The Clinton News Record, 1928-09-20, Page 2Clinton
News -Record
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, A"general Banking Business transact-
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Eyes examined and glasses fitted
Fits® tea Is always'the most -desired" The shght"Not unless you particularly want) HOW CAN I HELP?
to cense"
"�Gitit9 of Irl prim entice -I don't." Tie vv, utlttl h In ntuuydiowus and vtll.t6<.s e
tarso there aro people who aro ardent
earth outside, then dived for the,lovers .of animlae, if a lbosl Soclety
passage -way: "1'm�o18," he;added,to existed they would without doubt sup-
@.t'. of cheaper teas, A""at3?9ftlt . . at the, t On-
liIIQ tea,lever l" t6 Gglni � t�BS�t i9'di1 6 i� j lv1y ��')C�Ct'r Commissioner had gained the soft
The Finest atAil e- Tess'
• This unusual series of stories deals
With the exploits, of "Chinese" Pen-
nington, a detective sent by his gov-
ernment to British North Borneo to
run toearth, the Yellow Seven,^a gang
of Chinese bandits,'
Office' and Residence:
Huron Street _ Clinton, Ont.
Phone 69
(Formerly occupied by the late Dr.
C. W. Thomnron).
Eyes examined and glasses fitted
*.- * - * *
It was one of those' gray, close, un-
healthy days that Major Armitage
came to Jesselton, B. N. B.
Ile stood in a commanding position
in the center of the first-class deck of
the 'little -Barudu moored alongside
the white jetty—a tall figure with an
aristocratic stoop and a monocle that
delighted all native beholders. When
Captain John ' Hewitt=Commissioner.
of Police, -observed him through his
binoculars from the verandah of his
bungalow—the newcomer appeared to
be giving, orders to everybody within
"Jack," called Monica . from her
chair, "who is it?"
Rer brother glanced back.
"You're merely guessing," he re-
torted. "You couldnt ,possibly see
from -where -you are."'
"I can... Would ye -alike me to prove
it? `A, long, 'lean, -stoopy -man with
a funny puggaree and red tabs." ,
"And -there you are!" interpolated
Chinese Pennington through the
Office window. "Monica has• the eye
of an 'awk!"
Pennington climbed through the
window and took the glasses from the
other's hand• Monica gave a little
impatient toss of her shock of fair
curls, folded down the page of the
book she 'had been reading and joined
them by the rail..
"That, said Pennington, pointing
down the hill, 'is Major James Lacy
"D.S.O:," murmured Monica.
"I fancy yuu're wrong there. He
has three ribbons—almost as broad as
they aro long: One is for•going to
Messina just after the earthquake, the
second 1 don't know, and the third he
obtained by giving up his seat in a
bus to a Russian Grand Duchess!"
Monica laughed.
"The question- is," said Hewitt,
"what's his particular object in coin-
ing here?"
"What's his particular stunt?"
"Blood and iron 1 Addresses ,a din-
ner party; as if he -were'back on par-
ade with .the umpteenth hussars.
Armitage is one of those men who
talk until they give hint a job simply
to get rid'' of him"
"I see," said the Commissioner..
"You don't happen to know, I suppose,
what sort of billet they've fixed him
up with this time "
Chinese Pennington was engaged it
rolling a cigaret.
"They couldn't find him a vacancy
-so they made a job for him. He's
a sort of traveling indpector."
"Ohl" gasped Monica. "You don't
think they've sent him here to take
Jack's place?"
"Not on your life! Armitage don't
like work. He's on the cushiest thing
he's ever"struck-and nothing short
of an earthquake'li induce him to
chuck it up. He'll inspect the bar-
racks, parade'all the native troops,
drill them himself, nose into the cook-
houses, waste everybody's • time—and
write a stinking report home to Eng-
land condemning everybody,"
Monica Viney's forehead wrinkled.`
"Won't that be rather serious?"
Pennington smiled.
"It'd be disastrous—if anybody at
home took ' Armitage seriously. As
far as I can make out, to be con-
demned by our friend in the monocle
is the finest recommendation for pro-
motion and increase of pay a 'polies
officer can have." •`
The Commissioner wound the lea-
ther sling carefully round the binocu-
lars and consigned them to the cock-
roach -eaten ease that 'hang from the
"And all .this," he complained,
"when I'm up to my eyes in Work!
