HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-10-04, Page 1i i111 WIIICII IS INCORPORATED No. 22-5 THE CLINTON NEW ERA CLINTON, ONTARIO, TUBG S NE3HEUflO ADVEITISEDS HE :AKIN. ATTRAGTI VE OFFERE AY,. ocrro F,En '� c 19?8 NSEASOftABLE GOODS--�B THE HOME PAPER A05. AED PB�R THE MARKETS $ 1 h at 1. 0 Wheat, Barley, 60c to Ole. Oats, 35e to 40e. Buckwheat, 80c. Butter, 35c to 37c. Eggs, +� 25c to 40e. s , 10,25. Live IIot,*s,$ .MEMORIAL WINDOW :UNVEILED e memory of the A window to tl t Y unveiled in Willison son wae late Sir John tW a i church, Bloor Anglican Paul's An St.g Sir Jos- eph undo S Tonto onS street,ToY the friends If of t n'beia Flavelle,0 1 e h p 1 the un- veiling, n- 'n ow did the window, erected w who e1 rd in trib- few words akin a - thin ` s e e g v g, p "whose Sir John, late S ' the uto of greatest attribute," ho declared "was the broad national outlook, which he ' which' he' 'himself and fork s cultivated others." • m encouraged SiraJohn Willison was a native of Stanley .townshipland was very well known in Clinton and vicinity. O. EY ANTE LON C R C The marriage took place at the We ley -Willis nranse,.Clinton, at -nine o'clock yesterday morning of Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cor- ey, and -Ralph Cantelon, son of Albert Cantelon, and the late' Mrs. Cantelor, all of Goderich township. The cer- emony Rev. J, b aperformedY on em Y was E. Hogg, The bride was daintily gowned in honey beige crepe with trimmings of gold lace and wore hat, gloves and shoes in matching shades, Immedia- tely tely after the'ceremony the bridal cou- ple 'left on a motor trip to Detroit, the bride donning . a handsome blue coat with fur trimmings for the jour- ney. Mr. and Mrs. Cantelon will reside on the groom's farm in Goderich township. THE COUNCIL MEETING, The council met on Monday in the council chamber; all members being present.' A communication was read from the Bell Telephone Co. regarding account for changing manhole in street. Also a communication was read from A. Cantelon, explaining the building of the septic tank at thej town hall and guaranteeing it for one year. A. representative of the Lorne Fire Engine Co., Mitchell, was present and addressed the council in regard -to the purchase of a fire truck at the cost of $1450.00 or $1400.00 with the old hose wagon thrown in. On request of the mayor Fire Chief Tasker spoke, emphasizing •the need of the fire •truck. Chief Tasker said the firemen had been on more than one occasion handicapped by. delay in getting the hose to the scene of the fire and he pointed out that the fire truerc under pointed »te d seere tarY of the g a th a°n , Mrs. Aitken andMrsNcitl la• n discussion carried a large tank bf were namedas a nominating corn - chemical fire-extinguisher which, in mittee; Mrs. Finlayson and Mrs. case of a small fire, could be used Bremner ns a resolution committee.,.. without putting on water at all. The Mks Lyne then read the tall call of matter was left to the fire and water the 15 auxiliaries of the Centre Sec- committee to make a report• tion of the ' Huron Presbyterial, all Reeve Langford of the street com d g with hopeful reports mittee reported that the committee most had met their ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Castle announces es the G Ca n Mrs. S. h Mildred engagement of her:aaug ter, Livermore, to 1\l'r. W. Cook of Thor- old, the wedding to tape place early o th. this. 'month. ER ICD. BAPTISMALS V L 0. L, WOMEN'S INSTITUTE 1VfEETS BOLTON-CORBETT' of the Wo-' On _ Saturday afternoon, at the The regular meeting1VIi. and 1Zis, F. Chant of �Pxttsflel Andrew's Pre U terrtn St a w s t Har r1 a M (.r parents is b x and l s L. i s t < H. B. Mrs. O. Mrs. 1•I afternoon, the pheir. Tit YI } 0 Paisley, in the their. Alter the op- oeticeeeeg•; Edith eieieii eaughte> of Client. ' bBritannia 1 s 11I ox ett 1r.. and VI C and the readiii • of the n ;zMlr, 'Webster off W�inghain visited with eningexercises & Street; became the bride of Asa T, . ;Mx.' and Mrs. Saville and other committees the report ofvn the- different' Bolton, of, Brantford, son of Mr. and ,friendst town andvicinity' n e w ve last y given, The stage c mittees was t g . om g Bolton, of Clinton . /Ire George •r committee reported that the stage ot.ween. the town hall would soon be emu- They were attended by Miss Mabel Acis M. 1VI Little, R N of Denver, leted. Corbett, sister of Ike bride, and Bur- Colorado., was -a guest; of Nies, W P ebridegroom., i dahl of Townsend streetth t Bolton,brother of the. rt e i om, R. W n wn e Mrs. E. A. Fines was appointed on b g • t ` etc. on ref • onholt as We ratio •, med. Mrs, Bolt I a s n eOe n delegate •ate to in Institute g , 'Mrs. ;; J. Paisley, accompanied her x nit it Ph t Theyill W y n tri to •Det andw c ron October P u• held in Walkerton ton , to be Paisley, and famtl son Mr.W.S P e a Y S , a in Brantford, reside �t and 181ih.' l t h aridwill en Toronto on Suatda spend to Poo YP R zell a rpreparedMrs, li. o A e byweek there. a.'few 5 r paper AR NER DIES P T iScott returned Mrs W.ze11 on 0 and Mrs James and read byRo N5^: rue a citizen,the proprietor Qur C s p hl' Develo emeut f Woman'se ,from a -ver "Ori- gin and oof the week the end wY g pe „1 _ of he Cafe, has•iate receivedord tw citit Y • -rat c a xe t ti was very much Ii s eS PnBoston and the Yleas rat tri to ed. Piano solos were given ley Mrs• that his former assistant, John Tung, Maritime Pro nes. a h 1 t re last all red a few Miss Mary Reynolds, a W o of he f d PerdueardMssNT a W.Y , 1 I Redlands Cal - piano i ' CaZtio 'Walter o eek ago r Toronto MI ss , weeks n Graceg netMisses Hellyar rano d by3 visiting friends'in i n s i. who ]tae been v nf l g 0 ofour race or faith While hot r and a Local solo, _few days over Andrews, n ospent aa o� r nit and Mathe vierY Y re Y, JohnTung,nevertheless,ad all the Jah h accompanied by the guitar, Cook Mass the week -end with Clinton friends. Viola Fraser. Mrs: Glen Cook gave attributes- of one we describe as aMr. and Mrs. W. F. Giddings returned an instructive demonstration on "Can- g'entlernan, genial, kindly, polite and on Saturday to their home in r. n t friends that he in de ho es and the a , ht visit with: a fortnight's 'Vegetables."