The Clinton News Record, 1928-10-11, Page 3(ON WITH LAUGHTER) Oh, horse, ; you airs; a 'wonderful no buttons _to push, 110 horns to honk:. :you start yourself; no clutch to slip; no spark to miss, no gears' to strip; no 'license -buying every year With plates' to scree' on front and rear; no gas bills climbing up eaoli day to steal. the joy of life away; no speed. Cops chuggingin you rear,: yelling :summons in your San Your inner tubes are all okey, and thank the Lord .they stay that way; your sparkplugs never miss and fuss; :Sour motor never makes us cuss; your frame is good for many a mile; your body never changes style; your -wants are few ,and easy met; you've something on. the auto yet. Fable: Once upon a time a girl washed her hair and didn't mention it to nobody. "'You have only to mumble a few words in church to get married," says •a writer. And a few in your sleep to eget divorced, Another way to reduce is to use a slto'ter swatter''o you must jump .higher to get flies on the ceiling, When a woman gets sick she puts •on, a newly ironed nightgown and .fixes up her ;hair, but when a man :takes down. he ' just piles intobed looking like son3ething the cat drag- ged in. "Erwin said that I. was the hand- ,somest and cleverest girl he had. 'ever known." You should not marry a man who •deceives you during the engagement." Ma and Paw now get home at 3 -a.m. Sister and Brother at 5 a.m.— who the heck is going to let Grandma lu? Honest intentions won't pay honest 'debts. "Well, daddy," said the pretty girl excitedly, "I am engaged." "You don't moan it!" her Sather •exclaimed. • "Certainly not," said the pretty girl, "'but it's great fun all the same." Keeper (speaking of new arrivel at asylum): "What's the matter with this fellow?" Superintendent: "He says the air is free and goes around releasing it 'from people's automobile tires." INS AND OUTS OF IT 31e came'and borrowed five and I Was out. Ws just a sin; wouldn't have been out if I Had not only been in. —Boston' Transcript. have no Coln to fill a cup In which my woes to drown; 'The wretch came in and held -me up; That's why I'm out and down. When better ones are built the Musi- cal comedies. will sign them. We will how render that old ballad (entitled "Drink To Me Only With 'Thine Eyes—And You'll Stay Sober To -night." UP-TO-DATE CHILDREN "When I get married," said little Bess, "I'm going to marry a minister and then it won't cost anything for f a wedding fee." "When I get married," returned her s playmate, "I'm going to marry a law- t a divorcee" e The married couple that dpes not pull together sogn pulls apart. o The Mediterranean, blare the Whole Known World' EMPRe56 OF SGOTi.AND The world is on the march. Many had •a c life, now circles the globe, goes to South America and Africa, visits' the picturesque West Indies region and enjoys the scenery ,and fathoms the mysteries of ;the Mediterranean which several centuries ago was the entire known world: What a thrill from a man or maid -who might heretofore have ircumscribed and limited RHEUMATIC MISERY Relief Can Only Come Through Better Blood --Liniments of NO Use. In no other disease does the blood become thin so rapidly as In rheuma- tism. Not only does it become thin but it -is • loaded with Impurities-- rheumatic mpurities—rheumatic poisons. Without the pro - rheumatic poisons. Without the proper treatment these poisons increase; the Inflamed joints swell and the patient becomes a cripple. Most treatments simply aim to keep down the pain, hence with every- unfavorable con dition a renewed attack follows:" To cast out rheumatism the blood must be enriched and the rlieumatic poisons driven out with the natural secretions of the body. This can best be clone through a course of Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, which have a spe- cific action on the blood, giving' it new richness and redness, ,,'Thousands have tried this treatment with beneficial results. That every sufferer ftom rheumatism who does not try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is neglecting the most hopeful. means of recovery Is shown by the statement 03 Mr. David Carroll, Pictou, N.