The Clinton News Record, 1928-09-20, Page 32 !`�
to give . i/zim
T iscuris
Asks any mother why she prefers Christie's
Arrowroots. 'Becapse -their Purity has :been
proven and isalways rigidly maintained.
In the store or on the 'phone, always ask for
� ttj
Oro i Ja
' laf.5t3
Canadian Fluslkies for Byrd Expedition
Red Rose Tea is guaranteed
in every ways Order a pack-
age to -day. Use any portion
of it, and if you are not era-
tirely pleased you may'rettsrn
the 'balance• to your . grocer
and your money will be
refunded. o_>
"Jack fell out with Betty, and now.
he's running around with six different
girls." "I see, Sick of elle and half -a -
dozen of the other."
Mr. Arthur Rowntree, headmaster.
of Bootham: School, the famous edu-
cational establishment- of the Society
,- of Friends at York has retired after
28. Years'' service.
Veterinaries use Minard's Llnl`ment.
He (anxiously)"I say, Jill, what
do- you parents think of me?" She
(lightly) -"I really don't know--fath-
now= fath-
er hasn't said and mother is waiting
' for his opinion so that she cindis-
agree with him."
A School^of proven worth. Graduates
recommend tt.. Manufacturers endorse
Now is the time to enrol for the. Fall
day or eveningclasses of ten Seth.
Send for•Free Illustrated Booklet, To-
Graham School of Designing
When your
Baby has little upsets at times. An
your care cannot prevent them. But
you can be prepared. Then you can
do what any experienced nurse would
do—what most physicians would tell
you to •do—give a- few drops of plain
Castoria. No sooner done than Baby
is soothed; relief is just a matter of
-moments. Yet you have eased your
child without use of a single doubtful
drug; Castoria is vegetable. So it's
nate to use as often as an infant has
any little pain you cannot pat away.
And it's always ready for the crueler
pangs of coke, or constipation, or diar-
rhea; effective, too, for older children,
Twenty-five millionbottles Were.
bought last year.
Britain. S ay Beds
Air Liner t Beat
G, °lrrnans to Sea
Hundreds of Workmen Rush
Huge Ships in Race to
Start Atlantic Ser -
London,—Great Britain has thrown
hey last reserves of -science . into the
fight to wrest from Germany the honor
of. launching the first trans-Atlantic
air liner.
Two giants of the `air, the British
1t-100, nowiieing built at Bowden, and
the German LZ -127, nearing comple-
tion at'Friedrichshafen, .will 'make
their first flights goon° The one fin-
ished first will be recorded in history
as: making the first commercial flight
over the Atlantic.
The Germans are now in. the lead.
Their Zeppelin is expected to; be in the
air before the middle of . August,
whereas it will be toward the end of
September' before the British are
ready to test the R-1•00: Constructional
difficulties, the failure of materials to
arrive and ether factors may alter
this prospect. •
For many months in the giant sheds
at'Howden and Friedriehshafen hun-
dreds of workmen have been climbing
like spiders over . the largest metal
sausages in the world. Each of the
new dh'Igfbles-is,bulkier than an ocean
liner.' The metal skeleton Is covered
with cotton fabric, which. has been
treated -with aluminum paint. Bach
has cost millions of dollars to con-
struct. When completed the two air-
ships, each on its own route, will in-
augurate a line ot commercial air
travel across the Atlantic. The R-100
p to make a direct orossing from
Cardington, England, to New York,
and the Graf Zeppelin from,:FriedriChs-
baton to the Azores and then to New
York. •
The dimensions and carrying capa-
o the two airships aro equally
astounding. The R-100 is 709 feet
lobg, practically a seventh of a mile,
the Zeppelin is 770 feet long and 110
feet high. Both,slhips are about half
again as large as' the American dirig-
ible, the Los Angeles.
These bare figures, however, tell
only the outline of the stbry. Imagine
an airship comprising three decks, the
two upper decks for the passengers
and the lower for the crew, Imagine
a dining room capable 'of holding fifty
persons, floor on which the entire pas-
senger lint' can dance, promenade
decks, comfortable cabins, alI in an
Each airship is capable of carrying
a passenger list of 100 and a crew of
forty, hitt the Germans plan' to carry
only twenty passengers and-,eoncen-
trate on mall and valuable Cargo. '
Meanwhile in the background looms
up the tremendous shape of what will
be the greatest airship in the world,
the 11-101, which is building at Card-
England- and. It will not t be ready
until next year, and will then , be
placed in use on -a route to India.
