HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-10-11, Page 1L w1TIi WIIICH IS INCORPORATED THE CLINTON NEW ERA, hoe. 24,113.-."�A� Year �'�{eB TON . Of�1 I[`A10, ` 'fivU A `�° ® �$ ®Rf"d" `‘Sincere advertising may be likened to the limb o£, a tree. When the sap advertising, it soon 'drps away. Sincerity comes from the 1 SEETtliS`MARK o� j 0 WS FOR, VALUE Ever Flutes P s Diamo — 3 nd m ardless / of size—Is �II gcart *\111/04 \ ��� Full selected, by ex ertg for its blue -white `V "114/ r .n ,,-�-,.G Y P w to fire and ��1 purity, .Fashionable white or green gold settings make .c every Princess Ring a beautyty. Buy a Princess Diamond°= -••t-' or Wedding Ring with implicit confidence:. Gugil meed by \1�{b4//// P. W, IILLIS & CO. Limlt.d /f,Toro77o \�1illJt G ;Diamond Importers F.stah. 1R77 W. .�#eUgar • Narserawasmeaarcires art Il Attractively -low priced .: a t': c to L' a d.:• ,.. These prices afford you an � opportunity to decorate ' your windows at a minimum expense 124 Ipex bidets I White to or grey with,blue or pink borders,50 pair only on sale at $2.19 pair. IV'S "WE SELL THE BETTER GRADE TO BUILD THE BETTER TRADE." Ne.. Overcoats Supreme in Style and Tailoring Luxuriously Rich.in Quality of fabrics Abundant of Models —Such is Our Overcoat Stock—. Custom Tailored Suits or Overcoats 22.50 29.50 35.50 We equally welcome the man who says. "What's New?" and the man who says: "Give me one like the one I have on,": Whichever way your taste runs, come and lee the New Overcoats, and make. your selection early, while the assortment is at it's best. Men's Overcoats in.Barrymore Cloth in very rich color' Tans, Browns, Grey Overchecks, Yoe, and Sleeves, Silk lined and • well tailored.. If you want ,a real up-to-date coat we recommend this line,' Special at $35.00. Men's Blue: Overcoats with velvet or: self collar in smart snappy style, good lining and well tailored x$27.50. Mien's Overcoats, in a variety of styles and patterns, at $25.00, Men's Overcoats in all wool navy blue cloth, storm collar,half. belt, velvet Irned, a, real dressy coat $19.50,a r Men's Overcoats in heavy all -wool cloth with storm collar, a. real eoat for hard wear: $12.00. Boys' and, Young Men?s Overcoats, $5.00, $7.50, $10.00 to $15.00. MORflISH CLOTHJig. CO. A Square Deal for Every Man" 1 THE MARKETS. Wheat, $,1.10. Barley, 60c to 65c, Oats, 35c.to,40c. Buckwheat, 80c. Butter. 350 one to 37c. Eggs,25c to 40c, Live Hogs, 510.25. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Richard Govier of ilullett, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Edna Robenia, to Mr. William Harold Adams, son oC Mr. and Mrs. John C. Adams, Londesboro, the marriage to take place the latter part of October. A GOOD CITIZEN Mz.D .A .Andrew, who for. some time as assistant agricultural repres- entative, was a resident -of Clinton, has. recently beeg appointed to the position of district supervisor for -the London Life Insurane.Co,, with heady arters at Wingham. ,,Wingham will,find Mr. Andrew a' citizen worth having and,: a real asset to the town, that is, unless "Dave" has been learning. naughty ways since he left the Hub Town, which his best friends think unlikely. Ho is affable makes friends quickly, is public-spir- ited and his influence is always on the :side of worthwhile things. • DIED IN WASHINGTON STATE The 'ollowin appeared gpP nThe Sur.. set correspondence - of , the Calfax, (Wash.),' Gazette, and refers to the death of a -,former Tuckersmith;;resi ., dent, leaving here for Sunset . Wash- ington, thirty years ago., . His . wife was, a daughter " of the late James Crich of Tuckersmith and is .a sister of Mr. Icicle Crich, Mrs. J. E. Ball, Miss; Sarah Crich of town and of Mrs, Mace. land, Seaforth, and Gifford Crich of Tuckersmith: • "William McDonald, age 79, passed away Last Friday evening in a Spo- kane hospital. .The funeral was held Sunday, Rev.. Sproat officiating. Bur- ial