HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-10-11, Page 7TuMlnaluou8 oI Rchetali
A Column Prepared Especially for Women -
But Not Forbidden to Men
When I am scolded or reproved,
I simply will not mend my ways.
But -how I struggle to improve
When folks hand out a little praise.
I have sometimes thought that if
people would , right -about-face and,
instead of finding so much fault with
other people, would begin to look for
the good points, the world would be a
vastly more . pleasant place in which
to'live and twould also the sooner be-
gin to show signs of improvement.
Have you ever noticed that if you
scold a child and call it naughty it
Will continue: to\be naughty, will of-
ten branch out into new fields of
naughtiness of which perhaps, it had
never thought until its shortcomings
were pointed out to it, until the point
is reached where a severe punishment
is due. Whereas, if you ignore the
first slight naughtiness and point out
something which can be praised the.
child will forget to continue in its
naughty ways and will persist in the-
path which' has brought him some
Somehow, we all always respond to.
a wok of praise and resentscolding.
As we grail older, of course, we be-
come a bit hardened to it and having
our own moral sense developed we
can go on doing what we think right
even though we get little praise and
some censure. But I cannot help be-
lieving that if parents and those who
have the care of -children would use
the praise system instead of the fault-
finding one it would work out better,
Just think back over your own child-
hood and youth. ' Which method did
yoti respond to the most heartily'.
We all seem to have the idea firmly
fixed ill' -the mind that too much
praise will surely spoil any child and
we are afraid to take the responsibil-
ity, so we do not praise at all. Too
much praise, injudicious;. praise, may
have that effect' but a^little praise,
with a lninithun . of scolding and
fault-finding, might have the effect
of turning -the mind of the boy or
girl into the paths which parents and
guardians wish•. them to take. The
fact is I believe everybody would do
better work if they got a little deser-
ved praise occasionally. •
�' Clinton' and Rural School Fair
Prize Winners.
Class 7 -Sweet Corn, "Golden Ban-
tam," 6 ears -Gertrude Reid, Kather-
ine Turner, Geo. Lavis, Helen Gan-
dier, Gene Andrews.
Class 8, Potatoes, Irish Cobblers, 12
tubers -Dick Fremlin, Doris Crich,
Bee Beacom, Joe Steep, Clarence Neil
`Fruit-a-tives" Stopped
Pain and Terrible '
roma, Gonne
It seems almost a miracle -the way
"Fruit -a -five&" benefits women suffer-
ing at the change of life. "I was obliged
to go to bed because of the terrible
dizziness, pain and weakness," writes
Mine Ouesime Godiu of Paquetville,
N.B. "During tide trying time
'Fruit-a-tives'roved a godsend to
me, and now Ipam in perfect health.
Every woman should follow my ex
ample and take 'Fruit -actives,' and
they would surely get the wonderful
relief that I did." Try it. Your dealer
has this 'wopderful fruit medicine --
25c. and 50e. a box.
ans, Harold Johnston
Class 9, Potatoes, Green Mountains,
12 tubers -101.y Rozell, George Rum
ball, Chester Neilans.
Class 10, Potatoes, Dooleys, 12 tub-
ers -Greta Taylor, Edna Pickett, Or-
pha Perdue, Ellen Charlesworth, Ag-
nes Agnew, Jack Nickle.
Class 11, Mangolds, . Giant White
Sugar, 5 roots -Murray Date, Cecil
Elliott, Alvin Corless, Percy Brown,
Doris Nickle.
Class 12, Turnips, Bruce's Giant
King, 5 roots -Dorothy Cornish, Ruth
Class 13,- Beets, Detroit Dark Red,
6 specimens -Marie Plumsteel, Har-
riet Kennedy, Dorothy Glazier, Mary
Turner, Olive Finch, Ellen McGill.
Class 14, Carrots, Chantenay, 6
spechnens-George Schwartz, Eliza-
beth Doan, Norris Fitzsimons, Wil-
lard Aiken, Virginia Harris, Ruth
Class 15, Parsnips, Hollow Crown, 3
specimens-Valena Elliott, Geo. El-
liott, Jean McCallum, Palma Hun -
king, Frank Heard, Elton Rozell.