C' n4ltions Better
Due. t Hygiene
Research by Johns Hopkins
Monica. !port it.' But many of these placers Biologist Proves Ability
"Coward!" do not boast a •Humane 'Society. 7
""Not in the ;east. As a matter `of Therefore these people have no outlet to .C9llrI,C101Xnt I'lartlships•
fact T. once took: a'l;undred dollarsfor theirgenerous instincts along these Baltimore.—Man's . intelligent 'con -
from our monocled friend at poker—, lines. in many cases they hear of the trol of his environment, through
and he doesn't ,'altogether cotton to Ontario' S.P.C.A. or Toronto Humane housing, sanitation and hygiene, ap.
mel" ISoclotyAhrough Interested friends, or parently has enabled him to overcome
A second later and he had disap- i a chance copy of The Pleader, and handicaps placed upon his respiratory
peered altogether. Mrs.°Vinty came, they send no a cheque for the good system In the unequal evolutionary;
forward to greet Major James Lacywork. This' money is greatly appreci- development of his organs, Dr. Ray -
Armitage. -: I ated, and greatly needed. to send out mond Pearl, directorof the Instituto
"Delighted," said the owner of the literature to places where humane of Biological Reseaoch' a Johns Plop-
monocle. laws have never been known. kine University, has found.
"Won't you sit down?" inquired In a comparative study of causes of
Monica.' death, classified according to the ana-
Tho Major accepted her invitatin•'p tomical location of the principal or -
and deposited himself' in the most gauss breakdowns :Involved, he bas
comfortable chair within reach. , learned that'broadly,' the distribution
"Where can I' stow my kit?",
manded Armitage, hayi'n'g - satisfied parallel in the three orders ot`lower
himself that nothing was missing. 1 animals, to the condition found In
"You'd like to keep itall,under your man,"•
It 1s the earnest wish of the Society
to place "Cruelty" cards in public
laces throughout houtthe province. These
cards are 10s'i. inches x 9'/; inches,
and aro worded' as_f o11
Monipa'll:have to entertain him, that's
41 like that?"
"I thought you would. ' Our visitor
appears to be a perfectly harmless
sort of idiot, although a,lljt of a bore."
"You have to. be a bore if you wear
a monocle," asserted Monica wisely.
"I warn you,. Peter, that Hi you at-
tempt to conspire -with Jack to leave
me alone with that man -I shall flirt
with hirci outrageously."
"Sorry—hut while the dashing Ma-
jor is explaining to you what he did
when he served with the nth hussars,
I shall not improbably be wandering
in the wilderness in search of Mr.
Ciiai-Thing's latest hiding place. True
enough, our pet bandit was badly
winged by Rabat-Pilai and the activ-
ities of the Yellow Seven •have been
temporarily suspended; but while
Chai-Hung exists there's going to be
trouble on this island, and it's up to
me to stop it."
"Where is Chai-Hung?"
Chinese" Penni, gton spread out his
hands. ,
"Vanished from the face of the
"Lost his'left hand in-your.last
stunt, didn't -he?" the Commis-
sioner. `"Wherever he happens to be;
Gltai-Hung'11 be thirsting for your
A heavenly smile spread over Pen-
nington's boyish features.
"I didn't do it. I only wish I had.
It was my chief of staff Rabat-Pilai
—who accomplished the dirty deed.
He's dried the gruesome relic over the
fire and, carries it about with him."
"And the ritng," said Monica eager-
ly; "the ring -with the green stone?"
"He wears that. I hadn't the heart
to deprive hint, seeing that the
Office hours: 9 to.12 A.M. and 1 to
5 ?.M,, except' Tuesdays and Wednes-
eays. Office over Canadian National
• Express, Clinton, Ont.
Phone 21.
Clinton, Opt.
Graduate of C.O.D.S., Chicago, and
ILC•D.S,, Toronto.
Crown and Plate Work a Specialty
Chiropractor—Etectrlcal Treatment.
OL Wingbam, will be at the Rotten.
bury House, Clinton, on Monday, Wed-
nesday and Friday forenoons of eaoh
Diseases of all kinds successfully
Licensed Auctioneer for the •.County
of Huron.'
Correspondence promptly answered.
Immediate arrangements can be made
for, Sales Date at The News -Record,
Clinton, or by calling Phone, 203.
Charges Moderate and Satisfaction;
, Guaranteed. -
Clinton, Ont,
General Fire and. Life Insurance Agent
for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock,
Automobile and Sickness and Accident
Insurance.` Huron and Erie and Cana-
da Trust Bonds. Ap,�ointnients made
to meet parties at Bruc'efield, Varna
and Bayfield. ' 'Phone •57.
Trains will arrive at and depart frons
Clinton as follows:
guf:alo and Goderich Div.
Going East, depart 6,44 a.m.
., „ 2.62 p.m.
Going West, ar. - ' 11.60 a.m.
" ar. 6.08 dp.- 6.53 P.M.
