HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-09-20, Page 1,te.seeeteeee,
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''' ''MARK
' • i111# : Every''Princeidsb
fully selecte :-,Y experts, G •
may Fashionablewin. e or green gold setting , ,
.,. every Princess Hirt ja beauty. Buya,Princess Dimon
4 ,\--1., or„Wedding,. Rin with wiMweiradit,sylicat con4denec\.•\•11 -..
.\110,./ P NV.11141.15 &CO:Limited; Toronto \ \ I / '
Diamond ImP"terS 45"4. 1877
.,.....--. ,••••?
„...4..=...--r-,•-•.....„t;.,.......„.7'..*--"st.-•-‘----' •-' --Z4T,e4
).:4tklf —'-- ''' \•
New Rayon Silk Lingerie.
Bloomers (Bobbe±te Style) in an
Bloomers in large and extra large
sizes, priced for quick selling 1.25
Gowns in three sizes and many
dainty shades. Material used is of
a nice heavytexture. Special $2.59
To Our Hosiery Department
We have added a new "Iioleproof" feature Chic Azikle;
Pointex heel, silk to the top, at Only $1,95 air
...BETTEri TkADE." ,
There isn't a clothing Manufacturer in the Country whose clothe
will fit everybody, for eaeh manufacturers' go,ods have distinct ebar-
acterists of shaping,
No argument is necessary to prove that the dealer who confines
his lino to a one house product is seriously handicapped.
We have our Clothing made by several of the best Manufactur-
ing houses in the_ Country.
• These.variems makers draft their models on different ideas A-nd
we are thus enabled to give each man the shaping and style that
suits hint—that's where our variety of shape selecetions help you in
getting correctly fitting garments.
Perhaps you have wondered why you have not been able to get
garments to fit -you properly—maybe the trouble is that you have
been dealing with a "One -Maker" concern. ,
if you've never bought, clothes here we want yen to see etir
.-Suits and Overcoats in the new patterns -,and colourifigs.
- Men'S Suits rind Overcoats, $15,00, $18.00, $25.00 to $35.09.
• •
Our Hat and - Cap Stock is now complete and we are showjng a
• wonderful range for your, selection in all the latest styles and color-
„.. ..„..
IVIen's, Caps $1.00, $1.50, $2.60, $2.50, 0,00.
. •
•11/Len's Hats $3.00, P.95, $5.00, $6.00 and $7.,§0
"Wheoi,''$1:16. TI7e5dair
Parley,• 60c to ofio,,
Oats, '35c.`to 40c. •
Btickwheat 80c.
Slitter? 350, to 37e, •
• Eggs, 25c to 38e, , • •
Litho Hogs, $12.00. . '
,eThe Woley-Willis Young Peoples'
Society gave Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Car-
a.little surprise at their home on
Wednesday evening of last week emci
presented them, With a miscellaneous
shower of artides suitable to a
young couple just starting house.,
' keeping,• The young folk had a very
jolly evening together.
The residence of Mr, and Mrs. Ed-
ward H. Wise was the, scene -of a
.pretty wedding at 1? o'clock, yes-
terday, 'Wednesday, -When their
daughter, Edna Amanda, became the
bride of Howard W, R. Clark, Young-
er son Dew, and Mrs. Wm. Clarle-of
The bride, who was given in mar,
riage by her father, wore a becom-
ing gown •of honey -beige georgette
and lace, and carried ,a bouquet of
Ophelia roses and maiden -hair fern.
The Rev. L. C. Harrison conducted
the cerenTony. Miss Marjorie Davis
Of Toronto played the wedding nits-
Jollowing the ceremony, a buffet
luncheon; was -served, subsequently,:
• r.ancl•IVIrs..Clark left for a .motor
trip, •the bricle.t•travelling, in a. blue,
and sand ensemble. • On their return,
the .bride • And groom. Will...reside in.
Clip ton.- ' • •
A very pretty wedding. was solemn.-
ized at the home of 1Vrr. and Mrs. H.
