and in accordance therewith.
DATED at Clinton, Ontario, thin,
15th day 61 OctoberteA.D., 1928.
W, Bryson, Clinton, Ontario, Sol-
icitor for the said Estate. 84-3
100 acres near village • of Varna,
good'house with a furnace, basement,
•barn with : stanchions and water
• bowls, hen house for 200 hens, imple-
ment shed and garage. It 15 web
drained, well fenced and plenty of,
good water.' A. real bargain. Small
cash payment• and balance may be
left on -the:' farm. 3. E. Harnwell,
Varna,; Ont. 83-3-p.
"Town of' ' Clinton
Notice is hereby given that'a meet-
ing of .the Court: of Revision' of the
'Town of Clinton will beheld' in the
Council Chamber, Clinton, ,on .�Mon-
cl ek p.m.,
1928 a
24th 9
clay, ,Oct. ,
to hear appeals respecting the AS-
sessinent Rell of. t11e Towii of Clinton;.
for 1921.
Persons. having business with the
Court wi11 please. attend at the said
time and 'place.D. L. Macpherson,,
Town Clerk;
Tenders For 'Fully Modern. Re'siden
tial Property to Liquidate
the Estate. "
Sealed tenders marked "Tenders
for Residence" :will be received by
the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon.
Saturday, November 8rd, 1928 for the
Frame residence, eight rooms and
bdth, with all . conveniences, furnace
and bath gond as new, chimney built
from foundation up, with good fire-
place, garage -stable on. premises,
house in good ,repair . throughent.
Above residence well located on King.
street, near station,, and at present .
oecupied by Mr. W. Wilson.
Tenders xnu'st be accompanied by
an accepted cheque for 8100.00, bal-
ance cash within thirty days after
November 3rd, 1928, or terms granted:
of half cash, balance mortgage,five
years ht 5 per cent per annum.
Teedeg9 to be ;mailed or delivered
in a separate sealed envelope to the
Office of. the Thomas McI{envie Es-
tate addressed totheExecutors of
the above . Estate, homes in
This is one of the best
Clinton and a real sate secure invest
ment to a1iyv investor as the house is
occupied by a good -tenant .on a
monthly basis, rental, and .present
tenant will no doubt continue on this
basis if sold to any investor.
Further particulars obtain-
Y be otain-
ed at the Office of the Thomas JtIc-_
Kenzie Estate.
The highest or, any tender not nee-
essarily accepted.
Executors Thomas ;McKenzie Es-
tate, box ;108, Clinton, .Ontario.
84-2, Clinton, Ont., Oct..15, .1928, . ,84 3._
Housefto Rent
Small brickhouse to rent, Six rooms
and kitchen, electric right. Central.
Family of two preferred. P. 0. Box,
255. 83-tf.
C. H. VENNER, Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures, Bulbs, Irons, Fans and other
Wiring and Repairs. Phone 7
Business For Sale
Will sell or exchange for farm our
stock of Groceries, boots and shoes
sweaters, hose, staples, etc, S. E.
Merrier, Bayfield, Ont. 8241.
Accomodation For Students
Can accomodate one or two students
with board and rooms. Convenient
to School of Conmierce. Apply to
Lottie Sloman, phone 215j, Cl8 Conn.
All Models - scores of beautiful fab-
rics - novel and exclusive and person-
ally tailored to suit your figure.
Stock of Overcoats Just Arrived,`
518.00 TO 565.00
E. C. nd0.' IHL '
McEwen's Old Stand. Opposite
Post Office
Well grown and specially sprayed
Winter Apples and Potatoes. SBrng
your bags. C. Hoare, p.
For Sale
Good white brick house on Prin-
cess St„ east, with eight rooms, town
and soft water and electric lights.
One half acre of land with barn.
Large and small fruit. Terms can be
arranged. Apply to Mr. Levi Stong,
Clinton, Ont., or Mrs. James Steep,
8 Elmwood Ave., London, Ont. 79-11.
No Trespassing
No trespassing will be allowed on
Iota 22, 23, 24 and 25, con 14th and
lots 25, 24 and 23 on the 16 con. or
Goderich township,, Owners of dogs
are required to keep themn off the
premises. W. B. Churchill, James
Ferguson, Lorne Jervis.' 83-4.
Real Remedy
I have a real proven remedy for
Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago
and Blood Poisoning, called Dicalac,
being composed of mineral prepara-
tions, therefore harmless and drugless
Seldomfails to relieve and restore to
health the worst of cases, Six weeks
treatment for two dollars. Write for
particulars to sole manufacturer of
Dicalac. Alfred English, Mount Den-
nis, Ont 82-4-p.
Leicesters for Sale
20 well-bred ewe lambs and 1 ram
lamb for sale. Lot 35, Goderich
township, R, R. No. 3, Clinton central.