Chivalrous Gentleman (to man who
has just settled in thea seat he has
vacated)—"Pardon 'me, sir, but . I
meant that seat for this lady here."
Bkg Man="IIt's quite all right; that's
my wife!"
,Stagell4lanager (to new stage -hand)
-"Now then, everything's s. ready.
Run up the curtain.' Stage -Hand—
"Wot yer talkin' about? Run up the
curtain? • I'm a stage -hand, not a
bleemin' squirrel!"
Write for free Booklet describing a
home .treatment ''or Goitre which
has proven remarkably successful
throughout Canada during the past
ten years. Used and 'endorsed by
many prominent physicians.
The . Gorcur Medicine Co.
finite Sad. at 33 Richmond St. W.
Toronto, - Ont.
What many people call indigestion
veiy .often meat excess acid in the
stomach. The stomach neries have
been` over -stimulated, and food sours.
Tho corrective is an alkali, which
neutralizes aside• instantly, And the
best alkali known to medical 50len'ce
is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, It has
remained the standard With -phyel-
Mans' in the 110 years since its :knell•
One spoonful of this harmless, taste -
lett alkali in Water will neutralize in-
stantly many times as much,nlcid, and
the aymptomsdisappear'at once, You
will .never use crude methods when
once you learn the eiftciency of this,.
Go got a email bottle to try,
131 pure to get the gemlike Phillips'
M11k;of Magnesia prescribed -by phyai•
clans for 60 years in correcting exoees
aelde, Bach bottle contains full dbsic
tions -any drugstore,
Tiniest Tot There
Lois Dalgleish, at the age of four,
entertained the Highland Gathering
at Banff with her terpsichorean
agility. She's frae Edmonton.
All That is Needed is a Tonle to
Build Up the •Blood
There are many people who have
been semi -invalids so, long that they
accept their condition as a life bur-
den. They have endured nervousness,
broken sleep and' a generally run-
down feeling so Iong that they have
given up hope of again enjoying good
health. In most of these' cases a
well chosen diet; fresh air and a tonic
to -build up the blood would do won-
ders. And as a blood -building tonic
no other medicine can compare with
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. There Is
scarcely a spot in Canada where you
will not find some formerly ailing per-
son who has'sound new health through
the use of this medicine. The experi-.
erase .of Mrs. Thomas Ahearn, St.
lvialo, Que„ bears out. these .state -
meats. She says:—"I have the great-
est reason to be thankful for what
Dr. Williams' .Pink Pills have done
for me. I was in 'a very weak and
ruin -down condition. Frequently ^I
would Faint and my legs would swell
badly. It was almost impossible to
do any housework. It seemed as if
my blood had turned to water. In
this weak and despondent condition
I began taking Dr. Williams' Pink-
Pills. A few boxes proved that they
were helping me, but I continued tale -
Ing the pills until 1 had used a dozen
boxes, by which time I found myself
a Completely restored woman, able to
do any work without fatigue, a better
appetitfe and a sense of cheerfulness,
where before 1[ had been despondent:
For all this, thanks to the health-
giving qualities of Dr, Williams' Pink
If you are feeling run-down, give
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial
anti new health will be yours. You
can get the pills from any medicine
dealer, or by mail at 60 cents a bok
from The Dr. Williams' Medicfn$ Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Fr nee Egrnps
Two Pi nes for
Paris 'lest Duty
Observers, Through Wireless,
to Inform Police in Streets
of the Presence of Mobs
Paris.—Aerial police for riot duty
and the pursuit of airplane bandits
have recently been organized by
French authorities with an eye to the
Two airplanes equipped with 'wire
less are kept at Le Bourget Field.
There are threepilots and four' ob-
ses''ers, alt men air -trained in the war.
Far above the city on every May
Day and whenever there is danger df a
Communist or disorderly gathering
the :air police will circle ]lie city,
swooping (town "for a close look Avery
now and then. The observer,' with
strong* glasses, Scan the streets, and
report constantly by wireless to two
pelice cars below equipped with send-'
ing and receiving sets. The Prefec-
ture of Police also is in wireless touch
with both the airplanes, and the cars,
so that the thousands of police and
mounted Garde Republic -eine, hidden
in courtyards• and blind •streets, can -be
9Qneegtratefl in a iv minutes .when-
ever there IS 'limbic. -'
The •two airplanes work in relays.