'Class 16,_Onions, Yellow Globe Dan -
ver, 6 specimens& - Jean Neilans,
Clayton Campbell, Josephine Harris,
Name. Andrews, Virginia Rozell,
Class 35, Best Pumpkin -Mary Tur,
ner, Ernest Mittell, Stewart Schoen -
hale, Ivan Turner, Sonny Harris, Ar-
thur Aiken.
Class 17, Bouquet of Asters, 6 speci-
mens -Frances Carter, Kenneth Teb-
butt, Mary Cooper, Jean Neilans,
Victor Doherty.
Glass 18, Bouquet of PhIox,• 72
specimens -Harold Fremlin, Palma,
Munising, Murray Dale, Helen Rum -
Class 19, Bouquet of Zinnia, 6
specimens -Frances Fitzsimons, Et -
len Charlesworth, Norris Fitzsim-
ons, Jean Cameron.
Class 20, Bouquet of African Meet -
You Boil
n Egg
• Write for Free
Booklet, "Walls ,
That Reflect Good
Judgment," con-
'taining interesting
information on
home planning with
Gyproc, Rocboard
and Insulex.
Millions of Insulating Air ,Cells' !
Paris Canada
For Sale B
Thomas. McKenzie Estate
Geo. T. Jenkins
y Clinton, Ont.
- Clinton, Ont.
golds, 6 specinens-Gertrude Holmes,
Harold Seeley, Geo. Twyford,
Class, 21, Bouquet of Calendula, 6
specimens --Cecil .Ioes, Dorothy
Cornish Chas. Johnston, Alvin Cor-
less, Reggie Cook.
Class 22, Bouquet of French Mari-
golds, ` 12 , pecilnens-Norvel Furniss,
Dorothy, Corless, Norma Cook, Jessie
Campbell, I--Ielen Gandier, Margaret
heard, ,
Class 23, Bouquet of Verbenas, 9
specimens -Stinson Mellveen,
Class 24, Bouquet of Cosmos, 12
s 15ecimens-Ruth Andrews.
Class 25, Bouquet of Pinks, 12
specimens ---- Edna Pickett, . Frank
Heard, Jack Nickle.
Class 28, Pen of three;' Cockerel.aml
2 Pullets -- Frances Fitzsimons,
Glen Cartwright..
Class'35,;Barred Rocks, Pen of three -
Cockerel and 2 Pullets -Ruth Pickett,
Agnes Johnson..'
Class 30, Pair of White Wyandot-
tes, Cockerel and Pallet -Dorothy
Cornish. ,
Class 35, Pen three, r , e n. of th ,Cock-
oe• lc-
erel and 2 Pullets -Ruth Pickett.
Class 33 -Dining Room Table Bou-
quet from Home Garden -Ruth Pick-
ett, Isabelle Holmes, Peter Cantelon,
Marie Plumsteel, Reggie Cudmore,
Agnes Johnson.
Class 34, Bouquet of Gladiolas-
Holmes, Ruth Pickett, Ger-
trude Holmes, Percy Brown.
Class 35, Largest Pumpkin, pupils
10 years and under -Edwin Cooper,
Mary 'Plumsteel, Harold Seeley, Ben
son Sutter, Norma Andrews, Virginia
Class 36, . Pair of Rabbits -John
Cuningham, Roy Pickett, Marie. Plum-
s teal,
Class 37, Best Dbzen Eggs -Ross
Finch, Ernest Mittell, Isabelle Hol -
nes, Fred Hellyar, Dorothy Cornish,
Marie Plumsteel.
Class 38, Collection of one each, 6
named varieties apples -Frances Fitz-
simons, Josie Fitzsimons, Isabelle
Holmes, J� Doherty, Gene Andrews,
Bob Biggart. '
Class 39, Apple Pie -Gene Andrews,
Josephine Harris, Margaret Tasker,
Virginia Rozell1:Dorothy Cornish,•Isa-
belle Holmes.