$„ who says "For- years I was troubled with rheu- matism. The pains were not continu- ous, but they always returned, and kept getting worse., I triad so-called electric belts and many medicines, but did not get more than temporary relief, Only those who have suffered from this trouble will realize what I suffered at times, I 'had begun to despair of getting better wheu a friend urged hie to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. in a short time I could eel this medicine helping me, so I gladly continued taking the pills and oon found that every trace"ofthe rouble had disappeared and there was . a great improvement in my gen- re.' health. It is now two years ince I took Dr, Williams' Pink Pills a Ind 1 have tot had the least twinge f the trouble in that time. That is why I confidently recommend the pills to •other sufferers." You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 60c a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont. Y ain no, longer a Congressman; I am now an institution.—Rep• John Q, Tilson. Why should clever women be tack- ed about and singled out as 33 `they were performing dogs?—Dame Helen Gwynne Vaughan. yer and then it won't cost anything for It is pretty hard these days to tell whether it is opportunity knocking at your door, or another pedier. "Give till it hurts" was a good slo- gan, Another one is "Pay till it ,hurst " One reason golf is expensive is be- cause the custom of dressing in a public locker room necessitates the fliscard" of holey sockes and ragged undies. She was only a street cleaner's daughter, but she'll Bever have white wings. Why telegraph when We cheaper and quicker to. telawoman? Veterinaries use Minard's Liniment. Our standard' oY life is no longer our acreage, but our brain capaoity and our science.—Sir Arthur Keith. I've got it all over Senator Curtis;: di I belong to au Indian tribe of my E own. --Governor. Smith, I have completely given up the game and I do not caro whether I ever see another racquet—Suzanne Lenglen. If you use Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea in 1928 you will enjoy Canada's finest tea and materially reduce your tea bills„ Red Rose, Orange Pekoe lasts longer because its . additional strength and avor make it go further. very package guaranteed.• 5-H EHume. PHILLIPS of MAG5F � S'9 For Troubles to due Acid d INnIas- {SCID STOMACH HEARTBURN HEADACHE GA5E5•NAUSEA R t Sick stomachs,, sour stomachs and indigestion usually mean success acid. The stomach nerves; are over-stimus lated.'Too much .aeid.makes the stow- ash andintestine's sour. Alkali kills acid instantly. The best form is. Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, be- cause one harmless, tasteless dose nein tralizes many times its volume lit acid, Since its invention, 50 years ago, It has remained the standard with physi- plans everywhere. I - e Take a spoonful in water and your unhappy condition will probably end in five minutes, Then you wiIi' always know what to do, Crude and harmful methods will never appeal to you, Go prove- this for your own. sake, It 'may save a great many disagreeable hours, Be sure to get the genuine Phillips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 years in -correcting excess acids, each bottle contains full' diree- ttonsaany drugstore, day to clay! What a broadening, in- apiriug experience! Beyond doubt there is no more in- teresting region than the Mediter- ranean, and to:day its art, history and scenic .wonders lure and fascinate thousands of tourists annually. Name but a few of its attractions --Egypt, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Syria, Palestine and the Isles of Greece. where "Sap- pho loved 'and sung," and you have East Sudbury Deep Buys Important Gold Mine • The officials of East Sudbury Deep Mines, Ltd., announce the important addition to their property holdings, in the acquisition of thei La Bellevue Mine !n the State of Oregon, a Prop- erty that has already reached an ad- vanced stage of development, and is considered to have •highly attractive possibilities. Concluding an extensive examination, a series of negotiations • were started some four months ago, and have resulted in the acquisition 01 this property within the last few weeps. It is understood that the num- ber of ore shoots which have been opened up to date by comparatively shallow tunnel workings, have already indicated ore in access Of $1,000,000. The officials plan a further extensive development of the La 13ellevue vela, as well as the immediate preparation for atoping, and the early completion of a mill. A crew of men are now at Work on 'he property, and an aggres- sive campaign is planned. East Sudbury Deep has options on some 2,000 acres North. of the Freed Mines in the Sudbury Basin. Two diamond drills have been continuously employed since last spring, alul over 10,000 feet of drilling has been done, Results are reported as encouraging. Holes Nos. 3, 6, 7, 9 and 12, showing replacement deposits characteristic of this district. Further diamond drill- ing rilling on the property