The gbservers are specialists in 'riot
work land they seem to sense the gath-
ering of a'crowcl. This is more diffi-
cult than it seems, say police otpicials,
because the Communists,; the main of-
fendere, know they are watched snit
aonlot'Iines . organize conoentrai.tons,
quite as cleverly as the police prevent
them from becoming dangerous,'
Mlnard'e Liniment for aching joints,'
When Commander Richard Evelyn Byrd desired dogs for the .use of the
South Polar Expedition he, naturally,- thought of Canada.and it was to the
North Shore of, the St.,Lwrence in Quebec and Labrador 11e sent his agents
to select and puhjchase huskies.. David. E, Buckingham, V.M,D., consulting
veterinarian to- the Byrd Antarctic Expedition, went along the North Shore
and -inspected the purchases which' werd`assembled at Barrington, Mutton
Bay and Blanc Sablon. The latter place, just inside the Quebec boundary,
hada previous Hash of fame as the community from which part of the news
of the landing of the trans-Atlantic plane, Bremen' on Greenly Island, was
flashed of the world at large.
The dogs were conveyed to Quebec by the S.S. North Shore, of the Clarke
Steamship Company, and at Quebec transferred to the care eI the Canadian
National Express., Two special cars were in readiness and the dogs, each In a
private stout crate, were carefully placed on board and despatched to Mont-
real by the day express, At Montreal, the care were switched to "The Wash-
ingtonian," and on this clack train of the•National System the Huskies were
sent to Washington en route to the United States Naval Supply Base at
Hampton Roads, Virginia. From that point the Canadian dogs will sail for
New Zealand, Ross Sea and Bay of Whales. There were 79 dogs in the'ship-
ment handled by the .Canadian National Railways.
Word 66Boye tt99
Was Ma 's Name-
The term "boycott" hay crept inte.
use generally only during the last few
years. Few people realize that this
word originally was' the name of a
Captain Charles Cunningham Boy-
cott was the agent of an estate in
Ireland. His harsh methods of col-
lecting the rents from the tenants
caused him to be. unpopular: In 1880
the tenants, feeling that they were
overburdened with high rents, banded
together and fixed the rent at prices
they could pay. Boycott refused to ac-,
cept the'new rates. As a result his
life was threatened, his food, supply
interfered with, his fences torn down,
his letters intercepted and his servants
compelled to leave him,
-All those who were found helping
Boycott in any way were ostracized
by the tenants. As a result when
harvest time came there was no one
to gather Boycott's crops. He was
fated to apply to iDngland for help
and his harvestwas- gathered by a
crew of "emergency men" sent to him.
This campaign of -persuasion was
later adopted by the Irish Nationalists.
The .term "boycott" soon came into
common English use.
Indians in Bison Rodeo
Ellensburg, Wash. A bison round-
up has furnished historic interest at
the annual rodeo here. The buffalo
came from the Gibson herd on Squaw
Creek, one of the few herds left in
Neth America.. It has grown to 200
during the last few years.. Yakima
Indians Performed with bow and ar-
rows in the show.
AYwriter says that a •man always
Criticises his wife's dresses. Brut be t
has •to make allowances for them.
Baby's Own Tablets Declared to
be Worth Their Weight
in Gold
A mother has only to use Baby's
Own Tablets once to be convinced
that nothing else can equal them in
banishing the ills of her little ones.
Once used, always used, as long as
there are small children in the home
—that is the tribute thousands of
mothers pay the Tablets.
Among the many, many mothers
who (um anxious to tell of their ex -
Aerie: fm with Baby's Own Tablets Is
Mrs. Griffith, of Bast Hamilton, Ont,
who writes:—"Shortly after coming.
to Canada I began giving the Tablets
to my baby boy who was then six I
weeks old. The result was so pleas-
ing that since that time I have al-
ways kept the Tablets in the house. 'I
have two children now and both of
them are the picture of health. Baby's
Own Tablets are the only medicine
they have ever had and I really be-
lieve the Tablets to be worth their
weight in gold,"
Baby's Own Tablets are free from
all injurious drugs and can be given
to the youngest babe with absolute
safety. They are sold by medicineq
dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box
by The Dr. Williams' Medicine 'Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Syrian Council Backs
Plan to Form Republic
Jerusalem.—A on
member of the C-
stituent Council of the Syrian National.
Assembly is authority for the informa-
tion, given to Damascus newspapers,
that the council has decided upon a
Republic of Syria,
The draft of the constitution, it is
understood, will he ready shortly for,
submission to the National Assembly.