Class 40, School Lunc1, must be
practical and not elaborate -Cathleen
Cuningham, Vinginia Harris Isabelle
Holmes, Dorothy Cornish, Virginia
Rozell, Ellen Charlesworth.
Class 41, Plain Butter Scotch, pup-
ils under 11 -Ernest Mittell, Margar-
et Sehoenhals, 1Madelon Murch, Ben-
son Sutter, Virginia Harris, Ellen
'Class 42, Chocolate Nut Fudge,
pupils' 11 years' and over Dorothy
Cornish, Ruth Pickett, Francis Fitz-
simons, Isabelle Holmes, Harriet
Kennedy, Doris Crich.
. 'Class 43, Raisin Loaf -Dorothy
Cornish, Isabelle Holmes, Ellen.
Class 44, Half dozen Ginger Snaps
-Madelon Murch, Dorothy Cornish,
Doris Crich, Josie Fitzsimons, Isabelle
Holmes, Ellen Charlesworth,
Class 45, Spice Cake -Isabelle Hol-
mes, Frances Fitzsimons, Josephine
Harris, Ruth Pickett, Margaret Tas-
ker, Virginia Rozell. -
Class 46, Bath towel with crocheted
edge -Isabelle Holmes,
Class 47, sample of 5 fancy stitches
on cotton -Isabelle Holmes, Josephine
Harris, Gertrude Reid, Sadie Elliott.
Class 48, Embroidered apron, Fac-
tory Cotton -Ruth Pickett, Josie Car-
ter, Isabelle Holmes, Gertrude Reid,
Josephine Harris, Virginia Harris.
Class 49, Three buttonholes in cot-
ton, pupils 10 years and under -Ruth
Lavis, Helen Lavis.
Class 50, Sample of Smocking, Girls
over 10 -Isabelle Holmes, Ruth Pick-
Class 51, Hemstitched ladies hand-
kerchief -Isabelle Holmes, Josephine
Class 52, Mat, paper, pupils under
8 -Valeria Elliott, Kenneth Cook, Ar-
thur Aiken, Helen Lavis, Norma An-
drew, Olive Finch.
Class 53, Box for 3 sizes of Nails -
Isabelle Holmes.
Glass 54, Patch on inner tube, for
boys only -Geo. Lavis, Cecil Holmes,
Victor Doherty, Bob Biggart, Sydney
Lawson, Reggie Cudmore.
• Klass. 56, Map of Huron, 2nd. class
-Sydney Lawson, Madelon Murch,
Ruth Lavis, Royce Fremlin, Ross
Finch, Fred Axon.
Glass 57, 'Map of South America,
3rd. class - Margaret Sehoenhals,
John Cuningham, Bob Biggart, Agnes
Agnew, Ellen Charlesworth, Victor
Class 58, Man of British Isles, 4th
class --Virginia Rozell, Isabelle Holmes'
Dorothy Corless, Marion Hudson,
Gene Andrews, Charlie Johnston.
Class•, 60, Waiting; "Laughing
Brooke"' 1st class-Florrie Evans,
Ruth Lavis. Margaret Heard, Bee
Beacom,' Winnie Warren, Cathleen
Class 61, Writing, "Woodland Rain"
2nd. class -Grace Finch, Ellen Char-
lesworth, Margaret Sehoenhals, Nor-
ma Helen Cook, Ruth -Andrews, .Fran -
ccs Carter,
Class. 62 a Writing, In Planclers
Iields," 3rd Blass -Gene Andrews,
Orpha Perdue; Rena Hovey, Jean Neil-
ans, Jack Cree, Dorothy Cook.
Class 63, Writing, "Children's Song"
4th :class -Virginia Rozell, Dorothy
Corless, Ruth Pickett, Norene Finch
Lillian Manning, Jessie Cameron.
• Class 64, Essav on, "Ontario's Play
grounds" Isabelle Holmes.