+ 't after rainstio> g De - At the close of the programa son while here are. genuinely sorry that the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. sal half hour was spent, - . he has passed: on while still in the Harvey M Brien, DIES IN: SOUTH DAKOTA prime of life .and far from his fain- and Mrs. L. Weir and Master Joe Ii sly and native land. of Dunnville were in town over the Henry. Young, died at his home at A FEW COI"tRECTIONS People You SOW A baptismal service under the'aus- pices of the L.O.B.A..,and L.O.L,;will be held on Oet, 17th at eight o'clo'cic .Re , Hall, Clinton,'v in Murphy I l .rat. Y p , p L. C. Harrison,G.D., Rev. A• A. H ol- W.D. • Rev. E. Doan nice W.W. ,o , officiate 'will off . t Poo Pres., an Rey..J. to d i ina'ions. denominations. t for their- respective . " bret ox n interested in Allsisters and h , service will ,et in a tenial sex this baptismal P touch with the 'comnuttee as soon as possible. WEBST DR OF MISS DEATH O DDA ' en of Mx atthe residence There died r A. W. Beacom, Hullett, on Thursday. Sept. 25th, Catherine Webster, after e ears, 1 of. ove • three illness r a lingeringY Miss Webster was born at Lucknow seventy -years ,ago, being the Baugh- ter of. the late: Janes Webster, Her mother died when s)1e was:but four years old. About forty'' years ago she came,to live with her aunt, Mks. Da- vid Beacom, mother of A. W. Beacom. who died in 1910, and she continued to care for her uncle until her health some in Clinton untils ire living fa d ssurvived ago.She is by three years Sh James two brothers and three sisters: of Liieknaw; Robert of Stanley; Mrs, Geo. Coleman. of Stanley; Mrs.' Toni Blake and Mrs. Wni. Ritchie of Ash- field. Interment was on Friday, Sept. 28, to Clinton cemetery. Rev. Mr. Doan of Ontario street church 'offic- iated, 'assisted by Rev. Jas. Abery of Londesboro. The pallbearers were. John P. Sheppard, W. H..Hellyar and Geo. Cantelon of Clinton, •Isaac Ran- son. Thomas Knox and Robert Watson of Huliett. Among those who' attended' the funeral were friends' from Ashfield Tpwnship, Lucknow, Seaforth,.Clin- ton, Ethel, Goderich' township and Stanley. MET IN-CLINTON The third annual W. M. S. Confer- ence for the Centre; Section Huron Presbyterial was held in the Ontario Street United dTiureh, Clinton, on Thursday, Sept. 27th, Mrs. Lane • of Seaforth presiding, and notwithstand- ing the inclement weather, was well attended:, exercises were rod ly Devi,tuulal exert Mrs. Hilts and Mrs.: Beaton of Out - aria street church. Mfrs. Doan, also of Ontario street church, welcomes the delegates to the c`hureh an.ost.cor- The minutes of 1p27 meeting were read and adopted, Clintonwas a -' Mrs. H. Fowler of p respon to wx , allocations last had made an inspction of the streets year. and 'submitted a partial list of im-Some items of note gleaned from provements which it was felt should these reports were: The sending of be done this month. The list included bales of clothing, the sending of Sun - the replacing of two grates on street day school periodicals to needy schools io street and four on Victoria street, in Northern Ontario and of canned the remaking of ditches on Rattan- fruit to the Deaconess' Home' in Tor - bury, east, repairing crossings, grad onto; .some found it a help to have a lug, Fulton, the filling of several holes W M S. Sunday service, some put on and the placing of fresh gravel en, a pageant, most used the envelope several streets and the mending of system for systematic giving and the the worst sidewalks, ' Study Book. Councillor Holmea'.thought this " Mrs, Weir of Blyth read the roll looked like a season's work but Reeve. call of Circles, C. G. I. T. Camns and Langford, and Councillor Cooper ex -Bands. Splendid reports were read plained that it was but necessary re- from Egmondville, Brucefield, Sea pairing which would be money saved forth, Winsley -Willis, Clinton, and If done at once: ' .Walton Baby Band. Councillor Cooper of the property In the afternoon the devotional ex committee recommended that the in- ercises were led by the Londerboro be ce on the town hall. and contents and Burn's Auxiliary. Mrs. Child's be raised from $13000 on botha member of the -Dominion Board of $25000 on the hall and $2000 on cone the W. M. S,x delivered an inspiration- tents. He also reported one of the al address on the work in the foreign: furnaces in bad repair and recom,efields She gave a word -picture of.. mended that 'the committee, be em- some of the.out-standing features of powered obtain prices on a new the work.in Africa, 'India, China, Ja- furnace. and report to council, Coen- pan and Korea. This was followed chlor Thompson thought the the rate by a'beautiful and appropriate vocal night be even higher on the hall, but number by Mrs. Aitken and Mrs. II. it was; decided' to leave it at that Fitzsimmons. ` quoted in the report for thetinie-be-. Mrs J. McIntyre, a Home 1Vlission ing and, the report was adopted: worker. among Ukrauians and Fin - Dr. Thompson thought the cement lenders in Toronto gave a most r n slabs should be *removed from the street near the residence of Mr. Downs, or an accident might