was at Pine City. Mr. McDonald 1-v ea es to mourn his loss ss hi s wife An- nie, one son,' Hugh, and one daughter, Mks Annie Weitrnan, of Omak, Wash., besides a host of friencis,.Mr, McDon- ald d had lived here for 30 years and was well liked and well Imown people from nearby towns attended the fun- eral, The bereaved have the entire sympathy of the community." THE JUBILEE SUPPER The Golden Jubilee celebration in connection -with Ontario street United church, which extended over two Sun- days and throughout the intervening week, culminated in a grand supper and concert in the church on Monday evening, The weather was especially favor- able to all the services, both Sundays and all the week being fair and fine,. until Monday evening. But, h, spite of the.soft showers which began to fail towards evening and kept up un- til after eight o'clock, the church din- ing hall was crowded with people at the supper hour, six hundred or, more people eating their evening meal tie guests of the congregation. The large basement room was' very handsomely decorated with approp- riate colors, the .tables having bou- quets of yellow flowers and each waitress wearing a yellow flower In her hair. At the end of the room on a small table was the huge birthday cake, which was cut and each direr given a chance to sample it. TI er consisted of so many go s that it is impossible to' t thein all, but any one who went. hungry had 'himself to blame, re was an abundance and every- was of the very best. It wa per worthy of the' occasion. ei • ht o'clock, ck g or somewhat late was • held back until the hat were through, the concert wa in the church -auditorium, th A. E. Doan acting as chairman 1 features of the program wer nging of Miss Marion gibbings ghter• of the church who is al listened to with pleasure by n audiences, harp music by Miry Jackson, Detroit, comic num- y Mr. R. A. Downs of Windsor mer member of the congregation little address by the -Rev. S. J. a'former pastor: was supp thing about away as the thing a sup At as it diners Given Rev. Specia the si a dau ways Clinto Marie bers b a for and a :Arlin, . The chairman was in excellent• hu- mour,- Miss Gibbings' musical'selec- tions were rendered in her usual ar- tistic manner, Miss Jackson's Wee. tions on the harp were charming' enough to please the most critical and Mr. Downs' comic _songs and skits were heartily, encored, so :that.the program was' enjoyed throughout, and people went away feeling that they had received more, than their money's worth. Rev. Mr. Allin, , who during. his four years' pastorate of this church. made many friends in town and vi- cinity, spoke very. feelingly of his connection with the church and even went back to a period beferecthepre- sent church was built when, as a young probationer at Exeter, he had visited Clintonand had discussed with the then pastor of the congregation e• new churchthe , He said osed uheth d:manyof hhappy memories of the people of, Clinton and his connection with - the people of Ontario street congregation. So abundant was the provision made by the ladies of the congregation for the supper that there was sufficient left for another supper' on Tuesday evening, when a number again gath- ered and another ,happy social tine was spent. The people of Ontario street church feel that their ,Golden: Jubilee cele - THE HOME PAPER ceases to flow through the branches it soon breaks and falls off. heart. So wncere . intelligent and effective advertising from. the mind." -- Brisbane on Ad Arthur erti near veriisrng A DEMONSTRATION' A demonstration or fire- fighting, apparatus will be given by The ,Lorne Fire Engine Co, of lufitehell:.011 the Recreation Park on- Friday da } Y afternoon 12th inst, at 5.15 o'clock, • The fire alarm will be rung and the fire truck will then leave the town hall and proceed to the Park. The truck that will be used will be the one that has been purchased by "the town, of Seaforth, who are kindly loaning it for this occasion., The Municipal Council here contem- plate buying' a similar outfit if found satisfactory, As many citizens as can possibly do; so should Lui•n out and see the demonstration, • CLINTON N S CIIOOL: FAIR • The school fairs held in Clinton last week completed the series of eighteen staged in various parts of the county this year. • Although the day was not first class, yet the crowd in atten- dance should be a fair indication of the interest ,and enthusiasm- of the' people of this community for school fairs. The quality of the exhibits was up_ to and above the average- in most classes but the number of entries in some of the classes was rather -small. The parade, was excellent and the dis- play of physical drills was perhaps the best "seen this year. Mare • live stock than usual was, shown and consider- able interest was taken in this de- partment.. It . is. _difficult to under-- stan d why the our • Y poultry y •entries were not larger. The evening: program, consisting o school choruses, musical selections .111535, MO.FFATT PASSES LITTLE ,LOCALS • Our .liippen correspondent gives de The annual h he death and funeral of M • is be. - tails of the tnua ospital bazaar is. ing held in the town hall today, which John n' Moffatt; a r ' e dei r rt s of will Il Clintont be followed Wed for Some years, who died at the hams this evening•, by cards and dancing of her daughter near Kip pen after son10 months' illness. Mrs. Moffatt OLD PIuNNY TURNS UP was held in high esteem by those who knew while at o • - w,'her•.and her comparatively early work on the ore pavement death is keenly regretted on the London iVL before his '',jury a few weeks ago,iVlr•,• D. Steep piclted COOK—LIVERMORL up an olcl Bank of Montreal pei1rjy ei: • A quiet but the year 1846.,. It was a nice, big pretty wedding took thick hefty penny, of which few are place Saturday at the Anglican church seen :nowadays, and ,may have beeit Thorold, when Mrlthed. Lucille Liver: • dropped by some one who was -.;roaci' more, daughter of Mrs. S tG Castle one making in the early days. Clinton,' Was united in marriage to ' William at z Cook AS O of 'Tho H ER Fol W E' Thorold TEA The bride was. charmingly dressed - A large number attended the tea and in blue georgette and velvet with hat shower for the Hospital Bazaar at and shoes to match and carried a Mrs.' Geo.'Jenities' on Friday after - bouquet of sweetheart roses and fern. noon last. The house was prettily de - There were tto attendants. After the corated,for the oecasien antd:Mrs. 3101 - wedding 'the party returned to the loway and Mrs. Cooper poured tea. home of the groom, when - luncheon Mrs. B. Levis and Mrs. Jefferson as - was served to the relatives of the sisted in the tea room and Mrs. Tre- bride and groom. ', - wartha assisted Mrs. Jenkins to re - Mr. and Mrs. Cook will reside ht St. ceive, Catherines. , Many handsome Christmas gifts FREE TRIP TO WINTER FAIR l were presented for that booth at the , bazaar. Word has been received that the DEATH OF W. T. O'NEIL 500 Boys Trip. to the Royal Winter Fair, which was in augurated-by the Word was received in town this Ontario Government' last year; is to be morning of the death of W. T. O'Neil repeated this year. Ten boys will be at Valdosta, Ga,, last night. selected from each. county through the IVA-. and Mrs. O'Neil, accompanied medium- of a special Live Stock and icy Miss McTavish, p ue- Seed •Ju' d m ' g Com1 g petition::This 'will'. eft Tues - be held in Clinton, on Friday,' October hav:•for n spilading the where they'f 26th edntnieneutg atr9 have a ye spending the a 'winters for �0 ?n Pl a i several years an the interests ' of Mr. vious winners ef• lli trip exier 01 ell•." O'Neil's health a • glide but•hlf anher you m and he passed areae and pubirc speeking,;;wee well erten- , . ng, eXi who are on the train, 'farmer s -sone ok