HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-09-27, Page 1ITII
201' L €Ji°
27. 992$
rikE OAE'ii,11
- ize-is care.
Princess Diamond ---regardless Of s
Everyc 8
Fullselected by experts, for its blue -white fire and � o
Fashionable white or green gold settings -make
every Princess Ring a beauty. Buy a Princess Diamond
eddin .Rin with implicit or W g g Plicit confidence.
Guaranteed q7
O. Uin1tad Toronto
tilde/G� . WELL/S68,
t d depot :te"
Dittoed Tniportars este"). iRhl �'d'
Timely Suggestion
ew r,
andSilk :.and -Woo
� <..��� Slll�
thefn finest
t ua.lrties which are i
obtainable aina'bjlle 'on English and
'Canadian Za�. markets
.3.11 the new
. t.. Shades es in.Full
Sh d
Fashioned Lines as well as
numbers featuring
wide tops.
Wheat, $ 1,10
35c to AOc,
Buckwheat, 80e
r•, '35c to 37c
25e to 39e.
Hogs, 812.00
to learn
ilsi;ow; Sask.,
chi Mr. A, D
d his niece,
Sask., lost
he car -
and M'r,
on were driying
Elstow and, Ma
on were killed
her par:tie
ruin had been
home shortly
of th'e
until Mondor
d left for
s placing.
n Alma, Coll
at the College
returned nom
body is being
retial takes
Saturday, service
Iv'ate servic
fnin's late'
Friday evening.-
family have
>,inumty in
Rev. A,
Warrens' As
regular iron
day afterno
chuxeTr easement.
St. ,Paul's
Morning service
evening �t
school:, at
char •e of
in �
of, SeafoYith.
Lltdies' •Gtu
y heat in tl
Golden Jubilee
when the R
5ecretaxy of
the United
the preacher
g. Mr., E.
student, 'Will
school in the a
evening there
ung peop'Ye, -w
ousa will speak,
g the 'Rev.
peak 'to a c
td on 'P'rit7ay
Agnew -will
Oct. 7th,
onto; •seare'ta
of The 1'JnT
will be the
S. J. AZlrn
an open cess
The Choi
sic and flier
ration at all
invitation to all to
e celebra'Eion
Wesley -Willis
Service in tire,
con Sunday
subject -will
Church." Th
Sunday school
It is Rally
d with the
tide Since,th
hutch in,Jixt
service and
occasion. In
J a E, s-togg
Lordship of
of the mitt
the Rev. lir
lac said was
Hogg spoke
kindness and•
in the Wiles
while they w
tion. 'He said
be much
before the
thankful for
the congre
they•had so
which to worship,
missing the
Young Peoples'
Monday evening
Nediger, w
rs were elected,
for the
Vice: Miss
retarv:. Miss
_ Pre
t and
Pianist: Miss
xstant Miss
meeting next
me of Mi
ey township
Barley, 65c,
Butte ,
Clinton were shocked on
Monday of. the 'fatal acci-
dent at sk., on Saturday,
by which E. Durnin of Clin-
ton, an Mrs, Anderson oC
A11<ni, heir lives,
Accor dispatch from El
tow t --in which Mr.
Durnin and Mrs..
Anders was struck by
at a evel crossing'
a freight 1
near F,1 Aurnin and Mss
Anders led and Mt An
derson . At time of writing
no furl ulars are known,
D en in the west on
Mi u n
business weeks and was ex-
News fatality did not reach
Clinton y, after•Ntrs. Dur-
nin had St. Thomas, where
she wa her daughter, Miss
Doris, i College.. She was lo-
sated and; they -immed-
iately r e,
The g sent home and
the fur place to Lucknow
on Sat to be held hi the
d.at half past two'
llntto there .
A pr e 'will be held in
tin residence, Clinton,
on Frid ' '•
• Thethe sympathy' of
tete- ton this sudden leer-
IEIver iatgp to tthink no man is •ever too old to dress well and in.
"good "Style.
We've:sntaut:e1othe;5 for oung`1Vienand men who stay young.