News of the pro -Republican leanings
of the National Council have spread
among distant Bedouin tribes' and
have provoked demonstrations among
those 'who had candidates for the
throne in view; Bhcountets between
these tribes and, government troops
resulted in a few casualties 'among
the soldiers.
THERE is nothing that Inas ever,
taken Aspirin's_ place as an antidote,
for pain. It is safe, or physicians
wouldn't use it, andendorse its use.
by others. Sure, or several million
users would have turned to something
else. But get the real Aspirin (at any
drugstore) with Bayer on the box,
and the word genuft l printed in red:
stspirtn ."
a tbo 'trade. anis
Ise6n atoned in Cann a)
afaatI nayor i15ynlooturo. Will.. it ie
tgoll known that, A Aleln-,atlas n'Yyoe t
iaott;p to Asante nblio�aaain,E Iteltlatlona,
tbo Tnblote vrlu to.
a otSa,ul oa with their .'nater
II,M1nat" trnr)'FM
ISSUE No. 38-'28
Corsicans' Permit Capture
Of Bandit Lacking "Aty1e"
Ajaccio, Corsica.—Banditry is a lost
art in Corsica. Perfettini, the latest
of the robber chieftains, has been shot
down by gendarmes and they, were
able to get him only because the Corsi-
cans didn't like' rorfettini's style of
They considered hismethods too
low_ -.brow. Ile end his 'band robbed
and killed in the ordinary manner:
His acts wore regarded its "cringe,"
while the Corsican bandit, Romanett,
also ]tilled by gendarmes' two years
ago, occasionally heldfor big ransom
smile unpopular' person or killed in
But he did things in a grand and
picturesque: manlier that made "him
something of .a'popular hero.
A man who had been asked to make
hips after-dinner 'speech as short as.,
possible, arose and said: "I am asked
to propose the toast of Mr, Dodshou,
and I alter told that the lies said about,
him the better."
The Engaged Sister—"When we are
married, dear, we must bate a hyp-
henated name --it's eo much smarter.
What would go well with Baton?" ,Iles'
Small Brother—"Moth;"
Minard's Liniment oleaneee cuts, .oto
ose Or„, ;ge Pekoe is the f.1►1est
tea in the hest 'package; Ai
A New Industry.
Workers in Europe Resent
Plan to Cut Diamonds in.
South Africa
The recent announcement that the
Government of the Union of South.
Africa has decided to conclude a con-
tract with an Antwerp firm under
Which the concern is to erect a die-
mond•cutting plant in South Africa
and enjoy special privileges calculated'
to give it an ;advantage over the
existing diamond -'hitting works- has
aroused deep resentment in' the ranks
of the organized diamond.eutters.
In a pronouncement issued by the
Bxecutive Committee of the World
Association of Dlamond` Workers from
its headquarters in. Antwerp, it is
pointed out that, while it is quite
natural for the South African Govern-
ment to try to promiso diamond -cut-
ting at home and thus build up domes-
tic industry, the method to. be em
ployed.,is contrary to every principal
of fair competition and trade. Con-
sequently, the affiliated unions are
urged to forbid' their members to go
to South Africa to Work' for the ?irm
In' question, or any other firm which
may make similar contracts, '
The great majority of the some 23,-
000 union diamond workers live in
Belgium and holland (about 12,000 in
the former coundy and 6,000 In the
latter). It is understood, that the
diamond -nutting concerns of. those
countries are well pleased with the
union's stand, as the prospect of see-
ing the bulk of the work shaping up
the rough gems done near the mines
bas caused considerable trepidation in
Belgium and Holland.
Seek Tomb of Ancient Queen,
Famous for Her Love Affairs'
Lescar, Prance. -Marguerite de Va-
lois, Queen of Navarre, dead 300 years,
is in danger of having her amorous
past dug up with her bones.
Search is' being made under the
Cathedral of Lescar for the tomb of
the woman whose history was a re-
sit l of lave i
a a e sits ra anci'intrfgue, death,.
disaster and defiance even of the King,
of France.
Spring is late in Italy. Probably
Mussolini has had other things to do.
Ear pe
Special Sailings to •_
To spend Christmas with the
folks at home will be more
appreciated than ail the
presents you could send to
them. Everyonewiitbohap-
pier if you aro with them.
g.saezrentic ''Nov. 24
IIal fao•PkmauilrCAwboerg-Anheerp
Porrsala.anai Dec. 2
Lapland Dee. 9
.g'alifax-GI asgom•]ielfast-Liverpool
$iefita.a Dec. 15
7loijax.Qe ceeolewe-Livcrgool
Baltic Dec. 10
!'or ea,apietc iafornkatioa, phone
write o
55R ingSdit. ,Tontreaf, P,Q.