0i J. Cole. 82 -if.
For Upholstering, Repairing, Refin-
Samples of Coverings Carried
Nelson Street
House For Sale
Frame house, on double lot, house
wired, town water, on foundation with
cellar. Will be sold at a bargain. In-
quire at The News -Record office.
. 79-1f..
Farmers Attention!
Having purchased a new tractor
and plough, I am now ready to do a
limited amount of custom ploughing.
Let me help you get your land ready
for fall wheat. Will do a satisfactory
job, 1'. W. Andrews, Clinton. Phone
33-w. 72-tf,
Farm r Sale
100 acres good farming land, 3
miles east of Clinton on Highway, 12
storey stone house, good barn, im-
plentent shed, hog pen and garage,
all in good repair.. Good water sys-
tem•inall buildings, Some hardwood
bush. For particulars apply to Thos.
Glazier, Clinton, 82-8-p."
Farm for Sale
Lot 10, Con. 4, Stanley township,
consisting of 100 acres. There is a
very -good barn on the premises, .s. -
bout 15' acres of bushand a never -
failing stream `running across he
baclt end. ,A good'farm for either
grain 'growing or pasture. Apply to
Mary or Murray Gibson, Bruce.field,
Executrix and Executor for the es-
tate of the late William Collins. 81. tf.
- Tractor Plowing
I am prepared to do plowing by the
acre, at anytime. Also wood sawing
Apply to S. Flewitt, or phone 13 on
606, Clinton central. 64-tf-6p.
In the Town �f Clin1011, in the County,
of }Iuron
NOTICE is hereby given that the
list of lands for sale for arrears of
taxes has been prepared and that cop-
ies thereof may be had in my office,
and that the list is: being published in
the Ontario Gazette, September' Sth.,
15111., 22nd., and 29th, A.D. 1928 and
that in default of payment of the -tax
es and costs the lands will be sold on
10th day t
eui er
`Dec b
the 0
Monday, n y>
A.D. 1928,at 3 o'clock p,m, at the
Council Chamber , in the Town of
Clinton; -
Treasurer, Town of Clinton
Treasurer's Office, 01151en,
Sept. 1st, 1928. 78-t>r,
oar BY DAY-
Young people come in from all
parts of our provinces to take the
places of Graduates who go out in-
to office positions through the Em-
ployment Department of Shaw's
Business Schools in Toronto. Wily
not take your turn? Free parti-
culars on request. W. R. Shaw,
Registrar, Bay & Charles Streets,
Toronto. �l
Money Wanted
5200 wanted on •a good first mort-
gage. Will pay 61F per 'cent. In-
quire at News -Record. 724f.
Clint 0119S
IF YOU GET us TO romps 1 ON
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and re-
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned.
Rooms .wer Heard's B..rber shop.
W. J. Jago. 2283-t1
Coal That SatiOies
We sell the cleanest, . safest and
most economical fuel' and always at a
fair price.
A telephone call will receive our
prompt attention.
You can feel asolutely sure that
every shovel of coal will be of the
same uniformity of quality.
Don't laugh at this poor fellow!
Here's the first cold snap, with the
furnace "raring" for, food,—and he's
forgotten to order any!—Last spring
when the warm days came, he shed
his brains with his overcoat, and his
wife put . then away in mothballs.
What be should have done was to use
the same brains in July that he did
in January, and
-Call the wgmett.'
for good, ' ood clean coal'
Phone 182
Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery,
Phone 111
We Want Your
Milk and Cream
We are manufacturers of both
cheese and butter. We want your
milk or cream. We pay highest mar-
ket price weekly. Satisfaction guar-
Phone your order for finest cheese
or pasturised butter in prints or sol-
ids to W. H. Lobb, Clinton, Ont.,, R.
R. No. 3, Phone No. 605r32.
Eggs and Poultry
}lone on Tuesday and Friday fore*
noon to take in Poultry. '
Eggs handled at residence every;
day—graded by an experienced grade
er, for which we pay the highest mar.
lcet price.
Cream purchased for. Stillman's of
A. E. Finch
Viking Cream Separator Agent.
Victoria St., Clinton Phone 231
A quantity of good hardwood and
cedar for sale,
Phone 155 Huron strea4
Singer Sewing Machine
Leased on Small Monthly Payments
Big Discount on Cash Sales
Now is the time to have your meao
chine repaired and cleaned. Repairdy
Needles, Belts, and Parts forsll
makes. ' ay
Phone 1713 P.0, Box 201, Clintol*
Buy a . radiofor the family.
in , doing se you will but
giving them something which them
can enjoy the year around.
We are dealers for the Koister .and
Kings sets: and will be pleased to givd.,
you a 'demonstration at any time,
and st
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r'es charged atte e
whiter JS ..
W. Pro
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