Yates, 83 Roselawn Avenue, Toronto,
on Saturday, Sept. 16th, when Miss
Carrie Pratt,, daughter of Mr. and
1Vrje. E. J. Pratt, 'Courtlancl, became
the bride of Mr. E. S. Livermore,
Aylmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Liv-
ermore:, Clinton. Dr. S. G. Bland of-
ficiated. The home was beautifully'
decorated with autumn flowers. The
bride looked lovely in an orchid dress
of lace and georgette, trimmed •with
satin and rhinestone buckle. Her
bouquet was of Sweetheart roses and
'baby's breath. • Miss Marie Pratt,
sister of 'the bride, acted as brides-
maid, and looked charming in a green
taffeta. period gown,. and 'wore ,a
,bouquet of pink roses. Mr. Keith
L. Hamilton of- Walkerton acted as
best man. The bride entered thei liv-
ing -room to the strains of...the wed-
ding march, played by 1VLiss Audrey
Yates. After the wedding ceremony
a dainty luncheon was served and lat-
er Mr. and lllrs. Livermore left on a
honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls and
Buffalo, the bride wearing a brown
crepe satin dress, brown coat and
brown- velvet hat . On their return
they will reside in -Aylmer. .
Mir. and 1Vbs. James Livermore , of
Clinton and Mr; and Mrs. Green of
Teeswater, the 'latter the' bride-
groom'S only sister, Vient.to :Toronto
for the wedding. -, •
; • •
The Women's Miesionary Soddy,
Conference (ettitie section) , Hu-
ron Presbyterial Society of the Uni-
ted church will he held in Ontario Dr, ,Lawton pitching for the locals,
street church, Clinton, on Thursday, -was not aa effective as usual, owing -
• Sept. 27th at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. • to the cold weather. He Was thrown
• All Anxiliaries, Circles, 1Vlission out at the .plate, trying to score en
Bawls, etc.; of this section 'are cor- Anderson's hit in thO eighth. The
• night in ,the fo.e. ' °bre' Graitl's
• -1\14•••,' 0•0"'•P•'
elected N. "0, , 5:‘lit0=-11;” neWik.
:so-Ciat .410.-t a Pleaaant
e • lierfi" Of' the everi:.
ghinent;:ir' ec r4. 41i -d
' " " .
W. • wir.z, 10.ET :
•- The regular anthathly meeting, of.the
Woman's Institute ,held on
Thursday afternoon,' Sept./27th at 3
o'clock in the C. 0.
A paper ertitled, "Origin and De-
velopment of Woman's Institutes,,
'11 b b Ma" Elt R 11
There will alsoby
a dentonstration in
canning vegetabes. Hstoses for the
day will be: Mrs. Glen Cook, Mrs, C•
V. Coolc,,Mrs. Paisley, Mrs. Geo. Tay-
lor, Mrs, C'Connor, WI. H. IVIcBrien
and ,Mrs• (Dr.) Gaudio All Lad'
welcome. •• \
large .terenut. ,at
:leeal 'jitney Itowl,tng Sonruament
TnehdAY eveTlin,F. • The
Were" keenly contested for the
Ina. being -the winners, in/the- oder,
RaY- Fitzsbnsnens,
. ,
• The lioapital poard liatherr
annual bazaar in the tdwn hall on
Thursday, Oct; 11th, When the,,,esual
number. of booths will be furnished
with articles for sale. The commit-
tee would like -the assistance of all
-citizens in making this -undertaking. a
Suecess. Those wishing to contribute
articles for sale are asked to hand
same to the conveners of the booths,
whose names appear in an. advertise
ment in this issue. • ' •
• •
On Sunday' last a monument, erec-
ted in honour of the late Hon. Andrew
Broder, who represented the constit-
uency of Dundas in the Provincial
LegiSlature and the Denoinion Parlia-
mot for ninny years, Was nnveiled
at atemisburg, his home to -Wm
1VIr. Broder, who died in 1918, was
considered to be a than of exceptional
qualities,. one of the speakers at the
unveiling ceremonies comparing him
to Abraham Lincoln. Another spea)c,,
er, an old friend -and neighbor, Sen-
ator George P. Graham, said Mr,
treder's tWo-Otrone.fieints had been
hia humour and his Irugged henesty.