A' -ran is •as • -oun ;as'he:feels, 'Why should he not p as
n Y g, keep
young locedlig tas'poaaible--atii good el*dhes "will help him amazingly,
Fall 'Shit :and :Overeo t time ,is 'here .arid we are showing the
'd? g ,
;season's •o4su eet enoilele•
ME'N' OVER.COd'•T,5-$"'12.0Q,'$13.00,i25:00, $30.00, $35.00.
+� , 10t 1 15.00 22.50 5.00 to $05.00
NEWS SUMS � dR, $ , $ , � ,
ALN''a5 LEATHER 1.V7' RitnA £ERiS '$5:50,'$10:00; $1250•
,L51ITS ;EUAVY ALT, "WlOO'L MACKINAWS, leather "lined $10.00
?VI`I:10',B 'HEAVY eel L=WOOL MACKINAWS, : 7,50.
1VZ;FN S :SIJ:;a VY' ALLe'WOi 3IF, MACKINAW 'VESTS, knitted collar
BOY'S ALL,'WSikOI• SWEATERS, two button, with turned
down collar, $2.00,
BOY'S ALL -WOOL 'SWE,A'i'EIt COATS, 'Special $2,00 -
330Y'S leINE; WORSTED JERSEYS, •in some n'ery choice colorings,,
$1.50, $2,00; $2.25, $2.50.
+ zAND ATS $6.00;-•$7.50, 0.00 and 12,00
$23.50, $29,550, $35.50
A Square Dead for Every Man"
n Church
The A. Holmes., will
preach., and evening on Sun-
The sor3ation will hold
their r monthly meeting on
Wednesday on, 'October Bed,
in the went.
Chem h •
Morro 'at eleven :anti in
the seven o'cloe'k. The
Sunday 2.80. All services
will beRev. T. vii,
The ild avill . sleet oh
i Parish 'rooms at
'Tuesday a
'United Church
GoldServices .Sunday
next,Rev. Dr, T. Albert
Moore, .ilhe:"GeneralCoun-
cit of Church of Canada,
will be r both morning and
�evenin S.
former ll address'the'Sun-
day sc afternoon. 'On Mon-
day will be'a rany of
tits yo 7ren the Rev. C, 7.
M;oorh eak, on Wednesday
evenin T, "Wesley 'amens
will snob ongr egatioini1 meet-
ing at evening the - Rev.
J. 1i, ' give•an addrese, On
Sunday,the •Rev. T. W. Neal
of''1'or ryof the Extension
'Work tea Church of Can-
aria, preacher and 'the
Rev. off: Toronto will ad-
dress ion of the'Sunday
school, r will, render spec-
1'be a splendid
Tai mu a -Will sp
inspi services, A hearty
joinin'this •Golden
R C o
' choir nett e at the Ontario
After ho p
street United church Inst weer r.
Frank,; Tyndall; read -t-<a1prnei"rive
address to Mr. Fred Steele' and :Rev.
Mr, Doan, on'behalf 4I' lie choir, pre-
sented him with a .purse in apprec-
iation of his very efficient assistance'
as a. member of the choir and soloist.
lilir, . Steele n}ade suitable reply, _ ex-
pressing his interest 'iii choir work
and his, pleasure in thtjs;assisting.
A Junipr hockey meeting was held
in Bai'tliff's restaurant: the other ev-
ening and by the enthusiasm which
was shonm, it locks litre a big seas-
The following officers were ap•
Hon. Pres Di Shaw,
President M. Counter.
, Vice: Dr: Thompson.
Trainer and Manager: ,M, Elliott,
-Sec.-Treasurer: B. Marshall.
1Comnrittee: G. Lawson, J. Wigging•.`
ton, A. Steep, J. Zapfe, H. Bart-
iiff�E. Crich F.Wiggins.
Pre -Season Trainer: 'Tom Morgan.
Mrs, James Webster passed away
on Friday last after a';fortnight's ill-
.ness at the ripe age oveighty-eight
Mrs. Webster was a native of.In-
coming c •1 nd and on a
v •nes of a a
et s S
s she was mar
tiedin her girlhood n
tied to the late James Webster, who
predeceased her' by Thirteen years.
