HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News Record, 1928-09-13, Page 9THE CLINTON NEWS RECORD TllUlbyrDAY, ;SEPTI;MJIER 13, 1328 CLINTON'S LEADING 'JEWELER'I' STORM IIESIEKEINEZIffilaMI `h esigh y' Valued': i. hen the eyesbegin to Weaken 'liter C,years of use, thei}the ines- timable value , el good • eyesight ,eoms ;to mind. Do• not wait until £.Ting eye- sight teaches you the lesson -come and 'have your eyes exali ined npw, An ;1xamination Costs Nothing and.may prevent the onslaught of eYe trouble. - ® a# HS tf Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry Fine Jewellery and Repairs Next Hoveys'`Drug Sto wommoiammik Special Sale of BOYS' CLOTHING G COMMENCING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1st We will place on Sale about 100 Boys'' Suits ata discount of 25 percent. These suits are all extra good value at regular prices and re- present one of the greatest' bargains ever offered to :the people a Clinton at this Spcial Sale Price, of one quarter off. ` �� rSEE OTJR CI;317MtING IWINgS OF BOTS' QDP PANTS A!!' 98c AND 4.50 T'ER PAIR ALL SUMMER GOODS TO CLEAR AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICE Plumsteel Bros. BETTER VALUES LOWER PRICES No Other Re aclyRoof ing Could Withsl.andThisTest • The flange of a powerful blow -torch was placed within two inches of. J -M Asbestos Roofing. At the end of fifty minutee (nota clock) the roofing wee not burned or Miami, being only alightly blackened with smoke. This ie one of a number of tests which prove conclusively that the only permanently durable prepared roofing—the one tbet better than any other resists Are, acids, gases, rot, roe, heat, cold and wear is 1-M ASBESTOS ROOFING It is the' �cheapeet-per-year" roofing because it re. Quires no conned or painting to preserve B. Tho first cut le the only expense. i ire•proot construction is better tire• protection toa II 'building than any amount ot.re•insuranco. By covering. buildings with ]•M Asbestos Rooeng it will protect them from ere' at no extra coat. Write or call for Samples and Booklet. 1229 Sutter & Perdue PLUMBING HARDWARE Phone 14'7w ELECTRIC WIRING YOUR. CHILD WILL GET THE SAME ATTENTIVE SERVICE AS THOUGH YOU CAME YOURSELF At our store you may be sure your child will be served as promptly, cour- teously and well as any grown-up pat- ron. We handle only superior products. Just give us a trial. Our prices are .the lowest in town. THE. C, & S. GROCERS Brunch 125j Immeenaseussmomeexactralverearm Main 125w 11 SIlERY F°I _4& WeVoglileMill nary Is now ready with the .lovely fall 'creations, delightedly new, distinct- ively smart, everything to complete the ensemble of harmonious beauty. Our hats are approved of for smart- ness and good taste. NEW HOSE Our line of Belding Corticilli full fashioned silk hosiery slenderizing • and perfect fitting in all the leading shades. We hope to see yea, ":vogue iblillinery1 „ e elf i.s kaitAiMeat Low Priced P oultaiu ever offered you, 'we believe is one we now have in: stock. "It is lever 'self filling style, the nib is non -tarnishing and non -corroding, a really 'first- class writing inotrunient for fifty cents. It has gold nib 'advantage at plated' nib price. It will withstand not only ink but acids, -the secret is the instal from which the nib is made, —Platignum h new mon-corrosive; non -tarnishing allay with' the malle- ability of gold and many times its strength. It has a pocket clip at ,taehed ,and a protective band around .the cap, and all the furnishings are made of the non -tarnishing white metal, The fifty cent price sets=a new standard in pen values. .We have one all ready filled for you to try out.. A` SURPRISE' PARTY Do you remember the 15e White Cup. and Saucer we advertised a cou- ple of months ago. We did not know that we would have them again but we received the second case last week (860 in a case) that's