has been curtailed, pending the erection of a customs smelter in the district. Present activi- ties will be centred on the La Bellevue Gold Mine, in order to get this prop- erty on a production basis at the earliest possible date. Mining Briefs It is decided that a railway is war- ranted into Sherritt-Gordon property, a distance of 36 miles from rail head at the Flin Pion. The construction In- terests who have full equipment at the 'Min >! fon would like to go with It without delay. It would save some- thing lute $50,000 by not bringing this equipment south. The vital question Is Whether Sherritt-Gordon has pro- ceeded sufficiently with development for such a step to be taken. A brokerage house journal has just published au interesting view on the situation surrounding the large nickel producers and •potential producers. of Ontario, The journal states that the outstanding development of the past year has been the entry into Sudbury of powerful unknown interests—pre- sumably United States Steel Corpora- tion or interests closely allied—into the copper -nickel belt, using as its agents the Sudbury Basin and Long - year interests. The object of the group is then stated to -be the estab- lishment of an industry to mine and. smelt copper -nickel'. ores in direct competition' with International and Mond. Spectacular copper discoveries, equal to the Sherritt-Gordon when that operation was in its initial stages, are reported from northern Manitoba. The scene of the latest find is at Oxford Lake, about 160 miles east and slightlynorth of Le Pas. Prdspec- tors are flocking into the field, and it is reportedthat several big operators are in there lit a big way'' Among these are mentioned the Lindsley in- terests of Toronto, The ground is being staked' up,, rapidly and many operators are rushing in supplies be- fog' e the freeze-up. Farther details of these finds• will be forthcoming soon. Most of Mond Nickel-' shares are field`chiefly io England, and the out- standing success of this company, which 'le in the same boat as Inter- national Nickel, has recently attracted attention of British investors to Inter- national Nickel• stoclt,, This is inter- esting,rFliecause if the British take on stools in a big way it will be more, broadly internationalized, A' somewhat similar broadening of the market for,Mond' Nickel has taken place, by the purchase on a substan- tialscale of Mond shares by Canadian interests, So;' large. are Canadian holdings now that plans are under way to appoint a transfer agent in Toronte and elevate the stock •from stirred a memory of longing in many hearts—hearts which yearns to hale their wonderful dreams, covering the birthplace of the world, Some true, the mining section of the Toronto Stock Exchange to the regular board; where it will take its place beside International Nickel. Halifax Shipyards- Award. Contract for Ice,Breaker Halifax—Official notice has been re- ceived by the Halifax Shipyards, Ltd., of acceptance of their tender for con- struction of a new ice -breaker for the Dominion Government. The contract price is $1,220,000 and this tender, which was the lowest, was awarded over those of Canadian Vickers, Mont- real, and the Davie Shipbuilding Co, of Quebec. J. R. Nelson, manager of Halifax Shipyards, stated that work on the ice -breaker will commence immedi- ately and tate vessel will be ready for delivery to the Federal Govern - meet next fall. The new contract will provide steady work for upwards of ' GOO' men for over a year. Halifax Shipyards, Ltd., is a sub- sidiary company of the British Empire Steel Corporation. Objects to Use of Term "Rayon' New York—The Celanese Corpora- tion of America has taken issue with the Better - Business Bureau of New York City, Inc., on the latter's recent l+ecolnmendation that the word "rayon" be used in conjunction ,with the name of its product. Its objection is based on the ground that celanese is so distinctly different from rayon in its chemical and physical properties that the adoption of the bureau's re- commendation would cause confusion b veer the fabrics and articles of the company and these now referred to as rayon. The company' -farther contends that the bureau has no au thority to name a product, and that its action in this case can only result in confusion and misrepresentation. The company points out, in addition, that the local bureau's recommenda- tion is contrary to the position taken by the National Better Business. Bureau about three years ago. The same arguments apply to Cana- dian Celanese, Ltd. Stock Averages Up Month of September Prices on the Toronto Stock