occur „ Councillors Holmes and • Thompson introduced a motion to rescind the motion providing for a vote of the people as to establishing, -a' board of education, but the mayor' ruled the. motion out of'. order.. Councillor: Hol- mes did not • think there' was any reason why the •matter should be sub- mitted, nobody was asking for it; the motion to do it was passed at a meet='' ingwhere there was barely a quorum and h' would like the feeling of the full` council on it, But the Mayor was firm and would not allow' the vote to be taken. Ile saidif councillorswere not present at the special meeting called to discuss this matter it ' wad their'osvn fault. " ' Councillors Thompson and Cooper made' a motion .asking the mayor to' call a .meeting. of the ratepayers in the near future to discuss the possi- bilities. of a sewage system for the town and also the disposal of garbage, Dr. Thom:pseon'in speaking to his own motion said he thought,the time was corning when Clinton would have 10 have a partial, sewage system and , he thought it well' to have the people and discuss it. •meet , u d On motion of Reeve Langford an Councillor „Paisley the Court of Re- vision will be: held on 0r ober• 20th. • •Owing to lack of space this `week we have been obliged to hold over the tion to meet with 'thein next: year, report of the financial committee.. 1 which- was accepted, i . , . d ntinse o x s , t Y Thursday .�' �. Ma' are the is was held Th ss t guests of the for.: Institute. Y titans s: 8 Rev P Duncan Cht rah Stratford R G. an - •Il m- s on what the 'W. M. S. Theopenizz services of the Golden is doin gored t r Jubilee Anniversary in connection is. doing for he stranger within our with this church last Sunday proved gates." low the stranger is met at to be very successful. The weather the port of entry and haw the -Society was ideal and ail •three services on helped to reunite families, friends and Sunday were well -attended. The Rev. coihpatriots. T. Albert Moore, D.D., secretary of The resolutions committee reported, the General Council of the United desiring to thank the ladies of Ont- : Church of Canada, was the preacher= io Street W. 1V1. S. for placing their both.morning and.evening, delivering', ar church at "the disposal o£ the dole interesting and " inspiring sermons. ates, the Wesley-WRllis ladies for `The thou rendered special :music dui-• g in providing ing the day and at an open, session of the splendid hospitality P the Sunday school in the afternoon an excellent dinner,: Was. Agnew for 11Tr. E S. Liverore,' B.A., a foiurer her services at the organ during the pupil, gave an address. day and the singers and speakers of On 1lxonda evening a gathering of Y r theWesley.Fridayev- InSoThetheythewasspeaker.apaste week -end corning up to attend the 512, sixth Avenue, S. E„ Aberdeen, Jubilee Anniversary of the Ontario Into our report of the prize win - South Dakota, September. 25, 1928, Hers of the Bayfield Fair last week a street United ehureb, after ea illness of about one year. Mt: and. Mrs, E. S. Livermore of Ayr- few errors crept: Ma. Will. Stephen- thehome of .ut mer, wereguests - 9t con- cession, an- e e was born on the h Deceased s 7 > osn theasunci of the first prize w wi P andMrs. rent Mr. era parents, m r in the the form P ' n o errclr township, essro G d c P Year 185$ His parents Mr. and Mrs, for Geraniol Purpose mare, R Blau James over the week Joseph Young, were pioneers of Ian- 'winning -second while " ,MFrank end. M Livermore,i Livermore addressed a Ton County but moved to Nebraska . Keegan won first for foal, Mr, Blair special anniversary session of the about fifty years- ago, Henry' re- mained e- taking second. 'Mr:" Keegan also took Sunday sevhool of Ontario street Perehe •on foal Mr. first raze. for x ynainedhere and ;in 1881, was married P church on Sunday afternoon. to A. Eagleson . of Bayfield, Blair taking second. In poultry Miss Mrs. Fred Cooke, Detroit; daughter of the late Mr, and,Mrs. Norah Ferguson took dust for Buff . and and Mrs, George Cooke, troiWm. Eagleson., A daughter, 1VTathilda Orpington cockerel and pullet, and M. 1d Mrs. err, G. olRoutleye,and Stoat - Florence, and a son, William E re- M• Frank Weekes took first on Tool- ford; s. and .. Jack side with their mother at Aberdeen ouse geese, both old and young. Harvey Bright; family. London, Jwere ack to which, city the family removed in We Tearer that these errors occur- H. townveon Sunday London, the red and are glad to correct them: 1901 from Oshawa, Ont. i funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs,. Mr, Young and family lived in FUNERAL OI+: A, E. DURNIN • Agnes osborne. jrears n on Townsend street for: six The funeral of the late A. E. Dur - tears from. 1893 ito 1899;most of yin, who was killed in a level crossing which time Mr. Young was employed accident in the west on September at the Doherty Organ factory 22nd, took place. on Saturday last to James Young of Lucknow is a Lucknow cemetery. A private ser - brother of deceased, vice was held at the .residence, •Wbitc- Mr. Young' had been a subscriber to, head street, Friday evening, then on The News -Record for about forty Saturday afternoon the' funeral left the residence for • Lucknow; formerly years. the Durnin home, where a service was AMONG THE CHURCHES held in the United church. The Rev. J. E. Hogg conducted the services at The Presbytery of Huron wi11 meet the' house, also at Lucknow, assisted in Queen street United church, Blyth; in Lucknow members off the Mason e Tuesday, Oct. 9th I addition t badstreetO'Haratownser-Messagemorning"The,Faith—Johnll,• obligedinto dressed by the Rev. C. J. Moorhouse;: Willis Auxiliary in the , y a former pas Mks. Colclough and her daughter, Mas. Calton, have moved into the house which they- recently purchased in Mlary street, the one just vacated by Mr. R....Mennell. Wesley -Willis W. A. met at the home of Mrs. A, Seeley, High street, yesterday, with nearly `seventy pres- ent, Plans were trade for the annual bazaar to be held shortly: There are complaints of speeding on the new London road pavement. If this continues somebody inay get into trouble. The new pavements were not built for race courses. All, men.bers' of Huron L 0. B. A. No. 377, are requested to be present on the regular meeting night, October 9th, when the Brantford L.O.B.A, will be visitors and will put on degrees. A tea shower for the fancywork and Ch'iienifes gift ' booths of the Hospital Bazaar: will be held a .the Brucefield Rev. Mr. Lundy, ,foinnerly. of.