Class 65, Pencil Drawing, 1st and'
2nd olesses-Sydney Lawson, Ross
Finch, Ellen McGill, Audrey Jones,
Jessie Campbell, June Rozell,
Class, 66, October Calendar, 9"x12"
For Swollen Joints
Most remedies fail but Joint -Ease,
It's for Joint troubles only, whether
in ankle, knee, hip, elbow, shoulder,
Finger or spine -whether elieumatic
or not.
It limbers up stiff, inflammed, pain-
ful, creaky joints so quickly you'll be
Two seconds' rubbingand away it
goes through skin and flesh right down
to the bone and ligaments -that's why
it succeeds. Ask any relvalrl4 drug.
-Mary Lavis, George'Lavis, Virginia
Rozell, Gertrude Reid, Ruth Pickett,
Jessie Cameron.
Class 67,
as of 10
mounted_ and named weeds -Ruth
Pickett Dorothy Cornish, Isabelle Ilol-
mos,•Josophine Harris,, Josie Fitzsim-
ons, Frances Fitzsimons.
Class 68, Collection of 10 mounted,"
and named Ont. Weeds Seeds -Robin
Lavis, Isabelle Ilolmes, Ruth Pickett,
Frances Fitzsimons; •Dorothy Cornish,
Josephine Harris:
Class 70; Collection of 10 injurious
insects -Isabelle Ilolmes, Josephine
Class 71, Collection of 12 leaves el
deciduous tress-I1abelle Holmes,
Margaret Sehoenhals, Frances Fitz-
simons, Josephine Harris, Ruth Pick-
ett, Joe Doherty, '
Class 72, Coll'eetion of cuts of dif-
ferent breeds' of poultry-dsabebe
Holmes, Beecher Streets, Ruth Pick-
ett, Benson Sutter: •
Class '73, Public Speaking, donated
by Home and School Club -Marion'
West, Nora. Fremlin, Virginia Rozell,
Genie Andrews, Josephine Barris Vir;
ginia Harrie,
Class 74, School ,Chorus donated.h
Horne and School'Cl'ub-Miss Fraser,.
Miss Armstrong, Mee. Farnham.
Class 75, School',Parade-Mrs:
Farnham,, `Miss Pepper, Mies Arm-
Class 76, Strathcona Exercises-
Mini Jefferson, Miss Fraser, Miss
Class 77, Mouth- Organ competition
-Bob Doherty, Jack Perdue. -
Class 78, . Riding Contest, boys' or
girl -•Lorne Brown, Reggie'Tebbutt,
Geo. Elliott, Clayton Dixon, Tom Cook
Class 79, Special Prizes for Cham-
pionship Pupils -Isabelle Holmes, 112
Ruth Pickett, 60; Dorothy Cornish,
48. •
Class i', Spring Wheat, Marquis, 1
quart -Clifford Pepper, Gordon Rad-
ford, Roy Vodden.
Glass 2, Spring 'Wheat, Marquis
Sheaf 3" in diameter -Gordon Rad-
ford, Roy Vodden, Flossy Stelck,• Bert
Class 3, Oats, O.A.C. No. 144, 1 qt
Lloyd Adams, Norman Pepper, Frank
Class 4, Oats, O.A.C. No. 144, Sheaf
3 " in diameter -Norman Pepper,
Donna Welsh, Allan Neal, Frank Gar-
Class 5, Barley, O.A.C., No. 21, 1
qt. -Harold Pepper.
Class 6, Barley, O.A.C., No. 21,
Sheaf, 3 " in diameter :Roy Appleby,
Graydon Neal, John Lindsay.
Class, 7, Sweet Corn, Golden Ban-
tam, 6 ears- lYl adeline Tyndall, Nel-
don Tyndall, Harold Hugill, Alma
Carter, Thelma Hoggart,
Class $, Potatoes, Irish Cobblers,
12 tubers -Gordon Rapson, Clifford
Adams, Margaret Levey, Isabel Lind-
say, Betty Stirling, Raymond Town-
Class 9, Potatoes, Green Mountains,
12 tubers -Ernie Bleaker, Jean Far-
quhar, Ivan Hoggart, Leonard Vod-
Class 10, Potatoes, Dooleys, 12 tub-
ers -Grant Lindsay, Isabel Forbes,
Frances Morrison, Hazen Van Eg-
mond, Stuart McEwen, Ross Mann.
