HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-09-27, Page 8TON'S LEADINi s JEWFLERY STO When the': eyes begin to ,vealcen t}£ter years et user then the Ines- tiinrible value, ;of• good eyesight weemes.to mind. Do not. wait • until failing eye sight teaches you the lesson—come. and have your eyes examined' now, An Examination Costs Nothing. and may prevent the onslaught, of eye trouble. Graduate of Toronto College of" Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs . Next Hovey's D: rg Store Special, Sale of BOYS' CLOTHING COMMENCING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER lst We will place on Sale about 100 Boys' Suits at a -discount of 25 percent. These suits are all extra good value at regular prices and re- present one of the greatest bargains ever offered to the people of Clinton 'at this Spcial Sale Price of one quarter off. SEE OUR CLEARING LINES OF BOYS' ODD PANTS AT 98c AND $1.50 PER PAIR ALL•SUIVIMER GOODS TO CLEAR AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICE PlumstePl Brose BETTER VALUES LOWER PRICES NoOtherReadyRoofing. Could WithstandThisTest The flame of n powerful blow -torch wag placed within two inches of J -M Asbestos Roofing. At the end of fifty minutes (note clock) the roofing was not burned or injured, being only alightly blackened with smoke. This is one of a number of testa which prove conclusively that the only permanently durable prepared roofing—the one that better than any other resist°'fire, acids, gases, rot, rust, heat, cold and wear is J -M ASBESTOS ROOFING Itis the ncbenbeot-per•year" roofing bccanee it re- quires no tooting or notating to preserve it. The first cost is the only expense. Fire -proof construction is better fire -protection to n building than any unmoor of fire -insurance. By covering buildings with J -M Asbestos Roofing it will protect them from fire at no extra coot. Write or cal for Samples and Booklet, • 1229 Sutter & Pprdite HARDWARE IECTRIC WIRING Phone- 147w i • OiJR CHILD WiLt GET Fn SAME ATI'EN3"IV1 SERVICE AS TROUGH YOU. CAME YOURSELF At our store you may be sure your child 'will be served as promptly, cour- teously and well as any grown-up pat- ron. We handle only superior products. Just give us a trial. . Our prices are the lowest in town. THE C. & S. GROCERS Branch 125j Main 125w Varga Mrs. Geo. Connell and son, Harold, attended the funeral of the former's aunt, Mrs. Jane Million, of Goderich. on' Thursday week. She had been in poor health for three years and fell and broke her hip three weeks before she died. She bad four married daugh- ters living. in Goderich, Mrs. Geo. Fowler, Mrs. Wall Mair, M;Ts. Ben. Sheardown and M,rs. Chas: Robert - non. Stanley Township Miss Jennie Grant spent a.fdty days last weep with Mrs. Edward Glen. Mx. and Mus. Francis Desmond of. Chatham spent the week -end with•the latter's parents, Mr. 'and Mrs, Adam Stewart. A fire of, unknown origin and which aright have proved more disastrous. .occurred last Saturday morning 'when it was discovered that the home of, Mr John McFarlane ^was on fire;. The neighbors rushed in *with their lire. . s.ameamon Mrs. Arthur McQueen for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. . Baird, and•, Thelma of Toronto spent the -week- end with his mother, Mrs. 