•Kip- pen'hut now of the Nile, will preach • in the United 'church next ;Sunday morning, Oct. 701. 'The evening ser- vice will be withdrawn on account of the anniversary services in Kipper. The Mission Band erillyhold the}r an- nual Thank offen `. On 'Saturday, October 0th, at 2.30., 1h'bee will be a special speaker for the day, Alight lunch will be served at the close. A special invitation extended to 'll the children and women of -the congrega- tion. Mrs: R'ess Seott and Mrs. Wm. Rat- tenbury and 'Mrs,Nevins of Hamilton visited friends in Goderich this week, Quite a number of women from Brucefield congregation attended the • Ontario W. It S conference held x in e street. United church, Clinton, on Sept. 27th. It was a most interesting and profitable meeting and was much enjoyed by all. Mks. W. Stevens is at present visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Thompson of Sarnia. Mi. Cecil Simpson, who has been away for the past few months, has now returned to his home in the vil- lage. Mas. B. 0. Rouke has returned to her home after spending a few weeks in the hospital in -Cleveland, where she underwent an operation for goitre. Londesboro Miss Maud Fair of Toronto spent the week -end with her sister, Mrs. -(Rev.) Johnson: Mr. and Mrs. Brawley of Wingham recently visited the home of Mr. C. Manning. Mas, Brumbiy, who was taken ser- iously i11 last week and was taken to the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. Shaddacic, we are sorry to say is not improving as well as her many friends would like to see her. Messrs, W. and R. Grovier attended the funeral of their uncle; Mr. Char- les Burford, in Paris last Tuesday. They were accompanied by their sis- ter, Mrs, Webster. Mrs. Govier is visiting' at her son's home in Goderich. Mrs. Wallace Arlinof near Sudbury came last week aiid.is with her moth- er, Mrs. E. Beni, who is quite ill, Mrs. D. Vodden, Mrs. R. Nott and Mrs. W. Brundson were in Goderich en Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ainslie of 'Leaming- ton are at present visiting relatives in the community. Mrs. Warwick, who for some time has lived at her brother's home, Mr. and Mrs. J. M;elyille, is quite ill. Mass M. Lyon of Toronto, who has spent her two week vacation with her parents here, -will return Friday. The Rally Day services were.held- lit the United church on Sunday, In the evening Mr. Harold:' Snell, who is attending Toronto University in pre- paration for the ministry,' assisted. Rev. Mar. Johnsen. Every one . was delighted to hear him. Wedding bells rang in the village Saturday: morning when the Rev. Mr. Johnson united Mr. Watson of the t 13th concession of Mullett and Miss home of Mars. G. T. Jenkins, Isaac Rogerson in marriage. Congratula- Street, on Friday •afternoon, Oct. 5th: tions are in order. Miss (tomorrow) from three to six o'clock,' -..Mr. and Mrs. Will Lyon also Clinton Collegiate students will Marjory and Ruth were visitors with attend the, Inter -Collegiate Athletic Rev,.` B, Snell and wife oe Staffs, Meet in :Mitchell -tomorrow, Friday, The young people will hold their afternoon when Seaforth, Clinton, Rally service in the United church. 'Goderich, Exeter and Mitchell will next Sunday evening,: compete for the McMillan cup, and Mrs. James Campbell is this week other trophies. Messrs, Wrttts, Cudmore and ,,Fcrib- bin s received word the other day that sa p in les.of their honey had been chosen by the Ontario Iloney.Produc ere'. Cooperative= to be exhibited at the British Dairy' Show, Landon, Eng- land, Here's hoping '13, getsfirst visiting' ' friends in Wroxeter and Blyth. Mrs. H. y visited her clan r' Lon n daughter, Mfrs, A. Kerslake, of near Exeter last week and Mos,. Ben T y. ertnan' of Sea - forth forth were week -end -guests of-Mres Teeeblyn.."., SCE lf 1 M' THIS MARK� ces rac. IIlil// fue xe rY P . �✓ puptys.olTandobn 41 evexfPri Princess or �llf/1r.v.BLLISGFc •- e\v� % wt i C�' C P) s Diamond e:rr em :� Dtam 0 8.eautyty. RingpiSh \1 1 r .vim •.• 8az rad _ Ca ii,tete orrgesab BuyaPnncess implicit ,w uaran'a GOeLe!idbt7ad Pot'etsLsah.ia7 i � Ijri) • e • t' 1 . la onf•!R m FOR VALUE dte ss of cred ize—fi1rs i • sh iuod setuten semarae '''set". .:+a Diamond e, elliM confidence. Y�+ r Tbaoa to \ J v - VI 1 .- e . " �l- U -- v fi .1�� f (t15. � DOUBLE D .125 As: ate•.-� .a- . . •� R GUARANTEE cu J. **A v iie iliellgar 1 j ..... Are Piece 27 -.inch A 1B1aok-;Chiffon Black II adYe1veteons , our ;�,r�ori;g the Leaders errs in Goods Department for Fall and Winter Wear Velveteens, in many iiew shades including itag black goodgi Ality sells,it $1.25 gd. Velvetr•3:6'inchwide 3.50 gd. iransparerr V Vriced at .7.00 gd. p 1 t elvet'is specially ' • ueeans9rloth �, ' --:mother- Leader An Al wool material of very fine texture, 38 inch wide in a \varielry_of:beautifnl.shades :priced at 1.491 �I�• Ask to see ��ItIIl'rS Material- ..,. !au.are Sure to Like it t.' .. I si :ir 1 . I "WE SELL TRE 73ETTER GRADE TO BUILD THE BETTER TRADE.' • t'L DID. you EVER STOP -To ir, INK? Ever stop ; to think no man is evex too old to dress well: and in good style, . ' . i .