Class 11, Mangolds, Giants White
Sugar, 5 roots -Warren Whitmore,
Edward Deeves, Percy Cavter, Ar-
nold Hugill,
Class 12, Turnips, Bruce's• Giant
King, 5 roots -Ross Mann, Helen
Class 13, Beets, Detroit Dark Red,
3 specimens -Lloyd Carter, Wilbert
Levey, Hazel Rapson, Madelon Mason,
Leona Rapson, Alden Crich,
Class 14, Carrots, Chantenay, 6
specimens -Bill Radford, ' Margaret
Morrison, Sarah Whitmore,. Iilaureen
Lovett, Fay Lindsay, Margaret Criclt,
Class 15, Parsnips, Hollow Crown,
6 specimens - Nelson Radford, Isobel
1Nlorrell, James Morrison, Elva Snell,
Jean Glow.
Class 16, 'Yellow •Globe Danvers, 6
specimens -Nora Stewart, Florence
Whitmore, Agnes Morrison, -Alma
Hoggart, 'Ross Mann.
Class 17, Bouquet of Asters, 6 speci-
mens-Stuart_McEwan, Beatrice Wal-
ters, Warren Whitmore, Thelma Hog-
gart, Lloyd Adams, Lorna Ellis.
Class 18, Bouquet of Phlox, 12
specimens -Isabel Forbes.
Class 19, Bouquet of Zinnia, 6
specimens -Johnny ,beeves, Clifford
Adams, Cleta Ellis, Percy Carter,
Ruth Rozell
Class 20, Bouquet of African Mari-
golds, 6 speeiplens-Hazel vanEg-
mond, Hazel Rapson, Leona Rapson,,
Ivan Hoggdrt, Hazel Hoggart,
Class 21, Bouquet of Calendula, 0
specimens -Faye Lindsay,' Fletcher
Whitmore, Jean Ball, Alma Carter
Donna Welsh,
'Glass 22, Bouquet of French Mari.
golds,' 12 specimens-Madelon Mason,
Nora Stewart; Fred Morrell, Jean
Glew, Evelyn Nott,
Class 23, Bouquet of Verbenas, 9
specimens -Isobel Lindsay, Graydon
Class 24, Bouquet. of Cosmos, 12
specimens -Alden Crich, Gordon Rap -
eon, Frank Garrett, Willa Jervis, Wel-
don Tyndall, Madeline Tyndall.
Class 25, Bouquet of Pinks, 1.2
specimens Dorothy Walters, Carl
Radford, Ross Mann, Leslie Pepper,
Jack Henderson, Dena Tyer,
Klass 26, Cockerel, Eggs supplied
by . Department -Madeline Tyndall.
Jean Cornish,
Class 27, Pullet, eggs supplied b
Dep arment-Jean Cornish.
Class 28,,Peitof three, Cockerel and
two Pullets -Eggs supplied by De-
partment --Jean Cornish, Madeline
Tyndale Isobel Morrell, .
Klass 29, Pair White Leghorns,
Cockerel and Pullet -Jean Cornish,
Willa Jervis, Margaret Cornish, Joe
Corey, Madeline Tyndall.
Class 31, Pair of Rhode Island Reds,
Cockerel and Pullet -Graydon Neal,
Man Neal.
,• Class: $2, Pen of three, Cockerel and
two Pullets, from Home Flock -War-
ren Whitmore, Margaret Cornish,
John Lindsay, Jean Cornish, Allan
Neal, Ethel Hoggart.
Class -33, Beef Calf -Harold Pep-
per, Marian Snell, Norman Pepper,
Glen Laurence, John Lindsay.