one sur- prise; another surprise was :how quickly the first 30 dozen were sold, the next surprise was how often we were asked for them when alI had gone. We now have the same shap- ely cup at the surprising price of 15c. Those who see them are surprised at the -price for such a high grade of zoods, ti w_ i Li i ^" Me W. D. Fair Co Often.the Cheapest—Always the. Beat P" d IC�INIIIIIIIIIIIIIinlia n 'umtart IIN II 11 ,NidIIIIII111N I,,.. Miss Lottie Sioman has returned from a visit in Toronto. Mr. Jim and Miss Isobel Chowen mots bred to Toronto this week. Mrs. Torrance and Miss Mand Tor- rance are visiting in Toronto. Miss Maud Livermore of Toronto is spending her holidays with Clinton friends. Mr. Ross MicEwan left this week for Stratford, where he has taken a position. Miss Annis Bartliff returned this week to Aurora after the sunrnter vacation. Mx. and Mrs. C. Coultis spent Sunday as the guests of>Ir. and Mrs. W. 3. Manning. Miss McRoberts of Toronto is the guest of her cousin, Miss Dorothy' Cantelon. Miss Grace Coultis of Listowel ' is spending this week with'241iss Dor- othy Manning. Mrs, Henry Tenney of Grimsby was a week -end guest with her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Perdue. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bezzo and fain- ily of London spent Sunday with Clinton relatives. Miss Zenda Salter left Tuesday for Montreal, where she will attend McGi11 University. • Mr. G. F. Briekenden of London spent the week -end with his sister, Mrs. E. W. Rodaway. Mr. Elmer Paisley left this week ,for Muskoka to attend the Students' Christian Conference, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Pinner of Osh- awa visited with Mrs. C. H,,Eart- liff over the week -end. Mrs, Berkley and. Miss Hattie Baker 'of Fullerton visited this week With Miss FIorence Cuninghame, Mr. Loftus Miller of Watford visited his aunt, Mrs. W. Perdue of town, on Monday on his way to Harris - ton. Rev. Tt. B, and Mrs. Gracie have re- turned after spending, a three weeks' vacation with Toronto friends, Mr. T. J. Sproule is -visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. E. Doan, at Ontario street United church par- sonage. Mr. and Mrs.. George Taylor and Misses Nettie and Doris returned last week after a , trip to the', Coast. Mr. and Mrs, Emmerson Mitchell and little son are 'visiting with the former's mother, Mrs. Mitchell, Al- bert street. Mr. and Mrs, Adam Foster of Goder- ich were in town on Tuesday at- tending the funeral of the late Joseph Copp. M. and Mrs. Rees Jenkins, Miss Mary 'Jenkins and Miss W'alltin- shaw visited Mr. and Mrs. Erratt of Auburn on Sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. Monteith and Master Harry and Mr. and Mrs. Salkeld of Stratford visited with Mr. and Rees Jenkins this week, Mr. Ray Carter left last week for Toronto to resume his duties on the staff of Fraser school, where he has been teaching for the past two years. Mr. and Mrs. Loucks, who have been visiting the Tatter's parents,; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hunter, left for their home at Inglesby, Haliburton County.- They were accompanied by 'Mr. And Mrs, Hunter, who will spend a few weeks with thein. Mrs. William' Perdue returned last week from a pleasant visit in ,God- erich, where she spent a week or so with two sisters, one aged 'nin- cty-erre and, the other eighty-one. Mrs. Perdue is nearing her seventy- seventh 'birthday, so their combined rty� ages was two hundred and fo- nine' years. ,THE USHEL Car of Peaches to arrive, about the end of Septernber rib p e er ' (will announce date next week)Large Albertas best canning � ! g � -_ari sty e -will; fill, orders as we recieve the -m (they will "not last long) ► t $2.50 per bushel sliraltrs 1 1 1 Car of. Pure Cane tominion Sugar to unload Friday,Saturda Monday and Tuesday at $6.25 Big Tomato Week, get your