, - ,, ar. 10.04 p.m.
London, Huron & Sruce' Div.
Going South, ar. 7.56 tip. 7.56' a.m.
4.10 p.m.
Going North, depart 6.80 p.m.
" ar, 11.40 dp, 11.51 a.m..
o s
of mortality to org h a systems runs
Cruelty—Section 642, Criminal
Any person who wantonly ill-
treats any animal or bird or per-
mits any animal or bird : to e
cruelly. treated or abused in any;
way, or fails to provide proper food
and shelter, is liable to a flue o
960.00 and three months' imprison-
Five Insurance Company
' i Head :Office, Seaforth, Ont.
President, :James 77vane, Beechwood;
Vice, James C.onnolly, Goderich, Sec, -
Treasurer, ,D.. ir. McGregor,: Seaforth.
Dlrootors;%George I11:CCartney, Seaforth;
James Siiouldtce, Walton; Murray Gib-
son, l3rucefield; Wm.' Ring,- Seaforth;
Robert 1l'er.rlp 1Iarlock: John Benneweir,
Brodhageli;' Jas. Oonolt9, Goderich •
Agents: Alex Leitch, Clinton• T.' W.
Yeo. Goderich 1)d; llinchley, Seaforth;.
J. A. Murray, Egmenclville; .11.. G. Jar-
•math, Brodlia0en. -
Any money to be paid in may. be paid
to Moorish Clothing Co., Clinton, or at,
' Calvin Outt's Grocery, Goderich:
-Parties desiring to .effect insurance or
transact other business will be. promptly
,attended to on application to any ai the
above officers addressed to their respec-
tive post office,...Losses inspected by the
1lireetcr Wiio lives 'nearest the scene.
IV/ Olen
r+r,� Gd
� r
The cool, comforting flavor
of WRIGLEY'S Spearmint
is a lasting pleasure.
It cleanses the mouth after
eating—gives a clean taste and
sweet breath.
It is refreshing and
digestion aiding. ..
the lvlajor ueposited himself in the
most comfortable chair within reach.
eye, T suppose. I'll get my boy to: see The investigation was bae'tld on Aud-
it into your room," - I Inge .,.of post-mortem examinations of
"I hope you'll be with .urs some b apim°n1e in a. London zoo and of human
time," added Monica, anxious to satin- mortality data from England, Wales,
fy her curiosity.
and Sao Paulo, Brazil. Although he
The major started, f' regards the data as having many scien-
"I-er—I'm afraid not, Mrs,. Viney. tine shortcomings, Dr. Pearl describes
I've been sent here on a rather import- meat. the" results as "suggestive" in The
ant mission and I don't count on re -Report t Quarterly Review of Biology," of
=irking in Borneo for more than a which he is editor.
few days"
alleases of Cruelty to
rhe Ontario Society for the; Pre-
tendon of Cruelty to Animals,
Headquarters, T$ronto, Ontario.
"Id repiles, birds and mammals;
Armitage .turned to the Commis- just as in man, he says; ''the two
sicner,organ systems having the largest mor -
What time d'you hutch?" chargeable to them are the res -
"One," said Hewitt promptly, piratory and the alimentary systems,
"Jack's a bit of an optimist," ex- with the circulatory system standing
plained the girl.. -"To tell you the realthird. The other organ systems, which
truth, we're helplessly at the mercy of lib have a low, mortality, chargeable to
our' Chinese )ley. Mr. Pennington got themm
' in an also are concerned in a
him for us, principally because he's
somehow managed to' earn the hatred
of the Yellow Seven—and' of pours% he
feels safer under the room of: the Com-
'iniesioner of Police. Hes good' at his
work, but he hasn't the remotest idea
what punctuality Means."
(To be continued.)
These cards are sold at cost (4c
each) from Headquarters. Their e.p
pearance in Post Offices, railway sta
tions, botelg; libraries'and other eehli c
places is in the nature of a era
du cation to the people
of the . sur
rounding country. They gather round
them, reakethem, and express -their
amazement that such a law exists, and
that they have never heard of it, To
place them through the. country costs
money, and donations from persona
interested will be devoted to this pur-
Readers of The Pleader who have
friends and acquaintances who love
animals and who live in places where
no Humane Society exists, will help
greatly' by sending us. 'their .names end;.
addresses. Literature -Will bo sent'to
them,'anc an endeavor be made to
interest them in the work of extermi-
Parents Fall Out
Rush to -the Chidren's Aid -to
Give U Their Children
—Mediation Necessary
"When trouble breaks out between stating cruelty. They will learn that,
although no local
organization calls
husband and wife the first thing that for their assistance, they, can help -by
occurs to them is to 'givet,Kelso,
children sending money to Toronto Headquar-
to the society," said J. J. lso, super- ters, where 1t will be used for the
intendent of the Children's Aid De- benefit of suffering animals in the out
perineal, a the l9• Many people of -the -way places Where, through
seem to have the idea that the society
is delighted to get possession of child-
ren no matter what the circumstances.