For meny'year's Mt•. and Mrs. Webster
lived on the 13th' of 'Mullett; where•
they reared their family.' About
tlwettty-seven years ago -they, retired
and settled in LondesbOro, where she
continued to reside until three years'
ago when she came leto Clinton to
make her home with cher daughter,
Mrs. A, C. Vodden, where she died,
She had family of four sons and
two daughters, the daughters being-
Mrs. G. E. Saville -and Mrs. Vodden of
Clinton, the eons WSSlliam on the
homestead, Joseph, alskt of the .13th
of Hullett, Alexander ;pf North Da-
kota, who died a number' of years ago,
and James of'Poronto,`who.died on.
Sunday, before his mother's remains
had been laid away. medical treatment. He was sixty -
The 'funeral t ole place from the four' years of age and is survived by
T e' .
two sons two
is wife one daughter, vv
l V" t M
n- .
Mrs. .. cldei n o
1VIr d r 5 0
0 of . ox
id me o
day afternoon, interment being made brothers and six'sisters.
Mi. David Steep, w':io stiferved the
fracture of three rifts and other in-,
juries over a fortnight ago, is Still
confined to becl and suffers ccnsitler-
a 1 .. It is not known u hew y" t
1J Y W just ut the
accident happened.t
pp Mr,Seep, who
vacs: working; it e paving � W g w h th pavui,, onr-
pany"on the:London.i'oad, was water-
ing his horses at the house of Mr.
Roweliffe and .may, as he stooired. to
gather e up ' the reins,' have taken a
weak spell and the horse may: have
kicked him. Apyway When ee came
to "himself the t enebeat to which the
horses were hitched was upset and he'.
was suffering severely. Medical at-
tention was at once called and he was
removed eo his,home in town. It is
hoped his recovery will not he long
Many will remember the ease of
Andrew Taylor; the miner who was
lost in thewoodsof Northern Ontario
last sunt*' 'r for forty-seven days, and
Whose fr.iends and 'relatives never
hoped to find ' alive, but who was
found and still lives, although he
was reduced: almost to a skeleton.
Mr. Taylor and his family and Mr,
M. T. Corless of Clinton and his fast=
ily . were neighbors at Lavoie, New
Ontario, during the latter's residence
there some years ago and Mrs. Corless
and Mrs. Taylor have had some eer-
respondence since. The other day.
letter saying that
• es ' had a l ett s
oil s
Mrs. C y g
Mi.'Taylee was regaining his Strength
after: his trying experience and it was.
Hoped, he would be able'to'resume.his.
work as mine superintendent. in tete,
Capt. George Waugh, of Owen
Sound, a brother of Mrs. W. J. Ned
igen of Clinton, died on Sunday last
after an illness of a couple of months:
Capt. Waugh had resided in Owen
Sound for about "forty years lend was
a lake captain. For the past we
years he had had charge of the tug'
Harrison, owned by John Harrison es
Sons Company, and previous to that
had commanded the tugs Ainslie and
Maitland. Ile was taken ill on his
boat in July and failed to respond to.
in the Blyth centeteryeeeeThe Rev. J.
12ITo'gg'oS'Clhnton ciinlOtlaed the -ter-'
vice, assisted. by the Rev, James Ale-
ery of Londesboro. The pallbearers
were:- WillTain Hiles, John Wiseman,
E. IT. Weise,"M. T. Corless, William
Mair and J. B. Lindsay.
The friends front a distance were:
t eterboro lttrs.' Wt
Mt•s, O. Thomas, I'
Collins, Strathrcy;, Mrs. Harry But-
ler, London and her son 'Fronk, Mrs,
John Cole, and ltl'r, and Mrs.,William
Geddes and son, Norman,' of Belgrave
and Mr, and 1VIrs. Joe Addison and
Grace and Alex. and 'Miss Dora Ad-
dison, Iirucefield.
On. Tuesday morning the membeee
of the family went to Toronto to at-
tend the funeral of their brother, the
late James Webster, who died as n.
result of an attack of influenza.
'U'nited `Church
Se town 'hall at eleven'
delocl morning. The mine
ister's l be: "`The Task'of
the C e evening service is
being on account of the
jubilee 'service in streetOnt-
at 2.50, also in the
hall. Day and a special
program given.