Tomatoes for Canning SPECIAL --Aylmer Soup this week 10c Best Vinegar per bottle 20c Malt Can�;dian Heinz Malt Cider and White Vinegar 25c and 40c Kellogg's and Quaker Corn Flakes 3 for 29c Assorted Tourist Cookies per ib. 35c Jelly Powder Assortment with plate $1.35 • 10 Bars P. and G. Soap 43c 5 pkgs. Jelly Powder 25c. Glass Tops for sealers per dozen 25c Mammy's Bread, Cakes and Buns IN THE MORNING FIRST DELIVERY 9 a.m. IN TUE AFTERNOON FIRST DELIVERY 2:30 p.m. Cash - and Service W T. Cr '. f i WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS • WIMIRWMPIWPMFIIMPVIPSIOPARSAltiftWIANOWPANWf 'p::S^ �ikgvt ORDER -EARLY. Phone 48 ATetetfiltitiftWOMANWAVRitikAtkild Colborne Township Among those who attended the Toronto Fair last week were: Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis McBride, Mr. Vere Cunningham, Mr. Ewart Young, Mr. Fordyce Clark, Miss Dorothy Rob- ertson, Haimlton Clutton, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Young and Tait Clark. Miss Doris Hill and Miss Leola Snyder are attending Clinton School' of Commerce this term. The same school teachers for Col- borne are resuming their duties, with the exception of Nos, 1 and 4. Miss Reid of West MaeGillvary takes charge of No. 1 and Miss Graham of No. 4 • Miss Irene StoII, Miss Ruby Erring-. ton and Mr. Roy Errington are at- tending Goderich Collegiate this term. Decoration Day was observed at Colborne cemetery on Sunday with a fine attendance. Rev. Mr. Cumming ;addressed the gathering and was as- sisted by Rev. A. Brown. The ser- vice at Smith's Hill was withdrawn. A. decided improvement in the up- keep and appearance of the cemetery is marked. An event of some interest took place at Detroit on Saturday, Sept. 1st, at Ea'son Episcopal church, when Mildred R., youngest daughter of the late Robert, Thompson and Mrs. Ruth Thompson of Goderieh was married to Mr. Joseph Young, second son 8f Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Young of this township. The only attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Eliwyn Rutledge also of Detroit, the latter .a sister of the bride. After the ceremony the wed, ding party motored to the home of the bride's mother in Goderich, where a reception and buffet luncheon was served. The young couple left later on a honeymoon"" trip to Niagara, Hamilton, Toronto and wiII take up houeskeeping in Detroit. Tho good wishes of this locality go to the bride and groom as both are fairly well known here. Miss Gladys Treble motored to Guelph with Mise. Alice Kaiting .on Saturday and returned Monday, Mr, and Mrs.. Will Clayton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Treble for the holiday, Mrs. Treble .return- ing with them to Putnam. Mr. Frank Clark, Goderieh is vis- iting with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Clark. Mr. Henderson Young and his bride visited with the fernier's re- latives on Sunday and Monday. A number of girls net at the home of Mrs. Warner Walters on Friday and formed a C. G. L T. group, the following officers being elected for• the term:" . President: Miss Hazel Young; vice: 'Miss` Christie Robert- son; secretary: Miss Ruby Errington; treasurer: Miss Margaret .Mitchell; social convener- Miss Irene Stoll; pianist: Miss Winnie'Marsh; assist: Miss Adelaide Morris: Mr, and Mrs. Duncan Crawford and Mfrs. Ernest Foreman of Flint visited with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wils son, over theholiday, the latter re- turning to Flint with. them. Mr, and' Mrs.. Herman Maedal,. West Monkton, spent Sunday and Monday at his old home here. Kippen. Mr. and Mies. Wan. Anderson were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hill, Seaforth, on Sunday last, Mr. and Mfrs. 