- We've smart elothes for 'Yining Men and men who stay young. ,. A man is •s as young as n .'a he feels. Why .should he not keep as Y yei.Tg Ioolcing as posst''blo-and good clothes will help him amazingly, Fall Shit ;and Overcoat time is'bere, andwe are showing the ;season's correct models. I\ EN' OVERCOATS -412;00,: $18.00, $25.00, $30.00, $35,00. MEN'S -SUITS $10.50, $15.00, $22.50, $25.00, to $35.00 MEN'S 'LEATHERWINDBREAKERS $5.50, $10.00, $12.50. ' 0OL MAOKINAWa5 MEN'S HEAVY ALL VJi . Leather lined' $10.00 MIEN'S HEAVY ALL -WOOL MACIXINAWS, $7.50. DIENS HEAVY ALL -WOOL MACKINAW VESTS; knitted collar" • $8:00 ' D $ BOY'S 'LEATWBEAKERS, 3.90 HERETTE ,iN B .. and d BOY'S ALL -WOOL CHECK Ri�ZNDBRE�3:KEI1-S, $ 2.00 $R50 "BOY'S ALL -WOOL SWEATERS, two; button, with turned • down collar, $2.05.' BOY'S ALL -WOOL SWEATER COATS Special ' $2.00 BOY'S FINE WORSTED JERSEYS, in sceneverychoice colorings, $1.50, $2,00, $2.25, $2.50. BOY'S -' S AND: OVERCOATS, $5.00, $7.50, $10.00 and 12,00 T CUSTOM TAILORED CLOTHES,. $3.50, $ > 2 29.50 $35.50 ,- L6 ` .are 4 Deal ler Every ail e THE MARKETS $ 1 h at 1. 0 Wheat, Barley, 60c to Ole. Oats, 35e to 40e. Buckwheat, 80c. Butter, 35c to 37c. Eggs, +� 25c to 40e. s , 10,25. Live IIot,*s,$ .MEMORIAL WINDOW :UNVEILED e memory of the A window to tl t Y unveiled in Willison son wae late Sir John tW a i church, Bloor Anglican Paul's An St.g Sir Jos- eph undo S Tonto onS street,ToY the friends If of t n'beia Flavelle,0 1 e h p 1 the un- veiling, n- 'n ow did the window, erected w who e1 rd in trib- few words akin a - thin ` s e e g v g, p "whose Sir John, late S ' the uto of greatest attribute," ho declared "was the broad national outlook, which he ' which' he' 'himself and fork s cultivated others." • m encouraged SiraJohn Willison was a native of Stanley .townshipland was very well known in Clinton and vicinity. O. EY ANTE LON C R C The marriage took place at the We ley -Willis nranse,.Clinton, at -nine o'clock yesterday morning of Irene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cor- ey, and -Ralph Cantelon, son of Albert Cantelon, and the late' Mrs. Cantelor, all of Goderich township. The cer- emony Rev. J, b aperformedY on em Y was E. Hogg, The bride was daintily gowned in honey beige crepe with trimmings of gold lace and wore hat, gloves and shoes in matching shades, Immedia- tely tely after the'ceremony the bridal cou- ple 'left on a motor trip to Detroit, the bride donning . a handsome blue coat with fur trimmings for the jour- ney. Mr. and Mrs. Cantelon will reside on the groom's farm in Goderich township. THE COUNCIL MEETING, The council met on Monday in the council chamber; all members being present.' A communication was read from the Bell Telephone Co. regarding account for changing manhole in street. Also a communication was read from A. Cantelon, explaining the building of the septic tank at thej town hall and guaranteeing it for one year. A. representative of the Lorne Fire Engine Co., Mitchell, was present and addressed the council in regard -to the purchase of a fire truck at the cost of $1450.00 or $1400.00 with the old hose wagon thrown in. On request of the mayor Fire Chief Tasker spoke, emphasizing •the need of the fire •truck. Chief Tasker said the firemen had been on more than one occasion handicapped by. delay in getting the hose to the scene of the fire and he pointed out that the fire truerc under pointed »te d seere tarY of the g a th a°n , Mrs. Aitken andMrsNcitl la• n discussion carried a large tank bf were namedas a nominating corn - chemical fire-extinguisher which, in mittee; Mrs. Finlayson and Mrs. case of a small fire, could be used Bremner ns a resolution committee.,.. without putting on water at all. The Mks Lyne then read the tall call of matter was left to the fire and water the 15 auxiliaries of the Centre Sec- committee to make a report• tion of the ' Huron Presbyterial, all Reeve Langford of the street com d g with hopeful reports mittee reported that the committee most had met their ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Castle announces es the G Ca n Mrs. S. h Mildred engagement of her:aaug ter, Livermore, to 1\l'r. W. Cook of Thor- old, the wedding to tape place early o th. this. 'month. ER ICD. BAPTISMALS V L 0. L, WOMEN'S INSTITUTE 1VfEETS BOLTON-CORBETT' of the Wo-' On _ Saturday afternoon, at the The regular meeting1VIi. and 1Zis, F. Chant of �Pxttsflel Andrew's Pre U terrtn St a w s t Har r1 a M (.r parents is b x and l s L. i s t < H. B. Mrs. O. Mrs. 1•I afternoon, the pheir. Tit YI } 0 Paisley, in the their. Alter the op- oeticeeeeg•; Edith eieieii eaughte> of Client. ' bBritannia 1 s 11I ox ett 1r.. and VI C and the readiii • of the n ;zMlr, 'Webster off W�inghain visited with eningexercises & Street; became the bride of Asa T, . ;Mx.' and Mrs. Saville and other committees the report ofvn the- different' Bolton, of, Brantford, son of Mr. and ,friendst town andvicinity' n e w ve last y given, The stage c mittees was t g . om g Bolton, of Clinton . /Ire George •r committee reported that the stage ot.ween. the town hall would soon be emu- They were attended by Miss Mabel Acis M. 1VI Little, R N of Denver, leted. Corbett, sister of Ike bride, and Bur- Colorado., was -a guest; of Nies, W P ebridegroom., i dahl of Townsend streetth t Bolton,brother of the. rt e i om, R. W n wn e Mrs. E. A. Fines was appointed on b g • t ` etc. on ref • onholt as We