The m, after having wor-
shippe Ontario street eon-
grega a burning of their
awn c le, • met in the- town
hall onmorning and.even-
ing s Sunday school, very
good s being; present on
each the morning the
Rev, took for hie subject
"TheJesus," taking' the
theme initial sermon preached
at the Council by the tnoder-
ator, .•Endicott, a theme
which the keynote of the
deliberationsthroughout the sessions'
of the
IMr,a gratefully of the
courtesy of the sister
congregationh had so hospitably
taken ley -Willis congrega-
tion were in a hdmeless
condi that while there
would of inconvenience to
meet new church building
was c felt there was much
to be_The general opin-
ion of gatioh seemed to be
that theysuffer no hardship
while comfortable aplace
in although natur-'
ally convenience of their
own : d church.
Thd Society net on
at the home of Miss
Helen when the fallowing
office and plans were
made winter's work:
President,on Corless,,
Ruth Venner.
(Sec M:'Vanitorne,
Assss Secretary:. Viiss
Pia Grace Hellyu.
Ass s Ferrol' Ilrggine.;
Clarence Livermore.
The week will be at
th ho ss „Billy' Stewart in,
Clinton School Fair will be held on
Thursday' next, Oct: 4th, the Clinton
Mural Fair the following day, Friday,
Oct. '5th.
:.A small blaze started in the Rat-
tenbury barns on Saturday night,.
which was seen ,got under control:
On Monday night :the barn of Mr, C.
Allison, south of the railway tracks,
was badly damaged by fire.:
The monthly meeting of the Clin-
ton hospital Board will be hold in
the board room of the town hall on
Tuesday evening next, Oct, 2nd, at
half past seven.
A. shower' for the Hospital "Bazaar
will be held at the home of Mrs.
George Jenkins from three to six on
Thursday afternoon, :Oct. 5th.
Traffic Officer McQueen has been
on duty on the Goderieh-Mitehell sec-
tion of the Highway for the past few
weeks. He says drivers of motor ve
bieles should carry- their operators'
or c au ens permitscarry:,
was held
The funeral on Tuesday u.
ander,:Masonie -auspices, lie having
been a prominent member of that Or-.
1 » E
•� Ell" Erwin of T tier JUBILEE
George � � r Tyrrell, >
NI I Erwin, a tor-
brother o
t i Williss w
b _
mer principal of, the Clinton College The Ontario street ilnited, former -
ate Institute, but now of Dundas,
bo � -;illnes ' t
diedlast week after a s xt s a
the age of thirty-one. Mr. Erwin
a:wife and young family.
leavesY g Y
Douglas, the little son of Mr, and
Mrs, C, II. Holland 'of W!alton, while
at play Saturday :had a tip cut off.
one of his fingers in the lawn mower,
The little lad was brought to, Clinton
and had the finger dressed and it is
healing nicely, ;but he will be that
finger-tip short the rest of his life.
The season of 1928 must be a pro-
lific one in the fruit line, so many
specimens -of fruit coming in doubles.
Mr. R. 11. Johnston brought The
News -Record an apple the other day.
which was practically two apples,
having two blossom ends but: only. one
stem. The two were firmly fastened
together at the stem end. Of course;'
it might not be any great advantage
to have a tree produce fruit exclus-
ively of this sort for each apple would
have ttao cores.
Mrs. A. T. Cooper of town, County
President of the W. C. T. TJ,, had the
County executive meet at her home
on Saturday •afternoon last to a
over the year's- week; Those present
included 'Nlas.'A.'McGuire, Brussels,
honorary -president, Mrs. Lloyd and
Miss'Joynt, Winghatn;""Mrs, Bender';
Blyth;' Miss Bailey. and - Mrs: 'Geo.
Johnston, 'Gdderich had Mis's Censitt•
and Miss Iturdeelk, : Hensel'. After'
the little ".conference Mrs. Cooper serv-
ed afternoon tea before a cheerful
grate fire, some of the.local members
being invited -in for it.
The marriage took place at the par-
sonage of St. Paul's Lutheran church,
t Tuesday of last eveek
tcheuer, o t d
Jf'i y ,
Sept, 18th, of Mr. 'Cecil_ Farnham,
second son of M1s. Farnham of town,
and Miss Helen Israel; daughter of
Mr, John Israel . of Kitchener, The
ceremony was conducted by the Rev.