residing- on',,farms in ded by a large .crowd of interested Huron, County and..iyho aire.'between Mr. O'Neil has not been people. The children are to be con= • the ages of sixteen and twenty-three• summer n so well this took about part in n the singbn ing. in and thhe they (October 1st) should matte it a point nearly so much a as he usually adid on lic speaking contest g as of a very pub-ine toattend this 'competition and win a his return, but it was hoped he would order indeed. Taking every- trip to the Royal Winter Fair. stand the journey south as it was felt thing -into • consideration' it is The judging competition and con- that he could not endure the rigors of thought that the'1928 - School sequently the selection of. the ten wit: an Ontario winter. Fair teas as ners will be in the liands of the -loom good or better than in representative of the Ontario Depart- The remains aro being brought some previous. years ,and it is expected p meet thato ri hem the 'f Agriculture. e interest m but est willg e. funeral rre•a•• increase aarrangement. s a tem s heent ' not been completed. g •have years sgo by. Afull' list o- s f the r`• . prize ' 'UNIVERSITY NIVDR SITY DR •s EXTENSION N will be found on of this issue. If ff" ' t er s will .Thopurchase warners c as The rs inp o tier Four thecots th public the ane speaking i Coll •- annual p k ng rate Board proposes to arrange eg the Huron CountyEducationalaconvention of contest in Clinton were: Marion West, p p ge foraa drAssoc Nora Fremlin and Verginia Rood. cries of University Extension let- ration of Trustees and ratepayers. In the Rural schools; Nora Stewart tures to be given fortnightly through- will be held in the auditorium of of No. 1, Stanley; Fleteher Whitmore out the winter. Tickets for the course Clinton Collegiate Institute on Satui- of No, 6, Tucltersmith and Isabel are now on sale at the Hydro Shop day, October 20th. Features`of the Forbes of No. 12, Goderich and Hui- and My. W. H. Hellyar's store; the meeting will be, a public speaking lett. price is one dollar' for the entire contest at 10.00 a,ni., addresses and course which, if sufficient interest is discussions on "Grants to Public AMONG THE ,CHURCHES displayed, will consist of twelve Ieo- Schools," "Agriculture in Secondary tures. - a • Schools," and "The Township School The Huron Presbyterial (north sec- These lectures will be of a popular Boards Bill." A cordial invitation is tion) Missionary Conference •of the character and such as to interest ev- extended to all interested in educa. Woman's Missionary Auxiliaries Mis- eryone. They will cover a wide var- tional matters to attend, also to the sion -Circles, C. G. L T. Groups, and iety of subjects, those under consid- teachers of the County. Sessions will Mission Bands, will convene in the eration including•: The Art of .Read- be held at 10.00 aan., and at 1.30 p.m, Fordwich United church on Tuesday, ing Aloud; Highways, .Ancient and Wim. Archibald of Seaforth, is the October 23rd, 1928. 'Miss Effie Jrnt Xodern; Canadian Art; A topic in president of the Association and Mrs. ieson, Toronto, General Secretary of Physics (Liquid Air); a topic in Geo- R. Davidson, Dungannon, is Sore - the W. M. S. work and Mrs, J. E. Hoeg graphy (Australia and Naw Zealand; tary-Treasurer. of Clinton, Presbyterial President, Florence, centre of Italian Genius; will be present and speak. Scottish Humor, etc. The exact pro- ; •• Presbyterian Church th i 'tie y ore - winner f d another page a sufficient en number of s Lilts •' Cxlb- WILL MEET IN CLINTON gramme has not yet been settled but $rilce'ileld e scope of it is sufficiently f Rev. Mr. Williams of Dutton, Ont„ cast in the above. Most, if not all of The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup - will preach both morning and evening. the lectures will be illustrated. Miss O'Hara; a veteran missionary, The Home and School Club has un- per will be