Ex- change in the month of September made an average gain of practically three points and the average of 60 stocks at the end of the month was approximately on the same level as of January 31 and over 514 points above the close of 1927. Only three months in the current year have re- turned a higher average than at the end of September. September average of 107.66 com- Pares with a peak of 110.23 reached in April last and a low of 103.25 at the end of July, Of four groups the utilities was the utilities was the only one to show a decline at 116.69, contrasted with 116.92 in the preceding month. The high for the year of 121,33 was ab- tained in May last and the low of 115.21 in July. Passing of Twin City common dividend made for a decline of 814 points in the price of this issue and brought the averake for the g1oep of nine down materially. Thirty listed common industrial stocks were up clime to 9 points at 75.21, contrasted with 72.41 at the end of August. January saw the high of 79.20 established' for the group and July the, low of 70.94, The unlisted group advanced over four points from 43.36 to.47.70. Good- year Tire ;common gained 25, Farmers Dairy 4, Service Stations 8 and Hiram' Walker-Oooderham and Worts 5. The oils were up in a 'body, Imperial ad- vanced 6 and British American and International Petroleum from 2 to 4 points, Bank stock boosted their average from 311.75 , to 317.76, ' The high for .the . group 'of eight of 325.62 was attained in April last and the low of 300.75 'lo January, Striking game were made by individualntambele of the group, Royal was up 23, Dentin. ion' 0, Imperial 5, iVfoutreal 10 and Nova Scotia 10, ts T don . know -__-, t w •an t t y h ng about poli• tics, but' I ani emphatically at.the dis- posal of the Democratic Party,— Bobby Jones. You never can tell the sinner from the Christian, They drink the sums. drinks and smoke the same cigars,- Aimee Semple McPherson, Minard's Liniment for solrl'ig ;;straits. 40 -Day Cape Town -Cairo Record Sought in Car Cairo, I9gypt,-G, S. Delmer, aSouth African motorist, has loft here by ordinary sedan automobile in an at- tempt to maketheCairo to Cape Town Journey of 9,000 miles in forty days, thus breaking Ids own. recordfrom Cape Town to Cairo, the fastest Jour- ney yet recorded, of I17 days. The route Is as follows: London, Paris, -Simplon Pass, mall, Florence, Rome, Brindisi, by boat to Alexandria, Cairo, Wadi, Halla, Khartoum. PROBLEM FOR YOUNClIOTIIERS Stoiitacli troubles cause most of the distress of babyhood and childhood, and are the greatest problem that a young mother has to solve. The treat- ment for these digestive disturbances that make baby, cry continually and disturb its sleep' must be quick and effective, and, above a11, perfectly safe. The absolutely safe treatment for disturbances of the stomach and bowels 1s found in Baby's Own Tablets. Thousands of, mothers have had their problem solved through them. They are guaranteed to be free from all injurious drugs and can- not possibly do harm to even the youngest babe -they always do good. Baby's Own Tablets regulate the stomach and bowels; banish consti- pation and Indigestion; break up colds and simple fevers and promote that health=giving sleep which is so neces- sary to the welfare of the baby or growing child. The Tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25o a box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. Belgrade to Raze Birthplace of War Belgrade, — The Club - Narodna Obrana, Europe's most famous "plot house," where plans for the assassina- tion of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his consort were perfected 1n 1914 will soon be torn down to make room for an ofllce building. It was in this crumbling shanty that some of the darkest Political plots in history have been hatched. Under its roof final instructions were given to Tchavrilovltcit and Princip concerning the crime which precipi- tated the World War. - From this clubhouse as a centre most of the agitation against Aus- tria-Hungary was carried on. Since the war it has been used as a head- quarters for the disseminatiou of pro- paganda against Italy. Minard's Liniment for Every Pain. Children can fool the parents-. but the parents can't 3001 the children. 0000000000000000000000000 �iiyWslman, Can L k Stylish 00000.