A. Orzin,' pastor of St. Paul's church.
• The young' couple were unattended,.
The bride wore a pretty wedding gown
of kitten's' ear satin with lace trim-
mings and carried a bouquet of but-
terfly roses and lily of the valley,
After the ceremony 'a wedding feast
was partaken of at: the 'home .of the
bride's parents, only members of the
immediate families interested. being
present. Mr, and Mrs. Farnham left
later in the day on a motor tripiin-
cluding Detroit and Clinton, the bride
Wearing for the journey a costume of
beige chiffon velvet with "rat and
'other accessories to match,
• They will reside in Kitchener.
On Tuesday a new department was,
opened, in the local public`. school. The
school savings system as operated
through the Penny Bank of Ontario
was inaugurated in each class room.
Under this system the child brings
his deposit to his class room teacher,
e eh Tuesday morning: The teacher"
enters. the deposit and resultant bal-
ance in the. child's pass book. A car-
bon copy of this entry is made upon
a numberedcouponand sent :to the
Bank of Montreal. where the ledgers
ata kept; and withdrawals are rnlde:
J. R. Littleproud,;Ontario Inspector
of the' Penny Banlc, visited Olipton on
Tuesday and installed the system: He
also spoke to the. children, and ex
"' rSchaefer 'of 'M•iver-
Miss Marga et Milver-
ton, sister of Mrs, John, Schoenhals
of 'Clinton died at the home of her
ly Mtethcdist,'siiurch will on Sunday'
ort Sept. 30th celebrate the' fif-
, P
tieth atnniversary of its opening, the
edifice having been erected iu 1878.
The church was then Bible Christ-
ian but in 1884 the Bible Christian
Church' went into the "union of the
Methodist Churches in Canada. The.
Rev. la T. Courtiee was 'pester of the
church at the time the. present edifice
WAS built and since then the. pastors.
have been: 1878-80, Rev, R Thom-
as; 1880-82, Rev. J. J. Riee; 1882-85,
Rev. J. Kenner;. 1835-88,' Rev. W. W.
Sparring; 1888-91, Rev. Jos, Edge;,
1891-92, Rev. Jos.iGalloway; 1892=95,
Rev. Neem," Smythe; 1895-97, Rev. W. 1897-1900, Rev. B Clement•.
J Ford; ,
1900-03, Rev. G. A. Gifford 1903-05,,
Rev. J S. Cook; 1905-09, Rev.W, E.
Kerr;-' 1909-12, Rev. T. W. Cosens;,
1912-16, Rev. S. d, AIIin; 1916-19,
1e- Rev. • e 19 28 e , S-
Iirev. J, A. Agnew; ,
Anderson; 1923-27, Rev. C. J. 1Vloor
house;;and the present minister, the
Rev. A. E. Doan.
The congregation was organized
many years earlier than 1878, of
couse, the first church'being a small
frame church where the Baptist
church now stands, and there the
Congregation worshipped until the
present church" was built. After the
Union in 1884 ..Turners ap-
pointment was added, forming a cir-
cuit, con-
an arrangement which s
up to the present.
There have been but three record-
ing stewards during the fifty years,
John Gibbings, Harrison ,Wiltse and
the ,lrxesent. effieer,,Oliver Jervis:
The first record of a Sunday school
was' under the pastorate of the late
Rev. Wm. Wade in 1871, When there,
were two classes, , one of boys and
the other of girls, Mr. Wlade teaching-,
the boys and his wife the girls. The
Ladies' Aid was organized in 1885;
during the pastorate of the Rev.' W.
i 1888
Sparring, and the W. M, S. n
under, the pastorate of the Rev, Jos-
eph Edge. The Young Peoples'
brother, Mr. Adorn Schaefer of Kitoh- League or Epworth League, was or
ever, on Sunday, the funeral taking' ganized during the pastorate of the
place at 1Veilverton on Tuesday after-
noon. 'The late Miss Schaefer was
n years
•m n seventy-seven born i n. Germany
� y
ago and came to Canadabs a child of
four, She had lived the greater part"
of her life in Milverton but had re-
sided for,,. a time with a brother in
Stratford• She is siir'vived by four
brothers, Adam of Kitchdner, Freder-
icic and Henry of Stratford and John
of Mornington township, and one sis-
ter, Mrs. Schoenbals, who had been•
with hen for a week before her death,
Mr. J. Schoenbals, Miss Dora: and
went Milverton to
Mrs. D. Nickle wen to ):
attend' the funeral on Tuesday, Mts.