55 iUnr1 St. r: Toronto, Ont.
224 Portade Ave., Winnipeg, Mun-
108Pr.William St. Saintjohn,N-li.
St, Paul Bldg., Halifax, N.S.
53Dallhouele Si,, Quebec, P.Q.
Classified Advertisements
-871'ILL THE M0VPR—PIONcriut
.CA TANCE movers of Canaria. Largest,.
speedy padded vans. New Deulprngnt,
latest methods, Two experienced nton
every trip. All loads'. insured,: Beyond'
compare for skill and. caro. Refers you
move, write: us or wire and' reverse the
changes. Head office ilamllten'. Ontario`.
.Canada, HI111 the Mover.
e19 a one samples free, Stocking &
Yarn Mills, Dept 1, Oi�lllla. Ont.
axzxlm$MTSTSIIPP7$ES. '.
1,•A1,RTIFICIA.L DYDSeta .AND strep rnS;
catalogue. Olivei $Spanner, Ee Co., Dept,
24 Elm Street Toronto.
A T--:fN
List - of "Wanted Inventions”
and Full Informatiion Sent lice
on Request.
031E. RAMSAT CO., Dept. W.
273 Bank ' St., Ottawa, Ont,
Cheaper or Beller
Write far Celelogno
T. W.130111) er SON
fit Nolo Dame SI. W.. 115911141.
Keep Your
Skin Clear and Fresh.
lty Daily Use of
Ci flflcura S ap
Sold everywhere 25t.
Leading Athletes
t. find Minard's ideal for pre-
venting stiff muscles and for
lessening the pain of strain-
ed ligaments. •
Mothers Endorse Lydia E. Pink -1
ham' Vegetable Compound
Sydney, N. S.—"My seventeen year
old daughter tools Lydia E. Pinkhanl's
Vegetable Compound for weakness
and pains. She could not go about
much With the other girls as she was
not strong enough. We got six bottles
and it did her a great turn: Sheis work-
ing out now in a store and walks three
miles every morning and back in the
evening."—Mas. MARY' VASes, :4
Lingan Road, Sydney, N. S.
Pinewood, Ont.—"I constantly had
pains in my back and side and spent
two days in bed every month. I have
taken three boxes of Lydia E. Pink -
Yam's Vegetable Compound Tablets.
They havedone me good and I always
have them in the house. I have recom-
mended your good medicine to several
friends and have given it to my 17
year-old girl."---14IRs. ALrltcu Otr:-
LETTE, Pinewood, Ontario.
" r
at trill, t,,
'Lady( C ( a l b t f 1
is tI!1—Ret,
my little man, what are you going to
be when yogi grow up?" Little Man
uncomfortable neckwear):
"Somefin' what don't wear a collar,"
Minard's Liniment for Every Pain.
"My wife and, 1 agree po•foctly about
some things," "lndoedV' "Yes.
When anything goes wrong I take It
for granted that it is my fault. And
Henrietta aiwa.ys thinks so, too." '
Gross -cut, Crescent Ground, will saw 10% more' i=
timber, time and labor being equal, than any other
made,," This guarantee has never been challenged,
VAN000ve t, t3.0. TORONTO, ONT. ST. JOHN, N,O. 5.2843
F .
ttA t"i,tbk .1.,A
For .Hoe
lifastard Pkkle
Snarl 100 mnall a 1115 l rrs
and 1 hart tam?! o Pmts.
,, Put it, eeaa„cl. a U in
laUera ,„. gait brtwece..
Made Pickles .
Pat a Iwavtl awash- amore
and let xt,x er6 0•. r , 1t.
Follow the lead of representative
women everywhere and Make
mustard pickles in your own home
this year. You will/be able to
select the partic lar combination:
pf vegetables you desiie, please
your family, and practice true.
household economy.
write ¢¢05 PRIM 'yeti a baoh
P art
kkles salad pp
s •dvesait
sandwich fsaladillings,
COLMAN. KEEN (Chinedai Y itkitt`e 1
rain. 011
MICE, r - 11 S r„t f/4
Muxl.a rt rod, ?} 17,.
'Perm's l , to yl, itab/S-
almon - back prp, dr all
in ,,ter .1 1 int oNt a oil,
ani; in pis. . vinoea
pour fill over pidetes 51,ai
?yeti and aval in atcrilizod
.Ads Dbgiettf441