, am „et,• orris tug, un-
veiled the monument, mid the Veer -
able Archdeacon C. :0. Carson, MAW.
•risbarg, pronounced •• the dedication.
Tributes were read from a large num-
ber of public men, including those
from Sir Robert Borden, Sir George
Perley, Sir Herbert Antes, Sir. Geo.
Foster, Hon. James 4. Robb, Hon. G.
Howard Ferguson, Rom- E. D. Smith,
Hon. Martin Burrill, At. Hon. Arthur
IVIeighen and Hon. W. 1,!: Nicicle,
' Mr. Broder was ,an Uncle, of Mrs.
G, D. McTaggart and Mrs. M. D. Mc-
Taggart of Clinton. bLes, G. D. Me -
Taggart was in IVrorrieburg for the
ceremony on Sunday.
Clinton baseball team' lost to Exe-
ter in the final mateh';at Exeter on
Friday last, Exeter thus, winning the
Huron Championship.
Clinton made a good -.showing to
get into tberfi.nals and the team is to
be Congratulated neon its achieve-
ment. The Exeter correspondent
Pent the following report to Satur-
day's London Free Press:
"Exeter's team won the Huron
Baseball League championship here
last evening 'before a 'big crowd of
fans, as the merchants all closed
their shops at 6 o'clock and turned
out en mese. Cinton provided stiff
opposition, but the locals won out in
the ninth, after a series of thrill up-
on thrill from the fourth inning until
IVIanager Dr. Steiner went to bat for
Mervin Tiernan after the Tatter's
brother had singled . with two out.
.Tieman stele 'second and scored on
Steiner's long drive.
Clinton scored its trio of markers
an -the first inning, and the locals tied
the score -in the fourth and from then
on till the end it was by far the most
exciting game seen 'here in many
years •
The Heine and School Club held the
first meeting of the season, which
took the .fomn of. a aocial gathering.,
at the home of Mrs. J. C. Gaudier -on
Tuesday afternoon, the ,Collegiate,
Pubilc school and School of Com-.
metro teachers being guests. --
A large' number gathered- and, a
fire having been kindled in the grate -
against the chilly autumn wind, airs.
Gandier's cosy drawing room, opening
into the conservatory and the garden,.
presented a very inviting appearance.
Mrs. Gandier and Mrs. Plinstenl, the
vice, president of the Club, received,
while Mrs.- Axda. and bliss Christian
also assisted. A jolly couple of hours
were Spent' renewing acquaintances,
after the slimmer vacation amongst
those Who kneW each other, -anck get-
ting acquainted with newcomers. -•Af
" ternoon tea was served from a dain-
tily -spread table at which. Mrs. A. T.
Cooper and Mrs. Hearn poured tea.
The hello and tea table were pret-
tily decorated with a profusion of
autumn flowers. Five new members
of the Club were received on Tues-
day. The meetings will be held the
third Tuesday in each month during
the winter.
A quiet but pretty wedding was
solemnized at the home of 1VLr. and
Mrs. A. W. • Forrester, 680 Main
street, Hamilton, on Saturday, Sept.
Sth at 3 o'clock, when Rev. S. T. Mar-
tin united in -marriage Helen Orrice,
. daughter of the late Mr. and -Mrs. D.
A, Forrester of Clinton, to Flying
Officer - Edward Elwood Middleton,
R. C. A. 11'. of Ottawa, son of Mrs.
Margaret Middleton and the late Ed-
ward Middleton.
The rooms were decorated with
gladiola, asters, baby's breath and
, palms.
The bride, who was given 10 mar-
riage by her brother, 1VIr. A. W..For-
rester, were a pale pink taffeta frocic,
made with a fitted bodice and bouff-
ant skirt. She wore a rhinestone
bandeau and carried a bouquet of
butterfly' roses, lily -of -the -valley and
baby's breath.
There were no attendants. Mrs.
Samfield Jackson of Grimsby, cousin
of the bride, played the wedding mus-
Later a 'reception was held for the
immediate relatiVes and the happy
couple left on a motor trip around the
Great Lakes, starting from Detroit.
The bride traveled in smart beige
ensemble with hat to snatch and beige
fox fur, the gift of the groom.