observed on Sunday, Oct, will address the annual meeting of the dertaken the distribution of tickets Pre14th, at the morning service here. W. M. S. of this church in the lecture and it is hoped the public will be in- ing at 8 ao'clock, tory henoRev. Mr Late room on -Friday afternoon at half past terested to apply for then. of Seaforth will be the preacher. two. Those intending to subscribe are Miss Hazel Hough read a most in- u Baptist Church I requested to do so at once so that terestmg letter at Sunday school last ar Sunday school and Bible class at le 2,30, Song and preaching service at od 17 o'clock. Subject: "Some Strange -11 Night Scenes." Monday, B. Y. P. A., Junior at, 7 o'clock, seniors at 8, Wednesday evening- service as usu.� s al, 1 Wel - i ' se Wtl r Y I is 'United Church ch o The W. M. S. Thankoffering meet- s ing will be held on Sunday morning e next, commencing at eleven o'clock, hi the town hall, the entire service be- e Ing in charge of W.1ILS, members. Mrs. Weir; of Blyth will give the ad- -. dress, - The minister's evening subject will. be: "Vision and Victory." The W. M, S. will be entertained at the home of Mrs. J. W. Moore, Geder- t ich on Thursday evening, Oct. 18t1t. Ontario Street United Church. The Sunday services, the second • T rangements may <..not be delayetl. Sunday 'from Nurse Greta Mustard, Students of the Collegiate are admit- formerly of Brucefield, but now head ted without charge. , nurse in Ethelbert hospital. Miss DREW—FLYNN - 1 Gretta appears to be enjoying her work very much. The marriage took place at St. Jos -Mrs. George Hill has returned to eph's church, Clinton, at ten o'clock her home in the village after spend - yesterday morning, the Rev. Fr. Gaff- ing a few weeks with her son, James; ney co nductin gthe ceremony, y,f Mary and d Mos .Hill and family mil in Frances, eldest daughter of Mr. And. • John and -My. and Mrs. Mac Aik- rew Flynn and the late Mrs.. Flynn of enhead of. London spent` the week• Hullett, to William Ernest Drew, son end at the home of their brother,, Mr. of Mr. and Mrs, M. A. Drew of Mor- Frank and Mrs. Aikenhead, lin. I 1014.. and Mrs. Jas, McQueen and The bride was givdn in marriage by Miss Mary Gibson visited friends in her father and looked particularly Exeter last week, dainty and charming in a gown of Mrs. Monteith and family of Lon - shell; pink georgette, made in bouf- REV A. E. DOAN, M,A, Pastor of Ontario Street church, which has been celebrating its Gol- den Jubilee Anniversary. People You Kr ow Mr. Jacob'Taylor of Toronto was in town over the week-end. Miss 11IcQuillin of Lucknow is visiting• her aunt, Mrs. A. E. Durnin. Mr. and ,Mrs. L. Weir. of Dunnville.. were visitors in town ever the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Miller, Jr. spent - the week -end With relatives in Flint . •Mieh Rev. J.p',-•Parke bf'Sthitliiviile visited his sister, Mlrs.,J'ohn.Cluff, of' Clin- ton last week, Mrs. S. G. Castle was in St. Cather- ines on Saturday attending the wed- ding of her' daughter and Mr, W, Cook. Mr. and Mrs.._ W. Downs of Toronto were in town over the week -end, coming to be present at the Ontario street church special services. They • had also visited friends at Aubnr n• Rev. S J. Alibi of Toronto was in town over the week -end, coming up to take part in the Ontario street church h jubilee goldenb leo a ' j in r roer 8Ar � Ile v S• was a guest of Miss Hattie Cour- tice while -in town. Dr, and Mts. :I{ay-of Lapeer, Mich,, Miss Marion :Gibbings of Essex, Miss Marie Jackson of Detroit and' Mr. Jack Gibbings and Mr. Bob Bailey of the Western University, London, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Cib-• bings. - Mr. and Mrs. John Moon and son, Jack of Toronto and,Mr, George Hoffman and Kenneth Hoffman of Sebring - vide were in town Saturday on their way to Londesboro to visit friends. , Mr. Moon is: now a justice of the Treace in the section of. North