'Geo, Baird, Sr. Auburn Mr, and Mrs. Maitland Allen are visiting in Flint, Mich. Mer. and Mrs. Harry Yungblut vis- ited at the latter's home, Mt. Forest, an Sunday last. Mr. Geo. Raithby visited his son Elwin of Guelph last week, Miss 'Mary Jenkins is visiting re- latives here. Mr. Robert and Miss Alice And- rews of`1Goderich called on Mr. and Mrs. 0, E. Errata on Sunday. last. Mr. Earl ;Raithby and Mr. Torn Johnston, motored to Lundin on Fri- day last,, - Mr. Eldon ast;" Mr..Eldon Stoltz went to Guelph last Friday totake a five year course. tewart . at `VVmg'ham is vise - ing her daughter, MxsA: J. Fergus• - 'extinguishers and the fire was under on. .. control in'avery ,short time. We are :C C l . son e'od glad that it 'W'as-ne'more serious , of Varna. spent Sunday •]est with re- 'Hers. W. Grant .of. Clinton visited latives in Auburn' and .vicinity. 1111.0 you ",ie 0 dd the, CONT S dei Lotus Lawn .zs the finest quality, of linen finished.Stafionery pso- -' -radials at Papular Prices, particnlars 'and _ entry blanks,, or purehase'a pad of the paper 'whjch,we have in four sizes, 2 sizes at 25c each and 2 at 30e each. The contitst is to make the largest nuniber of words fnounthe letters i LOTUS LAWN • $250.00 in -Cash Prizes First Prize, $100.00. Second" Prize, $50.00. Third Prize, $25.00 5 Prizes of $10.00 each. 5 Prizes of $5.00 each, Tile W. D. Fair. Co. Often the Gheapest-Always the Best I ' ill liir nuunnnunmim nr nnnin ixn, i uCllla i Nv Mr. C. J. Wallis returned this weer from a trip West. Mks. C. 11. BartIiff visited in Seaforth aver the week -end. Ma-. Bill Grewer, of Brussels, was in town one day last week. Miss Reta Elliott of London was a week -end visitor at her home in town. Miss Stone goes to Toronto on Sat- urday tq attend the wedding of a cousin. moi:,_: .= ! 14r. Earl Steep of London visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. Steep, ov- er the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Routley and fam- ily ofBrig ht were visitors ors 'in town h over week -end. the veal{ -en d. Mrs. Clara Eurnball returned last week after a few weeks' holiday in Toronto and Mlontreal. Mr. Anthony Hurrell of Rochester, N.Y., was the guest of 1V1,r. and Mrs. A. 0. Pattison last week, Miss Georgina Rumball has been spending the past fortnight with Wingham and Lucknow friends. Mrs. Kerwood White of Goderich has been visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Cole, Huron street. Mr. and- Mrs. E. S. Livermore of Aylmer will spend the week -end at the home of the former in town. Mrs. J. Cornish of Brucefieid and Mrs. J. C. Hill of Stratford visited. with Mrs. Frank Layton one day last week, • Mr, Charlie Cole motored up from London and spent the `vet+li,•efld yvith hjs parents, 1r '. iniad Mrs. W. Y.fol6. ' • Ma•, Alfred '•. Emptage of New York Uistted 'Mr. Edgar . Maguire last 'week, returning on Thursday to re - same his studies at'the University of Rochester. Mr, R. G. Hunter, who was graduated from Toronto University in June last, has returned to take a post- graduate course. Mr. 3, 'L. Kerr of Tire Brussels Post was in toc\ri oh Friday. He report- ed Mrs Keri' impi'otdrig after tri operation in a Toronto hospital. M. G. WI,tljitOb, Mr. and Mars, Frank Layton and Mir.. and Mrs. i'red Pep- slient the week -end with Ni- agara Falls' and Hamilton friends. 114x•, and Mrs, Cross and family re- turned this week to their home in Toronto.' Mrs. Cross has been spending' the summer with iter father. Dr. Gunn. • Mr. Cecil Farnham, and bride, who are on their honeymoon, are spend ing a few days with the forineris mother in town. "ih'eyld 'i't for Kitchener Saturday.. Mr.. and Miss. John -L.'Pt0 to arrived here this week trona 1 hghenden, Alberta to visit tate former's sister, Mlrs. John Muff, and 'other relat- Ives around Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor of St. -Hel- ens, llfr. and Xis. McVittie'o£ God- erieh and "7VIrs. Bell of Wingham :spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Medd. Mx. and MTs. H .E. Rorke, Mrs. Harry Ambler and Miss Florence Rorke. .inotored to St. Thomas on Monday, where Miss Florence has entered as a student attAlma College. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Nediger artd Mr, ,and Mrs. Norman holland motored to Owen Sound on Tuesday to at- tend the funeral of Mrs. Nediger's brother, the;:. late Capt. George Waugh. M tirlinhas returned iss A •nes S g to Consul, Sask., after ;'spending the summer with her sister, MTs. Car- rie Jervis of Clinton, and with oth.: er relatives hereabouts. She went by boat,to Port Arthur. Mr, and , Mrs. A. C. Vodden. and Mir, • Mrs. rs. E. G. Saville, M42r. thud• Mrs, ',JosePh Webstor 'and Mr. Wnn.We b- ster of Londesboro and Mrs, 3. Ad - diem -of, Brucafield left: for Toronto Tuesday norning to at end th f oral-' of 'their brother, tire" late J 'Wbt • I1T ill1 T-NOW ' RI CO • T1IURSDA r, SE PT1 'iti ,B18 27, 1928'„ 5c ig 'Special on Peas Saturday at 3 i `p, while they last.;`.II.c a can. Rner I4ping, 25a Glahbss Taps, 1sdoz 25c Carnation. Milk, 2 tins 25e— Corn, '2`tins , 25e Jelly Powder,. 5 pkgs , 25c Dates,:2 lbs. , 25c Vinegar, battle 25c Rolled oats, 5,2bs o 25e Wheattets, 4 lbs 25e Rice, fancy, 8 lbs , 25c Soap, P. & G: 6'bars, 25c Ammonia, 3 pkgs, , .. .... 25e Tapioca; 2 lbs. 25e Eagle Brand Milk 25c Big value in soups, this is 'soup week, Aylmer -soups each 1Oc Campbell's tomato 2: tins 29c Clark's soups 3 for 29c . Asparagus • Mushrooms Honey c'uttigeach 25c each 25c per sealer 25c Fancy cakes to clear at 29c Special car price on Redpath and Dominion Sugar- Heinz catsup, large size tic Kippered herring 25c 3 Kippered snacks 25c Ginger snaps lb 15c Chicken haddie 25c Large salmon 25c Sweet Potatoes • - Peaches Grapes IN THE MORNING FIRST DELIVERY 9 a.m. IN THE AFTERNOON FIRST DELIVERY 2:30 p;m. ICash and ORDER EARLY WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE T. 48 PREVAILS Annual Fowl .Supper and Bazaar under auspices of the ladies of ST.. JOSEPH'S. CHURCH 'will be held in the parish hall Tuesday Oct. 23rd. Bazaar commencing at 2 o'clock will have Country store, Plain and Fancy sewing booth and Touch and Take table. , Supper front 5 until 7 Orchestra in Attendance Dancing at 8,30 Admission, Supper 50c, Dance 25c. 81.3. BULBS JUST ARRIVED. A Big 'shipment of the finest quality PAPER WHITE NARCISSUS 5c each or G for 25c Easily grown in either soil or wat- er and bloom in six weeks from time of planting. Try a Bowl of these popular bulbs last Sunday on account of Hillsgreea Anniversary. Services will be held Sunday 'as usual, Rev. R. R. Connor conducting our service. • - Clinton Hospital Rainbow Bazaar to be held i the Town wtr hall, on Thursday, October 11th, commencing mencing at 2 o'clock. BOOTHS AND CONVENERS L_ . 0. B. A. (Homemade Baking) Mrs. Ed. Cook. Christmas Gifts Mrs. Geo. Jenkins Candy Miss Fraser and Miss Pepper. Rummage Miss 'Bawden. Touch and Take Miss E. Cluff Miscellaneous Mrs. Wesley Stevens Kitchen Mrs. T. Herman Afternoon Tea Mrs. Holloway, Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. Flynn, There will also be a Hospital Baby Show at 3 o'clock, Babies 6 months and under; 6 months to 1 year; 1 year to 2 years, ,- Evening—Euehre 8.00 sharp; danc- ing at 10.30, Admission 35 cents. 80-8. COAL HARD AND SOFT COAL SEMET-SOLVAY COKE ALBERTA COAL In Stock for Prompt Delivery W. J. MILLER & SON Prepared soil for sale at 15c per Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. pail, delivered PHONES: 46w and 46j Cuninghame - Florist fi Phones 81.