On their return Mr. and Mrs. Mid-
dleton will reside in Ottawa,
dially invited to attend. Mrs. Childs batteries: Clinton—G. Stock and El- 1
of London and 11/Irs. Z. McIntyre of liott; Exeter -.Dr. Lawton and Taylor •
Toronto will bespresent and speak. Urapires—Hugh Berry and Earl
. Presbyterian Church
The Sunday schoel, will meet at
half past two on Sunday, and through-
out the fall and winter months.
Baptist Church
Sunday school and Bible classes at
10.30- a.m. Sunday evening service
withdrawn on account of special ser-
vice at Anburn.
Monday evening the B. Y. P. V. will
meet as utual. -
Wednesday_ evening pram and
fellowship meeting, • ,
'St, Paul's Church
Morning service at eleven o'clock
and evening service at seven on Sun-
day: Rev. K. 1VIcGotin„ B.A. M.C.,
rector of Lucan„ -Will preach at both
The Sunday school Will in'eet at
2.30. , ".• , will be held on Friday afternoon of
The A. V.will hoick -its first this weal` on 'the Callegiate 'grounds'
. .
• „ •
The fell fairs grave been wonder-
fully favored with fine weather this
Mis. W. Ball has sold her -resi-
dence in Ontario, street to Mi. Rad-
ford of Lendesboro.
Tho WI. C. T. 81. will meet on Friday
afternoon in the lecture room of
Ontario Street Church:
... • •.'•
Several employees of the Clinton
Knitting- Company attended the- Lon- '
don Fair one day last week.
The regular.,,Meetilig of. the Huron •
Lodge No. 377 will he held. on Tues-
day, Sept: 25th. All members, are
requested to be present. ,
The Collegiate annual Field Day
meeting for • the season next Monday Anil citizens swill be weleOlne.- at this
evening at eight o'clock. . a nual sPca't dal'
• •
.• .
• • • The young...people . of the Baptist
the congregation ' will =WorshiP, Tneiday -ct send-(tdY'fl. claot :neir
itornindserviee 411" Venitig meeting • I
the town -I -tall,
12Vesley-Willis •Unitecl Churc• h
Beginning next Sunday,. Sept. Doman,. who left Rior TCoronkte-eld.
-",:•-• church . gave Messrs,
o'clock, Subject: "The Lordthip-of
Jesus." Evening at 7 ecloek: "Wlor- Mr. Nediger tte ,taken a
Eels Together With God," ' in Stratford and left Ikon, -
Sunday school and Bible class at day morning to take it atictif he finds
half past two o'clock. Friends and Conditions to his liking he will re-
stra-ngers are cordially'. invited' to move tb ' the Classic. City. , .. . .1
' - ,. Instea&of playing 'On -the Library
0/Italie Street, United Church Park as announced on Sunday after -1
. • • •
Services' on unday. ` Pellowship noon the Ealtie Band ., changed its
meeting aten. M
. 'tclock,,,...Th
'e minis- mind and went down and gate° a '
Cennty. HMS.
'worship with this .congregatiOn,-.
t�i'8 1Si0;subitutiflthd innining e0mtert at the Huron
wiflbe 'Phe llast Vbnjia fill a They.played oti, the, p,atk in ,theev
dap. EVetiing.; -",:‘:Zstal-• in, the, Cantle' ening- =• • ••
D , ivta.,
• ,ChriSta' . Voll be Be y ay .
The September meeting of the W.
XL S. was held in the basement ef
the mhurch on Wednesday, Sept. 12th
with the president, Mrs. (Rev.) W. A,
Bremner, occupying the chair. The
1neeting was opened in the usual man-
ner. Mrs. Jas. McQueen read , the
devotional leaflet. "In the Beginning
God," and MissE. • Bowey led in
prayer. Ro11 call spewed a fair _at-
tendance. Delegates were appointed
to the Sectional meeting of the W. M.
S. Convention. i •
1 The topic for the month was "Our
Indian Neighbors" and was ably tak-
en by Mrs. Bretnner, Mis. Brock, Mrs.