Class 34, Market Lamb, about 85
lbs. -Norman Pepper, Leslie Pepper.
Glen Fairserviee, Clifford Adams,
Harold Pepper, Hazel Hoggart.
Class 35, Pair Bacon Hogs, 150,
230 lbs. -Leslie Pepper. •'
Class 36, Halter Broken Colt -Les-
lie Pepper, Clark Ball, Tom Bailey.
'Class 37, Agricultural Colt -Leslie
Pepper, Tom Bailey, Clark Ball.
Class 3g, Collection of one each,.
six named -varieties apples (not nec-
essarily from Home Orchard -Jean
Cornish, Hazel Rapson, Joe Corey.
Gordon Rapson, Margaret Cornish,
Billy Jenkins.
Class 39, Apple Pie -Isabel Lind-
say, Jean Cornish, Evelyn Nott, Haz-
el Van Egmond, Marion Matheson,
Jean Ball
Class 40, School Lunch, Practical
and not elaborate -Alma Carter, Per-
cy Carter, Addie Bayley, Lloyd Ad-
ams, Willa Jervis, *Margaret Ferqu-
hai. •
Class d1, Plain Butterscotch, pupils
under 11 years -Billy Jenkins, Jean
Cornish, Maureen Lovett, Faye Lind-
indsay, Leonard Vodden, Irene Garrett.
Class 42, Chocolate Nut Fudge,
pupils 11 years and over -Addie Bay-
ley, Fred Morrell, Donna Welsh, Lor-
na Ellis, Marion Matheson, Jean Bali.
Class 48, Raisin Loaf -Thelma
Hoggart, Faye Lindsay, Roy Vodden,
Fred J. Morrell, Hazel Van Egmond,
Jean Ball.
Class 44, half dozen Ginger Snaps
-Addie Bailey, Madeline Tyndall,
Leona Rapson, Margaret Levey, Faye
Lindsay, Marion Snell.
Class 45, Spice Cake -Sean Ball,
Donna Welsh, Margaret Levy, Isobel
Lindsay, Jean Glew, Jean Cornish.
Class 46, Bath towel with erogheted
edge --Thelma Hoggart, Marian Snell,
Hazel Hoggart, Isabel Nott, Isobel
Lindsay, Faye Lindsay.
Class 47, Sample of 8 fancy stitches
on cotton -Thelma Hoggart, Flossie
Stelck, Madelon Tyndall, Marion
Snell; Donna Welsh, Fred Morrell
Class 48, Embroidered apron, fac-
tory cotton -Marian Snell, Jean Cor-
nish, Dorothy Walters, Hazel Van Eg-
mond, Isabel Nott, Faye Lindsay.
Class 49, Three buttonholes in cot-
ton, pupils 10 years and under -Thel-
ma Hoggart, Ethel Hoggart, Beatrice
Walters, Leola Nott, Elva Snell, Faye
Class 50, Sample of smocking, girls
over 10 -Hazel Hoggart.
Class 51, Hemstitched ladies hand-
kercliie'f-Marian Snell, Jean Ball,
Pearl Hugill,
Class 52, Woven mat, paper, pupils
undete 8 years -Helen We>Ksh Ivan
Hoggart, ill
Willa Jervis, Leona Rapson
Madelon Mason, Gordon Rapson.
Class 53, Nail box, for 3 sizes of
nails Gordon. Radford, :Edward
Class 54, Patch on inner tube, for
boys only -Wilbert Levey,. Ivan Hog -
garb, Fred Brown.
Class 56, lYfap of Huron, 2nd class,
crayon-Madelon Tyndall, Arnold Hu -
gill, 'James Morrison, Allan Neal,
Cleta Ellis, hazel Rapson.
Class 57, Map of South America,
3rd, class, in ink -Lorna Ellis, Harry
Watkins, Ford Brown, Dena. Tyner,
Alina Carter, Donna Welsh,
Class 58, Map of British Isles, 4th
class, in ink -Rota Carbert, Agnes
Morrison, Norma Shipley, Karl, Stan -
bury, Flossie Stelck, Frank Garrett.