--17dw JVl'rs, John Anderson, who has been spsnding the past few months with tiet daughter .in Michigan, returned home Tuesday. and is makiny her. home with het daughter, Mrs: John Workntan.) While in Michigan Mrs.' Anderson celebrated her '89th birth- day, when relatives and friends num- Bering about ?thirty gathered at .the Home Tuesday=, and is • making her; where, a delightful time was,. spent. She. was presented with a beautiful leather -club bag by her children, also lovely gifts from friends. She re-, ceived eongratblations from the Look Lomond Charter of London, The Eastern Star's; . of, Oxford and from grand-ehildren of Saginaw and her grand -daughter, now. a Missionary in South Africa.' Mr. Alex.,Eennedy of Windsor was calling on his old friends,- Tuesday of; last week ;and many friends were shocked to helm of his sudden death at the home of his sister, Miss Ken- nedy,"of Seaforth, on Thursday even- ing.: We extend our sympathy to the bereaved •widow and ohildren. Miss Elva Anderson spent the past week in Brucefield. i 'visitin Mss Smith;: of Henson. s fr her ;son, le.;'<Emersen°`Smith,; of our village, Miss Belem. Dinsdale left Monday for Stratford'lGener al Hospital,:w here , she i11 be iit acauuse of training. _ Thisis ntiblaiivork and e eonNatul-: to Miss Dinsdale ^obi h ' s len' ' choice for her life's . `.work. • $ARI5WARE end PLUMEING i FIVE 'DOLLARS. Puts one. of these machines in your home.. "Mass Simplicity" Electric Washer ;with four good premiums.. Let us send you one,;you will say it's the best, a good. guarantee behind it. Come in and sed ours at your first -.opportunity. t` Get a Renfrew Separator now at special terms, which we can quote 370.11, if (you e in and.see us..Also scales at good 'woes, There was no service in our eburch - ` shone 244' Hove About Some Real Solid Comfort? • Now that Fall and the long evenings are here, you will be spending more time in your home. A nice new comfortable Ches- terfield Suite or a nice roomy chair or two woiuld help to make things gs l oe more cozy as well eil as give the rest and comfort you need Then in the more moderate priced goods we have a fine line of Fibre Furniture in Suites and Odd chairs and rockers, very comfortable. A new electric lamp or two will also add to that cosy room. TAKE THIS TIP • Don't buy until you see our stock, as you will have the assort- ment to choose from and save good dollars on every purchase, HARDWARE DEPARTMENT It's time to think of your heating problems. We still handle the old Reliable Beach Quebec heaters and ranges with a few other Iines to suit all price requirements. Ask to see the new Beach Furnacette, Some Heater! Clinton Hardware and FurnitureCo THE STORES WITH A STOCK FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 SPECIAL VALUES Sept. 27 to be Obtained Daring Oar Oct. 3 Iieillers Dundel Choice Seedless Marmalade 25c ale Raisins 25c 2 lbs, 25c SHAI8ER SALT Crushed Wheat, 4 lbs. for 25c Rice, choice fancy, 3 lbs. , . 25e Plain or Iodized Rolled Oats, 5 lbs. 25e 2 pkgs. 25c. Corn Meal, 4 lbs....... 25c Choice Quality Choice Dates Rubber Jar Peas or Corn 2 lbs. for 25c Rings -2 tins 25e • 3 pkgs. 25c Jelly Powder, 4 pkgs. . 25e Sardines, 4 tins 25c Ginger Snaps, 2 Ibs, 25c I astile Soap, 6 cakes 25c Toilet Paper, 6 for .... 25c • Atnmonia, 3 pkgs. - 25c PEACHES, GRAPES, CELERY,GRAPEFRUIT, COOKED,• MEATS AND BACONS L. LA. 9l N Oqte `y CO. PHONE One—One---One PROIVIPT DELIVERY E ''BUILDING Whether you plait a complete new•structure or only alternations: or repairs, we can supply just the materials you want. We have - plan books for every conceivable job -from shelf to mansion— and - they are' for your .use, without charge oftany kind, Come' in and' let us- assist you. Lnmber.of all kinds in all grades for special construction of any, nature, Aliso Gyproc, Lime Lath ,Doors and Window £tames, Doors: and Windows, Thomas McKenzie Estate,.: Clinton EVEiiYTIIINd.. IN -BUILDERS' STJPPLTES' PRONE 88 - RESIDENCE .62