W. Stackbouse, Mrs. R. P. Watson
and Mrs. T. Chapman. A very inter-
esting letter from Miss Gretta Mus-
tard of Ethelburt; Man., was read by
Mats. Bremner. Mrs. Rattenbury
closed the meeting with prayer.
• Mrs. Cole of Toronto was the guest
of Mr, . and Mis. Henry last week.
1VIrs. G. Ellgie visited at the home
of 1Vliss G-." Mlarks, and other friends
"Miss Helen „Tough of our village
underwent an operation in: the Clin-
ten Hospital last week. Her many
TA nds hope tohear of her speedy
0 , Y.
g , 1VrcCully returned to
her .horee last week after 'spending
two Months visiting friends 10 -Strat-
ford, Shakespeare, Endive and Or-
angeville: Her --Many friends are
•glad-to,•sect her looking S?
MiSs A. IV1•'
ough Who, has been
spending the summer at theLalie-bf-
Bays returned teller home last week,
Where- she ll.1 spend, a. week bditre
rtnrning te.the...11-niversitY .TorontO
the iMs.X,'Wt1 1'4a
; °'S'e47t'''
10 raunie hes- • •=„1. ••t••••, ,
• •
. • , . • ,
vens, and other friends in ,the ,village
in' church 'PZSA 5iindkr schocd1idide- beetr-in Teronta, ',for .•thepaat eighti,
special Programand an open Seasien yAks aa 1-..et1imea ;tdtewn.• and ho '
of Sunday edhool. , ,• t taken a, position, 'in Mr. J,. E. -Hevey,s
A 'cordial invitation is., extended to e-tio,e, where he began his studieS ae
W11Swish to attend , these ser- druggist,. Mr. Pennebakel"o frientio
agfield. -
Bristol of, Summit N .4,
josno..,,,nw,yoto.on Friday, ter. spend
Vaektienirs, the iirlage., ,
Paitil.TOt ton
MondaY, tOspead a varation•inGalt
pd Tnt0dit On -$11,ndaY next
SerViCes :throughout 'the- parish willbecop'
•Who Worked in:this Pariah - 1n Junet.
ddet °rid the Crileaderg:'
Mr.•and: Neelin returned
,to the village on Friday last a ter
having visited in -Toronto, London and
Thamesvt . , .
13'. 'W. -Baker left hist week to
viait relativesih Lericlon. , •
Miss Edith Hamner of Port 'Stan-
leY is thegnest of ivri,§:$ Lucy Woods,
Mr, and 1VPrs. McDonald and blas
ter Bobby Vail returned -to - Detroit
the end of last week...after having
visited 'Mis. 11,11cDonald's parents.
•s. A.
her mother, Mrs. McDonald; in Sar -
..7e Newton-Bra,li is visiting
. .• s/
Geo..M. - Fisher and bride and
little Miriam Fisher of Ile -Aerie° are
the guests Of the former's mint, Mrs.
-F. A. Edwards. • •
- 'Mr. Will Caineron returned t1 De-
troit On Thursday • last' after having
spent the summer with his father and
sister. ,
Dr.' and Mrs.' Le HOY' • , Int'es and
little son of LondOn and -Mr. and Mrs.
W. II. Shannon of Toronto returned
'tcr their home On -Sunday 'after hew-
ing• spent a couple of weeks 111 their
cottage in Lakeside Park.•
Jowett of haine for the week -end:- •
and. Miss Jean. Woods• of 'Galt, were
Wideorktbe 'is '. viaiting her
. , N . d•W,-
-husband at 'St: -Where: he is
ue rirlyldnally.0. Y. e J, elwith the .11-ydris donstruc..,
• `Mr.' Tilken, with spent- a tWo
Weeks' Vacation. athis home .
riston returned to the village on Sat-
E. Graham, who' has beers
relieving in the Standard Bank left
on Monday, •
A number from. the village atten-
ded the Nirestern Fair last Week:-
Biayfield Fall Fair is on Sept, 25,
and 26 and if -weather is. favorable
it is expected it will be bigger and
better than ever.
Miss Nina Heard Of Clinton was
home over the week -end.
Mr. and Mrs. Manness caul
Armand and Billie Manners are
spending the week at their cottage.