-,MAEMAkTI 00000 Most stylish looking women k n o w simple ways to make last seass) n'S things conform to this season's styles. Thousands of thein have learned how easily they can transform a dress or blouse, or coat, by the quick magic of home tint- ing or dyeing. With true, fadeless Diamond Dyes, anyone can do this successfully. The "know-how" is in the dyes. Diamond Dyes don't streak or spot like inferior dyes. New, fashionable tints appear like magic over the out -of -style or faded colors, Tinting with Diamond Dyes is easy as bluing, and dyeing takes just a little more time. Only Diamond Dyes pro- duce perfect results. They have been perfected by over 60 yars' experinco„ Insist on thein and save disappoint- ment "Color Craft," my big new book of dollar -saving hints, wit. be' sent you FREE. Write Mae Martin, Diamond Dyes, .Windsor, Ontario. Headaches For a headache, however painful, inhale a little Min- ard's and bathe forehead. Speedy relief. COULD NOT WORK FOR MONTHS Restored, to Health by Lydia`E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Port Elgin, N. B. --"For three months, I was nervous and weak with tired feelings and could not do my $ •: .+ A friend' ad- Compound d- ;' • spa vised me to take Lydia 1;. Pink- have ham's Vegetable p k I g Cam ound andr,T have of good re- sults e- sults'�yom it: and •<I::::.::•;:;" a leeemitiend it to :,,:;:.•;;."•: others."— LILA TAYLOR, Port El - work. lel 1�T. . pendable g •, This de medicine is sold by druggists every. tWhere. ISSUE No, 41-9213 Red Rose Orange Pekoe is the finest tea in the best p., ckage--AI Predicts Billion Bushel Whew Crop Ottawa, Canada—The 550,000,000 bushel wheat crop, which Canada is. harvesting this year leads the "'Grain World," of Chicago, in•a recant issue to predict that within a comparatively short time the .wheat producion 01 Canada will total 1,000,000;000 bushels annually. If this happens, and the estimate is based on a consideration of the trend' of wheat production during the last decade, it 'will entail a tremendous ex- pansion in railway building, elevator construction, sales of agriculture' machinery, and general manufactur- ing; The total wheat production of the world this year is estimated' to be 2,606,306,000 bushels or 50,000,000 bushels bushels more than last year. With Russia 61111 importing wheat, the Oriental demands growing, the domestic demand increasing, and with the growth in population, it is logical to assume that the wheat production in Canada will continue to increase. Auto Death Rate Shown Automobile accidents in. the seven seven largest cities of the coup resulted in 583 deaths during' Augu as compared with R7 deaths from same cause during August, 1927, cording to figures of the'Anteric Motorists' Association. Looks as if the watch on the Rhh were about to stop. • Minard's Liniment cleanses cuts, e 0 The alleged uneasiness in Europe largely due to too muchrattlingof olive -branch. Classified Advertisements RUG YA31# 'lam Mills, Dept. 1, Orilna. . Ont.. $e.1 5 Po1n1ei POUNfrus'. ToVEk) ctnT_ When replacing Lravestroughs or c dilator Pipes you will nave money spoclfying "QIJLEN'S - FLLAD" Galy. !zed -Sheets—"Good for. 70 years," A any - ratable Sheet Metal Worker. isSais 5 ernand sitSSIS A e? The whole world knows Aspirin as an effective antidote for pain. But it's just as important to kno-,s that there is only one genuine Aspirin. The name Bayer is on every tablet, and on the box. If the name Bayer appears, it's genuine; and if it doesn't, it is not 1 Headaches are dispelled by Aspirin. So are colds, and the pain that goes with them; even neuralgia, neuritis, and rheuma- tism promptly relieved. Get Aspirin—at any drugstore—with proven directions. Physicians prescribe Aspirin. it does NOT affect the heart is well known (ltaAspldnrk l (registered Bay r manufht acture, top Asureethe public Manufacture. While 1pet tion, tl* Tablets win to arum/red with their "Bayer Cross" trademark. out get better value in this 'wrapped roll of EDDY'S W1111713 ARI TI easfh4 p$ othern nice, her o r pul P a EDDY TISSUES D ECAUSE the tissue itself is so superior to D what you get in rhe ordinary roll. Snowy.white, velvety sok even in texture And rotmecrdeielp deem because the hog White Swart Roll is completely terahfed, absolutely dust•prool, guarded against all unnecessary handling. 'Not only is White Swan Tissue a it,Bcr tissue—rt is one of the most economical rolls you can buy ` You get bigger weight, 750 sheets full count—a strictly °coTTAGE" `oNLtwo2" "NAVY" .ssmtary Tissue, spapee worthy of as Tia Inhat Ha some, A real good place le dosw,ll-appointed bathroom. 'risotto that some, Som. soli, full money dos50111Higbeet weigle 79' Ask.ourdealerfer White Swan, the buy. 3000 radol.. te tlasae, ahay abes. acro,, two sanitary, big value Tissue Roll sheets at a tl,ne. FINEST VALUES`ilJ CANADA H e. a 21 Ise vise e OM' CO., L M ITC°, HU LL, CANADA,