ratio •, med. Mrs, Bolt I a s n eOe n delegate •ate to in Institute g , 'Mrs. ;; J. Paisley, accompanied her x nit it Ph t Theyill W y n tri to •Det andw c ron October P u• held in Walkerton ton , to be Paisley, and famtl son Mr.W.S P e a Y S , a in Brantford, reside �t and 181ih.' l t h aridwill en Toronto on Suatda spend to Poo YP R zell a rpreparedMrs, li. o A e byweek there. a.'few 5 r paper AR NER DIES P T iScott returned Mrs W.ze11 on 0 and Mrs James and read byRo N5^: rue a citizen,the proprietor Qur C s p hl' Develo emeut f Woman'se ,from a -ver "Ori- gin and oof the week the end wY g pe „1 _ of he Cafe, has•iate receivedord tw citit Y • -rat c a xe t ti was very much Ii s eS PnBoston and the Yleas rat tri to ed. Piano solos were given ley Mrs• that his former assistant, John Tung, Maritime Pro nes. a h 1 t re last all red a few Miss Mary Reynolds, a W o of he f d PerdueardMssNT a W.Y , 1 I Redlands Cal - piano i ' CaZtio 'Walter o eek ago r Toronto MI ss , weeks n Graceg netMisses Hellyar rano d by3 visiting friends'in i n s i. who ]tae been v nf l g 0 ofour race or faith While hot r and a Local solo, _few days over Andrews, n ospent aa o� r nit and Mathe vierY Y re Y, JohnTung,nevertheless,ad all the Jah h accompanied by the guitar, Cook Mass the week -end with Clinton friends. Viola Fraser. Mrs: Glen Cook gave attributes- of one we describe as aMr. and Mrs. W. F. Giddings returned an instructive demonstration on "Can- g'entlernan, genial, kindly, polite and on Saturday to their home in r. n t friends that he in de ho es and the a , ht visit with: a fortnight's 'Vegetables."+ 't after rainstio> g De - At the close of the programa son while here are. genuinely sorry that the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. sal half hour was spent, - . he has passed: on while still in the Harvey M Brien, DIES IN: SOUTH DAKOTA prime of life .and far from his fain- and Mrs. L. Weir and Master Joe Ii sly and native land. of Dunnville were in town over the Henry. Young, died at his home at A FEW COI"tRECTIONS People You SOW A baptismal service under the'aus- pices of the L.O.B.A..,and L.O.L,;will be held on Oet, 17th at eight o'clo'cic .Re , Hall, Clinton,'v in Murphy I l .rat. Y p , p L. C. Harrison,G.D., Rev. A• A. H ol- W.D. • Rev. E. Doan nice W.W. ,o , officiate 'will off . t Poo Pres., an Rey..J. to d i ina'ions. denominations. t for their- respective . " bret ox n interested in Allsisters and h , service will ,et in a tenial sex this baptismal P touch with the 'comnuttee as soon as possible. WEBST DR OF MISS DEATH O DDA ' en of Mx atthe residence There died r A. W. Beacom, Hullett, on Thursday. Sept. 25th, Catherine Webster, after e ears, 1 of. ove • three illness r a lingeringY Miss Webster was born at Lucknow seventy -years ,ago, being the Baugh- ter of. the late: Janes Webster, Her mother died when s)1e was:but four years old. About forty'' years ago she came,to live with her aunt, Mks. Da- vid Beacom, mother of A. W. Beacom. who died in 1910, and she continued to care for her uncle until her health some in Clinton untils ire living fa d ssurvived ago.She is by three years Sh James two brothers and three sisters: of Liieknaw; Robert of Stanley; Mrs, Geo. Coleman. of Stanley; Mrs.' Toni Blake and Mrs. Wni. Ritchie of Ash- field. Interment was on Friday, Sept. 28, to Clinton cemetery. Rev. Mr. Doan of Ontario street church 'offic- iated, 'assisted by Rev. Jas. Abery of Londesboro. The pallbearers were. John P. Sheppard, W. H..Hellyar and Geo. Cantelon of Clinton, •Isaac Ran- son. Thomas Knox and Robert Watson of Huliett. Among those who' attended' the funeral were friends' from Ashfield Tpwnship, Lucknow, Seaforth,.Clin- ton, Ethel, Goderich' township and Stanley. MET IN-CLINTON The third annual W. M. S. Confer- ence for the Centre; Section Huron Presbyterial was held in the Ontario Street United dTiureh, Clinton, on Thursday, Sept. 27th, Mrs. Lane • of Seaforth presiding, and notwithstand- ing the inclement weather, was well attended:, exercises were rod ly Devi,tuulal exert Mrs. Hilts and Mrs.: Beaton of Out - aria street church. Mfrs. Doan, also of Ontario street church, welcomes the delegates to the c`hureh an.ost.cor- The minutes of 1p27 meeting were read and adopted, Clintonwas a -' Mrs. H. Fowler of p respon to wx , allocations last had made an inspction of the streets year. and 'submitted a partial list of im-Some items of note gleaned from provements which it was felt should these reports were: The sending of be done this month. The list included bales of clothing, the sending of Sun - the replacing of two grates on street day school periodicals to needy schools io street and four on Victoria street, in Northern Ontario and of canned the remaking of ditches on Rattan- fruit to the Deaconess' Home' in Tor - bury, east, repairing crossings, grad onto; .some found it a help to have a lug, Fulton, the filling of several holes W M S. Sunday service, some put on and the placing of fresh gravel en, a pageant, most used the envelope several streets and the mending of system for systematic giving and the the worst sidewalks, ' Study Book. Councillor Holmea'.thought this " Mrs, Weir of Blyth read the roll looked like a season's work but Reeve. call of Circles, C. G. I. T. Camns and Langford, and Councillor Cooper ex -Bands. Splendid reports were read plained that it was but necessary re- from Egmondville, Brucefield, Sea pairing which would be money saved forth, Winsley -Willis, Clinton, and If done at once: ' .Walton Baby Band. Councillor Cooper of the property In the afternoon the devotional ex committee recommended that the in- ercises were led by the Londerboro be ce