Tor- onto where he has his residence and, where he takes a keen interest in. *civic affairs. Although he has spent the .past two or three winters in. the south he intends remaining in Toronto 0 onto t he coming ming winter. He says he does not wish to have him- self or his family' become "soft" and' he thinks they'Il brave an Ontario 'winter again, an experience which they will probably enjoy, especially Master Jack, who is fond of winter sports, Constance Anniversary services will be held here on October 21st. Rev. Mr. Mc- Donald of Egniondvrlle will preach in the afternoon at 2.30 and at seven in the evening. A tea meeting will he held on Tuesday evening. Miss Hattie Armstrong ' is very sick with the flu. Quite. a number attended the ser- vices in Ontario street church, Clin- ton, on Sunday, ' Ma. Robt, Grimbolby..was helping Mx. Jos. Leiper with his threshing last week. M>r•. and Mrs. Adam Glazier or dnootheie iJa et Rossat the ,othisme oweef k r lPollard.spent Sunday with Mrs. Thos. black velvet hat with gold trinunings fant effect„ with trimmings of lace, -r and an amber fox fur. She carried a bouquet of Brierscliffe .and Sweet- heart roses and baby's breath. Her sister, Miss Margaret, was bridesmaid. She wore a pretty gown the special Jubilee services, were in of salmoncrepeand blond hat and teresting-and inspiring, good.congrs-f carried Butterfly roses and ineiden- gations being present at each ser- , hair fern. The best man was Mr. Wal - vice. ter Drew, brother of the bridegroom Services onSunday as usual. Class and Mfrs.' Lane played, the wedding meetings at ten o'clock. The morn- music. The ushers were Messrs...Torn Ing subject chosen by Rev.: A. E. Doan and Joe Flynn and Louis Corbert. will be: : "The Jubilee and After." After the ceremony the party drove Rev. J. Wesley Herbert of Holmesville . to the home of the bride's father; will preach_ in the evening, where the wedding luncheon was sere The pastor takes this opportunity and Mrs, Drew ed to about fifty guests,and later Mr, of thanking everyone who helped to make the Golden Jubilee Services' such onto and other points east.' The bride n' success. word a brown broadcloth ensemble • costume, with lamb trimmings, for St. Paul's Church her motor' trip. *taming service will be at eleven. • Mr. and Mrs. •:Drew will reside .at Sunday school at half past two and Frances, Sask. • - 1 evening service at seven. Rev. F. L. 1 Lewin, L.Th., rector of Brussels, will The g'room's tn's gift to his let with a a - preach both morning and evening. Russian antique gold bracelet an-'.. tique amethyst, to . the brides. - On Tuesday next the semi-annual maid a bar pin and to the best man convention 'of rho Deanery of Huron'; cuff links. - will bef�,held in St. Paul's. church, when Amongst'those from a distance who delegates from all parishes in Huron ,wore hero for the weddingwere: Mr.I county' will meet. There will. be a and Mrs. 'M: A. Drew, isses Ellen, celebration of Holy Communion, at 10 Anne and Dorothy a. in. The afternoon session will -coin- and Mesn; Walter hence at 2.30 and will consist of a de-aixd Mosen, LDrew ofnMerlin; nd•, and votional Mas Posen, and Mr. Buchanan, ad Mrs• I' period conducted by Rev. C, Q E. Sharp, M.A., of Toronto. All are Rive Drew, and on oBells welcome. River; Mr. MacDonald, Toronto Miss I; lefferon, Blyth; Mr. and Mrs M.Mc- Very successful and helpful 'Ifarvest Caully and Mr. Pursell,"- Stratford; hanksgiving services were held on Mrs, Glvlin and Miss Frances Glynn Sunda Th oration was an unqualified' success in y e Rev. J. N. H. Mills of every way. Croderich was the preacher for the day' i, Seaforth Mr. and IVfrs, Hugh Flynn, Dublin, and Mrs. John Curran, Clark son. ONTARIO STREET UNITED 'CHLURCTI Tliis rs the church which has been celebrating versar the 031gn its Golden 14.112 e neer-- Y past couple of weeks, culmil abing in a big supper and concert' on MSnday evening.