Class 59, writing, "Memory Gent,"
Primer Class-Madelon Mason, Free -
da Ellis, Helen Roze1L
- Class ' .60, Writing. "Laughing
Brook," 1st class -Willa Jervis, Leona
Rapson, Iona . Hugill, Ross Mann,
Frances Morrison, Thelma Hoggart.
Class 61, Writing, "Woodland
Rain," 2nd class -Velma Ashton, Cle-
ta Ellis, Faye Lindsay, John, Lindsay,
Hazel Rapson, Wanda Rowcliffe.
Class 62, Writing, "In Flanders
Fields, 3rd class -Sarah Whitmore,'
Raymond 'Townsend, Warren Whit-
more, . Fletcher Whitmore, Florence
Smith, Lorna Ellis..
Class 63, Waiting, "Children's Song"
4th class -Isobel Lindsay, Elmer Hu.
gill, Flossie Stelck, Isabel Ashton,
Evelyn Nott, Norma Shipley.
Class 64, Essay on "Ontario's Play
,G"r'ounds-Isabell Nott, Jean Ball,
Flossie Stelek, Agnes Morrison.
Class. 65, Pencil Drawing, 1st and
2nd classes -Ruth -Rozell, Madelon
Tyndall, Jack Henderson, Leona Rap -
eon, Thelma Hoggart, Hazel Rapson.
Class 66, October Calendar, 9"x12"
-Agnes Morrison, Harold Hugill,
Walter Farrell, Reta Corbert, Dena
Tyner, John Lindsay.
Class 67, Collection of 10 pressen
mounted and named weeds-T'lossii
Stelek, Jean Cornish, Gordon Rad
ford,John L_
s1Y Roy V
olden Wil-
Jervi.5 ,
Class 68, Collection of 10 mounted;
named Ontario , weed seeds ---Jack
Henderson, Dorothy Stelek, Helen
Rozell, Bobby Glenn, Jean Cornish,
John Lindsay.
Class 69, Collection of six benefi-
cial named insects -Clarence LeBeau,
Jack Smith.
Class 71, Collection oi' 12 leaves of
diciduous trees' -Dorothy Stelck, Al.
den Crich, R. Carbert, Margaret Far-
quhar, Margaret Cornish, Jean Cor-
Class 72, Collection of cuts of dif.-
ferent breeds of poultry -Margaret
-Levey, 'Willa Jervis, John Lindsay,
Madeline Tyndall, Fred Morrell, Le-
ola Nott.
Class 73, Public Speaking, open to,
one pupil from each room or' school,
on any subject - Nora Stewart,
Fletcher Whitmore, Isabel Forbes,
Agnes Morrison.
Class 74, School chorus, donated by
Home and School Club -No. 1 Stan-
ley, Nb. 5, Hullett, No. 12, Goderich
and Hallett.
,Class '75, School .Parade -No. • 4,
'uckersmith, No. 6 Tuckersmith, No,
5,'Ilullett,- : -
Class 76, Strathcona Exercises --
No. 4 Tuckersmith, No. 1, Stanley,
No. 12, Goderich and Hullett.
Class 77, Mouth organ Competition
=Marion Matheson.
Class 78, Riding Contest, boys er
Girls -Leslie Pepper, Stewart McEw-
en, Frank Garret:
Class 79, Special Prizes for Chant
pion pupils -Jean Cornish, Madeline
Tyndall, Thelma Hoggart, Leslie Pep-
Louis A. MacKay, one of Clinton
Collegiate's banner graduates, . who
was also a Rhodes' scholar, is now a
member of the Toronto University
teaching staff, as also his wife, who
was formerly Miss Charlesworth,
CZ'sYou 11k'11
Iaom ,a
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r Compact Model . $8250
Console Model a 1$167.00
USIC-symphony orchestras -famous bands--
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One touch of the single dial control gives you the
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Come in ---we will gladly
give you a demonstration
For Batteryless, Battery and the Full
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Wedinghouse Cone
Speaker 339.50
Pianos and Radios
Phone 273, Clinton
Bulbs for Fall -Planted Spring Flowers at .Exceptionally Low Prices
Single Early -For House Culture or Bedding
Per Dozen, 35.; Par 100, $2.50
Atter Pith Scarlet
Cacrnoise Brilliant,,, Brilliant Red
Cottage Maid,,,,,,,, ,,,,,Dark Rose White shade
Dusart Crimson Scarlet
Per Dozen, 40c Per 100, $3,00
Joost Von Vbndel... .....,.