In one week there were three cases in
which parents asked to have the
Children taken over because they were
not happy together and decided to
separate. With a very complacent
and condescending manner, a father
and mother walked into my office with
a little boy and girl, "Me and the
wife," said the man, "have decided
we can't get along together and are
going to separate and we thought we
would just hand the two children over
to you," It was rather a surprise to
them to find that I was not at all
eager to accept the responsibility, and
when they were further assured thet
they would be brought before the mag-
istrate if they attempted any such
thing as to give the children away to
strangers they were still further
In the other cases where parents
were so ready and willing to part
with their children they' were urged
to settle their differences and to re-
member that giving away their child -
rete was parting with ; the most
precious possession any parents could
have. The result is that the children
are still in their own homes and ap-
parently the parents have become
more or less reconciled. In the heat
of passion we are all apt to do and
say things for which we will repent at
leisure, and my advice to all Child -
Saving organizations is to be very
slow about assuming responsibility for
children when parents are at logger-
heads. Too many cases of this kind
have occurred in the past with dte-
astrous results to both the children
and their parents."
bandit robbed him of an ear and an
eye on their last encounter.!
Monica retreated to her chair and,
folding her hands over one knee, gaz-
ed through palm -clad slopes to the
riband-like road below.
"I wish With :11 my heart you could
catch him, Peter. I hate to think of
you roaming About in the jungle with
every Chinaman's hand against you;
it gets on my nerves."
"I wonder if he's heard that Pn
still in the land of the living," mdsed
Pennington. "Did I ever tell you that.
Varney buried me with all due pomp
and ceremony—and placed a suitable
inscription over,my head?"
"Peter," Howitt said earnestly, "do
your damndest, but for heaven's sake
take precautions. Chai-Huung de-
prived of one hand will be like a
wounded wasp."
"I know," returned the man with
the Chinese eyes. Ile smiled across
at Monica. "But he's still the same
delightful, yellow -skinned scoundrel
whose habits. Pv.: made a life -study.
I came 'here to get hila and, although
I've failed to dodo a score of times,
I've kept him on' -the run. There'd
have been the deuce to pay in Borneo
if he'd been left quietly to his . own
"And yet," said Monica, still uncon-
vinced, "you haven't a notion where
he is now,"
"No, but my men are beating the
island pretty thoroughly and; from
whet I gathered this morning, they're
getting warm."
"Thismorningi But you haven't
been out! i.
Pennington's face wrinkled.
"I'nf going to let you into a state
secret. ,Did you happen to hear a
Dusan' gong beating between nine and
"Yes," said the Commissioner; "I
had half a mind to send an orderly
down and have it stopped. I' only per-
mit gang beating in the vicinity of
my house on feast days and times of
national 'rejoicing."
"That would have -been a pity, ° re-
turned the other,""llecausd I should
have lost the interesting' portion of a
most breezy despatch from the zone
of war."
Hewitt grabbed his hat frons a peg.
"The worthy Major has sound his
way to our slope.' All things consid-
ered, it would be as well perhaps if I
Went to. meet,
"Y,on• don't' want use, by any
chance?" inquired Pennington.
It requires a great real of poetry
togild the pill of poverty, and then it
Will •pass current 'only in theory the
reality is a dead failure.
—Mme. Delttzy
True Goodness
True goodness requires enlarged
perceptions, a great soul, and the
restraint of the passions.'.
ignorance and indifference, such agon-
ies are endured by the helpless owe
petits of the stable and kennel. A
cheque for thirteen dollars was re-
ceived recently from a woman who
wanted to ]tele in this work. It was
very gratefully accepted.
Remember, we have literature at
Headquarters ready to be sent to all
corners of th province. It 1s speeially
designed to interest people in the
Humane work. Two things are needed
to circulate it: Money for printing,
and the names and addresses of peo-
ple whose minds are fertile soil for
the seeds to be sown. If you cannot.
supply both, perhaps you can send
one. In this way uo one need feel
that he or site are entirely helpless
whn accounts of cruelty come to them.