Miss Campbell and Mr. A. Wright
returned to London On 1VIonday after
having spent their vacation in the
Mr. and *5. L. M. Day and Jean
and Jim Day returned to Detrbit on
Tuesday after spending a few days
at their cottage.
A re -union of the Jowett family
and relatives was held in Jowett's
Grove on Sunday. Those present
front Port Huron were: Mr. andMis.
Mrs. Turic and family; Mrs, Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jowett and daugh-
ter, ,Mr. and Mrs, Will Jowett, Misses
Edna And Beatrice Jowett, Mrs. Thos.
Jowett, Miss Reta Jewett, Mr. Vern
Jowett, Mr. and Mis. Dtancan Jowett,
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jewett and
daughter and Mrs. Edmonson and
son from Sarnia; Mr, and. Mis. Thor..
Dunbar and family, from New Dun-
dee; Miss Ethel Jewett and from
Hayfield; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jowett
and Mis. Lundbolm and Mr.. and 'Mrs.
P4 18, Jowett. The weather was
perfect and all spent a most enjoyable
day and hope to hold another. re-uniOn
next summer.
Mr. Frank M. Erwin of Kitchener
was the guest or his aunt, Mrs. F. A.
Edwards, over the weeleend.
Prof. Lloyd C.. ,Hodgins, Mrs. A,
G.' Hodgins of Toronto and Messrs,
Cecil and Reginald Hodgins left on
Wednesday for Toronto, after having
spent ,ten days in the former's cot-.
tage on the Terrace. • .
Guests. at the Ritz Hotel: :. Mr.
Victor Hineade, Strathroy; Miss S. S.
Clark, Thedford; Mrs, M. Horne, Tor-
onto, and Mr. Harry Horne and•IVIr.
It, Burke, London,
PeopLe Yo ta 'KEtavvs,, -
wir Howard Greats sj, ort the ,Week- -
end with his permits 'n town. •
Mr. and :Hrs. C. Cabin t -the ,
• week -end atthet•ome of"the letter
Mr. Weldon Hovey -lime from D6-,
knit for -a iday in the interesta -- -
• of Ids- health. •
Me'. •••
M, Rey Cook jet on Tunsday to en-
ter as a stilt ant at the Toronto •
Bible College. -
Mrs. Hi et, Campbell and blaster
Clayton were London for a few
.days last weelc ,
Miss Sadie Gibbs has returned. from. T.
- a ten -days' visit with Toronto arid31
• Churchill friends.
Mrs., H. , T. Garner and family of
London. have been visiting with Mr.
arid R. Winclahl of Town:-
send street - .• •
,1lllisses Jennie and Roe T.ebbutt have
returned after a pleasant holiday
• spent in Woodstock, Ingersoll and
attending London fair.
IVXiss Margaret Hall returned to Tor -
Onto on Saturday after spending. a
months' vacation with her parents
. , ;
7.11Ir. and Mrs. J. .. Hall Ontario ..
, •
IVItr. • a ,11
nd 1-rs; J'.• Watkins
'Watkins returned last week after a
• pleasant' visit with friends and re-
latives in Flint, Port Huron and • -
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Carter motored to
Kitchener on Saturday, where they
were joined by their daughter, Miss '
Eva, and together they spent the
week -end in Hainilton and Niagara
• Falls. .
, 4 ,• , - '• -
ilev. J. E. and Mrs. Hogg returned .,
Tuesday after a trip to the Coast,
I: ' stepping on the way back to attend-.
• the. General counciltef -thH
e. nited .• :
• . Church of Canada in. Finnteg,.. at 1 • •
' :Which Dlr. Hogg was p... commission- .
Mrs. Marshall, Mr. Gracie and Miss • -
Gracie of Toronto were guests over
the week -end of Rev. Mr. Gracie, .
and Mrs. Grade at the Baptist par-
aonage They, aasisted• by Rev. Mr.
Gracie formed a quartette which
• assisted the choir at the Baptist. '
church. on Sunday evening.
wrrs. Ainslie of Leamington is vis-
iting her Sisters, 1VIrs. James Elsley,
and brass. J. Tamblyn,
We are pleased to see Miss Ida
Lyon is home again after being in
Clinton Hospital for two weeks. Her
cousin, Misrlrelda 'Watson, went to
the hospital on Saturday and was 'op-
erated on for appendicitis. She is
doing as well as could be expected.