Deep Cherry ted feathered White
Duchess de Parma Orange Yellow border'
Kaiserl:roorr Red large gold border
Rose I,a Remc ..... ,,,, .,,-,,,.Very Deep Pink
White Hawk - - Pure White.
Yellow Prince.... ..... „.,,Bright Yellow
Fon mail Orders and 5e a doz,-25c per 100
Per Doz. Per 100
Blue , .25 $1.50
Pc, Doz, Per 100 •
Single ` 35 ` p 10
Double ...... . ......: A0 300
For mall orders add Sc a'doz.-25c per 100
THIS is the greatest bulb offer that has ever been made
to the people of Western Ontario. The prices are lower
than ever before and within reach of everyone.
Send in your order now and enjoy a profusion of flowers
next Spring. ••
If your favorite bulb is not listed here, write for complete
price list.
Full information of our special discount -to park com-
missions, hospital, school and library' boards, municipalities,
etc,, will be sent an'request.
Don't, delay -these bulbs will not last long at these prices.
} Extra Special Low Price
Second Size, for Bedding Only Per Doz. Per 100
Clara 'tk Apple B1oss
om„ t .30
Farnoombe Sanders-Brigid'Scarlet ,,.. .30 2.00
Gretchen-Silvery Pale Rose , 30 200
Inglescontbe Yellow -Pure Yellow .30 2.03
I c idol, e-I,,ryely Rosc:- 32 ,7.00
1 ride o-1 arlem :Bright Red ••"`"" .30 2,00
Princess Elizabeth -Bright Plnk „ „ 10 ' 2.00
Proff. Rawenitoff-Cherry Red „ 30 2.0D
Rev. i whank Vivid Heliotrope ,...,.,,, 30 2.00.
Wm. Copeland -Violet Rose ,'... ,,,. ........ ,30 2.00
If: bulbs are wanted by mail add. 5c.4 doz.-25c per 100. •
All orders- should, he accompanied by money order or marked cheque
made payablo.at London. Wo pay mailing charges or, all orders MI5 or over.
For ,Bedding or bate Forcing
]a. Doz. 100
Perianth yellow trumpet .10 040 $7.00 ,.
EMPEROR --Pure Yellow.ee.10 1.00 7.00
]ow ...,,,.,,,-.-,...,,-. .10 1.00 7.00
Profuse ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,. -r10 1,00 7,00
low very large„ ,,,.20 2.00 15.00
PRINCEPS - Sulphur Peri-
&nth, trumpet yellow .OS .50 3,50
VON SIGI'L Double Daffodil .10 1.00 7.00
Poets Narcissus or Pheas•
ante eye
POSTICUS Glory of blase,
Improved Variety .08 .75 5.00
POr;TAZ-Laurens Koster,
White petals, Yellow cup-.O8 .75 5.00
Por mail orders add 2o -a bulb -220c a doz.
.05 .50 3.50
$0122ledbarge ize }�lding ,
15c each; $1.50 per doz. '
13aroness° Van Ihuyll Large Pure Whitd
Gertrude - Rosy pink
.Giganthen ,,,. ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,Blush Pink
Grand Blanche .,,,.,..,., Blush White
Johan ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,Light Blue
L'Innoce5co ............................. ,,,_........ ,Purc White
Panama - ., Lively Rose Pink
Queen of Pelcs.. Rosy -Pink
Queen of Blues.,,.. ... ..............LigSt Blue
For mail orders add' 2c per bulb.