on the town hall. and contents and Burn's Auxiliary. Mrs. Child's be raised from $13000 on botha member of the -Dominion Board of $25000 on the hall and $2000 on cone the W. M. S,x delivered an inspiration- tents. He also reported one of the al address on the work in the foreign: furnaces in bad repair and recom,efields She gave a word -picture of.. mended that 'the committee, be em- some of the.out-standing features of powered obtain prices on a new the work.in Africa, 'India, China, Ja- furnace. and report to council, Coen- pan and Korea. This was followed chlor Thompson thought the the rate by a'beautiful and appropriate vocal night be even higher on the hall, but number by Mrs. Aitken and Mrs. II. it was; decided' to leave it at that Fitzsimmons. ` quoted in the report for thetinie-be-. Mrs J. McIntyre, a Home 1Vlission ing and, the report was adopted: worker. among Ukrauians and Fin - Dr. Thompson thought the cement lenders in Toronto gave a most r n slabs should be *removed from the street near the residence of Mr. Downs, or an accident might occur „ Councillors Holmes and • Thompson introduced a motion to rescind the motion providing for a vote of the people as to establishing, -a' board of education, but the mayor' ruled the. motion out of'. order.. Councillor: Hol- mes did not • think there' was any reason why the •matter should be sub- mitted, nobody was asking for it; the motion to do it was passed at a meet='' ingwhere there was barely a quorum and h' would like the feeling of the full` council on it, But the Mayor was firm and would not allow' the vote to be taken. Ile saidif councillorswere not present at the special meeting called to discuss this matter it ' wad their'osvn fault. " ' Councillors Thompson and Cooper made' a motion .asking the mayor to' call a .meeting. of the ratepayers in the near future to discuss the possi- bilities. of a sewage system for the town and also the disposal of garbage, Dr. Thom:pseon'in speaking to his own motion said he thought,the time was corning when Clinton would have 10 have a partial, sewage system and , he thought it well' to have the people and discuss it. •meet , u d On motion of Reeve Langford an Councillor „Paisley the Court of Re- vision will be: held on 0r ober• 20th. • •Owing to lack of space this `week we have been obliged to hold over the tion to meet with 'thein next: year, report of the financial committee.. 1 which- was accepted, i . , . d ntinse o x s , t Y Thursday .�' �. Ma' are the is was held Th ss t guests of the for.: Institute. Y titans s: 8 Rev P Duncan Cht rah Stratford R G. an - •Il m- s on what the 'W. M. S. Theopenizz services of the Golden is doin gored t r Jubilee Anniversary in connection is. doing for he stranger within our with this church last Sunday proved gates." low the stranger is met at to be very successful. The weather the port of entry and haw the -Society was ideal and ail •three services on helped to reunite families, friends and Sunday were well -attended. The Rev. coihpatriots. T. Albert Moore, D.D., secretary of The resolutions committee reported, the General Council of the United desiring to thank the ladies of Ont- : Church of Canada, was the preacher= io Street W. 1V1. S. for placing their both.morning and.evening, delivering', ar church at "the disposal o£ the dole interesting and " inspiring sermons. ates, the Wesley-WRllis ladies for `The thou rendered special :music dui-• g in providing ing the day and at an open, session of the splendid hospitality P the Sunday school in the afternoon an excellent dinner,: Was. Agnew for 11Tr. E S. Liverore,' B.A., a foiurer her services at the organ during the pupil, gave an address. day and the singers and speakers of On 1lxonda evening a gathering of Y r theWesley.Fridayev- InSoThetheythewasspeaker.apaste week -end corning up to attend the 512, sixth Avenue, S. E„ Aberdeen, Jubilee Anniversary of the Ontario Into our report of the prize win - South Dakota, September. 25, 1928, Hers of the Bayfield Fair last week a street United ehureb, after ea illness of about one year. Mt: and. Mrs, E. S. Livermore of Ayr- few errors crept: Ma. Will. Stephen- thehome of .ut mer, wereguests - 9t con- cession, an- e e was born on the h Deceased s 7 > osn theasunci of the first prize w wi P andMrs. rent Mr. era parents, m r in the the form P ' n o errclr township, essro G d c P Year 185$ His parents Mr. and Mrs, for Geraniol Purpose mare, R Blau James over the week Joseph Young, were pioneers of Ian- 'winning -second while " ,MFrank end. M Livermore,i Livermore addressed a Ton County but moved to Nebraska . Keegan won first for foal, Mr, Blair special anniversary session of the about fifty years- ago, Henry' re- mained e- taking second. 'Mr:" Keegan also took Sunday sevhool of Ontario street Perehe •on foal Mr. first raze. for x ynainedhere and ;in 1881, was married P church on Sunday afternoon. to A. Eagleson . of Bayfield, Blair taking second. In poultry Miss Mrs. Fred Cooke, Detroit; daughter of the late Mr, and,Mrs. Norah Ferguson took dust for Buff . and and Mrs, George Cooke, troiWm. Eagleson., A daughter, 1VTathilda Orpington cockerel and pullet, and M. 1d Mrs. err, G. olRoutleye,and Stoat - Florence, and a son, William E re- M• Frank Weekes took first on Tool- ford; s. and .. Jack side with their mother at Aberdeen ouse geese, both old and young. Harvey Bright; family. London, Jwere ack to which, city the family removed in We Tearer that these errors occur- H. townveon Sunday London, the red and are glad to correct them: 1901 from Oshawa, Ont. i funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs,. Mr, Young and family lived in FUNERAL OI+: A, E. DURNIN • Agnes osborne. jrears n on Townsend street for: six The funeral of the late A. E. Dur - tears from. 1893 ito 1899;most of yin, who was killed in a level crossing which time Mr. Young was employed accident in the west on September at the Doherty Organ factory 22nd, took place. on Saturday last to James Young of Lucknow is a Lucknow cemetery. A private ser - brother of deceased, vice was held at the .residence, •Wbitc- Mr. Young' had been a subscriber to, head street, Friday evening, then on The News -Record for about forty Saturday afternoon the' funeral left the residence for • Lucknow; formerly years. the Durnin home, where a service was AMONG THE CHURCHES held in the United church. The Rev. J. E. Hogg conducted the services at The Presbytery of Huron wi11 meet the' house, also at Lucknow, assisted in Queen street United church, Blyth; in Lucknow members off the Mason e Tuesday, Oct. 9th I addition t badstreetO'Haratownser-Messagemorning"The,Faith—Johnll,• obligedinto dressed by the Rev. C. J. Moorhouse;: Willis Auxiliary in the , y a former pas Mks. Colclough and her daughter, Mas. Calton, have moved into the house which they- recently purchased in Mlary street, the one just vacated by Mr. R....Mennell. Wesley -Willis W. A. met at the home of Mrs. A, Seeley, High street, yesterday, with nearly `seventy pres- ent, Plans were trade for the annual bazaar to be held shortly: There are complaints of speeding on the new London road pavement. If this continues somebody inay get into trouble. The new pavements were not built for race courses. All, men.bers' of Huron L 0. B. A. No. 377, are requested to be present on the regular meeting night, October 9th, when the Brantford L.O.B.A, will be visitors and will put on degrees. A tea shower for the fancywork and Ch'iienifes gift ' booths of the Hospital Bazaar: will be held a .the Brucefield Rev. Mr. Lundy, ,foinnerly. of.•Kip- pen'hut now of the Nile, will preach • in the United 'church next ;Sunday morning, Oct. 701. 'The evening ser- vice will be withdrawn on account of the anniversary services in Kipper. The Mission Band erillyhold the}r an- nual Thank offen `. On 'Saturday, October 0th, at 2.30., 1h'bee will be a special speaker for the day, Alight lunch will be served at the close. A special invitation extended to 'll the children and women of -the congrega- tion. Mrs: R'ess Seott and Mrs. Wm. Rat- tenbury and 'Mrs,Nevins of Hamilton visited friends in Goderich this week, Quite a number of women from Brucefield congregation attended the • Ontario W. It S conference held x in e street. United church, Clinton, on Sept. 27th. It was a most interesting and profitable meeting and was much enjoyed by all. Mks. W. Stevens is at present visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. Thompson of Sarnia. Mi. Cecil Simpson, who has been away for the past few months, has now returned to his home in the vil- lage. Mas. B. 0. Rouke has returned to her home after spending a few weeks in the hospital in -Cleveland, where she underwent an operation for goitre. Londesboro Miss Maud Fair of Toronto spent the week -end with her sister, Mrs. -(Rev.) Johnson: Mr. and Mrs. Brawley of Wingham recently visited the home of Mr. C. Manning. Mas, Brumbiy, who was taken ser- iously i11 last week and was taken to the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. Shaddacic, we are sorry to say is not improving as well as her many friends would like to see her. Messrs, W. and R. Grovier attended the funeral of their uncle; Mr. Char- les Burford, in Paris last Tuesday. They were accompanied by their sis- ter, Mrs, Webster. Mrs. Govier is visiting' at her son's home in Goderich. Mrs. Wallace Arlinof near Sudbury came last week aiid.is with her moth- er, Mrs. E. Beni, who is quite ill, Mrs. D. Vodden, Mrs. R. Nott and Mrs. W. Brundson were in Goderich en Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ainslie of 'Leaming- ton are at present visiting relatives in the community. Mrs. Warwick, who for some time has lived at her brother's home, Mr. and Mrs. J. M;elyille, is quite ill. Mass M. Lyon of Toronto, who has spent her two week vacation with her parents here, -will return Friday. The Rally Day services were.held- lit the United church on Sunday, In the evening Mr. Harold:' Snell, who is attending Toronto University in pre- paration for the ministry,' assisted. Rev. Mar. Johnsen. Every one . was delighted to hear him. Wedding bells rang in the village Saturday: morning when the Rev. Mr. Johnson united Mr. Watson of the t 13th concession of Mullett and Miss home of Mars. G. T. Jenkins, Isaac Rogerson in marriage. Congratula- Street, on Friday •afternoon, Oct. 5th: tions are in order. Miss (tomorrow) from three to six o'clock,' -..Mr. and Mrs. Will Lyon also Clinton Collegiate students will Marjory and Ruth were visitors with attend the, Inter -Collegiate Athletic Rev,.` B, Snell and wife oe Staffs, Meet in :Mitchell -tomorrow, Friday, The young people will hold their afternoon when Seaforth, Clinton, Rally service in the United church. 'Goderich, Exeter and Mitchell will next Sunday evening,: compete for the McMillan cup, and Mrs. James Campbell is this week other trophies. Messrs, Wrttts, Cudmore and ,,Fcrib- bin s received word the other day that sa p in les.of their honey had been chosen by the Ontario Iloney.Produc ere'. Cooperative= to be exhibited at the British Dairy' Show, Landon, Eng- land, Here's hoping '13, getsfirst visiting' ' friends in Wroxeter and Blyth. Mrs. H. y visited her clan r' Lon n daughter, Mfrs, A. Kerslake, of near Exeter last week and Mos,. Ben T y. ertnan' of Sea - forth forth were week -end -guests of-Mres Teeeblyn..".,