Schoenhals returning hone with
DEATH OF .11211,5. ROBERTS '
The .death occured'at the home of,
her daughter, Mrs: Frank Glew, Hui -
lett, on Sunday of Mrs. E. S. Roberts,
a former resident of Seaforth, in her
eighty-eighth year.
The late Mns. Roberts had not been
in the best of -health for the past
eight years, as she had never fully re-
covered from the effects of flu whieh
she had at that time. Then two years
ago she -fell and fractured her hip
and while she seemed to"have fully
recovered from that, still her strength
had been failing. Site usually spent
her summers With Mrs. clew and her
wihters with another daughter in
Teterboro 'and she had been up here
'since gay. She will be much missed
by her family, by whom she was much
beloved. She is survived by five
daughter's: Mfrs. Smithers and Mrs,
Jack, Toronto, Mrs. Handley, Strath-
roy Mrs. Archibald, Teterboro and
Mrs .. Geew, and two stens,
Henry of Toronto and an-
other son whose whereabouts is at
present unknown. All the members
of the family, with bhe exception of
this son, were present for the funeral
on Tuesday afternoon,. also a niece,
Mas. Bunting of Toronto, and an only
sister; Mrs. Henry of Peterbbro, and
her son.
'The funeral services were conducted
1 with •by the Rev. T. I3, Brown of Seaforth,
h to assisted by the, Rev. A. E. Doan. of
them at.ail'times, If not they run 'planed. to them;the value of thrift: Clinton and the pallbearers were:, W.
the chance of getting into needless By means of illustrative stories he J Bi art T. T. Carter and Charles
demonstrated how thrift habits
were and Henry Clew, . Interment was
formed. . In the senior class thrift was
Exeter L, ,0. I. will visit the local stressed as one of;the ten essential made in 1Vlaitlandbank cemetery,
lodge on Friday -evening, Sept, 28th,
when they Will confer the.Orange de-
gree. Local members aro requested
to attend and to provide refreshments,
Miss Florence Cuninghame judged
flowers at , the Bayfield Fair this
week,' Miss Lucile Grant udged Fine
Arts, 1Vfee J, A. Ford'. judged grain and
Mr, Elton,Razell judged. butter.
Rev, L. C. Harrison, Miss Mabel
Chuff, Mrs. Frank Hovey, Miss "Mary
Hovey, Miss -.Ladle'; Sloman, Miss
Harriet Hawkins and Miss Margaret
Cudntere attended a meeting :of. the
Deanery at Wingham on Monday ev-
Miss Julia Brown of Londesbor'o, a
pupil' of Miss L. Grant, was success-
ful in taking five first prizes and
foul•seconds in art at the Seaforth,
fair.': last week.
Owing to the rain the full program
of sports was not run off at the Col-
legiate field; day on Friday. ,It._will
' ed the first favorable
hef hy
Although the weather esomewhat
spoiled the C. I. field day sports on'
Friday, the at-home in the evening
wars a.,success, a large number_ at -
I tenrligig.
elements in good citizenship. •
"The essential test of a school's ef-
ficieney,' said the inspector, eels not.
the number of pupils who passa cer-
tain promotion: examination; but rath
er`; the type .of citizens which the
school produces; This educational:
viewpoint'requires the teaching of
such virtues as truthfulness, honesty
and courtesy, and such practices as
industry, regularity and ' thrift, ; as
well as such academic subjects as ar-
ithmetic, grammar and history. These
virtues and practices are'learned in
;only one way. The child learns to do
by doing.- -The,Penny-Bank provides
the facilities to, enable the thoughtful
teacher to. teach thrift practically.