The W. M. S. of the United church
Stanieg Township
bra's. Etie Keaton of Detroit spent
the week -end with her aunt, Mrs.
Harry Diehl.
Miss Jean McEwen left Monday for
Stratford to attend Normal.
• Miss Pat Macfarlane visited last
week with her aunts, the Misses
Macfarlane of Clinton.
Mrs, Wm. Sinclair and Mrs: Peter
Moffat returned home last week from
a visit threugh the West.
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Baird of De-
troit made a short visit to friends
here last week,
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Stewart of
Stratford, Miss Elizabeth McTavish
of Clinton, and Miss McCully, called
on friends on 2nd and 3rd concession
last Friday. .
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Moffat .and
Lois, attended the wedding of Mr.
Allan Fisher in Toronto last Satur-
Mr. John R. Thompaint leaves on "
Monday next, Sept. 24th • for London ;
where he will enter as a student of
Theology at Huron College,
• friends wish him ample success.
Dr. Packwood and wife and daugh-
ter from Flint, 1VLichigan, called on
Thomas .Bettles one day • last wok.'
1t3isa Lizzie Morris • of .England,,
who has visited with heruncle and . •
atmt, Mb'. and Mrs. Bettles for three
months, returned to England last
Mr. and Mis. Morgan and daughter
of Detroit spent a few hours with his
sister, Mrs. T. Bettles and his moth-
er, Mrs, Morgan, Goderich, who is
very poorly.
Rally. Day "and anniversary ser-
vices will be held on Sunday at Eb-
enezer church. Sunday school- rally '
at 2.30, anniversary service at seven- '
thirty in or
the evening. The past,
the Rev. Ma.. Herbert, will be the
preacher a and it is hoped full at-,
tendance will be present, both after-
noon and evening.
Mrs. Earl Blake of the Base line
was taken to the Goderich Hospital
this week and underwent an op
opera -
held their
eeting the basentpt tion yesterday evening. At latest .
last Wednesday, ' groups number 1 rePorts her condition was favorable.
three taking the program, which was., Her friends hope her recovery will be
a splendid one and a very ,profitable 'rapid and complete.
hour was spent ,
Miss Esther Lyon left Tuesday a.
1111 for Dresden, Detroit and Leam-
ington. _
Mr, and Mrs. Will Tainblyn, and
children of Torondo. metered.- from
Welland Sunday, bringing Mrs. J. D.
Ainslie of' Leamington with them.
1VIr. and Mrs. Tamblyn left again in
the evening for Toronto. •
Mr. H. A. Andrews, .of Detroit,
s'pent a Week at the home of his cons -
in, Mr, Henry Adams.
and Mis. Hawking of -Forest
spent Sanday-.With their niebe, Mks:
Win, Britton: •
• Ars. .McGreior of Walkerton
spent Week. With her sister, Mrs,„
lie 01:•:Oi•ye.:1
'lost Sunday. hi- September ••
-•••• • The annivereark willbe
• held about ,the last, Of October.
Mullett Township
The Huron County Girl's House-. •
hold Science judging tearrt, which en-
tered the comipetition at the C. N. E.,
Toonto, Sept. 5, was composed of
Miss Mary Wood, Kiss Bertha Hog -
gait and 1Vr•rs. Wett strong. The
Huron County team won seventh
place among the twenty-six teams en- .
tered. The pints obtained by the
first ten teams, out of 1800, are:
• Xiddlesext 1623; Wellington, 1605;
Lineolm/1603; Lanark, 15,901/2; Brant
• 15893/4 Waterloo, 1586:1.2; Huron,
1585%; • Ontario, 1580; ' HaIdiniand,
1578; Brute, 1567%.
, less Bertha Hoggart entered the
Pirle, Bonseuiojd Smenee ju ging o •
ten Competition, held at the Western
Flear, London Sept. llth, winning
prize in eadi class she entered, 1 irs
prize in Hansa furnishings and ninth
in Mutation. , '