They can do something to help.—
Humane Pleader.
in ads your
baking --
- Mats
to assure
Made inanadu
,No -Rum
Decorative Dried
Many flowers may be dried during
the late summer and early autumn
months and prove most welcome and
decorative substitutes for the highly
priced cut blooms of winter,randethe
growing of a few such Plants le an
undobuted economy as web as a
source of great interest to all flower-
low mortality in the reptiles, birds and ' The flowering heads should be cut
mammals."' before- they are too fully open, and
There "appears to be a clever -eve- hung' head downwards in a -cool dry
lutionary progression" in the mortal• place.
ity attributable to breakdown of the Honeety (Lunaris. Biennia) with its
respiratory system, he asserts, his
figures disclosing that the death rate
"steadily and regularly increases pro•
"When a girl's father objects to
your suit don't blame your tailor " '
fiat silvery seed vessels is delight
fully ornamental. .It grows well un-
der trees, and in shady places, and
portionately 08 we pass from reptiles, it a few speciments are allowed to
through . birds, to mammalel' These seed themselves every year a pientt-
organs in the mammal group appear ful supply of young seedlings will be
to be "less effectively adapted for -assured: Honesty should be •out
coping •with"the environment stresses when dry and'ripe, -the outer -weather -
and strains' .put' upon them than they stained' seed cases -being ,peeled off
are in reptileS, but "when we come to to display the slivery : 'disks under -
man this progression -is broken." neatir, which,will ,remain in perfect
Because man has learned, in some condition for very many months.
degree, snow to protect himself 'from The dainty sprays of the mauve
respiratbry infections and to treat and pink perenniels Sea Lavender
them so that they do not so often (Statiee Latifolia and Ineana), and
lead on to death, his actually observed' the particularly pleasing golden eyel-
respiratory mortality falls somewhat bow annual variety—Statice Bon -
below that of the lower vertebrate duelii, the tbistledike flowers, and
orders, Dr. Pearl explains. handsome steely blue bracts of the
"The proportionate mortality from hardy Sea Holly (Edyngtum) are
diseases finding their seat in the alt- most attractive for decorative pur
neuter/ tract and its associated or- poses, and the blue succory (Cate -
gaze (concerned in the combustion of nancbe) with its hyacinth blue flow -
food) ie highest in the .reptiles, lower ers which are produced so freely is
1n the birds, lower still in the man- July, should also be remembered.
mals and finally lowest in man living Tee vivid flame tcapsules of the
under superior conditions of present- Physalis Francheti, generally known
day civilization." by the popular name of "Chinese Lan -
b teras," the rich reds, yellows, oranges
Guest of Canada and pinks of the Everlastings, Hell-
cbrysums, the Australian Everlast-
"Plelipterttms.. and the quaint
0 gentle migrant from the South, ings,
This is the season when we most re- round red and yellow heads of the
joice half hardy Globe Amaranthus all
To mark your Scottish pacts, rout' bring a Welcome touch of color into
gleeful velce, the house at a time of year when
Tour gay contentment, as you take bright -colors are most appreciated.
American (as Plying Scotsman
dashes) : "Say, bo, I guess, you call
that an express?" Porter: "That?
No, it's just doing a bit of sliuntin'.
. It'll be back in a minutes"
A Chinese Idea of Nationalism
your choice
Of Canada's accepted remedies Por
Should Time revolving change your
So you (notsurreptitiously) may gaze
Upon the 'wine when it is red—still
Our laws, our government, our British
And visit us, 0 Guest of Canada, once
-J. L. A. .
. Montreal, September, 1926.
Doctor Finds Smoking
Relief for Seasickness
' London.—Tobacco smoking is the
latest remedy for seasickness recom-
mended by travelers. Gordon D.
Knox, writing in "The British Medi-
cal Journal," claims to have made the
great discovery by accident.
He said that he had happened to
light a pipe after a slight feeling of
nausea and the illness disappeared.
He urged a friend to try the same
remedy, which operated this time with
equal success.
Chinese Nationalists considered pink too "imperialistic" and el,lieY
Wolk, paintinthe, .Uuildings In Peking aMore drab color.'
et to
"With all the tally people do about
death I don't believe we know the
first thing about it"
"Oh, sure we do! We know lea
always fatal," -
I ant struck not so much by tits
diversity of testimony as by the many
sidedness of truth.—Stanley Baldwin
Canada's,Great Illustrated Newspaper
Up -to -Date )t;1gravure
Enlarged is Seat o
including -
,,. Eleven Other Carefully Selected Comic Features.
Women's Pages Sporting Sections
Financial and Miming Pages
Latest News of the World
by Camera and Cable
The Newspaper to Interest all Members
s 1 ', of. the Family y,...
A.lI e*s Dealers Seel xt
' Ontario Sales Agent "lsrlla•
Ontari News Colgan
122 Richmond St. W. a Toronto, Ontario