'William Butt of Sea - forth spent the week -end With Messrs, Thos, and Edgar Butt of our: village. Mrs.; Jas. McClymont has returned home from Toronto. Large crowds are seen daily going to London Pair. Sattu'day' Iafternoon last, 'Mrs.V'm. Doig entertained the Mission Band. There was a splendid gathering of young members as well as a num- ber of older ladies. The younger girls enjoyed sports and music and the older ladies quilted 'a Mission Band quilt. Mrs. Doig served a dain- ty lunch. Mr. and Mrs. 3. Workman and Miss Mildred were visiting Mr. and Mhs. Wesley Nichol of near Roxboro last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cudmore of Peach land, B. C., are home on a months holidays, visiting Mr. Cudmore's sis-. ter, Mrs. T. Workman and Mrs. Cud- -more's brother, Mr. W. Nellie.- Mr. Cudmore says they miss many old familiar faces and see great changes in the thirteen years of their ab- sence. Mr, and birs. E. Stafford of near St. Thomas were here over the week- end. They came this far to meet Mrs. Stafford's sister, Mrs. Cudmore, who arrived Saturday evening. -- Miss Moore of London is helping to care for her cousin, Mrs. French, whom we are glad to see able to get out a little after her long illness. BELGRAVE: Mrs. Annie Cecilia Foran, Beig'rave, announces the en- gagement of her daughter, Mary Set- ens,. to Mr. John Lewis McGuire, of Clinton, the wedding to take place in Sacred Heart Church, St. •Augustine, on Wednesday, Sept. 26. COAL rfir' f D.L.W. AND LEIGH VALLEY COAL SEME-SOLWAY COKE W. J. MILLER & SON Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. PHONES: 46w and 46j, Whatever Your Hard- ware Needs May Be We are equipped to supply you. Everything at low prides. Whether you want a nail or a lawn mower, or a tack or a boiler -we have it! All goods guaranteed to give the fullest satisfaction. • insis ,kgent for Renfrew Cream -Seperators Call and get Prices. HART/WARE and PLUMBING To -Morrow's Vigor Depends Upon How Much You .. Sleep To -dight You can "sleep" on a hard, lumpy, sagged mattress; You can "sleep" on an oak board, if weary enough! But when you sink into the cosy embrace of a Marshall you enjoy a wondrously different kind of sleep; The ever resilient springs of the Marshall Mattress cuddle up with gentle support to release very tired muscle from strain; Nat- ure gets a chance to renew every worn tissue and create new en- ergy. You awake invigorated, refreshed. A lifetime of such healthful energy-biulding COMFORT is sur- ely worth•the trifling extra cost of•a Marshall. SPECIAL: A free slip cover given with every Marshall matt- ress sold during August. Then to co-operate with this special offer we have some wonderful savings in Bedroom Suites which will pay you to investigate. ' Clinton Hardware and Fur alitureCo THE STORES WITH A STOOK FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 1911 Specials for Friday, Saturday and Monday FANCY QUALITY Green Giant Peas No, 6 Sieve per can 25c 1 DOZ JELLY POWDER Asst. 1 Wedgewood Plate 21,35, OUR OWN BAKING Powder, tin 19e • COOK'S FRIEND Baking Powder per lb. 37c CORN FLAKES. per pkg. 9c FANCY MIXED CAKES per lb. 29c CHOICE BACON" piece 87e Ib. LAWSON'S.• Special Blend Coffee per lb. 70e TOMATO SOUP per in 100 SPECIAL BROOM 49c each GLASS SEALER Tops, per doz. 25c r j RUBBER RINGS' 3 pkgs. 25c !i SPECIAL PRICE ON SUGAR PER CWT. BEAD LETTUCE, CELERY, TOMATOES, PEPPERS, ETC. COOKED AND CURED MEATS L. LAWSON & CO. PHONE One—One—One PROMPT DELIVERY TEN TEST INSULATING BUILDING BOARD One of the Chief Characteristics of Ten -Test is that it, excels; even cork as an insulator. It is used in the construction of refrig- erators, replacing other materials and in cold Storage warehouses. Ten -Test is used for insulation against heat and cold—sound; deadening --interior finish and approved plaster and stucco base. We have good stock of Ten -Test on hand. EVERYTHINGI N LE MIB U RAND BUILIIERS SUPPLIES Thomas McKenzie Estate, Clinton EVERYTHING IN B SUIPPLIES RESIDENCE 614 - PHONE 88