• 'The Penny ,Bank new operates -in
three hundred:and fifty-seven schools.
The children of the Province have on
deposit over a anilii;or, dollars. This.
`money is .placed. with. the Dominion
Minister .of='Finance, for ,safe keeping;
Interest . is paid the•children at the
rate of 3 per -cent ,per annum.'`
Seventy -pine pupils in Clintonono
ened accounts on Tuesday., In the
principal's ;room every pupil present
became a depositor. The value of
this depends: upon the, regularity with;
which deposits are ;made rather than
emote the sizeof the deposit made,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Berry are now
living in the house' that they purchas-
ed front l4Lr. Lyle a few months ago.
Mrs. Berry's mother and aunt, Mrs.
Smith and Mrs. Morrison • of Blue-
vale, were her guests last week.
Master Melvin' Snider is newin the
Seaforth` Memorial Hospital baying
tmdergone an operation for appendi-
citis last Sunday; His many friends
will be glad to hear that he is recov
No doubb.'many of the farmers will
be sorry',to hear 'that the Massey
Harris firm •hays removed all their.
repairs from 13ruceeield.
Rally clay evill`;be, observed in the
United; church next' Sunday morning.
-A full attendance of the scholars is.
requested. There wi11 be a program
and a cit d re -
`t1 short
n ns
Miss Jean Murdock sang a beauti-
ful solo last Sunday entitled "He is
Just the Same elaglay,' which wae;.
much appreciated by the large con-
Rev. W. Sparring,,
The different superintendents of
the Sunday' "'school have been: D,
Tiplady, J. Taylor, A. Hooper,
Bradshaw, Dr. Brown and W. Walker„
Presidents of the W. M. S. have -been:
Mrs. H._Plumsteel, Mrs. J. Stephens,
Mfrs: Galloway, : Mrs. Smythe, • Miss'
Freeman, Mrs Gifford, Mrs. 7. Cook,
Mrs. Kearns, Mrs. Cosens, Mrs; Jer-
vis, Mrs, G. Crieh, Mrs. Manning„
Mrs. E. G. Courtiee, Mrs. W. 'Downs;
Mrs. Geo. Shipley, Mrs C. J. Moore -
house and Mrs: Doan:
Mrs. J. Smith was the first presi-
dent of the Ladies' Aid and. others'
who have acted in that capacity have
been: Mrs. S. E. Andrews, Mrs. John
Gibbings, Mrs. H. Wiltse, Mrs. Jane,
Smith, Mrs. J. Taylor, Mrs. J. Miller;,
Mrs. H• Flumsteel, Mrs. B. J. Gib-
bings, Mrs , A. J. McMurray, , Mrs..
Taxman, Mrs: F. Glees and Mrs. A.
Ontario. street church has always-
had a fine ohoir, one of •the contri-
buting reasons being that the Gibbings'
family, a very musical family, have
always taken an active interest in it.,
The choir ieadees have been Prof,.
Salter. Ii. R. Walker, George Oakes,
J a
Dr. Y .
tionlatter having occupied thisp
tion for the past thirty-five years.
For some time two of 84i, Gibbings'
sisters, Mrs. (Dr.) Kay and lays, J.
W. Treleaven, acted -as organist each
only giving up the position on leav-
ing town.. Other organists were: Mrs.
E. G. Courtiee, Mrs, J. Miller, Mrs,
Latorneli and the present organist,
Mks. E. Wendorf. The members of
the choir have always taken a keen
interest itt their work and have been
singularly loyal, no doubt the influ-
ence of their leader being ay strong in-
centive. At present and for some
Years. Mr. Gibbings, his wife and his
son and daughter are all members of
the choir.
The Ontario: street congregation
are keenly interested in missions and
they have, .perhaps, more reason than
many congregations as there are at
the present time two. representatives
from the congregation in the foreign
field, Miss Sybil Courtiee in Japan
and Rev, Kenneth Beaton in West'
In Jupe 1925' this church, with
all the churches of Canadian Method-
ism, went into union with the. Pres-
byterian and Congregational church-
es, forming' the United Chureh of
Canada and.its several departments"
are well • organized, and functioning
REV. A. E.:-DOAN,' M.A., B.D.